#it was the furnace and i’m a goner
frnkiebby · 5 months
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1424870442/this-smells-like-frank-mcr-scented-soy?click_key=c3d6fe28d35eef950c305befcb306e1b5556581e%3A1424870442&click_sum=bd93cf9b&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=my+chemical+romance&ref=sr_gallery-2-4&organic_search_click=1&cns=1&content_source=aed75c412464990df13f6599a81663ced245c3c6%253A1424870442 “ buys you this candle “
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*is mildly concerned*
apple, yes. harvest spice, yes. New Jersey?
listen i love NJ for MCR and Frank and the music scene but other than that i avoid it like the plague. i don’t know anyone in NY and New England who has much of anything good to say about NJ. aside from Frank and MCR. and the music.
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merihn · 3 years
New kiss prompt for Willex: "Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin."
but but ... what if Willie's supposed to meet Alex and the guys at the garage but it absolutely starts pouring so he's soaked and only Luke is there so naturally he gives him some clothes to change into (what do you mean this is the shirt with the least fabric, it's the only one 'kicks the rest out of sight) and Alex, who took some shelter on the way and comes in late absolutely bluescreens but he kisses his still relatively newly acquired boyfriend, hands coming up to his side (because he's still too shy about touching his face maybe so that's what he normally does?) but now there's SKIN!!!!
Okay, look, hunny, obviously you can just ignore all of that but ... YOU WOULD WRITE THIS SO MUCH BETTER THAN I COULD!!!! So ... pretty please?
Prompt me! Prompts filled.
Willie curses quietly under his breath as he makes his way down the steps to the Molina’s garage, his feet slipping on the wet stones, his hair dripping cold rivulets down the back of his neck as if he’s not already freezing cold and soaked through. He bursts in through the door, hoping against hope for a dry towel and maybe a shirt he can change into.
Luke starts, stares up at him from his seat on the couch.
“Dude, you’re soaked.”
Willie bites back a sarcastic reply and smiles, shivering violently now. “Yeah, it’s pouring out there. I didn’t expect that. Do you have a towel or something?”
Luke jumps to his feet and jogs into the bathroom, returning with a large, fluffy towel. Willie grabs it gratefully and pats his face dry before squeezing as much water from his hair as he can, then wraps the towel around it.
“Do you want a new shirt or something? That one looks like a goner.”
“Please.” Willie replies gratefully, dropping the towel on the back of a chair and pulling his shirt off. Luke still hasn’t moved by the time Willie has hung his shirt over the back of another convenient chair, and Willie looks at him quizzically. Luke clears his throat, cheeks pinking, and turns to make his way up to the loft.
“Heads up!” Willie looks up as a balled up shirt sails through the air and catches it easily.
“Thanks, man. You’re a lifesaver.” Then he holds the shirt up. “You don’t have anything with sleeves, do you?”
“Uh, no. Sorry, man.” Luke’s still up in the loft so Willie can’t see his face, but his tone is odd. Willie shrugs and grabs the towel up again to dry off his torso before pulling the shirt on. Or, what is left of the shirt, anyway. The sides have been cut completely, with the hems knotted together, and they hang low past his hips, revealing a whole lot more of his chest than he’s comfortable with. But Luke had graciously offered him a shirt so it’s not like Willie can complain about it.
“I’ve got snacks!” Reggie calls out, as he dashes through the garage doors, letting his umbrella fall to the floor just inside. Then he stops in his tracks, mouth open as he stares at Willie.
“Oh, great!” Luke tumbles down the ladder and barrels over to Reggie, grabbing some of the cans out of his arms. Reggie coughs and looks at Luke, and they stare at each other for a moment before carrying the food and drinks over to the table.
“Sweet! I’m starving,” Willie says, trying to ignore the weirdness in the air. Reggie and Luke whisper ferociously for a moment and Willie catches ‘Alex’ and ‘dead’. He’s not even going to try to work out what’s going on with them. “Alex will be here soon, right?”
“Yeah, he just texted to say he’s on his way. He said he was waiting for the rain to ease off.”
