#and there’s the potential possibility for silver’s seemingly one purpose to be challenged against him too
selkie-hi · 2 years
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Sorry TWST x honkai au taking over my brain again
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moonbaby26 · 4 years
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Title: The Battle
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Continuation from last chapter. Set during X-Men: Age of Apocalypse, you and the others fly to Cairo to confront Apocalypse and his soldiers in an attempt to rescue Xavier.
Warnings: Apocalypse being a leg breaking, hero strangling jerk. Characters fighting for their lives, but bookended with fluff from Peter x Reader pairing.
Chapters: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Taglist: @drikawinchester , @n0obmaster69 , @alexloveskili , @what-a-silver-lining , @bluesprings18 , @weakmoony-stuff , @slytherinsi-mp, @wintwrsoldiwr, @tommy-braccoli, @amourtentiaa
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
You’d at least gotten to clean up somewhat. Earlier as Hank and the new woman you’d just met, Moira, had worked on readying the jet, you’d found some bit of helpful supplies. Clean rags to wipe off the blood, and bandages that’d you’d hurriedly applied to your shallow claw wounds.
All the remnants of your restraints were gone, and your old, torn clothes you’d just tossed in favor of the thin jumpsuit and lightly armored black flight suit over the top of it. You all wore these suits, commandeered with this experimental jet now rumbling beneath you as you shot off to Cairo together.
There was silence for a good while, after some initial nervous chatter and joking from the others. It would have been too easy to fill this quiet with any of the myriad of questions still rushing through your brain, but you really had just listened and little more when they’d filled you in earlier with the gist of what they’d learned.
All that really mattered was that the Professor was being held captive by a seemingly omnipotent mutant. One that had now declared war on all and recruited his own powerful soldiers. This was a rescue mission, with likely all your lives at stake.
You leaned your head back, wondering if anyone else would really even know or care what had happened to you if you never came back from this.
The escape from Stryker’s lab had been life threatening as well of course, but it was so different when it’d just been one thing after another. Events unfolding too quickly to really develop any sense of dread, it’d been all adrenaline and luck really.
But even in a jet like this, flying all the way to Egypt was more than just a skip and a jump. It was well enough time to dwell on your own inexperience and shortcomings, to wonder if this was the last time you’d ever do anything at all.
“Hey,” Peter’s voice was quiet, just to you, as you glanced over, having been mired only in your own thoughts until that moment.
He was sitting beside you, both of you strapped in these jump seats that ran along both sides of the jet. Vaguely you realized the others had started talking once more as well then. Maybe that was why he felt more comfortable speaking to you again now.
He hadn’t addressed you directly since you’d reunited with the others. Though you wouldn’t blame him if he was just as nervous as you were deep down. But from his self deprecating jokes in front of your friends earlier, about still living at home with his mother, he would at least seem better at hiding fear if he did have any.
“Hey,” You answered back reflexively, looking at him fully again.
“So uh....” He was chewing a piece of gum, as if some part of him still had to stay in motion in order to remain comfortable. “That car, that was pretty sweet. That yours or what?”
Honestly it took you a very long, awkward pause before you could piece together any idea of what he was referring to. But being that you’d only known him since literally just earlier today, there wasn’t anything else he could possibly mean. “The yellow convertible?” You questioned anyway, not really surprised by much of anything now.
“Yeah, I mean, I take the road if there is one. I saw you guys on the way to the house,” He answered, still offering a little explanation regardless. “Looked like you knew what you were doing though.” There was a more sheepish grin emerging. “I was going to stop and say hey I guess. But then I saw the, you know, fireball coming out the house and all, had to go see what that was about. Save everybody or whatever...” He trailed off after a bit, maybe realizing that you were just letting him ramble.
It reminded you of how you’d acted with him during the whole lab fiasco. He seemed the more confident one down there, while you got easily flustered. You really wondered if having your friends here now was making the difference. As if he was more unsure of himself when there was a potential audience to hear what you might say back to him.
It was interesting, getting to put more of those pieces together, or at least starting to be able to when it came to him. For putting on the display of an extrovert, and if you could finally admit it, even him being an outright flirt, you felt more and more sure that that was only skin deep really. That was just the outer layer he protected himself with.
