#and then they start attacking and won't accept your yield (
winxanity-ii · 5 months
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 08 Chapter 08 | conditioning the flame⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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The pre-dawn sky bled a pale orange over the ragged silhouettes of trees in the abandoned park. A cool mist clung to the ground, swirling around your feet as you finished a series of stretches.
Opposite you stood Bakugo, his explosive blonde hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. His ragged breaths echoed in the stillness, punctuated by the rhythmic pounding of his heart.
The previous hour had been relentless. You'd pushed him through a gauntlet of sprints through the woods, dodging fallen logs and leaping over rocky outcrops.
Now, you were sparring, your movements a blur as you danced around his explosive attacks.
A well-placed side-step brought you behind him, and you delivered a sharp kick to his back, sending him staggering forward. He stumbled, catching himself on a groan-worthy grunt. You stood tall, arms crossed, a critical look on your face.
"Faster than last week," you conceded, your voice devoid of praise. "But it's not enough." You crouched low, reaching up to brush a few damp strands of hair from his forehead.
Bakugo, leaned into your touch reflexively, exhaustion momentarily eclipsing his usual defiance. He grunted in response, a single, guttural sound that spoke volumes of his determination.
The start of a long summer of grueling training had begun—another step on the path you'd meticulously crafted for him. He was your pawn, yes, but a powerful one nonetheless.
You smirked, the feeling hidden beneath your neutral expression. This relentless drive, this insatiable hunger for power—you had nurtured it, fueled it. He may have thought he was training to become a hero, but you were shaping him into something far more... valuable.
And when the game truly began, you'd be the one pulling the strings.
You rose, pulling back your hand. "Push harder," you murmured, your voice soft but laced with an underlying challenge. "The entrance exam won't wait for you to catch your breath."
A spark ignited in Bakugo's red eyes, mirroring the glint of ambition in your own. He straightened, his stance unwavering despite his fatigue. "I don't need your pity," he snarled, his voice hoarse but firm.
You chuckled, a low, chilling sound. "Pity? This," you gestured around at the desolate landscape bathed in the faint light of dawn, "is opportunity. Seize it. Show them all what you're truly capable of."
The fiery spirit you'd helped cultivate flickered back to life in his eyes. Though his body screamed for rest, his pride wouldn't allow him to yield. "I said. I don't need your pity," he snarled, his voice hoarse but firm. A vein pulsed in his temple, a testament to his simmering frustration and unwavering resolve.
You weren't surprised by his defiance. In fact, it fueled your hidden agenda. A sly smile played on your lips, hidden beneath your neutral expression. "Suit yourself," you said, your voice flat. "But remember, U.A. won't accept weakness."
With that, you allowed him a few precious seconds of reprieve, letting him savor the fleeting comfort of lying sprawled on the cool grass. Just as he started to sink into a semblance of rest, you clapped your hands once, the sharp sound echoing through the silent woods. "Alright, that's enough rest," you declared, your voice leaving no room for argument.
Before he could protest, you sprang forward with surprising agility and landed crouched on his back. The sudden weight jolted him, and a surprised grunt escaped his lips. He twisted his head to glare at you, but you simply grinned, your eyes gleaming with an almost predatory glint.
"Time for push-ups," you announced, your voice laced with a playful challenge. "Fifty, and make them count."
Bakugo's jaw clenched, and a low growl rumbled in his throat. He hated the way you manipulated him, the way you pushed him to his limits under the guise of friendly competition. But deep down, a twisted sense of gratitude simmered.
You were the only one who truly understood his relentless drive, the only one who pushed him to become stronger.
With a frustrated groan, he began the push-ups. His muscles screamed in protest, his arms shaking with fatigue. But he wouldn't give in, not in front of you.
One by one, he knocked out the push-ups, his teeth gritted tight in determination.
You counted silently, your gaze fixed on the rippling muscles beneath you. Each push-up was a testament to his strength, his potential. And you, the puppeteer in the shadows, would ensure he reached his full potential—on your terms.
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The relentless sun dipped towards the horizon, painting the desolate park in warm hues of orange and red. The air hung heavy with the sounds of exhaustion. Bakugo, sprawled on the grass, gulped down water from his bottle, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. Every muscle in his body screamed in protest, the remnants of your grueling training session clinging to him like a second skin.
Across from him, you leaned casually against a gnarled tree trunk, a stark contrast to his state. A light sheen glistened on your brow, a testament to the exertion, but nowhere near the fatigue gripping Bakugo.
