#and there were no blameless skrinkle
soimcoga · 1 year
I want to see shadowpeach's falling out just as much as any other guy, but I would fucking hate if it was a one-sided thing. I don't want there to be a wronged one and the one who wronged him. I don't want there to be "I'm completely blameless" and "You ruined everything, you stupid bitch".
I want them both to be equally to blame. I want them both to go out of their way on emotions, I want Macaque to absolutely shit on SWK’s feelings and wishes, because he's blinded by the ideal version of Wukong he created in his mind so much he refuses to see the real SWK, who desires to change for the better. I want Wukong to rage, to writhe in antagonizing hatred, because his best bud, the Six-Eared Macaque, literally doesn't fucking listen to any word he says to him. I want Macaque to actually make Wukong chase shadows, while he assumes his identity and makes the pilgrims believe that Wukong is still the same Monkey King, even though it’s literally the opposite of what SWK tries to accomplish. I want Macaque to actually, meaningfully hurt the pilgrims, so that Wukong would have no other choice but to go back.  I want Wukong to genuinely disown Macaque, to hurt him with painful, bitter words, because he feels so betrayed, and I want Macaque to retaliate the same way, because he, too, feels just as betrayed. I want Wukong to fucking snap, I want the decision to fight Macaque to be completely conscious on his part, I want him to be bitter and unmoving, I want Wukong to absolutely willingly hurt Macaque to the point he would never return and their fates won’t cross anymore, taking his eye.
I want them both to refuse to see each other’s point of view in their blind pursuit. I want them both to take the wrong path to the goal they believe to be correct. I want Macaque to cling to the past Wukong promised him without realizing that it’s just shackles to both of them. I want Wukong to chase that thought of “being better” so desperately he refuses to acknowledge that this pursuit hurts those he once cared the most about instead.
I want them both to be wrong. And I want them both being consciously wrong and not seeing it until the very end. So that now, when they are both changed people, they could reconcile and be like “oh yeah, I guess I had a very fucked up mindset back then, huh. And I was just as much of an asshole to the other as he was to me”. 
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