#and then i saw the username and i was like oh nevermind lol
lesbiancarat · 2 years
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[230119] dk_is_dokyeom Instagram Update
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all-pacas · 4 years
41 43 and 50?
41. Who are all your favorite active Critters (artists, writers/meta analysts, cosplayers, gif makers, memers, livebloggers, community organizers, timestamp posters, stat trackers, etc.)?
oh man, this is going to be such a lame answer from me, because i don’t know anyone! i don’t follow the tags or tag my own shit; i can only name the people who i interact with who are amazing don’t get me wrong but it’s also just such a small sample! there’s my nott-fandom mentors @nonbinarywithaknife and @i-mean-nevermind; there’s some people whose meta and/or tags i love like @disasterjones and @kimabutch even if i rarely interact, there’s also my tl;dr post pal @theregoesmylurkerstatus and tons of people i just like lurking on from afar and/or debating with?? like @yfere or like... my ships passing in the night arguments with @luckthebard or petty pals @revvetha whose username makes me angry to type!! and @bravenot or my anti-swedish alliance with @fightingswedes​ or SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE, up to and including my random nott anons? but it’s such a small pool too, these are just people i interact with sometimes, i don’t know ANYONE, i like everyone who i can argue with, this is a bad question to ask me
43. What’s your favorite Sam ad?
THE BIRTH dramatic reenactment, for three important reasons!
1. it’s. really funny. “i bring you news from the womb!” never fails to crack me up, and neither does marisha’s 90s anime impression of laura and sam’s spot on travis impression.
2. the amazing mood whiplash from remembering this aired at the start of episode 26, the episode forever reduced to “and then molly died.”
3. it was, no lie, the very first critical role content i ever saw. for some reason youtube suggested it to me one day. i’d never seen it before, although i’d heard of it from tumblr. i had no idea what it was. i remember thinking that liam seemed like a try hard although i’m not sure??? why??? anyway, welcome to the fandom, me.
50. What CR backstory/arc/moment resonates with you the most?
the cheap answer is episode 48/49, which served as my entry into the fandom and so, obviously, that one, although i can’t think of a particular moment or arc that struck me as “relatable” as such. as for backstory… beau, lol. there is a reason i very rarely talk about beau, and it isn’t because i dislike her! it is very hard for me to look at her and her actions with any sort of objectivity, so i just… stay out of it lmao. 
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bravemccalll · 6 years
my heart is yours, my love
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Kazuichi Souda: did u change my instagram username to weebfucker ????
Kazuichi: dude im not a hacker how could i have
Fuyuhiko: thats true
Hajime Hinata to Kazuichi Souda: were u the one who changed fuyuhiko's username
Kazuichi: ya lol
Kazuichi: he left his phone open how could i not bro
Peko Pekoyama to peko is a nerd lol: Why is the group chat title aimed at me?
Hajime: kaz found out you passed the chemistry assignment
Peko: ?
Peko: That's a requirement to sit the exam.
Kazuichi: oh shit
Chiaki Nanami to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: can u tell kaz im not speaking 2 him
Fuyuhiko: why
Chiaki: he said that pac man is """"""shit""""""
Fuyuhiko: no I meant why me
Fuyuhiko: also is he fuckin insane pac man is great
Chiaki: idk u were the first contact I saw
Chiaki: also right!!!!!!!!!!!
Hajime Hinata to Chiaki Nanami: he's staring at her again
Chiaki: who?
Hajime: fuyuhiko
Chiaki: ah
Hajime: like he can't even stare like a normal person
Hajime: he keeps doing it out of the corner of his eye as if he can be more subtle that way
Chiaki: ya but remember when u used 2 do that
Chiaki: w/ me
Chiaki: n nagito
Chiaki: ;)
Hajime: I never stared
Chiaki: sure hun
Hajime Hinata to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: did I ever stare at Chiaki and Nagito before we started dating?
Fuyuhiko: yup
Hajime: damn it
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Peko Pekoyama: where are you?
