#and then i was actually asleep all day the next day like fully zonked out y'know?
muckmagister · 1 year
you been busy lately?
this ask has been in the box for 2 days now, so you might think i have been busy but the answer is an emphatic no, i am never busy, i am alwaas sleepy tireds
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absentcaryatid · 2 years
Truthful Mingi
An ATEEZ fanfic by AbsentCaryatid
Your friend Mingi has been known to stretch the truth, so you don't take him seriously when he brags anesthetic affects him less than others. This means your confession of love after a medical procedure is not as secret as you thought.
1.9K words, Content note: all ages, gender neutral reader, medical setting heavily inspired by Mingi's endoscopy in WANTEEZ episode 10.
“I will go first so you know it is survivable. You'll see how easy it is, Mingi.” With those last words to your friend, you took your hand from his shoulder then walked into the treatment room with an IV bag in tow. In no time at all you were out of the endoscopy and in recovery fast asleep.
Checking on you before his own turn, Mingi leaned close and whispered, “I have always wanted to be brave like you. Nobody else would have gone in for an endoscopy on a whim just so I would not be alone.” He took the hand flopped beside your head and began to stroke it nervously with his thumb. “I always feel better about scary things in your presence. Just in case something goes wrong, I need to tell you how I feel about you. I wanted to say it in the waiting room before when you could actually hear me, but I could not work up to it. Here and now though, I want to tell you I love you.” Mingi's confession ended with a soft kiss to your forehead.
You woke from the best dream of your life, a much-desired declaration of love from your best friend. As the nurse removed the blanket, she told you the next stop was a private room to further sleep off the effects while undisturbed by other patients under her observation. As you were about to stand up, a gurney was rolled into the recovery room with a zonked out looking Mingi splayed atop it. To see him this way, there was only one thing on your mind. “Can I talk to him?” With permission granted, you made your way from your bed to his on shaky legs.
You smiled to yourself. His brag that he shrugged off general anesthesia was apparently just one of many tall tales Mingi would embellish for your entertainment. At least it had been a little more likely than the boast he did not have veins, but still, apparently he was not one of those people with the ability to wake up right out of a procedure.
“Although just a dream, to feel desired by you was the greatest feeling in the world. It made me want to tell you the same, Mingi.” Hesitantly, you reached for his hair, and began to run your fingers through it gently as the nurse kindly focused on her phone rather than the latest post-procedure patient.
“I think I fell for you before we'd even met. Actually, I am sure of it. At the PC cafe I'd overhear you and Yunho encouraging each other as you played. It wasn't just your attractive voice, but how supportive you were. And then when Yunho would make you laugh, I just wanted to hear that sound forever. When I finally put a face to the name the day you asked about what game I was playing, I was a goner.”
Mingi's eyes snapped open and he abruptly sat up. “Are you trying to say you like me back?”
You almost stumbled back in surprise, but were lucky Mingi shot out a steadying arm. His reflexes were excellent for someone who had just been knocked out. In a strained voice you questioned, “You were awake? You weren't supposed to know.”
“I told you anesthetic wears off fast on me.” Still holding your arm, he pulled you in for a kiss.
Continuing to feel relaxed from being recently under, you gave into it without hesitation, while also recognizing Mingi must be feeling a little influenced himself to be so bold. Just as you were pulling away, the nurse intervened suggesting the two of you save it for later if you still felt interested when fully sober.
“Bye, Mingi,” you chirped adoringly while being shooed to the next room to sleep off the lingering effects. “I love my boyfriend so much,” you solemnly informed the nurse as she covered you with a blanket.
Unusually true to his word, Mingi did throw off the anesthetic like a champ and had followed you while the nurse protested he needed to lay down. As you fell back asleep you heard Mingi say, “I love you, and you love me too. I knew it!”
When you woke up from the procedure, you felt well rested. The nurse who heard you moving brought in your street clothes. As you changed, it felt like there was something important you were supposed to remember. After a momentary struggle to recall, you asked, “Is Mingi done with his endoscopy? Did he come out okay?”
She nodded understandingly, given how commonly memories were not retained while still under lingering effects of anesthetic. “You have already seen your boyfriend and he is well.”
“Oh, we're not dating, just friends.” Her smile at the denial made you wonder if you had mumbled something about your crush to her while under the influence, but you decided not to ask.
Now dressed, you spotted Mingi in the next room due to the partition left open. Asleep you could admire him in a way you never could while he was awake. Your unspoken romantic love for Mingi was something you expected to take to the grave since he had never given any indication he considered you a potential romantic partner. It was enough to be his dear friend, and you almost would have convinced yourself if not for the longing sigh you let out.
Groggily, Mingi opened his eyes at the sound. “You are up. Are we okay to leave?”
