#and then i want to be craddled real delicately by someone so concerned if i got a scratch
killerpancakeburger ยท 4 months
Somehow working on 3 wips at a time - Pining, Renegades and Knight in shining khaki (Follow up to Breaking Point with ๐Ÿงผ).
Logic would want I focus on one and thus finish it faster, but inspiration doesn't care about that.
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amenomiko ยท 5 years
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Thank you for the request โค. No I don't find it uncomfortable. It seems interesting.
In this story I will make that she is pregnant before travelling back to the past. She went to Kyoto to escape from her abusive husband and planning to go to her parents' house, but then she is transported back to 500 years ago.
When she's arrived, she is already 6 months pregnant. This makes the Warlord (especially Hideyoshi) goes easy on her (so practically she didn't go to the war and such, or even riding the horse in such amazing speed).
MC is still MC and her personality, but with a secret, painful backstory that will be explored as her time goes by with the warlords.
Warlords Chosen : Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Masamune, Ieyasu, Kenshin, Shingen and Sasuke
Eventhough she is pregnant, she is a brave woman. This what makes him attracted to her. Brave and not like those typical delicate woman of her time.
She is someone else's wife. But that didn't stop him from flirting with her. However as he locked her movement by pushing her onto the wall..
She started to tremble in fear, which surprised Nobunaga as her tears started to fall, apologizing non-stop to him.
Ever since then, he had stopped teasing her that way. He learned to respect her, and come to love the baby in her belly as his own. When they started to love one another, she is afraid whenever he wanted to undress her.
After a moment of reassurance, she slowly undress her Yukata, revealing her old scars.
Nobunaga was fuming when she told him the whole story. Right at that moment he swears that he will protect her no matter what the cost.
As he learned on how wormhole works, he had followed MC to the future (for her to give birth there) and with Sasuke's help, he track her ex-husband down.
To end his life completely.
He is reluctant at first. Typical Hideyoshi to be alert and sensitive and all.
But seeing her pitiful state, it took only a while for him to break the ice in his heart.
Why? MC has a habit of apologizing over a smallest thing, asking for forgiveness and a repeated words of "I'm sorry..! Please, please, please,..! I'm sorry!!"
He had loved her ever since then. He wanted to protect her at first, yet the feeling slowly emerge into a new kind of feeling, other than just a mere concern over her.
His calm and gentle demeanor makes her feel at ease and safe. And so she is the first one to tell him, why she has always been afraid even over a simplest thing.
When he knows, he was shaking. Shaking with anger. He gradually calm himself down, then automatically proposed to her right away. Swearing he will protect her forever.
Few months after the marriage, she gave birth. He loved the child just like his own--he is more than a happy father. The child looks exactly like MC, and he is glad for that. So she won't bring any trauma in her daily life.
He had helped her a lot.
They had started as friends, and Masamune had made her happy throughout their friendship.
He find her laugh is more precious than anything, he wanted to keep it there, forever, and he will make sure that she won't be afraid or traumatized again.
He have experienced when MC suddenly faint from the fatigue that she got from her lack of sleep. Her nightmares has been eating her from the inside, to the point as the month due had come, she is overwhelmed by depression. He have seen how she jolted awake and cried for help when he watch over her.
"It's him.. The father of this poor child. He had come to kill me even in my dreams..!" She sobbed and at that moment, he finally get to understand all the reasons behind her tiredness, and.. The scars and swollen injuries on some part of her arms.
He swore that if he could find the previous generations of that man.. He will make sure he will kill the whole clan so he will NEVER exist AT ALL.
"Unh..! M-masamune..! The baby is..!"
Her gasp of pain brings him back to reality. Screw that demon. Now it is his duty to protect her, and her child.
"Hey, Lass?" He brush among her hair locks before taking her hand in his as she is ready to push.
"Marry me after you give birth to my child okay? I will be here to make sure you give birth to it safely so for you to be my wife will come true." He kissed her as she whispered a "Yes", and stayed with her until the baby is born.
At first he find it annoying.
To appear out of nowhere, and with an unborn child even.