Peko: I'm at home.
Fuyuhiko: ok
Peko: Do you want me to come over?
Fuyuhiko: no it's fine
Peko: I'm already on my bike.
Fuyuhiko: don’t text and drive!!!
Fuyuhiko: god
Fuyuhiko: but thanks
Kazuichi Souda to Hajime Hinata: hypothetically, if I were to buy Sonia 250 roses do u think she'd like them?
Hajime: jesus
Hajime: no
Kazuichi: ok
Kazuichi: hypothetically, if I had 250 roses how would I get rid of them
Kazuichi Souda changed the group name to operation: get fuyuhiko and peko together so we can finally know peace
Chiaki: omg
Hajime: oh no
Fuyuhiko: …
Peko: You do know that Fuyuhiko and I are in this group chat, yes?
Kazuichi: I think they're on 2 us guys
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Kazuichi Souda: why are you not in class
Kazuichi: what are you talking about????? Im in class
Fuyuhiko: I can literally see you outside, trying to light a firework
Kazuichi: problem?
Fuyuhiko: yes your education is suffering
Fuyuhiko: that is a problem
Fuyuhiko: why are you lighting a firework anyway??
Kazuichi: was gonna use it 2 show sonia how my love for her burns like a firework
Fuyuhiko: jesus
Kazuichi: ya I kno
Kazuichi: ive been called the new Kant by many
Fuyuhiko: ???
Fuyuhiko: Kant was a philosopher, not a poet
Kazuichi: oh that’s why hajime was laughing at me
Kazuichi Souda to when we go on x factor can we be called 'The Fearsome Fivesome': no one talk to hajime he's being a dick 2 me
Hajime: hey
Chiaki: hey hajime!!!!!
Fuyuhiko: hajime what's up
Peko: Hello Hajime.
Kazuichi: u all suck
Hajime: is someone talking?
Fuyuhiko: I don’t hear anything
Peko: Me neither.
Chiaki: kaz who????
Kazuichi: ughhhhhhh
Peko Pekoyama to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: I am three minutes away from lying to get out of here.
Fuyuhiko: is the party that bad?
Peko: Yes. I just don't know what I'm going to say.
Fuyuhiko: I don’t think you have to lie
Fuyuhiko: you could just leave
Peko: Perhaps. I wish you were here.
Fuyuhiko: oh
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Peko Pekoyama: I wish i was there too
Kazuichi Souda to jason derulo is a tru artist shut up h8ers: is the morally wrong to look at boobs
Fuyuhiko: go to fucking sleep
Hajime Hinata to Peko Pekoyama: did you see Nagito today?
Peko: No, why?
Hajime: he was iconic
Peko: How?
Hajime: he just was
Peko: Not to be rude, but why are you texting me this?
Hajime: Nagito doesn't have a phone and Chiaki is sleeping rn
Peko: Oh.
Peko: Why doesn't Nagito have a phone?
Hajime: his last one caught on fire
Peko: Oh. Ok.
Peko Pekoyama to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: How does a phone just catch fire?
Fuyuhiko: is this about komaeda
Fuyuhiko: because I really don’t know
Fuyuhiko: I really don’t
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Hajime Hinata: just realised that chiaki texts just like kazuichi
Fuyuhiko: hajime?
Fuyuhiko: I know you’ve read these
Fuyuhiko: are you ok?
Hajime Hinata to Chiaki Nanami: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Chiaki Nanami: ?
Hajime: nevermind
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to kaz stop texting me dick jokes at 3am, go to sleep: what are we doing
Kazuichi: our best
Hajime: speak for yourself
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Peko Pekoyama: you know youre important right?
Fuyuhiko: like you mean a lot
Fuyuhiko: to me I mean
Fuyuhiko: not that u don’t mean a lot to other people
Fuyuhiko: im sure there are other people that love you as well
Fuyuhiko: not that im saying I love u or anythign
Fuyuhiko: not that ur unloveabel
Fuyuhiko: why cant I delete messages
Peko Pekoyama to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: I love you too, Fuyuhiko.
