#and then it goes right back into the normal Pokémon music??
blorbonic-plague · 1 year
Pokémon Violet has been pretty fun. The glitches weren’t ever a big deal for me and the frame rate wasn’t super annoying either. But…
Nintendo owes me financial compensation for making me listen to Ed Sheeran in the end credits
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Pls tell me your ideas about their maybe-mom. And also any other ideas you have been playing around with that you are willing to share. Submas homelife hcs are always so interesting and fun esp if they're ones I've never heard before
WAH OKAY!! under a cut because. oh god i talked so much. i didn't realize that was gonna happen oops.
actually the funny thing is i have so many things i'm really solid on abt this character except for her uhhh. name. my first thought was anita virosa joy as a shortened form of amanita virosa (we'll get to why) but there's already a character in unova named after amanita so it feels... weird... and then i was also thinking about shepard joy, bc i think shepherd/shepard is a sort of fun thing to call both her and the subway bosses, and also bc it sort of nods to the only unovans with a full canonical name, the harmonias, who are named after musical tones (ghetsis specifically is named after a tritone), as a reference to shepard tones. but then idk if i want to change anita.
and uh. oh god this post is gonna be 50% talking about names, fuck. but unovan names are generally three parts. they use the roman tria nomina, so it goes first name-last name-last name part 2. which is why AVJ/ASJ, and not just AV/AS or AJ. the majority of the time, the last last name denotes a branch of the family, generally stemming from one person who was notable enough to earn a new one.
anyway, the last part of her name is definitely Joy. this is... getting into the region of hcs where i always sort of stop and go "dude this is pokemon. where are we going with this." but anyway, Pokémon Center Nurses in this hc are also generally referred to as "Nurse Joy," like the anime nurses, because their actual legal name is, always, Joy. this is bc the Joy Nursing Order is very intense as an organization, and it's kind of a requirement to adopt the name as a symbol of dedication. this is also why they all look the same like, down to the hair. Nurse Joy is almost like a character you adopt during work hours. most regions just have the family name and personal name, so you'd be XYZ Joy or Joy XYZ, but since unova has three names, it's not uncommon to see people preserve one part of their family name alongside Joy. i guess she could also be joy shepard? hmm.
...anyway. so yeah. she's a pokémon center nurse! or, a retired one, by the time of bw. and the reason why i'm not sold on her being like their, birth mom? or "adopted through normal legal channels" mom? is i don't think she intended to have. kids. being a nurse joy is kind of a demanding job and she's also super single (albeit pretty extroverted with a large social circle, but not really anyone that's like, coparent-with-me close). this is one of those things i keep going back and forth about, but right now what i'm thinking is that maybe the twins were originally the kids of friends of hers, who were very not prepared for having twins or kids as uhh. demanding. as they were. it might have originally been a temporary thing, where said friends went "hey anita i'm sooo super sorry to do this to you but can you watch them for a while while we uhhhhh leave. thx." and then she was like fucka you i'm keeping them. and they were fairly young but not like, babies at that time, probably somewhere in the 8-12 range. but this is all maybe things. if this IS the scenario, i think they're still vaguely in touch with those people (bc extended family interactions with other bw chars maybe) but probably don't consider them family. anita is their mom, thanks.
outside of being a nurse and their mom, her main hobby is pokemon fostering/rehab. she does both. her home's always overrun with little guys. she'll take more or less any of them, as long as they fit physically in her home lmao, but SPECIFICALLY she really likes poison types. her main partner's probably an amoonguss. (this is why the amanita virosa connection.) her one major deviation from the Nurse Joy Uniform is all of the bandaids and such because her hands & arms are perpetually fucked up. it's fine tho. she's used to it. a small price to pay for poison type.
relatedly i think the garbodor on the subway boss teams is actually from her originally. one of her major life goals has been a campaign to get larger unovan cities to shift from trubbish eradication efforts & perceiving them as pests towards actually treating them as worker pokemon, and giving them better care, with alolan grimer and muk and galarian weezing being a major source of inspiration. garbage pokemon are a known phenomenon! if you treat them right they will not be deadly!! she's actually been making pretty good progress on this one, esp. after she retired and could devote more time to it, and esp. in nimbasa city for no reason in particular.
while a lot of it is their own personal thing, i think she also encouraged parts of the twins' specific attitude towards responsibilities and like, general life philosophy. like, "you always have a duty to work with the task or the problem that's in front of you, to improve things for the people around you," etc. which is also sort of a joy nursing order attitude but she takes it to heart and applies it to the rest of her life in a very specific way. and then they took that and put their own spin on it.
i think she lives in anville town, maybe? somewhere where she can have a big enough house and yard to have two kids and a rotating cast of pokes, so not the city, lol. she's close with them still, and they visit pretty frequently (it helps that it's so easy for them if she's in anville) and also sometimes have pokemon for her or will help rehome some of them. and then she's friends with quite a lot of the town, and has established favor exchanges with them (mostly consisting of "anita my purrloin has a cold" or "anita i have a cold") so she was able to lean on quite a few other people to help look after these twins she'd... acquired... when she was busy with work. although they would have probably also come in to the pokemon center with her sometimes!
aaaaaand that's pretty much the whole character brief i think! there are other more minor things but i don't want this to be a mile long, lol, and most of it is "idk maybe" stuff. if you read this the whole way uhhh. thanks! i hope you enjoyed. like i said i had a lot of thoughts about her lmao.
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islamicbiotic · 11 months
So… I finished the Kalos anime. I like Pokémon, I posted about it in general, and not the show before, because I’m grown, but… ok, I’ve heard some stuff about it, and I had the Pokémon TV app because they also have the movies and sometimes you need a free Pokémon movie?
I… did not expect it to be like THAT. I did not expect a 6-part, borderline-Xenoblade-style finale in terms of length and how balls-to-the-wall it was.
-Serena reminded me a lot of someone close to me I lost a year and a half ago. It’s bittersweet, but mostly sweet. I like seeing parts of him in her. And they kissed! They had a gd Airport Kiss at the end!
-Ash had a good team? I mean… some of those moves are questionable but he had a good team! Never mind that Greninja, Goodra and Talonflame are all on the same X team I need every play through. Also, they all had their own story arcs!
-I didn’t watch the Mega Evolution 4-parter. And yes, I was confused as to what’s going on with Alain (let alone that bizarre outfit), and Marin and Chespie up until they said “Oh, Chespie ingested some Zygarde cells and went into a coma… and also started glowing”. I still don’t know why it looks like Alain shit his pants.
-I liked Sawyer, having a rival who was straight-up Ash’s friend and could go toe-to-toe with him like that was good. Although… I don’t like his voice. His outfit is a little weird, but it looks normal for Pokémon.
-Pokémon Showcase… is just like Pokémon contests in the games? Except I remember as a kid they battled in the anime contests and not the game ones, and I guess they had to call it something else.
-They didn’t need to make the Bonnie episodes THAT sad, but they went there. “That sweet old lady in the hospital has to be reunited with Flabebe!” “Lapras got sick and separated from its family!” “Oh, Tyrantrum can’t stay with us, he has to go back to the lab!”. And all the while Narrator Guy finishes off that last one speaking as if someone passed away. And don’t get me started on those times Squishy ran away because of his spidey-sense or was kidnapped by Team Flare.
-No matter how we feel about AI, we can all agree Clembot was a real one, right?
-The Gym Leaders had a lot more personality than in the games. Personal favorite goes to Olympia, whose visions made her borderline unhinged lol.
-I didn’t even get to the animation, which was a lot. But in a good way. Especially for the gyms and Showcases. I’m gonna think about those finals for a while. I feel like Ash had to lose because it means he has another mountain to climb, but… the gold Shuriken! That’s gotta count for something!
-The music was also… actually really good?
-Not related to anything but I hope Narrator Guy is set for life after so many years of service to the show.
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I've been reading some Pokémon creepypastas for about an hour. The one that was the most confusing was Strangled Red. Here's the entire story. I'm posting a summary. It's stupid long so I'm putting it under the cut. If you like reading, go ahead. Warnings, dark elements, death, basic creepypasta warnings.
The player gets a free Pokémon Red game from their neighbors trash. The neighbors kid wants the game but doesn't have the DS(?). On the cartridge, it has the normal Charzard with some of the sticker torn off right over its neck. (Pay attention to that detail, it pops up later) When the player gets home, he plays the game. In the game, it takes place a year before the events in Pokémon Red, with a trainer named Steven. He has had a charmander named Miki. He was well known as a friend to the people in Pallet Town. His rival was his brother, Mike. They both wanted to be champions. Steven avoided The Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town, saying he had no reason to be there. Time skip to the battle, he won. And he and his brother shook hands and congratulated each other. Time skip to back at their home, Mike wants to finish his Pokédex and he needs Steven's charzard Miki. During the trade, it snapped Miki's neck, killing her. Time skip to a year later, Steven is at the grave of Miki. He had given up being champion. (Hence why in the Red and Blue games there's no champion to fight but your rival) As Steven is walking away, he hunches lower and lower, until he reaches the door and he is on his knees. As he walks away again, people are trying to help him by bringing his spirits up again, and telling him it's ok and accidents happen. When he gets home he goes to bed. Wakes up at night and goes to find Missingno. (AKA the glitch Pokémon or Missing Number) He finds Missingno and doesn't even throw a Pokéball to catch it. It instead becomes an item. As he walks through Lavender Town, people are turning their backs on him and saying things like, "don't do it", "sometimes dead is better" etc. Steven's bame changed to S!3v3n. When he gets to Miki's grave it says, S!3v3n used "IT". Then says he claimed M@#$. Then he went back home, and M@#$'s options are,
->STATUS"Its her…"
->STRANGLE . (I literally copied that from the Wiki)
The player picked strangle because it wouldn't let them pick the rest, and there was nothing but a snap. Mike's neck was snapped. The game shut itself off, leaving the player dumbfounded. They turned it back on, the title screen showing the manic S!3v3n and a horribly glitched Charizard. They pressed start, then Continue. All they saw was a zoomed out view of Pallet Town, showing Steven's home to the west, tall grass surrounding it, those unmovable stones blocking it from the rest of the town.The image was completely static, no music, no movement, before fading to white, going back to the title screen. It was as it had been when they first popped it in. A trainer and a Charizard. They attempted to hit continue.
"… No…"
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(Downloaded image from the Wiki) That's basicly the summary of Strangled Red. Yes, I copied and pasted the end with some edits. Turning it into a third person view instead of a first person. The story is very messed up and twisted. Worse than Snow on Mount Silver. I may have missed some key details in the summary, but I got most.
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ghostspiritnovel · 1 year
GhostSpirit: Chapter 1
Evan Ghost steps out of the shower, towels wrapped around his head and waist. He grabs his phone and turns down the music he was playing. It's Twenty One Pilots. He looks into the mirror at his chest. Two light scars can be seen. He smiles. It has been a year since his family where able to get him top surgery. He is proud of this fact.
"Its a trophy for all the BS life throws at me, at least I can be happy in my own skin finally."
He rushes to his room to get changed. Black hoodie, blue pants with a white stripe around the thighs, and signature red beanie. With comfy clothes on he heads to the bathroom again. Looking in the mirror again, bright orange hair is a mess. Would be worse putting on the beanie now. His hair is moderately long, just enough to come down to the middle of his neck or so and peek out the back of the hat. He oddly finds brushing his hair relaxing. Texture reasons. Nice and smooth the brush slides though. His eyes are two colors, red and purple. Normally the his hair fringe hides the red one. Something about it just felt. .. Odd.
"Evan!" A woman's voice shouts from downstairs. "Are you almost done? Don't you have a call with your friends soon?"
He perks up "Oh yea! I do! Thanks mom!!... I can't believe I almost forgot."
He leaves the bathroom ready for the day.
Its 1:02pm...
Before heading to his room he heads downstairs led by his stomach and the taste for something that is not water.
"Hi mom." he says looking though the fridge. "Do we have any mango nectar juice stuff?"