He choose not to get involved. But when there's one time she had screamed for help even when Masamune is joking by raising a hand to hit her playfully from their teasing to each other, he throw that thoughts away.
She had been abused by her ex-husband even before her marriage with him. Ieyasu clench his fingers tight when she showed them the bruises all over her arms and legs, and some huge scars on her back that is almost similar to a war scars.. Ieyasu find himself attached to her.
Because he had the same past.
Ever since then, he unconsciously protected her, making him out of his character by nagging at her just like Hideyoshi when she's about to carry heavy items.
When she chooses to go to the war to help around, despite the due is coming near, his heart nearly jump out. She insisted, saying "I couldn't imagine if those who can't be save.. How about their children who are waiting for them to come home."
He clench his fists as she rub her belly, "At least for this one.. It doesn't have to know about its father. My baby have me--unlike the children who are waiting for their own, who have a loving father--that is why I wanted to help, I-"
"I get it already. Just stay in the camp and never leave it, you got me? And another thing--"
He pulled away from the kiss. "It do have a father, MC." Her orbs widen, surprised but confused to his words. "H-huh? But he's- he is not--" He cupped her cheeks in his hand, resting his forehead on hers. With a blush on his face, he continued, "...I will make sure I come back to you and to our child safely. So wait for me."
He then rushed into the battle, aiding the other warlords. As for her, she have helped to tend to the wounded as much as she could. Then at the end of the day, they have won, joyous screams echoed the whole field. Again, as for her..
KLANG! The grip on the bowl of water in her hand fell as she moan from pain.
"Ieyasu-sama..! The Princess!!"
He had immediately return back to her, aiding her for her labor. Now all of them are nervous of the war between life and death and as the sunrise come..
A melodic cry fill the camp. He is the one who hold the baby as it come out of her, hear it cry in his ears, craddle it in his arms and taking care of MC throughout the process.
"It's a girl, MC. Our beautiful princess." He kissed her forehead and hug MC close to his chest. He look at the little bundle, feeling the enormous amount of love growing inside him, swearing an oath that he will protect both of them forever.
He didn't bother about her at first, as for the hate of towards woman. Despite that, the moment she trembled from his touch, his heart hurt so much. It reminded him of Isehime, so fragile and so delicate.
He came to be possessive over her the moment he had saw her scars and old wounds, more of the reason to cage her.
But the thoughts of him to think that she is similar to Isehime had failed when he saw the fire of bravery in her eyes. No matter how broken she is, she is willing to fight for the sake of her loved ones, and this is why he came to love her for who she is, and not because of his old lover.
The moment she went out from the prison of him, the more he is worried about her well being. She may be strong, but she would always have nightmares about her ex-husband. Kenshin swear that once the wormhole has come, he will go to the future and kill that man and no mercy shall be given to him. And he did. MC didn't stop him even though she is against violence.
He loved her child as his own even before she gave birth, being protective the little princess after she is born, sharing some knowledge of swords fighting with her so she won't face the same trauma like her mother and she can protect herself too, and her siblings that is soon to be born into this world.
First of all, the only thing that he know about her is that.. She is mysterious from where she had come from, saving Nobunaga and such.
The name of her husband is unknown, more like, she refuse to tell. She will change the topic whenever it touches about her marriage life.
He pitied her, wanted to protect her. He admit that he fell in love at a first sight, despite her being married. Yes. It was pity. But not anymore as he came to know the real story of her and how she ended up in the era.
They've come to love each other, and so is he to her unborn child. She had brought him to the future to cure his sickness, and he was there to help her with her labor.
With the help of Sasuke and her bravery, he accompanied her throughout the process of report for her ex-husband, for the sake of the child's future and her own.
Shingen had punched him so hard when he had the chance, it was very bad to the point his jaw mislocated (ouch).
"That's what you get for treating a Goddess with your violence."
Luck was on their side afterall, especially when they had returned back to Sengoku Era, making the ex-husband jailed in rehabilitation centre for trying to sue against someone that didn't exist (in the modern era), making the people think that he has gone crazy.
