#and then she added -I can start sending you messages about random things-
as-rare-as-trees · 1 year
Something something about being loved and loved and loved and loved and-
#pls excuse me I just need to *sobs in a corner*#it's about the little things#and finding yourself surrounded with sweet sweet people#and just#okay warning I might do some negative self talk in the following tags so stop here if it's triggering#but like.... i don't have the best relationship with myself and there are these moments where I'll be feeling so low and just feel this#hate-resentment at myself#and somebody does/says something so simply sweet and nice and I just#there's a chant of -I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this love. I don't deserve these loving sweet people.-#and it just brings me to tears to be loved like this#(i know this is something I need to work on)#specifically this afternoon I was feeling kinda shittily#and I had talked with my uni friend about how I was thinking again about dropping this cool practical activity in a lab we've started#as i don't feel like I can handle it#and after a while she was like -while at the supermarket I was thinking about the lab thing and realized that I was with other people#and I talk more to the class in general while you're quieter. And you didn't have me there bothering you and talking in your ear so maybe#that's also why it's harder for you-#(she was in the first group and I am in the second one)#and then she added -I can start sending you messages about random things-#and like#it's such a simple simple thing#but it was so overwhelmingly sweet#i felt so loved#and we barely know each other in a way and yet and yet#(even now I feel the echo of -I don't quite deserve this- but I have to ignore that)#there are many many other moments when I feel overwhelmed by love#it's all about LOVE LOVE LOVE#vaneggiando#a friend just told me -you deserve the world- and I AM IN PIECES DEVASTATED
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suplicyy · 3 days
Could you please write some hcs of Kenma, and Nishinoya plus maybe anyone else you want with a gf who's like a tiny bit younger than them, shorter and is like really clingy. She's like constantly texting them, and takes every chance she can to hug them or just talk to them and is there even at their practices.
Haikyuu boys w/ a clingy gf
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— Summary: Relationship hcs about them having a clingy girlfriend.
— Characters: Nishinoya, Kenma
— Fluff
— Fem!Reader
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You're only a year younger than him, so it wasn't so difficult to make friends with him!! Little by little you would meet each other by chance during breaks or during free time in class, and these moments made you get closer and closer, until you started dating.
But as time went by, you opened up to him more and had the courage to be who you really are, as he has always made it clear that he likes you for who you are. And after that, you felt more confident to be more loving with him: with lots of physical touches, words of affirmation and lots of quality time!
You love your boyfriend very much and want to show it in the most affectionate way possible!
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The way you met is always told as a story at family lunches. You were passing by the gym by chance, and a ball he received flew out of the place and ended up in your face. He apologized a million times and even offered to buy you a popsicle for a whole week.
But after that you understood each other and became friends, until you got to where you are now!
He simply LOVES you to be clingy with him, as he returns your affections with the same intensity as you. People on the outside assume you were meant for each other since your personalities match up so well.
Anywhere and anytime you are always together in some way, whether it's clasping hands, hugging, kissing; you are rarely separated from each other.
But unfortunately there are times when you aren't always together, after all you don't live in the same house and you have your own clubs to go to. So you guys are always messaging each other on your cell phone!
If someone doesn't ask him to stop using his cell phone to talk to you, he could easily spend the whole day just sending you silly audios of him singing a random song he heard somewhere.
One day, you saw him playing one of your favorite games, so you started talking to him. And you spent a few days talking until you had the courage to ask for his phone number, which he gave you almost immediately (but he would never admit he was excited about it for you)
Kenma spoke more freely through messages than in person, so you almost always talked about various things: games you're playing at the moment, movies, series, about your day. And with that you ended up becoming closer, until you started dating.
You know that Kenma is someone who is quite shy, so at the beginning of the relationship you weren't so clingy in public with him. But when the two of you were alone, you loosened up a little and became much more affectionate.
At first he was always very shy when you initiated physical affection with him, but after a while he relaxed more and managed to adapt to your way of showing affection to him.
You would from time to time be seen literally clinging to each other, with him playing on his console and with his head resting on your shoulder, and you hugging him. As much as he doesn't like PDA that much, he finds your presence and your touches so comforting that he ends up giving in a little.
Kuroo once went to Kenma's house to get something he had left there the last time he went there, and when he entered he found him hugging you with his face buried in the crook of your neck. After some deadly glares from the boy, Kuroo promised he wouldn't tell anyone.
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A/N — Tysm for your request!! I wish I had added more characters, but recently I've been very busy so I was afraid it would take too long for me to do this one.💔💔
I hope you enjoyed it!
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ray-jaykub · 8 months
Hi! I'm a new follower! @hagelpaimon recommended you for this specific request. If you're interested, I was wondering if you could write some Bayverse fluff for me.
F!Reader has a southern accent and even though it isn't thick, there are certain words she says that makes her sound like a country bumpkin. And her turtle S/O (lovingly, of course) teases her for it. You can make it for each turtle or just Donnie. And you can make it NSFW if you wanna. Whatever you think fits! Thank you and happy writing 🐢💙❤️💜🧡
Thought I would crawl out of my adult cave and answer an ask that spoke to me. And as a country bumpkin (hoot hoot, very, very south georgia), I can say this hits the mark. I'm gonna do a little of all the turtles and
Now, as someone who grew up around people who talked like me, I assumed I could hide it well. But that wasn't until I started sending audio messages back and forth with @moxfirefly did I realized how bad it was... Now I've never tried writing a southern accent, despite having one, so bear with me.
- He finds it so endearing and sweet and just can't find it in his heart to make fun of you
- Like, the way you call his name? The twang makes him smile because that means time with you
- His brothers and him obviously don't get out and talk to people, so I can imagine they're probably a lil stumped on why you sound the way you do
- Luckily, Leo is an old western movie fan, so at least he knows Cowboys.... please be patient with him
- If you're shy about the way you talk, he won't acknowledge it, but over time, he hopes you two get comfortable enough that you'll express yourself more
- Seriously, can't get over when you call him or his brother's names. Like omg they just said "Dawnie" and the way you pronounce Manhattan?
- Why you sound like that??
- Definitely believes you're from some weird part of New York, or God forbid Jersey
- Won't and will not understand unless you play country music for him and go like "these are my people"
- makes you a country mix, even if you don't like country. He's trying! You can't deny him that
-He says it's to make you feel "closer to home" and honestly, it lowkey works when you're feeling home sick
- He sees a cowboy film??? Prepare for him to throw a cowboy hat on your noggin
-Save a horse ride a cowboy, yeah? (I'm cringing)
- He's really big on dialect and accents, especially for someone he fancies
- Will ask you to say certain words at random times of the day, early mornings when you haven't woken up, late at night when you're sleepy
- When you're angry???
- He has to hold out on bringing the recorder. But he's taking in every word
- Just imagine yelling at him, and he's looking at you with big doe eyes because wow... when was a country accent kinda sexy??
- He has to say one of his favorite things is when you both are whispering, and he leans down to hear you better, woof 😮‍💨
- He needs a southern girl 😤 GIVE HIM A TASTE OF THE SOUTH
- Will tease you, mock you, repeat every word you say... with love of course
- just expect to hear his lil giggle after you've said something particularly southern
- If you're the type to say our phrases (colder than a witches tit, you call undies breeches, you make crazy comparisons) he will adopt them and look stupid doing it
- Just imagine Mikey, surfer dude, New Yorker, saying, "I reckon"
- Like baby... please hush
- lowkey the one that helped Raph make the country mix tape, added a few personal favorites (the fucking wal-mart yodeling kid, for some reason)
- Gets you boots, even if you don't wear them, and tries really hard to convince you to dress like Barbie in her cowgirl outfit
- Never a dull moment with this doofus
........Go Dawgs
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BAU x reader - in the past
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I have a question, would you be okay with doing a request where the unsub is an x of the reader's? - @xweirdo101x 💜
The case was going like any other case, trying to figure out who the unsub was before anything else bad happened.
You were reading the reports, trying to find anything that was going to link the victims, and Reid was staring at the photos on the board.
“Hey (Y/N) come here.”
Furrowing your brows a little, you got up and walked over and he moved your next to the board, flicking his eyes from you to the board then back to you.
“Oh my god…”
“What? What is it?”
You looked at the board in confusion and Reid quickly grabbed his phone, calling Garica to get the team back to the station as soon as possible.
You tried getting Reid to tell you what was going on but he wouldn’t.
He waited for everyone to get in.
“I think I’ve found the link. I was looking at the photos, they all look incredibly similar, then I put (Y/N) next to the photos.”
Everyone looked at you and you still stood there confused.
“I… I don’t get it, I don’t look like them?”
“You dye your hair right?” Rossi asked.
“Yeah? JJ or Emily helps me do it.” You said.
“What’s your natural hair colour?” Hotch asked.
You looked at the photos, and the more you looked the more you realised how they did look like just like you.
All of them had met a brutal tragic end, and each message started to make more sense.
“Oh my god…”
They weren’t just random words, you realised what they were spelling out.
“(Y/N) what is it?” Emily asked you.
Picking up the whiteboard pen, you quietly scribbled the words out.
“It’s not random words. It’s a message.”
“A message?” JJ asked.
You slowly nodded your head and rearranged them, and added a few more words before you stepped away to let them read it.
“I will never let you go. I will find you.” Reid read aloud.
You shuddered, even just writing it made you feel uncomfortable and made you feel incredibly sick.
“What’s going on?” Hotch asked.
You sighed and got them all to sit down, and you explained to them the situation behind you and you possessive ex.