“We are cleared to leave once you are dressed. I already texted Yunho to pick us up.” Taking note of the odd way Mingi was looking at you, you thought to ask, “Is there drool on my face or something like that?”
“No, no, I was just trying to remember something. Probably was only a dream.” Mingi looked down at his hands, subdued. “I'll get my clothes on and meet you at the reception desk.”
By the time you left Mingi, Yunho was already in the waiting room laughing with the nurse. He was such a friendly guy that it did not seem odd at the time. Yunho was always making people smile or laugh, often complete strangers. After a short wait, Mingi appeared and you two were discharged with Yunho as the responsible party.
The elevator ride down from the doctor's practice felt tense. Although you could remember nothing, you had a nagging worry you had behaved inappropriately under the anesthetic. What could have made the nurse think Mingi was your boyfriend?
Deciding to be cautious with your still recovering bodies, Yunho jogged off to get the car while you waited with Mingi. The silence was finally broken once Yunho brought his car around to the building's entrance and met you with a huge grin. “So, you two are finally dating now? About time I'd say.”
The panic in your eyes was matched by Mingi as you stared at each other, completely lost by the conversation. Together you had the the same thought, “What?”
“You two lovebirds sit on the back seat together and I'll explain while I take each of you to your homes.”
Mingi gently helped you into Yunho's sedan then walked carefully around to the other side. He was still a little tipsy, so you helped him buckle the seat belt. Mingi visibly flushed as your hands met. Looking up, you caught Yunho's broad smile in the rear-view mirror before he began to speak.
“Mingi sent me a video message not too long ago. I believe it was intended for you though.” Handing his phone to the back seat before driving off, Yunho tried to hold in his laughter as he heard the video play in your trembling hands.
A sleepy looking Mingi was dressed in the gown from the procedure and recording in the room where he was supposed to be dozing off the last effects. “I can't wait for you to wake up, so I thought I'd tell you now how happy I am that you love me too. I'm going to be the best boyfriend ever and have a lot of plans for things we should do as a couple. First a cat cafe date and afterward a hot springs trip together.” Mingi then yawned, stretching his arms wide taking the phone along for the ride. The new angle brought a nurse into view in the background.
“Sir, you can't have the phone in here, it is supposed to stay in the locker until you have recovered. Who knows what you'll get up to.” The video ended abruptly at that point.
“Alas, I quickly realized he was not talking to me,” Yunho giggled from the driver's seat.
Mingi looked mortified as he turned your way. “I didn't know what I was saying. I am so sorry.”
You did not know what to say yourself. If Mingi liked you, it would be a dream come true, but he sounded apologetic now, leaving you to choke down a confession. Rescuing you in the moment, Yunho again piped up from the front seat.
“The nurse had an interesting story to tell. She said you each confessed love for the other. Mingi both before and after his procedure, and you when Mingi came out of his. I take it neither of you remember such important discussions? She even said there was kissing involved before she intervened.”
A hand flew to your lips as if attempting to feel the history there. This was definitely news to you. No wonder the nurse had called Mingi your boyfriend, and his forgotten recording made sense in that context. He really did love you too, but had been just as chicken about saying something.
Mingi reached for your hand. “I do remember confessing before I went under. You slept through it because I could not tell you when awake. The rest I can not recall, but it is true. I don't even remember having my phone out, so I had better check my email for purchases I don't know about.”
“Before you do, can we have another first kiss, Mingi? I want one to remember.”
“Not in my car,” Yunho pled, but he kept his eyes on the road and studiously ignored any sounds he might have heard. There may have been some halfhearted grumbling about how he should have waited to tell the nurse's story until after he had dropped you off, but you were too busy with your new boyfriend to listen.
“So, we really are dating now?” Mingi's incredulous voice went straight to your heart.
“I want you, and you want me, so that works out well.”
“Okay, good. I should ask if you are free next weekend. While I was loopy I apparently booked us a hot springs weekend. If you don't want to, I could always go with Yunho instead.”
Taking Mingi's hand and pressing it gently to your lips, you proudly announced, “Yunho can go with you another time. I'm going with my boyfriend Mingi.”
In the rear-view mirror Yunho could be seen smiling to himself, proud to have helped your romance along. That is, you would have noticed if you had been able to look anywhere but Mingi and his blissful grin that matched your own.
Mingi Masterlist
General Masterlist
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
16 for indruck or 33 for sternclay? Please and thank you love
I did 16 first, SFW. I’ll be doing 33 soon!
#16: we’re on the longest flight ever and I’m a bad flier to begin with but you’ve fallen asleep on my shoulder and are snoring SO LOUD
Indrid grips his armrest tighter, tries to focus on the game on his phone.  Maybe if he arranges his yard just right, he can get that rare, rainbow bird to come. 
The plane jolts again and he hisses, wishes the flight would be over, that his feet were on the ground, that if nothing else they would stop hitting so much turbulence so he could forget he’s stuck in a metal tube hurtling through the sky in the dark above the unfeeling earth. 
