#and then there's me: 3rd Program; 1st in 2012; 2nd in 2014
disney-is-mylife · 5 years
Well, I’m all settled in and officially started my THIRD Disney College Program!!!
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
vignettes of a bond || alpha!bucky barnes x omega!reader
I originally wrote this in two parts for my sleepover but after I realized how long it accidentally became, I've reformatted it, added/changed a few things, and made into a oneshot!
word count: 3.1k
warnings: smut, angst, knotting, violence
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June 2nd, 1943, 11:43 p.m., James Barnes’ bedroom
“I wanna do it, before I go,” he whispered against your skin. “But I know it’s wrong. It’s too cruel.”
“No, please,” you whimpered, “I want it. I want your mark.”
Bucky pulled back for a moment and you examined your Alpha’s face carefully, knowing it might be the last time for a long time. “I couldn’t bond to you and then leave you. It wouldn’t be fair… you deserve to find somebody who can stay, and be with you, and protect you.”
“All I want is you,” you whispered. “Please, Alpha… bite me.”
You saw him hesitate for a moment before he leaned in and sucked at your neck, building the anticipation before he finally sunk his teeth into your skin and you cried out, one single tear rolling down your cheek. “Mine,” he growled against your skin as he lapped at the healing wound, “my Omega. Forever.”
“Yours, only yours,” you agreed eagerly.
It wasn’t the first time Bucky had taken you, but that night he really and truly claimed you, left you a desperate begging mess, stretched out over his knot as he filled you over and over.
The next morning, you were still sore between your legs as well as on your new mark, and it took everything in you to be strong as you saw him off at the train station, waving goodbye and praying that your Alpha would return to you soon.
November 9th, 1943, 2:24 p.m., undercover SHIELD facility
“You promised Bucky you’d take care of me,” you reminded him with a little smile, wiping a tear from your cheek.
“I know,” Steve relented, “but we both know I can’t do that. Not in this state. But maybe I can protect you if I do this. Maybe I can protect my country. I owe it to everyone, especially Bucky, to try.”
You nodded. “But I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too. Come see me before I ship out for good, alright?”
“Of course,” you agreed.
December 27th, 1943, 8:32 a.m., your front porch
“You’re lying,” you gasped as you shook your head. “You’re wrong, no, it’s not true.”
“It is,” Steve promised as tears welled in his eyes, “I’m so so sorry, I saw it myself, I had to watch him fall…”
“It’s not true! He’s not dead!”
“I know he loved you so much. He talked about every day, he couldn’t wait to come home to you,” Steve remembered, choking up noticeably. “But he won’t. He’s gone.”
“You don’t understand, I know, okay? I know.”
“You’re in shock, I understand, it’s hard to lose your mate—”
“You’re a beta, you wouldn’t understand,” you dismissed; sure, he looked like an alpha now, but it didn’t make a difference. “Omegas, we know when our Alpha dies, we feel it, it kills us. He’s far away, but he’s still there, I still feel him!”
Steve held you as you sobbed, your body crumpling into his arms. Sometimes you thought maybe he held you too tight on accident because he was still getting used to his new strength; other times you thought he did it on purpose.
February 3rd, 1944, 12:00 p.m., undercover SHIELD facility
“Even when I had nothing, I had Steve,” you recalled shakily, “and now he’s gone too.”
“Is that why you’re volunteering?” Agent Carter asked you. “Because you’d rather sleep for a hundred years than live without your mate and your best friend?”
“I’m volunteering because my mate and my best friend died for SHIELD,” you corrected firmly, “and if I’m not willing to also, then I’m admitting I think they went to waste.”
“Steve told me you didn’t think Bucky was dead,” Peggy remembered.
You winced. “I’m not sure. But I know he’s not coming home again. I came here to give whatever I could to help find him… I was asked to participate in a cryogenics research study. If it helps him, then I’ll do it.”
She was about to get up, apparently satisfied with your final interview, but you stopped her.
“On one condition,” you added. “If James Barnes is found, alive or dead, wake me up to see him.”
She nodded, stepping out of the room and leaving you alone again.
May 8th, 2012, SHIELD headquarters
“Can you hear me?”
You slowly blinked awake, your vision taking a moment to catch up with your mind. You saw tubes coming out of your arms; you saw Steve above you, looking like the day you saw him last.
“Did you find Bucky?” you asked instantly. Why else would they wake you up?
“No,” Steve answered, seemingly a bit disappointed that that was your first and only question.
“Then put me back to sleep,” you demanded.
“It’s been 68 years,” he told you. “You’ve slept for 68 years. It’s time to wake up.”
And you did, more than you ever wanted to, because you realized you couldn’t feel him anymore. Your Alpha was gone. Worse, he probably died while you were asleep; he probably died alone.
One more time, like he had 68 years ago, Steve held you while you sobbed.
August 1st, 2014, 2:11 a.m., Avengers compound, Steve Rogers’ quarters
You ran into Steve’s room barefoot and still in your pajamas, barreling through the door and right into his bed.
“Steve, I feel him!” you rushed.
“What?” he groaned sleepily, looking up at you as he blinked in confusion.
“I feel him again, he’s alive,” you explained. “I know it. He’s weak… he’s hurting… but he’s there.”
“That’s impossible,” Steve shook his head. “It’s been too long, he would’ve died of old age anyways.”
“Don’t you want to believe it? Don’t you want to think he’s out there?”
“Do I want to think he’s alone and I didn’t save him?” Steve hissed. “No, I can’t say that I particularly do!”
“But we still can, Steve, we just have to find h—”
But before you could finish, the feeling left you, and you were just half of something again.
“Oh,” you breathed.
“He’s gone again?” Steve realized.
You nodded, biting your lip as it started to quiver. He sighed and pulled you into a hug. “If I could just see his body, and know it was over,” you whispered, “if I could just bury him, have a funeral…”
“We’ll have one,” Steve decided, “after this mission. We’ll put him to rest. He deserves that, and so do you.”
You nodded into his shoulder. It shattered you into a million pieces but it was still the better option, to try to let him go in whatever small way you could. He would always, always, always be your Alpha, nothing could change that, but a funeral would at least bring some closure.
That would have to wait until after your next mission though… and it was going to be a big one: tracking the elusive Winter Soldier.
August 3rd, 2014, 1:14 p.m., Lower East side
You were a few blocks away, helping civilians escape the firefight, when you felt it.
For one impossibly brief moment, you felt him, stronger than you had in nearly 80 years. He was here.
You instantly got up and ran like you’d never run before, finding the Soldier and Steve locked in a brutal showdown— but his mask was gone now, and you nearly fell to your knees at the sight of him.
“Bucky!” you yelped, but you knew he wasn’t there or you would’ve felt his presence. Your Alpha was somewhere underneath the shell that wore his face, and you needed to find him.
You ran forward just as Steve made a break for it, getting to him just in time to stand between the Soldier and his mission.
“Alpha, please,” you whimpered, clutching at his chest. A metal hand backhanded you to the ground.
“Out of my way, Omega,” he growled, stepping over you, but you grabbed at his ankles even when he tried to kick you away.
“My mark,” you explained hastily, pulling your shirt down some to make sure it was visible. “It’s yours. Do you remember? You gave me this. This is your mark on me.”
He stared down at you, seeming to be contemplating it, and you scrambled back to your feet and faced him.
“I still feel you,” you whispered. “I knew you were alive, I knew you’d come back to me. I could feel you, right here,” you explained as you took his hand and placed it on your chest. “Could you feel me? Did you know I was waiting for you all this time?”
His eyes were watering but he still seemed confused— stunned, more specifically, as you placed your hand on his chest.
“I’ll always be yours, Bucky. I’ll always be your Omega, no matter where you are.”
A stun gun took you down, an array of masked men appeared, and before he could really see you for what you were, he was dragged away and taken to be erased again.
August 3rd, 2014, 9:04 p.m., Avengers compound, medical bay
“I can’t believe we let them get away,” Steve lamented, resting his face in his hands. “I can’t believe they took him again…”
“They’ll be back,” you promised sternly. “They’re going to figure out what I am to him. They’re going to realize I could break his programming. And they’re going to come for me.”
“And when they do?” Steve pressed.
“We’ll be ready. And I’ll get my Alpha back.”
August 3rd, 2014, 9:04 p.m., temporary HYDRA operations facility
"The woman on the bridge... the Omega..." Bucky mumbled. "She knew me... she had my mark."
"No she didn't."
He furrowed his brow. "She showed me..."
Pierce sighed, glancing over to the HYDRA scientist who looked back at him sternly.
"She's too dangerous to be left alive," the man sighed, shrugging in his lab coat. "We can't deprogram a bond like that."
"We'll take care of her," Pierce promised.
Bucky launched from the chair, snapping his restraints like paper. "Touch her and I'll fucking kill you!" he bellowed, tackling his handler to the ground.
Pierce just laughed as another scientist jabbed Bucky with a needle, dosing him with something strong enough to kill any other man but just enough to knock out a super soldier. Pierce stood up and dusted himself off as he watched Bucky go limp and be lifted back into his chair.
"I can see the fight in your eyes, Soldier," he taunted as he leaned into his face. "I know you really would kill me, if you could. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, right? But don't worry about your mate, we'll make it quick and painless. Hey, maybe beforehand me and a few of the other Alphas will show her a good time, poor thing's been without her mate for 70 years... I bet she's raring to go."
Bucky's arm twitched as his eyes started to fall shut, a tear falling down his blank and motionless face.
"Wipe him," Pierce instructed to the scientist, turning and walking away as the electric whirr of the machine charging up filled the room.
August 11th, 2014, 3:53 p.m., SHIELD headquarters
Steve was impressed with how accurate and imminent your prediction was; HYDRA was hot on your trail and desperate to eliminate the biggest threat to their Asset. Knowing they were coming made it easier, but it was still a brutal fight.
You and Steve tried to stay together, but they were smart, they used the perfect bait to lure you away.