“It was one of the Professor’s cars,” You smiled genuinely, probably the first one since they’d told you where you were going in this jet and why. “We were on our way back from the mall.”
That warmth from you seemed to ease him back into his normal tone, maybe a slight relief in him that you didn’t find it off putting that he’d already taken notice of you before you even knew he was anywhere around.
“Oh, mallrat, huh?” He quipped, “I can picture that.”
He was teasing, but you gave it right back. “There is no way you can tell me that you don’t end up in music stores wherever you live, like a lot.” You hadn’t forgotten his band t-shirt after all. You thought you’d seen him putting away headphones at some point too. “And that leather jacket and pants you had? Come on, that didn’t come from some bargain clothes rack.”
You might have had him for just a moment there. Just a flicker of surprise in his eyes to know you really had paid him that much attention, before he retorted, “Hey, what’s the point of a fast car if it has no style, right?”
“Says the guy who most people can’t even see until he slows down.” But you were purposeful to make clear in your tone that that wasn’t an insult at all, just continuing a little more bravely afterward, “Though their loss I guess.”
There was no mistake then, he really did pause. You could feel the slightest bit of heat in your face again, but you were not about to take that back. Not when you didn’t even know what was really awaiting you all at the end of this flight.
And you were still the next one to speak, that resolve remaining. “If we make it out of this, maybe you can come with me back over there to our mall. Help me pick out some new stuff.” You tried not to make it sound funny, but on some cosmic level it still was. “Seeing as how my room and everything I owned was incinerated and all.”
“Deal.” He said immediately. Only a little afterward seeming to realize that maybe he sounded a bit too eager. He cleared his throat, shifting in his seat. “I mean, I’m pretty good at Ms. Pac Man too. They have an arcade, right?”
“Yes.” You answered, trying not to look too amused, and going along with him to help him feel more comfortable. “I can’t say I’m actually any good, but they do have a Flash Gordon pinball machine I always play. And a couple of air hockey tables. That’s my go-to.” No question with his speed that he would likely annihilate you on both. But the idea of being in a much simpler, safer place like that with him some day was a pleasant one right now.
“Oh yeah. I can show you a thing or two.” He was clearly back in his element then, looking smug once more.
“I’m sure you will.” You could only wonder if the god complex mutant and his lackeys you were now off to go challenge would have any idea that in the back of your mind you’d now be dreaming of a simple date in an arcade as extra motivation to get back home in one piece.
It wasn’t long before things had started spiraling in quick succession again. You’d all arrived in Cairo to find it essentially destroyed, save for what this fake god had already erected in monument to himself. A huge pyramid in the style of the ancient Egyptians, one he’d taken Xavier hostage inside.
It hadn’t been clear though how much of the destruction was done by this mutant, and how much had actually been at Magneto’s hands as it was with more shock that you’d found him in the middle of this as well. Now serving this apocalyptic mutant.
You knew enough about Magneto to both fear and respect him. Even though his history with the Professor went back so many years, Erik Lehnsherr as he was actually named was always more on the side of peace through violence. While Xavier preached ideals of tolerance and education for regular humans to one day accept mutant kind, Magneto thought them incapable of such, and had no qualms on preemptive strikes against non mutants as well as eye for an eye type vengeance.
But even for Magneto this seemed surprising. He would really just give Xavier up this way? As you’d gotten closer, Jean had sensed that Apocalypse (what you were now calling the new enemy in your own mind) intended to take over the Professor’s body, possessing him permanently to gain access to his mind control powers and become basically omniscient. He’d be unstoppable with everyone as his puppets then. Free will would cease to exist.
“You guys help Nightcrawler get into the pyramid!” Raven called back to all of you as the jet was landing. “Get Charles and I’ll take care of Erik.”
You’d snapped back to attention at the orders, and you saw that Peter was suddenly at her side.
He looked so focused all at once, “I can get you in there,” He told her, referring to the debris field of broken buildings and all else now churning, stuck in a huge magnetic orb with Magneto at its center. When she didn’t look sure, he continued quickly. “I came here for him, let me help you.”