If only he could relax, maybe even sleep, something his seatmate is having no trouble with. The man greeted him politely when he slipped in next to him (at least they’re only two to a row, in case he has to get up), drawl pronounced and smile genuine. He fell asleep shortly after take off, and has stayed so for the last three hours of this fifteen hour journey. Indrid would be less inclined to hold this against him were he not snoring loudly every five seconds. It jars Indrid from whatever he’s concentrating on and then he’s right back to the whole sky->metal tube->surely going to die mindset.
More turbulence and he gasps, his nerves not helped by his seatmate tipping to the side and resting his head on his shoulder. While he’s certainly daydreamed about a cute bear falling asleep on him (is there a name for a short bear? Teddy bear? Oh god why is the plane making that noise?)
The next bump is bad and he jumps with a squeak. The man wakes up, jostled by his sudden movement. 
“Guhwha? Or, sorry man, didn’t mean to zonk out on you.” Up close and soft, the drawl is painfully charming. Indrid wishes he was calm enough to enjoy it. 
“It’s, it’s alright, I, I didn’t mean to Nahnnn!” Another bump and he grips his arm rests.
“Not a fan of flyin?’”
“Obviously” he manages through grit teeth.
The man shakes his head, blinking fully awake, “I, uh, got some more of those little melatonin things in my bag. You want one?”
“No, thank you.”
“You sure? Flight might be a lot more bearable if you were asleep for most of it.”
“I, I can’t. You will think I’m a lunatic if I tell you why.”
“Hey, I fell asleep on a random dude’s shoulder, everyone gets a little weird on planes.”
“I worry that if I fall asleep, I will not be ready to respond if something disastrous happens.”
The man stares at him a moment and he wishes he could hide under his meager blanket. 
“Yeah, I get that. Whoah, easy now.” He rests his hand on Indrid’s shoulder as a series of large bumps makes him shudder and curl in on himself, breathing rapidly. 
“I hate flaying. Hate it, hate it hate it.”
The man is rubbing his arm soothingly, “my sister ain’t a fan of it either. Somethin’ that helped her is thinkin about a plane in the air like a boat on the sea. Turbulence is just like goin’ over a wave; going’ over a wave don’t sink a boat.”
“But a wave going over a boat can. What if there are tidal waves in the sky? Or, not wave waves, but, but you know what I mean.”
“Strike me as about as likely as a great white shark in the sky.”
Indrid laughs, a tad hysterical, “goodness, imagine looking out that window and seeing a shark.”
“Feel like it’d be more confused than us. Ain’t no seals in the sky. That’d be kind cute though, seein’ ‘em sittin in trees like birds.”
Indrid’s knuckles are no longer white, and he can finally move his hands with enough control to pull his fidget cube from his pocket. 
“Is Brazil your last stop?” The man is no longer touching him, but he stays turned towards him, green eyes filled with polite curiosity. 
“Yes. I, ah, I am a photographer, I’m going down to document the reforestation efforts.”
“No shit! I’m goin’ down to help with them.” A crooked, excited grin, “I’m with the forest service, and we’re doin’ a kind of good neighbor program where some of our folks go down to do what we can to help with the recovery from the fires.”
“That is very impressive.” The cube combined with the conversation is soothing him. 
“Thanks. Know it’s silly, thinkin one fella can make a difference, but I wanna do what I can.”
“I do not think it’s silly. Do you specialize in anything?”
“Trees, mainly, other plants too. Spent the last three months crammin’ from books like this” he taps the botany book in his seatback pocket, “to make sure I don’t make too much of a fool of myself in a new ecosystem. You do much nature photography?”
“Yes. I specialize in nature and fashion, hence my being sent on this assignment. I, ah, do you follow National Geographic at all?”
“I won their photography award last year.”
“Shit, was that the hawk one?”
“Damn man, that photo was heavy stuff. I heard it helped convince a few places to introduce more protections for raptors.”
“I heard so as well. That made hiding in the blind and nearly getting shot by a disgruntled hunter worthwhile. That is why I love photography; I suppose it’s cliche, but a picture can indeed be worth a thousand words.”
“Guess that’s true….wait, fuck, did you say someone almost shot you?” 
Indrid summarizes his encounter with the hunter who insisted it was right to hunt, and how he had not argued that point, and that he was merely documenting what was happening in the forest that morning.
“Yeah, had a few run ins with hunters. Poachers too.”
“That sounds dangerous.”
“I had better days, that’s for damn sure. You ever come up against a bear when you’re out?”
“I was on assignment in Denali once and documented a mother Grizzly and her cubs. From the river, in a little boat. That let me keep my distance. You?”
