#So we think it broke because it memory leaked
lenarasys · 8 months
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We are now proud owners of 17.2 Exabytes of "cookies, site data and cache". 17 Billion, 179 Million, 869 Thousand and 184 GB. Sure, Firefox. Sure. I think it broke! I almost don't want to fix this, this is hilarious. Also, it is complaining about "running out of disk space" constantly now. (For reference: One (1) Exabyte of storage was first available in one location in 2011, apparently. The CERN is using a total of one (1) Exabyte of storage since somewhen in September 2023. Apparently there's a theory that every word every spoken by the whole of the human race adds up to ~5 Exabytes.)
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sirfrogsworth · 4 months
The (Almost) Flood of Frog Manner
If you followed me wayyyy back in the day, you might remember a flood ravaged our basement in 2012.
This is what I wrote about it back then.
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It was bad. In order to show you a picture of it I had to convert it to black and white because the color version has a shade of brown that churns the stomach just to look at.
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I am still traumatized from having to walk barefoot in that. And I still have a very vivid memory of sitting on the edge of my bed as the water started slowly creeping in and and surrounding me. It literally felt like being in a horror film.
I think my estimate of 6 inches may have been what it *felt* like at the time. I was pretty shaken by the experience and you can see why eyewitness testimony is often shite. Though I think our basement isn't completely level and it was a bit deeper in my room. I just remember my feet being completely submerged as I was escaping.
A few of the pedal casualties...
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A vintage Boss Harmonist that had awful pitch tracking which is why I loved it. A Big Muff, because everyone needs a Big Muff in their life. A Fulltone Fulldrive 2 and Clyde Wah. And about 10 others I don't have a picture of including an EHX Mircosynth, Digitech Whammy, Boss DD-5 delay, and a vintage 1977 MXR Flanger—better known as the Eddie Van Halen pedal that made his guitar sound like it was in space.
Everything had to be torn out and washed with commercial machinery. My room was the cleanest it had ever been—scientifically speaking.
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In the aftermath, while we restored the basement (another long story), I was relegated to my mom's "purse room."
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To make matters worse our air conditioner broke and I have terrible temperature regulation. So I started going mad living in the purse room.
I was convinced one of them was staring at me.
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And trying to murder me in my sleep.
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So... why am I talking about a 12 year old flood?
The other night I woke up from a nap and saw this out the window.
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And it was still pouring.
I started to hear a clunking noise from the basement and when I went to investigate, water had begun to back up into the laundry room through the main drain.
It was reminding me of 2012 all over again.
Except back then I think our pump was underpowered and unable to deal with that much water. And now that we have a much better pump, it seemed to be handling things much better.
I was also concerned because water was leaking in from the basement windows. I guess they were filling up faster than the water could saturate into the ground and the windows are not 100% water sealed.
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Just in case, I piled up a bunch of old towels and bed clothes that were in the laundry room (mostly my dad's stuff) and made a moat around the drain that was starting to back up. I was hoping that would hold back any minor flooding if things got worse. I probably ruined everything, but I am still glad I did that even though it wasn't really necessary.
I also did something stupid.
I went outside to look at the area of the yard where the pump is buried to check on it. And I started to go out through our main garage door, but when I opened it, I let in a bunch of water. And that is where we are storing all of the goods for the next estate auction. So, not sure if there is any water damage yet. I was too tired from pushing out water to inspect things further.
I made a little video compilation of the not-quite-a-flood incident.
I'm very glad it wasn't as bad as in 2012. But this is still going to be a pain in my patoot to clean up.
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jaegeraether · 9 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 48)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (43) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (5)
Masterlist (other parts here)
((**Just a little one tonight...I've been busy. Also it's very emotional...Sorry!**))
“Tell me everything.”
Leah downed her second drink in a row. “The awards are going to start.”
“Not for another twenty minutes…”
The England Captain sighed and put her head in her hands for a minute or so, YFN leaving her to her thoughts until she was ready. She came back up with decisiveness, looking at YFN.
“The first I heard of Mark was when I was promoting my book last year. I was promoting it around social media and all that, and one of the things I did was a sort of sit down talk with JK Rowling about it. She’s a children’s author, my book is for children, it just made sense to everyone, including my publishing agency. Anyways, Joe’s team were confident that it would be a massive boost for her after the previous comments she’d made. They planned it so that doing this little interview with me would make people start to like her again and boost her reputations back up and… well Mark didn’t like that. He approached me without my team around and told me to make sure the interview never came out. I talked to my team and Joe’s team and they didn’t seem surprised he’d done that. My team told him no. The next thing I know, he approached me with a video of…” Leah closed her eyes and shook her head as if to rid herself of the memories.
“Leah you didn’t…” YFN stopped herself.
“No! No, I didn’t cheat on Jordan. The video was of Jordan and I, but you couldn’t tell it was her. You could definitely tell it was me.”
YFN heart sunk and she reached out to touch Leah’s arm reassuringly. “How.. how bad was it?”
YFN could see the tears forming in her eyes. She pulled her head back almost looking at the ceiling as she tried to keep them at bay and dabbed her eyes. “I’m sorry, this is relief more than anything. You’re the first person I’ve told.” She met YFN’s eyes again with a small smile that wasn’t fooling anyone. “It was bad. You can see most of me naked and the back of Jordan’s head between my legs, though it just looks like it could have been anyone. The problem was me obviously coming on camera. We were near a window in a high-rise so the only thing I can think of is drone footage… I didn’t see it…”
She was the first person she’d told. Leah had kept it all to herself. She squeezed her arm.
“It’s not illegal to video someone inside their home, but it’s a strong case for being unethical..”
“Yeah, my lawyers eventually worked that one out. But I didn’t want to drag Jordan down in my mess. I thought I was going down, and I..” she looked over at Jordan. “I didn’t want to drag her down with me. She deserves better.” She looked back at YFN. “You would have done the same for Lucy.. I know you would have.”
It all started making sense to her then. Leah’s talk to YFN when she was arguing with Lucy about ‘don’t fall into the trap of pretending it’s for the best when it’s not. I’ve made that mistake and can’t watch you do the same..’
Leah broke up with Jordan because of this. Because of Mark. Her eyes searched for him in the crowd as she spoke.
“So you broke up with Jordan because you were worried he would make it public and ruin your career and Jordan’s by association. It’s taken your lawyers a little over a year to win the rights to the video, so you’re trying to win Jordan back, and now he’s threatening to leak it out of spite?” Her words were said between gritted teeth.
Her eyes scanned over Lucy, only pausing long enough to see her look of curiosity and worry at the expression on YFN’s face which she guessed was fierce.
“That sums it up pretty well actu-“
Leah cut herself off when YFN stood and left, walking towards the man she’d finally spotted in the crowd. She didn’t care where she was.
“You!” She said, standing in front of him. “You like threatening people and ruining relationships, do you? What exactly do you want?”
Mark looked a little embarrassed and waved the people he was talking to away. “Leave us, I’ll find you.” He turned to YFN. “You want to do this here and now?”
“You fucking started it.”
A hand grabbed hold of her arm and she didn’t have to look to know it was Lucy.
“YFN, don’t. It’s not worth it.” Leah pleaded from YFN’s other side, her hand also finding her arm as she murmured the next bit quietly. “Let the lawyers handle it.”
“I want to know,” she said, fists balled up. “What do you want?”
He looked around as if to make sure they weren’t making a scene before he bent down. “You know what I want. Joe-“
“Joe has nothing to do with us, and even if she did, we don’t represent whatever she did to hurt you. So leave us alone.”
Mark laughed. Actually laughed. “As if you don’t have enemies as well, YFN?”
“That’s enough,” Lucy growled over her shoulder.
“No,” he replied harshly with a glare at Lucy before his attention turned back to YFN. “This world is built on enemies. Take a think about those photos of you and your girlfriend at the airport, hm? I don’t live in Barcelona. None of the people who work for me do. So take a moment to rethink… do you have any enemies? Particularly ones in.. oh I don’t know… Barcelona?”
Her stomach dropped lower. The photos hadn’t been the best quality, and she’d wondered if they were taken from a phone. Of course they would have.
“Not so innocent, are you?”
Lucy took a step forward when they were interrupted.
“Lucy! Leah! It’s good to see you again!”
They turned and paled as William and Catherine approached. They looked stunning, William in a tux and Catherine in a dress.