Hajime Hinata to failing chemistry but im sexy so whatever: just saw Fuyuhiko and Peko kissing outside the school this morning!!
Chiaki: aw
Kazuichi: was there tongue
Hajime: dude
Chiaki: cmon man
Peko: …
Fuuyuhiko: we're still in the chat guys
Kazuichi Souda changed the group name to operation: we're finally @ peace
Fuyuhiko: shut up
Kazuichi Souda changed the group name to no u
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Stuck With Guanlin
Genre: Angst, Fluff Summary: “ Out of all of the boys it have to be you!” I said. “ I know right out of all of the girls it have to be you too!” Guanlin said.. “Do you like her?” Jihoon asked. “Nope not at all” Guanlin said shaking his head.
Little by little Guanlin falls in love with her… because of….
Ch: 1
On my way to my new school. I am wearing the uniform that the school gave it to me.
I hate going to new school because people bullies me if the boys just help me a bit or they just hang out with me.
They would beat the sh** out of me and slap me.
I bet this school would probably be the same too. I don’t have any friends the only one that I have is just ‘Doyeon’. We are really good best friend but then later she have to move away.
I don’t know why.
I was infront of the school,  I past the gate and went to find the office and get my schedule first.
Even though I was late a little bit but I don’t care.
School start at 8 and I’m barely getting my schedule.
The teacher told me to follow him, my room number was ‘304A’ . I was nervous and have goosebump.
The teacher told me to wait outside and he went inside of the classroom
“Okay guys listen up quick!” His name was Mr.Park.
“Today we have a new student and please be polite and respectful to her. come in new student” Mr. Park said.
I walk in quietly not know which part to stare at so I just look down.
I then started to hear people talk things about me. Ummm I can hear what y'all talking about me.
‘damn she’s hot.’ 'shes okay that bomb’s
I can’t really tell if people already dislike me or like me a little bit but I still keep on quiet and listen to the teacher.
“Hi (Bows), my name is Lee Y/n, and I hope we will get along with each other and be friends.” I said . I don’t even know what to say but my mind was telling me to say those word. Lol.
“Alright let’s see where should you sit. Ah right there next to Park Jihoon. Hey you raise your hand.” Mr. Park said while the boy he was falling asleep.
But as he looked up at me his eye became big.
I slowly walked to the seat beside him and sat down. Then he stared at me. “Hi, new student, you already know my name yep it’s Jihoon and yours?” He asked me.
With a cute smile on his face.
“L-lee Y/n” I stuttered.
“Nice to meet you..” he said. And I said the smart thing too.
“Hi students (students stand up and bow to her) oh yeah. Today we have a new student right? L-lee Y/n right? (I nod my head) oh nice to meet you. Alright so today we have a really good news. From now on all of this week we will be really busy. Why because we have a project then filed trip and then another project.” Mrs. Bae said.
Have they never gone to any field trip. Hmm probably that’s why they are excited.
“Calm down okay I know hat you guys are really excited but you guys will have to wait. So this week we will do our first project and it will be, we are going to a garden place. It’s really pretty. And you and your partner will have to take alot of pictures and both of you will have to be in the picture together for only some pictures like two or three at least or more if y'all want to” Mrs. Bae said.
We all nod our head and waiting for the teacher to announce our partners.
“First partners are, Hana with Guanlin, Second, Jihoon with Y/n, Third, Daehwi with Some, Fourth, Jinyoung with Woojin” and more.
Guanlin Pov
I feel like I’ve seen her before, later on she introduced her self. I heard people saying to her that she’s hot and pretty .
Umm okay
She then got to sit with Jihoon, my best friend.
I don’t like her at all. Seeing her I already hate her.
Because I don’t like new student. They think they are the sh** and balh blah.