Raven nodded to Peter then in agreement, knowing there was no time for more back and forth. “The rest of you, get Charles on this plane and get him out of here!”
You too knew what was at stake, there was no reason to argue, even if there still must have been concern on your face. You didn’t understand Peter’s change and sudden fixation on Magneto.
But it was only Kurt that spoke up immediately, yelling back to Raven and Peter, “We’re not leaving without you!”
Peter looked back at that, “Don’t worry.” In fact, you realized he was looking directly to you for one moment. “We’ll catch up.”
While Peter had sped Raven out of sight to try and reason with Magneto, Moira had stayed with the jet and Hank had come with you, Scott, Jean, and Kurt.
But as you all ran along the rubble, trying to make your way to the pyramid, it hadn’t been but moments until you encountered Apocalypse’s other soldiers, mutants set on stopping you all from interfering by any means necessary.
A tall, blonde man with wings made out of metal, a ninja seeming woman with a pinkish purple energy she could wield from her hand like a blade even while also carrying a katana, and a girl nearer your own age with stark white hair and seemingly the most power out of the three as she’d flown right towards you throwing lightning bolts from her hands.
You’d had no choice but to split up. Which you were sure was what they’d wanted even as you’d chosen to try and take the white haired girl’s attention. You didn’t really want to find out what would happen if one of those bolts struck you directly, but you could guess you had the best chance of anyone to maybe absorb some of it in your energy form.
You’d immediately powered up, glowing white as she’d chased you around the sky, both of you darting and flying in some kind of bizarre dog fight.
Your heart had been racing though, no amount of training at the mansion could actually prepare you for dueling with someone who actually wished to harm you. Everything to this point had just been about learning to control your powers, maybe even firing an energy blast at a dummy or paper target or two. But you’d never tried to hurt anyone. Not on purpose.
“Why are you helping him!?” You yelled out to her, swerving again as she tried to get close enough to you to land a hit. You generated an orb of light energy from one hand, letting it destabilize before you threw it towards her. It collapsed into itself, exploding to make a shockwave through the air that pushed her back again.
“He’s going to make it so we never have to hide what we are again!” She growled back in frustration, steadying herself in the air before her eyes hazed over into solid white.
You doubted that could be good, and of course it wasn’t as she raised her arms, a tornado like blast of wind then trying to knock you from the sky. You were able to shield yourself somewhat with your force fields, but the barrage of debris and wreckage that came with the winds made it too difficult to keep track of her as she did nearly land a direct lightning strike then.
“You’re wrong!” You yelled back, even as you felt numb and disoriented briefly, like the electricity surge was messing with your own energy. “He’s just using all of you! He only wants slaves, nothing more! And you’re just going to hand us all to him!”
She didn’t answer back after that, but you knew it wasn’t as if you could change anyone’s mind for them. She’d have to live with her own choices, just as you’d have to live with yours.
After a good while of this tit for tat though, you were really trying to take her out of the sky at last, knowing you needed to find and help the others as this had already been going on for far too long. You started trying to get her in the chest with white energy beam after energy beam shooting from your hands. She was fast, but you were able to at least get her in one shoulder at last as she spun with the force, losing altitude quickly with the hit.
Even as she fell, you could see her already correcting course though, trying to take aim at you again as she glared upwards.
But you didn’t get to see what happened next. A three fingered hand grasped your left arm suddenly from thin air, and then you were collapsing onto the floor of the jet you’d come here in.
“Gotcha, time to go!” Kurt spoke quickly as you looked to him in surprise, that strange burning smell hanging in the air briefly that always accompanied his teleporting. It was as instant a feeling as moving with Peter, but thankfully without the subsequent vertigo as you stood quickly, powering down, even as you were already looking around for the speedster.
With relief you did see Jean cradling the Professor’s head as they sat on the floor, Xavier unconscious but still breathing. But you did not see Peter or Raven.
Moira and Hank were already firing up the jet engines and you grabbed hold to the wall as you felt the craft quickly rising. “What about Peter and Raven?” You called out over the noise of the turbines spooling up faster and faster.
“We’ll have to trust them to figure it out, we’ve got to get Charles out of here now!” Hank answered back, leaving no room for debate.