"Tell me where he is," you demanded from the HYDRA agent as you held a blade to his neck, "then I'll kill you."
"Isn't it supposed to be 'or I'll kill you'?" he frowned.
You shook your head. "Not the way I operate."
Opposite to the reaction you were expecting, he grinned widely. "He's here."
Your heart stopped.
"On the roof. He's here to kill you."
You dropped the knife and ran straight for the stairwell, ascending them like they were nothing and calling out for your Alpha.
You found him there, waiting, gun trained on you. Raising your hands in surrender, you yelled to him again.
"Bucky," you called across the windy roof, eyes nearly blinded by the bright afternoon sun. "Alpha."
"I'm not who you think I am," he yelled back. "I'm not your Alpha."
It hurt to hear it in his voice, but you knew it wasn't him. Cautiously, you stepped closer. "Before you left, you told me you didn't want to mark me and leave me behind," you recalled. "But I wanted it. I wanted to be bonded to you more than I'd ever wanted anything."
He could clearly see you were coming closer, he even tightened his finger over the trigger of his weapon, but he was waiting. You kept walking to him, slowly.
"I've never regretted it," you continued, "not even when I thought you were dead, not even when I had to spent a lifetime-- more than that-- apart from you."
Finally you were face to face, and you stepped closer until his gun was pressed right into your chest.
"You can shoot me now and I still won't regret it," you promised. "I love you."
Shakily, he lowered his weapon. "Omega..." he breathed.
"Your Omega."
He pulled you into him and you sobbed as you felt him come to life in your arms-- the real him, your Alpha, your Bucky. He held you close and breathed against the top of your head and it was like a dream coming true decades after you'd forced yourself to let it go.
But you'd never given up. And now you had found him again.
Agents started to come onto the roof and Bucky spun the two of you around, firing with his right hand and using the left, metal arm as a shield for you.
He carried you and you didn't even know where he was taking you, but it didn't matter. In his arms, you were home.
August 12th, 1:03 a.m., Avengers compound, your quarters
You hadn't stopped coming or crying for at least an hour. Bucky had all but split you open on his knot all night and he didn't show any signs of stopping.
He apparently intended to make up for lost time. And you'd lost a lot of time.
"Just one more, I know you can give me one more," he groaned furiously rubbing your clit as his knot began to swell again.
You could give him anything, as long as he asked for it like that.
You'd lost count of how many times he'd told you to come for him, and how many times you did it immediately.
"I can see how full you are," he whispered as he rubbed your stomach gently. "So much seed in you that your body can't hold it all."
You looked down and yep, you were distinctly bloated from his come alone; it made you a little dizzy to even look at it.
"The idea of you alone during your heats, no one to protect you, it kills me," he explained with a growl. "I won't let you go again. I can't."
"Then don't," you sighed. "Never leave this bed, fill me with everything you have."
"Did anybody ever help you through them? The heats?" he asked. "I wouldn't blame you, they can be so painful... I just need to know so I can make sure you forget about them."
"No, Bucky, never— I never let anyone touch me."
"Steve could've helped you, at least some..."
"He wouldn't have, he loves you too much. And I wouldn't accept anything less than you, ever. You're my Alpha. We're bonded. There's never anyone else."
That didn't seem to satisfy him, his eyes darting away as he swallowed. Your gut sank with the realization he probably wasn't being totally honest about why he asked.
"Your ruts," you gasped. "Were you alone for all of them?"
He shut his lips tighter.
"Bucky, it's okay, just tell me. I was asleep for 70 years, I skipped most of them, but you... you had to live through them all."
"They gave me betas, and omegas," he mumbled, "but I don't... I don't really remember. I know they wanted me to. They threatened to hurt me if I didn't, because they knew I'd go crazy after so many ruts alone, but I can't remember if I really did it. I remember... I remember crying, and begging for you."
"Alpha," you breathed as you felt new tears run over the stains of your old ones. "It's okay. Whatever happened, it's okay now. We're together again. Everything's okay."
You wiped his tear away with your thumb, holding his face tightly, weaving your fingers into his long hair.
"I'll always be your Omega," you promised.
He leaned in closer to you, kissing your cheek before pulling back a little. "It's faded," he whispered as he ran his thumb over the mark on your neck. "The last time I saw it, it was still fresh."
"It's older, sure, but it's stronger than ever, Bucky."
August 14th, 10:12 a.m., Avengers compound, residential area kitchen
Steve's eyes went wide when he came into the kitchen for breakfast and found you there, steeping your tea. "Surprised to see you out of the love nest so soon," he smirked.
"It's been three days, I don't think that counts as soon," you scoffed.
"It does to him," Steve frowned. "He's asleep, isn't he?"
"I know he wouldn't let you out of his sights if he was conscious," Steve chuckled.
At that moment, you heard Bucky call your name and run out into the hall, only a bedsheet covering his groin as he appeared in the doorway. You spun around and smiled when you saw him come running towards you, embracing you with his free arm.
"You should've told me you were leaving, I got scared when I woke up without you," he admitted weakly.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry!"
He pulled back and clutched your face in both his hands. "I'm waking up next to you every morning for the rest of my life, you understand?"
You nodded dutifully. "Yes, Alpha."
"One hand on the sheet, please, Buck?" Steve winced, looking away.
“Whoops,” Bucky groaned, reaching to cover himself as you laughed softly.
“Let’s go back to bed, baby,” you decided quietly, taking Bucky’s (free) hand in yours and waving goodbye to Steve, who was already making his way as far out of earshot as possible.
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lazuliblade · 5 years
2019 GPF Men’s FS
So I did actually type most of this up while watching a live stream, but got sidetracked with conversations for a solid two hours after the FS ended, and fell asleep before finishing up. I had to shorten what I wrote for Yuzuru because it got so long and reminiscing. Maybe I’ll post a longer thing later this week when I have time to properly edit a long post. This post is kind of redundant now that everything is over, but I figured I may as well put this up so it doesn’t lay rotting in my drafts. Boyang Jin FS: 160.77 Total Score: 241.44 4Lzfall, 4T2T good, 4T awkward fall, 3AEu3S, ChSq, FCSp4, 3A, 3Lz3T, 3F so light, StSq3, ChSSp4, ChCoSp4 The first few jumps he looked a bit stiff, but as soon as the second half started he really got into it. He was so expressive in the step sequence and the audience was really supportive. It may have only gotten a level 3, but I really liked it. Some of my other favorite moments were: the FCSp4 done to the music transition with the record spin/scratch and strings, and the spin to the ending piano notes which I thought was particularly gorgeously timed. The commentator (Chris) saying about the audience: “they’ve been so supportive of all of the athletes” Dmitri Aliev FS: 131.26 Total Score: 220.04 4Lz, 4T fall, 2Tpop, 3F fall, FCSp2, ChSq1, 3A hand down, 3Lz3T was great on the music, 3LoEu3S, StSq4 beautiful, ChSSp2, ChCoSp fall part-way through. Oh this was so hard to watch. He held on until the end, but my heart hurts. The entry on the 4T was strange and he fell over the back of his heel when he landed. On the 3F fall, he took a long time to get up again and the crowd cheered for him in support - that was wonderful to hear. I wonder if he got injured there? His following flying camel spin kind of just ended like he couldn’t hold it for long. He started to rally back, but then with the final spin he kind of fell part-way through and no base points were given. His face just fell and he looked so resigned.  Alexander Samarin FS: 167.51 Total Score: 248.83 4Lz3T, 4F hand down - the axis was so strange in the air, 2Tpop, FCSp4, 3A2T, ChSq1, 3A2T, 3LzRippon, 3Lo, ChSSp4, StSq4, ChCoSp4. The smile on his face was nice during the Step Sequence. I’m still not sure how I feel about this program. It feels like it needs more... something. Not the best skate, but he got through it. The 3Lz was particularly nice. Kevin Aymoz FS: 178.92 Total Score: 275.63 4T3T, 4T had a good landing but then he slipped on the running edge, 3A2T, 3Lo out of turns, ChCSp4, 3A, 3LzEu3S, 3F, ChSq1, FSSp4, ChCoSp3, StSq4 I love how the music starts so tranquil and his skating reflects that, and then it starts to build up into a triumphant sound by the end. Right after the 3Lz combo the music starts to change leading into the 3F, and afterward, he does this great spread eagle and his signature slide across the ice in his ChSq. I loved seeing his large smile along with the music swelling triumphantly. Oh man, his scream when he saw his FS score nearly gave me a heart attack. I looked away during the slow-mo recap to type some of this up, and here I am listening to the announcer calling for the scores when suddenly I hear a scream. They had to turn the mic down in the Kiss&Cry because he and his coach were so exuberant. That was great to see.   Yuzuru Hanyu FS: 194.00 Total Score: 291.43 4Lo beautiful, 4Lz gorgeous, FChCoSp4, StSq3, 4S, 3Lz, 4TEu3F<(step-out), 4T2T, 1A(pop), FChSSp4, ChCoSp4 Oh my god that was such a momentous skate to watch. The intensity of it was something else. I’m so proud of him for landing that 4Lz after not being able to put it in for two seasons, and overcoming that mental block.  The opening 4Lo was beautiful without the slightest wobble on the landing, the 4S as the third jumping pass had a bit of a lean but he landed it anyway, then came his 3Lz which was interesting to see because it felt like you could see his natural delayed rotation more clearly this time around compared to usual. I wonder if that was a result of having the 4Lz as well? Then the 4TEu3F looked so nice in the air but he had to step out at the end a bit - the tech panel ended up calling the 3F underrotated, too (it didn’t look under in the slow-mo at all....). He did a 4T2T next - he had planned a 4T3T but I think he didn’t have enough energy or he didn’t feel secure enough in the flow to do a 3T - and he popped his last jumping pass from the planned 3A3A sequence into a 1A. But more than the jumps, the entire program felt like he was on an epic, challenging walls and scaling them with grace. I never get tired of the choreographic moments he has everywhere. I was praying so hard at the end that his legs would hold out long enough for the hydroblade, the travelling stars into the camel spin, and for the spins themselves. I’ve seen enough skaters sit or lose balance on a spin to never take them for granted as an easy “he’ll finish with no problems” last element. Heck, there was an example of that earlier in this very event. I couldn’t help laughing with him when he went into his ending pose and couldn’t hold it longer than a split second. He lost balance a beat after the music finished, while the note was still ringing, and ending up partially leaning over before completely bending himself in half to just sit there on the ice. It reminded me so much of 2012 Worlds when he skated so hard his lips turned blue, and 2012 Finlandia and 2013 Worlds when he ended gasping and collapsing on the ice much like today. His first 5-quad program, and he gets through it with quite the fighting spirit. I can’t help remembering how the season after 2014 Sochi Olympics when he wanted to put in 3 quads in the Free, some people thought that that was crazy and lots of people doubted he had the stamina to pull something like that off. Now look at him doing a program packed with content, on top of 5 quads: one being the quad he pioneered (4Lo), one being a jump some people thought he might never bring back (4Lz), one being a quad that people said he should give up on because it just wasn’t going to be his jump (4S), and two quads (4T) in combination. I’m kind of confused about the score, but hmm. I guess he did pop his last 3A-3Asequence jumping pass and that would have given him like 15 points (18 or so if they gave him good GOE?). But even so... Hmmmm. Nathan Chen FS: 224.92 Total Score: 335.30 4F3T, 4Lz, 4TEu3S, ChCSp4, 3A, StSq3, 4S, 4T, 3Lz3T, ChCoSp4, ChSq, FChCoSp4 The jumps felt solid. There was just the slightest wobble on the 3Lz3T, but the rest were clean and solid. After they’re all done, in the last part of the program with the spins and choreo sequence, at least it looks like he’s having some fun. Did he almost trip in the beginning of his choreo sequence? I’ll have to go back and see that again later. Mmmm, I feel like some of the movements in the hip-hop(?) section could be sharper, but the season is only half over. That’s something he can work on going forward. Final Standings: 1st - Nathan Chen 2nd - Yuzuru Hanyu 3rd - Kevin Aymoz
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𝑀𝑒𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓈 𝟤𝟢𝟣𝟫
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Merry Christmas My Lovelies! I know I have been gone for a while but I have a huge life update for y’all! Life has been so incredible to me lately & I’m taking that energy & positivity into 2020!