Evan's mom, Cynthia Ghost, is making breakfast for lunch. "Did you drink the gallon already? We just got that!"
"Haha! I found it... damn. One cup left. Ah well." He closes the fridge and takes the mango drink to the counter.
"Evan, you know I'm proud of you right?"
He turns to his mom after grabbing a cup from the cabinet. "What did I do this time?" He asks knowing that this is a good thing and not a normal "oh no what did I do bad" thing.
"Your decision to go independent. The move."
"Oh, yea, " Even completely blocked this from his mind. Too overwhelming. "Yea, I mean like, life is a thing heh."
"Would you like some help packing?"
"PLEASE!" he finishes pouring out the drink and goes to toss the gallon jug in the recycling.
"I know, its scary, you're going to a nice place. I grew up there." She says this with a sadness.
Evan doesn't pick up on it instead thinking "ok its safe if mom lived there."
He quickly glances at the time.
Evan takes his mango deliciousness upstairs to his room and sets it on a green resin coaster with a Bulbasaur Pokémon card embedded into it. He opens up discord. The call has already started.
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
New Life
Summary: Finally you will move to Duskwood and start a new life. A moving with the help of the chaotic Duskwood Squad and a shamed hacker with the wrong moving box, can it be more beautiful?
Pairing: Group & Fem!MC x Jake
Words: 4,4 k
A/n: Welcome to this OneShot. After a long time something of my own. I dreamed about it and so the idea came. So I hope you’ll like it and have fun. Excuse the mistakes etc etc etc.
Take care and stay healthy! Much love.❤️
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4 a.m.
"Shit" you hiss annoyed and look at the stain of coffee on the floor, which was sweped in your haste over the edge of the cup, "My poor coffee".
Because of sorrow you forgot again why you even walked to the door.
You want to make your way to get a cloth when it rings again, "Oh right" you shake your head over your forgetfulness. It’s just too early for you.
Quickly you open the door to your apartment and look in two radiant faces belonging to Dan and Richy, your heroes of the day.
"Good morning" both say at the same time and you would just like to crawl back into bed.
"Good morning guys, come in. Careful not to step on the coffee, he did not deserve it"
Hectically you put your cup next to the door on the small dresser to go to the kitchen and get something to wipe away.
"Why are you in such a hurry?" Dan asks you as you come back with quick steps.
"You look tired, haven’t you slept?" Richy asks, grinning, you shake your head.
"Only about half an hour and that was an accident. I didn’t want to sleep," you explain.
"Why?" Richy looks around the almost empty apartment. All that’s left are only the biggest furniture you’ll be taking with you and a lot of moving boxes.
"I had to pack so much stuff and besides I was really excited. Do any of you want coffee? I made more, and I left two more cups outside." You’re offering.
The eyes of both men grow big,"I certainly don’t say no to coffee," Richy jokes and follows you into the kitchen.
"Just take what you need. I still have to pack the rest of my clothes and the stuff from the bathroom" You already ran off only to then make a 180 degree turn, "My cup" you mumble and grab it.
"MC, let’s take it easy, we have all the time in the world," Dan rebukes you and you sighing.
"I’m sorry, I’m probably more excited than I thought," you apologize and drop into the chair at your kitchen table.
"This is normal. You don’t move to a completely strange and creepy city every day," Richy throws in and immediately gets a nasty look from Dan.
"Are you serious?" he asks, "You’re not making it better!"
Richy looks embarrassed in your a little desperate face, "But for that, this will be the coolest time of your life!" he tries to save the situation, "Hey, think about it, the Duskwood Squad is finally completely united in a few hours!"
The prospect of the time you are about to be with your friends, and that always without having to go home, also makes you smile like the two men
"But it’s about time, Shorty, we miss you at our place.
A visit every few months is simply not enough, or just for one night over the weekend. You should have seen the girls the last days, there was no rest"
Dan finds just the right words to calm you down. You’ve waited so long to move to Duskwood, and now it’s finally time. A new phase in your life with a group of good friends that you met during a worst-case similar situation.
Since then, there hasn’t been a day when you haven’t written or spoken on the phone. You’ve played so much Doodle Splash to pass the time for your next visit that you feel like you’ve painted more than Picasso ever did
"You are right! " you agree resolutely, "time for the best time of my life! "
"I actually thought you had a few less things," Richy stands breathless in your apartment door. Of course, the big things, like your couch, your bed and your desk, were brought into the truck first which Richy borrowed from a friend company for removals.
And now for about 20 minutes you’ve been carrying one box after the other downwards to store it. In between, even one of your neighbors came to help, who actually wanted to go to work but still had a few minutes.
"That’s because the boxes are too small," you joke, and Richy looks at you with a look that clearly says 'You don’t believe that yourself'.
Defending you raise your hands and push with your foot another box over to him, which he can bring down.
About 10 minutes later, in which you had to take out all the boxes again, and put them back in, you put down the last box in your hallway. Behind you, Dan and Richy come up the stairs as you pull the little key to your former apartment out of your pocket and sigh.
"Finish!" Richy cheers and puts an arm around your shoulders, "Are you ready?" Dan asks you and you nod. A little sad, you put the key in the keyhole one last time and lock up.
Dan takes the last box from you and you go down the stairs together. You throw the key into the mailbox as agreed with your landlord and turn around one last time.
Determined not to be sad or rather melancholic, you climb forward into the truck behind Richy while Dan closes the big cargo hatch.
He himself gets into the driver’s seat.
"Let’s go into your new life" he announces solemnly as he starts the engine.
"Into a new life"
"I wanna be the very best!
Like no one ever was!
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause" you all shout the theme music of Pokémon.
Richy has turned on his playlist where all the songs you can only imagine are. You’ve been driving for about an hour and a half.
"POKÉMON!" Richy screams and throws his hand into the air.
"Don’t shout!" Dan grumbles and gives him a annoyed look, "You just screamed too!" the mechanic defends himself and twists his eyes. "I need another coffee, I’m driving to the next rest stop, otherwise I won’t make it for the next two hours," says Dan and you agree.
At the gas station you get yourself a new coffee and a snack. Actually 3 hours are not so much driving, but with the grumpy Dan and the lively Richy, who are two clowns at the same time, it can be exhausting.
After you get back to the truck, and this time Richy drives on, you actually managed to fall asleep after half an hour.
"Wake up, Shorty" you hear the voice of the bearded man far away, "We are almost there," he explains and you open your eyes. You need a short moment to realize where you are and what’s going on, but then you straighten up. Your head was lying on Dan’s shoulder.
"Sorry" you mumble and stretch as much as possible with so little space." It’s fine. I almost slept myself" he waves off and you just nod. No wonder, the two boys also left at 1 a.m., to be with you in time.
In fact, you can already see that you will reach the entrance of Duskwood in about 5 minutes. You’ve been driving this way so many times, you know the way around, like in your own hometown.
"I’m so glad I don’t have to drive any further," Richy whines and drums with his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song that sounds quietly from the radio.
"When the truck is empty, you have to bring it back" Dan reminds him. Without going into the mocking comment, the mechanic turns the radio a little louder.
When the sign 'Welcome to Duskwood' appears in your sight, you start to grin broadly. Nervously you slide back and forth on the seat and bite your lower lip.
Richy crosses the border into the small town with secrets you still have learned to love.
"Welcome to Duskwood" Richy congratulates you and you happily clap your hands.
Welcome new life.
When you turn into the street where your apartment is, very close to Jessy’s, you almost jump up from your seat. Just the seatbelt holds you back when you see the rest of the group standing outside the door: Jessy, Cleo, Thomas, Lilly and Hannah.
All 5 wave wildly and Richy pushes twice on the horn to greet. As far as the side of the road goes, Richy stops the truck and you quickly unbuckle yourself. You rip the door, and without using the stairs, you jump out of the car, "Leave the door where it belongs!" you hear Richy shout, but you’ve been on your way down for a long time.
"Hello" calls all of you in a choir as a tight and not quite gentle hug with the 4 girls takes place. All at the same time you fall into each other’s arms. Compliments are exchanged and joy about the move announced.
"You pretend you haven’t seen each other for four years!" you hear Richy laugh and roll his eyes. "That’s how it feels," Hannah chuckles next to you.
"Hello MC" Thomas shouts amused and you stretch an arm in the air and waves in an indefinite direction, "Hello Thomas, I don’t know where you stand but HI!"
After you finally broke up from each other, Hannah holds out your new front door key that she kept for you. She was the one who looked for apartments for you on the spot when you couldn’t be here. She took over the visits and took pictures. If it was possible, she took you with her through a video call.
"Congratulations MC, welcome to the family" she smiles.
"Thank you folks, it’s so nice to finally be here!"
After you have arrived correctly and you have looked at your apartment once again in empty state, you have started to bring everything into the apartment. Now, of course, things are moving much faster with more people.
You’ve built up in the stairwell to the second floor: Dan, Richy, Thomas, Cleo, Lilly, Jessy, Hannah and you.
In a row your carton reaches from person to person and quickly most of it is done. From your apartment comes music that you run via a Bluetooth speaker. Fortunately, you have labeled everything so that after all the boxes are in your apartment, you only have to push them into the right rooms. And then the big things come.
The three of them, Thomas Richy and Dan carry the sofa upstairs.
You just stand by with a slightly nervous face and hope no one gets hurt.
"You have to be careful! The sofa is tipping!" Dan shouts loudly as Richy tries another handle.
"I know! But I don’t want this thing to fall on my foot," Richy hisses. Thomas, who supports the side, only twists his eyes.
All the important parts are now in your apartment. Now, the truck is empty and ready to be brought back.
"Okay, I’ll bring the truck away, and you start here. I’ll come back when you’re done and I can get the beer I earned," Richy jokes as he takes the key off the kitchen table.
"You get nothing" you call laughing after him, "Oh wait until the man Without Face learns of your sin. To deny a working man his beer is bad!"
Laughing, you shake your head, "I’m waiting for the next new moon."
"How can you always joke about it?" Jessy asks without understanding.
"Well, that’s just relief," you explain and smile at her calmly.
4 hours, a lot of laughter, bad jokes, quarrels and almost broken furniture later, the most important is on the right place. The bed is built up and ready for the first night in the new apartment, in your new life.
"How’s your thumb, Richy?" Ask the sulking mechanic carefully.
"All right, I can take a lot, I’ll survive," he calms you down and presses the cooling pad more firmly on his finger.
A lot went wrong trying to build your wardrobe. Someone had forgotten a screw when the ceiling was mounted.
The moment Richy tried to hit a nail with a hammer in the lower area, the ceiling came loose and fell down.
Both side walls of the cabinet fell into each other, and Richy accidentally punched hit his thumb. For a few seconds you were all just staring at each other and then laughing. Fortunately, Richy’s injury wasn’t that bad, but you gave him something to cool down with.
And now almost everything is ready. There are only a few boxes missing, but you will take over yourself." Thanks for your great help, guys! Many thanks to Richy and Dan who picked me up and drove so long. And of course, thank you all so much for helping me here!"
You’re all sitting around the table in your living room. You’re sitting next to Jessy on the floor while everyone else is comfortable on the sofa and armchair.
"And again, for the thousandth time today; Welcome to Duskwood MC" Hannah cheers and keeps her beer up. All together you toast.
"I’m so tired," Dan mutters, sipping his drink." Oh yes, so am I," joins Richy and you nod.
"But it was worth it" Lilly smiles and looks around, "And as soon as it’s done, it can only be great!"
"Perfect!" Hannah improves her sister.
"Indescribable" agrees Jessy.
"See you guys tomorrow!" you call after the group and close the door.
Just a short and quiet moment you close your eyes exhausted. Preferably you just want to go to bed, but first you still want to unpack a little more.
The sound that tells you that you have received a message pulls you out of your mind.
You pull out your phone and smile when you see that it is Jake who wrote to you.
Jake: Hello, MC.
Jake: How did the move go?
