#and they balance each other out that way
lotus-pear · 5 months
i love causing discourse so i want EVERYONE who sees this to comment which bsd character has the best character design and WHY. i want to see some analysis in the tags or simply why u think ur blorbo is on top in terms of fashion taste
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quantumshade · 2 months
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can anyone explain to me at what point rose tyler was "unbelievably stupid". was it when she was inventing transdimensional travel
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kidovna · 1 year
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🤝🏻 part 2 (prev)(next)
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p4nishers · 7 months
do u ever think about mobius saying he will burn the tva to the ground yet he goes back and tries to save it. instead of destroying it he holds it together. because destruction is not in his nature, construction is.
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coolnonsenseworld · 9 months
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(to know more about the story and the calendar on pre-order check out previous posts!)
July is Lance's birthday and they all take him to the sea just to frolic around. They end up doing way too many tricks in the waves and rolling through the sand. When everyone else is busy figuring out if they should wait until sundown to roll out or go back now, Keith and Lance sit by the waves, talking. That’s when Keith takes out a ring. He tells Lance can take it without promising anything, he just thought that for Lance's birthday Keith can offer him being there for him, giving him whatever he needs - and he could keep the ring to remember him by, to be sure he is always accepted and protected by him, that they are each other’s. To make it even less pressuring, it’s not a shiny cute engagement ring, but just a simple one, like promise rings should be. Lance is so touched and surprised, he lacks words and just bulldozes Keith into sand.
"Is it a yes?!" yells Shiro from the sidelines and Keith just "okays" from the ground, before grappling around with Lance.
There is both a dog whistle and a disappointed awwing at their PDA, but their companions just mostly laugh it off. Allura still watches them, shielding her eyes from the sun, before murmuring “they always remind me of the sexual tension between me and an oncoming train.”
Everyone bursts out laughing.
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teddy-bear-d · 7 months
I think what we can gather from this gritho team up (finally) is that they are essentially efficient and coordinated chaos
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valsnonsense · 3 months
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Honestly of the shipping pieces I've made, I'm the most proud of this one. I dunno why I just feel like I popped off with it. I'm most proud of the pose, definitely one of more dynamic ones I've attempted
The super hyperactive bubbly girl with the down to Earth nerdy boy has always been a favorite shipping dynamic of mine so when I saw these two it just hit me like a TRUCK.
Them Brozone bois scorin' royalty. You know Clay and Branch are relaxing in the morning with their coffee, watching Viva and Poppy talk a million miles a minute about friendship bracelets or something with those doofy love sick grins on their faces.
Gave Viva a buncha scars cuz she definitely has had some tussles both during and after the escaoe. Also gave her the droopy ears that Branch and Floyd have that Trolls who've gone gray have. Cuz you can't tell me this girl lost her family and entire kingdom and DIDNT go gray for at least a little bit.
Viva loves taking running starts at Clay and leaping into his arms. It's the "he'll catch me no matter what" meme. Clay as lost many cups of coffee and or tea to catching her.
I loves drawing their hair. Floofy babies
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Look they are anxious golden retriever x mental support black cat coded
P. S. Ignore the amount of different signs, it just that i have different signatures for different art accounts on different platforms, confusing i know, i think ill have to unite them sometime soon.
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goldenachilles · 1 month
in my head, Tashi and Art talk it out, go to a couple dozen sessions of therapy and finally, finally realise that the next step is to invite Patrick into whatever is going with them
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sesamenom · 2 months
@general-illyrin @tar-thelien @who-needs-words I think you all mentioned being interested in the reverse gondolin au - is anyone interested in helping with wrangling the timelines, especially the second age stuff? Here's the current outline:
(Edit: anyone feel free to help out if you're interested!)
YT 14365 - Birth of Lomion
YT 14373/FA 1 - Death of Argon
2 - Aredhel adopts Lomion
300 - Birth of Idril
316 - Turgon & Idril kidnapped by Eol
400 - Turgon & Idril rescued. Death of Eol
465 - Finrod more-peacefully passes throne to orodreth while on Quest. Everyone except beren still dies
472 - Nirnaeth. Turgon named High King of the Noldor.
476 - Turgon abdicates official title. Aredhel named High King of the Noldor.
496 - Tuor comes to Gondolin
502 - Wedding of Idril and Tuor
503 - Births of Earendil and Elwing. Idril begins to have foresight dreams about the Fall.