𝑀𝓎 𝐹𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝒥𝑜𝒷
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I was accepted into my first ever job y’all! I work in the school I grew up going to (the school is pre-k through 8th grade: I attended for 5th through 8th grade) & now that I’m an alumni, I am working in the after school program! Each grade is divided up & has 1 or 2 staff members that helps them with homework, passes out snack, & entertains the kids whether it’s taking them outside to play after homework & snack or letting them do arts & crafts! I’m in charge of 2nd & 3rd grade, but I have covered for the girls of Kindergarten & 1st grade. My kiddos are so great at work & I absolutely adore them! I’m currently on holiday break for 2 weeks from work until the school goes back for the new year! I did get my first ever paycheck too!
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My family is doing well & everyone is thriving! I got my first job & first paycheck, I got back into baking (my number 1 hobby besides social media), my cousin & her boyfriend are due in 4 weeks with their first born son, my cousin & I go back to college on January 13th, my brother & his girlfriend go back to school on January 6th, my brother & his girlfriend both got into their dream colleges, my dad started his own business & is loving it (He now works 2 jobs: his day job & his own business), I got a ton of money & gift cards from family for gifts (plus my paycheck from my job) so now I’m finally able to start paying for my own stuff, & just so much more is coming for my family in the future!
𝑀𝓎 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟢 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝓃
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2019 was honestly a good year but was also a dangerously dark year (I haven’t had a dark year since 2012 & 2014) for me. 2020 is my year of flourishing in my college career, my new job, fixing relationships with friends & family that can be fixed, throwing away relationships that I know can never be fixed with toxic family & friends, working harder on my social media (when I have time between work, school, & keeping my own personal life organized), & just focusing on me. I already sat down with my mom & we came up with a plan for the rest of my years at community college so I know what to do when I go to get my bachelor’s at a 4 year university, I will be practicing for my driver’s license, working on losing weight with my mom, watching my family & friends flourish in their current/future careers & lives, figuring out a beauty routine (skin & hair care & makeup), & just seeing where opportunities in 2020 can take me when I work hard & put in my potential. 
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I can not say this enough. Thank you to my followers! I literally thought this account wouldn’t turn into anything! Now it’s grown & people love my work! I can’t wait to see how my account grows in the future! Also I’m so incredibly grateful to the friends I have made on here (you know who you are ♥️) & thank you to my follows for just being so supportive of my work & those who message me when I do a life update to congrats on what I’m doing outside of Tumblr! I will be back soon!!!!!!!
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Here are some of EXO’s archievements and records in this 6 years, obviously there are a lot missing (they have too many awards lmao) so i put here the most important, feel free to add others
“MAMA” first EXO album depassed 100,000 copies in 1 month
The korean version of the album reached n°1 on Gaon album chart and    n°8 on Billboard world albums chart
“MAMA” MV korean ver. reached n°7 on Youtube’s global chart
EXO-K wins “Best new artist” at the 2012 MAMA awards and EXO-M        received the “Most popular group” award at the 2013 Top Chinese music    awards
The highest k-pop debut album sales: EXO-M (188,624) EXO-K                (295,680)/ Overall (484,304)
Total awards = 9 awards
“XOXO” reached n°1 on Billboard world albums chart a week after its        release
The album make EXO the first million seller after 12 years
Record for being the fastest selling k-pop act
“Growl” reached n°1 on all 4 Korea’s major music programs. The song      placed n°3 on Billboard Korea k-pop hot 100 and n°2 on Gaon singles        chart and charted for 49 weeks on Melon making it one of the longest        charting songs
They broke the first week album sales record by selling more than              112,435 copies
“XOXO” was the best selling album in Korea for 2013
They borke the Weekly idol rating with an average viewership rating of      1.175% (July 10, 2013)
EXO won Album of the year at MAMA 2013 making them the youngest      ever Boy group to win this award 
Music show wins = 26
Awards = 20 awards + 3 daesang
“Overdose” broke the record for most pre-ordered album in k-pop history    with 660,000 pre-orders        
Korean version of Overdose peaked at n°2 on Billboard world albums        chart
First mini album to top yearly chart awards and to win Album of the year    at the MAMA awards
EXO became thee highest charting k-pop male group on the Billboard        200 peaking at 129
“Overdose” was the best selling album in Korea for 2014
“Exoplanet 1 - The lost planet” broke the record for the fastest sold out      concert for a korean act by selling out in 1.47 seconds
The best selling k-pop artist in Japan for 2014
Music show wins = 11
Awards = 31 awards + 5 daesang          
“Call me baby” was the most watched k-pop mv in the first half of 2015
The song wins 18 music show awards becoming the second most              awarded song in history and the most awarded song of 2015
“Exodus” became the longest charting n°1 album on the Album chart          (4 weeks)
Broke the US Billboard 200 record as the highest ranking Korean artist      at n° 90
“Double million seller” with “Exodus” selling 1 million copies
Record for the all time best selling debut single in Japan
“Love me right” charts for 42 weeks on Melon and “Call me baby” for 45    weeks, becoming one of the longest charting idol group songs
“Sing for you” the album broke the first week sales record by selling            267,900 copies in the first week
Named the most powerful celebrity by Forbes Korea for 2014
Record for the shortest amount of time since debut to hold a concert at      the Tokyo Dome
The first artist to hold a Korean Dome concert (Gocheok Dome)
“EXO next door” became the most watched web drama of 2015 and the    OST “Beautiful” becomes first web drama OST to top digital charts
Reocord for the most amount of fans attempting to buy a concert ticket      (1.2 million) (EXO’luxion)
The concert made a world record by selling out all 5 days (67,040              tickets) in 0.4 seconds
Music show wins = 32
Awards = 19 awards + 4 daesang
The pre-orders for “Ex’Act” surpassed 660,000 copies broking                  EXO’s “Overdose” record for most pre-sold album
 It was the first Korean Album to sell over 100,000 copies in one day
It broke the first weeksales record by selling over 500,000 copies in one    week (522,372)
“Monster” hit n°1 on Billboard world digital songs chart, and Lucky one      n°3
“Monster” becomes the highest scoring song on M! Countdown for 2016    and the 4th highest song of all time and charted on Melon for 145              consecutive hours and 139 on Genie
“Ex’Act” breaks record for most album points in Music Bank history with    a total of 8785 points and reached n° 1 on World albums chart
“Lotto” hit n°1 on Billboard world digital songs chart and n°2 on Gaon        digital chart
“Lotto” the repack album Korean ver. reached n°1 on Gaon album chart    and the Chinese ver. n°2
“Dancing King” hit n°2 on Gaon’s digital chart and n°1 on Gaon’s                download chart and ranked n°3 on Billboard world digital songs chart
“For life” ranks 3 in first week Album sales of all time with 316,000 copies
“Triple million sellers” with “Ex’Act” becoming their 3rd album to sell 1        million copies after 2 months of release
First Group to win all 3 Daesang at Melon music awards
Record of over 2.13 million album sold in 2016
First international group to sell over 100,000 copies in the 1st week in        Japan with Coming over (140,000)
1st boy group and 1st asian group to appear on “L’UOMO VOGUE”            cover
First k-pop group to have the longest solo concert series in Seoul (6          days at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena)
Most powerful celebrity of 2015 by Forbes Korea for the 2nd year in a        row
Music show wins = 18
Awards = 22 awards + 5 daesang
“The War” breaks “Ex’Act” pre-ordered record with over 800,000                pre-orders in under a week
It becomes the fastest album to hit 1M+ copies sold without repackage,      in just 24 days and breaks records by topping 155 Itunes charts
“Ko ko bop” charts n°1 on Melon for 5 days straight. Archived All-kill on      Melon within 24 hours of releasing “The War”
The album breaks Hanteo 1st day sales record by selling over 220,000      in 5 hours and making EXO the first group to sell over 200,000 copies        on the first day (227,231)
The highest ranking K-pop group on UK Itunes albums chart by peaking    at n°2
First group to debut n°1 on Melon after the system change
“The War” is the 1st k-pop album to rank 1 in over 30 different countries    at the same time and the fastest k-pop album to reach the USA Itunes        album chart top 5 ranking
First artist to reach 400,000 followers on Melon (now they are over            500,000)
The first group to sell over 600,000 copies in 1 week with “The War”          (602,094)
EXO holds their encore concert EXO’rDIUM in Jamsil Olympic Stadium      (max 72,000 people), becoming the youngest k-pop act to ever perform    there