MC: Hi, Jake. Pretty good, I’d say, exhausting and stressful, but good.
Jake: Have you finished?
MC: No, not quite, I do the rest myself, the others have done enough.
Jake: Do you like the apartment?
You grin, he has improved his skills for small talk since you met and Hannah return.
MC: Yes, it’s really nice, do you want to come? You can look around.
Hopeful you stare at the screen. It would be really nice to see Jake today.
What this is between you, you don’t know for sure, sometimes it goes ahead and sometimes back. You’ve seen each other a few times since Hannah was rescued. Mostly here in Duskwood.
After a difficult time between the three siblings and still the problem with Jake’s pursuers, everything has improved.
However he did it, he managed to turn all the tracks that linked him to the suspicion so that they no longer point to him. He is still very careful and occasionally travels from town to town for a few weeks but most of the time he is in Duskwood. This is where you first met.
After the first conversation between Hannah, Lilly and Jake and a lot of explanations, the hacker decided to take an apartment here to catch up the time with his sisters. Since then, he has also become a little more open and better in interpersonal relationships.
At some point he was in the vicinity of your old place of residence and then it happened that you have a day to drink coffee. And the next day in your apartment. The beginnings were sometimes a little difficult because of him because he really didn’t talk much, but after some time it became really nice. There was even a kiss. Your first kiss together.
It was on your balcony and it was at night, under the stars. But since then, not much exciting has happened, unfortunately.
Jake: I think I’d just bother you unpacking.
MC: Bullshit, of course not, I could use a little quieter company after the whole group was there :)
Jake: Don’t you want to go to sleep soon? You must be tired.
MC: Jake, don’t make excuses, if you don’t want to, you can just say no, that’s not bad for me. But I promise I’d be happy if you were here.
You watch him start writing and then delete the message.
Jake: I’m on my way :)
Without answering his message, you close your phone and stare at the bare wall facing you for seconds.
Then you can’t stop yourself from doing a little joy dance, "Yess!" you hisses and grins all over your face.
Jake won’t be long before he gets here, so you decide to clean up the empty bottles and candy that are still on the table.
Although it’s only about 10 minutes to wait, it feels like a half an eternity until it finally rings.
Before you open the door, shake all your limbs to loosen up and clear your throat.
Then you open the door.
The hacker, dressed in black as always, stands with a slight smile in your hallway, "Hello MC" he greets you with his melodic voice.
Immediately you get very warm and you try to keep your own smile small, "Hi Jake. Come in" you walk to the side to let him in.
Jake actually knows your apartment already.
Officially, you don’t know anything about this. But off the record, Hannah told you.
You couldn’t handle the handover of the apartment yourself, so Hannah did it for you, and Jake was with her. He had only told her that he was bored and wanted to come along, but when he looked around and said some things like, "MC has enough space here" and "This will be a good place for her" she realized that he just came to make sure the place was nice enough for you.
Nevertheless, he now curiously lets his gaze wander through the now filled apartment.
"When it is done, it will look really nice" he confirms after you have shown him everything, as well as explained the room layout.
"Yes, I think so," you agree and smile.
"What are you going to do next?" he asks, pointing to the boxes in which your clothes are still to be cleared into the closet.
"That’s exactly what" you answer and kick one of the boxes, "You can sit on the bed if you want, while I unpack," you are proposing and tear the tape off the cardboard.
"I can help you if you don’t mind," he offers and you nod, "Sure, if you want"
Cleaning up with the group was really fun, but now with Jake, it’s beautiful. The atmosphere is calm, not stressful or a mess. You talk about everything that comes to mind while Jake keeps holding clothes in front of your face so you can tell him where it belongs.
Two boxes are already empty. In your second one there is still a little bit inside and Jake is also on his way to get a new one. You watch him as he opens the box, only to close it again immediately afterwards. His cheeks turn pure red and his eyes squint nervously at you, "Uhm, I think I’ll take the box first" he mumbles and you can hear the trembling in his voice only too well.
"Why? What’s going on?" you wonder about his reaction.
"Nothing at all, everything okay, here’s another one" he scratches nervously in the neck and does not look at you when talking.
Skeptically you walk over to the box to take a look inside. When you open it, you quickly realize the reason for his shamed behavior.
Your underwear. You decide not to say anything to make it even more unpleasant for him, but you cannot hide the smile on your lips.
For the next few minutes, it’s quiet until it rings at your door. You look at your watch in wonder. It’s just before 9, and you’re not expecting anyone today.
"Be right back," you inform Jake, "And keep your hands off my underwear," as you disappear out the door, you can see him raising his head in a flash, staring at you with big eyes. Laughing you open the door, "Phil?" you ask surprised when you see Jessy’s brother standing there. Phil has also become a good friend of yours, you visited Aurora as a group several times when you were here.
"Hi MC" he greets you, "I hope I’m not interrupting? I actually have to leave right away again, the Aurora is crowded today.I just wanted to stop by and greet you in Duskwood and congratulate you on your move" he smiles his typical charming smile as you hug briefly, "Thanks Phil" you nod grateful. He separates from you and then does not joyfully pull up an eyebrow, he looks behind you and you turn around as well. Jake is standing in the living room and has the same annoyed look as Phil on his face.
"Have fun, you two," Phil grins a little cocky and puts his arms around you again, just quick.
As he disappears down the stairs, he still calls, "We have to do something together in the next few days."
You slowly close the door and turn around with a wide grin to Jake, who still looks dark at the door. Yeah, that Phil and Jake don’t like each other hasn’t changed. On the contrary.
Jake finds Phil is the most unsympathetic person in the world, and Phil thinks he’s better for you than Jake is.
When Jake frees himself from his rigidity, his attention falls on you. You bite your lower lips and put a hand in front your mouth to stop your next words. Even the hacker seems to know what is going on and looks warn, "Don’t say it"
Innocently you raise your eyebrows, "What? I don’t know what you mean, do you mean? -"
"Stop" Jake stops you and heads back to the bedroom.
"What? Shouldn’t I say that you-"
"MC" he threatens.
"Are you jealous?" it bursts out of you and groaning Jake drops his head in the neck, "You really need to say this, don’t you?"
After you keep teasing Jake with it, you decided to stop for today. You two ordered a pizza and a drink, because you don’t have much here, except for the beer Hannah bought.
You had the TV running quietly but didn’t pay attention to it. Jake asked you what your wishes and hopes are in for your new life, and you talked about the time with the Man Without a Face. Until now, you’ve only talked to him about it. Just a little bit with Hannah but somehow you’re still not ready to deal with all this. The occasional jokes about it will help you soothe your thoughts a little.
During your conversation, you accidentally fell asleep. The hacker didn’t know what to do, he doesn’t want to wake you, but he also doesn’t want to leave without saying anything. After watching you for 20 minutes and thinking about your relationship, he felt weird just looking at you while you're sleeping. So he decided to leave.
However, you seem to have noticed this immediately because the moment he opens the door, your eyes open.
"Wait" you stop him and he looks at you frightened, "If you leave now while I sleep, then I feel like I was a one night stand," you joke and and he grins.
"You’re much more than that," he replies quietly. You raising your upper body, and a little shy, stroking the fluffy pillow on your couch.
"Can you.. can you stay, Jake?" Your voice is quiet, tired and a little nervous, "I feel uncomfortable being here alone the first night," you admit. You had this feeling the first time while you built up the bed. Even though the Man without a face is in prison and you’re safe, you still have this unpleasant ulterior motive.
He seems to think about, but without you telling him, he understands what you’re worried about.
"All right" he sighs and closes the door again.
"You can sleep in the bed, I’ll take the couch," you say and get up to get a blanket and a pillow.
"No, the other way around. You should sleep in your bed, your day was exhausting and you need to rest"
Before this discussion can be extended, you decide to make a short process, "Okay, you have two options now. Either you sleep with me in bed, or we both sleep on the couch. 'Cause I’m not gonna ask you to stay here for me, and then let you sleep there!"
The hacker stops briefly, turns slightly red but then grins, "I don’t have a chance anyway, do I?" he asks.
You shake your head, "Not without a war"
Luckily, you are in possession of a much too large sweatpants which fits him only narrowly, but fits.
The room is dark and it is completely quiet in the whole apartment. You try to be inconspicuous, and slide a bit towards him. You know he’s not asleep yet, and when he doesn’t try to stop you, you get a whole lot closer.
You hear Jake lifting the blanket, the invitation to come to him entirely.You don’t take your time but slide so close that you can put your head on his chest and he puts an arm around you. Immediately its beautiful smell envelops you and your pulse accelerates many times. Even his heart you hear racing what makes you smile.
"Do you know how many times I dreamed about it?" he whispers into the darkness and your heart makes a leap, "No, but if it was only half as often as I did, then I can imagine it," you answer and a quiet laugh vibrates in his chest.
"Good night, MC, see you tomorrow"
"Good night, Jake," you whisper, and then you feel his lips flapping softly over your forehead, just a touch, like a breeze. But for you, it means the world.
Welcome new life, you mean well with me.
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ranger-rai · 2 years
What’s your favorite thing to do with your Pokémon when you have free time?
Oh man, we do a lot of things.
We fo some of the normal things like training and what not, but I do have some special activities either a few of my pokemon.
Bliss: with her we actually have taken up gardening and watering plants and berries in the nearby area.
She wants to give back to the smaller pokemon in the areas, and we even made some small fruit and veggies gardens that they can pull from as well as one in the back of the house.
Kuriboh: he LOVES so many things, and right now he loves ninjas, so I'll pratice ninja skills with him like hide and seek and shuriken throwing (with toys or razor leaf)
He is very excitable so sometimes he just likes going to a park to play or show off, but I love letting him get to play.
He also thinks my bike is cool and will try to help or just try watching while I'm working on it.
Sylvester: this big guy also loves to help with gardening but he also really loves having movie nights,
but since he's too big for the house, I'll set up an outside movie theater with a projector and lots of pillows.
Skip: He's kinda up for anything, but he loves music and sounds.
Recently he likes to listen to music with me and record or sample them or sounds from different places to make new little sound mixes to mess with people, he also can make some pretty good beats.
He also really loves going into the city and seeing all of the tech and people so we people watch a good bit.
The Duke: Not officially mine but I do meet him once or twice a week to spar with him one on one,
I still have yet to beat him, but he seems to really enjoy it so I just need to get stronger.
Runt: he loves to run, and explore so when we have free time he just goes nuts anywhere he can just run.
I've also just discovered that he is really good at finding buried items, so I've been taking him to the beach to dig things up, and he just can't get enough of it.
Rita: she's an interesting one, as she mostly tags along with Runt, but only because she doesn't like leaving him alone.
She doesn't seem too interested in a lot of things, but I have recently caught her watching me doing stuff, mostly when I'm in the garage, but she pretends like she doesn't want to, so I've started leaving a cushioned chair in there for her, and some times she comes in while I'm working on my bike.
She will usually just chill with me when I offer her a snack and we just chill without talking for a bit.
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suunnysyde · 3 years
Haikyuu x reader headcannons
Guess what mamas 🙄
I died, decided to write Haikyuu headcannons for when they’re dating you, and voila! Bon appetite.
I made these for what?? Nothing, so I decided better get some use out of it.
* I tried to not make it too biased on anything, for example not many milk mentions for Kageyama or video games for Kenma. I slipped a few times oops.
Content under tag cause its a long one lmao
- You and Alisa dress each other up.
- Alisa would take you shopping for your dates with Lev ( or her )
- You hype Yachi up when she feels down.
- You play volleyball with Kiyoko sometimes, that’s partly why she got good.
- Yachi probably has a lower than normal immune system so you’re taking her of her a lot, think of it as a way of giving back to her.
- Kiyoko prepares the most extravagant dates for you, if you ask why she merely says “only the best for my lover.”
- Kageyama would file your nails while you talk if he sees you picking on them.
- Hinata would go to school with his nails painted because his sister painted them. On that note, Hinata would paint your nails if you needed help on your non-dominant hand.
