#DCP 2020
nomallmovieschicago · 6 months
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13 March 2024
Film: PROBLEMISTA (d. Julio Torres, 2023, USA)
Forum: AMC River East  Format: DCP
Observations: The trailer for PROBLEMISTA (Julio Torres, 2023, USA) sold it as a Wes Anderson-like puzzle-box fantasy, and to a degree I suppose it is. Yet it's also a sweet, human-scaled feature, and its central premise - that it takes all kinds to make a world, even the "difficult" people (embodied by the deliciously cutting Tilda Swinton) - resonated with me. Plus, it might appeal to anyone who's ever found themselves thwarted by technology (or indeed, by how the entire world seems to operate in the 2020s). Recommended. Twelve other people in the audience.
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Extinct Disney Parks and Attractions tournament round 1: Group C1
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Reminder, you don't have had to experience any of the attractions/experiences to vote! Just read in the info and/or watch the vid,then vote for which you wish you would have experienced more/which sounds cooler!
Videos and propaganda/info dumping under cut
IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth: Epcot (1999-2019)
Oh boy, here we gooooo. I could go on for hours about this show. It was one of the most unique nighttime shows Disney had, it was so unique to Epcot and didn't have any songs from disney films, which is what the park was suppose to be! Its all original and is so uniting and powerful. The soundtrack is absolutely gorgeous and fully original and gives me goosebumps everytime. Nothing can compare to how powerful it is. And yes, the middle section was a bit slow, especially if you couldnt see the globe well, but I think they should have just updated that part and kept the rest instead of forcing IP into Epcot like the replacement shows. This show was all about nations uniting and every culture being beautiful. From the torches that 'blow out', to all the fire in the middle, to the iconic globe opening with one united torch, to the different countries lighting up, to the jaw dropping finale of huge canon like fireworks coming out of each country area to finish with the brightest finale you will ever see, to the iconic song afterwards (from the Millennium Celebration Tapestry of Nations Parade!). And then Spaceship earth all lite up in purple with the song from Tapestry of Nations parade playing as you exit the park, nothing will beat the magic of that, and I cry every time I remember I will never experience that again. I kid you not, half the reason I did the DCP when I did, was so that I could see the last showing of this! Ill have to find video of me afterwards later xD This was my absolute fav show as a kid and remains so to this day. IN THIS ESSAY I WILL
Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular: Hollywood Studios (2016-2020)
Okay so I actually really loved it! It is so much better than the simple animation projection show with like 2 fireworks they have going on now. The darth vader part where all the lights go out and you just hear the breathing, so chilling! Also, if you timed it right, going on Slinky Dog right as this was starting was the coolest thing ever. Being in the air while the iconic songs blasts everywhere with sparkle of fireworks, is something ill always remember. I think i have video of that too, ill have to find later
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mobsprooftheweb · 1 year
Pay money To my Painとはいったい何だったのか?