The concert sold out for both days within half an hour, becoming the 3rd    artist to ever done this after H.O.T (1999/2000) and G.o.d (2014)
The ElyXion 1st 3 days sold out in 0.2 seconds (66,000 tickets), beating    EXO’s own previous record of 0.4 seconds of EXO’luxion          
First artist to perform on 3 consecutive days in “Gocheok Sky Dome”          recording the highest attendance since its opening
The “Guinness World Records” for winning the most Daesangs at the        Mnet Asia Music Awards
“Quadruple million seller” with “The War”
Music show wins = 16
Awards = 19 awards + 6 daesang
“Power” is the 1st k-pop song to be played at “The Dubai Fountain”,          world’s largest choreographed fountain
The japanese album “Countdown” debuted at n°1 on the Weekly Oricon    chart, sold over 100,000 copies and receiveda gold certification
EXO is the first foreign group whose debut single and complete album      both reached first place, 10 days after its release
EXO and Cl performed at the closing cermony of the 2018 Winter              Olympics in Pyeongchang on February, 25 as representatives of k-pop
EXO won “Best Blockbuster” for “W Korea 13th Anniversary Award”,          recorded highest sales in Fashion Magazine History
The 9 covers are the Magazine’s top 10 best seller of all time with EXO      landing from 1st to its 9th place
The “Korean Mint Corporation” announced that they will create an official  commemorative medal for EXO (be released in April). The medal will        honor them as representatives of k-pop who have been in the centre of    the Korean wave as the Top Idol Group
Music show wins = 3 (still counting)
Awards = 9 awards + 1 Daesang (still counting) 
Highest music show wins for a group (excluding subunits and solos)          = 106 wins
Most award wins for a group with a total of 156 awards
Most Daesang awards for a group: 24 Daesang
Win Album of the year (Daesang) at MAMA 5 years in a row (2013-2017)
 Win Golden Disk Awards Daesang 4 years in a row (2014-2017)
Win Seoul Music Awards Daesang 4 years in a row (2014-2017)
Best selling album 5 years in a row (2013-2017)
K-pop group with most endorsenments
Only artist to debut at n°1 on Gaon weekly album chart for 10                    consecutive album release
Best selling artist in Korea for 4 years in a row (2013-2016)
EXO is officially the highest selling k-pop boy group in Korean            history in terms of album sales, beating the records set by                  legendary Artists Seo Taiji and Boys, H.O.T and TVXQ
EXO-L official global fanclub counts 4,346,107 stars (followers) and still    counting
              EXO + EXO-L = ONE
                    WE ARE ONE
I just wrote down what there was in a video made by an Exo-l, here is the link, please support her
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fightscrub-blog · 6 years
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Fight Scrub is very happy to announce we have another sponsored athlete. Welcome Esteban Muniz to the Fight Scrub family brother! Here is a little Bio of Esteban Esteban Muniz jr Started training in 2012 Belt rank blue belt 2 degree Academy fighting out of Black Flag Jiu Jitsu Club Current medals winnings to all medals 2018 no gi agf Phoenix 1st 2018 gi agf Phoenix 2nd 2014 az international open gi 1st 2013 sjjif worlds gi 1st 2013 sjjif worlds nogi 1st 2013 sjjif worlds nogi absolute 3rd 2013 nabjjf Phoenix gi 1st 2013 az state championships gi 3rd 2013 az international open gi 2nd 2012 az state championships gi 2nd 2012 adcc sandiego trials gi 2nd Upcoming tournaments September 8th Phoenix open nabjjf September 22 jjwl worlds California October 27 jjwl Phoenix open November 10 jjwl souther California championship November 5 grappling Phoenix December masters cup Phoenix December nogi ibjjf worlds California I love jiu jitsu its my life and in the future I will own my own academy. Jiu Jitsu has helped so much with the everyday life stress it’s my getaway from everything. I plan to develop scholarship programs for my academy for kids and adults who works hard and want to pursue a competitor career. Jiu Jitsu will always be part of me. #ufc #bjj #boxing #fitness #muaythai #jiujitsu #kickboxing #wrestling #martialarts #fight #gym #training #workout #fighter #crossfit #judo #motivation #karate #fit #grappling #bodybuilding #mixedmartialarts #fitfam #brazilianjiujitsu #repost #sport #boxe #whiskeredgentlemen #FightScrub #fightscrubsoap https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl-nhs_F3vw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gnr602dku2og
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rankentech · 3 years
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Katie Beck graduated May 2013 from Ranken’s Automotive Collision Repair program. While there she competed in many SkillsUSA events. In 2012, she placed 2nd in Ranken’s District Auto Refinishing contest. She advanced to the State Championship, placing 1st in Auto Collision. Next stop, the SkillsUSA National Conference. In 2013, Katie finished 1st in Ranken’s District Auto Refinishing contest. She took 3rd in Auto Collision at the State Championship. Katie says, “SkillsUSA competitions and the skills I learned while there” are my favorite memories of Ranken. [Ranken] taught me to be punctual, self-disciplined, and to never give up.” Katie’s resume includes Schaefer Auto Body, Plaza Collision, and Car Max. She now works as the Lead Paint Technician for Car Craft Auto Body. Phil Meier, General Manager at Car Craft, explains, “Katie joined our team in December 2018. She has a great work ethic, pride in her work, positive attitude, and determination. In December 2019, she transferred to our Hazelwood location and became the lead refinish technician. She’s the poster girl for future technicians interested in auto refinishing. Loyalty, care, and compassion are words that come to mind when reflecting on Katie. We look forward to her future in collision repair and refinishing.” John Helterbrand, former department chair of Automotive Collision Repair, recalls meeting Katie. “My family went to Chicago for Sherwin Williams training for SkillsUSA students. Her high school instructor said Katie had been chasing ducks in front of the hotel for several hours and planned to take one home if she caught one. I was troubled as I had volunteered to take Katie home after training; she never caught a duck. Katie is fearless. She was a self-promoter, respected by her classmates, and mentor to other ladies in our automotive programs. Katie has grown into a true success in a career to be proud of.” Katie’s brother, Kyle, also graduated from Ranken’s ACR program in 2014. #rankentech
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sywtwfs · 7 years
2017 Grand Prix Final Preview: Ladies
Here’s the third part of our Grand Prix Final preview, featuring the ladies’ field! See also: GPF Men’s Preview, GPF Pairs Preview
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Despite reigning 2-time World and GPF Champion Evgenia Medvedeva’s withdrawal due to a foot injury, the ladies’ field at this year’s Grand Prix Final is still unbelievably competitive; any of the six women have a chance at the podium depending on how the competition pans out. With ages spanning 15 years, Nagoya will feature fiery young newcomers and decorated veterans alike, each skater bringing unique qualities of their own to the table.
Representing: Russia
Age: 15
ISU Personal bests: SP 71.29, FS 151.34, total 218.46
ISU Season’s best: 218.46
Notable titles: 2017 Junior World Champion, 2016 Junior Grand Prix Final Champion, 2017 Russian National Silver Medalist
Programs: SP - Black Swan/Moonlight; FS - Don Quixote
Grand Prix events: Cup of China (1st), Internationaux de France (1st)
The youngest competitor in the field, this 15-year-old reigning Junior World Champion has turned heads on her first senior Grand Prix series as the newest in a long line of Russian wunderkinds. Alina is the only senior skater who backloads all of her jumps - placing them in the second half of her programs to receive a 10% base value bonus. Although some have criticized her programs as unbalanced, her technical skill is undeniable, as she won both of her Grand Prix events based on the strength of her free programs. Besides her training mate Evgenia Medvedeva, she is the only skater to break 150 points in the free skate this season. However, she has yet to skate a clean short program, and a messy SP nearly cost her the gold at Internationaux de France. It will be crucial for Alina to keep her score afloat in the SP as she aims for the Grand Prix Final title in this packed field.
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Representing: Canada
Age: 22
ISU Personal bests: SP 76.06, FS 142.34, total 218.13
ISU Season’s best: 217.55
Notable titles: 2017 World Silver Medalist, 3-time Canadian National Champion
Programs: SP - Sous le ciel de Paris/Milord; FS - Swan Lake
Grand Prix events: Skate Canada (1st), Internationaux de France (3rd)
One of Canada’s leading ladies from a young age, Kaetlyn struggled with injuries until she finally made it big on the international stage in the 2016-17 season, capping it off with a silver medal at the World Championships. Known for her powerful skating and big jumps, Kaetlyn shines in her Edith Piaf short program carried over from last season, but sometimes has trouble in the free skate. Kaetlyn won her home Grand Prix event, Skate Canada, but mistakes in the free skate dropped her to third place at Internationaux de France. When she’s on, she has both the technical ability and PCS to win the Grand Prix Final, but consistency will be key as she seeks to stand on the GPF podium for the first time.