- Tsukishima and Akaashi would grab your hand when they’re nervous and squeeze it gently.
- Asahi likes it when you play with his hair.
- Dates with Yamaguchi would either be ordering take-out and binging anime or just cuddling and sleeping.
- Nishinoya would teach you ‘Rolling Thunder’ if you asked.
- Nishinoya also really likes it when you play with his hair.
- You and Tsukishima have study dates at a cafe and eat strawberry shortcake.
- Sometimes Sugawara goes to your house to cook for you. Or you both cook together and then share it to the team as a treat.
- Daichi would take you out to a carnival and win whatever you want for you.
- Nishinoya’s grandfather adores you, and always asks how you are. And scolds Nishinoya in front of you sometimes, saying how he should treat you right.
- Tsukishima would make playlists with songs that remind him of you.
- You let Yamaguchi explain volleyball shenanigans so he remembers them.
- Kageyama *loves* getting hugs from you, but doesn’t start them in fear you don’t want to reciprocate the hug.
- If you play volleyball you practice spiking with Hinata so he can practice receiving.
- You and Asahi go to movie drive ins and cuddle in the backseat.
- If you do something to Asahi’s hair, like a hairstyle, he would wear it around without taking it off. Nishinoya comments on his hair saying how he’s lucky to have a girl like you.
- The pretty setter squad ( specifically Kageyama, Kenma, Akaashi and Oikawa ) are all really observant so if you have some random cut they’ll and you don’t notice they’ll put a bandaid on you.
- Daichi keeps a note on his phone on things you like and don’t like plus things you’ve said.
- Tsukishima let’s you wear his glasses when you two are alone, he enjoys seeing you happy. Even if he doesn’t admit it.
- If you have freckles Hinata would count them and draw constellations on your face. ( bonus: he kisses each individual freckle )
- Kageyama tries to braid your hair, he’ll probably just tangle it though.
- Kenma knows how to braid hair pretty well, so he would often practice on you, if you have short hair small braids.
- Kenma also likes to rest his head near your neck, it feels like you’re somehow protecting him from the outside world.
- Kuroo takes you on beach dates during summer vacation.
- You and Kuroo would throw insults at each other to see who gets mad first, loser normally buys food. On that note if you’re close to breaking and you’ve lost twice in a row he’ll call quits.
- The pretty setter squad ( specifically Kageyama, Kenma, Akaashi and Oikawa ) are all really observant so if you have some random cut they’ll and you don’t notice they’ll put a bandaid on you.
- Kenma would name his starter Pokémon after you, since he keeps his starter till the end. ( bonus: uses a lot of potions on you so you don’t faint )
- Kenma gets you stuffed animals when he goes to the arcade.
- Yaku treats your wounds if you trip and scrape your knee. ( carries first aid kit for his wounds )
- Alisa would take you shopping for your dates with Lev ( or her )
- Tsukishima and Akaashi would grab your hand when they’re nervous and squeeze it gently.
- Bokuto often calls you at 3am to ask you to go with him to a supermarket or to tell you he’s outside your house.
- Akaashi would help you study for your exams, he can quickly grasp any subject’s basics.
- Akaashi would read you what he’s reading at the moment, or a resumen of what’s happening.
- TW: SWEAR // Kenma is shit at 8ball so he tends so ignore your 8ball advances.
- The pretty setter squad ( specifically Kageyama, Kenma, Akaashi and Oikawa ) are all really observant so if you have some random cut they’ll and you don’t notice they’ll put a bandaid on you.
- You and Bokuto dance in the rain even if Akaashi advises against it because you two always get sick afterwards.
- Bokuto loves PDA and showing you off in general ( “HEY GUYS! LOOK AT MY BEAUTIFUL LOVER!” )
- Iwaizumi does work out dates ( pls his muscles )
- You and Oikawa would watch crappy movies and judge them. Especially sappy romance movies, though he jokes about going on cheesy dates with you.
- The pretty setter squad ( specifically Kageyama, Kenma, Akaashi and Oikawa ) are all really observant so if you have some random cut they’ll and you don’t notice they’ll put a bandaid on you.
- Oikawa would ask you to make him lunches as he adores your cooking.
- Iwaizumi makes you lunches, pretty good cook.
- If any of his fangirl do anything to you Oikawa will not hesitate to scold them, he won’t leave your side afterwards for a week.
- Tendo and Futakuchi would start prank wars with you.
- Tendo once joked about committing arson with you. ( once, for now )
- Tendo brought you to an abandoned building with pizza and you both ate pizza at the rooftop before stargazing.
- Tendo has joked frequently about stealing a stop sign though, it’s on his bucket list on things to do with you.
- //TIMESKIP Tendo makes you chocolate for when you’re on your period ( if you like chocolate )
- Ushijima *never* gets sick. Bacteria are scared of him.
- Tendō always talks to you about the latest manga and encourages you to read it with him.
- Terushima once brought you out to a laser tag date, it got intense. He lost. No mercy.
- Terushima’s music taste changes every month so every month he makes you a playlist of the songs he likes most.
- Sakusa likes it both when he plays with your hair and when you play with his, although he won’t admit the latter.
- Tendo and Futakuchi would start prank wars with you.
- You and Aone go to petting zoos as dates.
now, now, wait. Before you go. If you made it this far lmao, allow me to serenade you, with Haikyuu Chants
TW: all caps
( idk if I had to mark that but I know someone who hates all caps so ye )
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ayuki-ikuya · 3 years
Fellow Piers simp with a trainersona here and a separate oc with Rai: ✨Go for it homie✨ Go absolutely ape! Tell us about her
so I've tried doing research about Johto before writing about her since I have little information about Johto.
Johto is based off from Japan (it's more eastern qualities) while Kanto was a more westernized Japan (if you watched Geisha, it shows the transition from Japan transitioning to more western style after the war.)
So the name Katsumi was given. I believe her name meaning is "eternal beauty" but I'm not sure.
If I were to describe Katsumi, she'd be a Ninetales or a Fox. She has this air about her that draws her in, it's soothing even. But as she battles, she's more two faced than she seems, being more mocking and maybe even animalistic than her kinder self.
She does restrain herself from her more dark side, because a common rule as a maiko and geisha, is to always look and be pretty to capture the attention of others.
Katsumi is based off from the Kimono Girls in Johto, the Kimono girls are actually Maiko's as they tie their obi's sash long while normal is tucked in or tied short (same with a Geisha's) however, in Pokemon, they don't wear heavy makeup that way they can battle appropriately while still maintaining looks.
Since I'm basing Katsumi from Maiko's, she learns various arts, from dance to music to cooking. And of course, even when away from Johto, she still practices dancing (she prefers dancing over music) which has caught several pokemons attention in the past.
Her Johto team consists of:
And Chansey.
Her Galar team will be:
Gyrados (from her Johto team)
Eevee (who will evolve into Umbreon)
Deino (who evolves into zwelious then Hydregion)
Munchlax (evolves into Snorlax)
Kirlia (evolves into Gardevior)
And Puncham (evolves into Pangoro)
I won't disclose when she catches them (which will be in the story I'm writting) nor their abilities and move sets. I can tell you that Katsumi favors Dark Types.
Katsumi makes her first appearance in the Gym Battle Opening Ceremony! Her exotic looks catching many of the people's attention.
Having to fight the Yell team since they were blocking Budew Inn, she does her first official Pokemon Battle in Galar with her Gyrados who swept them away with Twister!
Katsumi calls out her pokemon rather eloquently. Like, "Let's dance amongst the water, Gyrados", Katsumi is a lover of drama and theatrics, so she likes to put on a show which is apart of her two faced-ness.
If I were to place Katsumi as a Game Character, she'd be an Easter Egg and a very Hidden Boss. The main Characters wouldn't be able to fight her unless level 100 as the final boss is also level 100, meaning she's far more challenging than she looks in the beginning.
You'd be able to fight her in the tournaments after becoming a Galar Champion (beating Leon) but because she makes rare appearances, it's hard to fight her. If Leon and Katsumi ever get matched up, it usually ends in either Katsumi winning or a draw depending on ALL of your Pokémon level. (All 100 = Katsumi winning)
Her relationships would mostly be the children of the house she moved to as a tenant (which is in the same place for the Opening Ceremony hence why she hasn't caught any other pokemon in Galar yet)
Katsumi prefers pokemon over people. People means maintaining herself to appear appropriately and having to be more polite than she wants to do to etiquette. While with pokemon, she can bond with them more easily through being herself (her more rougher side).
As for her league cards, she has two special league cards which is dependent on which version you're playing.
Sword version is her more wild side, showing her face during her battles (more on Leon or Raihan's battle since her face shows more during their fight)
Sword version notes: seeing the ever so gentle Johto girl being fierce to rival Raihan is an odd sight, but pleasant to finally see a crack in her ever so pretty mask.
Shield version gets her more softer side, showing her dancing in a field without knowing about the picture.
Shield version notes: A picture that was taken in secret, you can see how gentle she is with how she stands, the pokemon around her watching her still form. How can someone be this elegant?
Her normal League Card is just the standard card but she angles herself towards the left (our left mind you) with her head angled towards the camera with a serene smile.
As for her relationship with Raihan and Piers, Raihan was intrigued by her, knowing the Dragon Type master in Johto, and seeing her appear on Pokegram every once in awhile (until she got Kirlia) sends a shiver down his spine since he can sorta get a feeling that she's hiding more than she seems.
Piers never met her, but has heard of her from Team Yell and Marnie when they met up in Spikemuth. When Katsumi appeared herself, he nearly choked seeing a "Pretty lil' dainty thing in this dump". his words, not mine. But because Piers oh so happens to be a dark type gym leader, Katsumi had immediately grew attached to him which shocked a lot of people.
Katsumi, the goddess from eastern lands, paired with THE Piers? The shock was an understatement.
Piers did appreciate her adoration to dark type pokemon though. And her need to be on the same level as him in battle as it was the Johto way to be fair.
If we wanna dive into the romance interests then:
Raihan is absolutely clingy to Katsumi and always wants to fight her. It's his way showing how devoted he is to her by challenging her to fights often after training and resting. And he hopes Katsumi would notice. If we went into a more NSFW style, Raihan is the epitome of clinginess. Because he's so tall compared to Katsumi, he'd use his jacket and put it over her, forcing her to either poke her head out to see or to try and escape which ends up him wrapping his arms around her. And when he does capture her, Raihan would drag her to a more secluded area and start marking her neck with bites and hickies. If he gets REALLY worked up (specially after a battle against Katsumi) he'd take his coat off, wrap it around her, tie the sleeves and then sling her onto his shoulder and with his long ass legs, he'd be heading to his apartment.
For Piers, he's not really affectionate or seen as affectionate, but he would often be near Katsumi whenever they were both free. Whenever he is affectionate he'd wrap an arm or two around Katsumi and bring her closer to him. For NSFW, Piers would be slightly clingy, but not as bad as Raihan since Piers is busy with being an artist (music artist btw) and training Marnie to be a gym leader. But whenever they're together, Piers would be resting his head on Katsumi's shoulder or head depending on their sitting position. Anytime Katsumi gets a call or goes to escape somewhere, Piers would grab a hold of her chin and kiss her rather passionately, which would leave Katsumi breathless since Piers literally has a long tongue, and he uses it. If Katsumi is still out of it (or continues to try to escape), Piers would take her to his place or to the campsite.
Katsumi has long black hair which reaches to her lower back, having four beauty marks total on her face, two right below her right eye (our left), one below her left eye (our right) and one at the right corner of her lips (our left).
(I think of drawing as a mirror, if you draw a character's face you have to think about the blemishes placement. If their back is to you, then it's both of your rights and lefts while facing each other is their left is your right and their right is your left. Sorry if it's confusing.)
She has black eyes (whenever in an intense battle, her eyes darken with no highlight making her appear soulless but it just means her facade is cracking) and thick eyelashes, her lips are painted red on her bottom lip while the corners of her eyes are touched with a rouge since she is a Maiko Trainer.