Something Willie would have been smart to do.
Reggie tears open a packet of chips and holds them out to Willie, and Willie dives in. He’s still freezing cold, and he hopes Alex really will be here soon, because that boy is as good as a furnace, and Willie needs warming up.
After waiting another 5 minutes Willie’s about to ask one of the boys if they have a hoodie or something he can borrow, because he’s tired of shivering. But just before he can ask, Alex is running into the room.
“Phew, I think I got here just in time,” he pants, as the tell-tale sound of thundering rain starts up on the roof again.
It’s a little like deja-vu, the way Alex freezes in the doorway, eyes on Willie’s torso. But this time Willie’s ready for it, and he grins and steps over to meet his boyfriend. Boyfriend. It was still new enough that it gave Willie a thrill every time he thought about it.
“Hey,” he says, sliding his hands up Alex’s arms and around his shoulders. Alex smiles softly as Willie leans in and presses their mouths together, his hands coming up to rest on Willie’s hips. They both gasp in surprise and jump apart at the sensation. Alex’s hands are hot, almost too hot on Willie’s bare skin, and he was definitely right about the furnace thing.
“Jeez, you’re freezing!” Alex exclaims, reaching out to pull him close again, but avoiding the gaps in Willie’s shirt. Willie sinks into Alex’s warm embrace.
“Yeah, Luke helped me dry off and gave me a fresh shirt, but I was waiting for you to come warm me up,” Willie said into Alex’s shoulder.
“Oh, he did, did he?” Alex says, his tone ominous. Luke makes a noise like a squeak behind Willie. “Didn’t manage to spare a hoodie, though?”
“I didn’t ask,” Willie says quickly, not entirely sure why Alex is upset. “But I’m fine now.” He snuggles into Alex’s arms, holding him tighter, and only jumps a little when Alex’s hands touch his skin again. Then Alex is pulling back and tugging his hoodie over his head, handing it to Willie. Willie glimpses the look of warning on Alex’s face before he’s buried in warm pink softness, and by the time his head is free, Alex is looking at him again, fondness written all over his face.
“Much.” Willie steps in and pulls Alex’s head down for another kiss, longer this time, reacquainting himself with Alex’s mouth.
“So!” Luke says brightly. “Movie time?”
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The Nurse and the Skywalker (6 Undergound Oneshot)
Paring: Four/Billy x nurse! Reader
Word Count: 1847
From anon request:  Can you do one with Ben( as 4/Billy in underground 6) getting injured and you’re a no-nonsense nurse having to tend to his wounds and he flirts with you at first, but then he gets serious/tender and vulnerable with you and it makes your heart melt?
Warnings: Swearing, hospitals, mentions of blood, illness, surgery, and injuries.
A/N: Thanks for your patience! Much thanks to @rhapsodyrecs​ for suggesting a great line! As well as @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ and @joeneslee​ when writers block got me in this one!
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The afternoon coffee you had been sipping was gulped in one hot swig when your co-worker ran in, yelling “Y/N! It’s an emergency! You need to hurry!”
The 12-hour shift and it’s exhaustion was forgotten at the words. Your shoes squeaked against the floor as you were led into the room.
“A young man-he has a bad injury-he’s been shot and his bones are broken too!” she cried.
Looking over, the patient was young. Not too far from your own age in fact. He was groaning in pain. His arm and leg were broken. But you noticed a few gashes here and there. Still bleeding. A lot. But he looked up and kept his eyes on you. As you reached over to see some charts the mysterious man left and what could be known, you felt his eyes, and saw him even crane his neck just to keep an eye out on you.
Maybe I spilled something on my scrubs you thought, dismissing the notion as they wheeled his bed out into the hallway.
“Quick, give me the anathesea- and a surgeon- we can get the bullet out, but we have to be swift!”
You were handed the pain medicine to give to the patient.
As you put the tube over his mouth, he glanced up at you. His eyes were as green as a field on a picnic day. And you noticed his hair as well-it was cut short but very blonde.