You didn’t give them all the details, there was things that they didn’t need to know about your past, but you told them about you and the breakup
You told them how messy it had gotten, you got a restraining order against him, sending him on his way, how you had to dye your hair and move every year just to make sure he didn’t find you.
“It’s why I don’t have Facebook or anything, it’s why I never go on team nights out, or take photos with you. It’s nothing against you, it’s for my safety.”
“Right you’re not leaving this station, one of us will always be with you, Garica get everything you can about this ex now.”
“Yes sir.”
Garcia hung up and you looked at the team as they quickly dove into work.
“We need to keep you safe, we’re going to set up an interrogation room as a safe house, Derek will stay with you first.” Rossi said.
You nodded and followed Derek to the new safe house for you.
He decided to play games with you to pass the time until it was time to switch.
Reid decided to recite a book he knew you liked to try and help you stay calm, and reminded you it was going to be okay.
Emily sat there in silence with you, both of you watching a movie on her phone.
JJ tried getting you to talk about it but you wouldn’t budge and she decided not to push it any further.
Hotch told you stories about Jack and what his son had been up to, he understood how scary this could be, and he wanted to keep you as calm as possible.
Rossi decided he was going to teach you some Italian, he knew you wanted to learn a different language so he decided why not? If you wanted to learn, he wanted to help you relax a little bit.
You felt uneasy knowing that any moment he could come through those doors, but it felt wrong to sit there and do nothing.
This started with you, you felt like it had to finish with you. But you knew the team wouldn’t let you go, and maybe that was good thing, because who knows what would happen.
But it didn’t feel right.
It felt like years before they said it was over.
He was dead.
Hotch had shot him, he was going to shoot Emily, so Hotch didn’t hesitate to shoot your ex.
Not only for threatening a member of his team, but for everything that had happened with you.
“It’s over…” Hotch said softly.
“It’s over…?”
He nodded and you stood up before crashing into him to hug him, thanking him and the rest of the team.
They all joined the hug, telling you they’d do anything for you.
On the jet home you weren’t allowed to sit alone, you were forced to play games and talk and do anything to distract you.
When you got back to the office Garica was waiting and she pulled you away and into her office where she closed the door.
“I’m so glad you’re okay!”
Garica hugged you tightly.
“I’m.. I’m okay.”
You hugged her back and sighed, rubbing your hand up and down her back.
“I want you to know I saw everything, the police reports, the court cases, everything.”
You quickly pulled away.
“Garcia promise me you didn’t…”
She quickly shook her head.
“No, no I didn’t I promise! I’m just… I’m so sorry you went through all of that…”
She started to tear up, and you did the same, and you hugged her tightly again.
“It’s in the past…”
“I know but still.. I’m so sorry…” she whispered.
She wasn’t going to tell the team, she knew you didn’t want them to know.
“If you ever want to talk about it we can! Okay? You can come or mine or… or.. I can come to yours and we can talk about it!”
You pulled away and sniffled a little, wiping a few tears from your eyes as you took a breath.
You didn’t want to talk about it, but after this case you had a feeling you couldn’t shove it down anymore.
You couldn’t pretend it wasn’t real because it was.
“I.. I’d like that.. I wanna talk about it..”
Garcia quickly grabbed her stuff and you two left without telling the rest of the team, just giving them a text saying you were going to hers.
Maybe you needed, maybe you needed to talk about it to finally start healing properly
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love-belle · 11 months
1k celebration !!!
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difficult ༊*·˚
in which i write a one shot based on a storyline you sent. ( example - "charles leclerc with ex!reader where she's close with his family even after their break up and it leads to them getting back together )
i miss you, i'm sorry ༊*·˚
in which i write a small blurb based on your scenario/prompts with your chosen driver. ( example - "you're the best thing i've ever had" with daniel ricciardo )
full machine ༊*·˚
in which i write a social media au with the situation and driver of your choice. ( example - engagement announcement with lewis hamilton )
block me out ༊*·˚
in which i add onto your random headcanons for a driver ( example - "i feel like lando would hate your cat at first but he'll eventually warm up to it" + my take on that )
camden ༊*·˚
in which i become your friend as i answer random asks. anything, from irrelevant gossip to rants about stuff or about my already written stories or if you'd just like to talk to me or be a mutual, anything.
mess it up ༊*·˚
in which i write an angsty one shot/blurb/social media au based on your angsty prompt/scenario with a driver of your choice. ( example - carlos doesn't want to tell everyone else that you're both together and you feel like he's ashamed of you )
the bottom ༊*·˚
in which i make false twitter posts/threads about an incident/situation/prompt/scenario with a driver you choose. ( example - "toto wolff and actress!reader dating and paparazzi catch them", so i'll be writing the fans reaction and the articles and all in twitter posts )
≡;- ꒰ °i will be writing for ꒱
charles leclerc ༉‧₊˚.
max verstappen ༉‧₊˚.
daniel ricciardo ༉‧₊˚.
lewis hamilton ༉‧₊˚.
lando norris ༉‧₊˚.
pierre gasly ༉‧₊˚.
toto wolff ༉‧₊˚.
sebastian vettel ༉‧₊˚.
mick schumacher ༉‧₊˚.
ollie bearman ༉‧₊˚.
arthur leclerc ༉‧₊˚.
author's note - holy shit this feels so unbelievable like i started this account just over a month ago and i have more than a THOUSAND people following me like that's crazy. i just wanna say that thank you so much, i love you so bad actually.
i have never done a celebration before, so hopefully i'll do this right. for the time being, i will be putting my usual requests on hold, just as along as the celebration is going but i may post one or two if i get time, i don't really know. you can spam my inbox with as many asks as you want, i absolutely don't mind. or if you wanna message me directly, you can do that too. thank you so much, i'm so excited for this.
you can find my works here !!!
ps - i'm also gonna start working on a taglist so, if you want to be added to it, please send me an ask or reply to this post or message me directly.
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plethomacademia · 5 months
more modern au shit: emily does not have a girlfiend
1682 words, a young woman in a band is swooped up by an older rich woman. One day while they are listening to records, the woman's husband calls.
Maevetash AU continues and the dynamic remains Weird.
Emily does not have a girlfriend, but she does have a woman that she is seeing.
She had met her after a gig, when it had felt like the crowds had parted and out from them had stepped a beautiful older white woman with dark brown hair, dressed casually but in a way that screamed money. That was a thing about the city that she had learned fairly quickly, how easy it was to run into people with more money than Emily can even imagine having, how you eventually learn to pick them out of a crowd.
The woman had been nice enough, complimenting the band and Emily’s guitar especially. They had traded names and numbers along with a vague promise to get coffee sometime and Emily had not thought much about it until she had gotten a look from the stage manager.
“She strikes again,” the man had said and Emily had cocked her head at him.
“Who, Maeve?” That had been the woman’s name.
“Yeah, she’s picked up some musicians here before.”
Emily had waited for more and when she hadn’t gotten it, she had asked, “So like in a predatory way or?”
“Oh, nah, just don’t fall in love and she’ll probably buy you a new phone or something.”
A stage hand had walked by at that moment and had added, “I heard Chris got a car when he dated her.”
The stage manager had gestured in a “see what I mean?” kind of way and Emily had left then, number still in hand.
That had been six months ago. The older woman — Maeve — had called her the next day and they had gotten that coffee, then gone out to see a show, then fucked in Maeve’s high rise apartment, one that was bigger than the one Emily shared with three other people.
Since then, Maeve had slotted right into Emily’s life. She is recording an album along with her odd jobs and random gigs, so the fact that Maeve is regularly out of town works just fine for her. They text back in forth but in a friendly way, then every week or so, Maeve will send Emily a text message with a ticket or an address and they will go out together.
Sometimes, though, Maeve will just invite her over to hang out. Emily had expected a pillow princess when she met Maeve, but instead she met a woman that loves to be on top, so Emily is the one that gets to lay back and have orgasm after orgasm applied to her by skilled and persistent hands as well as other toys that Maeve keeps in her bedroom.
And yes, after a few months, she did get that new phone.
This evening, they are the common area of Maeve’s apartment. Maeve bought a few new records and they are rotating through them while they talk about music, Emily’s band, the record they are recording, just anything that they can think of. They do not talk about Maeve’s life outside of the city nor her career nor her family.
Maeve had told Emily about them on their second date, had never hidden the fact from her, and after that it had just been another fact about her. Emily’s not-girlfriend has a husband, some unknown number of kids, and some kind of business that involves social media and wellness. Honestly, Emily isn’t interested in learning more. It’s much easier to focus on how well Maeve fucks her from behind with her strap than why she has a secret family. Rich people shit is not Emily’s problem.
After a few records and a lot of trips to smoke on the balcony, Maeve is laying on the couch with her feet in Emily’s lap. She had made an off comment earlier about wearing heels all day and so Emily is pushing out the kinks in her foot. The noises Maeve is making combined with the weed have Emily ridiculously horny and she is ready to propose that they move things to the bedroom when Maeve’s phone starts to ring.
Maeve has always had two phones. One of them is Maeve’s work phone. This is the one Emily sees her using the most. She is constantly tapping out messages on it or taking calls from her assistant. The other phone is the one that Maeve is never without, but rarely uses. That one, from the few times Emily has seen Maeve take it into another room, she presumes is Maeve’s personal phone. This is the phone currently ringing on the coffee table.
Maeve snatches it up. “Sorry, I have to take this,” she says.
Emily nods, moves to take Maeve’s feet off her lap, but then instead Maeve taps a few times on her screen and puts the phone back on the table. There is the sound of movement on the other side and Emily feels a chill of dread as she realizes that the phone is now on speaker.
“You were supposed to call me yesterday,” Maeve says.