(I made up that Kimono Girls are Maiko Trainers, meaning they wear less makeup and have a battle/formal kimono, a traveling kimono and sleep wear. Normal Maiko's wears the standard makeup and wears more formal kimono's. Maiko trainers require to wear a sort of eye shadow at the corner of their eyes in replacement for the lack of white makeup on their face, it is to signal other Maiko's what status they are. If they wear red/rogue eye shadow, then they are an advance/master maiko trainer. If blue, then they are an intermediate. If pink then they are a beginner. Maiko trainers also have to wear certain color palettes to signal what stage they are which often correlates to their eye shadow. Since Maiko's in general wear lighter colors, they wear pastels or just a light shade.)
Katsumi wears a light pink kimono that fades to a light red at the ends of her kimono. Her obi sash being a deeper red while her obiage is white. Her nagajuban is red as per tradition, her pocchuri buckle is silver flowers, while her okobo shoes still maintains the red straps and still contains bells in them.
Fun fact about Maiko's, Maiko's are usually 16-20 years old mainly because Maiko's would choose to marry around that age, while Geisha's would have to retire or runaway (depending on time period) to marry. Geisha's aren't allowed to have a spouse, the most they can have close to a spouse is an escort.
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Can I get a fuckin uhhhhhh CommanderVideo moveset
(Dear Anon who requested this, I’m sorry I ignored this for so long, you really threw me a curveball and I struggled for so long on how I would even go about a fighter like this since I never really gave his games much thought before. However, upon doing research, I came to respect what these games have done for the Indie scene by being so bold with its aesthetic sense, and gaining so much attention with so much simple gameplay. I hope that my interpretation of what CV would be like in Smash does him justice. ...I swear to God, if CV is announced for real in Smash at E3 this year, I’m gonna shit an entire house. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this if you haven’t given up. -With love, Tsuki-Sennin.)
BIT.TRIP Presents... Gensou Dairantou Smash Bros.! Now Featuring CommanderVideo! (The Mysterious Voxel Hero Beyond Time)
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(His appearance in this game would likely be a combination of his looks in BIT.TRIP Runner and Super Meat Boy.) Overview: The mysterious, psychedelic hero known as CommanderVideo. His appearance is simple, reminiscent of a long past and especially primitive era of games played on wooded consoles with only one joystick and button per controller. His past, on the other hand, is quite complicated. Enduring a journey of hardship and growth stretching from his youth in the brilliantly inventive BIT.TRIP BEAT all the way to his passing on in BIT.TRIP FLUX, CV took the Indie world by storm with challenging Atari-inspired rhythm and high-speed running games recognized by the Big N themselves, to the point where he was immortalized as a trophy in Smash 4! His hobbies likely include racquetball, jogging, and music. Much like Mr. Game and Watch, he’s a wafer-thin sprite acting in a three-dimensional space, which makes for a fascinating opponent to watch in battle. Get all those unfunny Among Us memes out of you at the door, then strap in for a... challenging, to say the least, concept fighter. As the battle goes on, he can accumulate lightning speeds and incredible attacking power from his MODEs, but be careful. Even a small misstep can cost you dearly with a hitbox as big as he is. He is only a man, but he is not alone. He is ready. Don’t lose your beat!
Intro Animation: CV popping out of the ground and running forward like he does in Runner, before slowing down.
Gimmick: MODEs are the mark of how well you’re doing in any given BIT.TRIP title, and as such it’d be carried over here. Landing multiple special attacks without getting hit will cause CV to MODE-Up from HYPER to MEGA, represented by him getting a Pink Core just above his fighter icon at the bottom of the screen and him gaining his signature technicolor trail behind him as he runs. That means the power of his attacks, and his movement speed will increase with each mode increase. Getting hit too many times will cause you to MODE-Down, which’ll naturally bring you back to normal. Screwing up too many times, however, will cause you to fall to NETHER MODE, and your attacks will do pitiful damage and slow your movement and non-special attacks to a snail’s pace until you get yourself together. However, you do gain a slight boost to your knockback resistance and overall damage is reduced, so you won’t get so severely punished for relatively minor damage. Fans of the Pokémon Archeops such as myself are no doubt jealous. If you can chain together massive combos however, you will be delighted by the speed and intensity of your attacks... but don’t run off the stage now, will you? If you get hit once in EXTRA or above, you’ll MODE-Down.
To put it simply, if NETHER’s speed is equal to Robin, then EXTRA and above are among the highest speed in the game. Got all that? Good, here’s an easy chart. NETHER <- (HYPER) -> MEGA -> SUPER -> ULTRA -> EXTRA -> GIGA -> META
Whew... Now let’s talk Specials. I uh... can’t really think about what kind of standard attacks or tilts our good Commander would have aside from some fairly standard stuff like uh... kicks, maybe reflecting beats into the opponents. His aerials would likely just be more of the same too.
His Dash Attack lets him run into the opponent with the Paddle acting as a shield like it does in Runner. And he’s got a fairly standard but strong slide attack for his Down Tilt!
However, his Smash attacks allow him to fire high-powered lasers. Just like the kind he uses in FATE. And they come with cameos too!
Up Smash: Junior Melchkin Shot. Fires thin lasers into the air only slightly stronger than CV’s Beat anti-air Up Tilt. However, the signal from his antenna also doubles as an attack, so you have two hitboxes to work with! Probably the attack you’ll get the least use out of, but hey!
Side Smash: Mr. Robotube Shot. Fires two streams of bullets in a sine wavelike pattern. It’s super strong and easily pierces through walls and opponents with ease.
Down Smash: CommandgirlVideo Shot. A pair of conical triple spread shots, each facing away from each other. This is a sweeping move that can easily knock a lightweight opponent off their feet. You can tell she’s a girl because she’s pink-ish... and in some games, happens to have boobies. Refreshingly, she’s not a love interest, so I appreciate that at least.
Neutral B: The Red Core. Unlike the Paddle, which is purely for defensive counters, the Red Core allows CV to destroy projectiles and attack with lasers! The Red Core’s lasers can nullify lesser projectiles, and it also has a lot of extra power.
Side B: The Paddle. A nameless icon from the ancient 8-bit era of gaming, the Paddle was a stalwart object of protection for the developing CV in his debut to the world, even guiding him to the afterlife in FLUX. It’s mostly for reflecting Beats, but in Smash it can reflect damn near any projectile that comes its way. It can also be maneuvered up and down by distance equivalent to CV’s height. However, it can be slashed or punched right through, so be careful.
Up B: Spring. CV bounces up on a spring straight out of Runner, going for a pretty high distance. Unlike Sonic’s Spring Jump, CV’s Spring remains in place no matter where on the screen he uses, but causes almost double the damage.
Down B: The Void. The namesake of VOID, in which you absorb black Beats while knocking away white ones. Here in Smash, it functions identically to Ness and Lucas’s PSI Magnet, although the recovery rate only half and the range is somewhat wider. It also does rather small damage.
Bomb: Beat-Clearing Bomb. This is a feature in CORE that allows you to remove Beats from the screen.
Final Smash: BIT.TRIP. CV calls upon the Paddle to slam down on up to three opponents, doing large starting damage
The opponents are taken through a montage of CV’s life, amping up from HYPER in BEAT all the way to META in FLUX as they are pelted by an onslaught of Beats doing chip damage from the games’ various playable entities, and guest attacks from fan-favorite characters like Mr. Robotube and CommandgirlVideo, before finally being reflected by an enormous version of the Paddle in FLUX, doing major knockback.
Victory Screens:
-CV and CommandgirlVideo grilling up a pair of sausages.
-CV posing alongside his Trophy from Smash 4 before jumping over it and looping around the screen.
-CV suddenly transforms into his 3D incarnation from Runner3, then runs around on screen.
Naturally, CV comes with all of his series’ absolute BANGER of an OST, so no need to worry about that.
Uhh... some of my favorites are Descent from BEAT, Exploration from CORE, Super-Ego from VOID, and Triumph from RUNNER.
Enjoy these tracks in the meantime, because I gotta get ready for E3 and plan this silly project of mine accordingly. Thank you for your time!
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Ingame journal entry 3, aka Commentrough of Pokémon White 2 but I‘m already at the sandy place, aka I just really need to gush about this game right now
The music. The music.
I forgot where I need to go lol, kinda missing Rotom right now after all
Jamming to the battle tracks while my teams‘ getting one shot by a trainer with a single Darumaka. But the soundtrack is just. so good-
Good thing I‘d already stopped attempting a nuzlocke shorty after starting because I really don’t feel like replaying everything…will probably still nickname all the mon though! Good naming exercise
…I only have one revive thingy left. I‘m in the middle of the desert. All these trainers are here. It’s a constant random encounter area. Help.
Found a sand crab. I named him Louie!
Trying to find a Pokecenter, found the ancient palace instead
Forgot some trainers follow your movement and got REALLY jumpscared by a psychic trainer for a moment. Why they gotta be so creepy
Man I love these info boards that you can always find in the route tunnels! They’re such helpful and cool little details!
This game has achievement medals lol forgot about those. As if the Pokédex wasn’t enough- not complaining though, it is nice to have an extra collectable
And back to civilization, hello Castelia! Younger me was so amazed just by how gigantic this city feels compared to anything before, which was probably also the intention. Just such a cool feeling. And the music is once again pure gold. (Could never figure out what’s going on with the cruise tho lol)
Miss the old badge collection design from Gen 5.1 a bit but this new one gives each badge their own sound! You can play music with these!
Love how some random dude just shows up and gifts an entire mall street to a random 14 year old stranger he ran into
…I forgot I set some of the lines to "bro“ and "f yes" lmao. This used to be a Wifi thing, wonder if it had a filter?
Hello Nimbasa! Can’t wait to see how you’ve cha-
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(And Nate is a fanboy too apparently! Heck yeah!)
…who on the translation team allowed them to have these names. I forgot they had these names. Their English names are completely normal names here too. I‘m sorry but-those are Emmet and Ingo, who the heck are Back and Forth supposed to be!?
Going easy on the kiddos so they visit the metro, I see how this goes, gotta say peak advertising here
Oof I missed how simple the item detector used to be. Just turn it on and walk around, no riding Pokémon animation and unbearably slow walking needed!
What do you mean the Ferris wheel is gonna be destroyed!? YOU CANT DO THIS! THE MUSIC IS SO RELAXING! NO! …oh they’re gonna cut it in the remakes aren’t they!? Oh I can already feel it, oh no, first Ingo now this, Gamefreak what did Nimbasa do to you!?
…there’s an NPC to the left of the new arena that only exists to say "the make up of a clown includes painted tears“…my man are you ok? Or is this just about Elesa not being in her arena because you’re a fanboy?
Love how they kept the old arena, it looks so cool with all it’s neon colors! And they didn’t cut anything!
I forgot that Pokémon used to have good leveling. Now my entire team sans starter is underleveled because I kept skipping everything lmao
That seed-throwing damage-healing move my Servine has might just be the most OP early game move ever. Like that just healed Tarja for 11HP, and she‘s got a total of 77! That’s a 7th! One half of a potion! Every single turn!
YOOO ZucZuc‘s evolving! My tiny boi, precious little Zubat, he grew up so fast :‘)
The music evolves with each defeated trainer. The music evolves with each defeated trainer.
…cliffhanger for Elesa because I gotta go sleep! :)
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ffamranxii · 3 years
Sailor Stars thoughts:
1. The anime does its absolute best to make the Starlights unlikable. Taiki is a fucking asshole (he won’t even give a dying girl, who he explicitly was taken to visit, an autograph, and tells a bunch of children that their grandfather’s theory about souls becoming stars is dead wrong), Seiya is a Nice Guy who hits on Usagi constantly despite being told multiple times she has a boyfriend, and Yaten is a mildly sarcastic cardboard cutout. I know the manga doesn’t expand on them much but the anime is supposed to help make these people real. Counterexample is Chibi-Chibi, who hardly speaks in the manga and relies on her cuteness alone to be likable. They gave her a very cute voice because it was literally all they had to work with, given how often Chibi-Chibi actually appears
2. The dub cast for the Starlights is frankly awful. As civilians, Taiki alternates between a woman trying too hard to make her voice deep and having a bad cold, Seiya sounds like a prepubescent boy, and Yaten sounds like a woman (which they’re not, as civilians); as Starlights their voices are VERY high pitched, especially Yaten’s. Their sub voices just sound like woman talking a bit deeply and then normal women.
