#and then loses it to a selfless and necessary responsibility
lavampira · 6 months
her first relationship from mor dhona concurrent with becoming an adventurer. there wasn’t love between them, but there was a great fondness, and flighty wanderlust pulling them apart. how could alia give them her full heart when it was so set on the horizon? things end in a mostly amicable split, any residual bitterness fading with time.
[velle is a they/she nb lesbian viera and a botanist developed from a retainer I’d made in my early ARR days which inspired the idea of a pre-game relationship and spiraled into a side oc]
a fleeting crush turned good friend. quiet companionship in the arcanist’s guild leading to a few nights out in limsa restaurants. initially an appeal of something more, but scions business again pulling alia away before she can really invest in anything together, and the what ifs of if there’d been more time. still the occasional meeting and letters recounting each other’s ongoings despite the lapse.
her first love and first real heartbreak. mutual confidantes and each other’s hope, friendship formed through an understanding of the echo and responsibility to the realm, and love grown in the sanctuary and reliance found alone together. not nearly enough time in each other’s arms before it ends in selfless sacrifice and loss. an echoing love that carries in alia’s journey, never truly without minfilia’s influence on her or the lives of others, and a continued strength even without her there.
her second love, but no more or less meaning than her first, only different. the exact person whom she needs at the exact moment that she meets him and the same in reverse. not a soulmate, but an active choice, one of constant trust and vulnerability and love forged through unconditional support in each other’s growth and hardships, no matter where duty or distance leads. always committed and eloped post-endwalker.
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luvth0t · 1 month
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in which you’re on vacation with your ex boyfriend, the only man who’s been able to make you cum in recent times.
warnings; smut, unprotected sex, eavesdropping, cocky lando, ex lovers, conversations of masturbation and inability to orgasm, hair pulling, oral both receiving, overstimulation, praise, slight degradation, choking ect.
it was a throw away question. one lando probably shouldn’t have brushed off.
“you’re sure you’re fine with her coming?” max had asked so casually despite it being on this tip of his tongue for the last hour, eyes not lifting from his phone to see the way lando looked at him with raised eyebrows.
the driver said your name in confusion, even chuckled. “of course. why wouldn’t i be?” lando followed; a rhetorical question. he knew why max was asking such thing.
he watched as max shrugged, hummed mindlessly as if he didn’t have a response prepared.
“wouldn’t catch me wanting to share a roof with my ex,” max mused; putting his phone down and finally meeting lando’s eyes, glare more so, quick to put his hands up in defence. “just saying. something to think about,” max quickly added.
he had his best friends best interest at heart.
“so what? we tell her she can’t come?” lando scoffed, shaking his head as he leant back into the seat he was occupying. “we’re friends. hasn’t been an issue before.” lando dismissed.
and he wasn’t lying. you’d broken up almost a year ago, which was concerning at first considering you shared the same friend group. were friends before lovers.
but it worked, you’d remained friends. saw each other every now and then, in a group setting. you weren’t as close, obviously, but it wasn’t awkward.
“no i know,” max huffed; even rolling his eyes. “maybe two villa’s is something to think about, that’s all.” max shrugged once more. he wasn’t just thinking of lando, but you as well, his other dear friend.
the brit shook his head, not giving in to the worry max seemed to hold. “not necessary. no different than being at the same hotel.” lando concluded.
he’d seen you on nights out, had conversations with you on boats; you still got an invite and paddock pass to his home race.
there was nothing to worry about. if you two weren’t capable of being friends, such thing would’ve been exposed.
that’s what lando thought anyways.
standing on the deck of a ten bedroom villa in the south of france however, he realised maybe he should’ve considered max’s words more carefully.
small doses of you seemed to differ from your constant presence.
the break up was civil, lando was grateful for such thing. it’d been him who ended things, purely because he felt as if he couldn’t give you the time you deserve. it was a cop out, he feared, realising things were almost too good between the pair of you.
he wasn’t sure he could commit to putting you through a relationship where you wouldn’t get the time and treatment you deserved.
you took it well, an angel in fact; you wanted to hate him for it. but you couldn’t bring yourself too. selfless enough to put the peace of your mutual friends and him first. plus, losing him entirely left a bitter taste in your mouth.
you’d mourned the relationship, cried in private and cursed him to your best friend; and moved on. well, appeared to have.
it went unspoken, amongst the group; in front of you two at least, and between you two as well. not exactly something you were ready to laugh at yet. it just seemed to go… unaddressed.
until it was night two, dinner at a fancy restaurant with maybe a few too many bottles of wine meant piling into ubers to get back to the villa.
it sort of just happened, lando shuffling into the car behind you; leaving you in the middle of him and max; pietra on max’s lap and tom in the front.
your senses were consumed of him immediately, not able to avoid him considering you were practically pressed into his side in an attempt to give pietra enough room.
you glanced up at him once, smiling sheepishly to see his eyes already on you.
“you still wear it,” lando hummed casually, pinky finger reaching to brush over the bracelet he’d bought you a few months into your relationship, grazing your wrist as he did so.
your cheeks went a shade of pink at the observation, and if it weren’t for the fact you were wine drunk you probably would’ve made up an excuse as to why the piece of metal still found it’s way onto your wrist everyday.
“it’s my favourite,” you replied; glancing down at the piece as your hand moved to fiddle with it, small smile playing on your lips.
you missed the grin spread on lando’s face, a sense of pride fulfilling him as he recounted the stress it had caused him just picking out the damn bracelet. he was relieved to see you still wearing it, for some reason.
“i’ve got good taste.” lando bragged, eyes practically begging for yours to meet his again; smiling in amusement when they did as you nudged him.
you were suddenly even more aware of the closeness, the way your knees were touching, how his arm had stretched to rest over the headrest behind you. it was forced proximity sure, but an odd sense of familiarity that you hadn’t felt in a while was accompanying it.
“most of the time,” you mused, earning a nudge back ━ which had a giggle escaping you, one you attempted to hush; not wanting to draw attention to you and lando’s conversation.
if it did, the others in the car would’ve seen the way lando’s face lit up at the sound. he hadn’t made you laugh like that in months, he’d forgotten how good it felt to do so.
he’d almost forgotten how easy you were to be around. how easy it was to fall for you in the first place.
it was as if the universe was punishing him for such thing, because suddenly you were all he could think about once more.
that night, he was simply relaxing in his room; when you came waltzing in.
“p,” your voice hummed as you knocked; pushing the door open before lando could muster a response from inside. “do you have my top━ oh shit, sorry!” you’d cut yourself short when you found yourself standing in lando’s room. not pietra and max’s.
who was luckily just lounging on the bed in his joggers, not far from switching the lamp off and going to sleep.
but he had been shocked to see you enter his room in just a towel.
“you’re fine,” lando chuckled; having sit up. “we swapped rooms this morning… figured they should have a private bathroom,” lando explained; watching as your face softened in some sort of relief.
you hadn’t been crazy. regardless, still embarrassed; the redness on your cheeks clear as you nodded, cringing ever so slightly.
“right; my bad, sorry,” you repeated; not even wanting to imagine what else you could’ve walked in on.
lando simply chuckled, shaking his head as his eyes glanced over your figure just once; unable to help himself. having to swallow to not let himself think back to what he knows is underneath the towel keeping you modest.
“i’m gonna go,” you declared; sheepishly smiling as you turned on your heel; cringing once more now that you were out of sight, not hiding the urgency as you practically fled his room and slammed the door behind you.
lando hadn’t realised he was holding his breath until you left, body relaxing as he flopped back onto the mattress; a curse leaving his lips.
the next morning, you were there again. obviously. yet he couldn’t see you, nor could you see him. so technically he was eavesdropping; but it hadn’t been on purpose.
lando was out on his balcony first, which was above yours it appeared; mindlessly scrolling through his phone before arabella’s voice became audible, who you were rooming with this trip.
“since when did nicolas get ripped,” she’d posed to you, peering at the man who was dipping in the pool; your eyes following her gaze from where you both sat in deck chairs; smoothies in hand.
“he’s always been cute,” you pointed out; shrugging ever so slightly as you adjusted the sunglasses atop your head, rolling your eyes the moment you caught glance of arabella’s grin.
“and he’s always been into you.” arabella chimed, and you should’ve expected her to steer the conversation in such direction.
lando whoever, who hadn’t scrolled past the tik tok which was playing for the fourth time now, had not expected such words.
his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. you and nicolas? yeah right. you two were close friends, he knew that much. but nothing more. surely not.
“we’re friends bella,” you dismissed; shaking your head. slightly flirty friends as of recent, you’d admit. but just friends.
“so? doesn’t have to stay that way,” arabella had grinned ━ and lando felt betrayed; as if it should be him the pair of you were talking about. not nicolas.
“yes it does.” you laughed. “i’m not dating within the friend group ever again,” you spoke in such certainty it had lando confused, he didn’t think it faired that bad the first time.
but he also wasn’t opposed to your declaration. not that he was close to nicolas, in fact he probably knew him the least. but he was a brother of a childhood friend, who’d tagged along the last few trips. and lando had no complaints of the guy.
“don’t be silly,” arabella huffed. “i’m not saying fall in love with him. just that he could end the sex drought you’re stuck in.” arabella hummed, your eyes widening as you hit her softly.
“what? no one can hear us!” arabella spoke dramatically, and you rolled your eyes; no argument because you figured she was right.
however she wasn’t, because lando was still listening. and his interest had suddenly spiked.
“i am not… stuck in a sex drought,” you huffed; not sounding one bit convincing as you glanced at the pool. “men just suck. i’ve given up on having an orgasm.” your words were dramatic, and playful, but still a bit of truth to them.
suddenly lando felt guilty for overhearing, or purposefully listening, but he couldn’t help but be intrigued.
your words made no sense to him; considering nights with you would always lead to multiple orgasms for both of you.
and it wasn’t as if you were short on options.
“gotta do everything yourself these days,” arabella sighed out dramtically in agreement; but she had a boyfriend, and your friendship with the girl wasn’t one for many secrets; you knew she was only ‘relating’ out of sympathy.
truth was; since lando, nothing or no one could compare. not even your own damn fingers.
“can’t even get myself off.” you huffed out almost ashamed, and you only whined when you met arabella’s shocked eyes and slack jaw.
lando suddenly felt intrusive, and flustered from the idea of you touching yourself; one he’d grown familiar with due to long distance. suddenly he was standing and ready to walk himself inside in his room.
“is your body like… broken?” arabella sounded bewildered, and you could only huff.
you’d blame it on stress, or any of your medication if it was possible; you’ve heard stories, knew there could be many reasons as to why your sex drive and urges have suddenly changed. none aligned with your circumstances however.
“just deprived i think,” you sighed.
lando needed to get his mind off your sexual need’s immediately, deciding to go on a run with max to occupy himself. to get you off his mind.
and it worked, until he got back to the villa. hot and out of breath, he found himself in the kitchen ━ pouring a glass of water with ice, eyes wandering out the fold out doors that exposed the luxurious back yard. decking, sun lounges, a pool; and his closest friends.
and his ex girlfriend. in a little bikini. with another man’s hands on her.
he couldn’t help but scoff at the sight, you resting on your stomach as nicolas rubbed sunscreen into your back ━ watching as you grinned and spoke up to him momentarily. you were flirting, he knew that look.
his takeaways from his… eavesdropping, was that you didn’t plan to pursue nicolas. so what the fuck was this?
he wanted to laugh, you were going to seek answers to your problems in nicolas? he almost felt offended; if you needed good sex so badly he felt as if he was the obvious candidate.
“careful mate, you’re staring,” max’s words snapped lando out of his thoughts; causing him to glare at the man quickly, bringing his glass to his lips, unaware that his grip was so tight his knuckles were white.
max’s amusement only escalated, eyebrows raising as he chuckled quietly.
“i wasn’t.” lando murmured, leaning back against the counter. “just didn’t know that was a thing,” he tried to shrug off; eyes returning to where you now sat up, rubbing sunscreen into nicolas’s back now.
had he been oblivious to the pair of you?
“i don’t think it is.” max shrugged, following lando’s gaze momentarily, not overanalysing the sight. everyone was friends here.
lando looked to max in doubt, to check if he was being serious.
“does it matter if it is?” max questioned, sassily too, almost a challenge; and lando was quick to scoff ━ mustering up the best chuckle he could to appear as unbothered as he wanted to be.
“no,” the mclaren driver answered almost too quickly, clearing his throat slightly. “i hope it is. would be a good match,” he overcompensated; left to only flip max off as he chuckled and hummed unconvincingly.
“whatever you say,” max mused.
lando wished he was being honest, but as time passed by it became quite clear he was lying.
dinner that night you were sat at opposite ends of the long table, like usual; regardless, lando’s eyes were trained on you for the majority of the night.
you and nicolas of course. who’d snagged the seat next to you.
forced to watch as you shared food, laughed and chattered away in your own little world.
lando felt sick from the sight; that used to be him. should be him. and while he could only blame himself for it not being him, it was a cruel reminder of what he’d lost.
he felt utterly helpless however, because there was nothing he could do.
he couldn’t even express his dismay to anyone as he watched nicolas help you in the car. left to watch as you both giggled and stumbled up to the villa ahead of the group.
he wanted to intervene, to make his presence known to hopefully at least make it awkward. but he couldn’t bring himself too.
not when you’d been such an angel in the breakup, made things so easy for him from the start of the relationship to now. it just wouldn’t be fair to ruin this for you.
even though it was all he wanted to do.
he noted how you two were first off to go ‘sleep’ that night, halfway through the movie that had been put on. and he suddenly wished he’d downed a few more glasses of red at the restaurant, maybe then he wouldn’t have the capacity to brainstorm up everything and anything you and nicolas could be doing tonight.
he wasn’t going to say it was what kept him up, tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep; but it definitely played on his mind.
it was starting to make sense to him at least; he hadn’t been around you without distractions since the breakup. it suddenly became clear how helpful those distractions are.
3:42 the clock read.
lando hadn’t gotten a second of shut eye, and after two hours of laying there; he conceded. deciding to get a glass of water as if that would be the solution to all his problems.
instead he was just met with the problem itself; you.
surprise, surprise. nicolas was not the answer to your prayers.
you were already keen to tell arabella ‘i told you so’ when you returned to your room. having spent the night in nicolas’.
he was a nice guy, until the clothes came off.
it was nothing new, you on top; he came. you didn’t. he then tried to get you to finish with his fingers, and you faked an orgasm when it became clear he wasn’t finding your clit any time soon.
your frustrations had now multiplied, it felt pathetic. you were ready to give up.
you snuck out the moment he fell asleep, in the kitchen to get a glass of water and for a few moments to yourself.
