#and they gave Aisha a good lace front!!!!
The Tara & Emily friendship. I'm HERE for it
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bonkywobble · 4 years
Hiding (somewhere in the night) - 2/4
Summary: Finally giving in to the teasing, you join your friend in visiting this year’s Haunt for Charity attraction. You think it’s bad luck when you’re the last person to enter, but entering isn’t the problem. It’s Halloween, and someone isn’t going to make it home tonight.
Pairing: Dark!Jake Jensen x reader
Warnings: Dark themes, violence. This blog and all works associated with are 18+ only. Minors please do not interact or follow.
Written for @jtargaryen18‘s Haunted House challenge. I wrote too much and had to extend this. Kill me. I promise not to make you wait very long for the next part.
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Fists met the door repeatedly while you screamed your objections at being thrown in. Knowing that you had been ignored the first time, you gave up only ten seconds later with a resigned “damn it.”
Shivers ran up your spine while you power-walked down the hallway, trying to push through as quickly as possible. Much to your chagrin whoever was in charge of bringing the ‘haunted’ factor to the house you were now trapped in had pulled out all the stops. From mold riddled wallpaper and barely hanging lace curtains to crumbling portraits and rusted silverware; every room seemed more unsettling than the last. 
Pausing to control your breathing, you reminded yourself that there had to be an exit somewhere. Perhaps the group that was in front of you earlier wasn’t very fast so you had a chance of hopefully catching up to them. Safety in numbers and all that.
Various liquids and broken glass began to cover the floor in patches the further in you got, making you watch your footing. What really kept slowing you down, though, were the scares brought on by the actors. Wailing and groaning, some appeared to be pinned to walls or planted on nearby furniture, abruptly reaching out to grab you. Others clawed at the floor, attempting to drag themselves in your direction, their lower limbs unused.
The real struggle was in retaining your pride and carrying on with your head held high. Aisha would never hear the end of it if you bolted like a fucking chicken. 
When an experience in the sitting room left you particularly shaken, however, you came damn near close.
You had stupidly shuffled closer to determine if the motionless body lying atop the piano was either a prop or a horrifically good extra. Leaning over the potentially fake face, you took a moment to begrudgingly admired the handiwork of the staff responsible. As much as you were hating this, credit where credit’s due; you had to give them major kudos for putting this amount of effort into building such a spooky environment. This shit was admittedly impressive, and if you were a horror enthusiast like Aisha you were sure you’d be more awed than terrified.
You regretted having your curiosity get the better of you when said body suddenly convulsed, a wet gurgle escaping them. Your feet tangled together in shock before you fell on your ass.
“He... did... this,” the performer brokenly choked out, having turned to meet your frightened stare. That was all they said before their body convincingly slumped.
Impressive or not, Aisha was a dead woman. 
Fuck this house.
Picking yourself up, you raced from room to room as you hurriedly searched for a way out, nearly slipping over more than three times in your urgency. But every newly opened door led not to the outside, but yet another room. And another. And another. 
You tried to prevent any more fear from seeping into your heart but as your desperation grew you knew you were failing. The doubts began to creep in one by one. How fucking big is this place? Were you lost? Where the fuck is the goddamn exit?
Where is everyone?
Regaining your breath you paused in the center of again another room, and dear god was it the wrong place to stop. Stained white sheets were draped over every single furnishing, the moonlight streaming through the window casting large shadows across the ground. This was what you’d imagine the inside of an abandoned house to look like. 
But the most frightening thing? The silence. In every other area there’d been noise created by the creaky house and the performers occupying it, but there was nothing here.
Scrapes along the wooden floor led you to believe the furniture had been moved recently. That, and one of two doors leading out had been blocked by said furniture. Seemed like there was only one way out. Dear fucking god, please be an exit.
After cautiously navigating the cluttered space, your hands grabbed the doorknob in front of you and twisted. To your confusion, the door didn’t open. Twisting it the other way and pulling again produced the same result. You stopped, taking a moment to think back and remember whether there was a door elsewhere you might not have seen.
Lost in thought you almost missed the person sneaking up behind you, but a small rustle of the dirty sheets was just enough to alert you that you were no longer alone.