“What’s this shit about an event on Thursday, Maeve?” comes a reply from the phone. It is a deep male voice, just angry enough to send another chill through Emily. She once again tries to dislodge Maeve, but the older woman seems uninterested in moving.
“I need you at a movie premiere, Yanthus said that you were available.”
“Yanthus is my secretary, not yours. You know that I need more notice than two days.”
“Then you should pick up your phone when I call you, Enver.”
Enver. That is a name that Emily recognizes after so long in this woman’s orbit. That is the name of her husband, some kind of high-up executive at some kind of company. Maeve has no pictures of him in her apartment, but Emily had seen one once while scrolling her social media feed. She thought of that picture now: dark hair, dark eyes, brown skin and a mouth that had been leaning down to say something into his partner’s ear. It had looked like they had been caught in an intimate moment and Emily wonders on occasion how to square that picture with the woman that she is routinely getting fucked by.
This phone call is clearing some things up.
Maeve is still talking. “The agreement is one event per quarter minimum, not only one event per quarter. I need you at this one, it’s a big deal for me.”
“I will want one in return. Without complaint this time.”
“Fine, just tell Scelly about it.”
“You mean how I had to remind her four times to put Eda’s recital on your calendar?”
Maeve is up in a shot, the phone in her hand. She taps the screen and puts it to her ear. “I already talked to her about that, Enver, do not put that shit on me.”
Emily takes the opportunity to get up from the couch. She picks up Maeve’s vape pen from where they had left it on the coffee table, then waves at the other woman. She gestures toward the balcony and Maeve shoos her off, her attention clearly on what she is hearing on her phone.
After she gets outside and slides the door closed behind her, Emily takes in a deep breath and lets it out. The last thing she is interested in from her not-girlfriend is hearing her family shit, so she walks to the railing, as far as she can get from the doorway and potentially hearing anything. Her buzz had been fully killed by what had just happened and she takes some time to do a few deep inhales with the pen, looking out at the city while she relaxes back into her high.
Eventually, it gets too cold and she reopens the door and slinks back inside. Maeve is back on the couch, her knees pulled up to her chest. She is smiling and Emily considers going back outside, but the woman has seen her and holds up a finger, a request for Emily to wait. She swallows and walks the rest of the way to return the vape back to the table.
“You have so many nice suits, get my stylist to put something together. No, no, she will, I can call her tomorrow.” Maeve sucks in her lip, bites it with her teeth like a girl talking to her crush. “No, go to bed, you have a lot going on tomorrow. I love you, ok?”
Emily looks to where her bag is at the door, along with her shoes. Maeve is a stickler for no shoes in her apartment and Emily wonders how long it would take to slip on her sneakers and slip out of the door. Then Maeve is putting her phone back on the table and she looks up at Emily with flushed cheeks and a smile still on her face.
“I am starving, should we order something?” Maeve says.
Emily blinks for a moment. “Like Thai?” she asks.
Maeve moans. “God, yes, Thai sounds amazing. Do you want to put on another record?”
Maeve sits up and makes the call for way too much food, this time on her business phone, while Emily goes to the record player to make a new selection. By the time Emily is done, Maeve is putting her phone back on the table. Emily walks to sit on the couch but Maeve reaches for her hand and pulls the younger woman onto her lap.
“Thanks for sticking around,” she says as she drags her hands up Emily’s thighs. She doesn’t wait before putting one of them on Emily’s mound and pressing. Weird phone calls be damned, between the weed and just how fucking hot Maeve is, Emily can’t help but grind onto her in response. “Do you want me to feed you first or fuck you, Emily?” Maeve says.
Emily smiles. “Thai place usually takes at least thirty minutes.”
“Good point,” Maeve says as she undoes the top of Emily’s pants. “So let’s see how many times I can get you off before then.”
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drvirgus · 6 months
The Idol who cant Smile
Minji X Fem! Reader
Description: You are the oldest Member of New Jeans, but Fans Never saw you Smile once. Why don't you Smile? Who's the Person that can bring back a smile to your Face?
Chapter 8:
My eyes were fixed on the camera, scanning through the comments. Minji was right beside me, and we were sitting on her bed with our backs against the wall. Nobody was supposed to know that Minji and I had pushed our single beds together to make a double bed.
Minji rested her head on my shoulder. If she wasn't here, I honestly had no idea what I would be doing during this live session. I had started without her and had been staring at the camera for five minutes, not knowing what to do. So, I asked the Bunnies (fans) to send in some questions, as I was truly clueless.
However, that turned out to be a mistake. The flood of questions seemed endless. Even when Minji joined me and started reading the comments, all she could find were more questions. She looked at me with a puzzled expression. Of course, I explained the situation, which made her laugh. But her smile faded briefly when she noticed Yuna's message.
The comments and shippers went into a frenzy. I read through all the questions, and my eyebrows raised in surprise.
Are you dating Yuna? Do you like women? Minji looks jealous. Yuna and Y/n are flirting. Y/n is for the girls.
I glanced at Minji briefly and then back at the camera. Suddenly, Minji's hand landed on my thigh, but I was determined not to show any reaction. I took a deep breath and replied, "Well, the only question I'll answer is that I'm not dating Yuna." As I said this, I felt Minji's hand inching higher up my leg.
My leg twitched involuntarily at her touch, and I cleared my throat. "Minji-ah, do you want to say something too?" I asked, moving away from her slightly. Her hand fell onto the mattress as she glanced at the camera, reading a few more comments.
Minji is jealous. Minji and Y/n are a couple. They are so cute together. Minji, you're an angel!!!
Minji grinned and said, "Saranghae, Bunnies," making a half heart with her hand. I understood and completed the heart with one hand. Her broad smile made me smile too.
The door suddenly opened, and I saw Danielle entering our room. Her eyes widened as she noticed our beds pushed together. "Why are your be-" she started to say, but Minji interrupted her by calling her name. Dani came over and sat beside me.
She handed Minji and me peeled carrots, and I accepted mine gratefully, starting to eat. Dani had positioned herself right between us. I didn't mind it at all this time, as Minji just couldn't keep her hands to herself. Thankfully, she paid attention to the cameras.
Dani started talking about random things, and Minji and I joined in. Mostly, I just listened. I noticed one of the comments that made me chuckle because it was spot on.
Y/n's lives always end up with everyone in her room. Who's next?
As if that comment triggered her instincts, Hanni walked into the room and flopped down on top of me. "Since when do you have a double bed?" she asked after a brief silence. Minji's and my eyes widened, and I nervously started laughing. However, Minji seemed to relax completely.
"You know... after that incident with the intruder... I honestly got a bit scared. That's why Unnie sleeps right next to me," Minji explained, pretending to be embarrassed. My breath caught as I glanced at Minji, but I maintained my normal expression.
Minji was a really good liar...
"Baby," I murmured softly. I felt her arms around me, and her legs were positioned between mine. I sighed once more, "Baby," I said again. This time, I received a soft hum in response. Taking a deep breath, I added, "Your phone is ringing," in a hushed tone. My eyes remained closed.
I heard Minji shaking her head, pressing her head further into her pillow while her chin still rested on top of mine. She made a disapproving sound, "That's not my phone," she whispered, clearly annoyed by the ringing. Irritated by the noise, I reluctantly opened my eyes.
To my shock, I quickly recoiled and scooted backward. My head bumped into Minji's face, causing her to cry out in pain. My eyes widened as I saw the four members standing there. Hyein held the phone, ready to capture the scene, while Danielle held the box from which the unmistakable tune of Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas" played.
My eyes widened further as I quickly pulled the blanket over my body. Minji, beside me, clutched her nose in pain. Her eyes fluttered open, and she too realized the situation. She automatically pulled me closer, gripping the blanket tightly to cover us both.
Haerin's eyes widened, "Are you... naked?" she asked, and all eyes turned to me again. Danielle gasped, "Wait... Y/n just called Minji 'Baby'," she said, and Hyein clenched the blanket tightly. My eyes widened immediately.
I squeaked in alarm, "St-Stop, Hyein!" I almost shouted, causing Hyein to release the blanket. Her eyes widened further, "Are you... both really naked?" she asked once more. My entire face turned red because of this awkward situation.
"Could you... step outside for a moment?" Minji asked, and one by one, they all left our room with wide eyes. Almost immediately, I got up from the bed and put on fresh underwear. My face was still completely red. "You... didn't lock the room?" I asked as I glanced at Minji.
I noticed her still holding her nose. Worriedly, I knelt on the bed and gently removed her hand from her nose. I couldn't see anything really wrong with it. "I'm sorry... I just got scared," I apologized, feeling guilty. I was now wearing only my underwear and a long oversized T-shirt that I found on the floor.
I felt Minji's hands on my hips, and she pulled me back onto her lap. I squeaked in surprise. Minji sat up, and her eyes met mine. "Kiss it better... It hurts soooo much," she said, her voice almost whining. My face was still red from the earlier situation, but I did as Minji asked.
My hands cupped her face, and I placed my lips gently on her nose. I smiled slightly, "Better?" I asked, and I heard Minji humming in response. Her eyes remained closed, and a smile adorned her lips. Her arms wrapped around my waist.
"No," she replied, making me smile even more. I kissed her on the nose again, "And now?" I asked softly, my hand at the back of her neck. She slowly opened her eyes and looked straight into mine. My breath caught as I noticed that Minji was still naked. "You know... my lips hurt a little too," she said, a smile on her lips.
I chuckled. My heart rate increased as I pressed my lips to hers again. Minji immediately responded to the kiss. Her hands, as they often did, slipped under my shirt, which I was still wearing. Her breathing was calm, and her lips were as soft as always. I relaxed in her arms, nearly losing myself in the long, lingering kiss.
