#and there are soany other examples
thestarstho · 1 year
Animation can ALWAYS be more interesting by looking LESS realistic.
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ineffectualdemon · 5 months
I saw a post awhile back that's beem stickingnin my craw
It was a post about how recycling and reusing isn't that valuable to helping the environment or reducing waste because it will still ultimately end up in a landfill and and it doesn't cause reduction in that the thing being produced
And some of the examples given bugged me
First one "if you reuse the plastic container into a plant pot it does nothing in reduction and still ends up in a landfill"
Okay but- What if you recycle that plastic pot but next time you buy something made glass and you use that glass jar for storage for a long time. Reducing the need to buy more storage meaning there is less demand for it and if you do recycle it glass is better for actually recycling into new things and you can find projects and artisans who work to create a closed cycle of recycling glass where they crush it up and make it into something new that can then be crushed and made into something new again
Another example of this kind of thing. I have soany different types of tea. I mostly store them in old jars which is better than buying fancy container for them which is what I would do if I did not use old jars
That is a reduction
Second one: "I made things out of old pieces of clothing but I'm not reducing anything because if I didn't I just wouldn't have them"
Maybe that's true for that person. But as a crafter if I don't recycle old bits of fabric or clothing or go to scrapstore I would still want and need to create and would buy new fabric
Reusing or making use of scrap stores is lessening demand for new
Is it a drop of water in the sea? Maybe
But where I am and my situation in the world that's what I can do. I can do my best to buy things I will reuse again and again rather than discard quickly
And maybe thats not a lot but it's something and I don't think it's useless to encourage people to reuse and recycle. I don't think it's useless to try and be as environmentally sound as we can as an individual. Because people do those things out of hope, and the more hope they have the more they feel able to engage in other actions to help the environment such as protesting or working together in groups or anything else you find more effective
By telling people that what they are doing is "useless" or "pointless" or "won't help" you're just killing any drive they have to try and change things.
No me reusing a honey jar to store tea or taking a old shirt and reusing it to make something new is not going to save the planet. But it's a positive choice that I can do in my own home that gives me a small feeling of control that I can than take and apply to the bigger issue and the corporations making the biggest problems
Also how is people not caring and just creating more and more waste rather then trying to shrink their own footprint better?
Why do you think it's useful to drive people into apathetic despair?
Idk I just get frustrated
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