#and then just fuckin pass out and die bc guess what it wasn’t the range
frnkiebby · 5 months
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1424870442/this-smells-like-frank-mcr-scented-soy?click_key=c3d6fe28d35eef950c305befcb306e1b5556581e%3A1424870442&click_sum=bd93cf9b&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=my+chemical+romance&ref=sr_gallery-2-4&organic_search_click=1&cns=1&content_source=aed75c412464990df13f6599a81663ced245c3c6%253A1424870442 “ buys you this candle “
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*is mildly concerned*
apple, yes. harvest spice, yes. New Jersey?
listen i love NJ for MCR and Frank and the music scene but other than that i avoid it like the plague. i don’t know anyone in NY and New England who has much of anything good to say about NJ. aside from Frank and MCR. and the music.
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gucciorchid · 4 years
Strap in this is a Shakarian Great Gatsby AU
Well, It’s more like.. I made an whole AU around that one scene in The Great Gatsby. I wrote this whole thing just so Garrus could stare at a green light and YEARN. 
This is an outline post. You can read the snippet I wrote here.
I also wanted Garrus to get drunk and confess how the whole Gatsby-like party thing was for her and everything. Anyway, here it is: 
Sakarian Great Gatsby AU 
-Shepard and Garrus go way back. She was his commanding officer and they blew off steam once. They got pretty chummy after that. Flirting, bantering, exchanging quips. 
- he was recruited to do one big mission, and once that was over other obligations came up (maybe his mom got copalis) and had to leave shepard
-they keep in touch, send messages, but alliance regs and the distance just doesn't really help. Garrus constantly reaches out and all, but Shepard gets lots of promotions and all that- she's fuckin busy. 
*or, shepard made some tough calls (or or, she failed to save a big place bc she couldn't disarm the bomb in time and ppl blame it on her) during her missions and that basically forced the Alliance to incarcerate her to prevent a war. All of her messages are blocked. 
-And Shepard is released after a year. Its all done under the radar. Garrus finds out about this bit (this info wasnt encrypted as well as the other ones, weird) but after that shepard is essentially MIA. Everything about her becomes absolutely classified, and it gets to the point that nobody knows what happened to her. Like shes alive, but everything about her becomes classified. Top tier encryption.
-he knows Shep is alive (he gathered that much). But it does make him go through the whole omega archangel breakdown. 
-Goes to omega, succeeds in cleaning the place up somewhat. He now looks over this "safe zone" in omega. Other mercs says archangel just set himself up as another gang in omega, but garrus doesn't take protection money- he makes money by crashing slaver ships and ruining red sand shipments, etc.
-Just in case shep shows up (and he has a small hope that she will, bc she's always where the trouble is), he has this event every weekend to attract a certain type of people (aka shepard). He invites people with power to the safe zone every weekend. He figures if shepard is on omega, she'd need or want something from the top dogs (she always does). Officially, it's to keep the different factions sated and amicable. Pretty much every important leader of some faction or a gang is there except aria. 
-things are going relatively fine, until he hears about shadow brokers agent moving into omega. They buy out an apartment (In reality its the shadow broker aka Liara and shepard. Shep went dark to work with liara. Something about council making shep a spectre and bc she was tasked with something super classified everything about her became a secret.) 
-they set up a private comm tower disguised as some garish luxury decoration on top of their apartment/house (yes this is the green light) 
-shepard and liara stays inside and plan shit out. Only delivery drones go in or out. There are rumors that shepard is in there bc ok love combining 2 conspiracies. Also some ppl claim to have seen that iconic red hair through the window or smth. 
-Garrus stands out in the docks and stares at the green light almost every night (green, like shepard's eyes). Its a rumor, but garrus is hopeful and this time he feels it in his guts. 
-Garrus is too busy to visit- hes busy disrupting shipments and taking care of his team etc. But every night he stands out of his base and just stares at the green light.
