#and then if anyone doesnt have the anti tag blacklisted specifically. also muted words on tumblr are janky as hell anyway. so yeah
kohakhearts · 8 months
choosing violence /lh. ship ask game- LEASTTTTTTT favorite pokeani ship for the ask game?
JDFGJHFHJFD OH GOD. OK. i try hard not to be a hater on main but i guess now is my time....sorry folks </3
amour/shipping: don't ship it :(
why don't you ship it?
see the thing that sucks so bad about the dynamic is that like. i could genuinely get behind it if every scene that was made to make me WANT to wasn't so awful. i think ash treats serena terribly 90% of the time, and her behaviour around him is uncomfortable to watch except for times when the narrative doesn't want you to think about the fact that she's got a crush on him (which is...very rarely, but those moments DO exist). from the wearing his clothes and pretending to be him when he's sick and can't battle someone (???) to The Kiss, there's just a lot of........ick factor for me. i want so badly to like it i really do but it crosses too many lines in ways that are Framed as Cute UwU for me to operate around that
what would have made you like it?
more scenes like the snowbelle serena throwing the snowball at his head scene maybe to be honest. i think that was actually a good moment for them in the sense that like...she forced him to acknowledge that he was making her feel like shit! which i think he does a lot throughout xy and it just. sucks. i agree that he does treat her differently than his other female companions - he treats her a lot worse than them, and i genuinely think it all comes down to how hard the writers were actually trying to push the romance angle. if they had just had more opportunities to be open and honest with each other As Friends, idk. maybe then
despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
look there are like. a small handful of ships out there that i at this point would genuinely consider notps. 2 of my biggest of all time, i actually now ship through the process of writing them myself. i desperately hope one day to count amour among them but right now. all i've really got is that they're funny to clown on. which doesn't feel very positive but i can't think of anything else JDFGJHFDKFHJ
send me a ship!
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