3. Why the FUCK did Toei think literally changing sex was less controversial than crossdressing? The Starlights are women and have always been women. Plus, them being male civilians in the anime creates a paradox, because if they’re men with sailor crystals who can become senshi, why can’t Mamoru - who is confirmed multiple times throughout the series as carrying the earth’s star seed and thus being Sailor Earth - do the same? Naoko said Mamoru can’t be a sailor senshi because he’s a man, but the Starlights don’t abide by this rule, they change their fucking biological sex
4. Why is absolutely no one concerned that Chibi-Chibi, a THREE YEAR OLD, just goes off on her own and has her own little adventures? She wanders into some strange old man’s house and they’re all “oh that’s just Chibi-Chibi,” and no one is worried that a literal stranger invites a three year old into his house where he gives her toys and candy? The 90s were WILD, man
5. Why does Chibi-Chibi, again who is THREE YEARS OLD, have a thigh gap?
6. This one’s on Naoko because it’s like this in the manga, but the anime is supposed to expand on the universe so I blame them too: Why does literally nobody question Chibi-Chibi’s motives? Some strange pink haired child who fucking falls out of the sky one day up and brainwashes Usagi’s mom into thinking she’s her second daughter, and nobody bats an eye at this? That’s sus as fuck and literally the only question anyone has is “is she your kid or Chibiusa’s?” She doesn’t even have a NAME, “chibi” is just a random word she says!
7. I am DIGGING the mobster feel of the Animamates’ civilian forms. Especially Iron Mouse and Tin Nyanko, who clearly launder money through a shady car dealership.
8. The Starlights’ only redeeming qualities are their snazzy entrance music and Seiya’s red suit
9. Why is Aluminum Siren the only Animamate who understands that a senshi has a pure star seeds? Like, y’all killed the senshi of your home planets to take their star seeds so YOU could be senshi (which is presumably why Galaxia wants more seeds, to make more Animamates with them), shouldn’t you know that?
10. Aluminum Siren/Lead Crow are trying their damn hardest to give Harumichi a run for their money in the quest to become the Best Space Lesbians.
11. So the Moon Kingdom fosters loyalty through child soldiers. I’m assuming Queen Serenity has her own senshi in the form of our senshi’s mothers, etc. (Which begs the question of if the Asteroid Senshi are supposed to be the future kids of our senshi or if they too are child soldiers from the asteroids they’re named after.) Kinmoku seems to foster loyalty by having the Kakyuu’s senshi fall in unrequited love with her. (In the manga it’s stated Kakyuu has a husband who died when their planet was destroyed.) I mean, whatever works, right?
12. I LOVE Tin Nyanko’s dub voice. She’s only around Usagi’s age and she sounds it
13. The dub actress for Lead Crow seems like she’s half assing it. Her voice doesn’t raise properly when she yells, she never sounds really angry, and it’s just so odd. I find a lot of dub voices do this, while the original Japanese VAs will scream their lungs out into the mic
14. On the reverse, Galaxia’s voice actress is a badass. She’s supposed to have a deep menacing voice but I like the one they gave her in the dub. She’s quiet, and sounds almost kind, and that’s a fucking TERRIFYING sort of villain we don’t see a lot of. Even when she’s pissed she doesn’t raise her voice.
15. Why are Lead Crow and Tim Nyanko the same height? Lead Crow is like 5’10 and Tin Nyanko is 4’11 like Sailor Moon
16. As an aside, Tin Nyanko and Lead Crow don’t like each other, which reminds me of the cats vs crows trash can showdown in Haikyuu lol
17. Haruka’s hate boner for Seiya gives me life
18. FINALLY someone calls the Starlights out on being assholes but it’s only after Makoto sees them harassing a THREE YEAR OLD (Chibi-Chibi). Literally everyone BUT Usagi thinks they’re assholes. “They sing such beautiful songs!” Bro. You can sing pretty and still be a fucking dick.
19. Lead Crow goes after Sailor Moon only after reading Siren’s notebook. Ditzy SIREN is the smartest Animamate, lord help them
20. Kakyuu’s dub voice is SO GOOD. She’s my favorite minor character, I’m still bitter they didn’t show Sailor Kakyuu
21. Seiya’s crush on Usagi was so awkwardly shoehorned in. I hate it. Jesus fucking Christ Usagi is sobbing in the goddamn rain about how much she misses Mamoru and Seiya is STILL coming onto her.
22. It is literally so fucking funny to me that Mamoru spends all of Stars fucking dead. He’s just a perpetual damsel in distress.
23. Rei literally lectures Usagi about leading Seiya on and how “you need to do the right thing and tell him you already have someone,” AS IF USAGI HASN’T BEEN DOING THAT AT EVERY AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITY. THE FIRST TIME THEY MET SHE SAID SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND, SHE’S TOLD SEIYA OVER AND OVER THAT SHE ISN’T INTERESTED IN HIM, THAT SHE’S GOT A BOYFRIEND, THAT SHE LOVES HER BOYFRIEND. The fucking MISOGYNY here, like it’s Usagi leading Seiya on instead of Seiya being a fucking Nice Guy who can’t take no for a goddamn answer. Shut the fuck up, Rei.
24. Pretty sure under Kakyuu’s headdress is a pair of odango
25. The fact that Iron Mouse and Aluminum Siren both die when their bracelets are removed yet Tin Nyanko doesn’t implies that Tin Nyanko was the original Sailor Mau. Mouse and Siren dying implies that forcing senshi powers on a civilian is dangerous and that Galaxia’s bracelets are the only thing keeping them alive (albeit brainwashed). Yet Tin Nyanko seems to revert to “good” when one of her bracelets is destroyed. Galaxia has to intervene and kill her personally. Tin Nyanko may have offered her senshi powers to spare Mau (this applies only in the anime; in the manga she’s explicitly said to have killed Sailor Mau)
26. Oooh Galaxia’s angry voice is so commanding and sexy
27. Don’t gimme that “we love Usagi but we love you Starlights just as much.” No you fucking don’t. The whole death scene in the anime is just so... ugh. Bad.
28. The Outers fighting Galaxia is hilarious. They’re supposed to be stronger than the Inners yet Galaxia never even has to get out of her chair to kick their asses. The writers were trying real hard to make us fear the worst and back the senshi into a corner but literally they’ve made this an impossible battle to win that only becomes winnable due to plot armor.
29. Rewatching Stars and classic after Eternal and Crystal makes me miss the battle damage the fuku took. The new series always has them looking pristine, but in classic they actually get roughed up and battle scarred. It makes it more real.
30. Aww how come Uranus and Neptune got to keep their names when they joined Galaxia? I wanna know what whack ass Animamate name they would’ve gotten. (Also Galaxia literally just sent them out like Pokémon, wtf)
31. I feel like Saturn dying shouldn’t be possible since she’s literally a senshi of death but... whatever, go off I guess.
32. So.... Uranus and Neptune joining Galaxia to try and take her star seed is a cool idea that absolutely did not happen in the manga, and needed more than half an episode of development. Would’ve been a cool plot if it wasn’t so rushed.
33. So much of this season was rushed so they could tie the series up at a beat 200 episodes. If they really didn’t want to go over 200, they should’ve cut the Nehelennia arc (which isn’t in the manga anyway) and and focused on developing the Animamates, this sweet Harumichi betrayal plot, and explaining Chibi-Chibi??? Her existence makes no sense without Sailor Cosmos, and they just... didn’t include her??? Wtf
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If They Were in Smash: Jotaro
Yeah. You knew I had to start with him. Literally one of the most iconic anime characters, and the most recognizable from my favorite series.
Let’s get started, shall we?
Jab: just a quick little punch
Three-hit jab: punch, punch again, and knee. No flurry attack.
Side tilt: long kick
Up tilt: fist swings upwards
Down tilt: Jotaro bends down and trips the opponent with his feet in whatever direction he’s facing
Side smash: Jotaro leans forward and punches. Another button press will have Star Platinum elongate the punch.
Up smash: Jotaro punches upward. Another button press will have Star Platinum elongate the punch.
Down smash: Jotaro does the splits and kicks opponents from both sides. Another button press will have Star Platinum elongate the kick from both sides.
Nair: Jotaro punches in front of him, Star Platinum punches behind
Fair: normal punch forward
Bair: stylish kick backward
Up air: stylish kick upward
Dair: Star Platinum punches downward
Neutral special: same as Jotaro’s jab, but with Star Platinum. Also, instead of a three-hit jab, Star does a flurry attack.
Side special: Star Platinum uses Star Finger, which covers about an eighth of Final Destination
Up special: Star Platinum blows air from his mouth really hard and sends Jotaro straight up. This move doesn’t hurt, but it can blow opponents downward if they aren’t standing on a platform. Inspired from Enya’s Justice fight, except instead of inhaling, Star is exhaling.
Down special: Star Platinum: The World. Works like Wario’s Waft, when fully charged time stops (including the music and timer if there is one) for two seconds (not canonically accurate, but Jotaro would be broken if you could stop time for 5 seconds). Anyone who is hit moves a bit then stops until the effect ends. All normal launch rates will continue after time resumes.
Forward throw: tosses the opponent’s body aside in front of Jotaro
Back throw: tosses the opponent’s body aside behind Jotaro
Up throw: throws the opponent’s body upward, and Star Platinum adds one last little punch
Down throw: slams the opponent’s body down, and Star Platinum adds one last little flurry of punches
Final smash: Jotaro’s final move against Dio. Star Platinum puts so much pressure on the opponent they explode (in a cartoonish, non-gory way. Gotta keep that age rating low, folks). Kills instantly if the opponent is over 100 percent.
Extra animations
Entrance: Jotaro punches through the ground, similar to the Wheel of Fortune fight
Idle animation 1: Jotaro adjusts his hat
Idle animation 2: Star Platinum appears and punches the air
Up taunt: Jotaro points to the sky, like in the DiU openings
Side taunt: Jotaro points to the side
Down taunt: Jotaro pulls his hat down and says his famous line, Yare Yare Daze
Victory poses
End music: the last five bars to Stand Proud (if you don’t know anything about music, it’s basically the final few notes before the end)
First pose: Jotaro looks up from the brim of his hat and says nothing.
Second pose: Jotaro throws a piece of paper at the camera and says, “here’s your receipt.” The dramatic slowdown (when the screen shows the victor’s name) happens as the paper passes in front of the screen, and Jotaro just keeps walking away after the slowdown.
Third pose (which only happens if Jotaro won while over 100 percent on his last stock with any of his part 4 outfits): Jotaro looks at the ground, and says, “I’m glad I got to see your growth.” Right after the dramatic slowdown, Jotaro falls to the floor.
Stage: Cairo
The stage is one of the types that moves around and lands in different locations. It starts on the side of Dio’s castle at sunset. It moves to the clock tower after some very long traveling, where you can see Joseph, Kakyoin, and Dio flying through the air. After some time, a stage hazard will appear: Hierophant Green’s tripwires. If you land on one, you’ll be barraged with emeralds. The stage moves away before *major spoiler* happens, and lands after some time on the sidewalks of Cairo. No stage hazards in this part, but in the background you can see the scenery change slightly from time to time. While the stage is moving for a third time, it stops suddenly in the air, along with the music and timer, for five seconds. The players can still move. In those five seconds, some knives fly through the air, and can hit players. The final part of the stage is the bridge. On this part, the stage hazard is a huge road roller that slams on a random part of the stage after some time. Anyone who gets hit by it has an instant KO. However, you can see the shadow coming before it lands, so you can get out of the way. After that, it loops back to the beginning of the stage.