“shouldn’t be surprised you’re up,” lando made his presence known, having debated running back to his room when he noticed you occupying the kitchen.
“needed a drink,” you hummed sheepishly; and for some reason when your eyes met his you felt intimidated; as if you needed refuge, turning back around to the fridge to fill your cup up with ice.
maybe it was because you were already sexually frustrated. or the fact you were stood with your ex boyfriend after sneaking out of another guys room.
“same,” lando hummed; moving behind you to grab a glass for himself, and you could feel him waiting behind you as you poured water into the glass.
“nice night?” lando asked when you moved aside so he too could fill his glass, not looking at you for the time being so you wouldn’t decipher the motives in the question. he didn’t need you to know how concerned he was with your night.
you nodded quickly, humming as you still had a mouth full of water, leaning against the counter now.
“yeah, yeah,” you spoke; pursing your lips. it had been. until it wasn’t. “restaurant was lovely,” you smiled; shifting on your feet slightly as you took in his appearance, even in the dull lightly.
his messy curls that look slept on, slightly tired eyes. he looked cozy.
lando nodded, so much on the tip of his tongue. maybe if it was a different hour of the day he’d have the common sense to not speak his mind, but he was slightly sleep deprived and going insane from his own thoughts.
“you know my balcony is above yours,” lando told you; randomly, your eyebrows furrowing ━ coughing out a slight laugh. you weren’t sure where this conversation was going to lead, your guess was awkward silence. not him blurting out something… irrelevant.
it took a few moments for it to dawn on you, the slight curve of lando’s lips into a smirk causing your eyes to widen in realisation.
you’d only been out on the balcony once today.
“oh my god,” you mumbled; cringing as he chuckled, shaking his head ever so slightly. “shut up!” you whisper yelled, leaning forward to whack his arm, which only had him laughing once more as his hands flew up in defence.
“i wasn’t eavesdropping! i swear,” lando mused, shaking his head as your eyebrows raised.
“great, so you just happened to hear all about my sad sex life,” you huffed, and lando couldn’t help the small smile that was refusing to leave his lips; always having adored the sight of you flustered and sheepish.
it didn’t help, the sight of you wearing what seemed to be just an oversized shirt. reminiscent of how his shirts would drape over your body.
“yeah,” lando confirmed sympathetically, causing you to whack him again; no force in your actions as you groaned audibly.
you couldn’t think of anyone you’d rather not hear that conversation; ever so grateful you hadn’t been completely honest with arabella.
you would die of humiliation if you’d told her how you compared every man to lando, how you found no one was able to make you feel anywhere near as good.
but regardless, there was a level of comfort. you trusted the man in front of you.
“nicolas though hm?” lando spoke light heartedly, reminding you of the man you’d just been in bed with.
was it bad he’d slipped your mind completely? having forgotten that he was who sparked such conversation this morning.
“did he make you cum?” his follow up question had you dumbfounded, having not expected such blunt words as your lips parted. “can i ask that?” lando added with a reassuring laugh. but you knew that look in his eyes.
they were darker than usual, he was staring at you intently; practically begging you to step closer.
“no,” you cleared your throat, opting for honesty. “he didn’t.” you huffed, eyes avoiding his for a moment as if you were ashamed. as if it was your fault.
the relief lando felt was pathetic, not that he wished a bad time upon you. or anyone for that matter. but god it felt like the door had been swung right open for him.
he was right; of course nicolas wasn’t going to do it for you.
“i know you can make yourself cum.” lando chimed, pushing himself off the counter and taking a couple steps towards you; ridding any distance as he stood in front of you. “used to be able to at least, seen it myself,” he told you as if you could forget.
you swallowed intently, the tension now almost suffocating. sleeping with an ex was something you swore against; recipe for disaster. but it seemed awfully appealing when it looked like lando did right now.
your cheeks were pink, thinking about the countless times you’d gotten yourself off on facetime calls with the driver, purely because neither of you could wait any longer to see one another again.
“not the same anymore.” your voice was barely above a whisper, it didn’t need to be; not when he was only centimetres away, looking down at you as if he was ready to ravish you.
lando’s eyebrow raised at that, eyes flickering across your face.
it wasn’t the same, you’d worked out the hard way. you only relied on your own devices when you had no other choice; and with that would be lando on the of phone with words of encouragement and direction.
“what, need me to talk you through it again?” his words were teasing as his hand moved to cup your cheek; your stomach turning at the thought. at the fact he seemed like he knew that would do it for you.
you let out a slight breath, shaking your head but you held little confidence in doing so.
“need me to touch you?” he added on, offer sounding almost like a request; words so hushed you could’ve missed them. but you didn’t, you heard him loud and clear.
his eyes were pouring into yours as if he pitied you, but the smirk on his face showed he wanted nothing more than to be the one to solve your problems.
you didn’t even need to think about it, no ifs or buts entering your mind; nothing could make the idea of him seem unappealing.
“please,” you mumbled; eyes pouring up into his, watching as a wicked grin spread on his features; one that made your knees weak.
it was all lando needed to hear, lips pressing against yours in an instant; it coming back to the pair of you quickly. feeling so natural, the way your body melted into his touch; the way your lips moved against each other.
your hands finding a grip on his shirt as his spread across your hips.
lando didn’t waste any time; he wanted to make you cum.
he wasn’t sure if it was because it seemed like a challenge, or because he missed you; but god did he want nothing more than to make you feel good:
his knee pushed between your thighs first, your legs spreading; immediately aware of the finger he was tracing up your inner thigh.
as much as lando missed the feeling of your lips against his, he loved watching you react to every touch and feeling. pulling away but not creating much distance as his fingers brushed over your clothed folds.
you took a sharp breath, shifting your weight to lean against the counter as the anticipation built within, eyes locked on his as he teasingly brushed your clothed clit as well.
he could feel your soaked panties, a wet patch that you knew wasn’t there when you first entered the kitchen.
“you know it doesn’t make sense,” lando started speaking through a breath; his fingers pushing your panties aside with ease, swiping through your folds; spreading your wetness to your clit. “because you’re always so easy for me baby,” he practically cooed as he slipped two fingers inside you.
your jaw fell slack, hips pushing against his hand lightly as you whimpered; cheeks hinting at his taunting words which you’d almost forgotten about and how crazy they drove you.
his free hand returned to your cheek, cupping the side of your face and adjusting your head to ensure you were looking up at him; his head tilting ever so slightly as he gazed down at you.
“so responsive,” he added in a hum; looking incredibly smug, thumb settling on your clit ━ and the moan that escaped you as he circled your sensitive bud had lando’s jaw clenching. he’d missed your pretty sounds.
he was toying with you, teasing. his fingers moving slowly, thumb only lightly circling your clit. yet you hadn’t felt this good in fucking forever, face contorting in pleasure proving such thing.
lando could get lost in the sight, not able to help himself from wanting to give you more.
his fingers gradually picked up the pace, thumb applying more pressure now; but it was when he curled his fingers, grazing that spot he never failed to miss, that you hadn’t been able to find, that a slightly louder moan escaped you.
“ah, ah,” lando hushed you; tapping your cheek lightly. “gotta be quiet baby,” lando hummed through heavy breaths, hating that he had to ask such thing of you.
he wanted to hear you lose control, hear you scream his name like you had countless of times. but he’d hate to be interrupted and have the current sight cut short.
you whined quietly at the request, biting down on your bottom lip as you tried to keep any noise at bay; knowing you had no choice. waking anyone up would be less than ideal.
but somehow, the thought of being caught was the least of your concerns.
your back arched when he added a third, thumb still expertly playing with your clit; your quiet whimpers and moans were growing in volume once more.
lando took matters into his own hands, the hand cupping your cheek shifting so he could tap his pointer finger on your bottom lip; and he had to shut himself up this time as you invited two digits past your lips without second thought.
“fuck,” he mumbled out; eyes fixated on the way you looked up at him with his fingers in your mouth; so similar to the sight of when you’d suck him off. his hard on was almost painful.
your moans were muffled now, thankfully, as your hips pushed forward once more; slowly losing control over your body as the pleasure continued to build.
you’d made a mess on your thighs, his fingers working in and out of you perfectly; beginning to curl his fingers repeatedly had your eyes rolling back.
“yeah, right there baby?” lando mumbled; despite you unable to respond. “gonna make a mess on my fingers yeah? think you deserve to cum,” he smirked ━ and if you could’ve you would’ve cried out, nodding quickly at his words.
your stomach tightened, it was sudden; more sudden than you remembered, lando having caught on to the fact you were cumming before you did; squeezing his fingers as you came undone.
his body was practically holding you up against the counter, vision going white for a moment as your muffled moans filled the air, hips bucking involuntarily once more.
lando wanted to curse himself for ever depriving himself of such thing, watching as you shook in front of him; fingers moving to let you ride out your high, until he was pulling them from your panties, and mouth respectively.
your eyes fluttered open, nothing but awe as you gazed up at him through hooded eyes; panting ever so lightly.
he was smiling cockily, if he didn’t know the root of your issue before, he did now. the way you needed him.
you couldn’t even crush his inflating ego, not when he’d made you cum so hard in a matter of minutes; giving you what you’d been chasing the past few months.
he was about to kiss you again, after moments of admiring your face; but the sound of a door shutting had the moment ruined, reminding both you and him of where you are and what you’re meant to be.
definitely not meant to be caught having a moment at 4 in the morning.
lando was quick in taking a few large strides across the kitchen, positioning himself on the other side of the island as you quickly tugged your shirt down and ran your hand through your hair.
when pietra walked in, it was an innocent sight. plenty of distance between the pair of you, not enough lights on to expose your flushed cheeks or lando’s glistening fingers.
you pretended to be surprised as you brought your glass to your lips, leaning against the counter because your legs were still shaky, lando nodding towards the blonde.
“can’t sleep?” lando hummed in question.
“need to fill my water up.” pietra nodded with a smile, eyes flickering between you in suspicion for a brief moment as she realised this was almost an awkward thing to walk in on. you and him.
if only she knew.
you nodded in agreement, raising your glass of water as lando let out a small chuckle.
“if you need a late night snack, the donuts are great,” lando spoke again; your eyes falling onto him, and you were sure your face was bright red as you watched him bring his fingers to his lips; licking them clean.
you coughed on air, playing it off as if your water went down the wrong way; pietra oblivious as she nodded with a smile.
“i’ll keep that in mind.”
the smirk he’d sent you was sickening, and with that he was saying good night and excusing himself.
lando ended up needing a cold shower that night, with his own hand and images of you burned into his mind.
you were hoping your head would be clear when you woke up, but it was only more scrambled.
you’d gotten what you wanted, was it greedy to only want more?
“good night?” arabella had questioned you, sitting next to you on the long dining table; bowls of cereal in front of pair of you; and the smirk on her face was quite telling.
except she didn’t know the half of it.
“yeah, yeah it was good,” you hummed; eyes shifting to the other end of the table; where lando sat, already staring at you. the mischievous glint in his eye had you looking away quickly, the sly smirk not helping you in trying to play it cool to arabella.
you knew he was listening.
“did your… problem get solved?” arabella attempted to ask without outing you, so oblivious to the fact lando could easily piece together her words.
your eyes narrowed towards her, as if to say ‘shut up.’ which she only looked back at you with wide eyes, finding herself quite discrete.
“well?” arabella pushed, whisper yelling.
“yes,” you huffed; in hopes she would shut up, you could feel lando’s eyes burning into you. the man who solved your problem, unbeknownst to arabella who thought it was nicolas who was responsible.
“ah! how exciting,” arabella grinned; standing up and taking her bowel to the kitchen, only then did you let your eyes fall back on the british driver.
who looked oh so amused, you had to flee; following in the girls steps.
it set the tone for the next few days; longing looks, tempting smirks and lingering touches.
you couldn’t bring yourself to go out of your way and seek more of him; despite how much you wanted it. nicolas had been forgotten about, failing to explain your sudden interest and now lack of in the guy.
lando was all you could think about. how couldn’t you? he’d fingered you in the kitchen, bringing you to a mind blowing orgasm you’d been craving; one you hadn’t experienced since him. and once again, it had gone unaddressed.
the tension was clear; you got peace from the fact he was in the same boat as you.
you hated that he’d walked off so smug that night and you yourself had nothing to brag about, left to accept the fact that you needed him. had missed him.
and he knew it.
so maybe you were tactical, every day the dresses got shorter. bikini’s got smaller. you wanted to see him squirm.
which was easy.
it was ridiculous, how often you felt his gaze burning into you; feeling the heat on your skin from such thing. you’d blame the hot summer sun for the the constant blush on your cheeks but in reality it was him.
made to feel better by the way his jaw was constantly clenched. hands fiddling with one another. leg bouncing impatiently because he was furious with the fact you were no longer his, he couldn’t whisk you away and tear your clothes off like he wanted too.
left to simply stare. dwell on the facts. wish that he somehow gets a moment alone with you again.
there were sliding doors.
two minutes alone underneath the cabin on a boat, both trying to find something to drink. he swore you were about to kiss him before max came bouncing down the stairs.
you’d all gone out one night, somehow it was only you two left at the bar. lando was convinced this was it, he was going to drag you off to the bathroom.
but then arabella appeared, demanding shots.
you’d never admit that you went out to the kitchen most nights, hoping he too would be awake at such ridiculous hour again.
you tried not to get frustrated, even with the knowledge there was only a couple days till you’d be flying back home to reality.
finally however, you got lucky.
lando had gone on a run; unbeknownst to you, who had slept in.
you rejected plans of going to a winery, choosing for a day by the pool to save energy to go out tonight like planned.
your group of friends had attempted to protest your decision, but you insisted. bribed them with a promise you would do some baking while they were out.
that’s where lando found you.
stood in the kitchen. of course.
tiny bikini. typical.
and no one else in sight. lovely.
“smells fucking amazing.” lando hummed; slightly breathless as he sauntered into the kitchen, moving to stand against the island ━ a safe distance between the pair of you.
the voice had startled you, jumping slightly as you turned around.
you smiled appreciatively at his words, attempting to not stare at his exposed torso. tanned skin, beads of sweat decorating it. his muscles only more prominent as he crossed his arms, flexing invitingly.
“would feel bad letting such a big kitchen go to waste,” you explained; shrugging ever so slightly as your eyes returned to the chocolate chip cookies you were currently making. refuge from the sight of him.
he chuckled, and nodded; not that you saw. but his eyes didn’t leave you.
he should go up to his room.