That was until someone knocked on the door. I snapped out of my trance, quickly stood up, and put on a pair of shorts I had worn during the previous live stream. I left the room immediately.
My eyes widened as I saw Hanni standing in front of me with her arms crossed. I bowed nervously and walked past her. She followed me into the kitchen. I tried to ignore the younger girl as I prepared a cup of coffee.
Hanni didn't say anything the entire time. She simply stared at me, giving me an intense look. I felt as if Haerin was watching me. I eventually took my coffee cup and poured in some milk along with two sweetener tablets. With my cup in hand, I made my way to the living room where the others were seated. Hanni followed me closely.
As casually as possible, I sat down next to Minji. Her hand rested on the backrest, and I initially tried to maintain some distance, but Minji was the one who scooted closer to me. That brought a smile to my face. I took a small sip of my coffee.
"So? What exactly is going on, and why wasn't I informed earlier?" Hanni asked. Her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized Minji and me. I swallowed hard, "It's... nothing special," I lied skillfully. However, I wasn't particularly good at lying, and I looked down into my cup before taking another sip.
Minji grinned in response, knowing I was trying to deceive. She seemed to enjoy making me nervous and shy in some way. I mean, with all that she did to me and... I cleared my throat and focused back on the conversation.
"Oh, really? Then why are you wearing Minji's clothes?" Hyein asked, raising an eyebrow. My eyes widened as I looked at the top I was wearing. I sighed slightly and looked at each of them. Danielle seemed confused by the seriousness of the situation, probably wondering why everyone was taking this so seriously and not reacting with happiness.
"Okay... Minji and I... So, uhhh, we might have started a relationship with each other," I confessed, visibly nervous. My heart rate quickened. I turned my head to Minji, "Say something too," I said, giving her a playful pat on the thigh. Minji simply laughed, "You're doing just fine," she replied.
Danielle was the first to squeal in delight and congratulate us. Hyein followed suit, while Haerin remained silent, continuing to observe us.
"No. Just no... How long has this been going on?" Hanni asked, her forehead furrowing in anger, which surprised me. I swallowed, "About... 2-3 months?" I answered, and Minji looked at me, "2 months and 28 days," she provided a precise number. My eyes widened in surprise, and my face turned completely red.
I placed my hand on her thigh as an apology. Minji, however, simply chuckled at the gesture, "It's okay. I know you forget even your own birthday," she said, clearly amused. This made me smile again. I then turned back to Hanni.
"Almost 3 months... you've been lying to us for so long? What are we to you? I thought we were a family! I thought..." Hanni said, visibly angry. She then turned her head to Dani and Hyein, "How can you not care? They've been lying to us... They've been hiding their relationship!" she added, pointing at Minji and me with her hand.
I swallowed. She seemed genuinely hurt. "Bro," Minji started, but Hanni shook her head, saying, "Don't call me 'Bro.' Apparently, all of this is just business... I'm not your 'Bro,'" Hanni replied, her voice much quieter now. She felt genuinely betrayed. I stood up from the couch, but Hanni still had a furrowed brow.
I looked at the younger girl. "We're a family, Hanni. I've seen it that way for a long time. I'm sorry we didn't tell you, or any of you. I was scared. I had to come to terms with the fact that Minji and I are now in a relationship. Keeping it a secret from you was hell... I really wanted to tell you. But if anyone notices, it's not just my and Minji's careers that will be over, but yours too," I explained as best I could.
Hanni hesitated visibly. She still had that angry expression on her face, but her arms were no longer crossed. "So... are you forgiving me? Minji's not at fault here, I asked her to keep it a secret," I said. My head tilted slightly, "Come on... are you that angry with your Unnie, Bro?" I asked, and now Hanni looked at me in shock.
That was the first time I called her 'Bro.' Hanni blinked a few times, "Ugh, that's cringy. Don't call me 'Bro'; it's better left as something between Minji and me," Hanni replied, which made me laugh a bit. "Well... how about using my name then? You can leave out the 'Unnie,'" I suggested, and now all of them were looking at me.
Hanni smiled again, saying, "Okay, Y/n," and extended her hand towards me. "Now, for the fruity details... Have you two really done it?" she asked after I took her hand and gave it a brief shake, as if we were making a deal. My eyes widened with embarrassment, and my heart raced. My face flushed with red.
"Oh yeah, I'd like to know that too," Danielle chimed in. She had a wide grin on her face, leaning her elbows on the coffee table as she sat on the floor once again.
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esta-elavaris · 20 days
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I won't list all of my stuff here - just the things that I think are worth shouting about. Organising it all via fandom, with some little sub-categories within those because some of them *cough*James/Theodora*cough* have decided to become ungovernable.
Where to find me: AO3 -- IG -- Goodreads
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Catch the Wind-verse:
Catch the Wind - James Norrington/Modern!OC Status: Complete. [400k+ words] AO3 The behemoth that started the absolute sickness in me, and probably where you should start if you want any of the rest of my Norrington stuff to make total sense to you.
When it was completed, I also did a read-through on here talking about some behind-the-scenes type stuff. The tag is here, but it's obviously reverse-chronological order so spoilers abound! I plan on doing this for other fics when they're complete!
Sainted by the Storm - James Norrington/Modern!OC Status: In progress, updated sporadically. AO3 The home for any random snippets of this pairing that I write - there are a few AU chapters here and there, mostly it's flufftober fills, or pieces not long enough to warrant their own story. Wicked Game - James Norrington/Modern!OC Status: In progress. AO3 Semi-sequel to CTW, just a very small smutty series set after the events of the main story. Red Thread of Fate - Theodore Groves/Pirate!OC Status: In progress. AO3 Vague companion piece to CTW, taking place in the background of that story, and then branching into the timespan that follows it - with appearances made by Norrington and the OC I write for him.
Catch the Wind AUs
Fallen Through Time - James Norrington/Modern!OC Status: In progress, on a break. AO3 -- Tumblr An AU of Catch the Wind, exploring what might've happened had Elizabeth Swann been the one to find Theodora when she fell into the world of POTC.
As It Was - Modern!James Norrington/Historical!OC Status: Planning - a teaser can be found on tumblr for now. Teaser Another AU of Catch the Wind, where James Norrington is the modern character, and Theodora Byrne is the "canon" character from POTC who is fated to die.
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Here, Where Fire Grows - Boromir/Modern!Amnesiac!OC Status: In progress AO3 Writing Catch the Wind didn't get the "modern girl falls for fictional dead man" trope out of my brain, so I had to inflict another on Boromir - but this time with an amnesiac twist, just for some added fun. Other mini-stories for these two written during flufftober can be found here.
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Flufftober '23 The non-Theorrington flufftober fills can be found in this series on AO3, but all of the fills also be found on Tumblr where they have pretty banners to go along with the chapters.
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Absolution Dracula [Van Helsing 2004]/OC AO3 Set in the modern day, lots of cliché favourites with (hopefully) some added twists to spice things up a bit! Free - Cullen Rutherford/F!Inquisitor Status: Updated sporadically. AO3 Modern!Royalty!AU which will eventually follow the events of the game.
20th Century Boy - Eddie Munson/OC Status: Debating on whether to continue it. AO3 A struggling artist moves to Hawkins for a year of studying abroad, and finds a kindred spirit in Eddie Munson. Will eventually follow the events of S4.
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Obscure, Plain, and Little - Aemond Targaryen/OC Prologue A Jane Eyre-inspired fic -- probably won't follow the events of the show/book.
List of ideas for tentative future pairings and fandoms I want to go into can be found here. I'm also always open to suggestions, so don't feel too shy if you want to send me an ask or a message 💜
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eirian-houpe · 3 months
Monday... Menu?
Hi all.
The astute among you will have noticed I've mostly been away. Well... now I'm back, and I want to try and do things a little differently around here. This is, I guess the TL:DR version of what I'm about to write, some of which will be under a cut I suspect, because it's kind of long.
Be patient with me though.
At the end of August in 2023, the new school year started, and as a Special Education teacher, it's aways a bit of an insane time. I work at a very large high school, and out department should have had seven teachers. We had four. We were understaffed, scrambling to cover the classes for the missing teachers, and basically drowning in the new referrals - even MORE students showing up with special educational needs.
Add in to that mix my own neurodiversity, mental health needs, and a very busy home life, and something had to give. I was coming home stressed, exhausted, totally triggered almost 100% of the time. I literally didn't have the spoons to created content - especially not as it was all largely ignored anyway, only adding to my sense, rightly or wrongly, of failure.
No, I'm not being bitter or calling anyone out, just telling it like it is, and the result of all that was I didn't have the time or energy to be fully present here like I wanted. I pottered, I reblogged, but rare was the occasion when I actually wrote anything of worth.
But I miss my communities, and I miss being here, and now we're coming to the last quarter of a nutso school year, I'm feeling I might have a little more time and energy to jump back in.
However, some things have changed, and I want to reflect the new/old me in a way that is more authentic. so here are some of the things I came up with this afternoon that you might see appearing on this blog in the coming days and weeks.
Monday: The Monday Menu: what it says on the box. A plan for the week Monday Mmmm: There won’t always be one of these, just when something troubling or interesting crosses my path. Mental Health Monday: Post related to mental health Monday Meditation: A link to a meditation or guided meditation - maybe even sometimes by me. Morrigan's Monday: The Morrigan is my Matron Goddess, and I might sometimes share insights She gives to me.
