#and then it claimed to be using 17.2 Exabytes of disk space
lenarasys · 8 months
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We are now proud owners of 17.2 Exabytes of "cookies, site data and cache". 17 Billion, 179 Million, 869 Thousand and 184 GB. Sure, Firefox. Sure. I think it broke! I almost don't want to fix this, this is hilarious. Also, it is complaining about "running out of disk space" constantly now. (For reference: One (1) Exabyte of storage was first available in one location in 2011, apparently. The CERN is using a total of one (1) Exabyte of storage since somewhen in September 2023. Apparently there's a theory that every word every spoken by the whole of the human race adds up to ~5 Exabytes.)
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