“who’s home?” he couldn’t help but ask, feet planted. he wasn’t going anywhere.
the question had you facing what you were trying to ignore; the fact it was just the pair of you. it was dangerous knowledge.
“just us,” you spoke through a breath. if the tension wasn’t clear before, those two words had it falling upon the pair of you like bricks.
lando nodded once more, lips pursing. you were so tempting. this was what he’d been hoping for. he was impressed he even had the mental strength to consider running off. hiding in his room till your friends returned.
that idea didn’t last long though. moving towards you, you heard him approaching; his presence was demanding.
he was behind you, causing you to freeze. breath stuck in your throat.
“you’re driving me crazy.” he’d whispered, despite no fear of anyone overhearing; and you had to shut your eyes for a brief moment when his lips grazed your ear, ensuring you knew just how in reach he was.
you found some solace in his words, confirming your suspicions. reassuring to know you weren’t the only one going crazy. the only one feeling nostalgic.
“how so?” you played dumb, bottom lip rolling through your teeth ━ regardless your head tilted aside as his lips grazed your skin again, his breath fanning your skin.
you heard him grunt, and it would’ve made you giggle if you weren’t fighting off the urge to jump his bones.
“don’t act like it’s not on purpose.” lando huffed, hands moving to play with the fiddling strings of your bikini, fingertips only just brushing your skin.
you had to draw in another breath, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable. you needed some sort of power, just a physical reminder that he too was struggling despite his admission.
so you turned on your feet, eyes flickering up to his as you shrugged your shoulders; breaths slightly irregular from the closeness. right in front of you. trapping you against the counter.
“know you haven’t forgotten that all you need to do is use your words if you want me to fuck you,” lando spoke before you could, oozing cockiness despite his wandering eyes and tense jaw; his patience wearing thin.
once more you were cornered in the kitchen by his attractive frame and blunt words that had your thighs squeezing together.
“goes both ways,” you chimed; worried if you didn’t speak now you wouldn’t get a word in. you knew how this went; it was only a matter of time till you were a mess in his hands.
his eyebrows raised, he even scoffed; if he wasn’t so eager for you to go on he would’ve reminded you it didn’t.
lando always had a kink for making you beg.
“i already got what i wanted,” you hummed; hands moving to rest on his toned abdomen, running down and across the muscles before finding the waistband of his joggers. “something you want?”
your teasing tone had lando remembering just how worked up you got him, how frustrating and almost annoying you were. how annoying it was to deal with your antics that was.
“the other night was more than enough for me baby,” lando mused; not cracking, even with your hands on his body. “always look so pretty when you cum.”
you wish his words didn’t have such a visible effect on you. how flustered you got clear by the way the blood rushed to your cheeks, even while you stood here playing with the waistband of his pants.
it was pathetic; neither of you wanting to crack first, wasting precious time because you both really thought you were above this.
able to be friends. exes who wouldn’t go back to each other.
you knew he wasn’t entirely lying; of course you could remember how you were gifted a man who got off from getting you off. how he’d spent nights with his head just buried between your thighs. making you cum countless of times before he got his dick wet.
“cold shower treat you well?” you huffed; not letting him get away with such thing. as if he wasn’t standing here with the need to fuck you.
he smirked at your words, your attitude more so; the playful banter having been something he’d missed. something that wasn’t the same since things became platonic.
“did the job.” he laughed, hands still ghosting over your hips. “jealous i can still get myself off?” he couldn’t help but chuckle; and your jaw dropped at him using confidential information against you.
your hands still on his stomach, whacking lightly which he only chuckled harder at; and if you weren’t embarrassed you’d be taking in the way the smile was lighting up his face.
“that was not something you’re meant to use against me,” you practically grumbled; eyes narrowing up at him and he practically awed at the sight, adoring eyes and all as his hand moved to cup your cheek. his grin not matching the sympathetic eyes.
“i’m sorry,” he mumbled jokingly as he leant forward; not giving you time to reply as he put the both of you out of your misery, lips connecting with yours.
it wasn’t what you’d both expected, the kiss to finally ease the tension that had been building ever since a few nights ago in the same spot; the kiss was slow. passionate and deep, but not rushed.
it didn’t last long; but was nice in the moment however. to feel him.
the urge to feel more however was soon too prominent.
your hands that had linked behind his neck soon tangled in his hair. the grip he had on your waist soon moved to your ass, squeezing the flesh within his hold which had you leaning into him.
he lazily dragged you back with him, his back hitting the kitchen island as he practically held you against his body; lips moving in sync.
you felt his hard on with the movement, contained by his joggers; your own excitement jumping as your hands left his hair to snake down between your bodies; palming him.
the groan against your lips only motivated you; and while you wish you could do what he does, stand here and tease him; you were too keen to get your hands on him. to hear more of those pretty sounds he makes.
so you simply smiled up at him as you pulled away; bending down and settling on your knees; hands tugging his pants and underwear down with you; revealing his cock.
his breaths were a lot heavier as he watched you, leaning back against the counter ever so slightly, gaze fixed downwards as a small smirk tugged on the corner of his mouth.
he hissed as your small hand wrapped around him; thumb swirling the precum ━ you loving every bit of knowing how turned you got him from just a few words and the sight of you.
he wouldn’t ever deny it either; no one did it for him like you did.
“look so pretty on your knees,” lando praised; eager to gain back some control, despite knowing he’d do anything you asked of him right now; your hand feeling much than his did the other night.
you were eager to continue to please, so you didn’t waste any time in taking him in your mouth. it was as if he knew such thing, by the way his eyes were peering down at you.
his head fell back at the sensation, one he’d missed ━ arms flexing as he gripped the counter; a few curses strung together tumbling from his lips as you practically took him in whole first go.
his tip hitting the back of your throat did little to deter you. it was natural, as if you’d done such thing only a few days ago; not months ━ second nature as your tongue swirled his cock.
your eyes remained up, looking through your lashes as your head bobbed ━ knees uncomfortably shifting against the tiles but it was the last thing on your mind with the beautiful man above you.
taking in the way his abs flexed, neck strained and lips parted as you sucked him off ━ gagging occasionally but both of you knew that was no issue.
“missed this fucking mouth,” lando grunted, hand moving to tangle in your hair; both to keep it out of your way and to just have some sort of hold on you.
he was blindsided with pleasure, more than he remembered he’d be. your bikini did little to leave much to the imagination from his angle, watching as your breasts bounced with every movement. matched with your doe eyes, his jaw was slack.
you hummed as he tugged your hair lightly, the sensation one you always welcomed; and he too was reminded of such as he felt the vibrations around him. tugging again with a little more force.
his groans were gradually becoming more regular, hips bucking once or twice ━ pushing his cock further down your throat each time.
“just like that baby, always so good for me,” lando breathed, eyes screwing such momentarily as his head fell back once more.
you almost whined at the vision, wanting to scramble to your feet and kiss at his skin, feel all over him.
and he’d be happy to let you, he was hesitant in having you get him off first regardless; you hadn’t left much room for argument with good reason.
but right now he had no complaints, moans growing slightly louder in volume ━ grip tightening on the strands of your hair. he didn’t give you any warning as he came, but you didn’t need any.
the way he twitched in your mouth, you didn’t miss a beat ━ swallowing all you could; revelling in the way your name left his lips.
your mouth left him with a pop, gazing up at him to meet his adoring eyes, staring down at you as if you were the greatest thing to grace the earth.
because he did think of you as such. you continued to amaze him, he didn’t grow immune to such thing; just had managed to avoid the fact for a while now.
you stood to your feet, relieving your knees of the discomfort; a coy smile plastered on your lips at him panting and flustered.
you felt even, for the other night; reassured you weren’t the only one in need.
lando couldn’t complain either, couldn’t throw a playful comment towards you ━ not when you stood there with messy hair and swollen lips. all he could think about was turning you into a whiny mess, desperate to have you at his mercy again.
it was clear neither of you knew what to say in the few moments of silence; shamelessly admiring the other, catching your breaths. it wasn’t awkward however.
you were happy to feel his lips on yours once more ━ his hands not shy in wandering your body this time, sliding down to your thighs and hoisting you up immediately.
he was swift in turning around and placing you on the counter, stood between your legs as he hummed against your lips.
it wasn’t until his mouth ducked to your neck, then your collar bones, becoming harder to ignore as your head fell back, growing hot from the kisses he placed where-ever he could, that you spoke up.
“should go to your room,” you managed to get out, watching him through hooded eyes as he simply grabbed the material of your bikini to let your breasts fall free, kissing at the skin of them afterwards.
it wasn’t that you were worried on being walked in on, you had the house to yourselves for at least a couple more hours. you knew that. more so just the knowledge this wasn’t your house.
his eyebrows raised as he looked back up at you, hand sprawling over your stomach as he pushed you back slightly; your body blindly following the suggestion as you leant back on your hands.
“i paid for this villa baby, if i wanna fuck you on the counter i will,” lando murmured, hands spreading your thighs further apart; putting you in no position to argue you.
how could you? his words sounded like a promise, one you could only hope he would keep.
you nodded pathetically, suddenly aware of his hands resting high up on your inner thighs; suddenly aware of your own arousal and need for him.
he discarded of your bikini bottoms with ease, admiring your frame for a few moments as his hand reached to squeeze your breast, nipple rolling through his fingers moments later.
“lando,” you breathed; almost in warning, almost a whine. your legs were still spread and you were already resisting the urge to squirm. your patience non existent.
he only grinned, a slight chuckle maybe as his hands pushed your legs further apart once more.
“i got you baby,” lando hummed. “always so needy for me, you need me yeah? don’t you?” he spoke teasingly, tone painfully sweet as his fingers traced over your soaked folds.
you wanted to curse his obvious teasing, point out how you hadn’t been so cruel. but you knew it’d be no use.
you were scared to admit such thing, huffing as your hips bucked upwards momentarily.
“want to hear you say it.” lando grunted when he realised you weren’t planning on speaking; pinching your clit to get his point across, a strangled moan escaping you as your lips parted, falling into submission.
“need you.” you whined almost shamefully, head falling back as if the ceiling would offer you refuge from his hard stare. “please,”
your pleas were always music to his ears, so much so he debated with the idea of teasing you some more; to draw more whines and please out of you. but the way you were spread for him, so ready; he couldn’t help himself any longer.
you yelped at the sudden feeling of his mouth on your clit, sucking at your sensitive bud; not expecting such feeling as your eyes rolled back.
his hands manoeuvred your thighs to place your legs over his shoulders; giving him full access to your core as sweet moans started to escape you.
“o-oh my god,” you whimpered; eyes flickering to the sight of his head between your thighs ━ back arching as his tongue swiped through your folds, assaulting your cunt relentlessly as if he was starved.
you’d been reminded of how good his fingers were; so much so you hadn’t even considered getting his tongue again.
his large hands were squeezing your thighs, a bruising grip to keep you in place; eating you out expertly.
“lando━ feels so good,” you moaned as if that wasn’t clear by the way your hips were pushing against his hold. your right hand left the counter, moving to tangle in his curls, something to grab.
his blue eyes ventured to the sight of you momentarily, and he groaned into your cunt as he took note of the way your face was contorting in pleasure, how your body flinched with every move he made.
whimpers and moans were free falling, lando enjoying every single one ━ glad you could be as loud as you wanted, as loud as he made you.
you knew you were approaching your high shamefully fast, but had little room to care when you’d failed to reach it so much recently.
lando knew your body too well, could tell by the way you were tugging on his curls and creating more force against the hold he had on your thighs that you were about to cum.
he wanted you to let go, tongue flicking and nose bumping your clit ━ you orgasmed hard, suddenly; cumming on his tongue with what almost sounded like a squeal.
he didn’t stop, letting you ride out your high ━ before pulling away, wiping at the corners of his mouth.
you were mistaken however in thinking you would have time to catch your breath, not getting a word out before lando was moving only one leg off his shoulder and sliding two fingers into your entrance suddenly; thumb landing on your sensitive clit.
your body almost didn’t know how to react, falling back onto your hands that found the counter you sat upon once more to stabilise yourself.
“s’ too much,” you whimpered ━ legs attempting to squeeze shut, failing with the angle caused by one leg draped over lando’s shoulder, which allowed his fingers to hit deep within you.
lando hummed in amusement, knowing how much you could take. knowing you always said that, just to whine and cry out if he were to stop.
“too much?” he mocked; fingers curling and your body jerking. “want me to stop?” he breathed; smirking oh so cockily because he knew the answer. chuckling as you shook your head ‘no’ incredibly quickly.
“didn’t think so,” he huffed; thumb speeding up on your clit, rolling over the bud continuously. it was pure ecstasy, the overstimulation overwhelming your entire body.
his breaths were heavy as he admired you, the way you were shaking beneath him. reminiscent of how easily he could you like this, of the nights he made you cum four or five times before fucking you.
it killed him he didn’t have the time to do so again. but he couldn’t possibly complain right now.
“making a mess baby, all over my fingers,” lando spoke; the filthy sounds of his fingers moving in out of you filling the room, and you weren’t sure you’d last much longer when he entered a third. “so greedy. gonna cum again aren’t you?”
it was like he was three steps ahead of your body, leaving you to whine and nod pathetically.
“yeah? that what you want? to cum again?” lando spoke once more; watching as your head fell back, your eyes screwing shut and it satisfied him to see you feel the pleasure he was giving.
he was hard again, purely from his name sounding so fucking incredible as you moaned and moaned, from the perfection you were.
his hand grasping your cheek had your eyes flying open as lando tilted your head forwards to look at him, eyebrows raised in expectance.
“words pretty girl,” lando reminded, chin still between his thumb and index finger ━ struggling to focus on him with the numbing pleasure that was causing tears to form.
you nodded, before processing what he’d said. words. right.
“please lando,” you gasped; eyes pouring into his, pleading with his as your back arched and legs shook. you weren’t sure you’d be able to stop yourself. “gonna cum,” you whined.
lando felt it had been far too long to be cruel, so he simply hummed in appreciation; smiling lazily as he pushed you over the edge as he curled his fingers once more.
your vision went white, screaming his name as you came again, all over his fingers.
lando’s bottom lip rolled through his teeth at the sight, able to take in every moment, no restraint for either of you and it felt fucking amazing.
his hands gently moved your leg off his shoulder, stood between them as his hands massaged your thighs comfortingly, giving you a few moments to come down and catch your breath.
your eyes fluttered open, and immediately you were smiling stupidly at the sight of lando; his own grin mirroring yours as he hummed quietly.