“Few times, not super close. They get into campsites sometimes, usually when folks ain’t followin directions on storin food. Once had a family come back to find all their food had been eaten by a bear. Except the jar of honey.”
Indrid laughs, “clearly he wished to avoid playing to stereotype.”
A massive bump and Indrid whimpers in surprise. 
“C’mon, you got this, pretend you’re facin’ down the hunter.”
“I can reason with a hunter, I cannot reason with a plane.”
“Here” the man rifles through his bag, “I got some good BBC nature stuff downloaded. You wanna watch with me ? Might distract you.”
“Alright. Ah, thank you…?”
“Duck. It’s a nickname.”
They make it through two episodes before a bad bit of turbulence has his hand shooting out to grab onto something. That something happens to be Duck’s hand. He’s about to pull away, apologize, when Duck simply twines their fingers together, occasionally brushing his thumb along Indrid’s hand whenever he squeezes down in fear.  
By the time the rest of the plane is waking for breakfast, Duck’s head is once again on Indrid’s shoulder as he shows him some photos from previous assignments that have yet to be published. They talk over their breakfast and well into lunch about their homes, about what they’re each looking forward to and dreading about being out in the field, and learn they’ll actually be working from the same base camp. When they practice their Portuguese on each other, Duck mispronounces something so egregious they both end up doubled over in their cramped seats with laughter. 
Sometime past hour twelve, Duck asks, “You got anyone back home who’s missin you?”
“No. I travel often for work, so do not have much time to devote to swimming about the dating pool. Yourself?”
“Got outta a relationship a few months ago, not really sure when I’ll get into another one.” 
By hour thirteen, Indrid’s eyelids are heavy, his head continually listing to one side as he nearly falls asleep. Duck lifts up the armrest between them, and Indrid nestles against his shoulder, too tired to marvel at how safe he feels in the arms of such a new acquaintance. 
When his eyes open again, he’s in Brazil. 
Duck deplanes with him, and they stumble through the airport, land legs not quite back online. Indrid waits for their bags while Duck retrieves coffee, teasingly calling Indrid “hummingbird” when he explains just how much sweetener needs to be in his.  They stay side by side near the baggage carousel for as long as they can, planning out their respective routes. The magazine has given him the choice to stay in Sao Paulo for a night before moving on to the rain forest, and for a moment he contemplates it. Duck, meanwhile, has returned from the bathroom where he changed into his outdoor wear. 
“I got a half hour before my ride gets here, then some more travelin until we hit camp. You stayin here tonight?”
It would be restful, a break from travel, a last evening in an urban area before leaving for the wild. And it’s not like he won’t see Duck again, they’ll have plenty of chances to talk while he’s on his assignment. 
“If it’s quite alright, I’d like to come with you.”
Duck gives him that smile again and Indrid feels like he could travel for another two days solid. And when their transport arrives, they step onto it hand in hand. 
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visthestone-blog · 7 years
Flying High Again Part 3: Flying 101 with T boogs.
    This part is for all you birds that are leaving the nest for the first time and all you  peeps that are freaked out like I am. Hopefully, this post helps you out and gets you stoked to travel somewhere new. Sorry it took me a while to get to this point, but yeah here goes nothing. 
    First of all, pack a few days ahead to make sure you don”t forget anything you need. Do not be like me and pack a few hours before you leave. I’ve forgotten my inhaler, deodorant, and as silly as it sounds, I’ve totally forgotten to pack any underwear. What should you pack? Well it depends on what you’re doing, where you are going, and how long you’re going to be. Be sensible when it comes to packing; don’t be a dummy and pack just pants and a hoodie if you’re going to Canada in October. Try your best not too over pack too; I’ve learned the hard way. Nothing is more annoying than walking to a train with an awkwardly huge suitcase, heavy backpack, a laptop bag pulling your hair, and a guitar case while you are fully layered up for the Russian winter. Also, it can get expensive if you pack more than you need. Certain airlines charge $25-$70 for a checked bag, unless you are flying Southwest. Do your research because every airline is different. 
     The day before you travel, you should check into your flight as early as you can. You want to make sure you have a decent seat on the plane. Southwest has open seating, so the earlier you get on the plane the better seat you can choose. I always try to go for the isle seat on or near the wing of the plane. I choose the isle because I’m a moderately tall human being and it’s nice to stretch out the legs during a four hour flight. Also, I don’t want to have to wake up the person next to me to go to the bathroom. I sit on or near the wing of the plane because it’s the most stable place to sit on the plane. The exit rows have even more space than a regular row of seats. After you check in to your flight and triple check to make sure you packed your underwear, you should brush your teeth and get ready for bed. Or if you’re like me and want to sleep on a plane but can’t (because of obvious reasons). You could stay up all night, watch movies, play video games, whatever you want. This is probably not the best thing to do to your body, but it works for me.
