#and then we never see her again because i agree that rtd constantly referencing his own era would get really annoying really quickly
thepunkmuppet · 1 year
so i may be deranged. that’s it i’m deranged basically this is what i want from the ending of the 60th anniversary and the introduction of ncuti gatwa’s doctor
so this is just something that has been cooking in my brain for a while, not an actual “THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN BEAT FOR BEAT AND IF IT DOESNT I WILL KMS” kind of theory, with no actual evidence, so don’t take it too seriously it’s just something i would like to see :)
btw i’m going to be referring to ncuti’s doctor as 15 and tennant’s new doctor as 14
so the cliffhanger at the end of the second episode is ncuti’s 15th doctor showing up, in costume, perfectly compus-mentus, right in front of the 14th doctor.
turns out he’s actually there with ruby sunday, who’s been travelling with him for a while, as they are visibly comfortable and familiar with each other (advertising their dynamic to get people watching season 14). he is the next incarnation of the doctor, come back in time to help himself (they would have to come up with some reason to break the “don’t go back on your personal timeline” rule, but that’s not that hard lmao).
they stop the threat, save the day, chat and bicker, etc etc. i can’t say anything about how because obviously i have no clue what’s actually going on in the specials, but bottom line is 14 says goodbye to donna and co, dies, and regenerates, hence why we get ncuti in 14’s clothes looking confused.
as per usual, his memories are all fucked up, he’s confused and doesn’t really know what’s going on. ruby and the older version of 15 take him back to his tardis, and tell him to take a nap or something and chill out, before going back to their own tardis and leaving.
i think it would be really fun if ruby gave him a piece of paper with the time and place that they meet on it, creating a fun bootstrap paradox and already giving the doctor and ruby an interesting timey-wimey relationship. it would also be cool if either ruby or the older 15 tell him something really cryptic and prophetic to tease season 14.
we get a scene of ruby and older 15 back in their tardis, leaving, before cutting back to a more grounded and less confused young 15, in his tardis with all of his memories back.
now you have to bear with me here because i am a doctorrose idiot through and through but hey it’s the 60th and rtd is back so let me dream ok?
so basically young 15 is hanging out in his tardis, maybe having just gone to get whatever food he was craving or something, and then he hears a familiar voice. he turns around with a shocked and sad face, and sees rose, now many years older, standing in front of him. through her work at unit, she figured out how to do something similar to what she does in season 4 and project herself into our universe. queue absolutely gut-wrenching conversation, ending in rose saying she wants to know everything about what she has missed.
the camera pulls out and begins to spin slowly around the tardis as the two of them talk. only every time the tardis console obscures them from view, they re-emerge as a different doctor talking to rose, going back through 13, 12, 11, 10, and finally, 9, talking to a smiling young rose dressed exactly as she was the first time she met the doctor way back in 2005. cut to black everyone is sat on their sofas sobbing and throwing up the end :)
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sherl-grey · 3 years
The reason Eleven x Rose is so great is because of the yearning and the idea of the star-crossed lovers finally getting their happy ending together. At least, that's my thoughts on them lmao
Yes, I 100% agree, but there's also just something about Eleven's personality that makes me so sad that he never has her along? *long-winded thoughts incoming, lol* I'll put the disclaimer here that I'm still new to DW in general in case that affects any of the following, but so far:
He's the flirtiest and most direct Doctor that I've seen yet (in terms of some of the more emotional bits, at least; where I'm at, Twelve is direct so far but more in the "blunt" way, haha), and given the mental place we know Ten left off in, it's hard not to think that it's because he's missing something that he's desperate to find again. I could dig pretty deep into my opinions on Nine & Ten's eras vs. Eleven's era, but I will say that while the Ponds do clearly love Eleven, their relationships with the Doctor are extremely different than those of the RTD companions. The personal bonds that he builds with Rose, Martha and Donna are so different than even the one he builds with Amy, who (and I could write an essay on this stupid part but for the sake of sanity let's not) he also "shares" with Rory, by which I mean he's not the sole focus of her attention the way he was with other companions. And we don't ever really see him get that close to Rory or (imo) River. He does eventually get that full-attention closeness from Clara and my goodness he immediately soaks it up like a sponge. He's desperate for that kind of affection or dare I say love. This isn't to take away from Eleven's companions necessarily (though I have a separate list of complaints there, lol), but it feels an awful lot like watching him constantly try to fill a gap.
And we get that awful episode A Good Man Goes to War (sorry to anyone who liked it, though I have like no followers here so I think I'm safe) where River shows up at the end and randomly gets an almost-parallel moment to Rose's in "Dalek," only instead of being preventative it's remedial--what has the Doctor changed into? (Especially as there's that running "the Doctor needs someone to stop him" theme; Rose always stopped him. Donna stopped him. Amy even stopped him in the star-whale episode, but it wasn't enough to stop him from eventually snowballing.)
I just think, overall, even if she's not explicitly mentioned or referenced very often, there are still very major parts of Eleven that I imagine are wounds carried over from Ten losing Rose, and it's particularly heartbreaking that he never gets any time with her and only suffers from the loss.
Also, I just think Rose would've absolutely adored Eleven and his really bad flirting and his stupid hats and ridiculous bow-tie and the way he trips over his own two feet and really, everything. And he would've loved her, just like his last two selves.
(Sorry, I know this is so much longer than the "heck yes!" that the ask warranted, but I'm in a "thoughts are everywhere" mood.)
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