#and then he gets a text from aku saying 'hey chuuya wants to know kunikida's favorite alcoholic beverage ?'
zukkaoru · 9 months
i love atsushi in this fic not wanting kunikida to find out he's dating akutagawa, as he's literally giving kunikida a note from port mafia executive nakahara chuuya asking him out on a date
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mulledberrry · 6 years
Not So Secret Admirer
@kitikat707 happy valentines! 
College Au fluffffff I hope this is good, I haven’t written a fic in ages so I’m sorry if it sucks!
And please just let me know if I made any mistakes!
Prompt ‘Can I borrow some money?’
Italics are texts!
Shinskk and slight skk
Word count: 2.5k
 Akutagawa hesitantly cleared his throat, alerting his roommate to his presence in the doorway of their shared room. The red head swivelled his chair around to face him, ready for whatever Akutagawa had to say.
“What do you-“
“Can I borrow some money?”
The question rushed out of Akutagawa’s mouth before Chuuya could even finish asking him what he wanted. Chuuya swallows once, the request throwing him off guard slightly; he thought Aku had enough money, he had been keeping an eye on both of their finances after all.
“Of course, I thought you had enough for food, but I can always help if you need more.”
Aku mumbled something under his breath, something that sounded suspiciously like “It’s not for food” to Chuuya, but wanting to be a good friend, Chuuya didn’t push the younger man to tell him, secretly rather pleased that his roommate was finally asking him for help when he needed it.
Armed with a generous amount of cash from Chuuya, Aku made his way to the shopping district furthest away from campus. It had pained him to ask Chuuya for some extra money and the last thing he wanted was to be seen by someone that knew him.
His plan had started way back at the first party of the semester that Chuuya had dragged him to, insisting that he needed to have more than one friend, dismissing Aku’s argument that he already had Chuuya and his sister Gin. Once they reached the party, Chuuya didn’t leave Aku alone, something Aku was actually grateful for. The only downside was that he then had to look after his increasingly drunk roommate who was insisting on fighting his old roommate, Dazai, who had been seen at the party.
He was so close to getting Chuuya out of the door and back to their dorm by carrying him, when the older shouted “Mackerel!” while pointing at a tall, dark haired man who looked surprisingly gleeful at being so insultingly greeted. Aku glanced sideways to see Chuuya’s face twisted into a snarl which was immediately softened by the fact that he had to cling to Aku’s coat in order to stay upright. He’d never admit it but Chuuya reminded him of a chihuahua right now. Chuuya was clearly trying to intimidate this other man, which led Aku to realise that this was Dazai, Chuuya’s old roommate and apparent nemesis.
“Ah chibi, I didn’t know you were here tonight, I would’ve gone somewhere else if I’d known.” Aku could hear Chuuya grinding his teeth in annoyance but they both remained silent, allowing Dazai to continuing complaining that he had expected Chuuya to have drank himself to death by now. When Dazai paused his speech, Aku cleared his throat, attempting to move the two old roommates on so they could get home. But Dazai took the sound as an introduction so he threw his arm around Aku’s shoulders, dragging him away from Chuuya who seemed content to slump to the floor without his human crutch.
“So you’re in charge of the chibi now? He does need a baby sitter,” Dazai chuckled as he turned his head to look back at Chuuya, now asleep on the floor, his expression softening ever so slightly, while Aku focused his sight on the heaving crowd of people before them.  
“I noticed that he didn’t introduce you to anyone tonight,” Dazai pouted, the childish action making Aku wince as he was directed to the kitchen of the host’s house, where he found two people leaning against the kitchen counter, casually chatting. The more serious of the two, a tall, blonde man, glanced at Aku, acknowledging his presence. The other young man caught Aku’s attention as he raised his hand to wave a greeting. Aku had never seen someone like him before, with lopsided hair that Aku immediately decided suited him and incredible eyes.
“Kunikida, Atsushi, this is Akutagawa, chibi’s new roommate,” Dazai introduced. Aku briefly wondered how Dazai knew his name but that thought was cut short when he made eye contact with the young man that Dazai had introduced as Atsushi. Something about him made Aku’s heart thud in his chest and his breath catch in his throat. Only Dazai noticed Aku’s reaction to Atsushi and he immediately took the chance to move the conversation onto the topic of romance.