Palette swaps
Default colors (swap 1): Jotaro’s anime outfit in part 3
Swap 2: Jotaro’s manga outfit in part 3
Swap 3: Jotaro’s outfit in part 4
Swap 4: Jotaro’s outfit in part 6
Swap 5: Jotaro’s part 3 outfit, with Dio’s colors (yellow cap/hair, yellow overcoat, black shirt, yellow pants, green shoes)
Swap 6: Jotaro’s part 3 outfit, with Kakyoin’s colors (red cap/hair, green overcoat, green shirt, green pants, brown shoes)
Swap 7: Jotaro’s part 4 outfit, with Josuke’s colors (purple cap/hair, dark purple overcoat, yellow shirt, dark purple pants, brown shoes)
Swap 8: Jotaro’s part 6 outfit, with Jolyne’s colors (green hat/hair, light blue overcoat shirt pants and shoes)
Classic mode: Helping Hands
Theme: fighters that have helpers, and the helpers are not playable. Kind of replicating the idea of Stands.
First battle: Joker in Mementos
Second battle: Duck Hunt in Duck Hunt
Third battle: Pokémon Trainer in Pokémon Stadium (this is an exception to the rule because it’s really the trainer that tells the Pokémon what to do, similar to Stand users telling their Stand what to do)
Fourth battle: Banjo and Kazooie in Spiral Mountain
Fifth battle: Olimar in Distant Planet
Sixth battle: Rosalina and Luma in Mario Galaxy
Final boss: Master Hand and Crazy Hand (I know this is kind of a stretch, but you try naming another classic mode boss battle with two bosses on screen at the same time. Also, helping HANDS.)
Palutena’s guidance
Pit: Look at this guy! He probably thinks he’s so tough.
Palutena: Jotaro thinks he’s tough because he is tough. His looks do not deceive the eye.
Viridi: It’s a shame his friends call him Jojo. Really brings down his intimidation levels if you ask me.
Palutena: Jotaro has fought lots of strong enemies before. He fought against a vampire who could stop time… and won!
Viridi: He can also stop time himself. If you suddenly go flying without Jojo punching you, or you see him teleport, don’t be surprised.
Palutena: Well, he also has that Stand, Star Platinum. Unless you have a Stand, too, Pit, you won’t be able to see his, which means you’re wide open for any attacks.
Pit: Just say I’ve already lost the match, why don’t you?
Palutena: Just like every fighter in Smash, Jotaro is a formidable opponent, but not impossible to beat. You can do it if you try.
Pit: Right. Just gotta stay away from him at all costs. *pause* You don’t think Star Platinum has that big of a range, do you?
Viridi: Good luck, Pit. You’re gonna need it.
Reveal trailer
The trailer starts with Joker comboing Mario into oblivion in the actual game. After Mario is defeated, it cuts to a cutscene with Joker falling back to the ground. Morgana says, “Woohoo! Another one down! There’s nobody here who can combat against you, Joker!”
This next scene has the camera on the ground a ways away from Joker. He taunts when he gets back to the ground, saying, “Alright, who’s next?”
In front of the camera, a leg stomps to the ground. As the camera pans up around the new figure, he says, “So, I finally found you…” When the camera gets to Jotaro’s face, he finishes with, “...copycat.” He summons Star Platinum and the splash screen appears:
Jotaro stands up to fight!
After that is the moveset showcase. You already know Jotaro’s moves.
The extra scene after the Smash logo fades away is Jotaro meeting with Simon and Richter. “Vampire hunters?” he asks. The two Belmonts nod. Jotaro nods back and goes on his way.
Extra tidbits
Jotaro would have an option to play his Japanese voice or English voice in the English version of the game.
Like many of the godlike characters in this game, Jotaro teleports when dodging.
Star Platinum only holds one item in the entire gam, the baseball bat. Jotaro holds the rest.
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lieblxng · 3 years
im developing a lot of aus including the reverse au which is currently only available for rose, but leon also has it developed, i just forgot to put it in the verses page for him haha but wow im developing a reverse verse for a chara i dont have??? i might as well throw damos on the blog and be the only person in the pkmn rpc who plays him LMAO i cant help falling for obscure characters but i think he might have a better chance in getting interactions than my etrian odyssey muses but no if anyone wants to do damos,,,,you can hmu 😳😳 i cant reply it or see it if you do tho LMAOO
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anyway reverse!damos here who goes by lazarus (meaning: my god has aided me) is not a nice farmer unlike his normal verse, instead being akin to a mercenary, but he kinda fills in the role of marcus - he has the ability to manipulate the hearts of pokemon, even legendaries and because of this, he’s been fiddling with legendaries and experimenting with things to try something out - and while reverse!arceus has been severely weakened from an intense fight or a meteorite too (im still figuring it out) and lost its life plates, lazarus finds it. it’s on the brink of dying, and instead of returning the plates like a nice person, lazarus only thinks of profit and benefitting himself - because it’s so vulnerable, it manipulates reverse!phae into summoning the lake guardians, where it promptly fights them and steals their gems before kicking them into the dirt. then he uses said gems to restraint and fully take control of reverse!phae before inserting the plates back into it, saying it will only get them back if it corporates. yes, lazarus literally pulls a cyrus being the first one to actually create a draft of the red chains to have arceus under its command. one of cyrus’ pc posts is “According to myths, the Pokémon created Sinnoh with its power. However, capturing the Pokémon with a Poké Ball prevents it from using its full power... But with the Red Chain, the Pokémon can be shackled, and its power can be used without restraint...” and he’s implying arceus with the first mention of pokemon, so maybe the red chains can be used on god??? i dont see why not, although the lake guardian was made more to check the creation trio than god itself, but why wouldn’t you have checks against god? “The Pokémon of the lakes and Mt. Coronet are somehow connected. Capturing the Pokémon of the lakes will free the Pokémon of Mt. Coronet. From the Pokémon of the lakes, crystals can be extracted to create a Red Chain.” i know he implies the creation trio with pkmn of mt. coronet but technically arceus lives in mt. coronet as the hall of origins can be summoned there LEMME HAVE THIS - 
originally i was going to have reverse!arceus be a completely neutral god, both in personality and how it handled things - just create life, casually, and just head out and do nothing for them - “the humans can handle their planet however they wish to. if they destroy it, they destroy it.” and i was trying to redesign it and it kept coming up as punk (more below because this is a long ass post)
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so i was like, aight i guess i’ll go with what my heart wants but something still didnt feel right, because punk is an expression more than just a simple fashion statement - it was created to rebel against those who tried to hold you down and mold you into who they wanted you to be. to defy the shitty standards of what’s supposedly normal. and then it all clicked when i looked at this vid 
ive heard the music itself and one of my favs, but not the music video so i kinda just exploded with ideas and it really completed the punk i wanted to go with - funny thing, im a bad character designer so i scrapped the punk look and pulled a unique thing with phae’s case - legendaries and mythics are statements of unchanging, fixated ways while normal, evolvable pokemon are statements of improvement and change - growth, which is something phae is completely jealous of. gods don’t evolve; they don’t change. so i thought, why not keep its original look (i love it too much anyway and i cant think of anything better tbh for phae) to reflect that aspect but have the way it governs and behaves different? normal!phae and reverse!phae are still similar but opposite - normal being the kind, caring god and reverse being the relentless, uncaring god. both are the two most popular aspects and themes of gods and how they treat those beneath them, so i thought it worked.
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reverse!phae never wanted to be a god. it’s immature and uncaring on purpose to get the attention of the creator of the original one itself; to be a sign of rebel, to show that it was its own character and no one can morph it into what they want it to be. it revels in its creations screaming in pain, as nothing else entertains it so and because it empathizes with them. it sends the world into pure chaos a majority of time so no one enjoys living. seeing its creations, both human and pokemon, excel in the trials and tribulations of this hell; seeing them perform so expertly under extreme stress, how humans and pokemon can come together and defeat anythin - and rebelling in their own right and way give reverse!phae so much hope and relief. that it’ll be able to do the same. and once reverse!phae does get its creators attention, you bet it’s gonna be very angry on why it exists. it might even try to murk its creator. it’s more of a “i didn’t ask to be born so i’m gonna make it your problem” type of person, and a god prone to violence - often fighting with its own creations, like even the lake trio and the creation trio. but it checks them all every time, and it’s so hungry for an actual fight that reverse!phae can actually work for and struggle for and feel like it actually won. and that’s when lazarus comes in. that’s where lazarus comes in.
how much it hates lazarus. how much it hates lazarus. it hates everyone, but lazarus has a special kind of hatred reserved just for him. in fact, hatred isn’t the proper word to explain the intense, raw, unfiltered feelings reverse!phae has for him. on one hand, it absolutely respects the honest work he puts in to further himself, but on the other hand, being the one on the receiving end of his malicious intentions is never ideal. it has no interest in whatever petty crimes he wants to commit, but trying to take god and become it yourself? completely admirable. a fantastic way to rebel, but having to have someone chain you down and control you? reverse!phae’s worst nightmare. i’ll get into that later since this is already long enough god help me
is reverse!phae messed up? yes, severely. that’s kinda what happens when you rot alone in the depths of dark space for eons. no human nor pokemon - no, no living being can ever handle that. both normal! and reverse!phae have the same backstory, but different reactions to it. reverse!phae wants everyone to scream and lash out, it wants everyone to rebel against their origins and become their own people, even with the immense baggage on their shoulders. it wants everyone to risk death to accomplish their dreams. it laughs in everyone's faces before spitting in them. i think reverse!phae will be one of my most violent takes on a muse, if not, my most since it is god and the shit it talks can easily be proven right. it constantly berates and breaks people down into pieces. no one understands it. it hates everyone and everything it sees. it doesn’t need love and kindness, it just needs a body to break. which is untrue, because obviously its yearning for love and kindness - something its never experienced - and it’s lashing out for attention. secretly hoping someone will just hug it and all its problems away. that everything will be okay in the grand scheme of things. that it won’t have to have the unlimited stress of being a god anymore.
usually when i put my touch on muses, canon or not, they’re primarily good people with hearts of gold. even with ones less so, they’re not as intense as this. so working with that kind of character is thrilling and i’m excited to see if i can get anyone interested with it lmao- reverse!phae’s name might be nou or chali, what would be better? sorry this was such a long post!! i’ve been working on this since last night and it’s been really fun to develop like this again - i only get this kind of productive with my hyperfixations, so they’re both a blessing and a curse -  i think this is everything i have rn for the reverse au but ii’ll be going back into it
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icharchivist · 3 years
hello icha!!!!! learned from my mistakes and typed this out in a separate document. first i have to say im feeling a very deep connection with citron as of late bc i was giving myself a pep talk abt like physics and i told myself "face up and man the music!" and was like "...is that wrong. theres that song called man against the music isnt there... yeah it must be right" and. well i realized later. i also think the phrase "dont cry because it happened, smile because its over" is very good. also I’m halfway thru creating a very eclectic list of like. a Pokémon team for each a3 character which is… something. kinda knew it would happen to me. might take a while for me to finish it tho now that I’m halfway bc I’m suddenly having a crisis like “wait shit I’m only confident on my understanding and characterizing of like 4 characters am I good enough” so… it’s slow going lol. anyways. i finished that damn physics thing I was giving myself a pep talk about and so am treating myself to autumn/winter. happens that watching these events is also like. the only thing which reminds me to actually like. log into a3 lol. i am so bad at gacha games. probably a good thing in the long run. ok starting from the top!