Tuesday: TMI Tuesday: Ask me anything, it can be about fic, life, spirituality, whatever you'd like. Teaser Tuesday: Where I share something I've been working on Teaching (Tales) Tuesday: A story that teaches something that has crossed my path. Tolkien Tuesday: where I share something Tolkien related.
Wednesday: WIP Wednesday: News about by Works in Progress - fic and non fic alike. Whacky Wednesday: Something weird, funny or otherwise strange. Warrior Wednesday: Something fierce, powerful, not necessarily feminist but definitely a self advocacy thing. Wellness Wednesday: Where I share something related to physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health.
Thursday: Three Things Thursday: Where I share three things about a fic of anyone's choice, just send me an ask. Thoughts on Thursday: Random thoughts or rabbit holes I may or may not have fallen down.
Friday: Final Line Friday: Where I share things, and a final line of something I've written that week. Fandom Friday: Sharing something about one of my fandoms From Gwydion's Vault: Gwydion is my Patron God. In these posts I'll share some kind of wisdom or message I have received from Him.
Saturday: Saturday Secret: Where I share something from backstory, or some kind of secret about one of my WIPs Spiritual Saturday: A post based in spirituality - mine is Wicca.
Sunday: Seven Sentence Sunday: Where I share seven sentences from something I have written that week. Shifting Shape: Something transformative, either that I've written or that I've read, or otherwise come across in my journey that week.
Not everything will happen every week. Just this is a way to keep things fresh and interesting, to encourage me to write and share something each day.
Let me know in comments or reblogs if there's anything else you'd like to see me post.
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petitesmafia · 1 year
i’ve been gifted a fic… from a chuuya hater i think(?) i don’t know why since i’ve never written anything for the bsd fandom nor have i been active in public. at most, i lurk around chuuya fics and leave comments + kudos so it’s a bit weird someone’s added me along their list of targets? anyways, i’m not really offended just confused and i remembered seeing something like this happen to you—so can i ask advice on what to do about it?
oooh boy i’m really sorry to hear that. please read under cut. 
the person targeting you is ᴍᴇʟᴏᴢᴀɪ (ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪᴏʟᴏɢʏ on twitter), someone who has been harassing bsd creators (Chuuya stans and skk writers) for over a year now. she’s the 18 year old who claimed to be “a 14 year old from Reddit” for months so that she could play the minor card every chance she got before her identity was revealed. unfortunately she's impossible to reason with bc she thinks Chuuya stans + skk stans are all “Dazai antis” and she uses that to justify her harassment. just with me alone — she’s stopped recently, but she had sent me 500+ messages to date over the span of 8 months, created multiple accounts daily to circumvent my blocking, sending me messages ranging from death threats to misogynistic insults to accusing me of random things and blaming me for her mental health— when 1) i also am not a fic writer, 2) i had never interacted with her before she started bombarding me, and 3) i mainly post about Chuuya. it’s not about “defending Dazai” like she claims. it’s about the fact that she can’t stand to see anyone like Chuuya as a character, especially more than Dazai, bc she personally hates Chuuya. 
she’s pretty relentless once she gets started to the point where police reports have been filed against her for cyberstalking and harassment, and i know some people have considered taking further legal action. if it gets that bad for you (like it was with my friends and I), that is something you may consider doing if feasible. AO3 had previously investigated her main account and suspended it as well, but she’s a big fan of creating numerous burners. for now i can only encourage you to report her (and continue doing so) bc she really does not know when to stop, and try ignoring her if you can (though speaking from experience: it’s easier said than done). 
again i’m really sorry to hear that she’s targeting you. she can get pretty extreme and it can take a toll on your mental health having to deal with her for sure so if you ever want to vent or talk about it feel free to reach out!
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scaredpigeons · 4 months
just so you know- every night i check back for a update for sunshine, crystallize! im very excited to see where you go with it, i think it is honestly very unique in its concept and im so so so fucking happy you decided to make it a multi-chapter bc lemme tell you i will EAT IT UP!!!
im just gonna spit-ball some of my thoughts bc lemme tell you i am THINKING about this fic so hard
i wonder how reader will react when finding out zhongli /is/ rex lapis... or if any inherent adeptis will make an appearance at all. the stuff with the vision too? UGH im very excited to see that play out
i also wonder, with the reader being on the more anxious/awkward side... if we'll ever see more of her insecurities and how zhongli helps (?) with it? just a random thought, yknow
ANYWAYS. that's all for now. i may have more thoughts later, who knows. you're absolutely amazing author and i hope you're enjoying life. your work always amazes me. have a wonderful day <3
I am literally sobbing right now
Okay okay— let me breathe for a second.
I am definitely working some other characters in here, I’m about halfway through chapter two right now so it should be released relatively soon! We’ve got a scene on Mt. Aocang but reader just kind of blindly follows Zhongli and doesn’t exactly realize the significance of the place, or the reverence that others hold for the adepti.
She’s just kinda like “if zhongli says it’s fine to be here then I guess it’s fine to be here 🤷🏻‍♀️”
I haven’t exactly worked out how reader will find out about Zhongli… I’m very torn between letting her work it out on her own, (with the added turmoil of self doubt and thinking she’s just crazy for thinking such things) or having someone else kinda spell it out for her.
We are definitely going to see some healing when it comes to Zhongli spending more time with the reader.
I’m not a fan of perpetuating the stereotype that those with self worth issues and anxiety can only find their confidence through the affections of another— HOWEVER I would be lying if I said that it didn’t help.
With Zhongli, I think it’ll be more that his gentle encouragement and affections make reader realize that like… hey, she’s actually not that terrible of a person, and hey— interacting with people isn’t so hard anymore!
We already see some progress with her spending time with Madame Ping, not feeling as anxious walking through the Harbour while the morning rush is starting. It’s a slow process, but I hope to convey it through subtlety’s like that.
We are definitely going very in depth with the vision stuff, I’m having a blast incorporating the mechanics of the game into zhongli’s little geo vision 101 lecture. It’s very fun to try and translate game mechanics into logical “real world”(fic world hehe) applications.
I know that reader is going to focus on being a healer while also providing some defence. (Think Noelle’s shield, but it’s gonna be hella interesting and way cooler lol)
Anyways— enough of my rambling!!! I want to thank you so much for taking the time to send such a lovely ask, you literally made my entire day.
I cannot explain to you all how much messages like this mean to me. I’m so grateful. My heart is so full now.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 8 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers <3🫀
gahhhhhhhh I'm gonna ramble about everything on my list because I haven't spent much time dwelling on the good things in life recently
Listening to instrumental hymns while I do my evening devotions! I used to lowkey dread my nightly Bible reading and see it as a chore, but then I realized it was literally the only part of my day where I'm not listening to music or having some other source of stimuli to listen to. I started listening to instrumental hymns on Spotify while I read my Bible at night and bam! So much more joy! It also helps me stay focused because it gives my brain something not-distracting to do in the background, AND as I listen to it, I often remember some of the words, especially about the Gospel, so even as I'm reading some of the seemingly duller passages, I'm reminded to look for hints of the Gospel.
My creative abilities! I love being able to write effectively and draw, both for fanfics and original works! I also get to decorate my aunt's birthday cake this week, learned how to make really cool iron on patches, and my "hobby of the week" right now is beaded rubber band friendship bracelets, which are incredibly fun!
I've had to run a few errands recently- doctor's visits, job interviews, shopping, working at camp- and there's a lot of little joys on the way to them. I've had a lot of chances to stop at Dunkin, which is always fun when you have the mobile app and can get some rewards. There's also a billboard for a health center or something near us on the way through town. Their current ad campaign is called "stronger together," and their billboard for it is basically a giant Across the Spiderverse poster. It's always SUCH a delight to see it!!!!
Fandoms! I'm currently running a couple different ouat fandom events, and it is a lot of fun to see the community spirit come alive!
Lastly, a bunch of my friends who live in my phone <3 It's a delight to know that I can always turn to @silver-the-phoenix whenever I have something random or small-but-matters-to-me. I love sending tiny details about my day to @laughingphoenixleader and hearing about how her day is going at well. I know I can always turn to @poptart-cat-78 about Taylor Swift or OUaT or just for encouragement. Meg, if you're reading this, I love messaging you on discord and yelling with you about angst! @booksteaandtoomuchtv is such a lovely online friend, and I love her creativity and help with fandom events and betaing, as well as how supposrtive and encouraging she always is! I always know that whenever I have an ask game or drawing/writing requests open, @accidental-spice and @kanerallels are gonna be some of the first people in my inbox to remind me my work matters to people (and I also love rambling with spicy about that s7 au i'll never get written.) I love all of you (and everyone reading this) so very much!
Thanks for the lovely ask! I hope you have a great day!
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hellomelancholic · 2 years
wym ralsei blunt is your fault.
Initial disclaimer: I did not draw ralsei blunt nor did I encourage it's creation. All rights to that go to @doctor-bodacious
Basic timeline of events
-Ralsei Blunt gets posted two days or so after deltarune 2 drops, where it gets a few thousand notes on Tumblr and no attention on Twitter.
-a few days after it's posted, I find it and I think it's the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. I set my discord status to "deltarune 2 secret weed ending."
-@fukinkitty sends me the message "DELTARUNE 2 WEED ENDING⁉️" and I respond with ralsei blunt. She thinks it's the funniest thing she's ever seen in her life. We start posting it back and forth at eachother on Twitter ad nauseam.
-other people in our Twitter circle see us doing this and begin to pick up on it. Eventually, somebody makes a tweet that says something like "if ralsei smoking a massive dart is your comfort character, open this thread!" and it's a hit, getting somewhere around seventy retweets I think.