“So Aku, I can call you Aku right? Anyone caught your eye on campus?” Aku answered the first question with a dismissive shrug and the second with a vigorous shake of his head, feeling his face heat up with the three pairs of eyes directed at him.
“That’s a shame, poor Atsushi here is in the same boat, he’s just too shy to talk to anyone!” Dazai exclaimed as he moved away from Aku, throwing his arm around Atsushi’s shoulders making him blush, another action that made Aku wince but for a different reason than before. He couldn’t stand being near this Atsushi any longer, especially with Dazai being so close and. Using Chuuya as his reason, Aku excused himself from the conversation which had turned into Kunikida scoling Dazai for making Atsushi uncomfortable. As he turned on his heels with his hands deep in his pockets, he felt someone tap his shoulder and turned again to find Dazai a few inches from his face.
“If you ever need advice on how to woo the next pretty face that catches your eye, here’s my number, that chibi is just no good at romance so don’t even bother asking him about it,” Dazai said with a wink, handing Aku a small piece of paper with his number on it.
“Thank you,” came Aku’s clipped reply, he was beginning to get annoyed with the man’s distinct lack of personal space and boundaries. After that, Dazai released Aku’s shoulder, allowing him to return to Chuuya. Once he had managed to get his roommate to his feet, Aku took one last look into the crowd of people, hoping to see Atsushi one last time.
Over the next few days, Aku replayed that party and Dazai’s parting words to him. His thoughts kept drifting back to Atsushi and the way his eyes gently sparkled when he looked at Aku, the way his har softly framed his pretty, no perfect, face.
Aku sighed to himself as he sat at his desk in the dorm room, running a hand over his face trying to avoid simply staring at his phone in front of him. How could he get to know Atsushi when Atsushi was too shy to talk to anyone and he certainly couldn’t talk to Atsushi. Every time they bumped into each other on campus, Atsushi would wave and smile, actions that sent Aku’s head spinning and made him freeze on the spot.
He groaned, slumping in his chair. If he wanted to show Atsushi he was interested he would have to get some advice. He stared at the piece of paper that held Dazai’s number but thought better of texting him, he still didn’t fully trust Dazai so he resolved to ask the one person he trusted, Chuuya.
What’s up Aku?
What do you do if you want to talk to someone but can’t?
Straight to the point there Aku lol
Nakahara-san please.
Sorry lol. If you don’t want to talk to them then you could leave messages or gifts? That’s pretty romantic 😊
Chuuya chuckled fondly at the messages, pleased that Aku was branching out and actively trying to make friends, Chuuya just hoped that his blunt and formal approach wouldn’t put off whoever he was trying to impress.
So there Aku was, a week after the party and a day after he asked to borrow some money from Chuuya. He stared at the rows of chocolates and sweets in the candy shop not wanting to admit that he was in way over his head. Asking Chuuya for advice and money was opening up to the red head enough, let alone asking about what to buy. At the sight of an assistant coming towards him, no doubt to ask if he needed help, Aku grabbed the closest box of chocolates to him to avoid any awkward interactions with anyone else.
Breathing a sigh of relief as he left the shop, Aku decided to return to the dorm, formulating his idea of showing Atsushi that he wanted to get to know him. Once he was in the safety of his dorm room, Aku set the box of chocolates down on his desk, reading Chuuya’s note saying that he had had to leave early for class. He sat and stared at the box for a while, almost willing it to grow legs and take itself to Atsushi’s dorm room. After a while of considering the chocolates Aku thought about attaching a note saying who it was from, but then quickly dismissed the idea in favour of being anonymous. That was best, he thought to himself, so that he could find out if Atsushi appreciated the gift and then he could make his next move. What that would be Aku was not sure, but he sure as hell would put it off for as long as he could.
Realising that if he wanted to put his plan into action he would actually need to move. He remembered which room Atsushi’s was, having been invited to a small get together there with Chuuya. He had declined, of course, not wanting to actually have to talk to Atsushi.