“I…I’m scared…please don’t…” he muttered lowly. 
You felt your guts stir at the sound. He was deeply hurt. If he didn’t have the bullet removed, he was a goner.
“What is your name…?” you asked.
“I…don’t…have…a name…” he croaked. 
He turned ghostly white and then pink.
“I…I’m sorry, I should have been stronger…thought I could make that jump…I couldn’t. I’m not that fucking strong…” he muttered.
“Who dropped him off?” you asked your co-worker.
She shrugged.
“This guy with a beard and this weird voice and then after we got the kid on a bed, he just vanished with all the bills paid already in cash! The guy was loaded!” she gossiped, tugging at her bright pink scrubs. 
Turning to the patient, you forced him to look right into your eyes.“Okay mister, you don’t have a choice. You got lucky someone paid all of your bills, so you better suck it up and be grateful, got it?” you scolded.
He looked at you blankly before you put it right to his mouth and wheeled him to the surgeon’s office.
Two hours later you got word that the boy got lucky. The bullet was found and removed. It wasn’t too deep and nowhere near any vital organs. But he seemed to be ill and needed to be checked up and have his limbs bandaged.
“Here he is…he’s still on the pain medicine some, so he might be a little loopy…” the surgeon warned, before leaving you alone in the room to do your work.
“Hello…I’m Y/N, I’m your nurse…hang in there, you’re gonna be fine…” you said, he seemed half asleep. Almost in another world. There was no reply.You were checking his blood pressure when his eyes fluttered open. Your head whipped around as you tied the black strap tightly around his arm.
“Hey there…” he croaked out.
“Checking your blood pressure, hold up…” you mumbled, making it tight as possible.
“I must be in a museum…” he said softly.
“Well, I don’t see any Da Vinci any…”
“Because you’re a piece of art.”
Your jaw dropped and your head whipped around to see him. Did that really come out of him? Moments after he was near death.
He gave you a half smile and you felt a blush creeping up on you and it made you mad. Of all places this was happening- at work!
Did a patient really just flirt with me? Maybe it’s just my imagination.
You undid the black strap and set it away without a word, writing down the numbers. He reached over and picked up the menu of food options to be ordered for patients.
“Do you know what’s on the menu?” he asked.
“Vegetables. You better order some with your dinner. Eat up, your body’s in bad enough condition…”
“Close, but it’s Me ‘n you.” He added with a devilish grin. 
Your ears heard it right alright. You felt them grow hot.
“You know what else is on the menu? This antiseptic,” you ordered. Walking over to the side and getting an orange bottle and some cotton balls, eyes on his wounds. As you began to apply some to the cuts, the cool guy façade dropped.
“NNNnnnnng, no! No! And I’m sorry! Won’t do it! Won’t do it!” he whined. His voice getting a little higher than what was considered manly.
“Just shut up and suck it up, Romeo,” you replied, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing.
The next day a woman arrived to check on the patient. A beautiful woman with tan skin and yellow hair with a white suit. You felt envy twinge in your stomach as her heels clicked on the tile floor.
She went into the room. If only you did not have duties currently. But no, scratch it, you weren’t interested. Not some cheeky patient that was trying to break all the medical oaths in the book. Passing by the room to put away your lunch box, you forced your ears shut at the quiet conversation they had.
As you returned, she left the door of the room. She looked up at you and pointed at you to come near. 
“You are nurse Y/N, right?” she asked in a European accent.
“Yes, I am.”
She glanced around to see if anyone was listening in. Then she leaned closer.
“How long have you worked here?” she asked.
You told her.
“Good, you know what you’re doing. We…we just need a bit of help. He’s on…on my company. He got hurt. Badly.” She said softly. 
Yeah, no shit you thought.
“What caused the wounds? I think he mentioned a jump…” you asked, folding your arms skeptically. What kind of sketchy company was this that was all hush and made gallons of money where people got shot?
Her pink lips tightened, she glanced to the left and then answered “It was a fall. Bad one. Just…an accident.”