- this brings ralsei blunt has moved outside of Twitter circle and into the general vicinity of the spaces we occupy. More and more random posts featuring it start to show up. A few popular funnymen pick up on it. The full turning point hits when wayneradiotv retweets a post featuring it.
- kfc releases an ad featuring ralsei blunt. This is my fault. I have to take a nice long walk to think about this fact.
This is largely anecdotal and you have to take my word for it here but you can very directly trace the spread of ralsei blunt back to me. I was not the creator but I was patient zero. I was the carrier. This was always the plan.
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bjornolf-bjarki · 2 years
What's going on here (warning it's pretty fucking bad)
Ok so I was just checking out the Hellsing fandom to see what new content is here and this is what I see. (don't go after the people in this post, we don't need to sink to their level)
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The first thing that comes to mind for me is "what is going on?" and "why should I care?" I go into the details of this situation by asking my oomfie @valentine-rampage to ask what gives and she confirms that this account being mentioned is NOT one of her blog accounts and is some random kid who really likes her content, which I have evidence for btw:
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So I also contacted the blog that is being accused of this and it is a fucking kid just trying to enjoy content on here and now is having a mental breakdown bc some people can't keep it in their goddamn pants. I looked into the accounts adding onto the post that's "calling out" the supposed ghost account and I see some shit like this from the main account that's used by the same person who made the post, who is animebluraydvd's main account (trust me this speaks for itself bc the vid playing in that ask starts off with "why are you so obsessed with me?" and breaks out into a pop song I care not to know when someone sent this person an ask about supposed death threats being sent by them or their fans, which I'll probably get after this):
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Now to talk about the victim of the harassment started by the original post at the top of this post and messaged them:
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This person was literally having a mental breakdown and could hardly type out a sentence all because animebluraydvd decided that he was bored and would go after someone who did, to my knowledge, nothing to him. I may find some of the millennium blogs to be weird to me but you don't see me doing abusive shit like this that could actually cause someone to get hurt. I know this happens bc as a reformed Kiwifarms user I know what this shit can lead to and it is never pretty. Stop it, apologize to this person, delete that fucking post, make a post saying why you won't do this again, and stop being a fucking psycho. I was hoping it wouldn't need to be this and that I could possibly make it end on a good note but with this kind of behavior animebluraydvd's main account does and causes people or themself to send death threats and harassment to others I don't think they'll operate in good faith to sort it out.
Again here's my advice to you @animebluraydvd, log off, take a fucking chill pill, and try not to do this shit ever again when it's unwarranted. This is a fandom about fucking cartoon characters, not a fucking psychotic online crusade. I bet you're gonna probably call me "obsessed" anyways but IDC I'm ending it on this note.
I was hoping I'd never have to get into drama to help someone out again but I guess that isn't meant to be. I got permission from @ghostlyeaglehoagiestudent to show the dm's I had with them
Also here's a message from @valentine-rampage when we got in touch in discord about this with her permission to use this screenshot
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lyon-amore · 9 months
Time Trial Chapter 4 - ''You need me''
Chapter 3
     My first impression of Sally had not been what I expected. Her publications, in the way she spoke there, were not the same as having interacted with her. She had been laughing at me and even so I agreed to make the notes from that night, also adding Bianca, so that she would understand a little more what happened that night.
     I send her a message telling her that I have finished it, how to send it to her, but I get no response. I look at the time, eleven o'clock is already dark, so she must be sleeping to go to class tomorrow.      I get up from the chair and go out to the dining room, sitting on the couch to relax a little. As I wrote those notes, Katherine has crossed my mind, reminding me of how uncomfortable she was when she saw that guy. I should have done something, but I thought getting into a fight would make her hate me.      I hear the door open, I thought Al was already in his room.     "Hey" he says by way of greeting, tired ", were you expecting me?"     "Of course, I have nothing else to do but wait for you" I reply in a sarcasm tone “. I thought you were already home.”     “After work I went to the park to skate to relax a little” I see him go to his room to leave his backpack, then he comes back and sits on the couch with me “Have you finally spoken to our mysterious woman 'Miss Skellington'?”     “The “mysterious woman” turned out to be a high school student.” I answer almost with a bad humor.      I see Al bow his head and get up from the couch, walking heavily.     “Where are you going?”I ask him confused.     “To prepare your suitcase for jail.”     “Very funny.”      He lets out a laugh and seconds later returns with two drinks in his hand, offering me one.     “Look on the bright side, you're not going to cheat on Katherine, but the FBI may come after you for talking to a minor.”     "I doubt the FBI cares about someone like me." I open the Coca-Cola and start drinking. I should have dinner, but my appetite has gone away because of remembering all those chat messages.     “And what is it like? Her attitude, I mean, is it as we have read? Do she take it seriously?”     "No, she is worse" I respond with a grimace ", she given me 'homework' and I think she thinks she is too smart."     "Like someone I know perfectly well.” I hear him say in a whisper.      I look at him dirty and he laughs.     “Come on, it's not bad to find someone who is just as conceited as you, even if she's probably a Bieber.”     "Hey, let uss better not mess with her" I say awkwardly “, we are supposed to be responsible adults, we should not mess with those who are younger than us.”     “She called you old.”     “She called me old…”     “And what ‘homework’ has she given you? Do her math exercises?”      Albert is having a great time laughing at me. He knows perfectly well how I am with people I do not like, but at the end of the day, she is a teenager, she still has to mature. It will be her turn to deal with younger people who bother her and I will laugh at her that day.      These things did not happen with Hannah, she was at least a polite and kind teenager. Or I may be thinking from the point of view of being her older brother.      Anyway, I hope she can tell me something useful that I can get to reach that website in a non-random way.     "You know I'm joking, Jake, I'm just as surprised as you" he shrugs, with a half smile “. Maybe it's not so bad to have a research partner, it's the most common thing in this type of thing, right?”     "I am going to find another roommate." I answer monotonously.     “You'd be bored without me, I'm the best roommate there is.”      I roll my eyes, grabbing a cushion and throwing it at his face. He hands it back to me and I laugh. At least a normal night after so many stressful ones.
     I hear a notification sound in the middle of the night. I had left the computer on to load some files for work, I did not think anyone was going to bother me.      I look at the alarm clock and see that it is three in the morning. Who sends a message at this time?      I get out of bed rubbing my eyes, tired. I turn on the screen and squint even more, its light bothers me. I had not removed the Facebook tab, and I can see the name 'Miss Skellington' flashing in the tab. I thought she would be sleeping.      I click on the page and read her message. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Miss Skellington Hey! Sorry for not answering! I have been busy looking for information Send me the file to [email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   &lt;<Do she seriously use the same name for email?>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Miss Skellington And before you tell me anything, yes, I use the same name for the email because it is Miss Skellington's official email, did you think I would give you my personal email? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I look at the screen strangely. How did she know I was thinking about that? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Miss Skellington Anyway, tomorrow I will read what you sent me, good night Jareth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     I look at the clock again to check if it was really three in the morning. Had I made a teenager stay up late searching the Internet? I rub my eyes again, tired. I do not want to blame myself for not sleeping, I had told her it was urgent, But it is not that I want her to be distracted from her responsibilities as a student because of me.     “And she could not have sent me the message in the morning?” I ask myself as I yawn, entering the mail.      I sit in the chair and create an email as quickly as possible, using the same first and last name as on the Facebook account —but I have to add random numbers because it already has a user with that name, which makes my bad mood increase— and I send you the attached file. Return to bed. I hear a notification again and I get up with a huff, reading the message. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Don't you sleep?
What are you doing sending me an email at three in the morning? Be a responsible adult by setting an example for this hard-working teenager and go to sleep. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    “It was just what I was going to do” I mumble, turning off the speakers this time “. And I should tell you that, not you.”      I throw myself on the bed, putting my hands to my face, tired. What is wrong with today's teenagers? Are they not sleeping or what?     "I am talking like an old man..." I murmur, beginning to feel the sleep I had before.      Series, movies and games lie, having a research partner is annoying. Why cannot she be a normal teenager like Hannah?
     Since Jeremy and I were going to class later today, I decided to meet him for breakfast near the university cafeteria and tell him what had happened. And so I recharged my energy after those messages last night.     “And what's she like?” He asks me like a passionate fan “Is she like her in the posts? Is she the same as she would be?” I open my mouth, but he interrupts me “No, wait, she's cold as ice.”     “I am sorry to disappoint you, but she is the most annoying teenager I have ever encountered” I would not compare her to Alice when she was a teenager, of course, it just bothered me how she treated me.     “Really? Well, when I talked to her—“ he stops talking about her as soon as I give him a surprised look. He told me that he had not spoken to her in private “Okay, I spoke to her, but only to ask her something about a post, and then I didn't speak to her again.”     “Are you sure or are you lying to me again?” I ask, avoiding raising my voice.     “I swear, I never talked to her about anything other than a post.” He looks at me like he feels guilty. I just hope he has not hidden anything else from me “Do you think you're going to have problems because of me?”     “No, because as soon as she tell me what she wanted to verify, I will stop talking to her, even if I have given her information about what happened the night she disappeared” I answer dryly, then taking a sip of the coffee. I havee been thinking about it and it is better not to bring her into this “Why would she want to know what happened? That does not help me at all, I need information on how to get to the website.”      Jeremy shrugs his shoulders, as if he does not know either.      I know I have read all those theories of hers, but in this case, they do not help me at all.      I hear Professor Begum’s voice and we automatically turn to see her. She is with her ex-husband and a man I do not know who is, gray-haired and has glasses. He has a tired look, just like Bianca's parents.      Mrs. Begum looks at me and whispers something, pointing at me. At least I know she is at me and not Jeremy, from the hateful look she gives me.     “What a first meeting with Mr. Beinh.” As soon as Jeremy says that last name, I get nervous.     "Is he Katherine's father?" I almost threw the coffee when I asked.     "One night with my family, we met them in a restaurant" he begins to explain to me, looking surreptitiously “. He's not a bad man, but I don't know how he's going to take finding the suspect in his daughter's disappearance.”     “Are they still looking?” I ask, shrinking a little in the chair.     “A bit.”     “Fantastic.” I take a deep breath, afraid that he will approach me and accuse me too. “What if we leave? I do not want to have problems.”     “Yes let's go.”      I grab my backpack and see that they have left a piece of paper stuck on it that says 'murderer'. I remove it by crumpling it and put it in my sweatshirt to throw it in a trash can outside the cafeteria.     “Who could have done it?” Jeremy asks me, looking around.     "It does not matter, forget it." I whisper, starting to walk quickly.      Actually it does bother me. But it is better not to let them see that it affects me because that is what they are looking for, a negative reaction from me, that attacks or insults them. Maybe I will get into a fight against them. But it would only make the situation worse against me.