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Representing: Italy
Age: 30
ISU Personal bests: SP 77.24, FS 142.61, total 216.73
ISU Season’s best: 215.98
Notable titles: 2014 Olympic Bronze Medalist, 2012 World Champion, 6-time World Medalist, 5-time European Champion, 2011 Grand Prix Final Champion, 8-time Italian National Champion
Programs: SP - Ne me quitte pas; FS - Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune
Grand Prix events: Rostelecom Cup (2nd), NHK Trophy (2nd)
The oldest skater competing in the ladies’ field today at 30 years of age, Carolina Kostner hardly needs an introduction. With multiple titles accumulated over the course of her long career, Carolina returned to competition last season, placing third at the European Championships and sixth at the World Championships. She is often lauded for the quality of her skating and musical interpretation. Carolina won silver with a near-personal-best score at Rostelecom Cup, her first Grand Prix event, and placed second again at NHK Trophy, albeit with more mistakes. However, even though she will likely get some of the highest PCS in the Grand Prix Final field, her technical content is not as high as the other skaters’ and she will need to minimize errors in order to make it onto the Grand Prix Final podium again.
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Representing: Russia
Age: 17
ISU Personal bests: SP 72.17, FS 140.99, total 208.78
ISU Season’s best: 208.78
Notable titles: 2016 Junior World Silver Medalist, 2013 Junior Grand Prix Final Champion, 2017 Russian National Bronze Medalist
Programs: SP - Swan Lake; FS - Clair de lune
Grand Prix events: Skate Canada (2nd), Internationaux de France (2nd)
Sometimes overlooked in the vast depth of the Russian ladies’ field, Maria has nevertheless proven her consistency over the last two seasons, winning silver at both of her Grand Prix events and qualifying for the Final for the second year in a row. She has the lowest season’s best score of the six women here, but ice is slippery and Maria has a fair chance at the GPF podium if she is clean and other skaters make mistakes. She will need to make sure she fully rotates all of her jumps, as she has sometimes been hit with underrotation calls in the past.
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Representing: Japan
Age: 16
ISU Personal bests: SP 74.26, FS 145.30, total 217.63
ISU Season’s best: 217.63
Notable titles: 2-time Junior World Bronze Medalist, 2014 Junior Grand Prix Final Bronze Medalist, 3-time Japanese National Medalist
Programs: SP - Don Quixote; FS - Skyfall
Grand Prix events: Rostelecom Cup (3rd), Cup of China (2nd)
The steadiest Japanese woman on the Grand Prix series this season, Wakaba enters her first Grand Prix Final stronger than ever before, with two programs that perfectly show off her strengths. Her speed, skating skills, and powerful jumps are particularly highlighted in her “Skyfall” free skate, a fan favorite of the season. Wakaba placed third at Rostelecom Cup and second at Cup of China, narrowly losing the latter to Alina Zagitova. She has high scoring potential when she’s on, and if she produces the strong performances she’s come to be known for, she has a good shot at the Grand Prix Final podium. However, she will need to make sure she fully rotates her combinations and avoids popping any jumps, mistakes that have brought her down in the past. Consistent performances at the Final will also strengthen Wakaba’s case for Japan’s two-person ladies’ Olympic team.
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Representing: Japan
Age: 19
ISU Personal bests: SP 74.64, FS 143.69, total 218.33
ISU Season’s best: 214.03
Notable titles: 2015 World Silver Medalist, 2016 Four Continents Champion, 2-time Grand Prix Final Silver Medalist, 3-time Japanese National Champion
Programs: SP - Memoirs of a Geisha; FS - Madama Butterfly
Grand Prix events: NHK Trophy (5th), Skate America (1st)
Japan’s no.1 lady for the last three years, Satoko’s 2016-17 season was abruptly cut short when she was diagnosed with a stress fracture in her hip, forcing her to withdraw from competitions in the second half of the season. She returned to competition after extensive rehab at this season’s NHK Trophy, finishing in 5th place. Undeterred and trusting in the process of her training, Satoko continued to fight to regain the remarkable consistency that she was known for before her injury. Her efforts paid off with a gold medal at Skate America, and after the withdrawal of Evgenia Medvedeva, Satoko was called up to compete at the Grand Prix Final in her home country. Although her small jumps have never been a forte and she has yet to return to top physical form, the quality of Satoko’s skating speaks for itself. She has some of the best spins in the ladies’ field - including the rare ability to spin in both directions - as well as smooth skating skills and detailed choreography. Her placement at the Final, which can have an impact on her inclusion on Japan’s Olympic team, will depend mainly on whether she receives underrotation calls on her jumps, a longtime issue for her. However, if she’s on, Satoko is a definite threat for the Grand Prix Final podium.
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kaelytraec · 7 years
How Taylor Swift Uses Her Immense Economic Power
Taylor Swift has supported over 30 charities in the time between 2006 and now (x). These charities include:
ACM Lifting Lives (x, y, z)      A charity which provides grants for music therapy and music education. ALS Association (x, y, z)      A charity dedicated to curing and treating ALS  Cancer Research Institute (x, y)      The worlds leading organization dedicated to finding a cure for cancer through immunotherapy, reducing the traumas of chemo and radiation. Children in Need (x, y, z)      Charity which provides shelter to children who are victims of abuse and neglect Clothes off Our Back (x, y, z)      Celebrities auction their clothes and the proceeds go to children’s charities DonateMyDress.org (x, y, z)      Donating prom/event dresses to those who cannot afford the expense.  DoSomething.org (x, y, z)      “One of the largest organizations for young people and social change” Elton John’s AIDS Foundation (x, y, z)      Worlds leading nonprofit for AIDS prevention plan in the United States and the Caribbean Entertainment Industry Foundation (x, z)      Raising awareness and funds for important causes such as childhood hunger, cancer research, creative arts, education, cardiovascular research, and much more  Feeding America (x, y, z)      Brings awareness to domestic hunger and distributes food and grocery products to those in need FHI 360 (x,y, z)      Providing health care and public health education to diverse populations and responding to the AIDS crisis Grammy Foundation (x,y, z)      Develops music education through programs and activities which focus on American Culture, everything from country to hip hop is included. Habitat For Humanity (x, y, z)      Building homes and hope around the world Hands On Nashville (x, y, z)        HON is a recognized leader in programs, partnerships and services that maximize volunteer impact for youth, adult, corporate, and nonprofit constituencies in the greater Nashville community. Each year, Hands On Nashville refers or places 34,000 volunteers to projects in more than 300 area service agencies and schools Hero in Heels (x, y, z)      Celebrities donate pairs of signed shoes to auction off and the proceeds go to women’s cancer research Make-A-Wish Foundation (x, y, z)       Granting the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy MusiCares (x, y, z)      Covers financial, medical, and personal emergencies for struggling musicians Music for Relief (x, y, z)      Helps victims of natural disasters (Like Katrina and Harvey) recover and rebuild, with an emphasis on education, housing, and resources PETA  (x, y, z)       Questionably defends the rights of animals. PROJECT ZAMBIA  (x, z)       Helps children orphaned by AIDs in Africa.  Red Cross  (x, y, z)       Providing relief to victims of disasters and helping people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies  Save The Music Foundation  (x, y, z)       Restoring music education programs in schools after the huge cuts.  Shine A Ligh7 Foundation (y, z)       A foundation dedicated to raising awareness to those affected by bullying, depression, and mental health issues.   Shoe Revolt  (x, y, z)       Celebrities donate shoes to fight against domestic sex trafficking. Shriners Hospitals for Children  (x, y, z)       Provides medical care to children at no charge. Small Steps Project  (x, y, z)       The organisation delivers shoes, hygiene kits and emergency aid to protect children in the dump environment, followed by sustainable solutions to enable children to take small steps off rubbish dumps and into education. Soles4Souls  (x, y, z)       The charity distributes these shoes free of charge to people in need, regardless of race, religion, class, or any other criteria.  Stand Up To Cancer (x, y, z)      Stand Up To Cancer is a non-profit organization/website/TV show that aims to raise money for cancer researchers and scientists to come together and reach their common goal: the cure for cancer.  Tug McGraw Foundation (x, y, z)      Established by Tug McGraw in 2003 to raise funds to enhance the quality of life of children and adults with brain tumors and their families by stimulating and facilitating research that addresses the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual impact of the disease.  UNICEF  (x, y, z)        Providing health care and immunizations, clean water and sanitation, nutrition, education, emergency relief and more. Victory Junction Gang (x, y, z)        Enriches the lives of children with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses by providing life-changing camping experiences that are exciting, fun, and empowering, in a safe and medically sound environment. Wish Upon A Hero Foundation (x, y, z)         The Wish Upon A Hero Foundation is a 501©(3) non-profit organization that supports the wish granting efforts of individuals and organizations.(Basically support organization to Make A Wish)
Other Donations
$500,000.00 to the Nashville flood relief (x)
$750,000.00 to Speak Now Help Now Benefit Concert for tornado relief (x)
Most Charitable Celebrity 1st year 
$4,000,000.00 to the Country Music Hall of Fame to support music education(x)
Most Charitable Celebrity 2nd year
Most Charitable Celebrity 3rd year running
$100,000.00 to the Nashville Symphony (x)
$4,000.00 to a homeless fan (x)
Most Charitable Celebrity 4th year running
$50,000.00 to a fan fighting leukemia (x)
$50,000.00 to NYC inner city public schools (x)
$1,989.00 to a fan to pay off student debts (x)
$15,000.00 to an injured firefighter (x)
$50,000.00 to the Seattle Symphony Orchestra (x)
3rd most charitable celebrity, behind Beyonce and Lin Manuel Miranda 
$100,000.00 to Dolly Parton’s Smokey Mountain’s Telethon to help Tennessee fire victims (x)
$10,000.00 to help a five year old get a service dog (x)
$5,000.00 to a fan who lost her sister in a car crash (x)
Undisclosed amount to Cedars-Sinai, a nonprofit children’s hospital to support congenital heart disease research (x)
$1,000,000.00 to Louisiana flood victims (x)
$50,000.00 to Baton Rouge food bank (x) 
Undisclosed amount to African Parks, an organization dedicated to translocating 500 elephants (x)
Taylor also donated $250,000 to Kesha during her sexual assault case. (x)
Taylor also released this written statement after her own grueling lawsuit (x)
I want to thank Judge William J. Martinez and the jury for their careful consideration, my attorneys Doug Baldridge, Danielle Foley, Jay Schaudies and Katie Wright for fighting for me and anyone who feels silenced by a sexual assault, and especially anyone who offered their support throughout this four-year ordeal and two-year long trial process.I acknowledge the privilege that I benefit from in life, in society and in my ability to shoulder the enormous cost of defending myself in a trial like this. My hope is to help those whose voices should also be heard. Therefore, I will be making donations in the near future to multiple organizations that help sexual assault victims defend themselves.