506 - Second Kinslaying. C^3 dead, celebrimbor stays in gondolin. Aredhel denounces the oath/kinslaying and disowns C^3
Elwing survives & is found by Oropher & Thranduil // Galadriel & Celeborn. oropher, thranduil, oropher's wife, and thranduil's then-gf // galadriel & celeborn take Elwing to Gondolin as refugees. The Silmaril is left hidden in the woods of melian's domain.
507 - Elwing comes to Gondolin.
509 - Idril captured by Morgoth. Idril reveals the location of Gondolin in exchange for an Oath to not harm her family (Turgon, Tuor, and Earendil). Idril rescued.
510 - Gondolin prepares for war with Morgoth.
513-522 - Siege of Gondolin. Deaths of Duilin and Rog. Gothmog slain by Aredhel the Huntress. First use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor in defense of Gondolin. House of the Hammer of Wrath destroyed.
523 - Maedhros believes a Silmaril is with Elwing at Gondolin.
525 - Earendil weds Elwing. Lomion weds ???. Adoption of Gil-Galad
532 - Births of Elrond and Elros.
538 - Third Kinslaying at Gondolin. Death of Amras. Elrond and Elros kidnapped by Maglor. Deaths of Elwing and Turgon. Second use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor. Deaths of Maedhros and Aredhel. Lomion named King of Gondolin and High King of the Noldor. Deaths of Salgant, Penlod, and Tuor. Earendil named Lord of the House of the Wing.
540-549 - War declared between Gondolin and the Feanorians of Himring over the Third Kinslaying and kidnapping of Princes Elrond and Elros.
549 - Elrond and Elros recovered. Feanorians and Gondolin severely weakened. Celebrimbor // Gil-Galad declared heir to the High Kingship.
552-554 - Second Siege & Fall of Gondolin. Third use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor. Deaths of Ecthelion, Glorfindel, Egalmoth, and Turgon. Idril and Celebrimbor lead survivors through the Secret Way.
555 - Gondolithlim refugees arrive at Sirion.
556 - Idril departs for Valinor.
558 - Earendil searches for Valinor.
560 - Havens of Sirion destroyed by Morgoth. Gondolithlim/Doriathrim survivors scattered. Elrond and Elros rescued (as adults) by Maglor.
572 - Morgoth controls Beleriand. Earendil and reembodied Elwing come to Valinor and rally the Host.
575-617 - War of Wrath
618 - Maglor claims the Silmaril from Eonwe's camp and casts himself into the Sea. Death of Maglor.
620 - End of the First Age.
1 - Founding of the Grey Havens and Lindon under High King Lomion
2 - Elros becomes the first King of Numenor
c. 500 - Sauron returns to Middle-Earth in the East.
650 - Eregion is founded
1000 - Galadriel is given Vilya; Lomion wields Nenya
1170 - Annatar comes to Lindon and Lomion turns him away. Lomion warns Celebrimbor of Eregion of his suspicions.
1200 - Annatar comes to Eregion. Celebrimbor takes him in to monitor.
1250 - Celebrimbor creates the Seven; Lomion creates the Nine.
1410 - Annatar is kicked out of Eregion.
1600 - The One Ring is forged. Sauron remains in hiding.
1610 - Sauron begins to gather and prepare armies in the East.
1673 - War of the Elves and Sauron begins.
1675 - Sauron invades Eriador.
1677 - Fall of Ost-in-Edhil. Celebrimbor and Lomion remain at the House of the Mirdain. Death of Celebrimbor in battle // Fourth use of the Three in battle. Sauron does not learn of the Seven. Founding of Imladris.
1678 - Sauron defeated by the Numenoreans and the Elves of Lindon.
1679 - Sauron flees to Mordor. First White Council held.
3147 - Civil war in Numenor.
3225 - Ar-Pharazon seizes the Sceptre.
3228 - Elrond claims the Sceptre. Ar-Pharazon disowned. Tar-Miriel named Ruling Queen.
3232 - Sauron taken to Numenor as a prisoner.
3274 - Elrond kicks Sauron out of Numenor and outlaws the morgoth cult.
3310 - Morgoth cult publicly reappears.
3319 - Downfall of Numenor. Tar-Miriel leads a greater force of the Faithful away.
(green // blue means two main options, red means i need to think about it more)
The main details I'm figuring out right now are
does Celebrimbor still die at Eregion - I don't think he's getting captured/tortured, but he could still die in the battle. On the other hand, he could probably survive by using Narya & Lomion using Nenya, but that would definitely have repercussions further down the line
how does Idril's deal work - I'm currently thinking of Idril exchanging the location of Gondolin for her family's guaranteed safety, because it seems in character for Reverse Idril? But on the other hand, even if I limit it to immediate family at the time of the oath (tuor, turgon, earendil) then idk where turgon dies? Maybe Maglor can kill him but that seems kind of random
where and how does Turgon die
how does Prince Elrond's character even work
how does Numenor still fall when factoring in Prince Elrond - I'm thinking that the morgoth death cult gained enough traction during the time sauron was there that even after Elrond kicks him out, the cult still sticks around and reemerges later? The Fall still happens, but they never go to attack valinor and there's a good deal more Faithful (maybe 40-60%?)