     We arrived at the university and met Albert in the hallway. He smiles at us when he sees us, greeting us with a high five.     “How was your morning? Mine is great” he says with a sarcastic tone “, as soon as I entered class, all the computers said “Murderous Albert”.”     "I'm so sorry, Al" Jeremy apologizes, hanging his head ", you shouldn't have to go through this."     "Don't worry, I'm used to it" he hits him on the arm in a friendly manner ", it doesn't affect me, I know I'm innocent."      I think I have seen this Al before. Long time.      He stares at me strangely.     “What’s wrong, Jake?” He asks me with a gaze fixed on me.     “Nothing.” I answer, avoiding worrying him about what had happened to me.     “It's just that Jake—“     "I have seen Katherine's father" I stop Jeremy, I do not want him to tell him about the note, he already has enough with what has happened to him, and I don’t want him wanting to pick a fight “, I felt uncomfortable.”     "I hope it was better than when I ran into Bianca's mother in the hallway." Al lets out a laugh as he ruffles his hair, his voice sounding too tired.      We began walking towards our classrooms continuing the conversation.      A notification rings on my phone and I take it out to look at it. Is not this girl going to study? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: About your information
I thought it was just Katherine Beinh, not Bianca Fetcher. We’ll talk when I can. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    “Professor Begum and her ex-husband were there too.” I hear Jeremy say.     “Oh, shit then, they must have told him that you are a dangerous criminal, right Jake?”      I look at them and let out a sigh. Al raises an eyebrow, curious.     "It is Sally" I answer and they look at me bewildered ". The girl who I asked for help told me that we will talk about what I sent her."     "Let's see." Al walks over and looks at my phone “. Looks like you've pissed her off.”     “Really?” I read her words again. Are she really angry?     “Why did you tell her about Bianca?” Jeremy asks me confused “Wasn't you just supposed to tell him about Katherine?”     “I thought everything was important” I shrug, leaning against the wall near my classroom “, but I will tell her it is over as soon as she tells me about that page, she is too young to get into this.”     “Thank goodness” Jeremy sighs in relief “, you'd be in trouble.”     “Wait, but wasn't it your idea that Jake talk to her because she's right in her theories?” Al looks at him confused by his sudden change.     "She doesn't always do it, I already explained it, that's why it's called making theories" Now I look at Jeremy, who frowns in annoyance “. Also, it's getting Jake into more trouble, if we only need information from the page, it's better not to involve a kid anymore.”     "A “kid” that you yourself told us would help him" Al returns to the attack and Jeremy curses under his breath. My best friend stares at me, almost determined “. Please, Jake, you don't have to see her in person, just talk to her about this, I'm begging you, try to convince her to help us with this if something occurs to her.”     “Am I the sane one of the three or what?” Jeremy asks on air.      I clutch my backpack tightly, not knowing what to answer. They are both right: On the one hand, I do not have to see her or keep in touch with her that much, just for her to tell me what she suspects and maybe help the police give them a clue, as if I had remembered something. On the other hand, it might get her into trouble because she is only a teenager and I know what it is like to be around cops at that age. It is a lot of stress and everyone treats you as if you were ignorant when you already know perfectly well what has happened.      No, wait, I am back to…      I put my hand to my head, in pain. Too many emotions now.     “I will think about it, okay?” I sit up on the wall and separate myself from it, breathing deeply “See you later.”     “Jake, dude, I-“      I do not let Al finish the sentence, I go directly into class. I am not mad at him, I just need to calm down. What is happening is making me remember so many things, that...      I wish I could talk to Hannah about this.
     I was not feeling well after class, so I decided to clear my head by moving through the streets of Colville.      Little by little I begin to feel lighter, like the weight on my shoulders begins to relax. Maybe next time I will go for a ride on the motorcycle, but I could not wait to get to the apartment, I needed to run now, let off some steam.      I get dressed right out of the shower and get a message from Sally. I roll my eyes. This is the third message she has sent me today. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Messages
Did you know that Facebook has launched a mobile version? You should try it, because I've been texting you for like AN HOUR! Where are you Jareth? I hope you haven't been kidding me all this time or I'll never forgive you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    “I think I prefer the funny Sally to the angry one.” I say with a sigh, leaving my phone on the desk.      I finish drying my hair with the towel and sit in the chair, putting the cloth aside. I go to Facebook and see that I have like fourteen messages from her. Does not she have anything to do after class?      I also see that Miss Skellington's name has been changed to Sally, almost as if telling her it was a long name had upset her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jareth I am here now. Were the fourteen messages necessary?
Sally If it was necessary? You didn’t answer me! And knowing that you saw your friend on that website, I was worried! I thought maybe they had caught you too Or that maybe this was all someone’s joke, you know? I take it seriously! 😠 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     If I could give her a voice right now, it would be a shrill one, the kind that destroys your eardrum just by hearing it once.      Although in a way, her concern at least makes me see that she is not entirely funny and that she could be serious. Because it is incredible that being the adult, she has to tell me if I am the one who is joking. I do not blame her, I am sure she is had to deal with many kinds of people. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jareth My apologies. I promise to download the application to quickly respond to your messages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Of course I used sarcasm, I will not. I do not need her to bothering me too when I am in class and she is at recess. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sally Very funny Jareth, but I know perfectly well that you have no intention of doing it for me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     I look at my camera and my protection program to prevent someone from activating it from afar. How does she do it? Is she spying on me in some way? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jareth How do you do it?
Sally What do I do?
Jareth Does not matter. What have you found out about that page?
Sally It's been a while since I entered that post, so there were a lot of updates and I had to read it all. I spent time reading the anecdotes of everyone who had seen that page Of course, there were also some of my questions towards them Well, prepare yourself for all the information I have
Jareth It is bad?
Sally Well… From what I’ve read, it’s all the same “The website that arrives by mail” “that does not allow you to copy the link or take a screenshot” “people paying for… that…”
Jareth That?
Sally I'm not going to say it, my stomach turns just thinking about it
Jareth It is fine I understand it. You do not have to repeat what you have read.
Sally Thank you But there are very different things from your testimony and from that of the people on the forum Let’s start with the words of the victims You said Katherine said “I won’t say anything”, right?
Jareth Yes. I have heard her voice begging for it.
Sally Katherine is different from the victims selected by the 'Master of Ceremonies' Because everyone says that the most common words that everyone says are “I haven't done anything” “please let me go”, there is no one saying that they wouldn't say anything
Jareth But it would be a common thing to say those words, right? If you want to be set free, you beg those words.
Sally If that… The person Katherine is talking to is someone she knows.
Jareth How you say?
Sally Let me continue please
Jareth Of course. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     I try to calm down after reading her words, so whoever had kidnapped Katherine is someone she knows? Is that possible? I can only think of one person, but it is best to keep reading their posts before jumping to conclusions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sally I left a post last night on the forum and they answered something interesting... Everyone remembers everything that catches their attention about what they read, and knowing that 'The Master of Ceremonies' is the name of the person who sends the email, I thought there would be a comment talking about it, since it would be common for a name like that to draw attention among so many usernames and numbers only
Jareth Yes, and he said that it took days to choose a winner in the auction.
Sally That would be a normal thing to say if you invite someone to your website as if you were teaching someone the rules 
Jareth Let me guess. There is no one on the forum who has seen the Master in the chat.
Sally There is no testimony saying that he made an appearance when I asked them, if they received him in some indirect way
Jareth Which means he was saying it to me…
Sally I think so… I was warning you that Katherine could die in a few days ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     I hold my breath, trying not to get nervous. If it was me who said it, what is the reason for doing it? Torture me?      I try to stay calm, but it is impossible. If I have a few days, then the police will never find her! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jareth And no one took photos of their screens? Are there no videos about that?
Sally The same thing happened to them as you, Jareth They were shocked, they tried to take screenshots from the computer and then everything just disappeared The master of ceremonies simply disappeared from they email
Jareth Then there is nothing to do. We cannot help Katherine. I have lost her forever.
Sally No I don’t think so We can still save her 
Jareth I appreciate your words of relief, but you yourself said there was nothing that could be done for her. And after all this information, I do not think we are going to be able to save her.
Sally I know what I said, but this is all strange I have a feeling that someone close to Katherine is the one who led her to the master of ceremonies Because she saw something she shouldn’t have
Jareth What do you mean?
Sally Now we enter your information, Jareth “king of the goblins” Hanh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     I plan to change my photo after talking to her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jareth I was thinking, maybe it is best that you stay out of this. You have done enough, Sally.