全ラウドロックファン待望、伝説となった日本を代表するロックバンド・Pay money To my Painの軌跡を辿る待望のドキュメンタリー映画『SUNRISE TO SUNSET』が完成。 11月17日(金)より新宿バルト9他にて劇場公開されることが決定した。
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今から20年前、三鷹のとあるビルの屋上で結成されたロックバンドPay money To my Painとはいったい何だったのか…? 彼らの歩みと時代、その影響力を未発表の映像、メンバーと関係者の証言で世に問うロックバンドとしての人生を詰め込んだ145分。
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10代、20代には伝説の存在となっている日本を代表するロックバンド・Pay money To my Pain。 2004年に結成され、2006年にメジャーデビューを果たすと、他を寄せ付けない研ぎ澄まされた感性で唯一無二の存在へと上り詰めていく。誰もが、彼らの未来にラウドロックシーンの希望を見出していた。その矢先2012年12月30日、ボーカルKが急逝。 そして、2013年12月30日にバンドは活動休止となった。
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それから7年後、レーベル直系の後輩であり現在のラウドロックシーンを牽引する“coldrain”からの熱烈なオファーを受け、2020年に『BLARE FEST.』で一夜限り奇跡の復活を果たし、新旧のファンを熱狂させたのは記憶に新しい出来事である。 本作『SUNRISE TO SUNSET』 は活動休止から10年の節目に、残されたメンバー、そして“Pay money To my Pain”をリスペクトする者たちの証言と、これまで公開されることのなかった貴重な映像、そして奇跡の復活となった『BLARE FEST.』で綴られる壮大なロックバンドのドキュメンタリー映画である。
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『SUNRISE TO SUNSET』  製作:ワーナーミュージック・ジャパン|制作:ハッチ プロデューサー:田中健太郎|アソシエイト・プロデューサー:末広哲士 LIVE映像監督:スズキダイシン|監督:茂木将 出演:Pay money To my Pain、JIN (High Speed Boy inc.)、Kihiro (Supe)、JESSE (The BONEZ , RIZE)、Kj (Dragon Ash , The Ravens)、Hiro (MY FIRST STORY)、Hiro (SHADOWS , ex-FACT)、Kazuki (SHADOWS , ex-FACT)、Masato (coldrain)、葉月 (lynch.)、MAH (SiM)、Koie (Crossfaith)、Teru (Crossfaith)、N∀OKI (ROTTENGRAFFTY)、NOBUYA (ROTTENGRAFFTY)、AG (NOISEMAKER)、Yosh (Survive Said The Prophet)、Taka (ONE OK ROCK)、Kentaro Tanaka (Warner Music Japan)
2023年|日本|カラー|16:9|5.1ch|145分|DCP|映倫審査区分:G 配給・宣伝:SPACE SHOWER FILMS
©2023 Warner Music Japan Inc.
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disamedia · 22 days
NUMB SPIRAL 3 Body Prop (2024) from M. Woods on Vimeo.
BODY PROP (2020) 75’
BODY PROP is an avant-garde essay film and attack against the ontology of white imperialism. Made of mostly hand-processed super 8 film - the rejected pieces of film used in other pieces of The Numb Spiral. The piece, in five movements, takes on the subject of the Body as a prop, as a body politic, as a simulation, and as a necropolitical expense, creating a “Cadaver Decomposition Island” of discarded scraps of Super 8 and archival material reveal the shadow of US nihilism within the advanced stage of hyperreality.
Combining original manifestoes (in the style of Situationism) with excerpts of Jean Baudrillard’s A System of Objects, Sartre’s Being and Nothingness and other treatises on phenomenological existentialism, Biblical passages from Genesis and Ecclesiastes, impeachment transcripts, Beloved by Toni Morrison, the speeches of Malcolm X, YouTube news archives, and dozens of other texts in conversation in a tumult of signs, oscillating in a trance between attempting to situate within and disassociate from the Body Prop. The cinema itself is a Body Prop - simultaneously full and devoid of feeling and sensory. Featuring an original score composed of Hip-Hop beats and experimental soundscapes created by director M Woods.
Please keep in mind that the quality of this .h264 file is far inferior to the ProRes or DCP master. The algorithm creates less key frames so it has a tendency to muddy the image. Please contact [email protected] if you would like access to the ProRes422HQ screener which is available for download.
Warning: The following work contains accounts and representations of racism, violence, sex, and nudity. Parts of this work are based in actual events. Some parts contain fast edits and strobing imagery and that may negatively impact those viewers with epilepsy and other light-sensitive disorders.
thedigitalsickness.com Disassociative Productions instagram.com/disamedia
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6nikhilum6 · 24 days
Pune: Case Against IPS Officer Bhagyashree Navtake to Be Transferred to CBI for Further Investigation?
Pune, 31st August 2024: A case has been registered against IPS Officer Bhagyashree Navtake at Bund Garden Police Station in Pune for alleged procedural lapses during her tenure as Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) in the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Pune, between November 2020 and November 2022. The case is connected to the Bhaichand Hirachand Raisoni Credit Society (BHS) scam, a financial…
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horaciotorruco · 4 months
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Golden Globes expands to 300 members, highlighting diversity gains
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Following two years of criticism for its lack of diverse membership, the Golden Globes has announced that it's added new members, becoming one of the most ethnically diverse among major award shows.