The five of them composed themselves quickly enough that the tension went unnoticed.
Lucy greeted the pair first and then stepped back, placing a reassuring hand on YFN’s lower back. She was the only person who knew that Catherine was her ‘Joe’. Leah greeted them next with a textbook smile, teeth showing, followed by Jordan. Mark had managed to sneak away, but not before flashing YFN another look as if he’d won. She pretended not to see. After the pair greeted the three lionesses, William’s attention turned to her.
“YFN, right?” She curtsied slowly to get her thoughts together. How did he know who she was? Luckily he continued as he shook her hand with a smile. “You’re the manager of Lumos, the new company for women’s sports, yes?”
YFN nodded. “That’s me. Lovely to meet you.”
“Fantastic work. Absolutely fantastic. I’m into football myself, if you can’t tell,” he joked, gesturing to the three lionesses beside her. He stepped just far enough to the side for Catherine to give her a similar greeting. Gosh, she was good at pretending they didn’t know each other. YNF shook her hand also.
“William is a sports fan but even more so a football fanatic,” she explained as if she didn’t know. The eye roll really sold it.
YFN had done her research and knew that William was the President of the Football Association, amongst his other titles.
“Catherine spotted some football stars, knowing I couldn’t resist coming over and saying hello,” he grinned. Ah, that made sense. This was Catherine’s way of intervening. She must have seen. “Anything to get out whatever we were previously talking about.” He was cheeky, which was refreshing. “Have you heard of Lumos?”
Catherine nodded. “Yes, they seem like a wonderful new start up,” she turned to YFN. “Is it just for women’s football or will it be for other things?”
“Starting off with women’s football. Aiming to have full coverage over all leagues and internationals by the middle of next year. Following that we’ll expand to other female sports which are lacking attention like cricket and tennis, and from there we’ll see. As of right now its main purpose is to bridge that deficit of coverage of women’s sports.”
“That’s excellent,” William said. “And much needed. Women’s sports have a lot of supporters and it would give young girls better access to sportswomen to idolise growing up. I remember you all saying how difficult it was growing up without that..”
The lionesses nodded, and Leah stepped in as Captain, supporting her and mentioning how Lumos was already becoming very popular with the players around England.
They spoke for a little longer, the conversation made easy by William. He was great at talking in general and holding interest. They had to leave after five full minutes of conversation, apologising as they were expected to meet some more people before the awards started. YFN was fine with that, she had too much on her mind to be entertaining a conversation when she felt like she needed to be sick.
“Fucking Kristie,” Lucy growled when they’d left.
YFN didn’t say anything, the feeling of dread sitting there.
“What are you going to do?” Jordan asked softly.
“She violated her restraining order. I’m going to get airport footage of her there.”
YFN was almost zoned out, barely hearing as she tried to find Mark again. Kristie hovering around them left her nervous and scared, but she couldn’t get over the feeling that came with knowing what he’d done to Leah and Jordan without caring. Her eyes wandered but couldn’t find him and regardless, the trio wouldn’t have let her confront him again anyways.
“It’s not worth it,” Lucy said again. YFN looked at her harder than she ever had so she knew she was serious.
“Yes, it is.”
Her message got across and Lucy looked to Leah who was biting her lip. Jordan saw Leah hesitating and shook her head. She was done. She walked off. Lucy went to follow but YFN stopped her and her hand found Lucy’s, entwining their fingers. Lucy softened.
YFN turned to Leah. “We have ten minutes until we need to be seated, Leah.”
“I don’t deserve her,” she whispered. “I can’t drag her into this mess..”
“Leah…a mistake repeated more than once is a decision. Don’t make her decision for her again. Give her a choice, and give her the truth.”
Leah’s lips parted and her face fell as the words hit her hard. She nodded and walked over to Jordan. Lucy and YFN found a comfortable spot of their own and YFN told Lucy at the exact same time that Leah told Jordan. Lucy’s face fell and her head whipped around to find Mark, but was stopped by YFN catching her cheek with the palm of her hand.
“No, Luce. Not tonight.”
She planted a soft kiss to her cheek as Lucy calmed herself, turning to watch Leah tell Jordan. They’d never seen Jordan’s face drop so fast. She was distraught. Leah hadn’t left her because of her. Leah had left her to protect her. Jordan’s lips trembled and for the first time in a long time, she let Leah hold her, and stroke her back as she cried. Finally. Catharsis.
They’d all managed to tidy themselves up before the awards and they sat together in pairs, YFN noticing Leah’s hand was made open and available to Jordan which she eventually took. Their fingers laced together like Lucy’s and YFN’s while they listened to speeches and only then did she let herself relax and enjoy the fact that Lucy was here. She couldn’t help the looks of adoration.
“Your boxing class,” she murmured during a break.
“Pushed it to tomorrow,” Lucy smirked. “Figured some cardio on the day before El Clasico would be a good idea.”
YFN hummed her approval and gripped her bicep with her spare arm. “You came.”
“Of course I did, little one,” they shared a look, not really caring that they were in public. “Besides…I’m glad I did with this drama.”
“I’m glad you did too,” she sighed, her eyes finding Jordan and Leah again. “I really needed you tonight.”
She needed her every night, but she wasn’t about to admit that.
The awards were a nice distraction and they caught up with a few of the other lionesses: Alex Scott, Chloe Kelly, Mary Earps, Jill Scott and a few celebrities outside of football Leah introduced them to. After the drama of Mark, they’d all fallen into the enjoyment of the night and each other’s company. Most people left the venue quickly, however the four stayed and enjoyed the soft music and relaxed atmosphere as opposed to the chaos of the after party. YFN found herself slow dancing in Lucy’s arms, joined by several other couples who preferred that to a night club scene. They whispered sweet nothings to each other as they swayed, giving Leah and Jordan time to speak quietly at a table alone. Only when the conversation appeared to be ending, did they stop and join them.
They stopped for takeout on the way home, looking incredibly overdressed as they did so which amused them all. They sat and ate at the takeout place which was far too dirty for their clothes, but again, they were enjoying themselves and the company of each other. Somehow with all of her condiments, Lucy had managed to not drop any onto her outfit, and the trio let her know just how impressed they were. The table she’d been leaning over though…that needed a bucket and a mop. Her excuse was that she hadn’t eaten since lunch, though they knew her better than that.
They arrived back at Lucy’s house late, undressing, showering and getting into comfy clothes.
“I want to see it,” Jordan said.
Leah didn’t bother arguing. She knew she’d been wrong to keep it from her. She looked at YFN and Lucy who were already giving them space. It was none of their business.
Jordan watched the video with fear. It didn’t go for long, and it was exactly as Leah had described. They were in a high rise apartment they’d booked for a romantic night together in London. Leah was naked and propped up on pillows on the couch, and Jordan’s mouth was on her. It was impossible to tell it was Jordan as the couch arm cut off all of her body besides the head as it moved, her hands gripping Leah’s hips as she ate her. Leah was a mess at this point. Her hair was out and she was desperately chasing the high that Jordan was pushing her towards. She was a sweaty, moaning mess, unable to keep still, her hands finding Jordan wherever she could. The end of the video was Leah orgasming, her back arching and a whimper torn from her throat, her nipples excited and pointing to the ceiling. It was confronting to watch, even without sound.
They didn’t speak when it was done. Jordan handed her phone back wordlessly and Leah picked up her bag. Jordan walked her to the door. There hadn’t been any discussion on Leah not staying, it was just something they both knew was right.
“I love you,” Leah said from the doorstep, her bag slung over her shoulder. “I made a decision without involving you. I thought I was protecting you, but I took your choice away. I never stopped and will never stop loving you. I can’t change the past, but I can tell you here and now that I’ll give you everything, all of me, and I’ll never make a decision without you again. I’ve lost a year with you, and I can’t stand to lose another second. If you take me back and realise you can’t trust me….then I’ll bear that burden of pain and I need you to know that I’d never beg you to stay just for my feelings. I’d hold the door open and offer you everything I had, because you deserve everything, Jord. Just…think on it.”
Leah leant down slowly and kissed Jordan on the cheek one long, lingering kiss. Jordan’s head turned into her and their foreheads met, lips hovering over each others. Leah cupped her cheek and wiped away the tears that her words had drawn from Jordan. She was tempted to kiss her, but she was not going to make another mistake. It was Jordan’s choice from here on.
“You’re my person. I love you, Jord.”