The skills you honed in your past life as Makima, slowly bleeding into this one, granted you an exceptional level of physical prowess. You were a master combatant, adept at hand-to-hand combat without relying on weapons or pawns.
Bakugo watched you from beneath hooded eyelids, his gaze lingering on your profile. An unfamiliar heat bloomed in his chest, a feeling he couldn't quite place.
The word hung heavy in the unspoken space between you, a bizarre notion considering the constant verbal sparring and grueling training sessions you subjected him to. Yet, there you were, somehow occupying every corner of his mind. He frowned, a bewildered scowl twisting his features.
It was illogical, this strange pull towards you.
Unaware of the turmoil brewing within him, you were already strategizing for the upcoming week. Thoughts of new training regimens, targeted exercises, and grueling challenges danced in your mind.
You needed him to be honed to perfection, a weapon waiting to be unleashed on the world.
As the last rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon, plunging the park into twilight, you finally met his gaze. A cold glint flickered in your eyes, a stark contrast to the concern you so often feigned. "Ready for round two tomorrow?" you asked, your voice a low murmur that sent shivers down his spine.
He met your gaze with a defiant snarl, the remnants of his earlier admiration replaced by his usual fiery spirit. "Always," he growled, the words laced with a challenge that masked the strange flutter in his chest.
Standing up, you brushed imaginary dust off your clothes, ready to head home. "Alright then, be here at exactly 5:30 AM sharp," you declared, already turning to leave.
Just as you were about to take a step forward, a hesitant voice stopped you. "Hey," Bakugo mumbled, the word barely audible. He looked away, avoiding eye contact, a rare display of bashfulness from the usually explosive boy.
You paused, raising an eyebrow in question. "Yes?" you called out, turning your head to face him.
He remained stubbornly focused on the ground, kicking at a pebble with a scuffed shoe. Finally, he muttered out, "How come you aren't applying to U.A.? We both know you're more than strong enough to make it."
His words caught you off guard for a moment. A flicker of surprise crossed your features before you quickly schooled your expression. You took in his question, the concern laced beneath the bluster. Was he... worried about you?
A slow smirk played on your lips, a sly glint in your yellow eyes that seemed to catch the dying light of the sun. "Kacchan~" you purred, your voice dripping with a sweetness that sent a shiver down his spine. You sauntered back towards him, each step deliberate and calculated. "Are you asking me to accompany you to the prestigious, U.A. high?"
He flinched slightly at the nickname, his face burning a fiery red that rivaled the fading sunset. "Whatever," he scoffed, turning his head away in a vain attempt to hide his blush. "Do what you want, it was just a suggestion."
You stopped right in front of him, close enough to feel the heat radiating from his flushed skin. You tilted your head, batting your eyelashes at him in a way that would seem innocent to anyone else. But for Bakugo, who knew the depths of your power, it was a blatant display of manipulation.
"Well, truthfully, I wasn't planning on attending UA. Too much work, you know," you drawled, your voice a husky whisper. You trailed a hand up his chest, your touch sending a jolt through him. Reaching his chin, you gently tilted his head up, forcing him to meet your gaze. "But since you're such a good puppy," you continued, your voice smooth as silk, "I guess I can come."
The implication hung heavy in the air. You weren't just considering U.A.—you were doing it for him.
A strange mix of emotions flickered across Bakugo's face: surprise, a hint of something akin to gratitude, and a flicker of... possessiveness? He opened his mouth to retort, but no words came out.
The silence stretched for a beat. Bakugo seemed frozen, caught between the flustered blush creeping up his neck and the urge to lash out with a defiant snarl. His mind, usually a whirlwind of explosive pronouncements, seemed to have malfunctioned under your touch and the unexpected turn of events.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a scowl etched its way back onto his face. It was a weak attempt at regaining control, a facade that crumbled under scrutiny. He weakly moved his face away from your hold, the blush reaching the tips of his fiery red ears. "'M not a puppy," he mumbled, the defiance in his voice barely a whisper.
But even through the scowl and the mumbled denial, you could see a flicker of relief dancing in his crimson eyes. The confirmation that you'd attend U.A. with him, a decision you'd framed as a favor to him, seemed to ease a tension you hadn't even realized existed.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips, the sound laced with amusement. You knew exactly how to manipulate him, how to exploit his volatile emotions to get what you wanted. But for now, you were content to let him bask in the illusion of control.
"Alright, alright, Katsuki," you said, your voice playful. You reached out and ruffled his hair with a gentle touch, a gesture that would have sent shivers down anyone else's spine. For Bakugo, though, it was a confusing mix of irritation and a strange sense of... comfort?