“What’s your name? And what’s his name? Why did he get shot? Was there a shooting at your job?” you asked.
“We would prefer to be anonymous,” she answered coldly.
“What, why?”
“For protection. He’s here to get better, right?” she answered with a twinge of annoyed anger.
“Don’t hurt him, then…or make him do anything to hurt himself more…”
She turned around and clicked away, but gave you one look, softened. As if to silently say thank you- even if you did ask questions about whatever this “company” was.
Hours later, you came into the room with the patient. Though you armed yourself to fight off like the black cat with Pepe le Pew, he looked at you and glanced down at his lap. His left arm and right foot was in a cast and he seemed red as a beet in his face. But the light in his eyes were glazed, but had dimmed. And he seemed in pain.
His forehead was like a furnace. Sticking a thermometer in his mouth, you watched the numbers rise above healthy at the end. Gently, you pulled it out to put it away.
A half-grin reappeared on his face.
“Is it hot in here or is it just you?” he said.
“No, you got a fever dumbass,” you replied.
You showed him the temperature and he huffed lightly.
“Well, you will have to stay here a bit longer. Injured and sick. It doesn’t seem bad, but it’s still a double whammy. Three or four days…” you said,
He pulled out his free hand to play with his phone, pouting in defeat. You stayed to type into the pad you used for work to keep track of patients charts.
“Hm, what?” you said, turning around.
“You wanted my name, I’m…I’m Billy…” he confessed.
“Okay, thank you! I can finally call you something other than Romeo,” you jested.
“That’s not a bad name, either though,” he said.
The doctor working on him informed you that his fever did have a chance of breaking in the night. You offered to stay.
“Why, Y/N…you’re worried about him?” the doctor asked, cocking her head.
You shook away the creeping blush and smile growing on you.
“I just want the extra hours for pay!” you insisted.
You stayed there, reading with him. You realized what he was doing on his phone- watching movies.
“American movies are the best, like, us on the Pond get all the boring, slow stuff- America is where the real movies are!” he commented when you glanced over.
“Hey- that one’s my favorite!” you cried, recognizing it at once.
Indulging it, you watched the rest of it. Talking about your favorite actors, quoting the lines, and smiling ear to ear by the time the credits rolled by on the tiny screen.
“I was so scared…I was gonna die…” Billy confessed, setting the phone down.
“It’s just medicine,” you scoffed.
“No…when I fell…” he said.
“Really?” you asked, leaving the sarcasm.
“I felt that was it. You see…I…no, I shouldn’t…” he mumbled, looking down.
“You can tell me…” you urged.
“I got a chance to…uh, do something important. It was risky, but it was better than what I had before but I…I thought I was dead for good because I slipped and fell…” he added on.
Recalling the first day, he had a bullet in his body as well. How did that get in there? There was no news you checked of a shooting anywhere.
“And you were shot…how did you get shot?” you questioned.
“I…I can’t tell you everything but I just feel…I can trust you…someone was in danger…and I was trying to get him out and some’ow…I got shot and I fell off…” Billy explained.
“Fell off? Of what?”
“The skyscraper downtown…” he confessed, eyes down to his lap again.
“What! No! That’s a hundred feet high! How in hell are you even alive?” you gasped.
He looked at you and laughed.
“That’s some bad fucking words for a medical professional!” he teased. “But that’s a good question, really…”
Outside the window, a bird sat in the darkness on the pane. Its feathers seemed to glean in the moonlight. It was a clear night, even a sky filled with stars could be seen despite the smoke of the city
“I…I’m glad you survived. I’m glad you didn’t die and so you could- you know- help whoever this person is you were trying to help,” you commented. And this time you smiled back.
“I…I’m glad you were there to help me…dunno what I’ll do next time I’ll fall…” he said.
“I should be there then…”
Taglist: @themarchoftherainbowqueen​ @rhapsodyrecs​ (thanks for the wonderful line!) @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ @sgt-stardust-killer-queen @queenlover05​ @lady-ofmischief
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Goner//Josh Dun Fanfiction
Note: Since it’s pretty much based on the idea that the book 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher presented. It contains suicide, and some other pretty dark stuff. Each chapter will have its own warnings, but in the mean time be careful while reading—I don’t want to cause any harm.