You felt an unease building in your stomach, but it was true that if Apocalypse got Xavier, that Peter, Raven, or anyone else would then no longer matter anyway. At least for now you could hope Peter would just take Raven and run somewhere far from here. Xavier and Jean could use their psychic abilities to find them later and you could reunite.
But a hard thud above you left you all looking upward as the jet rattled.
“What the hell was that!?” Moira called out.
As soon as you saw that pinkish energy blade emerging through the jet’s hull, you had already powered up again, glowing and ready to shield the others as best you could. Apocalypse’s soldiers were proving too difficult to shake.
Yet Jean had other plans, “Everyone, grab onto Kurt!” She yelled.
You didn’t know what altitude you were already at, but you knew it wasn’t a survivable one for the jet itself if it was ditched now. Yet a fight in this close of quarters with all your powers would likely end in the same result. So her choice wasn’t as irrational as it first seemed.
You reached one hand quickly back, firmly grabbing onto Kurt’s shoulder, even as you kept your other hand raised towards where the metal winged mutant and the blade wielding woman were now trying to force their way in through the breach they’d created in the hull.
“I’ve never done it with this many people!” Kurt warned as you all held to him.
“Get us out of here!” Jean commanded, her desperation bringing out a forcefulness you hadn’t yet seen from her.
But Kurt was still straining, the sound of his opening whatever portal he used clearly heard but not bringing you anywhere as he tried several times.
The man with the metal wings jumped down into the cockpit, now just feet away as you realized what you had to do.
“Go without me!” You screamed over the rush of wind now coming through the hull breach. You let go of Kurt, making direct eye contact with Jean.
You could get out on your own. At least you were going to try. It was the only way. Kurt wasn’t able to take you all.
You felt that Jean was listening, that she heard your thoughts and that as difficult as it was, she agreed just as quickly. It was the only way.
“Do it!” She urged Kurt even through the horrified look he gave you both.
“I’m taking it down.” You also heard her voice say in your head almost simultaneously. That briefest warning to ready yourself before she willed the controls to throw the plane into a nosedive and cause Apocalypse’s soldiers to lose their footing.
The last you saw of your other friends was still their shocked and frightened expressions as they disappeared from right in front of you. But this was your only chance as well, propelling yourself as fast you could, right through the fading cloud of gas they left behind and past the now tumbling winged mutant as all your focus went to that small square of sunlight that they’d cut into the hull.
It was your one window of survival. For just the briefest moment, you felt him try to grab hold of your leg as you flew past him. But you kicked him with the other leg as hard as you could manage, breaking free into the open air as the jet plummeted on without you.
Out the corner of your eye you saw the woman had remained on the outside of the jet, but jumped free from it as well. You lost sight of her as you both fell, focusing only on trying to slow your descent to a survivable speed. It was one thing to levitate yourself up from a neutral position, and wholly another to try and control your energy field around yourself enough to reverse the terminal velocity transferred to you from being within a crashing plane.
The ground still came too fast, too hard. You blacked out on impact, laying alone in the dirt as your light energy faded, receding back inside you.
An unknown time later, something jolted you awake. You could hear screaming as you opened your eyes. You were laying on your side. Everything hurt and you could taste blood in your mouth.
But you were already forcing yourself back up as you swallowed. Disoriented as you were, you still recognized that voice. It was Peter. He was hurt.
You were looking all around you, and it didn’t take long to see the source and reason for the screams.
Not far from you at all, Apocalypse stood in a clearing from all the rubble. Peter right beside him, half crumpled to the ground. One of Peter’s feet was encased in the earth, trapping him there like an animal in a snare. His other leg was clearly broken, twisted at a grossly unnatural angle.
You felt a foreign rage beginning to burn up inside you, but before you could even physically react you saw the woman with the katana again. Nowhere in your mind did you take any time to consider how she would look so clean and uninjured having just come from the same circumstances as you of barely escaping the crashing jet.
All you saw was her walking towards her master, sword at the ready to finish Peter.
“Stop, (Y/N)!”
Charles screaming inside your head was the only thing that kept you from revealing yourself at that moment.