“you’re so beautiful,” he whispered; unable to stop the compliment from escaping him, and your smile only grew; knowing you’d disagree if you caught sight of your tangled hair and flushed cheeks. 
it had your stomach flipping, men compliment you all the time. only lando would gain such a reaction.
“got another one in you?” his question was gentle; the sparkle in his eye daring, and you had no hesitation in nodding.
“need you inside me,” you mumbled, causing the driver’s smirk to return to its rightful place ━ glad your wants were shared.
you may have gone a long time without, but your stamina hadn’t faulted.
lando was tugging you to the edge of the counter at that, and you easily got lost in the kiss that he placed upon your lips; rough and messy as you melted into his hold.
it’d caught you by surprise, when he tugged you down onto your feet, spun your round and bent you over the marble surface; a gasp escaping you.
“missed you so much,” lando sighed; ushering your legs apart as your breath hitched in your throat. you didn’t know what to focus on, his words, your position or the feeling of his hands on your ass.
the confession wasn’t one you’d hold onto, you knew better than to cling to words uttered during sex. but god it felt great to hear.
“missed you too,” you assured him back, moan slipping past your lips as you felt his tip press against your folds; but he made no further movements.
your hips shook slightly, attempting to entice him ━ so needy despite having cum twice already. you just wanted him. all of him.
his hand moved up your back, tangling in your hair and creating a makeshift pony tail ━ one he tugged on immediately, your head snapping up.
“what did i say earlier? about using your words?” lando leant forward, lips grazing your ear; cock pressed against your entrance, causing you to cry out.
your body was overstimulated, tired; tired of his teasing. out of practice to predict his wants.
“want you to fuck me,” you whined quickly, rushing your words out as your hips pressed backwards. “need you lan, please,” you whimpered; sounding oh so desperate lando couldn’t possibly deny you.
he entered you without any more warning, bottoming out as your walls wrapped around him; your gasps intertwining as you gripped the counter below you.
the cool surface against your front did little to cool you down, moaning at the feeling of being so full. full of him again, after so long.
too long.
“always take me so well,” lando grunted in your ear; giving you a few moments to adjust before he was dropping your hair and standing up straight ━ hands finding your hips now.
his thrusts were harsh, rough and deep; not too slow or too fast, ensuring you felt every inch of him as your aching cunt squeezed him.
every move had your body jolting, moans escaping you; the counter and lando the only reason your legs were able to stay upright.
“so-so good,” you stumbled out, eyes rolling back as your body fell limp, unable to process the pleasure you were feeling. what you’d been deprived of and craving.
the driver too was losing himself in the feeling, head thrown back as he moved in and out of you ━ sounds of skin slapping filling up the large and empty space.
it was a mutual feeling, as to why the fuck this didn’t happen sooner. how on earth you two had been in such close proximity throughout the months and not gotten to this point yet.
safe to say keeping your distance now would be difficult.
lando felt the need to be closer, as if he needed more of you despite having you already at his mercy.
his hand found your neck with ease, wrapping around your throat and guiding your head up ━ causing you to stand up right, back against his chest.
he didn’t apply pressure, yet, but just the feeling of his large hand wrapped around the base of your neck had your legs feeling weaker; split open on his cock meaning lando’s body was the only thing holding you up now.
“feel good?” lando’s question was just him chasing praise, knowing you were fucked stupid; but he couldn’t help but want to remind you just who was the reason you could barely form sentences.
you nodded as much as you could in his hold. always nodding, he could ask or say anything and you’d find a way to say yes.
“only i can make you feel this good hm? only i can make you cum?” lando didn’t stop running his mouth, basking in the fact it was him that had the tears spilling out of your eyes. a sense of pride washing over him.
you choked out a yes, his thrusts having only gotten faster ━ and when his hand applied pressure to your neck you were almost certain you were in heaven.
“so perfect, so fucking perfect for me baby,” lando grunted in praise; and the kiss he pressed to your shoulder blade was a vast contrast to the treatment of your cunt.
it really was too much, the few tears and whimpers made that clear to lando; you were only moments away from cumming again and the thought alone had his own high dawning on him.
“come on angel, cum on my cock. cum for me,” he was speaking in your ear again; and you practically screamed as your third orgasm hit ━ body falling limp in his hold.
the way your walls squeezed him had him cumming with you, groaning as his forehead rested on your shoulder ━ erratic breaths filling the room as he stilled inside you.
all his touches were suddenly delicate, pulling out of you as he moved you to lean against the counter, still holding you up slightly as you caught your breath.
it was a comfortable silence, his hands ghosting over your waist as you pressed your eyes shut for a few moments.
you’d expected some sort of regret. an immediate now what? for one of you to panic or flee.
but instead, neither of you wanted the moment to end.
“want to join me for a shower?” lando broke the silence, a half smile that had you feeling an odd sense of relief.
one he felt too when you smiled right back, and nodded in agreement.
he’d chuckled, you would even go as far as to say he was grinning; hands grasping your thighs and picking you up with ease, carrying you off towards the bathroom.
when your friends returned you had been on the sofa, lando out by the pool ━ strategically placed to avoid suspicion, already under the assumption someone would’ve brought up the fact it happened to be you two who stayed back today.
chatter filled the room immediately, lando trudging in to greet everyone. you having stayed seated, purely because you didn’t trust your legs.
“burnt cookies y/n?” max had spoke across the room; having been first to stumble upon the overdone batch sat on the kitchen island you’d spent the last 15 minutes sanitising.
your cheeks flushed, purely because you could sense lando’s eyes burning into you.
you could picture the cocky smirk plastered on his face.
“yeah. my bad,” you laughed sheepishly.
and you were glad to be the only one paying attention when lando passed the back of the couch, finger grazing your shoulder as he did so.
“my bad,” he corrected; your eyes meeting his smug ones in passing.
a/n: did y’all miss my shitty endings???
anyways idk what this is but here it is
unedited atm so apologies xox
as always appreciate feedback so so much, love u all and hope u enjoy 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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gffa · 25 days
could you give your opinion, or examples from canon, about balance and the light and dark sides of the force? I keep running across fics where people argue that the Jedi are wrong and the dark side is just as necessary, and I feel like canon was clear that’s not what balance means in the Star Wars universe
Hi! First off, I'll say that I would recommend going around arguing with people's fic (not you're necessarily planning to do this! just that I think it's a good reminder), because those people must be allowed their space in fandom, just as we're allowed our space in fandom. I have found that I actually have a much better time in fandom when I'm just in my own space doing my own thing and ultimately this is just fandom, what other people do in their fic, so long as it's not hurting real people, is their choice and not mine, if I let that kind of thing go, it gives me more time to have fun with the things I do enjoy.
That said, sometimes we often get people coming into our spaces to argue and I do like to have my citations ready when it comes to that. Within canon, you're always going to be able to argue about unreliable narrators, even when you point out that all the Force-using dark siders are pretty much miserable villains, there's going to be people who argue.
And one thing that's tricky in my opinion is that the dark side is "necessary" in that it exists. It will always exist. It exists within the Jedi--but they have never denied that it exists or that it's part of life. It's just that they don't embrace it, they don't let it bite into their heart, because Yoda's speech in The Phantom Menace is 100% accurate. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
And if people want to argue about in-canon stuff like that, my response is usually just to go, "I tend to follow George Lucas' Star Wars." and leave room for others to enjoy Star Wars from other creators, if they wish. It's not a value judgement, if someone wants to enjoy something from the Legends continuity--that's what it's there for! And it's not my place to tell them that they're not allowed to enjoy it or follow that version instead. I hope they're having a blast! We'll just agree that we're working with incompatible views on authorial intentions priorities. People are not obligated to take Lucas' commentary with the same weight that I do, so I always advise that we learn to let go of things when someone doesn't hold the same views as we do on this kind of thing, because ultimately that is the message of Star Wars!
SO, THE DARK SIDE, here's what George Lucas directly has said about it:
“The core of the Force–I mean, you got the dark side, the light side, one is selfless, one is selfish, and you wanna keep them in balance. What happens when you go to the dark side is it goes out of balance and you get really selfish and you forget about everybody … because when you get selfish you get stuff, or you want stuff, and when you want stuff and you get stuff then you are afraid somebody is going to take it away from you, whether it’s a person or a thing or a particular pleasure or experience. "Once you become afraid that somebody’s going to take it away from you or you’re gonna lose it, then you start to become angry, especially if you’re losing it, and that anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. Mostly on the part of the person who’s selfish, because you spend all your time being afraid of losing everything you’ve got instead of actually living. "Where joy, by giving to other people you can’t think about yourself, and therefore there’s no pain. But the pleasure factor of greed and of selfishness is a short-lived experience, therefore you’re constantly trying to replenish it, but of course the more you replenish it, the harder it is to, so you have to keep upping the ante. You’re actually afraid of the pain of not having the joy. "So that is ultimately the core of the whole dark side/light side of the Force. And everything flows from that. Obviously the Sith are always unhappy because they never get enough of anything they want. Mostly, their selfishness centers around power and control. And the struggle is always to be able to let go of all that stuff. "And of course that’s the problem with Anakin ultimately. You’re allowed to love people, but you’re not allowed to possess them. And what he did is he fell in love and married her and then became jealous. Then he saw in his visions that she was going to die, and he couldn’t stand losing her. So in order to not lose her, he made a pact with the devil to be able to become all-powerful. When he did that, she didn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore, so he lost her. "Once you are powerful, being able to bring her back from the dead, if I can do that, I can become emperor of the universe. I can get rid of the Emperor. I can make everything the way I want it. Once you do that, you’ll never be satiated. You’re always going to be consumed by this driving desire to have more stuff and be afraid that others are going to take it away from you. And they are. Every time you get two Sith together, you have the master, the apprentice, and the apprentice is always trying to recruit another apprentice to join with him to kill the master. The master knows that basically everybody below him wants his job.     “Only way to overcome the dark side is through discipline. The dark side is pleasure, biological and temporary and easy to achieve. The light side is joy, everlasting and difficult to achieve. A great challenge. Must overcome laziness, give up quick pleasures, and overcome fear which leads to hate.”  –George Lucas, Clone Wars Writers’ Meeting
“Happiness is pleasure and happiness is joy. It can be either one, you add them up and it can be the uber category of happiness. “Pleasure is short lived. It lasts an hour, it lasts a minute, it lasts a month. It peaks and then it goes down–it peaks very high, but the next time you want to get that same peak you have to do it twice as much. It’s like drugs, you have to keep doing it because it insulates itself. No matter what it is, whether you’re shopping or you’re engaged in any other kind of pleasure. It all has the same quality about it. “On the other hand is joy and joy is the thing that doesn’t go as high as pleasure, in terms of your emotional reaction. But it stays with you. Joy is something you can recall, pleasure you can’t.  So the secret is that, even though it’s not as intense as pleasure, the joy will last you a lot longer. “People who get the pleasure they keep saying, ‘Well, if I can just get richer and get more cars–!’ You’ll never relive the moment you got your first car, that’s it, that’s the highest peak. Yes, you could get three Ferraris and a new gulf stream jet and maybe you’ll get close. But you have to keep going and eventually you’ll run out.  You just can’t do it, it doesn’t work. “If you’re trying to sustain that level of peak pleasure, you’re doomed. It’s a very American idea, but it just can’t happen. You just let it go. Peak.  Break. Pleasure is fun it’s great, but you can’t keep it going forever. “Just accept the fact that it’s here and it’s gone, and maybe again it’ll come back and you’ll get to do it again. Joy lasts forever. Pleasure is purely self-centered. It’s all about your pleasure, it’s about you. It’s a selfish self-centered emotion, that’s created by self-centered motive of greed. “Joy is compassion, joy is giving yourself to somebody else or something else. And it’s the kind of thing that is in it’s subtlty and lowness more powerful than pleasure.  If you get hung up on pleasure you’re doomed. If you pursue joy you will find everlasting happiness.” --George Lucas, Academy of Achievement Speech, 2013
"Knowing that the film was made for a young audience, I was trying to say, in a simple way, that there is a God and that there is both a good side and a bad side. You have a choice between them, but the world works better if you're on the good side." --George Lucas Interviews
     ”[The Jedi] trained more than anything else to understand the transitional nature of life, that things are constantly changing and you can’t hold on to anything. You can love things but you can’t be attached to them, You must be willing to let the flow of life and the flow of the Force move through your life, move through you. So that you can be compassionate and loving and caring, but not be possessive and grabbing and holding on to things and trying to keep things the way they are. Letting go is the central theme of the film.“ –George Lucas, Star Wars Archives 1999-2005
BILL MOYERS: “Do you know yet what, in a future episode, is going to transform Anakin Skywalker to the dark side?”      GEORGE LUCAS: “Yes, I know what that is. The groundwork has been laid in this episode. The film is ultimately about the dark side and the light side, and those sides are designed around compassion and greed. The issue of greed, of getting things and owning things and having things and not being able to let go of things, is the opposite of compassion–of not thinking of yourself all the time. These are the two sides–the good force and the bad force. They’re the simplest parts of a complex cosmic construction.” --George Lucas and Bill Moyers 1999, Time Magazine
     “The core issue, ultimately, is greed, possessiveness - the inability to let go. Not only to hold on to material things, which is greed, but to hold on to life, to the people you love - to not accept the reality of life’s passages and changes, which is to say things come, things go. Everything changes. Anakin becomes emotionally attached to things, his mother, his wife. That’s why he falls - because he does not have the ability to let go.      “No human can let go. It’s very hard. Ultimately, we do let go because it’s inevitable; you do die, and you do lose your loved ones. But while you’re alive, you can’t be obsessed with holding on. As Yoda says in this one, [The scene in which Anakin seeks Yoda’s counsel] You must learn to let go of everything you’re afraid to let go of.’ Because holding on is in the same category and the precursor to greed. And that’s what a Sith is. A Sith is somebody that is absolutely obsessed with gaining more and more power - but for what? Nothing, except that it becomes an obsession to get more. The Jedi are trained to let go. They’re trained from birth, they’re not supposed to form attachments. They can love people- in fact, they should love everybody. They should love their enemies; they should love the Sith. But they can’t form attachments. So, what all these movies are about is: greed. Greed is a source of pain and suffering for everybody. And the ultimate state of greed is the desire to cheat death.” --George Lucas, The Making of Revenge of the Sith, 2005
     “The thing about Anakin is, Anakin started out as a nice kid. He was kind, and sweet, and lovely, and he was then trained as a Jedi. But the Jedi can’t be selfish. They can love but they can’t love people to the point of possession. You can’t really possess somebody, because people are free. It’s possession that causes a lot of trouble, and that causes people to kill people, and causes people to be bad. Ultimately it has to do with being unwilling to give things up.      “The whole basis here is if you’re selfish, if you’re a Sith Lord, you’re greedy. You’re constantly trying to get something. And you’re constantly in fear of not getting it, or, when you get it, you’re in constant fear of losing it. And it’s that fear that takes you to the dark side. It’s that fear of losing what you have or want.