After which she promptly donated a generous undisclosed amount to Mariska Hargitay’s Joyful Heart Foundation in support of sexual assault victims. (x)
Taylor donated a signed guitar to the Black Tie Dinner to auction in support of Texas LGBT+ Community (x)
Taylor donates a super fan pack to Paul Martin’s Shine A Ligh7 Foundation (an organization dedicated to bullying, depression, and mental health issues) to auction. (x)
TL; DR She’s supported these causes:
Abuse,Adoption, Fostering, Orphans,AIDS & HIV,ALS,Animals,At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths,Bullying,Cancer,Children,Creative Arts,Disaster Relief,Economic/Business Support,Education,Environment,Family/Parent Support,Health,Homelessness,Human Rights,Hunger,Mental Challenges,Miscellaneous,Philanthropy,Physical Challenges,Poverty,Rape/Sexual Abuse,Refugees,Slavery & Human Trafficking,Substance Abuse, Unemployment/Career Support, Women
Please let me know if I missed any so I can update this!
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recfd · 5 years
About Zhang Zhaohui: Comments and Resume
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Richard Vine Art Critic, Managing editor of “Art in America”  Author of “New China, New Art”
Zhang Zhaohui’s signature accomplishment is to bring all these varied, and often conflicting, associations together in solidly composed abstract works that have an eidetic effect on the viewer’s mind. Quantum physics and Song Dynasty landscapes, fleeting impressions and enduring substructures, the cosmological and the microscopic, nature’s linear changes and its cyclical stasis, diffuse illumination and focused, penetrating beams—all these and more are encompassed in Zhang’s art. This painter considers ink art a key contemporary mode of artmaking. So what does he depict? Only infinity—and its minutest details.
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Robert C. Morgan Art Critic, Art Historian, Curator, Poet and Artist
Zhang Zhaohui’sLight Infinity Series opens our visible consciousness to a type of abstract visual vibration, elegantly mannered and focused on central imagery. His grids buckle, twist and turn through space, directing our eye toward a central source of light. Inevitably, Zhang’s ink paintings rest on his expertise in constructing optical forms through linear patterns that suggest “infinity” insofar as these grids might open new doors to perception. His work focuses on the geometric in contrast to the intuitive, or possibly an overlay between the two. I have never quite understood why geometry should not be used in an intuitive way. Zhang appears to understand this. That artist’s use of geometry has the option to follow its own logic or to move into realm of the imagination. On the other hand, they have the option to do both. His ink paintings do precisely this
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PING JIE ZHANG Art Critic, Curator, Scholar and artist
If we reduce Zhang Zhaohui’s work to minimalism’s hard lines, even if it keeps the purity of gray, it becomes a third party, indifferent from lacking its spiritual and emotional components. Zhang’s works have built an entanglement ofdivinity and humanity, an integration of sensibility and rationality, and a convergence of abstract space and inner world, transcendingthe consensus of culture, geography and race.
Compared with the optical effects of rational light, that is often straightforward, dazzling, solitaryand stimulating, Zhang’s light is richer, more delicate, multi-dimensional and Oriental. Look at its modality: sometimes as solemn and silence; sometimes as flyingbetween construction space; sometimes as lingering gentle; sometimes as sharp and direct; sometimes as a meteor passing by; sometimes as undulating ripples.
This is not deliberately showing or depicting light, but a sequence of gray and a spatial tracethat different rhythms and dimensions left behind. In respect to aesthetic characters of Chinese art, it is necessary to have both water and brush in the gray. Water marks by a brush are essentialelements to a painting’s structural frame, structure is not ink, but strokes. In the New York school of painting, strokes and ink (black) are confounded as one; in Eastern ink, light ink (gray) strokes can alone become the mainstay of a picture.
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Zhang Zhaohui  scholar, writer,and artist based in Beijing  
Born in 1965, Hebei
1988  graduated from Nankai Univesity, Tianjin, Museum Studies in Art History 1995  Graduated from Graduate School of China Art Academy, Beijing, MA degree 1998  Graduated from Bard College, Curatorial Studies in Contemporary Art,          New York,MA  degree  2003-2006 Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, Contemporary Art and Culture,PhD program,
Fellowship and grant  1996  Asian Cultural Council 1998  Curatorial Studies 2004  Asia Link。 2014  1st Nanjing International Art Festival, Silver Medal
Working experience 1988-1995  National Museum of Art, Beijing, assistant curator/curator 1998-2000  He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, direcotr of exhibition section 2001-2002  Xray Art Center, Beijing, founder and director 2002-2005  Asia Arch Archive, Hong Kong, researcher
Public Collections Art Institute of Chicago, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, The Macao Museum of Art, Inside-Out Art Museum,Beijing Deji Art Museum,Nanjing, Avant-Garde Contemporary Art Center, Jiangsu, Baijia Lake Art Museum, Nanjing, Asian Art Research House, Chicago.
Exhibitions 1988  Solo show, library of Nankai University 1992 Group show of artists affiliated to Cultural Administration.  National History Museum, Beijing 2009  You & Me, Joey Chang Art, Beijing 2009  Erotic Make Shangdong Oil-painting Gallery, Jinan  2009  60-70-80 Chinese Contemporary Art Chateau de Tours, France   2009  360 Degree Studio Rouge Shanghai    2009  Fantasy, Sunshine Art Center Beijing    2010  Nord Art Festival, Germany  2011  10 Ink Painting Artist Story, Duolun Art Museum, Shanghai    2011  10th Pucheon International Performance Festival, Seoul    2011  Origin of Time, Ink Painting Art Museum,Shanghai    2012  Narcissus beyond the Myth, Being 3 Gallery, Beijing    2012  New Chinese Currency, Ethan Cohan Fine Art, New York    2012  Take Out,Varley Gallery of Art, Toronto    2012  Ink Painting Biennale, Dafen Art Museum, Shenzhen    2012  Ink Painting from China, Kyoto Art Museum,Japan    2012  Linzhou Ink Painting, Linzhou Art Museum    2012  Documentaries of Chinese Performance Art  2012,   Macao Museum of Art 2012  Mind Natural, DYJ Lifestyle Gallery, Beijing   2012  Spirit of Nature, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing    2012 1st Milan Biennale of China-Italian Art, Milan  2012  Asian Art Festival,Toronto   2013  New Noah’s Ark,DYJ Lifestyle Gallery, Beijing   2013  Because Mountains, Imagine Gallery, Beijing   2013 Spirit of Nature, Hakkokai Gallery, Beijing  2013  Light Infinite, Design Art Space, Beijing 2013  Nord Art Festival, Kunst in der Carlshutte, Budelsdorf, Germany       2013  Parallel Experiment: Solo Show, Jianxin Art Gallery, Beijing   2013  Play With Ink Brush, Jinan Art Museum,Jinan   2013  National Abstract Art, Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou   2014 Takeout, Surrey Art Gallery, Vancouver       2014 New Year Group Show, Shangshang Art Museum, Beijing 2014 Ink Light: Solo show, PennisulaHotel, Beijing
2014 Mountain and Water: Solo Show, Fukuowa Asian Art Museum, Japan 2014 The Threads that Connect Us, solo show, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing 2014 2nd China-Italia Biennale 798 Art Zone, Beijng 2014 Ethereal Dimness: New Water Ink Research Series,     Avant-Garde Contemporary Art Center, Nanjin 2014 Solo Show: Linear Brightness, Tianbao Art Center, Taiwan  2014 Nanjing International Art Festival, Nanjing    2014 International Project-IN/OUT Source, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Art, Nanjing   2015 Yuan Yi, Chinese New Abstract Art Exhibition,Shenzhen   2015 Solo Show, The Light of Heaven, Being 3 Gallery, Beijing    2015-2016 In Riotous Profusion – The New Possibilities of Ink Art Beijing, Brussels, Chicago, Taiwan   2015 Abstract Art and Its Chinese Reference, ARS Space, Beijing     2015 3rd China-Italia Biennale, Turin    2015 Painting the Present, Capri Island, Italy   2015 Annual Contemporary Art Documenta   2014, Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing         2016 An Ink Trio of Abstraction, The Research House for Asian Art, Chicago 2016 Black 3+4, Wanying Art Museum, Shijiazhuang     2016 4th China-Italia Biennale, Beijing 2016 Grand National Ink Art Show, Weihai Art Gallery, Shandong    2017 Maximalism Ink, Common Art Center, Beijing                  2017 Curitiba Biennale, Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Brazil     2017 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season, Shanghai   2017 The Polars, New InkWash Painting Series Exhibition, Hongkong     2018 Sense of Paper, Melting Point, Shanghai 2018 Annual Contemporary Art Documenta       2017, Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing      2018 Summer Holiday, Contemporary Art, ERYI Gallery, Beijing 2018 A City to Wear 2.0, Research House for Asian Art, Chicago    2018 solo show, Sky Light, ANYI Gallery, Shanghai    2018 solo show, Light and Fantasy, ICI LABAS Gallery, Beijing    2018 solo show, Light of the Century, Bennet Media Studio, New York     2018 solo show, The Longitude and Latitude of Ink, GalwayArt, Hangzhou     2018 the Direction of Inkwash, Autumn Water Space, Shanghai      2018 New Contemporary Abstract Art Exhibition, ENLAI Gallery, Beijing
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alittlealien007 · 8 years
📌Since debut in 2003 TVXQ have sold over 15 million copies making them South Korea’s best selling artist of all time. 📌Since debut TVXQ! have the most #1 singles for any foreign artist in history & best-selling CD-singles of all time in Japan as of 2016.