“It’s Raven! I’m telling you, it’s Raven!” Even Charles was struggling to break through your flaring emotions, as he repeated himself desperately. “He’ll kill you, (Y/N)! Stay in place, I beg you!”
The Professor had never spoken to you in such a way before. You gripped onto the broken wall in front of you, still only just obscured from their view as you saw Apocalypse grab Peter by the hair, jerking the young man’s head back roughly to expose his throat to the woman.
“It’s Raven, please trust her!” Charles did not let go. You could feel him actually starting to control you even, something he had absolutely never done before, though your emotions were exploding like they also never had. He didn’t want you to make a life ending mistake.
“(Y/N), please.” He called again and you realized you were being held in place, unable to move out any further. You were forced to only watch as the woman raised her blade, Peter wincing in fear and pain beneath her as she swung it.
But it was only Apocalypse’s throat that ripped open. Yet even in your surprise, any sense of victory was still non existent. No blood poured from the wound, and it healed completely within moments as he only grabbed his supposed traitor by the neck, holding her up immediately.
Raven’s feet hung in the air while she choked, her blue skin and true appearance quickly returning as she could no longer control her disguise as Apocalypse strangled her.
And it was only then that you felt Xavier letting go of you, in his own shock as Apocalypse tried to bait him out.
“Charles! Come! Rescue your weaklings!” Apocalypse challenged aloud, still dangling the now helpless Raven while Peter stayed trapped at their feet. “Give your life for theirs!”
He was going to kill her right in front of you. You powered up, knowing there was no other choice. You had to-
“No. I’m still connected to him. Let me get in his head, (Y/N), then you can go to them.” The professor spoke quickly, yet with a touch of new resolve.
“Charles! Will you do nothing?” The false god continued to bellow.
This time you listened without being forced to. You did see Apocalypse pause as if Xavier was indeed making contact. It was still an agonizing wait, but when he finally let go of Raven, you allowed yourself some shred of hope. You’d never seen anyone be able to overpower the Professor mentally, once he was fully in.
But that hope was also short lived as just moments later Apocalypse raised his hand abruptly. At will he dissolved the outer wall of a nearby building. You could see Scott and Hank then exposed, themselves just as surprised and staring out. But you knew it could only mean that Apocalypse had used Xavier’s connection against him just that quickly to root out his hiding place.
This could be the end then. You resigned yourself that the only choice was to die fighting if that is what it had to be. But you weren’t as alone as you thought.
As Apocalypse had left Peter and Raven behind, now striding confidently to his prize, two massive steel beams suddenly shot into his path. They buried themselves into the ground, crossing into an X to block him.
You looked back into the sky, glad in this single moment that you had been right about at least one thing. Magneto wouldn’t give Xavier up in the end. Not without bloodshed anyway.
“You betray me?” Apocalypse asked, already turning to deal with Erik instead.
“No. I betrayed them.” Magneto unleashed hell then, every bit of metal he could pull shooting towards Apocalypse in an unending assault as the other raised a shield that incinerated each and every piece as it hit. But doing so clearly taxed him, allowing the perfect moment for the rest of you to join the battlefield.
You got to Peter almost simultaneously as Hank got to Raven. You and Beast were clearly in the same mindset of getting the injured out of the immediate firefight before you would join in.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner, the Professor froze me,” You spoke in quick apology to Peter, using a small energy blast to break up the earth that had been hardened around his trapped foot. Once cracked, you broke the rest of it free just with your fingers.
He was obviously surprised, grateful, and maybe even confused all at once as you gently lifted him with the help of your powers. You wrapped his arm around your shoulders, trying to mind his broken leg as you helped support him while gliding over to a safer spot some distance away.
“Stay here.” You spoke, sitting him down so his back was against a mostly still standing wall to shelter them.
Hank was sitting Raven down in the same manner beside him as Peter suddenly spoke up to you. “Wait.”
You were still crouched in front of him, you’d been about to stand back up when his hand went around the back of your neck and pulled you in closer.
Before you could register anything else, you felt his lips press against yours. It was a bit harsh, desperate even, and then it was over just as fast as you pulled back in surprise.
“In case we don’t ever get to make it to that arcade,” he responded to your shocked expression that was still evident even in your energy form like this.