     “Sometimes it’s ambition, but sometimes, like in the case of Anakin, it was fear of losing his wife. He knew she was going to die. He didn’t quite know how, so he was able to make a pact with a devil that if he could learn how to keep people from dying, he would help the Emperor. And he became a Sith Lord. Once he started saying, “Well, we could take over the galaxy, I could take over from the Emperor, I could have ultimate power,” Padmé saw right through him immediately. She said, “You’re not the person I married. You’re a greedy person.” So that’s ultimately how he fell and he went to the dark side.      “And then Luke had the chance to do the same thing. He didn’t do it.” --George Lucas, The Phantom Menace, An Oral History, 2019
 “The secret ultimately like in Star Wars is that you have to not be afraid. Fear is the enemy; fear is the Dark Side. If you afraid, you are going to the Dark Side. The Light Side is compassion. As long as you love other people and treat them kindly, you won’t be afraid. So, the secret is to just love everybody - I know that sounds very 60s but that’s what I grew up in - but it its fear that cause the problem. So you have to stop being afraid and be kind to everybody.      “The main theme of Star Wars is that compassion is the good side, fear is the bad side.” --George Lucas, Mellody Hobson George Lucas - Virtual Speaker Interview, 2021
     “The thing with Anakin is that he started out a great kid he was very compassionate, so the issue was how did he turn bad. How did he go to the Dark Side? He went to the Dark Side, Jedi aren’t supposed to have attachments. They can love people, they can do that, but they can’t attach, that’s the problem in the world of fear. Once you are attached to something then you become afraid of losing it. And when you become afraid of losing it, than you turn to the Dark Side, and you want to hold onto it, and that was Anakin’s issue ultimately, that he wanted to hold onto his wife who he knew, he had a premonition that she was going to die, he didn’t know how to stop it, so he went to the Dark Side to find, in mythology you do to hades, and you talk to the devil, and the devil says ‘this is what you do’ and basically you sell your soul to the devil. When you do that, and you’re afraid and you’re on the Dark Side and you fall off the golden path of compassion because you are greedy, you want to hold on to something that you love and he didn’t do the right thing and as a result he turned bad.” --George Lucas, Mellody Hobson George Lucas - Virtual Speaker Interview, 2021
    “Obviously, there are people that just do the easy thing, and the easy thing is to be angry, which turns to hate. It’s not an active thing; it’s a passive thing. Being angry with somebody is a passive thing. You have to work not to be angry, and if you don’t work at it, you’ll just be angry for the rest of your life. Bitter, angry, and of course that leads to suffering - it’s the bad side.” --George Lucas, The Star Wars Archives: 1999-2005
    “In this film, [The Phantom Menace] you begin to see that he has a fear of losing things, a fear of losing his mother, and as a result, he wants to begin to control things, he wants to become powerful, and these are not Jedi traits. And part of these are because he was starting to be trained so late in life, that he’d already formed these attachments. And for a Jedi, attachment is forbidden.” --George Lucas, CNN, 2002
There's probably more, if you want to scan through my Jedi Culture and Teachings in Canon guide, just look for chapter 2 of any given part, the section on "How the Force works" is where I put any of these quotes, and you can look around if you're looking for more examples of how the dark side needs to be faced and overcome, that it's part of the nature of life, but that we and the Jedi both should be choosing the light, because that's the way to eternal joy, the dark is the way to eternal suffering. (Check out "Jedi and the need to focus, to be calm when using the Force" section especially, because the Force becomes unreliable for a Jedi when they get angry.)
Overall, it's about how the dark side is consistently, repeatedly tied to attachment (the fear of living without someone, so desperate that you'll let a thousand people die to save that one person you can't live without, as it's more aligned with the Buddhist meaning), tied to fear and anger and hate, which are parts of our lives, but that we must work to overcome. The Jedi don't deny this--look at any scene where they express negative emotions, Mace does it on Geonosis, Yoda does it at Palpatine before their big fight, Obi-Wan is mad on Geonosis when Anakin almost abandons his post, etc., but they don't let it bite into their heart, they let those feelings pass, they let them go and find their way back to calm and peace, because "the world works better when you're on the side of good (the light side)".
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mousfri · 18 days
do you mind talking about will's narcissism? i see ppl talk about that aspect of hannibal far more. also are you drawing a line between will being narcissistic and hannibal being egotistical for character analysis reasons or just to vary word choice? if it's the former, why do you make that distinction?
part of the reason you won't see much of will's narcissistic traits being mentioned is because a concerning number of fannibals like to misrepresent him as caring and selfless. it's highly ironic given his entire character is based around how desperate he is to pretend he meets that ideal of a loving, stable entirely conventional person.
i do tend to lean towards making a distinction between will's narcissism and hannibal's egotism, but it's not so much in relation to differences in their definitions as it is the meanings i associate with each term. you could probably use them interchangeably if you were going off dictionary definitions, but it's a good way to separate how and why hannibal and will each make self-centred decisions.
hannibal's egotism is grounded in his sense of superiority. he thinks himself better than others, and so he will nearly always prioritise his wants and desires over the wants of others. he is highly capable of observing, understanding and analysing the emotional responses and actions of others - it's what makes him such a good manipulator. he knows EXACTLY how to frighten or comfort or confuse someone. he knows what they want. he simply doesn't care. he does what HE thinks is best regardless of whether the object of that action would agree. selfish decisions are made in the conscious knowledge that he is better and so he MUST BE right.
this is what makes decisions like saving will over killing alana and choosing to give will the benefit of the doubt when he smells freddie on him particularly interesting. it's evidence of will's creeping influence on him, the significance of the opinions and actions of a man who he cannot predict but who he cannot help but hold in the highest regard.
will's tendency to be self-centred predates hannibal's involvement. it's much less evident when he's sick, but it is there. beverly basically tells him as much, although in much nicer words that i'm about to use. with jack telling will it's necessary he works on one side and hannibal trying to convince him he's too mentally ill to keep functioning on the other, you really can't justify why will chooses to keep working through his illness. he knew he was sick, he knew how often he'd begun to hallucinate violence, murder. he knew he was losing whole swathes of time, where he couldn't account for his whereabouts but was clearly competent enough to drive and navigate. despite that equal jack-hannibal dichotomy, will decides that upholding the ideal of crime-fighting, innocent, capable fbi agent will graham was far more important than the potential danger. sacrificing his health in the process was not selfless (particularly not in a universe where there are no long-term impacts of nearly becoming brain soup), it was an expression of how much harm he was willing to do to maintain his false sense of self. but he mostly hurt himself with this one. and abigail, obviously.
speaking of abigail, there's only a couple examples with her i'm going to bring up, but their entire pseudo father-daughter relationship was a projection of that false sense of self (caring, loving father figure) onto abigail. it was an expression of that particular brand of narcissism - he didn't see her, he only saw who she COULD BE in relation to who HE could be.
firstly there's the fact that he knew he was sick and yet risked going to an isolated area with her alone anyway. that obviously went super well. and then there's him telling her how ugly killing is. yes, he didn't know she'd killed yet, but where was all of that graham patented empathy when she was so clearly guilty about SOMETHING. again, his ideal is more important to him than her feelings. he doesn't actually stop to think about her at all, only how he expects her to feel, how he WANTS her to feel. how HE wants to feel. i mean even hannibal was judging him for that one,,,
moving on to s2, we've got matthew brown and related shenanigans occurring. now i'm not counting his interactions with beverly as particularly problematic because it was a fairly even relationship, and she mostly involved herself in his business (sorry bev i love you but sneaking into hannibal's house???). but matthew was a little different. quite frankly i don't care about will manipulating him, just as i don't particularly care about will manipulating hannibal - you can easily justify those decisions because lying is hardly the worst either of them have done. BUT. will knew about matthew (or at least suspected) far before the 'we're hawks, mr. graham' speech, which meant will (who by this point in the season has chilton hanging on his every word out of self-preservation, and jack slowly and surely moving in the right direction) knew matthew had killed and would kill again and did NOTHING.
matthew was more useful to him close than locked up. it would've been easy for chilton (yk matthew's boss who is totally willing to commit a little malpractice) to getting him fired at least, locked up at best. but nope, because matthew is useful to will and unlike hannibal he hasn't actually tried to manipulate him at all. it's not will's job to catch him, the ideal of will as stable and innocent seems further away than ever with bev dead, so why would he try? who cares about any innocents that get killed while he keeps matthew nice and free to be used at his convenience?
and THEN he lies to jack from the very beginning. he really says, out loud with full confidence, that nothing he did or said caused matthew to try and kill hannibal. and the insane thing is that he believes it. to an extent - in his mind, hannibal has earned this. pain, preferably death, at his hand by proxy. in his mind, he's washed his hands of it. he can still convince himself that this is not proof that he is just as murderous as hannibal sees him, and that he knows who he is (certainly not a killer, because it's not really murder if hannibal deserves it, is it? (idiot)).
comparatively to hannibal's egotism, will's narcissism is much less conscious. he often makes choices based purely on the impact it'll have on his plans, without ever stopping to consider who he harms in the process.
but my favourite example is chiyoh (<3).
he does not care about her prisoner. he does not care about chiyoh's duty. what he cares about is the fact that he wants her to go with him to find hannibal. he acts as if he's entitled to it - he sees her use to him, sees their similarities, and decides he must have it for himself. will cares so little about how she feels about killing him that he somehow STILL manages to perceive himself as some kind of victim in the aftermath. regardless of whether chiyoh kills the prisoner, will has either made her a murderer or ended a decades long commitment to hannibal lecter. fannibals who argue that will is in any way naturally caring or selfless should go rewatch that whole sequence and come back to me with a caring and selfless explanation for that move.
there are plenty more examples of this happening through the rest of the season too. will's immediate change of plans upon finding out hannibal loves him (confirmation he is wanted, finally ready to claim his prize through whatever means necessary). how easily he gives up on repairing his relationship with walt (because really he could've made ANY effort to explain). his framing of chilton as his 'pet' to get francis to respond (i mean REALLY?? man's been through enough goddamn).
the manifestation of their narcissistic traits is very different, but they're present in both of them. ultimately it's the fact that they are often exceptions to each other's rules that makes them so good together, and so compelling to think about too.
thank you very much for the ask!! as usual it has given me an opportunity to infodump about hannigram, which i always love and appreciate.
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semperardens-juli · 1 year
contemplation on melanie cavill from snowpiercer
She was thrown the responsibility of humanity in the midst of an apocalypse. The responsibility fell onto her out of nowhere, but what amazed me was that she simply accepted it without opposing it, despite the mountainous weight on her shoulder.
She was talented, gifted with a beautiful mind. She pulled herself in control always when the world wanted to pull her apart. And despite the threat of losing her daughter, her mind never flail in her responsibility towards humanity. I'm not saying this is a good thing, or a bad thing. I just think that proves how steadfast she is.
She was always looking out for the greater good and she uses math and logic for it. She kept herself moving. She kept making hard choices and sacrifices. She kept herself so in control, I wonder is she ever felt a sense of anxiety and how does that look like for her.
She was ruthless in her method but it was for selfless reasons. When she thought she lost her daughter, she could have given up on humanity and let them fall into their own hell. Life was cruel to her, she could be cruel back. But she didn't, she kept trying to preserve life. She is selfless to the core and will change her mind, even when her methods prove wrong, willingly compromise with Layton when necessary. Humanity and greater good was always on her mind first. Unlike Wilford, who would calculate how this work to his advantage. Her methods are ruthless but that is simply because they were thrown into a ruthless situation. Her soul isn't.
Also, she isn't a nerdy weak kid. She's nerdy but steadfast with lots of willpower. She never gave up. She kept trying. She don't let herself fall into a state of hopelessness or despair.
Melanie Cavill is the ultimate girlboss and girl's rolemodel, a character beautifully crafted.
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y-u-ship-hackearny · 2 years
I'm a huge fan of parallels, so here's this post that points out the similarities between Laura and Travis! It's also something of a response to an entry on TV Tropes:
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Yes, the tropes rock, but there's more to this pairing than that.
Now then, their parallels!
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• Misunderstood
People's initial impressions of Travis — in Jacksepticeye's words: "I don't trust him. He's the killer!"
Travis came off as someone who drugged/kidnapped Laura and Max for scary reasons, but he was actually trying to protect them.
The counselors did not trust Laura in the beginning. They thought she was some crazy murderer.
• Selfless Motives
Laura got blood on her hands for Max.
Travis gave so much of himself to his family, seeing as "family comes first." He put them above himself. Laura and Max? The sheriff tried keeping them safe, even though their existence made his job harder. Plus, he spared Laura's life in Chapter 9, despite both his parents dying at her hands
• Protectors
Laura is the protector in her relationship with Max. If you don't make her abandon him during the prologue, she tries dragging her injured BF out of the storm shelter.
Travis shielded his family from the law. Additionaly, he imprisoned Laura and Max to keep the couple safe from his family members, who have killed people to protect their secrets — hence Constance's "we don't want anymore blood on our hands" remark. And this bit, found on one of Travis' notes: "Last thing we need is more casualties!"
• Loyal
Once again, Travis did illegal things for his family.
Laura did not abandon Max when she had an opportunity to escape the police station. She stuck around, got him out.
• Anti-Heroes
They both crossed some lines whilst doing what they deemed "necessary."
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Laura willingness to commit murder — including the cold-blooded variety — so she can cure Max, regardless of the lives she ruins in the process, or if it entails possibly shooting someone other than Chris Hackett.
Travis, while a good person that wanted to protect his family and outsiders, made morally messy decisions. Among them, Laura losing an eye because he left her handcuffed beside a werewolf.
• Werewolf Hunters
They went after the werewolves responsible for infecting their loved ones, intent on shooting them dead. Ending the curse.
Travis devoted six years of his life hunting Silas. Laura sought out Chris, just as determinedly as Travis did with the White Wolf.