And with that, Leah was gone, Jordan watching as she did. She watched her open her car door and toss her bag in. She watched her sit in her seat and put her seatbelt on. She watched her lips tremble as she exhaled her emotions, gripping the steering wheel. Her red eyes found Jordan on the doorstep with her arms wrapped around her body to shield herself from the cold. That should be her keeping her warm. She started the car as her own tears fell. Jordan watched until she could no longer see her car, her heart aching for those happy years with Leah again.
She went back inside and YFN was waiting for her with her arms out. Jordan planted herself there, letting her emotions out in loud sobs. Lucy came past and wrapped her arms around them both tightly, kissing Jordan on the head.
They ended up on the couch, Jordan crying herself to sleep in YFN’s arms, Lucy tucking a blanket over them. She settled herself on the adjacent side of the L-shaped modular couch, her head near theirs and her pinky finding YFN’s.
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corvin-ito · 14 days
okay btw one of my wreck-it ralph movie universe headcanons is that theres bosses in heros duty, which are the various soldiers getting turned into cy-bugs.
now, i imagine that the programmers of the game had to implement code to delete the "becoming a cy-bug and dying" part of the characters memory because before doing that the characters would Stop Showing Up in the bossfights for Some Reason (the characters chose not to show up. but. the devs dont know theyre sentient.)
which this is a good enough band-aid solution! especially for personal ports of the game where like the characters will only sometimes experience the boss fights, and no little errors in their code can crop up. especially very little issues for physical copies of the game (unless the disk scratches or somthin)
but in an arcade enviroment? where hundreds of kids are playing daily? and where the hero's duty and other arcade game characters can interact? the tiniest imperfection- the tiniest memory leak (a litteral one in this case) can be fucking devestating.
thats what i think happened to markowski. i think he had a tiny imperfection in his code where ! oops ! he doesnt forget being turned into a cy-bug! and i also think markowski would be the first boss in heros duty. so like. in One Week of bein g plugged in he's been turned into a bug over and over and killed over and over (either from the player's gun or the big ol bug zapper lazer) and no one fucking believes him because THEIR MEMORY GETS ERASED EVERY TIME.
i think that, in other arcades in the WIR universe, arcades where there was never a Turbo incident, Hero's Duty would be a problem game of apocalyptic proportions. like. One Guy doesnt show up for a quarter alert because hes sick of becoming a bug and it kinda fucks up the game a little. And like, theres a significant risk of a Cy-bug breaking out and getting into another machine.
arcades with copies of heros duty end up having to replace some of their games because of "dead pixels" (cy-bug swarms rendering as just green blurs) or "missing assets" (cy-bugs destroying everything in sight) or the entire machine just. breaking. the outlet it was in exploding (in cases where the hero's duty characters notice a cy-bug escape and manage to quarintine it in one of the games it fled to. rare "good" ending where they evacuate the characters and blow up the exit before the cy-bugs infect another game)
some arcades just straight up go out of buisness because cy-bugs have taken over all of the games. they just cant be stopped if there's no beacon. and most games wouldnt have one! sugar rush was really lucky that diet cola mountain was there and the devs didnt think it a waste of gigabytes and cut it. real "we put this tomato out of bounds because if we deleted it the game broke" energy.
and nobody outside of the game world would know whats Really happening.
Litwak's Arcade, though? there's probably a therapy group that gets started for game characters. one similar to bad anon but maybe one thats a seperate branch for hero characters, especially fighter / shooter / general violent video game characters. like bad anon and similar groups would have been started because of Turbo and these groups were essentially formed to stop other characters from doing something so drastic. so litwak's arcade ends up being one of the few arcades with a still functional cabinet of Hero's Duty.
also i think that in a "turbo/king candy coded himself so deeply into sugar rush that he respawns" AU he would remember being a cy-bug and it would be. just. the worst fucking thing to have experienced! not only would he remember being eaten he would remember being burned to death by boiling hot soda! cause hes not programmed to deal with that. any character not from hero's duty would not be programmed to forget what being a cy-bug was like and it would be traumatic as hell. because i do think it fucks with your brain as well. i dont think all of cy-bug candy's behaviour was himself, i think a lot of that was the cy-bug just basically being given voice. i think the bug moreso took on some of king candy/turbos personaly rather than turbo taking over the bug.
characters who die after being eaten by a cy-bug will respawn like normal if they're in their correct game though. so if a cy-bug invasion happened but the bugs were exterminated, the characters would be fine. plus games have a world reset condition so damage can likely be repaired (like how for sugar rush the world reset condition was vanellope crossing the finish line.)
it would have lasting effects for sure. probably different ones depending on the individual. i think turbo specifically would end up with an "i need to BITE everyone" kind of lasting effect 100%
im putting this note at the end but i think the final boss of hero's duty would be seargent calhoun. i think she would get eaten by the cybug queen after all the other soldiers are gone and then she herself goes down. i also think tthat in the 1 week of hero's duty being plugged in at litwak's in the movie no one has actually gotten to the final boss yet (difficult game yknow!!) so its not really known if calhoun would experience a memory leak issue or not.
the second wreck it ralph movie isnt real it aint happened (/silly, joke) so if it condradicts anything i ever say. no it doesnt actually. i make the rules.
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eviljaypost2021 · 2 months
Hi me again
Please don’t stop scrolling if u didn’t watch the leak episodes especially 14 & 20
I wouldn’t enjoy ruining your experience with part 2
No,serioslly don’t do it mate.
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Now that only us spoiled gang got here. I have a theory. Hear me out.
So we know:
Jay thinks he is from the Wildness
Arin is obsessed with “Jay is agent Walker from realm reassignment” because he is certain that he knows where are his parents
Ras told Jay to leave
The forbidden 5 got away
Ras master used the tiger to free the mentioned elemental masters
They search revenge on the guy
Arin WANTS his parents now. (I think something broke when he heard Lloyd telling Nya that Jay wasn’t important enough to go searching at the moment)
Jay still doesn’t has his memory
Arin needs Jay, the administration & Ras
Jay is in the wildness realm probably searching for his master
The forbidden 5 are the mayor villains plot with Ras master
Ras,Arin and Jay are a minor plot [so we either get a half season of the abandoned trio or the 4 minutes per season during the “forbidden arc]
Ras is from Chima
So my theory is (one season ver):
The ninja once again most take separated ways leaving Sora,Lloyd,wildfire, Zane and Raiju to take care of the merged realms or Find Arin mission. Nya, Kai with Cole on “the search of Jay”. The team reunites in the administration to defend it from two evil civilians and a vengeful ex worker to find out that the missing team members are responsible which could end in they take back Jay and Arin to be taken care of meanwhile Ras is sent to the administration jail or to a low rank job. Also I believe if they find Arin’s family after all the destruction of their villainy he leaves the ninja team for good but still an ally if needed. The start of the new season begins with the team learning how to heal a shatter soul (Gandalaria comes back) and they have to deal with Jay being a Evil baby Lloyd 2.0. And the forbidden ones start the chaos.
Bad guys:
We see again Arin taking care of Ras and preparing to go to the administration but end in Chima where Jay is found in a broken evil gi, he attacks Ras for leaving him Arin stops them and creates a truce, we see them making plans using jay’s knowledge of the institution meanwhile trying to do shatter spin without the wolf mask and teach it to the yellow ninja.
Arin asks if he remembers anything prior to the merge Jay thinks for a little while but says “no, only what Ras told me”,then Arin asks if he know where his parents were sent also a No.
They enter a clan territory and Ras helps them to steal Chi.
The day has come and the attack to the administration begins all goes according to plan until the ninja arrive.
Mini arc during series:
Almost the same story but we see it going slowly and under the radar due to the forbidden 5 being active.
Side effects:
Jay and Arin are in constant supervision to avoid more trouble
Gandalaria try’s to complete Jay soul but he got lycanthropy with a red pupil as a scar
Jay when he is “kidnapped” and brought to the monastery starts trusting the ninja when he is shown prove of him being a ninja
Jay trust Zane the last because of the administration incident
Nya felt first but Jay did it the hardest
Once he gets his memory back apologize to everyone
Jay is more violent in combat
And that was it sorry for the word vomit, it’s just I feel both happy and disappointed about the evil arc. I mean come on he could do more than fight for three minutes, insult Nya, lose and leave.