📌TVXQ’s album “Rising Sun” released in 2005 was the 4th best selling album that year with over 222,000 albums sold. 📌Korean sales had slumped, yet TVXQ had the #1 highest selling album “O” - Jung. Ban. Hap. over 300k in sales in 2006 📌TVXQ’s “Mirotic” went #1 in just two days after release. 54,000 of physical sales according to Hanteo charts. 📌TVXQ’s “Mirotic” is one of Asia’s best selling singles of all time and with over 4 million downloads. 📌Responsible for 90% of SM sales in 2015 alone, TVXQ outsells Shinee, F(x), Exo & everyone else on the SM label.
📌Since debut, TVXQ generated 1.3 billion dollars of revenue in Japan alone through singles, DVD’s & albums sales. 📌TVXQ! only foreign band in Japan with 3 consecutive albums 1st-week sales of 200k,breaking Bon Jovi’s 13 year record 📌TVXQ’s “Keep Your Head Down” sold over BB’s “Tonight” 100k more in sales + the single sold 1.3 million digitally. 📌TVXQ overall have made 34 singles to reach Oricon’s top 10 weekly charts in Japan and had 12 of them rank in the #1 spot since debut. 📌TVXQ, best selling South Korean artists of all time TVXQ, paved Hallyu wave. TVXQ, saved Kpop from the worst market slump in history in 2006
📌DBSK was the first korean group to perform at Tokyo Dome for their Japanese headlining ‘Secret Code’ tour in 2009 📌In 2011 TVXQ was voted #1 with having the best performances with MR Removed over most of your faves! 📌In 2013 TVXQ sold out Nissan Stadium 2x + 5 domes. They had over 850,000 fans attend & made $92.6 million in sales. 📌TVXQ! are the ONLY foreign artists to top Japan’s Oricon’s Weekly Chart 10 times! 📌#1 in Japan is Arashi. TVXQ! are also #1 best-selling foreign artists in Japan for the most CD-singles sales of all time. 📌In October 2012 TVXQ’s “Catch Me” outsold PSY’s “Gangnam Style” according to Gaon charts in South Korea. 📌With no promo, “RISE AS GOD” got #2 on the 3rd Quarter Gaon Album of the Year in 2016 & selling over 150,000 copies. 📌Between 2012 through 2014 alone, TVXQ performed to over 2 million fans in Japan alone which is the fastest of any foreign artist.
📌TVXQ has the largest/historical concert admissions than any foreign artist with over 850,000 at Nissan Stadium of 5 sold out shows in 2013! 📌Tohoshinki’s album “TONE” sold 100,000 copies on the first day of release + 200,000 albums in the first week. 📌Tohoshinki’s “TIME: Live Tour 2013” [Tokyo Dome] debuted #1 during the first week, with 120k DVD copies sold. 📌Tohoshinki sold out Nissan Stadium 2x also the Sapporo Dome, Nagoya Dome 2x, Fukuoka Yahoo! Dome, Tokoyo Dome, Kyocera Dome 2x in 2013 tour. 📌Tohoshinki’s “With” album sold 166k copies on the first day of sales, #1 on Oricon with no music program appearances
📌Cassiopeia in 2016 is still considered the huge fandom in Korea’s fancafe with the highest rating @ 540k over BTS, BigBang, Exo, etc. 📌TVXQ was in the Guinness World Records in 2009 as the most photographed (est. 500 million) celebrities in the world. 📌TVXQ! were #5 in terms of overall revenue according to Oricon, they grossed over $30 million in 2014 alone in Japan. 📌TVXQ are overall 2nd bestselling artist in Japan 📌Rise As God made 150k sales with no promos 📌TVXQ! Highest grossing artists of Asia in 2014 📌JYJ’s The Beginning sold over 400k 📌JYJ’s In Heaven sold 165k 2 days of release 📌JYJ’s Just Us hit all-kill status 1st day of release
📌JYJ They’re blacklisted - #6 as richest kpop artists - Blacklisted & have sold over 766k in total album sales 📌JYJ’s ‘Backseat’ went #1 on 6 charts in an hour of release 📌JYJ’s “In Heaven” was one of the best selling albums in 2011 + surpassed 450,000 in total sales whilst blacklisted. 📌JYJ’s “Just Us” album had ALL-KILL status in 2014 while blacklisted + 126k in physical sales alone 3 days of release
💥Yunho was the only Asian artist invited to perform for MJ’s London tribute in 2010 💥Whilst blacklisted, Kim Jaejoong sold over 560k in total albums sales since his solo career began being #2 behind GDragon according to Gaon! 💥Jaejoong’s 2013 single “Just Another Girl” charted in 34 countries on iTunes + #1 in 12 countries while blacklisted. 💥July 2016, http://thetoptens.com/ rate Jaejoong as top male vocalist @ #6 behind Freddie Mercury & Michael Jackson 💥Kim Jaejoong’s NO.X album ranked top 10 of the 1st Half Gaon Album Charts in 2016 whilst blacklisted without promo. 💥Feb. 2016, Kim Jaejoong’s “NO.X” sold over 100k in total sales, #1 in 25 countries & with no promo while in military 💥Kim Junsu two albums [ Flower/Deluxe + Yesterday ] both dropped in 2015, while blacklisted and overall he sold 135k in combined album sales. 💥Kim Junsu’s album 'Tarantallegra’ sold over 122,000 in sales within a 17 day span after release.
Credit: Back_to_Five Shared by: Tv5xqForeveraktf
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btsfansmerch-blog · 6 years
BTS ACHIEVEMENTS- World Music Charts & Records
BTS ACHIEVEMENTS- World Music Charts & Records
More World Charts
BTS is the first Korean Group to chart in the Airplay World Official Top 100 and World Singles Official Top 100. They surpassed Psy and have the most entries for an Asian Act (BTS charted with MDR, FAKE LOVE and IDOL)[Sources Hidden]
European & Australian Charts
European countries music charts are also very old e.g. UK official chart founded in 1969, ARIA in 1988, the French chart in 1922, the German chart in 1991 etc.
BTS has the Highest score for any Asian language album on many World music charts with LY Tear, Her and Answer (in terms of albums) and charting for multiple weeks in these charts.
They are also the first Korean Acts to enter in 99% of these album charts. [Source] [Source] [Source] [The full charting & total weeks archive of each chart is hidden. I will share them as requested]
BTS is the first & Korean group to chart in 99% of the official music charts around the globe. Charting History of FAKE LOVE [Source] MDR [Source] IDOL [Source] [The full charting & total weeks archive of each chart is hidden. I will share them as requested]
It is the first time that BTS got 2 songs (FAKE LOVE at #6 & The Truth Untold at #100) charting at the same time in the ARIA Singles chart. It might be a first for an Asian Act. [Source] [Source 2]
LY: Answer is the longest charting Asian album in Australia. [Source] [Source]
BTS has the most songs (6) charted in ARIA Singles Top 100 for an Asian Act.
BTS becomes the 2nd Act after Psy to peak at #1 in the Hungary Singles Top 40 with an Asian language single.
BTS becomes the first Asian Act to have 2 Albums charting at the same time in the Belgium Albums Chart (for 23 weeks). [Source] [Source 2]
BTS becomes the first and only Asian Act to have 3 Albums charting at the same time in the Belgium Albums Chart (for 8 weeks). [Source]
BTS is the first Asian born Act to get all LY: Tear songs charting in the Hungary Single Top 40 chart. [Source]
BTS becomes the 2nd Act after Psy to peak at #1  in the Argentina Top 20 Charts with an Asian language single. FAKE LOVE surpassed GS with the most consecutive #1 in this chart. FAKE LOVE charted for 5 weeks at #1. [Source Hidden]
Records, Awards & Appearances in the UK
UK Official Chart
BTS has charted in the UK Albums 5 times and in the UK Singles 5 times so far.
They are the first Korean Group to chart in the UK Official Singles Charts.
First & only Korean Act to chart in the Official Albums Chart. Only BTS and Babymetal have charted so far with Asian language albums. [Source] [Source 2]
BTS is the only Act to chart in the top 10 in the Albums chart with an Asian language album.
Have the most Entries in Singles Chart (BTS got 5, Psy got 2)
Love Yourself Tear and Love Yourself: Answer is the longest charting Asian language album in the UK (11 weeks in the top 100).
BTS is the only Korean Group to chart for multiple weeks in the Singles Chart.
BTS is the first Korean Group to break the Top 40 with IDOL.
BTS is the first Asian Act to make 2 albums chart simultaneously on the UK Official Albums Chart (with Tear and Answer).
BTS is the first Korean Act to guest and perform in the Graham Norton Show. [Source]
One of the biggest supermarket retailers in UK, Asda, officially started selling BTS albums (first for a Korean Act). [Source] [Source]
First Korean Act to be interviewed by British Vogue (Miss Vogue). [Source]
BTS is the first Korean Act to hold their own radio show ”Radio 1” on Christmas Day. [Source]
One of the biggest music shows in UK called “Top of the Pops” did a segment on BTS. [Source] [Source]
BBC Radio 1 had an exclusive interview with BTS. [Source]
BTS were mentioned on Swedish national television, SVT2. As a part of their ‘culture week’ they discussed k-pop and talked a bit more in depth about BTS and Love Yourself In Seoul Film. [Source] [Source]
BTS is the first Korean Act to win at a UK Awards show (outside MTV EMAs). They were also the Act with the most wins at the BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards 2018. [Source] [Source]
BTS won Biggest Fans Award and the Best Group Award in MTV EMA 2018.