• Experts
Travis shared information concerning how werewolves work with Laura. She, in turn, relayed her knowledge to the counselors — giving them a fighting chance against the creatures chasing them.
Furthermore, they both had to convince the uninitiated that werewolves actually do exist. Travis sat her down in front of a nearly-transformed Max, whilst Laura offered people direct answers.
• Put Themselves at Risk
Can both die trying to achieve their goals.
Travis was putting his neck and job on the line by helping his family cover up their crimes — a ticket straight to a ruined life/prison if he failed.
• Determined
The Hacketts didn't stop Laura from finding Chris.
Travis spent 6 years hunting Silas. Started doubting the White Wolf's existence at times, but he never stopped his search.
• Dehumanization
Treated their respective targets this way.
"It's not killing Chris, it's killing a werewolf. It's saving your own life. And mine. And Max's, and your friends too."
Silas, in Travis' eyes, was the "White Wolf;" the source of all his problems and someone he had no qualms about slaying. I mean, even the trigger-happy Laura hesitated upon finding him injured in his ruined cage!
• Unapologetic
Laura didn't offer Ryan nor Travis any apologies for killing Kaylee.
Travis? He reponded with a "Ah, shut up. Forget I said anything," when Laura reminded him that he'd kept her locked up in a jail cell.
They both felt that their actions were justified, hence no apologies.
• Bitter
Also known as resentment. And boy, these two can sure hold grudges.
Enough said about Dark-Travis! Let's take a look at Laura... She remained upset with Travis due to her 2-month imprisonment.
You can her have her initiate this conversion:
Laura: How did you do it? How did you just keep two innocent people locked up for two months and not even blink.
Ryan: That's pretty cold, man.
Travis: Did what I had to. It was necessary.
Laura: Wow.
Ryan: Wrong answer.
Laura: Necessary? You stole two months of my life. You changed me. I will never, ever be the same because of you.
But at least I can move on. Y'know, I'll heal. You're the one who has to live with what you've done.
Travis: *Travis isn't going to take the bait.* What happened in the past doesn't matter right now.
Laura was so bitter that part of her wanted Travis dead.
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• "You're trying to decide if you should shoot me in the head right now. Go ahead... That's what you want, I won't stop you."
Travis giving Laura the opportunity.
Laura had a similar moment with Ryan when he pointed his shotgun at her: "One way or another, this ends tonight. If you're gonna shoot me, fucking shoot me."
• Ruthless
I've mentioned Chris plenty of times. Laura can do other ruthless stuff, like shooting Travis — who wasn't planning on doing the same to her during their scuffle. Left him for dead in her cell afterwards. And she snapped Jedadiah's neck, when she could have left the weakened old man on the floor and fled, not coming out of the fight a cold-blooded murderer.
Dark!Travis murdering Laura and Ryan is a great example of his ruthlessness, but I'm gonna bring up his behavior toward Silas once more, including a Silas-related moment wherein Travis resented his decision to keep Laura alive:
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This isn't Dark!Travis, but he meant what he said. Travis would have killed her on the spot if he'd been wielding a weapon, his deep outrage driving him to end that traitor who was sparing the menace whose existence ruined his life. The beast keeping him from saving what was left of his family. She chose it over him — the man that went against his own family to protect her
No wonder he became murderous.
• Mean
Laura generally expresses her meanness verbally.
"'Use science!' What a load of bullshit..."
"No it's not. There was a fire. 'Silas the Wolf Boy" escaped. Bit a bunch of your family. You failed to stop him."
"We could just kill Caleb."
Ryan: When I first came to camp, I was going through some... personal shit, and Mr. H helped me sort it out. He's a good guy. You don't know him like I do. You don't know him at all.
Laura: Okay, okay. Jeez. Teacher's pet.
Laura: That's why you've been hunting him. Silas, I mean.
Travis: Every full moon. For six fuckin' years.
Laura: Some hunter you are.
Travis is more subtle. He may not lash out at people with cutting words, but the man's actions get his anger across just fine. His meanness involved depriving Laura and Max of things if they pissed him off enough, or not giving them stuff.
Travis' POV ahoy!
Max decided to "jump him" as he let the idiot out of his cell for a shower. Well, no shower this time. He should've thought twice before fucking with him today.
Laura called for help while Bobby was radioing him, nearly jeopardizing his efforts to keep her under his family's radar as though she had a death wish. He'd considered answering a couple questions, calming her down some before leaving, but she had to go and piss him off by being a goddamned hinderance again, didn't she? "You can't just leave me here," she said, like she had a say in the matter. 'Watch me.'
"Yes, I can."
• Creepy
Creepy cop, we been knew! No examples needed!
Laura had her own creepy moments, too: Ryan certainly found her flirtiness and werewolf behavior off-putting!
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• Animal People
Need I say more with Laura? She's a vet student.
As for Travis... Those missing pet posters on the cork board in his office suggest that he's animal person. Or at least, someone who also cares about helping animals. Whatever the case may be, Laura would approve. c:
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• F-Bomb Usage
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I paid attention to their dialogue. These two dropped it way more than the other characters, except Constance. In similar ways as well. XD
• Dislike
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• He Didn't Shoot Her — She Didn't Shoot Him
They've both spared each other's lives, more than once.
• Tranq'd!
If you have your own examples, feel free to share them here!
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
I’ve been trying to figure out how to say this since we found out Airk doesn’t know about Madmartigan, but I’m struggling to put my thoughts in order. I’m a little afraid you are going to take this as a critique, but I promise it’s not! I’m just having fun psychoanalyzing fictional situations. :)
I don’t see any difference between what Kit and Sorsha are doing to Airk in TTA and what everyone was doing to Kit in Armourium. I never really felt fully comfortable blaming people for keeping things from Kit in Armourium because they did it out of love. I especially didn’t like the idea that Kit never forgave Airk. He thought she might die, if he came clean! Was the outcome good? No. Were poor choices made on everyone’s part? Yes. The thing is, that they did this on the advice of professionals and all felt horrible and, deep down, knew it was a temporary fix.
In TTA, it seems genuinely cruel to keep this from Airk. This isn’t a life and death decision for his health, his dad (HIS DAD!) is alive and the people he loves most are keeping it from him. Keeping it from him as a child was probably not the best idea, but I fully understand it. But now, at 26, Airk deserves to know. Airk deserves to be angry. At his dad, obviously, but also at Sorsha and Kit. They kind of screwed him over. They need to sit down and apologize and explain everything from the beginning. This cat, literally, can’t stay in the bag. There’s no way this story is staying hidden until Airk’s death; the world doesn’t work that way. TTA Kit and Sorsha need to do better than the crew in Armourium, being willing to lose Airk in his anger for a while, with the hope that he will return. If they don’t, he will find out, and they might lose him forever.
To clarify: I know TTA is fiction, and it’s obviously not your responsibility to write this!! I’m just looking at this story and realizing that this is a problem with flawed, realistic, human characters, and I am imagining how things would need to go in the future after our girls get their HEA.
-Producer 3/Numbered Theories anon
hello! sorry it took a couple days for me to get to this ask. sometimes i put off answering asks that require me to think a good bit because I like to answer long ones from my computer vs. my phone, and sometimes the asks get buried as well (since I'm saving all the lovely playlist recommendation asks and they tend to bury asks some times)
I think the biggest distinction between Kit/Sorsha keeping Mads from Airk in TTA and everyone keeping secrets from Kit in Armouriam comes down to the secret that's being kept and how it relates to agency.
In Armouriam, the secrets being kept from Kit were Kit's life and history and truths about herself. Things that everyone in her life knew except her. Keeping the secrets kept Kit's agency away from her and the knowledge of decisions she herself had already made. With Airk in TTA, there's one secret and it's a decision someone else made (that of course impacts him).
Yes, there's overlap! Both involve keeping critical information from a family member that would inform their worldview and directly relates to them. And you raise a good point that in Armouriam, they thought keeping the secrets was necessary for Kit's health. And in Armouriam, I really leaned into that. It was messy and there wasn't a straightforward right answer. They weren't in the wrong for keeping the secrets even though it ended up being the wrong thing to do.
In TTA, Kit and Sorsha are hiding the secret from Airk to protect him. And you're right, that does take agency away from him. He should be allowed to know the truth. Sorsha's reasons for not telling Airk are both selfish and selfless. She doesn't want to cause Airk pain, but she also doesn't want him to hate her for A. not telling him sooner and B. not fighting harder for him to stay (which is not a reaction Airk would have, but a fear Sorsha has that that would be his reaction). On Kit's part, her reason for not telling Airk is more selfless. She knows her twin better than anyone in the world, and she knows how hurt he would be and how much he would blame himself for Kit's pain. So, she sees it as sparing him.
People are messy. I don't really think there is a right answer as to whether Kit should tell Airk or not. She was a child when she learned and it kinda fucked her up long term. She has really solid reasons not to tell Airk. They also have no reason to believe that there's any possibility Airk would find out without one of them telling him.
Airk is not going to learn the truth about Mads in TTA. Partially because it's not relevant to the arc of this story. That's not to say I might not explore that possibility in a one-shot though! You never know!
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redloves · 11 months
Mermaidverse Character Mermaid SHORTS INFORMATION
NAME:Revanche ( Revenge!Frisk)
GENDER: Non-binary
SPECIES: Mermaid/Merman
STATUS: Active
PERSONALITY: Revanche is a mysterious
figure. They are quiet, troubled, brooding,
grim, moody, seemingly emotionless,
intelligent, studious, and sarcastic. They
have difficulty opening up to others and
keep their emotions to themselves. They
almost never freaks out or loses their cool
in combat, which is almost frightening.
OCCUPATION:Psychics, Doctor
WEAPONS: Claymore
NAME: Ruby (Mafia! Frisk)
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Mermaid
AGE: 20
STATUS: Active
PERSONALITY: Ruby represents virtue,
generosity, honesty, and humility. She is
overly gentle, which prevents her from
making firm decisions, but she is later
shown to be serious when necessary. Ruby
is a naturally compassionate person who is
also strategic and fierce in battle. She treats
her friends with kindness and love. And I
have a thing for animals.
OCCUPATION: Consigliere
NAME: Daisy (Dust Frisk)
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Mermaid
AGE :27
STATUS: Active
PERSONALITY: Daisy is very overconfident and a little bit of a sassy girl. She sometimes seems to be rude to people, but she is a good friend and also has a good heart when all is said and done . She loyal and supportive .She also can make amazing hairstyles.
HOME: Magindara
OCCUPATION: Hair stylists
WEAPONS:Haladie Sword
NAME: Erena(Error Frisk)
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Mermaid
AGE: 20
STATUS: Active
HOME: Magindara
OCCUPATION: lady in waiting
PERSONALITY: Erena is caring ,motherly responsible,She is very friendly. She doesn't like to break the rules but sometimes she can be very vindictive.
WEAPONS:Electric Whip
NAME: Rosa (Nightmare/Moon Frisk)
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Mermaid
AGE: 19
STATUS: Active
RELATIVES: Hope(Twine)
HOME: Magindara
OCCUPATION: Queen of Magindara
PERSONALITY: Rosa is kind, sweet, and friendly to everyone she meets, She likes to Sing, and she ball of cheerful energy, Rosa love to bring others joy. hyperactive, excitable, quirky, and outgoing.
NAME: Hope (Dream/ Sun Frisk)
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Mermaid
STATUS: Active
RELATIVES: Rosa(Twine sister)
PERSONALITY: Hope is very overprotective and a little bit of a sassy girl. she is a very brave and selfless person. Hope is also Kind and deeply generous, willing to sacrifice even her life for the sake of others.
OCCUPATION: Princess of Magindara
HOME: Magindara
WEAPONS: Recurve Bow.
NAME: Iolanthe (Ink! Frisk)
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Mermaid
AGE: 22
STATUS: Active
PERSONALITY: Iolanthe is a wonderful person who is kind, brave, adventurous, and above all, honest. She is also a dreamer and a talented artist. She would paint whenever she had free time or when she had completed all of the tasks Hope had assigned her. She thinks quickly. She's also incredibly patient with Hope, rarely complaining. She has a positive outlook on most things.
OCCUPATION: lady in waiting
WEAPONS: Paintbrush
NAME: Elara (Cross Frisk)
AGE: 27
STATUS: Active
PERSONALITY: Elara is confident, energetic, and kind .He is best described as focused, brave, protective, and determined. He is hilariously funny but sometimes fierce
HOME: Magindara
OCCUPATION: Royal guard
WEAPONS: Ryunohige
NAME: Buttercup (Underswap Frisk)
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Mermaid
AGE: 39
STATUS: Active
PERSONALITY:Buttercup is best defined as
focused, bold, protective, and resolute, which
are the epitome of her great desire to defend
her home, Magindara.
WEAPONS: Bow and Arrow
NAME: Kathelyne (Killer! Frisk)
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Mermaid
AGE: 19
STATUS: Active
PERSONALITY: Kathelyne is kind, nice, friendly, smart, brave and strong. She loves to be creative and make things elaborate and extraordinary. She loves music and is very helpful.
HOME: Magindara
OCCUPATION: Nails and tails stylist
WEAPONS: Swallow
NAME: Hana (Horror! Frisk)
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Mermaid
AGE: 20
STATUS: Active
PERSONALITY: Hana is a sweet, gentle and kind. She's quiet and shy, but she is very joyful. Hana is willing to see the best in everyone.
HOME: Magindara
WEAPONS: Crystal Cross
NAME: Starberry (Underfell! Frisk)
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Mermaid
STATUS: Active
PERSONALITY: Starberry is joyful, cheerful, and energetic. She has a gentle, caring nature and is confident and strong-natured. She works hard and is very supportive. She is calm and organized and is very considerate.
HOME: Magindara
WEAPONS: Thorn Bracelet
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“A Problem Princess”, by Anna Harrington
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I read this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review RELEASE DATE - Apr11, 2023 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Lords of the Armory” is a series about former soldiers of the Napoleonic wars who initially created a place of solace for ex combatants who didn’t know what to do with their lives after Waterloo but some of them, an elite of them, ended up under the employ of the Home secretary and now they work as spies or secret service to unveil and fight Scepter, a secret group of extremists who want to overthrow the status quo by killing the Prince Regent and the Prime Minister, Lord Liverpool. In this, the sixth book of the series, our hero is Clayton Elliot, one of the main leaders of the Armory who works as undersecretary for the Home Office. He had saved the lives of the Regent and Lord Liverpool in the previous book, and managed to cover the attempted assassination with a citizens riot, so no one nows why all of a sudden Prince George has given him the rank of general and why is he a favorite in the court. Everything has been kept a secret or covered since everyone who is in the known believe that Scepter are over and done with the demise of their leader. But Clayton has a feeling that another leader will rise and the band will regroup and try again.