Shingen is married with MC happily, raising their eldest son with full of love.
He had loved her for 4 years, waiting to meet with her again.
Eventhough he is surprised that she's already with a child, his feelings for her never changed. He loved her despite the child is not his; he even find himself fuming when he knew the reason she came to Kyoto in the first place.
He vowed to protect her for the rest of his life. She deserves so, he thought. She deserves it. For someone who is in need of a desperate help like her, still had the empathy and kindness within her to save him when the wormhole had came back then.
When she knew his feelings for her, she was afraid. "My body has tainted with that man's touch. I.. I can't, Sasuke.. I.." She trembled, hugging all over her swollen belly with her arms, "He forced me. At times I can't help but wanted to end my life but.. My baby is innocent..! It is innocent, Sasuke..! I- nnh-"
He kissed her. Washing all the pain away. "Let me help you, MC. Allow me to help you. Let's get through this together. I loved you so much, as well as your baby too."
He had helped with the labor when the time has come, he had eased her pain by doing water birth so the process will be slightly better. He knew how afraid she were, and to avoid those depressing thoughts, he make sure that he is there all the time.
"She looks just like you, MC." He smiled, kissing the bundle in his arms. "I'm glad.." She whispered, hugging Sasuke to nuzzle together with their child.
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md3artjournal ยท 3 years
Only posting this so that if I get more ideas, I can easily access it and continue writing this without needing to boot up my laptop.
1:28 PM 9/21/2021
Dimitri craddled the yellow flowers between his fingertips. "Is this it?" He frantically dashed to check Dedue's notes again. "Three leaves, 2 flowers...It is!" There was also some inane scribble about the plant being an aphrodesiac. Dimitri recogized the handwriting. "Sylvain..." He shook his head and immediately began to pull the plant up by the roots. Then he paused. Maybe the legends were true, some childish voice warned him. Maybe pulling up a mandrake would kill him. He shook his blond head. No. He was an adult now. He knew that was just a myth. The reality was that the mandrake was good for sleep tonics---if he could find one---and he desperately needed sleep, away from his haunting ghosts. He set to pulling the plant at its base. With more fervor this time.
Dimitri let the plant go and glanced around him. Nothing but rolling foothills, covered in grasses, shrubs, and flowers. "H-hello?" He called out nonetheless. "Is anyone there?" He stood up, scanning across the landscape. "If you're hurt, I'll help you!"
"That's something, coming from the guy who hurt me." Someone muttered.
"Where---?" Dimitri almost jumped back.
The plant was moving by itself. Stems and leaves shaking from its base, the plant gradually rose up, with something like a human head emerging from the soil. An arm emerged from beside the plant and immediately began rubbing its stem base. "That really hurt, y'know?" The young man lifting himself out of the ground, rubbed at the plant on his head.
"Yes, yes. I'm a mandrake." the green eyed man with tan skin rested his elbows on the ground. "So? Are you planning to cut me up and grate me? Or drown me in vinegar?"
"You seem exceedingly calm for such prospects." Dimitri was still frozen in place.
"Yeah, well," the mandrake rubbed his head again, "There's not much I can do if a human decides to kill me. Except talk my way out of it or get them to lower their guard."
"Lower their---?"
Both of arms immediately grabbed Dimitri's ankles, pulling his legs out from under him. He fell backards into the ground, almost slamming his head on a large rock. As he now rubbed his own head, the mandrake was now busily struggling out of the soil.
"Damnit!" He winced, still trying to pull himself out of the ground. "Did the ground permafrost while I was asleep?!" He managed to pull himself out and began running.
Well, tried to run. As it turned out, mandrakes don't have too much experience in running. Especially on sloping hills too steep and bumpy any habitation besides wild and rare plants. He immediately tripped, almost barreling into a very long tumble down the elevated hillside.
"Wait!" Dimitri got up as fast as he could and caught him.
The mandrake's green eyes slowly opened, realizing he didn't have to brace for a painful fall. "Oh." He looked up into the blond prince's blue eye.
"Are you all right?" Dimitri asked.
