#i have strong opinions
soimcoga · 1 year
I want to see shadowpeach's falling out just as much as any other guy, but I would fucking hate if it was a one-sided thing. I don't want there to be a wronged one and the one who wronged him. I don't want there to be "I'm completely blameless" and "You ruined everything, you stupid bitch".
I want them both to be equally to blame. I want them both to go out of their way on emotions, I want Macaque to absolutely shit on SWK’s feelings and wishes, because he's blinded by the ideal version of Wukong he created in his mind so much he refuses to see the real SWK, who desires to change for the better. I want Wukong to rage, to writhe in antagonizing hatred, because his best bud, the Six-Eared Macaque, literally doesn't fucking listen to any word he says to him. I want Macaque to actually make Wukong chase shadows, while he assumes his identity and makes the pilgrims believe that Wukong is still the same Monkey King, even though it’s literally the opposite of what SWK tries to accomplish. I want Macaque to actually, meaningfully hurt the pilgrims, so that Wukong would have no other choice but to go back.  I want Wukong to genuinely disown Macaque, to hurt him with painful, bitter words, because he feels so betrayed, and I want Macaque to retaliate the same way, because he, too, feels just as betrayed. I want Wukong to fucking snap, I want the decision to fight Macaque to be completely conscious on his part, I want him to be bitter and unmoving, I want Wukong to absolutely willingly hurt Macaque to the point he would never return and their fates won’t cross anymore, taking his eye.
I want them both to refuse to see each other’s point of view in their blind pursuit. I want them both to take the wrong path to the goal they believe to be correct. I want Macaque to cling to the past Wukong promised him without realizing that it’s just shackles to both of them. I want Wukong to chase that thought of “being better” so desperately he refuses to acknowledge that this pursuit hurts those he once cared the most about instead.
I want them both to be wrong. And I want them both being consciously wrong and not seeing it until the very end. So that now, when they are both changed people, they could reconcile and be like “oh yeah, I guess I had a very fucked up mindset back then, huh. And I was just as much of an asshole to the other as he was to me”. 
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yourtranscousin · 25 days
Hey yall idk if this is too radical but i just have shit to say and i wanna rant. So we had an assignment in geography and we had to like compare a LDC and a MDC i chose south sudan and i dont remember the other one, i think it started with an L. Sorry thats not important about this i got distracted. So anyway, I did some googling for the assugnment and i found out that a big reason people in sudan have such a short life expectancy is because they dont have access to healthcare and they get sick. That is so wild to me. Because the big source my teacher gave us to choose the countries WAS THE UN. Like??? Isnt it like half their job to help these people?? United Nations more like Useless nations haha. But what do i know, i dont know the inner workings of the UN. So then i got thinking. What about the U.S.? What about Britain? What about all thw big countries with more than enough money to help a ton of people? Maybe they could reallocate the funds theyre using to bomb the middle east and maybe help people???? OR MAYBE, they could use it to help their own people, like homeless people and provide food and build affordable housing maybe. Maybe they could do that instead of voting AGAINST making food a a human right AMERICA. OR. MAYBE DO BOTH. THEY ARE GIVING SO MUCH MONEY AWAY TO A COUNTRY ACTIVELY COMMITTING A GENOCIDE THEY COULD DO BOTH. THEY COULD HELP OTHER COUNTRIES AND THEIR OWN. But they wont. What is it with adults and having 0 empathy?
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rekikiri · 2 months
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vilf-lover · 11 months
my top 5-judge as you please
1. David
2. Sam
3. Milo
4. Gavin
5. Guy
a few more things
i liked asshole david, angst is one of my favorite tropes, vega is one of my favorites too, echotober is my favorite time of year (specifically that one video that got taken off of yt), and uh my least favorites used to be lasko, asher, and huxley not anymore, im healing
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helloitshaley · 1 year
tbh I do not buy Velma and Shaggy as a couple (talking mystery inc specifically don't get me started on that trash can of a show Velma) but really, I never picked up much on any chemistry there. What really put the nail in the coffin for me though is her constantly trying to make him choose between her and Scooby! if anyone ever said me or the dog I'm taking the dog 100% of the time! I love this show otherwise but its making Velma so unlikable to me.
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ryangravytrain · 6 months
Who in their right mind allowed me to watch teen wolf????
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dragonflavoredcake · 2 years
Everyone likes Hades and hates Zeus but y'all are sleeping on Hephaestus, the dude doesn't get enough credit. Constantly making stuff and only comes out of his forge to be gloriously petty to those who have wronged him. He's a disabled king with the coolest leg braces this side of the Mediterranean. He never lets anyone push him around, not even Zeus, but isn't difficult just for the sake of being difficult. The guy built giant robots and none of you APPRECIATE
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Frank frankly (welcome home) looks so damn much like the dude form fenomena who had this terrible life partner and kept loosing hair and got possessed.