-shepard knows garrus is there and he's the archangel  but she doesnt seek him out no matter how much she wants to bc hanging around garrus will obviously blow her cover. (Yeah people are saying shep might be here but that's a rumor. It can be dispelled)
-besides she's so close to finishing her mission. Garrus did her a favor by rounding up all the important people into an unarmed party every weekend. 
-shepards mission started out as simple im the beginning but that ended up being like going down a rabbit hole and one of the last targets left was this one important dude on omega. He keeps his position hidden and all, and his house is a fortress. While shep can essentially go and infiltrate, liara and shep figured it would be safer with the manpower they have to assassinate at the party garrus throws.
-So that's how shepard ends up in the party. Liara forged her identity and really, people think she looks like shepard but nobody believes she is actually shep. 
-she's swift, chats up her target, then garrus spots shepard. So many questions in his head. But he knows Shep and shes probably here bc she needs something from that one guy she's chatting up. He approaches them, pretends he doesnt know shep not to blow her cover. He checks the guest list and looks like sheps in as alice Gunn. 
"Just Garrus to you, Gunn. Thought you might never make it to these parties. You declined every single time." 
"You know my line of work. I can't exactly spare a weekend on an asteroid to schmooze and drink fruity Thessian drinks. But I thought I'd make an exception for this weekend. Now as much as I want to play catch up with you, I think me and him(target) was in the middle of discussing something..." 
-Now at this point Garrus knows what's up. He knows shepard, and he knows that target is going to die (shep was going to kill him). Shepard picked a nice  spot to lure him in. A nice private area, and the most isolated part of the safe zone. Shepard shoots Garrus a Look, the same one shed give him during missions all those years ago. A look that she gave him after garrus scanned a room theyre about to infiltrate with his visor. Garrus nods, Shepard shoots at a point-blank range. But whoops, it looks like that guy was a machine. Infiltrator unit. (Like Eva, EDI's body).
"I'm guessing this wasn't supposed to happen." 
-so many emotions with her mission semi-failing and finally meeting garrus, but She packs it all up and comms liara that plan A is a no go. They have to break in. 
-Garrus shuts the party down early etc etc. 
-shep brings garrus to their house. Garrus knows omega in and out- they could use his help locating the target. 
-they plan the heist and in between, garrus is so anxious and tries to talk to shep about other things. "How have you been" and "where were you."
"All over, Garrus. It'll probably take a whole night just to tell you the short version. Now's not a good time to catch up." 
"Shepard, it's a week until the break-in. We have time to talk." 
"Not now, garrus. Maybe later. After we see this through." 
-so during heist, it's like old times. Theyre exchanging quips and bantering, and Garrus watches her six. They work so well together. 
-heist done, mission goes well. 
-after shepard reports to the council and alliance officially announced shepard as not MIA, they finally have some downtime. 
-shepard has new scars, new stories, new grief and fatigue in her eyes. Her frame is harder than last time he saw her, and it's clear the years hasnt been kind to her. Hes kind of angry that alliance and council would just throw her to do this shit.
-they drink, talk, and catch up. Shep talks about other times she had to go undercover and its mishaps. They laugh.
-at some point Garrus says stuff about the party.
"All that was for you, shepard. Put a little, ah.. Elbowgrease into this place and figured I'd make a place where shepard wont be able to pass up. -i know, I know. Hell of a gamble. It was only non armed on the tin. Everyone there was armed."
-shepard gets all sullen. "Garrus that's-"
"Not part of regular human courtship protocol, i know. Believe me when I say I've seen the vids." It's clear Garrus said it as a joke. Shepard doesnt laugh.
"I thought it was my job to be reckless." 
"Two years is a damn long time. More than enough to change a person."
"Or a turian." Shepard can tell Garrus has something to say. She has a good idea on what he wants to say, too. 
"Shepard, I-" 
"I haven't forgotten our time together."
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