BTS broke merchandise sales records that have been held since 2012 by legendary English rockers, The Rolling Stones. [Source] [Source] [Source]
BTS confirmed their sold-out shows via The O2’s Twitter account and the news received over 14,000 retweets and 32,000 likes with fans going crazy to secure tickets – making it the most popular announcement in the venue’s history. [Source] [Source]
Latin America
After Psy, BTS is the Asian Act which is showing longevity in the Latin America’s Monitor Latino Singles Chart. [Sources hidden by me]
BTS also topped the China QQ Music & YinYueTai charts with BST, Not Today & Spring Day. [Source 1] [Source 2]
LY Her entered at #2 in the Chinese Albums (Billboard V Chart). [Source]
Wings managed to score a 99 / 100 on China’s Weekly Album V Chart despite having 0 promotions in China! So yes, BTS popularity is also in China [Source].
BTS got 5 albums in the Best-Selling Digital Albums Top 45 in China. [Source]
BTS sold 2,645,459 digital singles in China’s NetEase Music so far in 2018. [Source]
LY: Answer becomes the NetEase Music Weekly Best Selling Album(Chinese chart) with 96,091 copies in 40 minutes. [Source]
BTS are the only Korean Acts in the top 100 of the Apple Music China Top Albums. [Source]
BTS came at #3 and #4 in the best selling foreign albums chart in 2018 which is based on stats provided by five biggest music streaming charts in China. Answer and Tear combined more than 11M RMB. [Source] [Source] [Source]
Other Asian Countries
BTS has always charted & peaked at #1 in KKBOX. [Source]
BTS has the highest ranking in Billboard PH Hot 100 (Philippines) with DNA at #8. They also have the most songs (13 songs) charting in Billboard PH Hot 100. [Source].
BTS is the first Korean Act to chart in the Malaysian RIM Singles Chart (revived version). They are the only Korean Act to stay more than 1 week at #1 in the chart. [Source]
BTS is the only Korean Act to get #1 three times in the Malaysian RIM Singles Chart (revived version) with FAKE LOVE, IDOL & WIOM. [Source]
IDOL is the Korean song with the most weeks (3 weeks) at #1 in the Malaysian RIM chart.
IDOL peaked at #1 in the MusicWeekly’s Top 30 charts (Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam). (MusicWeekly sadly don’t show chart archives for viewing)
FAKE LOVE, IDOL peaked at #1 in the Singapore Streaming chart. [Source] [Source]
BTS is big in North Korea, according to a N. Korean defector. [Source]
The Minister of Unification in South Korea said that the students of Middle school & Highschool in North Korea are watching BTS’ contents even though there is limitation of internet” at an Interpellation session in the National Assembly. [Source]
Japanese Achievements
No More Dream (JPN version) is the first BTS song to debut in the Japan Hot 100 at #6 (straight into the top 10) in 2014.
For You is the first BTS song to peak at #1 in Japan Hot 100 in 2015.
BTS has 5 songs which peaked at #1 with For You, MIC Drop (Japanese Version), MIC Drop Remix & BST, FAKE LOVE in Japan Hot 100.
BTS has the second most #1 songs in Japan Hot 100 with 4 songs. TVXQ is at #1 with 9 songs.
BTS and Twice tie at second in the most #1 songs in Oricon Singles with 3 songs. TVXQ is at #1 with 12 songs.
DNA is the 3rd longest charting song in Japan Hot 100 for male Korean Groups, 2nd longest charting for a Korean Male Act, and 3rd longest charting for a Korean Act. [Source]
BTS has the highest sold Japanese single 1st week by a Korean group on Oricon (broke the previous record in one day). [Source]
BTS has the highest selling single by a Korean Act of all time on Oricon in 2017 (First foreign artist to achieve this since 2003). [Source]
BTS is the first Korean Act to be featured on NHK’s program “SONGS”. [Source]
The highest ranking ever of any K-pop artist on the Oricon yearly singles chart
The highest points ever recorded by a foreign artist on the weekly singles chart.
BTS is the 1st foreign artist to get Double Platinum (500k sales) for single in 2017. [Source]
BTS is the first Korean artist to get Double Platinum with a Single (with physical sales).
BTS is the first Korean Act to get Double Platinum for 2 Singles (with physical sales).
BTS is the only Korean artist to rank in the top 25 chart of artists with the most sold singles in Japan’s Oricon in the first half of 2017, coming in at #11. [Source]
BTS’s Japanese single “MIC Drop/DNA/Crystal Snow” took #13 on Oricon’s 2017 singles chart, the highest ranking ever achieved by a Korean artist. [Source]
MIC Drop is currently the 3rd best selling single overall for a K-Pop group in Japan. [Source]
MDR/DNA/Crystal Snow topped the Oricon Weekly Single Chart with 365,096 points, making BTS the first non-Japanese artist to ever achieve this. [Source]
Face Yourself is currently at #5 in the Highest album sales record in the first week for a Korean Act in Japan (BoA, TVXQ and BTS are the only Korean Acts in the top 5 with their albums).
Face Yourself becomes the fastest-selling K-pop record in Japan for a K-pop Group [Source] [Source 2]
BTS broke KARA’s highest album sales record in Japan with Face Yourself after 6 years. [Source]
BTS ranked #1 on 2017 TOP 20 sales for KPOP act on Japan [Source] [Source 2]
BTS ranked top 10 for both at 4th on “Album Ranking” & 6th on “Artist Sales Ranking” with ‘Face Yourself’ they released on April 2018. This is the sole & the highest record for a Korean & Foreign artist. [Source]
BTS is among the few Korean Acts who have performed in the Music Station Super Live 2017. [Source]
BTS has already earned 2.47B Yen in Japan on merchandise alone. [Source]
Face Yourself is at #12 in the most selling Korean albums in Japan. BoA is #1.
Face Yourself is at #3 in the most selling male Korean albums in Japan. TVXQ holds the top 2 record.
BTS “Mic Drop/DNA/Crystal Snow” came at #1 in the Best Selling Singles on Oricon by Korean male acts of all time. [Source]
BTS is the only 3rd gen group to hold an only dome/stadium venues tour in Japan and the third group overall after TVXQ and BB. They are the fastest/youngest male group to achieve a large stadium only tour in Japan.
LY: Answer debuted #1 on Recochoku (the Biggest digital platform in Japan).
“Don’t Leave Me” entered in the Recochoku Top 10 Singles.
BTS has topped the Oricon’s weekly album chart with 4 albums so far. [Source]
BTS sweeps 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place on Japan Tower Records’ charts. [Source]
BTS broke the record as the highest selling Korean act on Oricon Singles Chart in the first day with 327,342 copies sold and making it eligible for RIAJ Platinum certifications in Japan in the first day only. [Source] [Source]
BTS is the first foreign artist which has topped Oricon’s Singles weekly chart with over 400,000 units in the first week of release. [Source] BTS break their own record for the best selling single by a Korean act in Japan.
BTS has the top 2 spots for the best selling Korean Singles of all time in Oricon Japan. [Source]
BTS is the 2nd male Korean Act after TVXQ (with Best Selection 2010) to get double platinum in RIAJ for an album with “Face Yourself”. [Source]
Middle East 
BTS have reached 25 million plays on Anghami, making them the only Korean Act to do so on MENA’s largest music streaming service. [Source] (Anghami was founded in 2012)
BTS currently has the highest streams in Anghami with 63.7M Streams for a Korean Act. Compare the difference with other Korean Acts and you will get a shock of the huge gap. Even Psy has only 6M streams. [Source]
BTS is the first Korean Act to officially release the first Korean album “Face Yourself” in the Turkey via Universal Music Turkey. [Source]
Face Yourself is at #1 in the D&R’s charts (D&R is the biggest music and books chain in Turkey). This is a first for a Korean Act. [Source]
BTS albums were made available at the UAE’s Virgin Megastore branches. [Source]
BTS is the 1st Korean Act (or Asian ??) to win in KCA Mexico, Brazil, Argentina.
BTS is the first Asian born Act to get a Canadian award (the iHeartRadio MMVAs).
BTS is the first Korean Act to receive the “Outstanding Achievement in Music” Award in the 8th Asian Awards, 2018. [Source]
First Korean Act to win in the Breaktudo Awards, Brazil.
BTS is the first Korean Act to win at a Spanish Award Ceremony “The Hall of Stars Awards 2018”.
BTS is the first Korean Act to win the MTV Spain Awards for “Best Video of the Year”. [Source]
BTS is the first Korean Act to be nominated and to win in a German Music Award. BTS won in theBravo Otto awards 2018 under Best Duo/Band. [Source]
BTS IDOL won the “Clips of the Year 2018” (international category) in the Pure Charts France. [Source]
First Korean Act to win at the MTV Millennial Awards.
BTS is the first Korean Act to be nominated at the Danish Gaffa-Prisen 2019 in 3 categories. [Source] [Source]
Steve Aoki’s single “Waste It on Me” featuring BTS got Gold in Canada. [Source] [Source]
BTS is the first Korean Act and first Asian Act to be eligible for Platinum with FAKE LOVE in Brazil. [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source] 
Eligible Certifications for FAKE LOVE [Source] 
— Brazil: 2x Platinum — Norway: Gold — Australia: Gold — Canada: Gold — Poland: Platinum
End Year Charts
Love Yourself: Her 
Love Yourself: Tear
Love Yourself: Answer
Wings was at #6 in the “China V Chart Top 10 Albums of 2016 (Imported)”. [Source]
YNWA was at #4 in the “China V Chart Top 10 Albums of 2017 (Imported)”. Her was at #16 while Wings was at #19. [Source]
LY: Her came at #15 in the “China V Chart Top 10 Albums of 2018 (Imported)”. [Source]
BTS made great scores in the Recochoku Yearly Chart [Source] [Source]
BTS Sets New Record For Highest Ranking K-Pop Artist Ever On Oricon’s Yearly Singles Chart. [Source]
BTS produced the best results of any non-Japanese artist in 2018 on Japan’s Oricon annual music charts. BTS is the only foreign artist on Oricon’s Top 10 Artist Sales chart. [Source] [Source]
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