There are now 300 journalists in total that serve as voting members.
The expanded voting body includes voters from countries around the world, including Guatemala, Costa Rica, Cameroon and more.
"The new breakdown is 47% female, and 60% racially and ethnically diverse, with 26.3% Latinx, 13.3% Asian, 11% Black, 9% Middle Eastern," a press release said on Monday.
The 81st Golden Globe Awards will take place on Sunday, January 7, 2024.
The Golden Globe Awards earlier this year were sold to a new owner that shut down the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), following claims of ethical lapses and a lack of diversity within the organization.
Eldridge Industries purchased the Golden Globe assets with Dick Clark Productions (DCP), which will continue to manage the awards telecast and focus on expanding the Globes' viewership around the world, a press release said. DCP is co-owned by Eldridge and Penske Media.
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Host and comedian Jerrod Carmichael opened his monologue at this year's January ceremony with a blunt assessment: that he was there because "I'm Black".
“This show, the Golden Globe Awards, did not air last year because the Hollywood Foreign Press Association - which I won't say that they were a racist organization - but they didn't have a single Black member until George Floyd died," Carmichael said.
He was referring to the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer in 2020, which sparked nationwide Black Lives Matter protests against police killings and other violence against Black people. The watershed event inspired many organizations to create or reformulate anti-racist and inclusivity policies.
A Los Angeles Times investigation in 2021 revealed the association, or HFPA, had no Black journalists in its ranks. Some members were accused of making sexist and racist remarks and soliciting favors from celebrities and movie studios.
This announcement also follows the historic Hollywood writers' and actors' work stoppages this year.
The Writers Guild of America (WGA), which went on strike May 2 and reached a tentative deal with studios last month.
However, SAG-AFTRA actors' have not made a deal with Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), which represents Walt Disney, Netflix and other studios after being on strike since July.
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cinenthusiast · 1 year
films watched in september 2023
had another really incredible month of viewings
186. the truman show (1998, weir) (no idea what viewing) (dcp, brattle theater, "barbie's roots" series) 187. josie and the pussycats (2001, kaplan & elfont) (not sure what viewing) (35mm, brattle theatre, "barbie's roots" series) 188. johnny o'clock (1947, rossen) (1st viewing) (16mm, harvard film archive, 'any number can win' all night gambling marathon) 189. any number can win (1963, verneuil) (1st viewing) (dcp, harvard film archive, 'any number can win' all night gambling marathon) 190. pale flower (1964, shinoda) (35mm, harvard film archive, 'any number can win' all night gambling marathon) 191. bay of angels (1963, demy) (1st viewing) (dcp, harvard film archive, 'any number can win' all night gambling marathon) 192. croupier (1998, hodges) (1st viewing) (35mm, harvard film archive, 'any number can win' all night gambling marathon) 193. california split (1974, altman) (1st viewing) (dcp, harvard film archive, 'any number can win' all night gambling marathon) 194. air mail (1932, ford) (1st viewing) 195. living skeleton (1968, matsuno) (1st viewing) 196. house of usher (1960, corman) (1st viewing) 197. the picture of dorian gray (1945, lewin) (1st viewing) 198. wishmaster (1997, kurtzman) (1st viewing) 199. house of the dead (2003, boll) (1st viewing) 200. flesheater (1988, kurtzman) (1st viewing) 201. laughter (1930, d'arrast) (2nd viewing) 202. clearcut (1991, bugajski) (1st viewing) 203. eyes of fire (1983, crounse) (1st viewing) 204. celia (1989, turner) (1st viewing) 205. il demonio (1963, rondi) (1st viewing) 206. tokyo twilight (1957, ozu) (1st viewing) 207. berlin express (1948, tourneur) (1st viewing) 208. house of bamboo (1955, fuller) (1st viewing) 209. the eighth happiness (1988, to) (1st viewing) 210. the agfa horror trailer show (2020) (1st viewing) 211. no hard feelings (2023, stupnitsky) (1st viewing) 212. cobweb (2023, bodin) (1st viewing) 213. day of the dead (1985, romero) (5th viewing) 214. land of the dead (2005, romero) (1st viewing) 215. the shiver of the vampires (1971, rollin) (1st viewing) 216. fascination (1979, rollin) (1st viewing) 217. jagged edge (1985, marquand) (1st viewing) 218. barbie (2023, gerwig) (IMAX) (3rd viewing) 219. stop making sense (1984, demme) (10th-ish viewing) 220. castle of blood (1964, margheriti) (1st viewing) 221. lisa and the devil (1973, bava) (2nd viewing) 222. the psychic (1977, fulci) (2nd viewing) 223. phenomena (1985, argento) (2nd viewing) 224. show people (1928, vidor) (1st viewing) (35mm, somerville theatre) 225. pilgrimage (1933, ford) (1st viewing) 226. hackers (1995, softley) (3rd viewing) 227. pennies from heaven (1981, ross) (1st viewing) (35mm, brattle theatre, christopher walken in the 1980s series) 228. stop making sense (1984, demme) (IMAX) (11ish viewing) 229. the signal tower (1924, brown) (1st viewing) 230. psycho iii (1986, perkins) (1st viewing) 231. edge of sanity (1989, kikoine) (1st viewing) 232. ivy (1947, wood) (1st viewing) 233. floating weeds (1959, ozu) (2nd viewing)
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rupalic · 1 year
Feed Phosphates Market Growth by Emerging Trends, Analysis, & Forecast
According to a research report "Feed Phosphates Market by Type (Dicalcium, Monocalcium, Mono-dicalcium, Defluorinated, and Tricalcium), Livestock (Ruminants, Swine, Poultry, and Aquaculture), Form (Powder and Granule), and Region - Global Forecast to 2028" published by MarketsandMarkets, the feed phosphates market is estimated at USD 2.6 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 3.2 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 4.0% from 2023 to 2028. Feed phosphates contribute to the overall health and performance of animals, including bone development, energy metabolism, and immune function. Livestock and poultry farmers are increasingly aware of the benefits of feed phosphates in enhancing animal well-being, leading to their higher adoption.
Market Driver: Rise in consumption of meat and dairy products
The demand for meat, eggs, and dairy products in developing countries has also increased significantly over the past few years. According to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), in 2021, global milk production, comprising approximately 81% cow milk, 15% buffalo milk, and 4% from goats, sheep, and camels combined, increased by 1.1% to reach approximately 887 million metric tonnes (Mt). This growth was primarily fueled by increased output in India and Pakistan, attributed to the expansion of dairy herds and improved availability of fodder, aided by favorable monsoon rains. According to OECD 2021, the per capita consumption of dairy products is projected to rise by 0.4% per year to reach 21.9 kg (milk solids equivalent) by 2031 in high-income countries. According to the same source, in comparison, low-middle-income countries are expected to experience an annual increase of 2.0% to reach 21.2 kg, while low-income countries are anticipated to see a 1.5% annual increase to reach 5.4 kg. Utilizing feed phosphates in dairy cattle diets can lead to improved feed efficiency. The presence of adequate phosphorus and other essential minerals in the feed enhances nutrient absorption and utilization in the rumen and digestive tract. As a result, dairy cows can convert feed into milk more efficiently, reducing wastage and enhancing overall feed efficiency.
Book a meeting with our experts to discuss your business needs: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/speaktoanalystNew.asp?id=2507098
Europe is expected to account for the largest market share in 2023.
The feed phosphates market industry has been studied in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America and Rest of the World. According to the Alltech Feed Survey, in 2021, feed production in Europe occupied 261.9 million metric tons in 2020 and held a third rank worldwide to cater to animal nutrition in livestock, poultry, swine, and many others. Meat consumption in the region has been on a steady rise, driven by factors such as population growth, urbanization, demographics, higher incomes, and price fluctuations. As a result, the demand for feed in Europe is increasing.