Princess Cordelia of Monrovia is in England to be offered in marriage to one of the Royal dukes (Prince George’s brothers) to seal the relationship between her country and England. She feels like a swan in a gilded cage but she knows her duty and she has been brought up by her uncle, Crown Prince Ernest, to behave and do what must be done at all times. Her motivations aren’t entirely selfless, since she wants to do it for her people who, she is convinced, were betrayed by her late father, who was the Crown Prince before Albert and who died with his wife in an accident. There’s a welcome ceremony for the Prince and his niece at Carlton House and Clayton was invited, only to find himself protecting the princess from a false footman who threatened her life with a knife to the throat. From that moment, Prinny appoints Clayton as the responsible for the protection of the princess, but also from that moment, neither Clayton, nor Cordelia can take their eyes off each other. I wonder if Anna Harrington created Cordelia as an homage to my favorite Audrey Hepburn movie “Roman Holiday”. Her opening scene is a recreation of Princess Ana (Hepburn’s Character) bedroom scene, when she is told of all of the next day’s activities and she calls her daily routine “The program”. In that scene Ana opens a window and sees Rome at night, with its life, its music and its people enjoying the good weather, and she dreams of having at least one day of normalcy, one day in which she could have an ordinary woman’s life. Cordelia is just the same, only her adventure is much more dangerous than Ana’s because someone wants to kill her. Cordelia doesn’t think she has such an important role in anybody’s life, her only fate in life is to marry a royal duke and have children for England. If only for a moment… It’s Clayton who gives her just that. The normalcy, he treats her with respect and consideration but not in the way courtiers and admirers treat her but like a human being who feels and think and whose opinion is as valid as everyone else’s. For Clayton she is a magnificent woman, not ordinary at all because she’s so smart and brave and beautiful. She overcomes incidents and “accidents” with courage, not because she’s not terrified at all, but because he gives her strength and encouragement. He admires for who she is, and the more time they spend together the more he feels he is losing his heart for her. There’s a key moment when he has to decide if he would forget his personal mission of uncovering and destroying Scepter or give his life to protect her if necessary. I always thought that Clayton was a bit of a pain, but in this book he reveals himself to be a man of honor, duty and heart. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her or to keep her safe, even if that means that he’ll be considered a traitor to the Crown. Once again Anna’s style of writing is incredibly direct and straight to the point. She gets you invested in her stories and characters by refusing to fall into lyricism or artifices. She doesn’t mince words but doesn’t use more than she needs to, she’s very precise but don’t get me wrong, she delivers every time. She compensates the lack of ingenuity or beauty by providing a good amount of angst and excitement. She’s not the spiciest writer that I have ever read but she treats these few moments with care and delicacy. Her books are full of action and intrigue yet the moments of intimacy are full of vibrant emotion. She knows how to engage her readers and she does that masterfully. Honestly I had a lot of fun reading this book.
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dextixer · 2 years
The morality and effect of pirating RWBY related content.
Recently there has been a lot of discussion on the morality and the effect that the decision to encourage piracy of RWBY and its related content. Not without reason in my opinion, morally the question of piracy is complicated, just like any kind of resistance or wish of change.
I am firmly in the pro-piracy camp as i have indicated before, but i want to make this thread to explain why and why some of the arguments i have seen in opposition to piracy are not well thought out.
Many people have indicated that if we do not support RWBY, there might be no volume 10. And that is correct. As such i have to pose a question. What is more important to you? Your own comfort and watching RWBY no matter what? Or people who work on the show and are exploited while doing so? At least in my opinion the more moral and selfless thing is to refuse a product that one CAN refuse if it is made through exploitative labour.
Others begun to ask however, why RWBY then? There are other exploitative corporations, especially since we live in a capitalist society. Why RT? Why RWBY? Because RWBY and RT is entertainment. While humans do need entertainment and enrichment in our lives, RWBY is not the only source of that. Nor is it necessary to our lives. RWBY is not food, it is not clothing. One can justify the exploitation or harm that is caused by food production/clothing and the like because these are necessary, and because there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. RWBY does not fall under this umbrella.
Why RWBY and RT specifically though? Because they are an example of a rotten company. Sexual abuses, worker exploitation, constant lies about "changing". And because RT is a relatively small company that we CAN affect the actions of. We cannot fix the entire exploitative system of the industry, but we can at least fix this company, or help fix it. We can engage in harm reduction. Even if we cant fix EVERYTHING we can at least NOT contribute to harm.
Some have argued that by pirating we will not enact change, that we need to "encourage" RT to get better. And that is categorically wrong. That is NOT how corporations work. The only language that corporations speak in is MONEY. Nothing else. A good example of this is Activision-Blizzard. Did you know that they almost entirely automated their "ticket" system that is used to report bugs in-game? Almost every player that has used it acknowledges it as an useless system and asks why it isnt changed. The answer is simple. Because they still pay money to the company. Why would Blizzard pay money to fix a problem that is not a "deal-breaker" for people who play the game? The players will complain and then still play. The same applies to RT. If you keep buying RT first they wont need to change. Because if you are willing to pay them money despite all of the revalations, why should they care about fixing anything?
"But what about the crew members?"
"What about them?"
I jest of course, i am not so callous as to ignore the workers of RT. If RWBY or RT fails it does mean that the employees of RT would most likely lose their jobs entirely. However, and im going to say it very simply, that is neither our moral responsibility, nor business.
What this is, is a very disgusting manipulative tactic.
We have to buy a product no matter what or people lose their jobs? Does noone else see how fucked up such logic is? How exploitative it is? It is guilt tripping at its basic.
And may i ask where the line is then if you do agree with such a view? How much abuse do you think is "alright" just so that the workers could keep their jobs. And how exactly will change be achieved if one can be guilt-tripped into stopping it before it goes on.
Corporations make products. We are not responsible for buying them or the consequences of NOT buying them. We have NO obligation to corporations NOR their workers. The corporations have obligations to their workers.
I would advise people to not surrender to such manipulation.
At the end of the day. All of this is your choice and a question that you have to answer to yourself. Do you think supporting RT is worth it? Or do you not think so? Those are the questions you have to answer to yourself individually.
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enneagramtest · 6 days
The Free Enneagram Test: Identify Your Personality Design
Understanding the Enneagram
Before we delve into how the Enneagram test works, let's take a brief look at the foundations of this powerful tool. The Enneagram is believed to have originated centuries ago, drawing inspiration from various spiritual traditions and psychological theories. It defines nine distinct personality types, each representing a specific way of perceiving and engaging with the world. These types are interconnected and offer valuable insights into our motivations, fears, and patterns of behavior. By understanding our Enneagram type, we can unlock a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.
Taking the Free Enneagram Test
As you embark on the journey of self-discovery using the Enneagram, it is crucial to approach the test with sincerity and honesty. The test itself comprises a set of thought-provoking questions that delve into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. There are several resources available online that offer free Enneagram tests. Choose a reliable and reputable source that provides a comprehensive assessment of all nine Enneagram types. Be prepared to dedicate some time and energy to complete the test thoughtfully, as it requires introspection and self-reflection.
Type 1: The Perfectionist
Characteristics and Behaviors
Type 1 individuals, often known as Perfectionists, strive for excellence and have a well-developed sense of right and wrong. They are driven by a desire for integrity and are highly responsible. Perfectionists tend to be detail-oriented, principled, and always aim for the highest standards. However, they may also become critical of themselves and others when expectations aren't met.
Common strengths and weaknesses
Perfectionists excel at maintaining order, being diligent, and upholding moral values. They have an innate sense of justice and can be relied upon for their integrity. However, their pursuit of perfection can lead to self-criticism and a tendency to set unrealistic standards.
Growth opportunities
To grow, Perfectionists should practice self-compassion and acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes. Learning to accept imperfections and embracing flexibility will allow them to cultivate a healthier balance.
Type 2: The Helper
Key Traits and Tendencies
Type 2 individuals, often referred to as Helpers, have a natural inclination to assist others. They are compassionate, empathetic, and readily offer their support to those in need. Helpers have a keen ability to recognize and respond to the emotional needs of others, often neglecting their own needs in the process.
Positive and Negative Aspects
Helpers excel at building connections, nurturing relationships, and showing acts of kindness. Their selfless nature allows them to make a significant impact on the lives of others. However, they can also struggle with boundaries and may find it challenging to focus on their own needs.
Personal Growth Suggestions
To foster personal growth, Helpers need to prioritize self-care and set clear boundaries. They should learn to recognize their own needs and ask for assistance when necessary, ensuring that they also receive the support they readily provide to others.
Type 3: The Achiever
Description and Core Traits
Type 3 individuals, known as Achievers, are highly motivated and driven. They seek success and recognition and are adept at adapting themselves to fit into various environments. Achievers are goal-oriented, ambitious, and often exceed expectations.
Strengths and Pitfalls
Achievers excel at setting and attaining goals, consistently striving for excellence, and radiating confidence. Their charisma and work ethic inspire others to push their limits. However, they may also become overly focused on external validation and lose touch with their own authentic desires.
Tips for Personal Development
For personal development, Achievers need to balance their desire for success with moments of self-reflection. Learning to appreciate their accomplishments independent of external validation and defining their own measures of fulfillment can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life.
Type 4: The Individualist
Understanding the Characteristics
Type 4 individuals, often referred to as Individualists, have a strong sense of identity and express themselves creatively. They embrace their uniqueness and navigate the world with a heightened emotional depth. Individualists can experience the full spectrum of emotions intensely.
Exploring the Range of Emotions
Individualists possess an exceptional ability to express and explore their complex emotions through art, music, or other creative outlets. They bring a deep sense of meaning to their experiences and often see beauty in the unconventional. However, dwelling on negative emotions and feeling misunderstood by others can pose challenges.
Strategies for Personal Growth
To foster personal growth, Individualists should embrace self-acceptance and recognize that their uniqueness is a gift. Developing a support system that understands and appreciates their emotional depth can provide a stable foundation for growth and self-expression.
Type 5: The Investigator
Analyzing the Key Features
Type 5 individuals, known as Investigators, possess an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding. They excel at deep analysis, observation, and problem-solving. Investigators often value privacy and tend to withdraw to recharge their mental energy.
Challenges and Potential Growth
Investigators have a natural ability to gather information and make connections that others may overlook. Their intellectual curiosity allows them to delve into complex subjects. However, they may struggle with sharing their insights or become overly isolated.
Recommendations for Self-Improvement
Investigators can foster personal growth by actively engaging with the world, stepping out of their comfort zone, and sharing their knowledge with others. Building connections and using their insight to make a positive impact can be greatly rewarding.
Type 6: The Loyalist
Defining Traits and Behaviors
Type 6 individuals, often referred to as Loyalists, are deeply committed and responsible. They thrive in stable environments and prioritize security. Loyalists are highly loyal to their friends, family, and beliefs, but may also struggle with anxiety and skepticism.
Trust and Fear Dynamics
Loyalists value trust and loyalty above all else. However, their tendency to anticipate potential threats can lead to anxiety and a continuous need for reassurance. Their skepticism often stems from a strong desire to prevent potential pitfalls.
Building Resilience and Trust
To build resilience, Loyalists should practice self-compassion, challenge their fears, and gradually expand their comfort zone. Developing a support network and fostering trust can help them navigate uncertainty more confidently.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Identifying the Key Attributes
Type 7 individuals, known as Enthusiasts, have a zest for life and seek out new experiences. They are optimistic, spontaneous, and love to explore various options. Enthusiasts are always on the lookout for stimulation and can become easily bored.
Positive and Negative Implications
Enthusiasts bring excitement and joy to any situation. They have a contagious energy that sparks creativity and innovation. However, their fear of missing out and avoidance of negative emotions can hinder their ability to fully engage with reality.
Strategies for Personal Fulfillment
To find personal fulfillment, Enthusiasts should practice mindfulness and embrace the present moment. Learning to balance their desire for new experiences with acceptance of their emotions can lead to a more meaningful and rewarding life.
Type 8: The Challenger
Core Characteristics and Tendencies
Type 8 individuals, often referred to as Challengers, embody strength and assertiveness. They are natural leaders who seek to protect the vulnerable and fight against injustice. Challengers appreciate autonomy and dislike feeling controlled.
Distinguishing Between Healthy and Unhealthy Behavior
Challengers can inspire and transform others, bringing out their full potential. They are charismatic, courageous, and unafraid to confront difficult situations. However, their assertiveness can sometimes turn into aggression, especially when feeling threatened or controlled.
Steps Towards Personal Transformation
Personal transformation for Challengers involves cultivating vulnerability and empathy. Rather than opposing everyone, channeling their strength towards supporting others and embracing vulnerability can lead to more harmonious relationships.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
Understanding the Essential Traits
Type 9 individuals, known as Peacemakers, are conciliatory and seek to maintain inner peace and harmony. They value stability, avoid conflicts, and often put others' needs before their own. Peacemakers excel at creating a calm and inclusive environment.
Balancing Harmony and Complacency
Peacemakers have an innate ability to find common ground and facilitate understanding among people. They bring a sense of unity and tranquility to those around them. However, their desire for harmony can sometimes lead to complacency, overlooking personal desires and needs.
Enhancing Personal Growth
To enhance personal growth, Peacemakers should practice assertiveness, communicate their needs openly, and avoid suppressing their emotions. Finding a balance between maintaining harmony and asserting individuality can bring about personal fulfillment.
Applying the Enneagram Knowledge
Now that you are familiar with the different Enneagram types, it's time to identify your own. Understanding your Enneagram type can provide valuable insights into your core motivations, fears, and behaviors. Once you have identified your type, you can harness this knowledge to enhance your personal growth and navigate your relationships more effectively. Remember, the Enneagram test is a guide, and its true power lies in how you apply the insights gained from it.
The Accuracy of the Free Enneagram Test
The accuracy of the Enneagram test is highly dependent on your honesty while answering its questions. The test is designed to gauge your thought processes, emotions, and behavior patterns. As humans, we often have both conscious and subconscious tendencies that drive our actions. Answering the questions truthfully, even if it reveals some aspects you may not be proud of, is crucial to gaining accurate insights into your personality. The Enneagram serves as a mirror, reflecting your true self, enabling growth and self-awareness.