     When the day comes for you to venture to the airport and start flapping your wings, take a shower because you stink and no one wants to smell you for an entire flight. I’m kidding (ha ha), taking a warm shower will help make you relax. But it is considerate and makes everyone’s trip better if you don’t smell like ass. Some dude kept farting on the flight to Memphis and it made everyone miserable, so don’t be like that dude. After you take that shower and start to get ready to leave, keep in mind what you’ll be going through when you get to the airport. Let’s say it together! -Airport security! If you want to dress to impress that frisky TSA agent while they’re feeling you up to make sure you aren’t hiding any dangerous substances in your bum, go for it by all means. I just want to get through the line as fast as I can to get to my gate. I usually just throw on some comfortable pajama pants, shoes that are easy to get off and on, and sometimes a hoodie if its cold. I throw everything that isn’t a phone or a wallet in my backpack, it avoids all the mess when you have to empty out your pockets for security. Before you leave the house, make sure you have a nice empty water bottle and some tasty snacks because everything at the airport is overpriced and snacks are essential. If you are like me and you instantly get anxious when you wake up the day of the flight, take a Benadryl or your anxiety medication if your doctor prescribes you any. If it is anxiety medicine just take half of it so you can get to the gate. Once you get to the airport and that lovely TSA agent checks you out and asks what that portable Marshall amp is, immediately check the screen for departures to make sure your gate didn’t change without you knowing. It sucks when you get to your gate and the city is Dallas instead of Phoenix; Yes it’s happened to me but things happen.
    Now that you are at your gate, it’s time to cut loose and relax. What I like to do is read a book while listen to some good tunes. Something that also really helps me out before a flight is the checking out www.turbulenceforecast.com. It’s a site that shows real time pilot reports of bumpy rides. It lets me know what I should expect during flights and usually it’s pretty spot on. If you are at least twenty one years of age and you like to rage, you can head to the bar and have a drink. I’ve tested this out first hand, it doesn’t work for me as well. Before my second tour with Lody Kong, I got WASTED at the airport before the flight. I thought I was doing okay but I felt everyone’s eyes stare at me. I was dressed like a bum, stumbling off in a corner with sunglasses on and earbuds blasting deafening music. I ended up sober as the plane took off. These days I buy three or four small bottles of alcoholic beverages at a liquor store (usually assorted flavors of 99 brand vodka). It’s cheaper than drinking on a plane, and I like to share with the people next to me. I like to crack one open and dump half in a bottle of overpriced ginger ale and drink while I wait to board. So by the time I get settled in my seat, I feel pretty good. I keep my backpack with my laptop under the seat in front of me and my headphones in my pocket.
    The most important thing you can do is keep still and relax all of your muscles while you are taking off. If you tense up, you will have a bad time during the climb. I like to get to know the people sitting next to me and talk about stuff. Most of the time, they’re a really nice person with an interesting background. I’ve met a girl that was fluent in five different languages, a guy who makes rings out of old bullets that he’s shot while hunting, and I’ve even had an awkward conversation with a small elder Italian woman who spoke little to no English. As you reach your cruising altitude the nice flight attendants will offer you snacks and drinks. Take the snacks if you forgot to pack some, you’ll need to sober up a little when you land so you know where to go and what to do if you have a connecting flight etc etc. But when they offer drinks, don’t ask for a drink with caffeine in it. You want to be drowsy and sleepy during the entire flight, it will make the time cruise by and hopefully youll fall asleep. Cranberry juice mixes very well with 99 Apple Vodka and Ginger ale goes excellent with 99 Grape Vodka, by the way. Don’t forget to offer some to your neighbors before you crack one open for yourself, you don’t want to be rude. If you’re still stressing about the flight take the other half of your medication. I hope you packed a blanket and/or a travel pillow, because you will zonk out very quickly. 
     About an hour or two before the flight ends, I usually open up my computer and play video games for the remaining time. It makes the time pass so much faster and it also makes couch feel like first class. There’s nothing like playing Skyrim while sipping on Jack and coke thirty thousand feet above the rest of the world. If you are lucky enough to snag an Emergency exit row seat, you can play the entire flight because the exit rows almost always have an electric outlet. 
  Next thing you know, you’ll be landing in another place far from home. This part can be just as scary, maybe even more terrifying than taking off. Again, the best thing to do is keep still and relax. Read a book (Killing my Insomnia by my bandmate Igor Cavalera Available now on Amazon), fiddle with your phone, do anything to distract you from thinking any stupid thoughts that will freak yourself out. If you have T-Mobile, they give you a free hour of Wifi on any airline that uses Gogo inflight wifi. Pretty neat huh? If none of this is working just remember that we live in an age of incredible technological advances. Planes can land themselves now, not many people know but they do. There is an auto pilot like function that lands the plane safe and sound. Pilots still need to land planes manually every once and a while so they don’t forget how to. I actually learned that fact from the dude who makes bullet rings. I’ve had a few rough landings on flights but that’s always bound to happen. It’s just another pothole in the road.