You took a breath, now was not the time for verbalizing any of this. But you wanted to show you agreed with the sentiment. You leaned back in, kissing him yourself for one longer moment, one hand gently cupping the side of his face before you stood back up. He allowed the contact readily and you could only wonder what it felt like to him when you were enveloped in light like this.
Hank and Raven just gave you both the most confused of looks, but nothing was said as you and Beast had then rushed back off to throw yourselves into the fight.
(Continued in next chapter here)
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DC TV Shows on the CW Recap for 5/22-5/24
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In this week's season finales, we have a lot of major storylines wrapping up, and a few cliffhangers to hold us over until next season. Supergirl challenges Rhea in an effort to save National City and the world. After losing everything, Barry takes on Savitar, with everything he has, in one final fight. On Lian Yu, Oliver battles Adrian Chase with the help of some unlikely allies.
Important Things to Know This Week:
Last week, Rhea stopped the team's plan just before her ship was destroyed. She then brought out Superman, under her control, to fight Kara. We should also keep in mind the Luthor subplot, and how that could potentially carry over into next season. Iris is dead. I don't feel like I should write anything other than that. As I said last week, there could be twists coming, but as of right now, Iris is dead. We should keep in mind that Caitlin is still Killer Frost, as that could be a side-story this week, but Iris' death and the battle against Savitar certainly are more important. Last week, Chase kidnapped everyone Oliver cares about. When his son was taken, he helped Chase escape. He then set off to Lian Yu to fight Chase, with the help of Nyssa Al-Ghul, Malcolm Merlyn, Deathstroke, and Digger Harkness. We need to keep in mind that not everyone Chase took was shown on Lian Yu at the end of the last episode. I'm excited to see what happens.
The Biggest Moments This Week (Spoilers!):
Supergirl: (S2 E22: Nevertheless, She Persisted)
The opening of the episode picks up right where the last one left off, with Superman fighting Supergirl. We learn that Rhea has used silver kryptonite to make Superman view Kara as his mortal enemy, Zodd. The fight, and cause much destruction, before Kara is able to get the upper hand and knock him out. When they wake up in the Fortress of Solitude, Superman is back to being himself, luckily. Lillian continues working to turn Lena to her side. I definitely think next season will focus on the fight against Cadmus, and I really hope that Lena is on Supergirl's side, not her mother's. I guess we'll see what happens there. For now, the Luthor's are planning on creating a device that would make Earth uninhabitable for all Daxamites. Mon-El accepts that possibility, but Kara is determined to stop them in another way if at all possible. Lena's decision to only give Supergirl the power to activate the device bodes well for the future, but anything could happen. Kara challenges Rhea to a one-on-one battle, based on an ancient Daxam tradition, and it could decide the fate of the world. After training with Superman, she heads out and meets Rhea for the fight. Rhea goes back on her word, though, and unleashes an assault on National City. Luckily, Mon-El, Superman, and J'onn are going to do everything in their power to save the city and stop the Daxamites. M'Gann even shows up with some White Martians to help in the fight. Meanwhile, Rhea gets the upper hand in her fight when she reveals that she is infused with kryptonite. Ultimately Kara has to activate the device the Luthors created to stop the Daxamites. Even though it means Mon-El has to leave Earth.
The Flash: (S3 E23: Finish Line)
The episode opens with the twist revelation that HR and Iris had switched bodies in order to trick Savitar. The main problem with this is that, as soon as Barry learns about it, Savitar learns it as well. Savitar and Killer Frost are holding Cisco hostage, trying to force him to build something for them. There could be some issues with the paradox that has been created, though. Wally could lose his powers for instance. It also sucks that HR is gone now. It will be interesting to see if they replace him with some other version of Harrison Wells, or if Tom Cavanagh will leave the cast now. Savitar's plan is to force Cisco to re-purpose the Speedforce Bazooka to splice him into every moment throughout time, which would cause him to become a God. This apparently, has been his plan the whole time, and if Cisco doesn't help him, he is going to kill Caitlin. Barry, meanwhile, decides to try to save Savitar, to help him survive, in order to make everything right in the world. Savitar tricks Barry and sets off an explosion of the Philosopher's Stone in STAR Labs. Gypsy shows up to save Cisco. Then, the team comes to the rescue, just as Cisco's technology brings Jay Garrick into the fight. The fight with Savitar is awesome. Killer Frost helps Team Flash, Barry spare's Savitar's life, and ultimately, Iris kills Savitar. After the battle, there is a funeral for HR, and the team tries to go back to normal. Caitlin decides not to take the antidote Cisco gives her, though, and the team is going to have a lot to adjust to after battling Savitar.