The mandrake could see the concern was almost frantic on his face. "Yes, I'm alight," he answered from the cradle of Dimitri's arms. "Um, thanks."
"I'm sorry." Dimitri balanced them on a flatter patch of the hillside. "I had no notion of mandrakes being sentient beings."
"We're just plants?"
"That is what I had heard. But I now that I know you are a conscious being, I would not dare hurt you!" Dimitri now realized the man sitting before him was compeltely naked. His face burned red and he quickly turned away.
The mandrake could not stifle a laugh. "I forgot! You humans are so weird about nakedness, huh?"
"Please," Dimitri undid his cloak's clasp. "Take this." He held out the weighty blue fabric towads the vague direction of the mandrake. He could hear the mandrake covering another fit of laughter behind his hand.
"No, you know what? You owe me a lot more than a cloak."
Dimitri couldn't make sense of his playful tone. "I'm sorry?" He didn't look back until he felt the cloak snatched from his hand.
"You owe me a tour!" The mandrake stood up in Dimitri's cloak.
Dimitri, still on the ground, could only once again watch with bewilderment on his face. "You want a tour? Of what?"
"Where you come from!" The mandrake spread both arms wide. "The human town! I've never been! I've been hibernating up here for gods know how long. I want to take advantage of being awake! See the sights!" He leaned down to Dimitri, with a finger waggle. "And you owe me retribution for scaring me half to death."
Dimitri nodded his head and slowly stood up. "Very well."
The mandrake almost spun with glee.
Dimitri extended a hand. "But I'm afraid I don't come from the nearby town."
~ ~ ~
"Welcome home, Your Highness." Dedue met Dimitri as his horse approached the castle gates. He quirked an eye towards the second rider beside him, wearing Dimitri's cloak, hood pulled over his head. "And you are?"
"He is a guest." Dimitri dismounted his horse, handing the reigns to Dedue.
2:30 PM 9/21/2021
Elements of scene 1 implies that mandrake fall into long hibernations. So maybe Claude will have to suddenly fall into a long slumber and not wake up until Dimitri's reincarnation appears during a museum visit, where the curator explains that this greenhouse was the ancient king's cherished garden. Then Claude just senses dimitri's soul passing by and grabs him.
Or, since mandrake are plants, the tension/conflict will come from Claude being very delicate to care for. He starts to fall ill, and they immediately need to return him to the ground and give him water. Or maybe he straight up almost dies because he is not in a carefully regulated environment. Maybe this sets off his long hibernation.
Before all that, Claude explains that he heard mandrake stories from his mother/father, but it had been so long, that his memories about it are jumbled up. In reality, mandrake are put under women's pillows to encourage pregnancy/fertility. Maybe Claude mistakenly remembers "mandrake in bed helps humans sleep". So Claude and Dimitri have an excute to get into bed together. Dimitri is still a prude, which still amuses Claude.
2:37 PM 9/21/2021
Also says that mandrake were in such high demand around the Mediterranean, that people made fake mandrakes.
So maybe it's dangerous for word to get out that Dimitri has found a real mandrake. Maybe Claude's mandrake life will be in danger from people trying to hack off pieces of him.
Also, some plants are long-lived like tries, while some are delicate and die. What determines a plant becomes long-lived? Like those hydrangeas at FSHA?
10:40 PM 9/21/2021
During today's daily walk, I was thinking about how all the implications laid out in my first scene, suggested sad endings, but I didn't want sad endings! I wanted fluffy goodness! Not tragedy! Then I suddenly realized that I can write whatever I want. Maybe all the tragic implications can be the story conflict to be overcome, not the ending of the story! This doesn't have to end with Claude-mandrake dying like a delicate plant uprooted from his suited environment. It doesn't have to end with his centuries of hibernation, only to be reunited with a modern AU reincarnated Dimitri who doesn't know why this mandrake is throwing himself at him. All these omens can be the conflict that the protagonists overcome instead. *o*!!!
Also, Claude doesn't need to trip in that first scene if the hillside is so steep. That whole tripping thing might just slow down the scene and seem too awkward.
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