   I hope you enjoyed reading these series of posts. I think it’s kind of silly that I’m trying to give people advice on flying, but whatever. I enjoyed writing these and I hope it helps anyone that has trouble flying. If you have any questions about anything, I’ll be happy to answer them. I don’t really know what I will write about next, but if you have any suggestions let me know. Sorry for my bad grammar and punctuation, if you see any mistakes in my posts. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day. :)
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gulescamisade · 7 years
New York:  Day 7
MEULIN: -She can't quite sleep; her dreams have been sort of weird. It's not too unlike usual, but having been bashed through a wall and dealing with serious pain in her ribs isn't the best for rest either. Her sylladex is back, so she's got her overhead light on and her notebook in hand, scribbling new lines. She's writing about Dave and Karkat currently, because they won't answer in the bulletin feed. She's anxious.-
JOEY: =Ugh, plane rides always threw off her sleep schedule, now more than ever since it had been near a decade since the last time she was on one.=
JOEY: =Seeing Meulin's light on, she weaved through the aisles until coming up to her row, sleepily rubbing an eye.=
JOEY: having a hard time zonking out too?
MEULIN: -She had kept the glasses on idly, but words scrolling across the screen startle her a little with how "quiet" it had been for some time.- OH... -clears throat, trying to be quiet.- MMHM...
MEULIN: -glances over at looks at Joey more fully- HEY, SO... WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?
JOEY: tons of places, really...
JOEY: i lived on alternia for quite a while before bouncing between earths and alternias
JOEY: and now im finally back where i started :)
MEULIN: HAVE YOU NEVER B33N TO BEFURUS? -chirps with interest, wiggling in her chair to face Joey more fully-
MEULIN: -she doesn't seem to quite be grasping the plurality. She thinks it might just be a glasses typo-
JOEY: oh....no I dont think so
JOEY: my travels were stuck between the two switching back and forth
JOEY: thats actually a correlation I never really thought about... it's something to tell jude when he's awake haha
JOEY: =is the seat open next to Meu? if so she's taking it. Funny enough, she found trolls easy to trust, having lived around them for so long. But Meulin was a stranger.... WELL, not for long!!=
JOEY: well see, it all starts with a long story, but the abridged version is that ive been trying to find my way back
JOEY: from different universes
MEULIN: -IT SURE IS, until Joey takes it.-
JOHN: -he's been listening for a little bit, he didn't want to interrupt- it's the real deal, meulin. jake showed me a picture and everything.
JOHN: -he's right here. he waves-
JOHN: haha, sorry i didn't mean to startle you. i was listening to joey.(edited)
JOEY: oh...im guessing different universes are common knowledge here? hehe i thought i was revealing a whopper of information that would totally blow your mind out of the mind ballpark
JOHN: hey i don't know about all that. all i know is jake is from a different universe too. and he showed me a picture of dirk from a different universe.
JOHN: but as far as i know he only went once. he didn't just...ping pong around like you're saying.
JOHN: -eyes her curiously-
JOHN: my mind equals blown.
JOHN: -mimes the "mind blown gif thing"-
JOEY: oh
JOEY: well ping ponging might only work under very specific circumstances JOEY: at least in my case
JOEY: did jake come through a doorway?
JOLENE: ... -shifts a uncomfortably where she's sitting nOW THAT I'M PAYING ATTENTION-
JOHN: man...i don't know. i never asked him.
JOHN: sorry!
JOHN: don't worry though. you'll get to talk to him soon when we go get him.
JOEY: i hope so :)
JOEY: it would be an interesting conversation
JOHN: so uh, what was it like being a human on alternia?
JOHN: i mean tbh it sounds pretty terrifying.
JOEY: the trick is not to be a human on alternia ;)
JOHN: -???-
JOHN: okay now you've got me all intriguied.
JOEY: well as long as you look the part, walk the walk, and talk the talk, trolls can be easy to fool =glances over at meulin= no offense
JOHN: haha wow. really? so you slapped on some horns and face paint and that fooled the alternian authorities.
JOHN: wow. great job guys.
JOEY: well learning the language, registering as a maroon, and getting a sustainable job was a touch harder, but =shrugs=
JOHN: -raises his eyebrows, impressed.-
[SPEAKING OF TRAVEL PLANS, it's been getting a little bit harder to keep going the direct path they've been going in this plane-- between the border patrols protecting against the CANADIAN RESISTANCE LEAGUE and the ships that keep passing them by-- often requesting identification or confirmation of some kind-- it's been getting downright dangerous. The fact that they wound up in the middle of Ontario just to avoid some of the heat is beginning to make this a harder affair than it should be-- especially since they can see several other blips on the plane's radar rapidly approaching them.]