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skeletinmoss · 3 months
The curse of the dark Phoenix
Chapter 8: Rescue plan
First chapter | Previous | Next
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“Well, I managed to read the journal,” Logan offered handing Virgil the book in question, open on a specific page. Clearly curious to see Virgil’s response to what was on it.
Roman hoped Lo knew better than to show Virgil that poem. He thought Logan was more invested in protecting the arch mage’s dignity than that.
Was he really that concerned about Roman getting his heart broken? Or was he hoping to gauge Virgil’s opinion of Gustav?
“Hm,” Virgil mused as he flipped past the page Logan handed to him. He briefly glanced at a few more and then returned the journal. Not too affected by the contents. Other than a bit of pity. “Good job. Though this is not the true text yet,” Virgil pointed out.
Logan nodded and tucked the book away. “Yes. After hearing him talk. The way he writes is… it doesn’t match at all,” he muttered frustrated.
“Logan. It was Gustav’s job for longer than you can phantom to uncover and keep secret information. If you broke through all his protections in one day, I’d have to wonder how he managed to be the best in the game for so long,” Virgil pointed out, making Logan feel significantly better about his slow progress.
“After we save your friends we should pass by the archives for old maps to see if there are any clues as to where these ruins lie,” Logan mused. “Though we should see the council before that to inform them of our discoveries. I don’t think we can, in good conscious keep the three of you a secret from them and the king for too long…” Logan mused.
“Actually, Remus would be your best bet on finding the ruins. He traveled the uninhabited areas of the country the most over the years. He didn’t get the title ‘terror of the mountains’ by attending knitting circles,” Virgil pointed out.
“Terror?” Patton asked, his voice skipping a few octaves.
Virgil chuckled. “Exagerated. He’s a little feral but harmless,” he promised. “Mostly,” he added after a moment’s consideration. Oh. That was so reassuring. Still. The man Roman remembered from the memory seemed to have some kind of control over his potentially more aggressive tendencies.
“Well. In any case. That means that both our missions lead to the same place. Logan? Any clue?” Roman asked.
“Actually, yes. Based on the uniforms Remus described, I put together that we are looking for a colder climate, and he mentioned water leaking from the ceiling several times. He said it was a temple, he never mentioned anything like a cave, no animals coming in other than those they brought to sacrifice to him. And a big red stone that seemingly grew from the ground. Which was also, wet. I think that they are in an underwater temple. Specifically at the sunlake, so named because so called Sun stones naturally occur here. And I think that this is how they keep him in his guidance form. With an unusually large sunstone,” Logan surmised proudly.
“Sunlake… Hmmm. I think we called it by a different name back in the day. But I think I know the one you talk about. It makes sense. And the good news is, there’s an inn not too far from there. Which means that we can be with Remus as soon as a day after we stop by my home,” Virgil smiled satisfied.
Roman was about to argue the math, but then he realized that the kind innkeepers probably could let their visitors out through any of their locations.
He trusted that Virgil knew the math on this journey better than them. Not to mention, them having horses now might alter the time table.
“We have a plan. So now we have some rest. And some food. And then we travel on,” Virgil stated. Roman couldn’t help but smile at the hope rising in his chest.
Wanting to take full advantage of the upswing in Virgil's mood, Roman, jumped up and made a grand gesture. "Then we will make haste and free your friend from his prison in three day’s time!” he declared. “We will storm the church and free him from whatever chackles hold him prisoners and clear a path for his Grand escape!” as the picture became clearer he remembered that they hadn’t exactly left the capitol prepared to take on cultists. And their secret weapon might be going in with a handicap.
“We should try and find weapons to defend against the cultists. I assume that the sunstone will affect you too?" he asked.
Virgil nodded. "Even if I had a moonstone amulet on me, from the sound of it the sunstone in the temple is pretty big. It would cancel any moonstone I could carry with me out," he confirmed, growing concerned.
"Even Remus isn't crazy enough to set off a spell in guide form in a potentially unstable building. It's hard to take half measures in that form, I won’t be of much help." And the good mood was going down. Roman was not so easily discouraged however.
"No need to worry! We can practice some defensive spells in the next few days. You and Pat can teach us! And once we have our hands on some weapons we're going to be fine. The cultist have been doing their thing undisturbed for 50 years. They won't know what hit them. Before they can remember defensive protocol, we'll be out of there!" Roman declared confidently. Virgil smiled carefully. Some hope returning. And something else...
"Let's start with getting some sleep. I presume we will forego the meditative magic hour and opt for a full 8 hour cycle now that we have this... time altering circle active?" Logan surmised. Mildly uncomfortable nut also fascinated by the magics at work.
"Janus is going to love you,” Virgil smirked. “But yes. Rest first," he agreed a bit reluctantly.
They set up to rest in the room. There was only one bed and it was out of the circle Virgil made. So they laid out their sleeping mats on the floor. Heads to the center.
Roman laid down with Virgil to his right and Logan to his left, Patton across from him. It didn't take long before his friends let rest take them. The high mage, however, was wide awake and growing less likely to fall asleep with the minute.
"You aren't sleeping," Virgil observed, laying on his side, facing Roman.
"Neither are you," Roman pointed out mirroring his position by tucking his arm under his head like a pillow.
"That shouldn't bother you too much. Just ignore me. Go to sleep," Virgil instructed.
"I'm not going to leave you to worry by yourself. Especially while you also feel guilty. Which you shouldn't, but I get it," he offered. Virgil kept quiet.
"No one saw it coming, and you didn’t have any reason to think something was off. If you had, I have no doubt you would have stopped it. That is likely why they went after you first," Roman pointed out. "You can't drive yourself mad on what ifs and should haves. You are here now and you are fixing it. And in order to fix it you need to be well rested. Reincarnating has to take up a lot of energy. So rest. Remus will get your message the moment we break the circle. You will see him again soon. And you can kick his butt for being by himself while people were going missing," Roman rambled.
Virgil chuckled, warm fondness trickling through to Roman's mind.
Then he was silent for a long moment, contemplative. "I know you... have affectionate feelings for me," he mused. Roman felt himself go red. Oh. So they were having that conversation now. Okay…
"And I... won't pretend that i don't... that my initial superficial attraction to you hasn't started to grow into something else..." Roman's heart started racing. Sure he’d felt Virgil had positive feelings towards him, but he hadn’t been sure which parts of those had been mere wishful thinking fueled misinterpretations on his part.
"But I’m... I cant explore that with you right now. Too much is going on. I can't be distracted. Not even by a verry cute guy like you," he insisted. Roman nodded in understanding. Not trusting his voice. Virgil maybe kind of sort of liked him back…
"Can you be patient with me?" Virgil asked.
That was a ‘later’! Not a ‘no’ but a ‘Later’!!!!
"Of course," Roman promised as soft as he could so his voice wouldn’t do something weird.
Virgil smiled at him and for a moment his guards went down and Roman felt his fondness in full force and he knew that it was for Him. He made him feel that way…
“I think I can sleep now. Thank you," Virgil murmured before curling up and slowly drifting off.
Roman grinned to himself and used Virgil's building inner calm mellow out his own feelings so he could find sleep too.
Sure, he had to wait. But in all honesty he wasn’t entirely sure about his feelings himself. He had enough to figure out, not just on his feelings about Virgil but about how the quest was turning out. They could take it a day at a time.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 9 months
Timeline: Part 4 -July 2017
2015 - April 2017 | An Update
May 2017 - June 2017
This piece features events, press, and PR from the summer of 2017. You will see competing narratives - the Daily Mail leaking Meghan's dossier drip by drip by drip and Meghan's team counterattacking with engagement rumors.
There are two main stories in the royal sphere during this time that we know Meghan is paying attention to, as these most definitely shape her understanding of what it means to be royal: royals taking glamorous summer vacations and daily coverage of Diana's life, the impact of her death, and her lasting legacy to the world.
Fasten your seatbelts!
(Note - this was initially meant to also include the August 2017 events but Tumblr was having problems saving the post.)
July 1, 2017: The Cambridges, Harry, and the Spencers attend a private memorial service at the Spencers' Althorp estate for Diana. Meghan's relationship history is published and it's revealed she left Cory for Harry.
July 2, 2017: Charles plans to host a 70th birthday party for Camilla and the Express speculates whether Harry will bring Meghan with him. Additionally, the broadcast network that airs Suits in Britain drops the series from its slate and won't show its upcoming seventh season.