The free Enneagram Test offers a powerful compass for self-discovery and personal growth. By identifying your Enneagram type, you can uncover valuable insights into your core motivations, fears, and behaviors. Remember that the accuracy of the test lies in your honesty while responding to the questions. Embrace the knowledge gained from the Enneagram and use it to embark on a journey of self-improvement, fostering healthy relationships, and creating a more fulfilling life.
1. Can I have more than one Enneagram type? No, the Enneagram system defines individuals with a single dominant type, but it acknowledges that we may display certain traits from other types, especially in times of stress or growth.
2. Can my Enneagram type change over time? While your Enneagram type itself remains stable throughout your life, your level of self-awareness and personal growth may influence how you express your dominant traits.
3. Is the Enneagram test scientifically validated? Though the Enneagram test is widely used and respected, it is essential to note that it is not based on scientific research. Instead, it draws on psychological and spiritual traditions to provide insights into our personalities.
4. Can the Enneagram test predict my future behavior? No, the Enneagram test does not predict future behavior. It serves as a tool for self-awareness and personal growth, helping you understand your patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
5. Can the Enneagram type limit my potential? Your Enneagram type does not limit your potential. Instead, it offers insight into your default patterns of behavior and challenges you to grow beyond them, unlocking your true potential.
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aimeecabo · 4 months
Building Trust in Relationships with Aimee Cabo - A Key Element in Trauma Healing
Breakdown in relationships can occur for various reasons. This could range from something as minor as one partner prioritizing their friendships over those of the other to more severe events like trauma.
Trust can take many forms. Not only is it dependent on sexual fidelity but also upon financial responsibility and honesty.
Honesty is a highly valued character trait in various cultures across the globe and requires being true to your word, avoiding deceit in any form, and acting fairly and justly. Aimee Cabo highlights that honesty can also be seen as a virtue; those who demonstrate it are often respected among their peers and friends.
Honest communication is integral to successful trauma healing and should form the cornerstone of healthy relationships. Being dishonest with loved ones can cause irreparable damage over time; similarly, dishonesty in recovery makes forming trust more challenging, slowing treatment progress further.
One of the most significant challenges facing trauma survivors is learning to be honest with themselves and recognize when they're lying. Trauma often makes it hard for individuals to access their core sense of self amidst shifting moods, thoughts, and bodily sensations, leading them down a path toward dissociation as another common side effect of trauma.
Therapy provides people experiencing trauma with the opportunity to challenge any problematic thoughts and beliefs that have emerged as a result of their experience. Aimee Cabo clarifies that someone who experienced domestic violence might develop the belief "I can't trust anyone," however, therapy could help replace this thought pattern with more realistic thinking, such as: "Despite past hurts, most people are trustworthy." This can reduce trauma-related emotions such as shame and guilt by replacing these extreme reactions with realistic perspectives on things such as these more realistic thought patterns.
Empathizing with others' views and understanding their pain are core components of compassion. By empathizing, we gain greater insight into their experience and find out ways we might be able to assist them, and they give us strength when confronted by wrongdoers who wrong us in turn.
Aimee Cabo points out that compassion translates to the phrase 'to endure with' and refers to an emotionally powerful state of being that combines presence, kindness, and courage. Compassion fuels acts of generous benevolence performed by religious and secular leaders such as Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr, and St Francis of Assisi, as well as brave individuals risking their lives to save others during war or terror attacks.
Research has established that compassion is a visible indicator of emotional state. Additionally, showing your partner how much you care is an effective way to strengthen trust within a relationship.
Be mindful that simply showing these emotions doesn't guarantee they will make you more compassionate towards your partner or their actions. In the early stages of a relationship, people can easily make mistakes that could be perceived as breaches of trust.
Patience is the ability to remain calm under trying circumstances without losing your temper or giving up, yet persevere. Patience allows us to be more understanding, collaborative, and selfless with those around us; ultimately, this can benefit us and those we care for most. Practicing patience also involves being willing to put in the necessary work and time to reach your goals.
Aimee Cabo emphasizes that trauma healing requires patience, especially when encountering setbacks. It's essential to keep in mind that trauma isn't something you can just "get over," and healing takes time for you and those close to you.
An inability to practice patience can lead to frustration, irritability, and an emphasis on negative aspects that derail recovery. Instead, try practicing it daily by reciting positive mantras or participating in meditation exercises to become more mindful and less impulsive in your decisions, which could prevent any potential relapses from taking place.
Certain studies demonstrated that patients enjoy greater peace of mind and well-being than impatient ones. They suggest taking note of scenarios that test your patience: daily hassles like flight delays and traffic jams (not being put on hold on the phone); interpersonal conflicts (such as dealing with quirks from friends and family); and more considerable obstacles like illness or job loss.     
Recovering from trauma requires connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences. Supportive networks include friends, family members, community members, and support groups that allow individuals to share their stories and feel less isolated from society.
Aimee Cabo conveys that trauma victims may experience feelings of isolation, which can contribute to feelings of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). By creating a supportive community, they can rediscover how to express themselves emotionally while beginning the healing process.
Supportive communities also offer individuals an environment to practice healthy coping strategies. Members of these communities can share their coping mechanisms and develop healthier ways of dealing with triggers or emotional distress.
An inclusive community can also help reduce mistrust among members by assisting individuals to form relationships across groups of different backgrounds. Black communities in the U.S. have historically experienced collective trauma due to slavery and racism; therefore, they may find it hard to trust government agencies, social services providers, and healthcare entities.
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binamaids · 6 months
How to Balance Self-Care and Responsibilities as a Patient Caretaker in Thane
Caring for a loved one is a noble and selfless responsibility, especially in a city like Thane, where familial bonds run deep. The role of a patient caretaker often entails immense dedication and sacrifice. However, amidst the noble duties lies an often neglected aspect: the caretaker's well-being. Balancing self-care while fulfilling responsibilities as a patient caretaker is crucial for sustaining physical and emotional health.
Understanding the Importance of Self-Care
Patient caretaking in Thane, a bustling city in Maharashtra, demands unwavering attention and patience. It's easy to lose oneself in the commitment to the patient's needs, forgetting the caregiver's needs. However, prioritizing self-care is not selfish—it's essential.
Practical Strategies for Balancing Responsibilities and Self-Care
Set Realistic Boundaries: Establish limits on what you can realistically manage. Learn to say no when necessary and seek support from other family members or support groups in Thane.
Schedule 'Me Time': Dedicate specific times for self-care activities, whether it's a walk in the beautiful locales of Thane, indulging in a hobby, or even simple relaxation techniques.
Utilize Available Resources: Thane offers various support services and communities for caregivers. Feel free to seek help or guidance from these resources.
Healthy Lifestyle: Prioritize good nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient rest. These basics are often overlooked but are crucial in maintaining caregiver well-being.
The Importance of Self-Compassion
Remember, being a caregiver doesn't mean being superhuman. It's okay to feel overwhelmed or tired. Practicing self-compassion is critical. Acknowledge your efforts, seek support when needed, and don't hesitate to seek respite or professional help when things become too demanding.
Balancing self-care and caregiving duties as a patient caretaker in Thane is a complex yet vital aspect of ensuring long-term well-being. Recognizing the significance of your mental and physical health doesn't diminish the care you provide; rather, it fortifies it. By implementing practical strategies and embracing self-compassion, caregivers can navigate their roles in Thane's caregiving landscape while maintaining their health and resilience. Remember, a healthy caregiver is better equipped to provide quality care, fostering a nurturing environment for themselves and their loved ones in Thane's vibrant community.
Have questions or need further guidance on balancing self-care and caregiving in Thane? Contact us for personalized support and resources tailored to your needs.
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inheritedmight · 10 months
In the recent years of ours where quirks have become an important part of society, it is shaping everything from everyday life to law enforcement.
In the middle of it all, one name shines brighter than the others: All Might. As the world's No. 1 hero, he embodies the ideal of selflessness and unwavering determination to protect the innocent, with his unique quirk called 'One for All,' a power that has been passed down through generations, accumulating strength and abilities along the way.
He is now facing a significant challenge: he is in search of a worthy successor to inherit One for All. This search is not merely about finding someone with a strong quirk; it's about finding an individual who carries the same values and ideals of heroism and selflessness. He seeks someone who can uphold the spirit of One for All and use their power to protect and inspire others.
With this, we are inviting you to join UA High School, a prestigious school that serves as a training ground for you, our beloved soon-to-be students, equipping you with the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to protect and serve society.
UA High School is divided into two main departments: the Hero Department and the Support Department. The Hero Department focuses on cultivating the physical and intellectual abilities of students. The Support Department is responsible for training individuals who specialize in developing innovative tools and technologies.
Finally, you might be the one we are looking for to continue the legacy of the world's No. 1 Hero, All Might. Are you ready to join our school and learn everything you need to master to ensure the safety and well-being of society and the people you hold dear?
Remember what All Might said, "Heroes have many things to protect. That's why we can't lose." Believe in yourself, and you can become a hero.
Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!
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hersterical · 10 months
I think the core reason why I love the superhero genre so much (and other similar things like atla) is because their exaggerated abilities helps to exaggerate their humanity. Superheroes aren’t more than human, they’re super human. The more achingly human a superhero is the more I like them, no matter if they are literally humans or not. A hero who is more than human will always end up being a villain. The greater the power a superhero has, the more humanity is needed in order for them to stay a hero. I think Superman is a good example of this. He has more reason than most superheroes to view himself as more than human, but we’ve all seen what happens when he slips into that trap. But generally speaking, Clark chooses his humanity each and everyday. He has to. His abilities makes the choice all the more necessary, but it’s his super-humanity that makes him a superhero.
When their strength, speed, intellect, psychic abilities, or whatever is heightened, then their bravery, selflessness, humility, and kindness also needs to be heightened. But not just that. Their doubts, insecurities, fears, rage, and hatred are also heightened. Because humanity encompasses all of these things. A hero isn’t someone who doesn’t have demons, a hero is someone who has demons and continues to try to do good everyday anyways.
The outer struggles that superheroes face are also usually exaggerated outward struggles that real people face as well. A superhero is supposed to be someone that everyone can find a little piece of themselves in, and the exaggerated abilities, the exaggerated threats, and the exaggerated humanity all help to make it easier for people to see themselves in superheroes.
That’s why I love superhero stories with smaller stakes so much. Or stories where there are bigger stakes, but the smaller stakes aren’t treated as less important. (The reason why I love Avengers Endgame isn’t because of the big climactic battle with Thanos (though that is cool) but to see how the different character arcs end. The reason why the battle with Thanos matters is because of the individual losses that each character has faced, how they respond to that loss, and what they do about it.) What showcases humanity more than caring about the little things in the face of threats beyond ourselves? Every single battle won, every single life saved, every single cat stuck in a tree and old person helped across the street matters. Not only that, but your friendships, your family, your hopes and ambitions always matters no matter what global crisis you face. I see this in Peter Parker trying to balance all of his normal life problems with all of his responsibilities as Spider-Man. It’s also why I love both the Hawkeye tv series, and the Matt Faction comics. And why I personally tend to gravitate towards street level heroes. It’s easier to make the story more about helping people rather than stopping the bad guy with street level heroes. That’s what a hero really is. That’s the job that takes humanity. Helping people. Even if all you can do is sit with someone and offer compassion like what Batman does for Ace in JLU. Or refusing to give up on people like Peter in No Way Home. Or never losing hope for yourself. The moment you choose to stop caring is the moment you stop being a hero. (Sometimes we can’t bring ourselves to care for whatever reason. That’s okay. Life is hard. All superheroes go through dark times. As long as you’re trying you’re succeeding. Even if you can only bring yourself to care about one thing a day that’s okay).
I need to stop myself now before this spirals even more out of my control. Superheroes aren’t cool because they’re more than human. Superheroes are cool because they’re super human.
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venomous-spade · 1 year
It's always interesting to me when people who used to know me still expect me to be the same person.
My evolution came when I tried to end my life.
The absolute willpower you gain to continue after that will carry you through every obstacle moving forward. That apathy you have when you don't want to live turns into anger, and if you learn how to use it, you can gain from it.
One thing I've told people since is that there are a lot of "you have to forgive to move on" people in the world who will try to make you believe you're wrong for being angry about what someone did to you.
Fuck those people.
You just have to learn how to use your rage in a constructive way. You don't have to forgive anyone for how they treated you, as long as you forgive yourself for giving them the ability and access to negatively affect you or your life. Rage is like fire, it can grow, it can destroy you and everything around you, but you can use fire to build and you can use fire to create. Rage can also devour you from the inside out, if you hold it in.
Forgiveness does not define your success or your personal growth.
The choice to continue, the choice to move forward, that defines your success.
Forgiveness not necessary.
Only forgive people when you really accept that they're sorry for what they did. Don't accept it out of perceived social obligation or just to be nice, or to avoid making others uncomfortable.
And if you did something someone else didn't like?
It doesn't matter if they like you or not.
Your ability to learn if you disagree with something you did or said has nothing to do with who forgives you or not. They don't forgive you or don't like you? Neat, that's their own personal growth in standing up for what they really feel. It doesn't define your growth. Give apologies where you feel you owe them, without a necessity to gain forgiveness. Don't apologize because you feel like you have to, if you're really sorry the apology isn't something you're doing for yourself anyway. Real apologies aren't to make you feel better or clear your conscience, that's kinda selfish. It's just to tell whoever you feel you wronged that you disagree with what you did and that you're choosing to learn from it.
Sometimes you can be honest with someone and they could gain nothing from your apology, and that's okay.
People don't have to like you, or accept that you disagree with something you did.
All that really matters is that you learn and grow from it.
There are a lot of things I've learned over the years, and personal accountability is one of those things. Understanding that other people really don't make a huge difference in my life is also something I've learned. But learning that I owe honesty to my own feelings to grow as a person is probably one of the most important things I've learned. I've learned I owe myself more. I've learned that sometimes turning inward is best for you and everyone around you.
So if you met me years ago, understand that I'm not the same person you met.
I mean that in a lot of ways.
I mean that in the way that I've learned to love myself and be honest with myself.
I mean that in the way that I view my treatment of others as a reflection of how I view myself.
But I've also learned that I don't owe everyone anything. And if I don't owe you shit, you won't get anything from me. I love the people in my life. I'm generous, I'm caring, and I'm selfless. But if you cross me, you lose access to me and my life in every aspect, unapologetically, and I will fully hold you responsible for everything you did and said in every way I possibly can.
I'm not a pushover like I once was.
If that's what you're expecting, you will be disappointed.
I'm free of that.
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