#silm#silmarillion#not art#reverse gondolin au#basically elrond is giving me a Lot of trouble here#i tacked an extra 30 years onto the FA (so the SA dates are mostly shifted up by 30 years to balance it out; hence elros being king in SA 2#this means e&e were adults during the Fall of Gondolin and the war of wrath and all#so instead of 'kind as summer' elrond of the last homely house in rivendell#we have gondolithrim veteran/dragonslayer Prince Elrond of Imladris Stronghold#and later the Bastion of the Faithful of Numenor#ironically enough he turned out way more feanorian when not raised by feanorians#instead of sirion e&e's defining Childhood Trauma was the gondolin kinslaying#in which mae and aredhel duel to the death while screaming at each other about fingon's fate and the Oath#and argon and elenwes deaths on the helcaraxe#also elwing fully died trying to protect them in this one#and then e&e were like 20something and sons/grandsons of two Lords durign the FoG so obviously they ended up fighting there too#and then again at the war of wrath#and by the mid SA elrond has already lived through so many wars he's running rather low on hope#so Prince Elrond still tries to be kind but is also substantially more willing to threaten people if need be#after eregion he founds imladris as a haven but also an impenetrable fortress#he saw the fall of gondolin and he knows that rivendell couldn't last forever#but he believes he can make it last long enough to defeat sauron first#or at least push him back so that the refugees of eregion can rebuild and survive#meanwhile celebrimbor takes up the last homely house role#but yeah Prince Elrond is pretty interesting#he intervenes more with numenor bc hes watching them self destruct and knows (bc foresight) exactly what would happen#so he tries (eventually in vain) to prevent it by disowning and exiling ar pharazon#and later exiling sauron around the time of the burning of nimloth#but it's too late and the morgoth cult already gained enough traction#on the other hand there's a lot more Faithful led by tar-miriel
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do you think that what the doctor usually feels for companions, rather than romantic or sexual attraction, might just be idolisation?
#just thinknig abt how 13 calls river 'on eof the best people ive ever known'#which might just be her echoing yazs words bc that seems to be the only way she knows how to communicate#but it's also like the most open i can think of the doctor ever being wrt how they feel abt river#and thinking of 10 in the satan pit going i dont believe in god i believe in rose instead#and how much of an influence rose had on the doctor#maybe its less the companion does a doctor arc and more the doctor and the companion will inevitably grow toward each other#clara and the doctor matched in specific ways that just like maybe amplified them#they didnt like balance out they become More Them#did everything the way the other wouldve done who wouldve done it the way they wouldve done#feedback loop#13 mightve worried for the same with yaz honestly#they wouldve become something very different to 12 and clara i think but no less powerful#terrifying in different ways#maybe less 'i'll kill the world to get you back' and more 'i'll kill myself to get you back'#more inward-focused in that part of it while more outward focused in the like adventure parts#Helping People rather than 12claras adrenaline junkie adventure seeking#not that thasmin arent also adrenaline junkie adventure seeking and 12clara dont want to help#just like a slightly shifted focus#i think thasmin want to feel....important. useful. helpful. more than 12clara. i think 12clara are just looking for a good time in each oth#rs company more#but idk#anyway do you think the doctor idolised yaz back as much as yaz idolised her?#DO you think yaz idolised her?#i have a really hard time getting int he doctors head abt companions. like how they feel abt them Really#but like. idolisation would be a really fun one to add into 13s head i think#what if she wants to impress yaz just as much as yaz wants to impress her oh my god#('tell me youre impressed')
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skunkes · 4 months
another thing i love about dungeon meshi along with how theres adequate time given to every character that matters! Is that like. Along with no "every single character in supporting cast gets put on the backburner in favor of MC / other character development" is that theres also no "god these characters are all so boring except that one guy who is tragic and compelling" bc they all have the same capacity for compelling tragedy (and such).