"We'll head to U.A. together then," you continued, your voice a smooth purr. "Just you, me, and the rest of those wannabe heroes."
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The rhythmic scrape of cutlery against ceramic plates filled the air, the only sound breaking the tense silence that had settled over the dinner table. It was a rare night that your father managed to escape the clutches of work and share a meal with the family. Your mother had gone all out, preparing his favorite meatloaf.
Despite her best efforts to spark conversation, the dinner table remained an island of awkwardness. Wino devoured his food in silence, his usual gruff demeanor amplified by fatigue. You picked at your own plate, lost in your thoughts.
The grueling morning workout with Bakugo still left a pleasant ache in your muscles, a stark contrast to the dull ache of boredom gnawing at your soul.
Deciding to take pity on your mother, you cleared your throat. "Hey," you announced, "I decided to I'm going to U.A."
A wave of relief washed over Mei's face, her eyes widening with delight. A bright smile bloomed on her lips, instantly chasing away the gloom that had settled earlier. "Oh, sweetie! That's wonderful news!" she exclaimed, her voice thick with emotion. Tears welled up in her eyes as she reached across the table to squeeze your hand. "I'm so proud of you!"
Turning to your father, she beamed expectantly. "Wino! Aren't you going to congratulate your daughter?"
Wino, however, remained unmoved. He paused in mid-chew, raising his head from his plate to meet your gaze. For a tense few seconds, your eyes, a startling yellow, locked with his bright green ones. A storm of unspoken emotions crackled in the air.
Finally, Wino spoke, his voice devoid of warmth. "How could I?" he said, his tone flat. "The kid's never shown any interest in being a hero before. What changed now?"
Your mother gasped, a look of hurt flickering across her face. "Wino!" she scolded, launching into a familiar tirade about the importance of encouragement and how negativity could shatter confidence.
You tuned out her rant, already anticipating your father's response. He wasn't lying. You had never harbored any real desire to be a hero.
The hero business, with its constant scrutiny and fickle public opinion, held no appeal. The childhood days of dressing up as heroes were long gone, replaced by the harsh realities of your true nature.
But then you remembered the glint in Bakugo's eyes when you'd mentioned attending U.A. A warmth spread through your chest, a subtle change brought on by your peculiar connection to the explosive boy.
You weren't averse to indulging your "puppy's" wishes from time to time.
Besides, you mused, spearing a piece of meatloaf, who knew? Maybe U.A. would be a welcome distraction, a chance to shake off the boredom that had become a constant companion.
A slow smirk played on your lips. This unexpected turn of events might just prove to be entertaining.
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gracelaurie · 9 months
Falling into your ocean eyes 🌊❤️ | Orm Marius x Fem!Reader
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Part 3 🌊
Warning ⚠️ : enemies to lovers, angst.
for the next part ➡️ masterlist
Y/N woke up in a dark and quiet room. She didn't know how long she had been fainting, but she guessed that she had been trapped in this place for more than 8 hours. She felt very cold and maybe soon she would freeze. It’s because she had been in Atlantis for too long, and wearing surface clothes that were very thin in fabric. She could indeed breathe in the ocean like ordinary Atlanteans, but she wasn’t used to it.
She felt really dizzy. Trapped at the bottom of the sea, and don’t know how to get out of this room. In the room there is a large mirror, she saw that her face was getting pale with red marks on her neck because of Orm choked her.
When she looked at her neck, her eyes suddenly caught sight of someone behind her. She didn’t realize, someone with a beautiful ocean blue eyes wearing armor, staring at her without blinking.
“What do you want?” Y/N asked, turning her head, looking back at Orm.
“I need your help,” Orm said in a low tone, “I need the help of your surface witchcraft thing in this war.”
“I don't want to go to war, I just want to meet my father.”
“You won't go to war, you’ll still be imprisoned here,”said Orm, “what I need is your ability to manipulate their minds, confuse and mess with their minds, like what you did to me.”
“You will lose, King Orm,” Y/N said firmly, “I have seen everything that will happen to you. With the help of my magic or not, you can’t fight the fate.”
“Then you’ll never going to anywehere.” said Orm. He quickly dived away from Y/N and left her alone.
A red flash that came out of her hand struck that room. It was the 15th time she had done the same thing but she still couldn't get out of that room. It appears that her Telekinesis cannot work because her body condition is declining. Her strength became increasingly weak because she was shivering from the cold.
Y/N closed her eyes, someone first came to her mind, the reason why she did all this...