Walking along the corridor to Atsushi’s room, Aku’s almost natural scowl shielded him from anyone trying to stop to talk to him, allowing him to make the short journey in peace. Once he reached the right door, Aku stood, hand poised to knock, then quickly shook his head and decided to leave the box of chocolates in front of the door to be picked up by Atsushi or his roommate. Sighing once more, Aku turned to leave and retreat back to his room. He only managed to get a few paces before he walked into Dazai who was rounding the corner.
“Aku! What a surprise, I didn’t expect to see you here!” Dazai exclaimed with a wide smile, increasing Aku’s anxiety about the whole situation.
“I was just getting some notes from a class that I missed, I need to go ack now to continue with my work,” Aku explained as he made to move past Dazai. Dazai just shrugged, knowing that the quieter young man was not that sociable.
“I guess I won’t keep you then,” Dazai moved past Aku as he said this, his eyes landing on the box of chocolates that Aku had left. As Aku continued walking, he heard Dazai call for him.
“And I’ll make sure Atsushi gets these chocolates.” At this Aku blanched. How did Dazai know? Did he leave a note? Aku turned to see Dazai with the chocolates in his hand, opening the door to the room he shared with Atsushi. Aku froze, once again, and mumbled a quick, “thanks,” as he left with a blush on his face, one that he did not want Dazai to see under any circumstances.
Dazai smiled softly, looking down at the box of chocolates in his hand as he entered his shared room. He had an idea himself, one that would move his blossoming romance along.
A couple of days after Aku had, very bravely in his own opinion, left the chocolates outside of Atsushi’s dorm, he was slightly relieved that nothing had been said, at least Atsushi wouldn’t have known it was him.
“And then, my professor said that he couldn’t accept my project as extra credit which is absolute bullshit if you ask me!”
“Of course, Nakahara-san,” Aku gently replied to his roommate’s rant about on of his classes as they walked back from to their dorm. He felt slightly guilty for no fully listening to Chuuya’s rant, as the red head was getting himself more and more angry, but his mind continued to drift to Atsushi and if he liked the chocolates, and what should his next move be?
“And then-,” Chuuya suddenly stopped mid rant, causing Aku to look up from his feet, he had a habit of looking at them while he walked. Seeing the scowl across Chuuya’s face, Aku was greeted by the sight of Dazai and Atsushi walking towards them, Atsushi smiling in greeting and Dazai smirking, probably at the fact that Chuuya was so angry at the mere sight of him.
Once the four were standing facing each other, Chuuya’s attention was directed at glaring at Dazai while Atsushi’s was focused on Aku.
“Thank you for the chocolates Akutagwa-san,” Atsushi beamed at him, “They were really lovely to come home to, especially after a really hard test that I had that day.”
Aku rubbed the back of his neck nervously, reminding himself to smile and to respond. But before he could, Atsushi continued to speak.
“And I would like to take you up on your offer of dinner, is seven tomorrow night okay?”
Aku gaped at the younger, until Chuuya realised and nudged him.
“Y-y-yes,” Aku stammered, before clearing his throat and trying again, “Yes I would like that very much.”
There was Atsushi’s gorgeous smile again, something that Aku could not help but stare at as the younger walked closer to him.
“If you want we could talk for a little bit this afternoon, I know I’d really like that,” Atsushi blushed as he said this to Aku, shyly rambling about the two of them spending some time together. He beamed once again when Aku agreed.
“Thank you, Akutagawa-san! I know that you aren’t a big talker, so I was really worried that you wouldn’t want to…” Atsushi trailed off as to everyone’s surprise Aku had leaned towards him and gently pecked his cheek, having sensed the younger’s insecurity which helped to ease his own. That and he’d been dying to kiss Atsushi and had only just realised it. The two left to take a walk in the late afternoon sun, leaving Dazai and Chuuya alone, with Dazai still smirking at Chuuya’s glare.
“You put a note on his gift, didn’t you?” Chuuya accused Dazai, “I know that my oblivious roommate would not have had the stones to do something like that.”
Dazai simply shrugged in response, “If I left it up to the two of them they’d graduate without even talking to each other,” he argued back. “Besides, give our little Aku some credit, he did leave a very romantic gift for Atsushi,” as he said this Dazai had moved closer to Chuuya, gently resting a hand on his shoulder. Chuuya glanced at Dazai’s hand but didn’t shake him off.
“After all, wasn’t it a box of your favourite sweets that I left for you before asking you out?”
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