hisoka going "zzz" as his reaction made me immediately go... oh dear, please dont fall asleep in the bath and guess what happened. yeah. good thing homare was there lol. speaking of i fucking adore homare and his poetry. id buy his collection. i also wish there was a collection like if there was a master list of every poem he says in like. at the very least main story. if not i will literally do it myself. i love homare so much im like him in that back when i had to play dodgeball id always be like kufufufu they cant hit me if im friendless enough that no one pays attention to me but like in my case it actually worked out. on the subject of the pillow fight tho, hisoka's crazy strong pillow fight throw... one more mark on the list for suspicious, maybe assassin occupation. this event made me realize how much i missed winter like. i saw the stranger pretty recently (which has caused the effect of be being like "taichi!! thats my boy!!" in my head everytime he shows up lol but anyways i havent gotten to a winter play yet so im VERY hype. especially bc this seems like it stars hisoka and homare??? like oh!! oh!!!! also detective fiction... im swooning. i also just enjoy the hisoka homare dynamic a whole fucking lot i think its nice how homare was like "yeah im ride or die for this funky lil amnesiac, why wouldnt you be?" and its just like. nice. feel like hes always reaching out to hisoka which is like. man homare is so nice.
back to chronology. ofc sakyo goes cheap for the hot springs lol. on brand as ever. was very hype for the azuma sakyo dynamic bc all i remember is like azuma trashing everyone including sakyo at some game or the other in one of the winter chapters and it was very good. or was this a clip in like a stage play? either way it was delightful. at first i misinterpreted taichi going "…" after azuma and sakyo said theyd never been on a field trip bc like. taichi being quiet or noncommunicative... after going thru autumn troupe act 1 it makes me fear for my life a little lol. anyways im glad he was just like planning fun times. speaking of taichi tho we got a tasuku taichi pair for etudes!!!! im not spoiling myself for later events but i hope to GOD tasuku and taichi do like a lead co lead in SOMETHING or at least like some mixed troupe event i want them to talk!!!
also dunno if this is an intentional pun but i enjoy that its called high spirits at the hot spring bc like oh theyre having fun but also bc like. "spirits" is used to refer to a certain type of alcohol i think? which is cool. dunno if its intentional but i liked that. anyways the talent show. taichis moving rendition of single ladies... ok i know it said single fellas but like. we know. wonder if that line was a different song in japanese? its not too old at ALL tho imo. anyways the way banri and juza being themselves Are the entertainment... flashback to when banri slaps juza live on stage instead of doing a stage slap lol. my reaction to azuma essentially went:
azuma: I can offer to bare my soul, and a little more ;)
izumi: what do u mean by that???
me: hey tasuku and omi were shirtless what's ur problem with azuma
anyways i reread and from what i understand they were maybe only flexing and doing a gun show? which like. no wonder it didnt last too long then lol. also explains why they didnt have shirtless sprites i suppose lmao. i am SO curious abt what azuma ended up doing tho that fade to black is so mysterious! did he tap dance? did he pole dance? the world will never know...
oh also im not like super familiar with azuma yet but my read on his personality is definitely like "I am so touch starved All The Time but I will be chill. :) :) this is fine :)" like he just seems to rly like being around people! just like basking in presence whether or not hes rly talking that much.
i enjoyed that juza mentioned pillow fighting with his lil brother... thats nice! i think a lot of this event was just focused on ppl having fun over the drama lol bc it got wrapped up sooo quick. i liked the bit where sakyos worried that izumi was out late searching for him tho it was so sweet. table tennis match was very fun although id argue calling hisoka and juza the two quietest tho lol like... banri exists so juza isnt quiet. just like inevitably. finally, the event cg!!! azumas hair tied up... so nice! thats how I tie my hair up sometimes tho it doesnt look nearly as nice lol. taichi rambling abt his first love for so long tho... lol. ill be honest i have to reread autumn bc i was not aware of this whole situation until it came up in the stranger and i like inferred from there. the end of this event was nice! it was cute. i dont rly have much thoughts on it but im so hype for the winter play
Hello:!!! so good to see you again, freshly learning from your mistakes then :3c
the connection with Citron is a BLAST to read about. I am glad that Citron is there, on your mind, supporting you at every turns of language. It's beautiful.
AND OH THE POKEMON LIST!!! thrilled to hear about it being a wip ongoing! take your time ofc and i hope you'll feel more confident as you go for your characters interpretation! i believe in you!
lmao i'm glad the events help you remember to play a3, i'm sure that by the time you'll be done with the events you will have unlocked so much of act 2 you won't have to worry too much about it. Anyway i'm glad you treat yourself to good things :3c
of course Hisoka fell asleep in the bath. tbh this event was a lot of "Hisoka almost dies in a spring house multiple times if it wasn't for his troupesmates". Between sleeping in the bath and almost swallowing the table tenis ball... where would we be without Winter, and especially Homare, taking care fo him.
I'm SO GLAD you like Homare that much! he's so so good! i'm sure there must be a masterlist somewhere, or well. can be done anytime i guess?? but yeah Homare is fantastic and LDJFDLKFJDF the evil plan to avoid dodgeball from both of you.. this is incredible DLKJFDLKF. But yeah alas he's loved by his own so he gets hit smh.
And yeah Hisoka is just acting sus huh.
BUT YEAH... YEAH... WINTER... BELOVED.... I feel regular and normal feelings for Winter as you know, s o .
(i'm so delighted that you feel that way about Taichi though, as he deserves!! what a good boy!!!)
But yeah Winter play next!!!!! i love the winter plays so much i hope you'll like it as well!! aND YEAH HISOKA AND HOMARE AS A DUO... for a DETECTIVE story?? so good.
I'm sO GLAD you like their dynamic! yeah i adore it too. Homare was so quick to leap into taking care of Hisoka? Like i mean he immediatly called him sleeping beauty when they first met, and immediately decided to be his roommates to watch over him, and then he did everything to take care of him and it's just so sweet. Homare has such a big heart he's so gentle with Hisoka. Homey and comfortable, whenever Hisoka admits it or not ahah.
ahah wouldn't be Sakyo if he didn't need to stay cheap. BUT YEAH the Sakyo/Azuma dynamic is pretty good. oh the event you talk about i think is in some of his very first backstage storyes (that you can read if you have them since they're at this point of the chronology). There's one where they play a mafia game and Sakyo is warry of Azuma because "people like him are those you need to worry about the most" and Azuma is just ":) you wound me :) i would never :)" and then Azuma wins the game and starts to mess with everyone. It was so fun. and yeah i see which clip you mean for the stage play!! it's so so fun they have such a neat dynamic and i loved to see it in this event as well.
and omg worrying about Taichi while he was just there preparing a fun time! this child really would have worried us all back then huh
but AHH YEAH TASUKU TAICHI.... It's such a neat dynamic! ofc i won't say anything but man i love the potential of their stories, as the two ex Godza boys. To see them bond and be comfortable with each other always make me so soft.
OH NICE CATCH FOR THE PUN! i think it must be the reason for it tbh, i love it! thanks for pointing it out!
The talent show was really fun yeah ahah! I wonder what it is in Japanese too but at least the localization was hella fun!
"anyways the way banri and juza being themselves Are the entertainment." THEY'RE SO SILLY I love them so much
AND LMAO YOUR REACTION AT AZUMA I LOVE IT. YEah i think Tasuku and Omi are just flexing (which is Still. SO FUNNY. Just there saying "our talents is.. our muscles...") meanwhile Azuma is like "my talent is that i'm crazy hot :)"
your read on Azuma's personality feels pretty spot on to me ahah omg. Staying with what you know about him, the fact that with his job and all, he seems like he's starving for connection while also terrified to make himself emotionally vulnerable. He loves staying with people, listening to them, caring for them, and he's touch starved as hell (i mean it's his job) but he doesn't seem to really know how to be on the receiving hand of affection. there's a flair talk, i can't remember where, with Omi at some point, where Azuma compliments him, and Omi is just "mhm.. but you know i think that it's more about you" and ends up complimenting Azuma in depth and it let Azuma dumbfounded because he didn't expect Omi to trick him at his own game, while Omi just genuinely don't get why Azuma is reacting that way. He gives he gives he gives, and he's genuinely happy with that, but he seems to have difficulties to take, or to demand for something, while also starving for it. I have so many emotions for Azuma.
Any mentions of Juza's little bro are the best things. I love this type of mention TwT
And yeah it was such a laid back event. Honestly deserved after the crying fest that was The Stranger imo. It's good to relax once in a while and it was nice to have them have fun. There was the bitterness of both Azuma and Sakyo's past that was always a bit looming but everyone was working so hard for them to enjoy themselves that the joy just overtake any sadness i loved it.
Sakyo worrying about Izumi is always adorable TwT
And yeah the Table Tennis match was so fun and chaotic LMAO. I love the dynamic between Juza and Hisoka. Just two usually quiet boys who like sweets. Except that yeah like you say, as long as Banri is around, Juza cannot be 100% quiet. Rip.
THE CG WAS SO PRETTY i loved seeing it. And omg you can share your hairtips with Azuma how nice :D Azuma manages to make everything look beautiful smh....
Oh yeah Taichi and his first love! if i recall he mentions it quickly at the begining, that Yuki reminds him of his first love, and he says that again at some point - then the fake Portrait he does he mentions his first love again. And since then it's been a reccuring topic so yeh :3c
but yeah! this event was really sweet and laid back, not much to say about it, but it was nice to have it at all!
Hope you'll like the winter play :3c
Take care and thank you again for your thoughts <33 i love reading them!! bless you!!
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astro-leap · 4 years
I had an idea that struck me at midnight and uh, Uta no Prince Sama makes a perfect Pokémon AU
Starting Town
Nanami Haruka (the male option can die I guess)
Shibuya Tomochika (I’ll make a team for her later it’s 4am and nobody cares anyway)
Gym Leaders
Gym 1
Ittoki Otoya
Normal type gym
Guitar string puzzle
Wooloo (ace)
Gym 2
Aijima Cecil
Grass type gym
Buttons play music and make plants grow (I have it in my head it’s just hard to describe)
Shiinotic (ace)
Gym 3
Shinomiya Natsuki
Electric type gym
Chase pachirisu into tunnels to open doors
Raichu[alolan] (ace)
Gym 4
Kurusu Syo
Fairy type gym
Obstacle course (wipeout style)
Granbull (ace)
Gym 5
Hijirikawa Masato
Water type gym
Sliding door puzzle
Milotic (ace)
Gym 6
Jinguji Ren
Fire type gym
Press buttons to launch fire to light torches to show path
Pyroar (ace)
Gym 7
Ichinose Tokiya
Dark type gym
Mirrors to shoot laser to a sensor to open door
Honchkrow (ace)
Gym 8
Hyuga Ryuuya
Steel type gym
Turn walls of room
Aggron (ace)
Elite Four
{Challenge in any order}
Four staircases carpeted with different colors each leading to a door, there is a crystal spiral staircase in the middle of the room.
Kotobuki Reiji
Flying type trainer
Room has a green carpet with gold trimming, a large birdcage to the left, and a miryad of odd souvenirs on the right. Feathers are falling from the roof.
Hawlucha (ace)
Kurosaki Ranmaru
Fighting type trainer
Room has a burgundy carpet with silver trim. There is a small stage in the back of the room, and there are multiple workout stations to the right. On the left side, there is a modest kitchen.
Pangoro (ace)
Mikaze Ai
Ghost type trainer
Room has a lavender carpet with silver trim. There are bookshelves covering the back and right wall, while the left wall is covered in various types of technological devices. There are wires sprawled along the floor. A few books and devices are floating around.
Rotom (ace)
Ice type trainer
Room has an ice blue carpet with gold trim. The room is elegantly decorated, with a sitting table to the right and a large dog bed to the left with a furfrou sleeping peacefully on it. There are small ice crystals forming in the corners.
Ninetales [alolan]
Aurorus (ace)
Saotome Shining
Poison type trainer
The room is dark, but covered in gaudy 80s party decorations. There is a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Colorful spotlights shaped like stars are dancing around the room. There are also lasers. And a fog machine. And a large spotlight aimed towards Saotome. It’s a mess.
Toxitricity [amped up] (ace)
That’s pretty much all I’ve thought of so far....I might make some art for this but uh, I kinda suck at drawing Pokémon so we’ll see how that goes lol
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