His daughter’s voice reached King Nereus’s ears. suddenly he froze in place. War was everywhere, but suddenly it all disappeared and all he heard was,
“I am here. in this place, a kind of prison, Orm put me here,” Y/N said with a voice that wanted to cry, “I know it’s not a good timing, and…. I just want you to know that I'm here. In Atlantis.”
His daughter’s voice had stopped. He could feel that his own daughter was shivering from the cold there, but he had no other choice. He choose to not see her own daughter now.
“That trident doesn’t change who you are,” Orm said it with full of vengeance and hatred. “A half breed bastard. Atlantis would never accept you.”
“I’m not the only one,” said Arthur, “I know you took Mera’s sister to Atlantis, you know that she is also a same bastard like me.”
“That’s different.”
“Because you’re in love?” Arthur grinned.
Orm glared and answered firmly, “Not at all,” and then he prepare to start the attack.
“Then by bloodshed. Do the Gods make known their will.”
A fight between Arthur and Orm begins.
Y/N could see it all through her vision. Her feelings were mixed, she felt her heart beating very fast when Arthur attacked Orm repeatedly. What’s Orm felt when fighting was also connected to Y/N. Sad, anxious, jealousy, hatred.
Y/N closed her eyes. Doing what she has always done to Orm.
In the middle of an extremely fierce battle, a soft voice came to his ears, “Orm….”
He lost his balance. He didn’t hear anything other than the silence Y/N gave him. Orm saw Arthur from afar running towards him to attack him.
Orm felt Y/N's heartbeat start to slow down. He just froze. He didn't hear anything except the voice of a woman shivering and dying, “Orm....”
Suddently Orm’s trident was broken into pieces. And Y/N stopped breathing in her prison room.
“Finish it.” Orm said.
“Yield the throne.” Arthur said.
“Mercy is not our way.”
“Maybe you haven’t noticed brother.” Arthur said, “But I’m not one of you.”
“Do it. Kill me!” Orm shouted, “I killed her, she died!” Orm groaned. His voice was painful.
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Before they met in each other in Atlantis, they were connected 5 times through the magic she created. All this time Orm thought that it was just a dream, but deep down in his heart, he knows that it really happened and real.
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ed-e · 2 years
i love how oblivion companions will just smile at you all the time, like yeah martin we got mauled by tigers three times in the past two minutes, but so long as we're together there's reason to be happy
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guardianoracle · 4 years
What is a guardian? I made a quick guide explaining them! I'll be looking forward to posting my new fellas here over the coming days.
Guardians are a type of egregore, bound to an idol for physical form. The materials themselves can be virtually anything. The only thing that matters is what you think their effect will be on the finished guardian. 
It is also very important to make sure to use sturdy materials in crafting them. You want it to be string enough to withstand things like falls, rips, dogs, poltergeists, what have you. This not only helps keep them intact, but it reinforces your idea of their strength to protect them further on a spiritual level, too. 
You want to let go of imposing your ideas while crafting them, allowing your ideas to pool into a chaotic jumble of your initial impression of the spirit of the guardian you're crafting. Of course, you want to guide this chaotic energy to a degree to make sure things stay consistent and stable in the process. No matter what, trust and believe that it will turn out exactly as it should. Believe that it's spirit is helping guide it's creation and let it's creativity flow through yours. 
It's important to take this work very seriously and approach it with patience, persistence and care. This process uses the same faculties as wandmaking or enchantments. This process is assisted with skills in things like mediumship/channeling, enchanting, tulpamancy, thinking magick and magickal observation. Warding and banishment is important, too. You are crafting an egregore. A companion and friend. It is very important to treat them that way, as a true partner. They are your responsibility. 
As with any relationship, keeping strong boundaries is most important. You need to be steadfast in them. You are creating a living soul. All living souls will push and test boundaries, especially with whom they are closest with. This is completely natural and they should not be punished for doing these things, but a stern correction may be necessary from time to time. 
It is imperative to establish your authority with them from your first interaction. An easy way to think of it is to imagine them as your teenage children in a way. You are still their authority, but they are your obligation and will need your guidance to stay out of trouble. Even though you must dictate their behavior to a degree, it is very important to treat them with the utmost respect and not micromanage them. Even though they are yours in a way, they are their own individual and must be treated as such. 
Some people like to design every little aspect of their egregores. This can make them more tailored to your needs, but it restricts the entity to a degree that can make them feel depressingly robotic in my experience. Or, they may react by withholding information about themselves from you so that they won't risk losing those aspects of themselves. Fear of rejection is something that affects us pretty much universally, and objects or artificial things aren't necessarily spared from it. 