Prominent Firms Featured in the Industry Are:
Mosiac (US)
Nutrien Ltd (Canada)
OCP (Morocco)
Rotem (Turkey)
Eurochem Group (Switzerland)
Phosagro (Russia)
Fosfitalia Group (Italy)
Phosphea (France)
YARA (Norway)
J. R. Simplot Company (US)
Dicalcium phosphate (DCP) segment, by type is expected to account for the largest market share in 2023
DCP is known for its high bioavailability and digestibility, meaning animals can absorb and utilize the calcium and phosphorus efficiently. Improved nutrient utilization leads to better feed efficiency, resulting in cost savings for farmers as less feed is required to achieve optimal animal growth and production. Dicalcium phosphate can be used in various animal feed formulations, including poultry, swine, cattle, and aquaculture feeds. Its versatility and suitability for different species make it a popular choice among livestock farmers.
𝑻𝒐 𝑲𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑮𝒆𝒕 𝑷𝑫𝑭 𝑪𝒐𝒑𝒚: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=2507098
Powder segment, by form, is projected to witness the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Powdered feed phosphates are easy to handle and mix with other feed ingredients. Their fine texture allows for uniform distribution throughout the feed, ensuring that animals receive a consistent and balanced supply of essential minerals. The fine particle size of powdered feed phosphates results in higher surface area, facilitating better enzymatic activity and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. This enhanced bioavailability ensures that the animals can efficiently utilize the phosphorus and other minerals present in the feed phosphate.
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cybercrime-blogs · 2 years
Cybercrime in Nagpur - Cyber Blackmailer Couple Arrested in Pune for Extorting Money
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A sensational case of cyber black mailing and cheating has come to light in the city.  In this case registered at Pratap Nagar police station, the police have arrested 3 including the main accused IT professional husband and wife from Pune. Arrested accused includes Shatrughan Singh Tangral and his wife Manjusha along with Rahul Satyendra Jha, all three are residents of Pune. It is alleged that he stole source code and client's data from the director of a company based in Nagpur in the last 5 years and blackmailed them with rigging of about 9 crores. Police have booked a total of 12 people under various sections of cybercrime including cheating and blackmailing threats etc. Probably this is the first case of cyber blackmailing in the city.
 Loot of 9 crores in 5 years
All the three accused were produced in the court on Friday from where they were sent to police custody for 4 days. The prosecution argued that, the accused are highly educated and are tricksters. If bail is granted, the evidence may be tampered. Accepting the argument, the court granted a 4 day PCR.
Also Read: Kashmiri Brother-in-Law could not show Kamal, and pressure on Nagpur police failed
What is the case?
Vinodkumar Tambi, a resident of Civil Lines, is the Director of Excellon Software Private Limited which is situated in IT Park. Started in 1999 with the name of e-Caliber India, Tambi had appointed Shatrughan Singh on the post of Web Developer till 31st March 2020 he reached at the post of Vice President Product & Engineering . During this period, he was given of salary upto Rs 60 lakh and Rs 40 lakh shares and bonus shares from the company.
 CP got the investigation done in CBI style
 Torn by blackmailing, Tambi saw the police as the last resort. He along with his lawyer Virat Mishra met the city police commissioner Dr. Bhushan Kumar Upadhyay and narrated his entire story. CP Dr. Upadhyay took the matter seriously and asked to register a case at Rana Pratap Nagar police station. The investigation was immediately handed over to EOW DCP Shweta Khedkar. The city police quickly collected evidence on the lines of the CBI and arrested Shatrughan Manjusha and Rahul from the area of Chaturshrungi Police Station in Pune and brought them to Nagpur.
 Fake company made with wife
 Excellon’s clients includes multinational companies. Being the Vice President, the work of the company was outsourced by Shatrughan to complete the work quickly. Shatrughan's wife Manjusha has worked in big companies like Persistent and TCS. During the job, both husband and wife together formed their own company named BizCloud and outsourced company were also joined, in which two UK IT professionals were also involved.  Together, Shatrughan and Manjusha together took the advantage of Excellon’s source code, software and data took illegal advantage of clients and accounts. Through BizCloud, they caused a loss of crores to Excellon.  Blackmailed Tambi, in the beginning of the year 2019, got suspicious when Shatrughan was asked about this, he along with Manjusha and Rahul started blackmailing him in the name of source code and client data.