Sally I can’t leave it now Without me you are lost Jareth Whether you want it or not, you need me to find Katherine
Jareth But you are just a teenager. What are you going to be able to do?
Sally And you're only twenty years old, you think you're better than me just because you're four years older? Let me help you I promise you that I will not be a hindrance, that I am capable of doing it Please, Jareth… I just want to do this one last time… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     I scratch the back of my neck nervously.      I do not understand what “one last time” is, maybe it is because she is sick or maybe she wants to help me before completely leaving the world of theories and legends. But I remember Albert and his plea for Sally to help us. To both. That with her help we can remove the labels of 'murderers'.     “I hope I do not regret this...” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jareth Alright, Sally. Help me.
Sally 🙂 Well, from what I’ve read, I gather that you want me to help your friends, Albert and Jake, right? That’s why you also sent me Bianca’s information
Jareth I know them well and I know they would not hurt anyone. Albert may be intense, but he would never kill someone.
Sally And what about Jake?
Jareth What is the matter with him?
Sally You said before that you had lost Katherine forever But you said it like you were in love with her, but Jake is her boyfriend Tell me Jareth, should I suspect that all this is to accuse him of being guilty?
Jareth Of course not. I am Katherine’s friend, Jake is her boyfriend. I am not in love with her.
Sally I believe you then ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I let out a sigh of relief. I thought she had me figured out and knew I was Jake. If this gets out, maybe we would both be in trouble, she could be accused of helping the suspect who kidnapped Katherine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jareth :)
Sally This… Um…let’s see… Let me go over the notes I’ve made of what I’ve read… Just give me a minute…
Jareth Of course. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Takes her time to write. I wonder how much she has written of the little I have sent her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sally You say Albert dropped Bianca off at her house early That’s right?
Jareth Yes, what is wrong?
Sally Katherine wasn’t there at that time to confirm it? I’m not accusing your friend, but that means Bianca didn’t go past the door of her house
Jareth Well now that you say it… She only said what you read in what I sent you.
Sally In other words, there are no witnesses to prove that she entered the house Maybe someone followed them…
Jareth Did they take Bianca and return the body? For what?
Sally I don't know yet But did anyone know that Bianca sometimes ran away as a teenager? So they took advantage of that But if it's something that Katherine or Bianca herself has been telling around, who knows how many people took advantage of it?
Jareth So it has to be someone Katherine knows, right? If we think about what she said in that live, that she would not say anything to anyone, that is the only thing it can mean.
Sally Yeah!! Hey, we make a good team! 😄
Jareth Ha ha. If that is what you think. But now I feel more confident than before. Thank you Sally, now I have a little more hope :)
Sally I'm sure you would make a great detective assistant Do you want to work for me when I grow up? I will pay you well 😋
Jareth No, but thanks for the offer. We can continue?
Sally Hmp, boring… Ok, let’s continue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     I read that she writes but she stops, so I wait.      I wait a long time, until it is finally nine at night.      Sally returns and finally writes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sally Sorry Jareth, something happened, I have to go
Jareth Of course.
Sally I'm really sorry…
Jareth Is everything alright? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     She disconnects quickly. I do not know why but I am a little worried, but I just hope she is okay.      I remember before going to a foster home, meeting children who had had terrible experiences with their parents or with other families and that is going through my mind right now as I watch her write those words. And then there was what Jeremy said, that she decided to stay away from social media.    “I hope you are not going through a terrible experience.” I murmur as I close Facebook and decide to do some security work.
     I hear the door knock at twelve at night, along with a curse under some breath.      I look out the door and see Albert leave his backpack on the floor, at the foot of the sofa. He lies down and lets out another curse, but this time along with a sob.      I close the door slowly and open it again, this time making more noise.      Albert sits up on the couch and I see how he hides it by putting a smile on his face.     "Hello" he says, stretching ", news about your goddaughter?" He says jokingly.     "I have decided that in the end she will help us." I say calmly, watching how he continues to pretend "Do you remember if Bianca ever entered the apartments?"     “Well…” he starts to think and then looks at me confused “The truth is, no, I left her at the door, she didn't want me to go up to accompany her. Why?”      So it us as Sally suspects, that quite possibly someone had followed them.     “Because it is very possible that perhaps Katherine knew who they was and that is why she was kidnapped.”      Albert's eyes widen so much they look like they're going to pop out.      Then he gets totally serious, resting his elbows on his thighs. He keeps his gaze fixed on the unlit television, as if he were watching something on it. I do not know what it is, but it gives me a very strange feeling.     “Tell me everything you two talked about, Jake.”
Chapter 5
2 notes · View notes
ashes-writing · 2 years
Oh, It's nice to see someone write for Timothy again. If I may request, can you write some headcanons about him being married to him with a baby girl someday? Just fluff, all around. Take care. ❤️
I really, really, really, really thank you for sending this. I also hope you were asking for Tim Speedle from CSI Miami because that's who I took it to mean just going off of this message. If not, my apologies!!
This is... So damn fluffy. I can't. Literally, I cannot.
Tag List; @beardedbarba and @uncrownedmox are the only people on my taglist for CSI Miami. If you'd like to be added though, that can be arranged.
Warnings ; for the first time today, there are none. This is pretty well PG, pretty family friendly.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || pinned - my rules/fandoms and some of the characters I write for || requests open ; headcanons only please.
I do not consent to having my work reposted elsewhere or reworded and reposted.
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✯ Okay but whatever you do, try not to think of him kind of choking up at the sight of you walking down to him on your wedding day. Also, the fact that you’re barefoot makes him laugh just a little. He just thinks it’s so adorable so –you, that he can’t help the easy smile that comes. He’s gotta be nudged by Eric to get himself back on track because he’s so in awe that it’s even happening that it’s not funny. And when the person over the ceremony tells him to kiss the bride, he wastes no fucking time. 
✯ Lots of lazy and happy weekends at home in bed with some random movie on. Or day trips to no actual particular destination on the Ducati, the wind in your hair as you’re pressed against his back. Checking into some random little bed and breakfast and wandering around to see the sights of some quieter and lesser known part of Florida.
✯ You love watching him work on the motorcycle in the garage. Because sweaty and shirtless, holy shiiiit. Sorry, I had to, I couldn’t resist.
✯ He likes to watch you cook. He says he’s helping when he tastes everything you’ve got going but in all honesty, he’s just stealing food but he’s so sneaky and so damn adorable when he does it that you don’t want to stop him. There’s also the slow dancing in the kitchen because ‘your’ song comes on the radio and he just wants any excuse to hold you close.
✯ He’s pretty quick to jump into the mindset of wanting you to have his kids. So when he brings it up fairly early in, you’re excited because you’ve been thinking the same thing for a while. You were just scared to bring it up. And of course, he wants to start right away, wink wink.
✯ I feel like he’s shocked when the EPT comes up with a definite Pregnant. Despite it being the sixth one taken. I don’t think that shock wears off until the doctor confirms it at your appointment and then all the way home -after a trip to one of those baby/pregnancy stores at the local strip mall where he proceeds to go ham buying shit way too early, he’s grinning like an idiot and he says it like a thousand times that he’s going to be a dad. The excitement is real. He calls Eric like before you guys are even out of the hospital parking lot and by the time day shift changes to night the entire crime lab day and night, they all know.
✯ He won’t let you do a damn thing for yourself if he can help it. An entire nine months of him.. Hovering. Gently scolding when you do too much. Freaking the fuck out because he knew morning sickness was a thing but holy fuck you’ve thrown up four times in two hours and he’s just worried sick. By the time the baby comes, he finally calms down. Only a little though.
✯ And when she’s born and he finds out it’s a girl, holy protective papa bear. Oh my god. He’s twice as protective now because he’s gotta protect both of his girls, not just you anymore. But it doesn’t matter because he does it and he does it well. 
✯ I feel like tears do him in when it comes to her. Like.. He’ll try to be firm with her but then she’lll cry and he’ll fold like a bad poker hand. Luckily enough, he learns to stick to what he says when she’s old enough for it to matter but sometimes, he still just… Folds.
✯ She is her dad’s mini. Attitude, facial expressions that say what her mouth won’t, the works. Very blunt and very funny yet dark humored kid. Sometimes this and teachers don’t mesh well. When Tim goes down to talk to one such teacher, the teacher winds up exasperated by both father AND daughter because she.. She uh.. Definitely sees where his daughter got it. She doesn’t call about the dark humor and her ‘concern’ ever again though. And Tim took his lil mini me straight to Universal Studios for the afternoon.
✯ Where Ryan would intervene in any problem his daughter is having, esp if some little boy is picking on her and stuff… I feel like Tim teaches his daughter how to effectively rock somebody’s shit if they start messing with her. This kid knows self defense before she hits junior high, fight me. It's like.. he's always gonna be there but his precious little girl is well fucking prepared to handle herself and get things done if something were to happen and suddenly he wasn't there anymore. Which, given his line of work and the thing I pretend did not happen... Is understandable.
✯ Motorcycle rides with dad. They always put her to sleep. And it makes you smile every time he walks back in carrying her and she’s snoring, out like a light. By the time she’s 16 you’re half surprised when she asks to drive your car and doesn’t ask her father to teach her how to drive a motorcycle. Oh, she gets there eventually, just… Thank God she waits til about her senior year in high school.
✯ They’re like best friends, I swear. And arguing with either of them is like arguing with a damn brick wall and more often than not, said arguments end in lots of laughter. 
✯ Definitely wants more. Oh my god, he wants to give you all the babies. And when they come out looking like the perfect mix of the two of you he is freakin… Smitten, okay? Like.. he falls in love all over again.
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