               He was a nobody last month—when the teachers would call his name in attendance, everyone would look around. Confused expressions adorning their features, he seemed like a myth. Like a legend.
               “I heard that Josh kid killed a dude once.”
               “Really? Because I heard he was raised by wolves” Stupid things created by rather stupid people—usually. The more insane and unrealistic stories seemed like a comic relief compared to the other rumors spread about the boy. You heard all about how he allegedly tried drowning his younger sister, how he allegedly got kicked out of his old school because he was dealing drugs, how he allegedly slit his wrists all day everyday.
               You chose to ignore them—you rather liked Josh. Well when you saw him anyway. Columbus high wasn’t particularly small—there were a minimum of 3 classes each for all the core subjects; far more for the extracurricular. You were lucky though; you got to share 3 of 4 classes with this mysterious new kid. The one who kept his head down and only spoke when spoken to. You wish you could’ve figured out why.
               You internally groaned as your teacher began talking—not about science, not about chemicals. Rather, he was discussing suicide. The topic on everybody’s mind since the “nobody” became the school celebrity. It made you sick to see everyone fake compassion, suddenly turn into heroes; or what they believed was a hero.
               “I know this is a fresh wound for everyone, considering it has only been 2 weeks. But all the staff at Columbus High would like to reach out for any student needing help. Mental health is just as important as physical health! If your brain is off balance, then your whole body will follow.” You stared outside, choosing to ignore the latest soapbox speech. The sky was gray, except it wasn’t raining—nor did the clouds look like they wanted to pour. Rather it was just a dark undertone, blocking away the sunlight. Almost like the universe was foreshadowing the boy’s fate. “Now if you know anyone who is going through tough times; please remember that getting them help is much more important than keeping a friendship.” You cast your gaze over to the teacher, who was putting his paper on the desk. Figures, the school gave them a premade speech to rattle off. “Do any of you have any questions?” You took a deep breath in, waiting for the vultures to dive in for the kill.
               “This kid, is he dead?” One of the basketball players asked from the back of the room; his expression was neutral but you could’ve sworn you heard his voice waver just a little.
               “I am not in a position to discuss that with you Mr. Joseph. That is something you will have to talk to the family about. Are there any other questions?” Your gaze went to the basketball player, who was gnawing on his lip—deep in thought. Probably contemplating another question.
               “If he does die, will there be an investigation and charges? Will it be treated like murder or just his bad decision making?” The people around him snickered at the end of his sentence, finding a cruel amusement in the insult. You found it sickening—for the fact that he probably tried killing himself for this exact reason.
               “That is up to the family to decide.” The teacher stated bluntly, turning his attention to the latest unit. Trying to avoid being put in any more awkward situations for one morning. You pulled open your notebook, clicking your pen. Trying to ignore the heavy feeling settled in your chest—you barely knew this kid, so why is all the suicide talk getting to you?
               “Hey! Y/L/N!” You heard someone call as you walked toward the lunchroom—your morning classes droned on, filled with chatter about Josh. Why people think he did it, what they think happened, even as far as how. It disgusted you to the core. You turned to see that basketball player, Joseph you think his name was walking up beside you.  ‘‘You didn‘t look so good in class today, I was coming to see if you were alright” You were taken back by the question—despite its seemingly innocent motive.
               “I’m fine, thank you Joseph.” You whispered, turning to leave toward the cafeteria once again.
               “It’s Tyler, and you just didn’t seem so good when they brought up those rough topics. I just thought I’d be a support. So if you ever need anything. Call me.” He extended his hand out to yours—keeping up with you as you walked. You rolled your eyes before taking the paper and shoving it haphazardly into your pocket. “Before you think anything; I’m not playing any cheesy hookup lines on you. I actually care and don’t want this to happen to someone else.” He whispered to you, before changing paths and meeting up with the rest of the basketball team.