July 3, 2017: Kensington Palace announces that the Cambridges will visit Poland and Germany.
July 4, 2017: Kensington Palace confirms that Harry will have a role in the upcoming state visit by King Felipe and Queen Letizia. Meghan teases whether she will attend Wimbledon 2017. Harry's scandals are revisited.
July 5, 2017: Meghan's appearance at the 2016 Create & Cultivate conference resurfaces, as do her comments from The Tig about being biracial.
July 6, 2017: Meghan does another airport pap walk as returns to Toronto after spending 10 days in London with Harry.
July 8, 2017: Meghan leaks that she has tried on wedding dresses with friends and is beginning to think about a wedding at Westminster Abbey. The Daily Mail publishes all about Meghan's first marriage and the divorce. Katie Nicholl publishes several scoops: 1) Meghan keeps clothes at Nottingham Cottage, 2) Meghan is so familiar to KP security and the RPOs that she doesn't need a security pass to enter, 3) Harry wants to be engaged by his birthday, and 4) they want to debut Meghan as his fiancee at Toronto Invictus Games.
July 9, 2017: Harry attends a music festival and is photographed getting close to a blonde woman. At the same time, there is fast-spreading gossip that Camilla disapproves of the relationship. Meghan gets worried: she hints about the engagement to get Harry back in line and tries to assuage concerns about her marital history by explaining that being married to Harry will be different than when she was married to Trevor. Meghan merches a baseball cap.
July 10, 2017: Meghan doesn't like the comparisons to Pippa Middleton anymore (which she began, mind you) and says they look nothing alike. It's announced that Trevor is thinking about writing a book about his relationship with Meghan, sparking another round of rumors that the marriage broke down when Meghan cheated on Trevor with a Suits castmate.
July 11, 2017: It's revealed that Meghan was still dating Cory when she began dating Harry.
July 12, 2017: Meghan attends the Suits party to celebrate taping their 100th episode. Meghan's team puts out a story that she and Harry are so alike because Meghan's uncle is the leader of the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church, just like Harry's grandmother is the leader of the Church of England. Rita Ora flirts with Harry and Meghan gets mad, saying she doesn't want to marry Harry.
July 13, 2017: The Spanish State Visit begins, with Harry accompanying King Felipe and Queen Letizia to Westminster Abbey and attending the state banquet (where he sits next to Rose Cholmondeley...iykyk). Meghan's "one tear, left eye, go" interview resurfaces and she tries to be a beauty guru again. Suits Season 7 premieres in the U.S.. Meghan practically calls Kate a Stepford Wife.
July 14, 2017: Meghan gets more private protection and increases her security team.
July 16, 2017: A friend of Harry says they're engaged and everyone is looking forward to the after-party more than the wedding. Meghan leaks that Harry will quit the royal family for her and her "don't give it five minutes if you're not going to give it five years" interview resurfaces. Harry wins his IPSO privacy case against The Mail for publishing paparazzi photographs taken in Jamaica.
July 17, 2017: Meghan sets up Chelsy to be Harry's Camilla in their marriage.
July 18, 2017: Meghan tries to be a yoga influencer again. Meghan also brings back her gender equality platform and reminds us about her soap commercial.
July 19, 2017:
Pictures from Meghan's childhood are published, including a photograph saying/showing she won Homecoming Queen in high school (US high school is ages 14 - 18). Speculation begins immediately that Meghan has had cosmetic surgery to minimize her black traits and Markle feeatures, including chemical treatments for her hair.
Meghan hints that Harry will propose on her birthday and that they will elope to marry.
Meghan leaks that she's worth $5 million.
July 20, 2017: Meghan says Harry will propose soon and they have no intentions of eloping.
July 22, 2017: Meghan's ice bucket challenge video resurfaces, causing speculation over how she knows Rory McIlroy and what the nature of their relationship is.
July 24, 2017: Meghan promotes Suits and hints that she wants IVF twins as soon as possible after the wedding. (The IVF twins story is important for two reasons. One, because in the first picture taken of Meghan after the pregnancy is announced, she is carrying two purple binders. We know she likes to virtue signal, so many people believe this is her hinting that they are expecting boy-girl twins. Second, because while she ended up having a boy, the decor and theme for her February baby shower indicated she was expecting a girl.)
July 25, 2017: Prince Albert of Monaco (son of Grace Kelly) gives advice to Meghan and Harry and British Vogue writes about Meghan and her fashion.
July 26, 2017: Meghan claps back against the rumors of plastic surgery by getting medical experts to say she hasn't had any work done.
July 27, 2017: Meghan teases an engagement in the Express, who recaps the relationship to date.
July 28, 2017: Meghan merches Rachel Zane's wardrobe. She's spotted in London, supposedly with Doria (though Doria is never seen). Meghan's insecurity over Harry's past causes problems for him.
July 29, 2017: An open letter is published to William and Kate, urging them not to have a third child. This comes after playful comments by the pair while on tour in Poland and Germany earlier in the month when they were gifted baby items by fans on walkabout.
July 31, 2017:
Christopher Geidt is forced out retires and is replaced by Charles's favorite, Edward Young.
Kate hires Catherine Quinn as her new private secretary.
Meghan is worried a Cambridge baby is going to steal her thunder and leaks that the Cambridges won't have any more children. After Kate's third pregnancy is announced and this article resurfaces, speculation begins over what Meghan knew (because Harry leaked like a sieve to her).
William and Catherine are in Belgium for the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele.
Lainey gossips that the recent shakeups in palace household staff has to do with Charles's discomfort with William and Harry operating independently of him. She also confirms for the first time that Charles was angry with the KP love shield because it overshadowed his work in the Middle East.
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becauseimanicequeen · 5 months
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Unknown ep. 10
I’m going into this episode hoping for further progress in Qian and Yuan’s relationship (especially after Qian’s moment of introspection at the end of the previous episode). We also saw in the preview that we’re getting more about Qian’s health status in this episode and that Yuan might get pissed at Qian for keeping that from him. And then, let’s see if they cut the episode before the kiss or not.
Shitless Qian! That’s a nice start (if we ignore the nosebleed, which, to be fair, isn’t that ignorable).
The way Yuan stared at shirtless Qian… I mean, 100% relatable.
I wouldn’t want to sleep alone after that Russian roulette shit either.
The way they’re fucking snuggling in bed! Qian’s leg over Yuan’s, Qian holding Yuan’s arm with both hands, and Qian brushing his thumb on Yuan’s arm in that comforting manner…
Wait, Le is worried Qian’s condition has worsened? So, he knows that Qian has a chronic condition? (I can’t remember if this has been mentioned before or not. My memory is hella fuzzy when there’s a whole week’s wait between episodes.) Perhaps that’s why Le’s been so adamant to keep Qian out of the gang and make sure they don’t cross paths again.
Nosebleed again…
”I’m fine.” The biggest lie ever told (and most used) in the history of humanity.
The way I cackled when the Doc suggested that San Pang should also get a neurological examination.
WTF! Nosebleed again… Please, Qian, get yourself checked out!
The whole ”don’t tell Yuan” will cause more trouble than actually telling him, though. I’m sure that’s why Yuan avoids Qian (the short snippet, in the preview of this episode, when Yuan walks into the house). I’ve been in Yuan’s shoes, and it fucking hurts when the truth comes out later than it needed to.
Yuan must’ve heard more than he let on. He practically tried to run away from the clinic. And the fact that Qian is lying to Yuan… Trouble, trouble.
I don’t mind that Yuan is getting bold (or, bolder). The talk about tying up Qian… I’m on board with that to a million percent!
Yuan definitely knows something serious is going on. But how much does he know about the whole truth? Most likely a lot more than he lets on. Like I wrote before, he must’ve heard what the Doc said. But he might not yet know how long it’s been serious. Qian has had issues for years, right?
Oh lord… Look at these idiots trying to cover up for Qian. I’ve got to love their loyalty to Qian, though. Even though I need someone to tell Yuan the truth (preferably Qian, but I don’t think that will happen…).
Seriously, I would fucking snap if I was in Yuan’s shoes. No way I would take part in this bullshit coverup. Either you tell me the truth (because that’s always easier to deal with) or I’ll avoid you like the fucking plague.
Lol, Yuan is really laying it on thick when he talks to San Pang. Emotional blackmail. But the situation clearly calls for it. Qian is more silent than a brick wall.