The teacher announce the partner and I got Hana and Jihoon got that new student again. Wow Jihoon must be really liking her.
Your POV
It was lunch time so I went to go get food. After getting my food I try to find a place to sit
I looked everywhere at the left side , there was no more seat and I looks t the right and saw only a seat beside a guy with Jihoon and other boys.
I didn’t want to sit next to them so I went to the place that I’ll go eat by myself.
Of course it’s at the rooftop.
But then I heard my name, “Lee Y/n”??? Said.
I turned around to see who was it. It was Jihoon, smiling at me…his face is cute to be honest. He was so nice too. And sweet
“Come sit with us since there’s no seat.” I looked at the other boy, but the guy , that guy right there I can tell that he dislike me.
I shook my head and said “its okay I can go find another seat.” As I turn around a girl was making a evil eye at me.
Oh my gosh please no drama.
-At the rooftop-
I was eating my food enjoying the air.
The air was so fresh and the food was super good. It was pizza with mini corn dog.
But then I heard lots of boy voice coming in the roof top I was trying to hide but too late all of the boy see me already.
“I thought your going to sit in the cafeteria…why are you here? Eating by yourself?”“ jihoon asked.
I was too shy so I kept on stuttering, “I-I-i uhh usually umm eat at the r-rooftop so yeah.” I said while holding my trays and was about to leave.
“Can’t you stay here for a little bit. I want to introduce you to my friend.” Jihoon said.
I didn’t want to say no again to him so I nod my head.
“Oh. Thank you.” Jihoon looked at me, with his smiling face again….ah…I am…… fallen……………in love with him his cute eyes and cute smile…
“Hi my name is Jinyoung,Jaehwan,Jisung, Daehwi,Daniel, Seongwoo, Seungwoon,Minhyun,Woojin, and…….” I was waiting for the guy to say his name.
Wait it’s him the guy that was making his face like he doesn’t want me to sit with him.
That guy right there I don’t like him at all, he seems scary and cold hearted and and and and so tall .
“Why are you not saying your name?” Daehwi asked.
Guanlin Pov
They were all taking turns to say their name and now it was my turn I didn’t want to say my name cuz…..
Theres my an tag she can just read it.
“It’s okay I know his name already, it’s Guanlin.” Hmm this girl read my mind really clear seems good.
“How do you know ?” Jihoon said.
I bet she’s gonna say by my name tag.
“By his scary face and tall and his name tag. His name even fits him” she said.
Ooh this girl is dangerous. I can tell she dislike me too. I don’t like her either.
Your POV
I can tell by his face he doesn’t want to say it because he probably want me to just read his name Durr it’s Lai Guanlin.
I can see his name tag. I ain’t blind.
“Ah Y/n” Jihoon said as I was about to leave. “What is it?” I asked while holding my trays.
“Oh nevermind ill tell you later.” Jihoon said. And shit his smile again….makes me fall in love with him more……
MORE THAN that Guanlin.
I nod my head and went downstairs and throw my trays away.
“Y/N!!! Y/N !!!Y/N !!!Y/N!!!!!!!!!” mom yelled.
“WHAT IS IT” I yelled back, oh my gosh I was so annoyed by her voice .
“We have a new geust and it’s the boy that I have been talking about . He’s finally here. So you better get your butt out of bed and dress up nicely” my mom yelled.
I still didn’t care and sleep a little bit more.
Next thing I know cold water was already on me. I stood up quickly and went to the bathroom as fast I can.
Because I don’t want to here my mom yelling at me.
“This is Guanlin he is very grown up now! Wow he is so handsome and so sweet” mom said. I was at the stair texting my friend Doyeon
I didn’t even want to get down there.
“Y/n please come out for a minute” mom said.
Guanlin Pov
“This is Guanlin he is very grown up now! Wow he is so handsome and so sweet” Ms.Lee said
“Y/n please come out for a minute ” What the hell!
End of Chapter 1, Wattpatt username - Daehwi_Kookie
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