JOHN: -observes this bullshit- aw man...........
MEULIN: -after all her restlessness, she actually ended up falling asleep at last, leaned over with her head in Joey's lap, snoozing soundly. Prr prr.-
JOEY: =She's also sprawled in the chair, one hand on Meu's shoulders and a bit of drool running down her chin. A beautiful sight. Are the passengers able to hear the blips? Or see "blip" scroll across glasses in a lovely marquee?=
[The restfulness is interrupted by a few shrill chimes... it would seem the blips are getting MUCH closer. And much more interested in getting a straight answer out of this vessel.]
ROSE: -She sits up abruptly, waking from some kinda dream where her eyes are open, glancing around the cabin.-
JAMISON: =WHAT THE HOODLY-DOODLY? Is Jamison or Jolene driving either way he's ALERT and peeps at the radar= We seem to be the hot new thing in the clouds!
[also it's jamison if u want it to be]
MEULIN: -She is deaf to the chimes... at least unless something else wakes her up.-
JOEY: =She jumped in her seat at the sudden shrillness of it. The movement may be enough to rouse her.=
JAMISON: =What should he do... should he LIE? He'll lie. Takes on a weird high-pitcher voice= Oh.... hullo!
JAMISON: We're simply a jerky craft delivering jerky from questionable products as anticipated bipbip right right! =Casually flies... how many are there? AIRFIGHTING is much more of a delicate dance than fighting on land and sea... it requires...... surprise=
JOEY: =she's rubbing her face, trying to wake herself faster=
[ There's a good four of them... and it IS a cargo vessel. So it's not exactly handling like a dream...]
[ There is some mumbling and rustling on the other end.]
MEULIN: -snorks and CHIRPS out of her sleep, ears perked despite nothing to listen to.- WHAT...?
MEULIN: WHAT'S WRONG? -adjusts sunglasses on her face-
[ 'warning shot?' 'yeah dude warning shot' ] [ ' should i do it or--'] [ 'YOU ARE BOTH COWARDS'] [that one was less of a mumbled rustle as it was a scream, as a missile flies directly towards their tail.]
[ the one who evidently named the shot and is ALSO evidently named Koleta shouts something back.]
ROSE: I-- I think you can cut the com channel.
JAMISON: Frigs Koleta! =SWERVES plane=
JOEY: =she puts a finger to her lips, signing "Contact" and pointing to the cockp--= JOEY: =SCREAMS!=
[ There is a muffled BOOM as the plane shakes. But the blips are getting closer-- at least there's no obvious major damage.]
MEULIN: ~(=ΦェΦ) !!!
JAMISON: We may very well have to make an emergency landing, all!
ROSE: Slightly.
JAMISON: Perhaps if they clip us with another missile we can use debris as a cover while they chase the bum plane on auto-pilot!
ROSE: We're... not too far from a town. I think. -She squints at her phone.- ROSE: That's actually a good plan.
ROSE: We can lay low and secure another transport.
ROSE: And they may possibly believe we're dead.
JAMISON: Right-o!
JAMISON: In which case everyone brace yourselves for a good bailing! =He'll have to pay attention and time this right=
[BOOM. BOOM. And then, BOOM. it sounds like the other three pilots were all showing of that thEY know what a god damned warning shot is.]
ROSE: Do we have... parachutes?
ROSE: I haven't been able to do much, since the falls.
JOEY: yes! =flinches at the booms=
MEULIN: -reading as fast as she can- BAILING??
MEULIN: -scrambles out of her seat-
JAMISON: Of course, no good explore leaves without one!
JOEY: they seem a heck of a lot bigger than bullets though!
JUDE: -absolutely has a parachute? you never know when you're going to need one.-
JAMISON: =He's so proud of his kids....=
JOHN: well uh, i can carry a few peeps but a big group might be a target.(edited)
ROSE: Right. Right. Visual cover or something.
JOEY: =She ducked out into the aisle and began throwing open compartments to see if there's anything useful in there? like additional parachutes.=
JOEY: =calls over to jude= we should skydive until we reach a safe distance from the ground to avoid being sitting targets in the air!
JAMISON: I do have a raft which could cover a few souls!
JAMISON: =Hide them behind a raft falling out of a plane.=
[There's some supplies! There's actually a flaregun in there, some walkie-talkies... not that they've needed them, since they have communicators.]
JOHN: oh hey good idea!
JOEY: =He likely knows this of course, but everyone knowing their game plan is nice= JOEY: =She scooped them into her sylladex anyway.=
JOEY: =brilliant minds=
JAMISON: =Good on ya Joey!! :D =
JOHN: - flips the raft on its side and holds on to it firmly- well anybody without a chute grab on tight!