And then he uses the Lili-card. He knows exactly what to say to get San Pang to cave. I love him. So, please, someone tell him the truth, for fuck’s sake!
Just as I thought, Yuan heard everything at the clinic that day.
Finally! The truth is out. Thank you, San Pang.
Yuan: ”Do you still think this is just about you?” That FUCKING. BROKE. ME.
I’ve been sitting here, trying to get my eyes to stop leaking for the past 30-ish minutes so I can watch the rest of the episode. What is this series doing to me? They’re gunning for my emotions with Yuan’s reaction because it’s relatable to me.
Qian must know he fucked up, though. If he blames San Pang for telling Yuan, I’ll be fighting back an urge to kick his shin. (I know he’s fictional, but that also means I can give him a fictional kick, just for the fun of it.)
I can’t call that blaming San Pang. Not really. Okay, Qian, I won’t fictionally kick your shin. Not right now, at least…
Btw, San Pang not telling Lili about Qian’s condition… She’ll be just as pissed at him as Yuan is with Qian right now, right? I honestly can’t wait to see her lose it on San Pang and him begging for mercy and forgiveness. Is it weird that I want to see him on his knees as he begs? I wouldn’t mind him crawling either…
I get Qian’s fear of going to the hospital and perhaps never coming out again. BUT! If Yuan and Lili knew the truth, they could prepare themselves for the possibility that Qian might not make it. Qian just dropping dead isn’t going to help anyone, though. And how would they feel if they found out about his condition after that? And finding out that he knew about it?
I wonder how Qian would feel if their roles were reversed. As in, if he found out either Yuan or Lili (the two people who are most important to him) had kept something like this from him.
Am I the only one who loves that Yuan is avoiding Qian? Because I fucking LOVE IT! And he ignored Qian even though Qian had made Yuan’s favorite dishes. This is my shit! (I know, I need help…)
Oooh, Yuan is both bold and bossy in this episode. I didn’t know I could love him any more than I already do. I was wrong.
Is it weird that I’m excited to see the confrontation I know is coming within the next 10-ish minutes?
San Pang is saying all the right things and asking all the right questions. Now it’s up to Qian to figure it out on his own (perhaps with a bit of help from Yuan).
Qian getting emotional is making me emotional. What is this series doing to me?
San Pang: ”Do you want him to have a future without you?” My eyes are leaking again! What the fuck is this series doing to me?
I stopped mid-confrontation because Yuan’s calmness was killing me. But, also, some of the things Qian has said so far gave me the feeling that his approach to figuring out if his feelings for Yuan are brotherly love or something more is more about thinking/reflecting on it rather than feeling it. In my experience, thinking isn’t the best way to gain clarity when it comes to emotions. Clarity comes from feeling and experiencing the emotions. So, just shut up and kiss already… Perhaps it’s time for Yuan to give Qian a little nudge in the right direction, even though he’s been so cautious not to cross the line since he came back home.
Qian: ”All I know is I can’t live without you.” The fact that he’s admitting that, out loud, to Yuan… We’re making some progress.
Seriously, Yuan’s calmness is killing me. He still thinks it’s his problem that he fell for Qian. He still thinks it’s his shit to handle. He still doesn’t want to put that on Qian. Being calm is almost like his armor.
I fucking knew they would cut pre-kiss! That’s just mean.
This episode was great! I loved that Yuan finally found out the truth. I loved that he ignored Qian (again, it’s a me-thing). I loved all the emotions. Seriously, the amount of time I spent crying… I just realized it took me just a little less than 2 hours to watch this 30-ish minute episode…
What is this series doing to me?
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moonshine999 · 10 months
Spill your post trailer Helaegon ideas with us please😩
hellooo, I will try my utmost best to articulate them.. sensibly
as the teaser stands, the performances by Tom and Phia genuinely look phenomenal. It seems stealing the spotlight worthy, especially Phia. Since this is the first season we get to explore her character and also her last season because damn you writers, it looks like she’s really giving it her all and I’m genuinely so excited to see that. details? Love that they grew Aegon’s hair out, the Helaena shot of her looking up might be one most ethereal shots I’ve witnessed, the aegon strut was legit everything. things I am not much a fan of though is the costuming (for them, more so Aegon because we haven’t seen any Helaena dresses in full, at least officially). Because though I love the sunfyre embroidery on his outfit now, it literally looks no different from the coronation costume at first glance. Sure it is dark green instead of black but like cmon. Give aegon pretty costumes 😌. Also sad we didn’t see Sunfyre, Dreamfyre is understandable but come on, we see Syrax and not the most beautiful dragon in the world? Not the dragon who had the strongest dragon-rider bond in history with Aegon? Not the dragon who ends up killing Rhaenyra?? THE FUCK.
but I’ll stop complaining because the teaser is nice and these are just nitpicks about the definite bias. .
. Okay the next things I’m gonna cover are more so ideas for scenes rather than a breakdown or analysis cuz we literally got 2 shots of each of them 🥲
🕯️Helaena’s visions
I did see quite a few posts saying/implying that we will dive more into Helaena’s visions this season. So I do think it would be interesting to understand that dynamic with her and Aegon when she has them. Like has he matured enough to understand that even though he can’t comprehend his wife, she needs his help OR he still thinks that she is acting idiotic as he did in s1. The leak that said something along the lines that Aegon will first be seen at the council, bored but then is called to attend to his queen could also tie into this. Maybe Helaena isn’t crouching over due to pain of pregnancy ,as some have speculated , but due to the suddenness or pain of one of her visions.
(also I have put a one shot surrounding this in the W.I.P folder along with the thousand others lying there so expect it in about 80 years 😃)
🕯️just them handling being king and queen
this is a pretty vague thing but literally just show them. Just show them getting along, sitting at councils, dragon riding, sleeping in the same room, all before b&c rips everything down. Even one scene of them together handling this can work, in fact just one scene of them being soft with each other would just go to show what it was like and what it could have been like had the war not happened. Just adding more tragedy to their story.
another pretty vague one. But as I said in this post , I really do think we should have seen them as kids, how they get along and especially their wedding. They could perhaps fit it in, in the episode of the funeral. Aegon or Hela looking back on that day, when things were arguably simpler and their only concerns were stopping Aegon from crying during sex. (IM SORRY, WE ALL KNOW IT HAPPENED)
okay more seriously though, them reminiscing on the past i.e. the day their union was first formed on the day it all broke apart. They as parents should be allowed to feel that grief, with each other and I genuinely hope we don’t get robbed of that. speaking of them as parents though…
🕯️the kids
it is actually so unsettling that half the fans didn’t even realise that they have kids until b&c started being talked about.
Again I beg, SHOW THEM. show them talking to Jaehaerys about becoming heir, how Aegon would go back to his memory of his mother doing the same to him (could also come under flashbacks). Show them trying to stop Maelor to stop crying, show them sitting with their kids at the feast, show them trying to manage their duties as well as their kids.
but alas it’s just speculation, half of them just wishes. Let’s hope we get some glimpse of their dynamic is season 2 because my god helaegon nation is starving.
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via-rant · 11 months
Leo watched from across the room as Jason pestered Nico into eating. Talking to him happily when he did. He wanted to snarl but didn't want to bring attention to himself right now. Not while he's like this. He wasn't angry at Nico. Or Jason. Just the circumstances. Jason was supposed to be his best friend. So was Piper. Piper just got along with everyone here. Except him.
As soon as this whole quest started he became nothing but a nuisance to them. Just like everyone else. It wasn't their fault. All those stupid memories were fake. Jason doesn't know who he is. And neither did Piper. He told him lots of things during that time. And it didn't even happen. And it never will.
He continued eating not bothering to talk to anyone or look them in the eye. He was tired. He walked out barely finishing his lasagna and back the engine room to continue repairs. That's what he's good at.
"Heeeelloooo- oh. It's you." Leo said his face dropping when he saw Nico standing in front of him. Nico glared.
"Okay, what did I do to you?"
"Nothing. You just get on my nerves for some reason."
"I get on your nerves?"
"Yeah... something about being emo."
"I'm not... emo. What does that even mean?"
"Wears dark clothes, listens to depressing music, pretends to not care about anyone or anything."
"I do care!"
"Pretends. Key word there." He said with a shit eating grin and Nico stared in surprise before glaring.
"Okay, okay. Leo can we talk?" Jason asked, trying to not get them to fight.
"I would but I'm busy."