Source code, Software and Data stolen
 The thief leaves a trail
Worried about the confidentiality of his client's data, Tambi silently tolerated the blackmailing of Shatrughan and Manjusha and also paid the ransom amount.
Just like every thief makes some or the other mistake, similarly Tambi also got one mistake of Shatrughan.
With the help of many software and other IT experts, all the black exploits of Shatrughan, Manjusha and their other accomplices were recovered, during which they would also pay the ransom amount, so that Shatrughan and Manjusha do not suspect that evidence is being collected against him
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nomallmovieschicago · 2 months
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26 July 2024
Film: TWISTERS (dir. Lee Isaac Chung. 2024, USA)
Forum: AMC NewCity  Format: DCP
Observations: Lee Isaac Chung earned a shot a making a summer blockbuster from his 2020 Oscar-nominated MINARI. This is more of a remake than a direct sequel, reconceiving the 1990s hit in 2024 terms. Regrettably, the screenplay seemed content just to barely sketch in the characters, leaving the viewer mostly rewatching situations from the original (e.g., the tornado hits a rodeo rather than a drive-in). Chung appreciates the wide-open spaces - the location shooting was done in rural Oklahoma - and the contemporary country-music soundtrack is a novelty. But this movie is otherwise aleady slipping from my memory.
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the-frances-diaries · 2 years
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mobsprooftheweb · 1 year
『ドキュメント サニーデイ・サービス』劇場版予告編
今年CDデビュー30周年を迎えるサニーデイ・サービスのキャリア初となるドキュメンタリー映画『ドキュメント サニーデイ・サービス』(監督:カンパニー松尾)が7月7日(金)より渋谷シネクイントほかにて劇場公開される。この度、待望の劇場版予告編が完成した。
『ドキュメント サニーデイ・サービス』劇場版予告編
1992年、曽我部恵一と田中 貴らを中心に結成された“サニーデイ・サービス”。メンバーチェンジを経て1994年メジャーデビュー。翌1995年に1stアルバムにして日本語ロックの金字塔『若者たち』を発表。以降、怒涛の楽曲制作、突然の解散、ソロ活動、インディレーベルの設立、再結成。 そして、メンバーとの死別、新メンバー加入など。バンドとして苦難の道を歩みながら、これまでに14枚のアルバムを発表し、今も活動を続ける彼らを、2020年春から監督カンパニー松尾のカメラが追った。刹那を生きる、不屈のロックバンド サニーデイ・サービスの90年代から現在までを メンバー、関係者によるバンドの歴史や解説、膨大な楽曲の中から選りすぐられた初公開含む、新旧貴重なライブシーンを織り交ぜた2時間25分におよぶ壮大なドキュメントロードムービーだ。
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『ドキュメント サニーデイ・サービス』  製作:STUDIO ROSE LTD. SPACE SHOWER NETWORKS INC. 制作:ハマジム プロデューサー: 高根順次 監督・撮影・編集:カンパニー松尾 出演:サニーデイ・サービス、曽我部恵一、田中 貴、大工原幹雄、丸山晴茂、渡邊文武、藏本真彦、新井 仁、杉浦英治、北��夏音、やついいちろう、山口保幸、阿部孝明、小宮山雄飛、ワタナベイビー、夏目知幸、安部勇磨 他 ナレーション:小泉今日子 2023年|日本|カラー|ビスタ|145分|DCP 配給・宣伝:SPACE SHOWER FILMS ©2023 ROSE RECORDS / SPACE SHOWER FILMS
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blueweave8 · 2 years
India DCPD UPR Grade Resin Market Analysis, Report 2022-2028
A recent study by the strategic consulting and market research firm; BlueWeave Consulting revealed that the India DCPD UPR Grade Resin Market was worth USD 46.51 million in 2021 and is further projected to reach USD 114.41 million by the year 2028, exhibiting a CAGR of 13.7 % over the analysis period of 2022-2028. The market is expected to increase as a result of ongoing research and innovations in bio-based unsaturated polyester resin, which provides recyclability, superior strength, and heat and corrosion resistance with less thickness. Additionally, the employment of DCPD UPR in reinforcement, roofing, concrete, and composites of residential structures, factories, buildings, and mass transit applications is growing as a result of India's expanding building and construction sector.