JAMISON: =YES OF COURSE, they do well for lighting people on fire=(edited)
JOHN: the egbert airline express is ready for take off! :D - salutes-(edited)
ROSE: -Takes a deep breath and grabs onto it.-
ROSE: It cannot possibly be worse than going over niagra falls.
JOHN: smooth rides guaranteed. sorry no peanuts. (disclaimer: smooth ride not actually guaranteed.)
JAMISON: Those with be sure to cover yourselves with the chunks blown clean from our very own flyer!
[ SOME MORE MUFFLED BOOMS. Hitting the aircraft, in fact. And less muffled. And more shaky.]
JOHN: nyoom! - SCREAMS THE WORD NYOOM, double checks that everyone is grabbing on and then JUMPS-
JAMISON: =He waits for all to vacate in the smoke and wreckage= GO GO GO!
JOHN: - It's not as difficult to hold on as if they were simply falling. it's more like going down a VERY VERY long and steep slide with the Breeze carrying them- pchoooooo!
JAMISON: =Once they've gone he sets the plane on auto-pilot and dives for the door as well, covering his body with some debris and free falls. Doing spins to appear like normal wreckage.... gotta committ=
[The planes don't seem to pick them up-- all going directly after their cargo plane. They probably see them whooshing overhead, following the trail of smoke and fire.]
JAMISON: =Excellent, he ditches the debris and dives a little closer to the ground before deploying his parachute=
[ Prepare for a ROUGH LANDING. They're near a road-- one that hasn't been upkept all that well, but still a road no less! And a sign of nearby civilization.]
JOHN: - now that the danger seems to be gone he enjoys the rest of the ride, holding onto the raft tightly and at the last second, laughing and flipping the raft over so they land on it-(edited)
MEULIN: -WELL SHIT THEY SURE ARE FALLING. She can almost sort of hear a little bit of this with what tiny hearing she has left, with all the wind whipping in her ears.-
JAMISON: =DOOF! But he doesn't blow out his shins! He's hastily folding the parachute up and shoving it back in his dex, it can be used later!=
ROSE: -kind of wheezes as she looks around...-
ROSE: ...About half a mile south.
ROSE: Is. The town I mentioned.
JOHN: -remains spilled over on his back, looking up at the sky upside down.-
JOHN: great day to be in canada, eh? weather looks fine, eh?
ROSE: John, please.
ROSE: You were practically Canadian already.
ROSE: I've met your father.
JAMISON: Mighty fine weather to be not where we were! =Dusts himself off and looks ahead=
ROSE: I'll agree to that.
ROSE: -She rubs her back, sitting up and looking around. A moose is staring at them, knowing no fear.-
JOEY: =floats to the ground shortly after, Meulin in her arms=
MEULIN: 333333!!! (ノᄌ<。)
MEULIN: -no less than CLINGING to Joey. she glances at the sky to see if their plane is going to spiral down and explode somewhere, since it's likely she won't hear it. She is sort of distracted by that moose, though.- (´⊙ω⊙)
JAMISON: =Instantly distracted=
JOEY: look at that majestic creature JOEY: :D
JAMISON: =Slides out his knide slowly=
JAMISON: (Sssshhhhh.)
MEULIN: -shakes her head, freeing the fur hair.- B33 ARE B33. -crawls off of Joey to prowl...-
JAMISON: =MEULIN gets it!=
JOEY: D: =but it's a moose!=
JOEY: =earth wildlife!!=
JAMISON: =Imagine the honor it'll have to be our meal then..... also if it's running... he's in pursuit=
JOEY: =WE MEAN NO HARM OH MOOSE GOD! i mean, meulin and dad proabably do but wow please dont eat us=(edited)
JAMISON: =Hello dinner!=
JAMISON: =He's approaching with fists raised. Giving it a chance to FIGHT for it's life=
JOEY: =s otp=
JAMISON: Have at thee future meal deal! =He watches this charge and is gonna try to duck under the horn charge to CHOKEHOLD a moose=
MEULIN: -SHE'S FLANKING THE MOOSE!!!! and then pounces from behind. EN GUARDE.-
JAMISON: Whoa there! =Is thrashed and HAWs at Meulins pounce=
MOOSE: -WOW????-
MEULIN: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5GnMR2EB54 –
JAMISON: =They'll try to make this quick mighty beast. Once Jamison gets a good foothold in the snow he's going to try and end it swiftly with his old man muscles=
JAMISON: =DROPS IT= Well then! Dinner well caught!
ROSE: There was a town nearby.
ROSE: So we could have—
ROSE: Actually, nevermind.
ROSE: Good work.
MEULIN: -HUFF PANT. Her glasses went flying in the midst of this so she misses that too. Retracts claws and offers Jamison a HIGH FIVE.-
MEULIN: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YMPAH67f4o -
JOEY: =if a baby moose walks out of that forest she's gonna cry=
MEULIN: .... -veal-
0 notes