"What do you still have to do?"
"The mast is slightly unstable, one of the propellers need to be fixed - was it one? I have to check that. A few infirmary supplies, the scanners again, the navigator, I still haven't figured out why Festus' ear is leaking oil, and the glass to the stables is broken." In the distance they heard metal break. "And Percy broke some pipes again."
"Sorry, Leo!" He yelled.
"Leo, take a break."
"I don't need a break. I can handle it."
"Fine. How can we help?"
"What do you mean?"
"You expect to do all that and talk to us at some point? No. We're helping. What can we do?"
Help is help I guess. He thought and shrugged. "Sure."
"Aha!" Leo yelled in excitement before taking out some glass piece and replacing it with tape.
"There bud. You should stop leaking." Festus creacked and Leos smile relaxed and Nico swore his heart did a backflip.
"You're welcome." Nico watched him in fascination. It looked so real. Like nothing in that moment mattered. He was content right there.
"How are you so nice to machines but not people?" He asked and Leo looked up frowning.
"Cause people are shit. Thought you would get that."
"I used to think that. But then I met good people."
"Hm... must be nice." He replied walking to the broken pipes. They looked at each other in concern.
"Leo you have this whole ship of people who-" Jason tried.
"-'who care about you.' Yeah yeah yeah I've heard it a million times." He took out a blow torch, which confused him because he has literal fire powers, and torched the pipes.
"We care."
"Prove it."
"We're helping you with repairs."
"Yeah, to talk to me about whatever, not because you're worried. Hey, can I ask you something?" He asked looking over at them. They didn't get a chance to process the first part but Nico swallowed. "Um... yeah, go ahead."
"What do you want to talk about?" He asked and they froze.
"Why you don't... like... Nico." Jason answered in realization and Leo looked him up and down.
"Hm... interesting. Hey Nico can you glue the glass to the stable floor?" He asked throwing him the glass piece. "Jason you can continue this. I'm gonna go work on the mast." He said walking out as they stared in heartbreak. Oh...
@moa-broke-me so I thought of the Leo being Jealous of Nico thing more. You can add stuff if you want, I can not think of what happened next for the life of me.
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crescentpaws · 1 month
Hcs for if Fintans mind broke? (Fintante (i think is called) is ok!)
ok so since it’s technically happened in canon i’ve gotta give my thoughts on that and also other hypothetical scenarios
if his mind had broken after he accidentally killed his friends - the rest of the council would have been devastated i think. because they were already dealing with the grief of losing those five pyrokinetics (which i’m assuming many of them were close to because there were only like 10 people back then.) & now they’ve got to deal with the grief of losing their close friend & coworker too. in this situation though i think they might try to cover it up more… because the general public would still be pissed at fintan for the everblaze incident and i don’t know how they’d react to his mind breaking (sure, he was a beloved councillor, but he also became almost instantly hated after the accident). the council would probably do a planting for him as well but they’d maybe only invite his close friends & family members. idk. it’s complicated. & bronte would be distraught of course. because he’s not fully in his fintan-hating era yet so he still would have been a little bit head over heels for him i think. just a little. maybe. he’s in denial about it though.
after his memory break - since this was an intentional break i think people were less upset. i mean you saw how everyone reacted in everblaze when it was leaked that sophie was going to heal fintan. the public hated his guts! so clearly most of them weren’t that bothered by the break. it probably affected ancients the most, since it’s said that this was the first time a memory break had been ordered on an ancient mind (#trendsetter), and most of the ancients probably knew fintan or worked with him at some point in the past. in everblaze too the councillors seemed to be uncomfortable with fintan’s mind-broken state, so i’m sure after the break they were a bit regretful (especially because they gave him 10 million chances to confess so they clearly wanted to avoid a break at all costs). but they knew they had to do what was best for the elvin world. obviously they all wish they hadn’t ordered him to be healed but i know if kenric hadn’t died and made the topic too dark to be snarky about bronte would be walking around yelling “i told you so.”
if his mind breaks while he’s trapped in his hell prison - more sadness than the memory break but less than if he had broken after the everblaze incident. because he’s still a criminal and a murderer after all (so he doesn’t get a planting. because he didn’t get one even when everyone thought he was dead for real if you remember). still, i think the council might be more prone to feeling guilty in this scenario because it wasn’t intentional break. kind of like “ahh shit we drove him to this it’s all our fault.” and obviously bronte is the one who’s known fintan the longest so he’d be the most sad. or at least that’s what you’d assume. is he sad? is he relieved? is he guilty? is he angry? who knows!!! this is the scenario that would produce the most complicated emotions that i don’t think even the most talented empath could decipher.
^^ and the council would definitely try to cover this up. as far as the public is concerned fintan is still wasting away in his prison (which would technically still be true anyway so.)
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primalruination · 5 months
animal death cw
I think I'm going to step away from social media a bit, our family dog that has been in our family for 15 years had a seizure in the middle of the night and passed away. my mom is so distraught, it honestly hasn't set in for me yet because I'm so worried about her. I'm just going to miss him so much.....
we took him to the crematory this morning. we transported him in the backseat of my car because I didn't want my mom to have that memory of him in the back of her car. he kinda leaked a decent amount into my backseat but it's whatever, my car is overdue for a detail anyways. I'll just have to deal with the smell for a bit. I made the mistake of going back to work and it finally fucking hit me and I broke down in front of one of my coworkers. that dog has been a huge part of our lives since I was 10
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sassyfrassboss · 2 years
Leakings and the British Press
I tend to do some of my best thinking in the shower in the morning. Not sure if it has to do with my brain being fresh in the morning or if the water just pounds good ideas into my brain.
Anyways, after watched both the Anderson Cooper interview and the Michael Strahan interview, both twice, something Harry kept saying over and over again in both interviews stuck with me.
Harry was saying that the palaces, aka William, Charles, and the other royals, would continually brief against, mostly Meghan but Harry as well. Harry claimed that the palaces would collaborate with the British press and plant false stories about Meghan to take attention away from the other senior royals. He said they did this to distract from negative stories about the other senior royals. It was a cover up at Meghan’s expense.
Now I have spent the past few hours racking my brain trying to think about these “negative” stories about the other royals.
As we know, Catherine rarely has anything negative written about her. The top stories that come to mind are “Three Kitchens Kate” her being “work shy” and of course her “fight” with Rose Hanbury.
Charles, well I don’t think anything bad about him came out until after Harry left which was the donations for favors scandal.
William, yeah other than him being work shy or having a temper, and his kids going to a posh expensive school that he pays for out of his own pocket, but that is about all I can think about.
Camilla, well she tends to keep her nose clean as well.
The British press have all expressed their confusion as well over these claims. They keep saying “what negative articles about the other royals!?”
However, all the articles that made Meghan look bad were all of her own doing.
She is the one who demanded a big tiara. She is the one who yelled at The Queen’s chef about the taste of eggs. She is the one who made Catherine and Charlotte cry. She is the one who cried about no one asking if she was okay in a poverty stricken country where girls are raped and murdered daily. She is the one who had a $300k baby shower and her security for it was paid for by the UK taxpayers. She is the one who broke royal protocol over and over again by walking in front of Harry in the processional line and to greet a King. She is the one who planned surprised engagements on days other senior royals have very important speeches or engagements or tours. She is the one who cleared out an entire section at Wimbledon because she was too important to sit with the peasants. She is the one who lied to the palaces about work she knew she was not allowed to do and did it anyways. She is the one who lied on court documents. She is the one who has changed the story more than once and when her inconsistencies are pointed out it isn’t her being a liar but the press being racist.
So how exactly by reporting on the truth were the other palaces leaking or throwing her under the bus? Sure a couple of the instances happened behind closed doors so obviously those were leaked but, from memory, this was around the time that Meghan had started her own PR against the BRF and how they were threatened by her and her star power. She was saying her and Harry left KP because William was a bully. So we got the leaks of the tiara, the egg issue, and Catherine & Charlotte crying.  However, all the other ones, and many more, were there for us to witness with our own eyes and put two and two together. We didn’t need the British press to point out that when another senior royal, especially Catherine or Camilla had something important scheduled, Meghan would show up somewhere as a surprise!
KP even issued denials about stories that WERE true. The stories that Catherine and Meghan were fighting was true and KP issued a statement saying it was a lie. I think the only stories that were false were the copper bath tub and yoga floor, which many people believed Meghan and Harry planted themselves.