Arrow: (S5 E23: Lian Yu)
The episode opens up with Oliver trying to coordinate his new team. Although they are all incredibly strong, they don't trust each other. Beyond that, they are all very different people, with different motivations. Digger's betrayal was unexpected, but not that surprising. Slade's betrayal is less expected, but it makes sense once we learn it is all Oliver's plan. Malcolm, meanwhile, seemingly dies, causing some serious problems for Thea's mindset. The different groups of hostages make for a very interesting storyline. Felicity, Samantha, Thea, and Curtis get rescued first and head off to find Chase' plane with Malcolm. Instead, they find evidence of hundreds of C4 charges littered through the island. When Oliver gets to Diggle, Lance, Dinah, and Rene, it is a great way to set up some epic fight scenes. That group plus, Slade and Nyssa, are going to be a formidable group for anybody, and that is clear in the scenes following their escape. Chase may not be as physically imposing as some of Oliver's foes over the years, and he definitely isn't as powerful, but he has an advantage of being one of the smartest people in the history of the show. The whole season is a frustrating display of him constantly outsmarting Oliver. The season finale isn't different. Everything Chase does is in the interest of outsmarting Oliver. The other battle between these two is more of an internal struggle. Oliver has constantly struggled with being a killer. Chase is insistent on getting Oliver to kill him, in order to prove that is what Oliver is. Not killing Chase is more than just about not giving him the satisfaction. Oliver needs to know, for himself, that he doesn't need to kill anymore.
Overall: (This week, we cover cliffhangers)
After Mon-El leaves Earth, Kara is broken. She sees everyone around her, and how happy they are, and realizes that she just lost that. Ultimately, Cat Grant is able to talk her into going back to living her life. As the episode ends, we see Mon-El's ship veering into a wormhole of some sort, as it mirrors Kara's flight to go stop a fire. Meanwhile, we see that there was another pod sent to Earth, by someone on Krypton, as it was being destroyed, and it seems like this will be a very dangerous person. Just as Barry and Iris are settling back into their lives, intense damage comes down on Central City from the Speedforce. Barry decides to run into it in order to stop the damage from happening. It's highly unlikely that The Flash returns without Barry, but Caitlin could be gone. It sounds like Harry will be sticking around to help the team, and Barry asked Cisco to take on a bigger role with the team. If Barry finds a way out of this, things are going to be very different when he gets back. After narrowly saving William, Chase kills himself. Oliver has to watch Lian Yu get destroyed with explosives knowing that everyone else he loves and cares about is on that Island. The episode ends there. For all we know, the whole team is dead. We now have two of these shows set to return with total uncertainty. It will be great to see how they approach season 6 in the fall.
Ryan’s Speculation of the week:
The flashbacks in Arrow serve as the perfect finale for the flashbacks. I've discussed before how a major concern with the show was Oliver's wide range of abilities when he was supposed to be stuck on an island for five years. The flashbacks have served as a way to show that, and in this episode, we get to see Oliver put all of his training to the test, as he fights against Konstantin and his men. The mirrored battles of Oliver fighting Chase and Konstantin is important, as it shows how Oliver has grown in the five years. Back then, he needed to kill Konstantin, in order to solidify what he had become, and prepare for his next step. His present needs are much different. The main question here will be whether there are flashbacks moving forward. I think they have been essential to the show for the last five years. At this point, though, they have run their course. There isn't anything left to show. I think we've seen the end of the flashbacks, and I welcome that change.   Thank you so much for reading my recaps this season. I will be posting an update on the state of superhero TV shows sometime this weekend. I will be including my plans for the recaps next season. If you have any opinions on the way things could be improved, please leave a comment and let me know. Click to Post
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