They look so similar smh-
Anyways I'm gonna go ahead and ramble in the tags now.
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obsidiandragon · 2 years
The term danger noodle should be reserved for hots not precious baby beeps
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
god people can be so stupid. i thought it was a trend on tiktok but nope, there are genuine idiots out there
i can’t believe i have to argue with people about BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS
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iturbide · 2 years
Sorry I wasn't trying to come off as sarcastic and more just curious as to how you felt towards the other FE games like SoV and Mystery of the Emblem where their endings have the unification of the continents.
As for why Houses is written like that, I think it comes down to the writers having to write under the assumption the player never recruits anybody from different houses since recruiting characters is, at the end of the day, optional. Kind of like how Awakening has the children unit but outside of Lucina none of them play a major role in the story because they are all optional despite the fact they shouldn't be.
So let's say you go through Azure Moon and recruit nobody during the Academy Phase. Lorenz dies during the battle at Myrddin Bridge, Lysithea dies during the battle at Gronder, Marianne is MIA, and, depending on how you play the Derdriu chapter, both Judith and Hilda can end up dead and with Claude leaving that leaves no one on the Round Table. Even in the best case scenario, Hilda and House Goneril would be the only Round Table members left.
Same thing for the Empire side. Sure if Ferdinand and the other Eagles are alive then them going back to the Empire and Ferdinand becoming the new Prime Minster and work to restore the Empire after the war but if we assume the game is written under the assumption that you recruit nobody, all the Eagles die, leaving the Empire without any sort of leadership.
Basically, the unification of Fodlan during all the route endings is less of a "The continent is unified because *insert side here* won the war" and more "The continent is unified because the 5 year war has all but destroyed the leadership of the Alliance/Empire/Kingdom." Is it dumb? Yes. The writers should have written a different ending depending on the recruitments you make. But it's also understandable why they're forced to write the story for the routes the way they did because of how the recruitments are not mandatory.
But that's not true. You're assuming that all the people heading up these nations died -- but it's the parents who are actually in the seats of power during the war. Marianne's not at the Round Table (since her endcards specifically state that she was tutored for the position after the war), nor is Lysithea (who was planning on bowing out anyway), nor is Lorenz (who hadn't yet inherited the title). Count Gloucester is frankly primed to take up leadership of the Round Table when Claude bows out, because we know for a fact that he's alive based on Lorenz insisting he can get through to his father if you recruit him. Sure, the loss of their heirs is undeniably tragic, but we also know that inheritance doesn't have to be based solely on blood: both Marianne and Mercedes on the Kingdom side were adopted into their respective families despite loose or absent blood connections in order to elevate their status. Noble families could very easily look into adoption to continue holding their position of leadership, if they decided to keep to the Crest requirement at all (and since Judith was part of the Round Table for quite awhile despite not having a Crest before ceding her place to Margrave Edmund, it's clearly not a requirement at least in Leicester).
For the Empire in particular, there's just a power vacuum -- and more than enough noble families to fill it. For one thing, Caspar isn't even set to inherit because his brother has a Crest, so the Bergliez family isn't even out of power regardless of what happens to him -- and we know his dad is still active because he's the one Edelgard charges in CF with overseeing matters in the newly conquered Alliance. Plus, you also have at least one powerful noble family who doesn't personally have kids at Garreg Mach -- House Gerth, which was named as one of the key players in the Insurrection of the Seven. That's not even getting into the named territories on the Fodlan map where you very likely have more noble families who just didn't get attention and screentime. The Empire isn't just going to fall apart without Edelgard and the Black Eagles heirs -- it has more than enough nobles to fill in for any families taken out of the running. They just need a new overall leader, or to change the rules so that they're operating openly on the post-Insurrection structure rather than needing the figurehead of the Emperor.
So no, I don't think it's the writers assuming no recruitment. I think it's the writers incorrectly believing that the best ending is one where everything is unified, when that's just blatantly untrue.
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urnewlesbianfriend · 2 years
ya ever just wanna
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thelionessandmedusa · 2 years
My father has raised a couple of snobs. I was scrolling through Pinterest looking for baking ideas and I came across a recipe for “strawberry peach cobbler” but literally it was strawberries and peaches mixed with sugars and cornstarch with pre made piecrust cut up and put on top. Honey. That is not a cobbler. That’s a half assed deep dish pie. Showed my sister. She concurs.
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I know many people liked the new magazine that Taron was involved with because it was a much-needed improvement from the previous one, but I do wish for a less boring and more darling styling of clothes and set.
Agreed. Get him on the Ami Paris train. Throw some Stella McCartney at the man. Some funky Percival polo shirts. Cucinelli, Vuitton, Ferragamo, it's all great but it's also mega classic—we need something FRESH.
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sunshinem0ths · 3 months
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club meshis
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thechekhov · 1 year
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