               You couldn’t quite wrap your mind around it, the basketball team captain was suddenly being nice to you? Something was definitely up.
               “Hi honey, how was your day?” Your mom asked, walking up to the door to greet you. Eyes shimmering with curiosity.
               “It was fine, pretty boring though. Just notes all class.” You shrugged, taking your shoes off and making your way to your room. Your mom following you most of the way, asking you a variety of questions about your day. What were the notes on, did you learn anything interesting? Did you make any new friends? Needless to say, you were kind of resentful at what this Josh kid had caused—suddenly nobody left you alone. It was a constant stream of “how are you? Are you okay? How was your day?” and other fake interest. You liked it better when you could sit on the outside of the world and watch it as it passed, popping in on your own accord.
               “Y/N, your bag is hanging wide open!” Your mom commented, as soon as you reached your door. You scrunched your nose up—you definitely remember zipping it before you made your way out of school. Except when you slung it off your back—the zipper was wide open. What the hell?
               “I must’ve forgot to zip it! I’m going to make sure everything is here and do my homework. Okay mom, love you.” You quickly slipped into your room, shutting the door behind you before emptying the contents of your backpack on the bed.
               Books, check. Pencil case, check. Notebook, check. Weird bag thing, check? You arched and eyebrow as you opened the zip lock bag. It seemed to have a brown paper bag inside of it. Sitting cross-legged on your bed you slowly pulled out the bag. Praying it didn’t have an illegal substance somewhere within it. You grabbed one end of the brown bag, letting out a shocked scream when it unrolled itself and something fell to you lap. Provoking the curiosity of your mother.
               “I’m fine mom! No need to come in, just saw a spider that’s all.” You yelled out to her, taking a breath of relief when you saw it was only a usb drive that fell to your lap—not drugs. You inspected the drive, it was seemingly normal. Had a few scratches along it, but what doesn’t? Putting it to the side, you looked closer at the brown bag, opening it to find a few sheets of paper crammed inside.
               For Your Eyes ONLY. Strange enough. You opened the paper, heart clenching when you saw a boyish handwriting sprawled across the page.
               It’s simple. Watch the videos, pack up the usb and instructions, and move along—maybe even change a bit. That could never hurt right?
               Besides that, keep this within the group—and keep it going. You wouldn’t want to know what would happen if it stopped, but what threat am I? I’m either dead or comatose.
               No. It couldn’t be. Why is this coming to you? Maybe it was a mistake? You flopped over the side of your bed, reaching underneath to pull your laptop up onto your bed. Tapping nervously you watched as the technology in front of you took forever to open. And forever to recognize the USB.
               13 files. Each were labeled with a number—nothing else. Taking a deep breath you clicked the first file—watching as the media player popped up, starting a video of a dark room. The only sounds were that of a furnace and someone’s breathing. Shivers found their way down your spine when you were met with a somewhat familiar face—he looked calm. A small smirk playing at his lips.
               “I’m not going to repeat myself with instructions—if the person before you neglected to add them. Listen, find them and figure out what you need to do.” He let out a emotionless laugh. “Other than that, hey. Glad you could make it to the party.” You felt your chest tighten as your eyes burned with tears. You barely knew him, but seeing his face. No emotion, nothing on it made your heart shatter.
               “To set the record straight here, no I didn’t leave any notes, no my family doesn’t know why and no all your rumors are probably wrong.” You paused the video, resting your elbows on your knees and holding your head up with your hands. Why was this sent to you?? “I know what you’re wondering, “What is this and why am I included”, in dear time friend. In due time you’ll know. Just listen for a bit—like I do. Well used to.” You stared at the screen, in complete shock. Jumping slightly when a knock came on your door.
               “Honey, are you coming down for supper tonight?” Your mom asked—probably wondering how many plates to prepare.
               “No, I’m really busy and not too hungry.” You called back, reaching in your bag for a pair of headphones. Plugging them in before warily pressing play again.
               “If you’re ready for a ride, lets go. Congrats Mr. Cos, you’re the lucky first contestant.”
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