And it also doesn't feel like when ppl tack on as much Bad Things onto a characters life just to emphasize tragedy or hardship... Theres a good balance in each of em. The recent leaked izutsumi dark lore implication drop wasn't even in the main story and it doesnt feel like that quirky "i love torturing my ocs! 🤪🤪🤪🤪 (Literally just throwing everything into one pot)" sentiment i see here often if that makes sense. It doesn't feel Edgy ykwim
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reigningmax · 11 months
The "Daniel is only hyped cause he laughs and smiles a lot" is genuinely the worst take you can have about this lmao.
Daniel Ricciardo is, along with Lewis, THE most recognizable face and name in motorsport outside of the F1 fans bubble. Therefore, he is extremely valuable in terms of marketability. He is also an 8-time race winner. For that to be dismissed and to say he's average as if the past 2 years erased all his accomplishments is insane lmao.
Being an accomplished driver AND one of the most marketable athletes in your sport makes you valuable as fuck.
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quirinah · 5 days
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i! ro! ha! (six years edition)
#忍たま乱太郎#nintama#nintama rantarou#rkrn#quirinahdraws#digital#六い#六ろ#六は#tachibana senzou#shioe monjirou#nanamatsu koheita#nakazaike chouji#zenpouji isaku#kema tomesaburou#i am so normal about my six favorite characters in the series (liar)#the six years r like my pookies i love them...im trying to draw as much as possible for this character month (totally insane)#sorry if you follow me anywhere else and had to witness the insanity that is trying to draw daily (HELP ME)#i wanted to continue the trend with the fourth years of their illustrations all having different vibes but i feel like my vision wasnt supe#clear so theyre all a little more similar ORZ...the recurring cloud motifs r fun thou#i like circle compositions.#GUYS. BEING ON TWITTER IS SO INTIMIDATING THERES SO MUCH GOOD ART HELP ME#oomf made a whole amv for rokuha day.......my fakefan era...#are your faves even isaku and tomesaburou if you didnt make an entire ANIMATIC#i like how the room duos all have like the one guy whos sort of outwardly put together but has a short n quick fuse#and their chaotic kind of disaster counterpart whos actually pretty emotionally stable and grounded#they balance each other out nicely AND THEY HAVE A CLOSE RANGE AND FAR RANGE WEAPON GUY#i feel like their individual class duos r so nice together.....but i feel like the six years have so many fun combis too#they bounce off each other in fun ways AHEM HEM KENEN HEM HEM CHOUGOUGUMI AHEM TRAINING TRIO AHEM#TAG LIMIT ARGHRHGRGRHGHRGHRH trust me when i say i have infinite love for these idiots in my heart
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spacedlexi · 1 year
violentine literally has everything. tension to friends to lovers. i wall myself off from people to keep myself safe but theres something about you. we understand each other. going against your group to stand up for this person and what you believe is right. "i saw that you were in danger and i just acted without thinking". battle team. co leaders. "ive lost so many people and i cant lose you too i wont". struggling single parent finding someone who supports her And her kid. not-so-ex-girlfriend one of the main villains. go to war together. captured together. escape together but lost in the chaos and later reuniting. twice. fighting ex together. twice. making it back (mostly) safe and sound and building a real home worth fighting for together
BUT theyre in a choice game so you can also have: betrayal. manipulated by not-so-ex-girlfriend in a moment of severe weakness into agreeing with the wrong side. fighting against each other (and later apologizing). severe injury? DEATH?? no matter what a sacrifice is Made???
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somebluemelodies · 10 months
sure it’s really silly goofy (and kinda awesome) that q!Roier can absolutely kick q!Cellbit’s ass at PvP but all i can think about is how well spiderbit balances each other out
q!Roier definitely has the upper-hand physically without even needing to go tryhard-mode. and then when he DOES go tryhard-mode… phew (i think a lot about him in the dungeon when they rescued q!Cellbit and q!Felps). i love that q!Cellbit is so insistent on protecting him and it really is sweet but like sir, if anything, your husband is probably gonna be the one protecting you </3
but what q!Cellbit “lacks” in physical strength, at least in comparison to q!Roier, the intelligence??? the man literally figured out broken windows were BRAILLE. he’s one of the smartest people on the island. q!Roier doesn’t do enigmas and shit like that; he helps his husband when asked and goes along for the ride. we’ve all seen him and Richas goofing off while q!Cellbit stresses the fuck out LMAO
BUT THATS WHAT MAKES THEM SO GOOD!! and i’m not saying that q!Cellbit isn’t strong or can’t fight bc i think he can hold his own when he truly tries (he just hasn’t had to fight to survive in a long time). and q!Roier sure as hell isn’t dumb either. hell, he’s probably the most emotionally intelligent person on the island. and i will die on that hill
all that to say, spiderbit balances each other out. they look out for each other. and that’s why i love them so much <3
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