So I guess I am just super confused over the "fake" stories about Meghan? I can't recall a single fake article other than the bathtub.
I love how Harry has this attitude that the world cannot form opinions on their own and that us peons believe everything that we read.
This is the dude that fell for a fake phone call and believed in an island doesn’t exist. No questions asked. But yeah…we are the chumps.
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the-romantic-lady · 4 months
How? Beyond tired of people claiming this shit while no one offers ideas how could have been that possible. Its not KP fault that Chuck decided to make a snooze fest out of his prostate the same day, an hour after catherines request for privacy after her major abdominal surgery.
1. First of all, W should have allowed more pics of him visiting Catherine. Because the moment C&C allowed all the photos when they went to hospital and then Cam visiting Charles 3 times per day, it’s why people believe W never visited and that he doesn’t care about his wife. I know they wanted privacy, but still. And maybe allowing Catherine’s family to be pictured too, that’s why we have the narrative of the palace having Catherine lock up or that W did something terrible to her because he didn’t allow her family to visit.
2. Their team should know ALL the guidelines when submitting a picture to the press (not altering the pixels, not even ‘red-eye’ because it’s a big ‘no’ from the agencies), so when Catherine send the picture to the team, they should have said: Ma’am, did you edit the picture? If yes, what did you do, just to be sure you didn’t broke the rules). They are the EXPERTS about dealing with the media, how could they missed that? And the fact that they still threw her under the bus the next day, telling to the press she ‘didn’t tell them’, well…. Also, maybe knowing that W knows a damn about photography, they should have asked Michael Midd to help them.
3. Not saying a damn about the edited picture and less letting Catherine to sign it alone, sure, maybe Catherine wanted to do it, but I would have loved that W would have signed that statement with her at the very least, that’s why we have the narrative of: William throwing her under the bus while she has been battling with Cancer (and honestly that narrative sounds terrible for W).
4. There are many stories of why W didn’t attend his godfather’s memorial at the last minute, but his team said: ‘He didn’t attend for a personal reason, but it isn’t about Catherine, in fact she is doing well’, then KP leaked that he missed the memorial because of Catherine and if the timeline is correct, apparently she started treatment at that time. So, that’s another point when KP started losing trust.
I mean, I agree with Catherine wanting privacy, but when she is this massive figure for the BRF, it was just question of time that people started talking nonsense. And her team failed her miserably, they lost the narrative, the trust and a lot of stuff, even with lack of details, they could have done better.
Damn anon, you went off. All these steps could have made sure Catherine was comfortable and stress free.
It’s hard for us to point these things out because we know what William and Catherine are like. We know that they avoid cringe pdas but KP should not consider us. Consider the rest of the world. They think every little thing is William being a horrible husband blah blah. So why give them something to talk about?
When Catherine was pregnant for the first time and hospitalized, people were just as crazy even leading to the poor nurse’s unaliving. But the palace coordination made sure the whole thing was just a blip. We saw the family visiting, William visiting, clear wording etc.
Yeah, KP truly sucks. They need a much better team for their positions now.
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positivelybeastly · 3 months
Would you be willing to get into some of your partners’ views on your mutation? It seems Trish was less than supportive and Brand saw it as pretty normal but sexy; but they’re not the only people you’ve had relations with. What about Vera? Alison? Cecilia? Simon?
"Trish was . . . hrm."
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". . . I'll step in, to talk about this one."
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"Patricia Tilby was - is a strong willed woman who fights for what she believes in. Ostensibly, those things are justice, freedom of information, and civil liberties, including mutant rights. She believes in honesty and transparency."
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"Patricia Tilby used classified information on the Legacy Virus that she obtained from the Muir Island computers to leak the news to the whole world that the Virus had made the jump to humans. This led to an immediate spike in mutant hate crime, and at least five fatalities that we know were at least indirectly linked to that news report."
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"Patricia Tilby claimed not to be unnerved by my appearance. Patricia Tilby broke off our relationship because she was worried about what other might think about us. About what I actually am. About my current status as a living being. About what I qualify as now. About what I - "
Hank took a deep breath.
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"Patricia Tilby, is not as comfortable with mutants whose X-genes have manifested physically as she claims, or, perhaps, as much as she likes to believe. She is not a bigot, and she is an ally to our cause.
That being said, I would prefer that she be honest, with herself, and with others, before she hurts anyone else."
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". . . Vera was always fine with us. She liked us for us. I feel like we didn't leave things with her as well as we could have, and she was more forgiving than we really deserved."
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"That much is true. She was far kinder to us than we deserved, considering our inadvertent cruelty to her."
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The younger Hank winced a little, rubbing at the back of his neck selfconsciously, hating that he didn't have a defence for himself.
"I loved her, you know. She was . . ."
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"You didn't love her. You never did. And that was always the problem. Don't be dishonest, now, I know you better than you do."
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". . . Alison was always cool with us. She thought the fur was sexy."
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"That she did. Abigail, too. I'd often wake up in the middle of the night to find her tracing the contours of my face, as if committing them to memory. She would just smirk and tell me she was conducting a xenozoological experiment, and then kiss me."
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"Down, boy.
We looked more normal to her than humans, in some respects. Like the father that she seemed to care for more than rest of her family. One could be uncharitable and read something terribly Oedipal into all of that, but I never took it that way. It was - nice, to find that sometimes human prejudice is only human prejudice, and that in some respects, the rest of the galaxy is a little more open-minded. In some respects.
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"Cecilia . . . do you . . . ever think we kinda fumbled things with her? I feel like . . . the fur obviously didn't bother her, and she was the one making the moves a lot of the time. We bugged the bejesus out of her sometimes, but. She liked us. Do you think . . ."
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"Yes. We did. And I do think precisely that. There's a world out there where we didn't let that chance slip out of our fingers, and we're happier for it."
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". . ."
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". . . And Simon, for the record, was once sat right next to me while I wore an image inducer projecting what I would look like at that age in my human form, and didn't so much as look at me, let alone recognise me. I asked him about it later, and he simply shrugged and said, I quote, 'I've never known you as anything other than this. This is just who you are to me.'"
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"Which was. Nice to hear. I rather like just being Hank to someone."
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". . . Though he really shouldn't be included in this answer, given you were asking about romantic partners and people whom I've had relations with. Simon is neither."
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"Yes. Quite."
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". . . We're not gay, anonymous."
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"Stop showing that!"
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magistralucis · 1 year
Still can't get over Djoseras's character arc. Heroically tragic, morally invalidated - structurally genius, since we rediscover him at the same speed Oltyx does, layer by layer as he peels his deceptions away. There is something deeply unhinged about the way Djoseras saw life while he himself was alive, in a way the standard necron contempt towards organics can't match.
He's merciless. He's loving. He's a rival, he's a mentor, he's untrustworthy. He's the best brother Oltyx could have had. He's a mirror for princes. Most of what he says is wrong, because he does not know better, or a lie, because his princehood is an unwilling burden and has become a fundamental dishonesty. He's a terrible DJ. His best friend was his enemy. Spiritually he has joined his brother in exile, setting himself apart in the landscape closest to Sedh their crownworld has to offer. His malice is almost entirely in Oltyx's imagination. He wasn't thinking about how wrong he was about everything 'since [he and Oltyx] spoke in the desert'. He's actually been thinking about it since Oltyx got exiled, spending hundreds of years carving apologies upon his own soldiers. They're even less capable of protesting whatever he brings upon them than they would have as necrontyr. They're not the people he destroyed, and not the people who can grant him forgiveness. If they could throw aside their hierachies and see one another person-to-person, they wouldn't owe him a damn thing, and he knows that and it kills him which is just as well because Oltyx killed him too.
His best-lived self belonged entirely to Oltyx. And Oltyx forgot about him, twisted the memories into something he was not, and he locked Djoseras away where neither he nor his elder brother could reach until it was too late. (Though the moral teachings kept leaking out, like pus from a wound.) Djoseras was already dead from the moment we saw him in the desert. In a way, he too is a 'twice-dead king', except he never wished to be a king and so he just keeps dying and dying until there's nothing more of him left to die. But they're necrons. They're all dead. They don't change, they never come back, only Oltyx can come back and not in a form commonly acknowledged as necron. Djoseras would've had a hard time without being as inflexible as he was, but that was the path he chose and broke like iron he did. There are not enough tears in the world
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