Emerging Automotive and Marine Sector
India's emerging automobile and marine sector is creating a lucrative opportunity for the DCPD UPR grade resins market. DCPD UPR grade resin is highly used in the production of automotive parts since it has low viscosity and resistance to heat which allows the resulting product to be large, strong, and lightweight and makes it a popular choice for protective coverings such as shields and hoods as well as the outer bodies of cars, trucks, and machinery. The Automotive Mission Plan 2016-26 is a mutual initiative by the Government of India and the Indian automotive industry to lay down the roadmap for the development of the industry.
DCPD resins are also utilized for the construction of boats and ship components. In India, according to the Ministry of Shipping, around 95% of India's trading by volume and 70% by value is done through maritime transport. Therefore, the rising demand for marine transport is contributing to the demand for DCPD UPR Grade Resin in boat manufacturing.
Request for Sample Report @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/india-dcpd-upr-grade-resin-market/report-sample
Fluctuation in Raw Material Prices effecting Manufacturers Operations
The company purchases DCPS raw materials, including petroleum products such as gas oils, naphtha, and crude oil, and also purchases certain monomers, primarily ethylene and propylene, to supplement internal production, as well as other raw materials. The petroleum industry in India has been suffering from the problem of shortage of raw materials, i.e., petroleum crude. The petroleum industry has to depend too much on imported crude. Due to the increasing volume of the demand-supply gap, the petroleum refineries in India still need to utilize their production capacity fully. Therefore, DCPD manufacturers are impacted due to the rise in prices of crude oil.
The paints and coating application segment account for the largest market share in the India DCPD UPR Grade Resin Market
The paints and coating segment accounted largest market share in 2021. The Indian paints and coatings industry will see significant investments from new entrants in addition to capacity increases and greenfield plants by current paints and coatings firms. By the end of 2023, it is anticipated that the entry of Grasim Industries and JSW Group, as well as the indication of interest in expansions by two current mid-sized producers (Indigo Paints and Shalimar Paints), will alter the dynamics of the Indian paint and coating manufacturing.
Impact Of COVID-19 On the India DCPD UPR Grade Resin Market
In the first half of 2020, COVID-19 had various unfavorable effects on India's DCPD UPR resin-grade market. The supply chain for the primary raw materials needed for DCPD manufacture was disrupted as a result of the transportation and logistics restrictions implemented nationwide in reaction to the pandemic. Due to the interruptions experienced by its main end-use industries during the first wave of Covid-19, including construction, automotive, and paints & coatings, DCPD makers experienced a decline in demand. The lockout easing resulted in a quick rebound in the automotive and construction industries by the end of 2020, which increased market demand for DCPD UPR resin grade.
Competitive Landscape
Leading players in the India DCPD UPR resins market are Orson Resins and Coatings Private Limited, Braskem, Revex Group, Shreyans Chemicals, Eternal Materials Co Ltd., Satyen Polymers Private Limited, Sisco Research Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. (SRL), Loba Chemie, HiMedia, Jay Chem Marketing, Bharat Jyoti Impex, National Analytical Corporation, NOVA Chemicals Corporation.
In August 2022, To increase capacity in both existing and new value chains, Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries aims to spend 75,000 crores in its petrochemicals and textile businesses over the next five years. The largest polyester fiber and yarn manufacturer in India, Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), seeks to increase the value chain for polyester and vinyl and create new products for the textile sector.
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newslobster · 2 years
Shraddha Walkar Had Withdrawn Her 2020 Complaint, So Closed Case: Police
Shraddha Walkar Had Withdrawn Her 2020 Complaint, So Closed Case: Police
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