#and then laughs like its hilarious??
feniksido · 7 months
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Discussing the failures of our predecessors and how to avoid them aka They should have given Gortash a Gun
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p4nishers · 11 months
no no this is ACTUALLY so fucking embarrassing for him no wonder he was an absolute bitch in rome
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nethnad · 6 months
rewatching the swordfight scene from the sea devils right now and
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this has got to be the strangest en guarde position i've ever seen. sir what are you doing
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maxsix · 8 months
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WY: When I'm with the members, I can't help but laugh
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bluntloyalist · 19 days
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frobby · 1 month
welcome back to my headcanon corner today i bring you:
Rin okumura has a criminal record for accidently assaulting a police officer because he saw a man harrasing a girl and and knocked him out cold not realizing he was law enforcement. Thankful shiro showed up and talked it over and he just had to do community service....at the church....where he lives....
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karamazovanon · 9 months
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"[Raskolnikov] took a step, swayed, and collapsed on the floor in a faint. . . Razumikhin, who was standing on the threshold, flew into the room, took the sick man up in his powerful arms, and in an instant had him lying on the sofa."
was gonna draw him suplexing rodya on some WWE shit but a bridal carry is fine too ig
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petrichoraline · 1 month
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ton around and find out 23.5
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
POV: Mark Webber is your house husband
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bioluminesced · 11 months
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worst teenager in the galaxy award
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 10 months
Hello revered rexwalker artist!! In case you're still taking prompts, may i request rex stealing anakin's jedi cloak to snuggle? Or anakin sheltering both of them under his cloak as it rains?
Me?!? Revered?!?? What an honour😳
Anyways, so um, i had an idea for a cute lil comic for this, so i thought, i’ll quickly sketch it so i dont forget! Except then i made a whole horrible terrible animation instead and added sound effects and now its 3am :P
I will try to do this request properly later and i’ll tag u! But for now, please, enjoy🤲
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twowink · 2 years
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just like ET ...
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inkskinned · 2 years
i have so much to say about this but like. fuck social media for making certain types of "pranks" popular. just as a blanket statement? if the intent of a prank is to humiliate someone without their consent, there is a good chance what you're doing is actually just bullying.
and if you record that person, you are being twice the asshole in that situation. recording someone takes away their agency. do you really think someone you just humiliated on camera is going to have both the bravery and presence of mind to calmly ask you to please delete the video if it makes them uncomfortable? and do you think the people who pull these kinds of pranks would be like - oh sorry, sure, let me delete it, no problem.
"pulling a prank" is like. supposed to be funny for both sides. when you put people in unsafe situations and then laugh at them/judge them for their response.... like. that's not funny. that's abusive behavior. you are training them to accept their dehumanization. it's controlling and ugly. please fucking have any form of empathy.
if you don't actually care if they feel safe/comfortable, you're not being funny. you're being mean. labelling something "a joke" in hindsight does not undo the damage. it just gaslights the other person into thinking their reaction was invalid. you broke someone's trust and personal boundaries for clout. they deserve to be upset about it.
and as a side note? i will bet you 200 american dollars that most of these "pranksters" would immediately crumble into a huge overreaction if anyone even vaguely reciprocated and put them into that level of humiliation - because it was never about how "funny" pranks are. it was about control and manipulation. they like feeling powerful and they like making other people feel less powerful. which is ... bullying.
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fuckyeah-bears · 8 months
i genuinely genuinely love when someone sends me an ask on bearotonin telling me about katmai fat bear week
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hyvnology · 9 months
we had bury your gays in a time called you and now 'villian is gay' as a plot twist which ( while so fucking unserious, like im laughing my ass off rn ) im taking as a (somewhat) sign off progress bc we had queer main charcters in mainstream shows. So, like this is how it started in the west and then evolved into us getting actual queer main character who had nothing that tragic happen to them. So, its the same thing thats gonna happen here right.... right? *nervous laugh*
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p4nishers · 9 months
oh my god the reunion scene is exactly what i expected sorry guys this is a romcom it was always gonna be awkward and absolutely random rip to everyone w their dramatic hcs but at the end of the day they're middle aged men experiencing their first real love™ they're gonna act like 6 graders w a crush who r too shy to talk to each other
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