Personally, I leave my intentions towards their usage very open-ended. I prefer to instill morals into them over assigning purposes to them. You are their mentor in a way, as they are yours. Giving them the freedom to become who they want to be, with some level of structure, has given these things a level of humanity and personality that I couldn't feel more blessed to be able to witness. Even though this relaxed approach can be significantly more risky, it is my opinion that these risks yield great rewards and taking that leap into the unknown can allow you to experience so much more than you would otherwise. Always trust that things will happen as they should. 
Guardians get lonely, too. It's usually best to make companions for them. My guardians typically have a soul mate made for them as well. This ensures that they have a partner in their life, romantic, platonic or otherwise. They generally become inseparable partners in this way and have similar or very compatible souls with each other. 
Creating a tribe of guardians is a great way to give them a sense of family and identity. This also adds a layer of accountability between them. They are egregores after all, and will remain active without you. Giving them a pack gives them a way to stay occupied and fulfilled with each other while you're away. Of course this isn't exactly necessary and can be a big commitment to make. Regardless, socializing your guardians is essential to avoid unwanted antisocial behaviors. 
After you create a guardian, you're going to want to make sure they're awake. You hear them with your mind's ear, so attempt telepathic communication with them, even if you don't necessarily think you'll be able to. You'd be surprised. Ask for their name. If they won't tell you for whatever reason, ask if a nickname would be acceptable. There is a chance that they haven't decided on a name just yet, or that they can't figure out how to express their name with language, or they may not consider you ready enough to know. This is very personal information to them. You must respect their boundaries too, even if this is one. Don't try to find their name before they're ready to tell you. This is crossing a personal boundary and will hurt your relationship with them right off the bat. 
Remember, these are companions, not your tools. If you cannot sufficiently communicate with them you can try to use divination to communicate instead of telepathy. Communication is key to a healthy relationship with them. Ask them about their wants and needs. Ask them about what they've been up to. The answers might surprise you! They do live lives on the edge of our realities in a way that are completely different from our own. As we teach them about our world, they teach us about theirs. 
Go into your creation with an open mind. The perfect guardian for you may be something you'd never expect, or might even fear! Look at them as individuals and don't put flash judgments on them.
Use whatever you have handy to create them! Of course you can buy things instead, and if you do, make it special and treat the trip as a significant spiritual event, because it is. I prefer found objects though, as some of the best art seems to come from scarcity in my opinion. It's also best to use materials you connect with. I'm using pipe cleaners for these guys and that works wonderfully for me, but it might not for you. Use your instincts! Express your divinity. 
As with any enchantments, it's best to spend the with them after they've been born. I usually keep them with me for at least a week or two afterwards. As you spend time with them they get to know you, your life and the people around you. This helps them understand your needs better and improves your relationship with them significantly. They will learn their role in your life organically, based on necessity. This also helps you get familiar with them and their energy. 
Have a safety plan in mind, just in case something goes wrong. Plans on how to protect them or save them are important in case they get attacked or injured. It's also important to have in mind a way to destroy them if they turn into something dangerous. It is your responsibility to do so if you have to, but as a last resort of course. Fire and banishment is a method. As long as a fragment of them exists, they may live on. This is also my disclaimer. Playing with fire is a great thing, just don't let it consume you. I'm not encouraging anyone to make these, just explaining my process and opinions to anyone that has decided to do so already, or is curious as to these things. 
Don't forget about them. If you store them, store them together and have a special place to do so. If you can no longer care for them, consider selling them to transfer ownership. Always, always explain to the buyer what they are getting themselves into. Otherwise, this would be a spiritual attack and you will need to deal with the ramifications of this. Don't let the guardians fall into loneliness to the point of despair. Give them the ability to sleep. Unnecessary despair breeds all sorts of negativity and can cause all sorts of issues. 
Do not insist on asking for something they are not able to do. They may not be allowed to, or even be able to tell you why. You should respectfully as for their reasons and then respect their decision and privacy by allowing them to keep it to themselves if that's what they want to do. 
Don't hold back! If you have an idea, go for it. The worst that'll happen is you'll fail. At least you'll go down with courage! Push your limits. Believe you are more than you think, and you might start seeing that you really, really are. Trust yourself and be yourself. Create what you feel called to. Create for the sake of creating. Don't worry so much about rules or systems, you are perfectly qualified to make your own! You don't need loads of experience to do so. Let your instincts guide you instead, see where it goes. As long as you do that, whatever you do will be wonderfully magickal regardless. 
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