Tagging: @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @leah-bobeea​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @starlightcrystalline​ @wiccanmetallicrose​ @geniedetails​ @honeygingergemini​ @chuuulip​ @fleeingdawn-blog1​ @goldenfightergir​
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thornyrose463 · 3 years
Johnny’s Daughter (Cobra Kai story): Chapter 4
Robby arrived at the LaRusso family's mansion for a training session and met Sam. Daniel invited her to train with them, but she had plans to go to the mall with Amanda and Lucille. Daniel drove Robby to a forest. When Daniel shared a lesson about balance in life, Robby nearly told him about Johnny and Sarah, but he ultimately decided against it. His training was capped off with a balancing exercise in which he tried to execute kicking techniques atop a horizontal tree trunk without falling. Upon succeeding, he found Daniel perched upside down on one arm, doing a two-legged kick.
Miguel, Sarah, Aisha, Hawk, and Demetri were at the movie theatre. Aisha's father had taken them there.
Sarah was eating popcorn.
Sarah was wearing an unbuttoned dark blue denim jacket, a black t-shirt with horizontal white stripes, dark blue denim jeans, and black low-top Converse sneakers with white laces. Her naturally straight blonde hair was down. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty peach colour.
Hawk threw Milk Duds at the girls in front of him.
"I can't stop thinking about what Sensei told me about Sam's dad." Miguel said.
"So, Sensei and Sam's dad had some beef. What does that have to do with you?" Aisha asked.
"Do I have to spell it out for you? Sam's dad hates Cobra Kai, and I'm part of Cobra Kai, so by the transitive property, Sam's dad is going to hate me." Miguel said.
"Jesus Christ, you're such a nerd," Hawk muttered.
"I'm telling you, it's not just on my mind. Sam was acting weird the other day when her dad walked by." Miguel said.
"Listen, I've known Mr. LaRusso since the third grade. He's a really nice guy. You just have to talk to him." Aisha said.
"I haven't even been invited over yet. She's probably too afraid to introduce me." Miguel said.
"Dude, just go over there. It's an alpha move." Hawk told Miguel.
Hawk threw a Milk Dud at an elderly man.
The man turned around.
"Who the hell did that?" The man asked.
Hawk acted like he didn't do anything.
Johnny arrived at Sid's apartment and rang the doorbell. Sid opened the door and looked at Johnny in disgust.
"Well, if it isn't the karate king," Sid said. "What's the matter? Let me guess, let me guess...You're low on funds. Sorry, kid. No bailouts. This isn't Wall Street."
Johnny walked into the apartment.
Johnny gave Sid money.
"What's that? What are you, a mailman?" Sid asked.
"It's your money." Johnny said.
"Good God Almighty," Sid muttered.
"It's all there." Johnny said.
"What do you want me to do, huh? Leave it here on the table until you come back next week?" Sid asked.
"I won't be back." Johnny said.
"Of course you'll be back. You need my money." Sid said.
"I never needed your money. It's just the only thing you had to give. Goodbye, Sid." Johnny walked out of the apartment.
Daniel returned to his mansion and found that all was well with Amanda and Lucille because of Sam's mediation. Daniel, Amanda, Sam, Anthony, Lucille, and Robby sat down and started eating dinner. Miguel arrived unannounced and saw Sam happily conversing with Robby. Confused and angry, Miguel walked away.
Hawk asked Sarah on a date. The date went well. They kissed. They went on a few more dates and become a couple.
After a dinner date with Sarah, Hawk returned home and opened Facebook on his cell phone. He changed his relationship status from "Single" to "In a relationship with Sarah Lawrence."
Sarah returned home and opened Facebook on her iPhone. She changed her relationship status from "Single" to "In a relationship with Hawk Moskowitz."
Johnny was sitting at the kitchen table.
Sarah walked into the kitchen, took a seat next to him, and started doing her math homework.
Johnny started writing a letter to Robby.
Dear Robby, I know you refuse to answer my calls, and I refuse to text or e-mail, so I'm going old school and writing this letter. I've done a lot of thinking lately and realized just how much I've screwed up my life, but my biggest screwup is my relationship with you. I know I can't change the past, but if you give me a chance...
Johnny and Sarah were startled by the sound of breaking glass.
Louie and two bikers were vandalizing Johnny's Firebird.
"This will teach that piece of shit not to mess with my family!" Louie yelled.
"There you go!" One of the bikers yelled.
"Whoo!" The other biker soaked Johnny's car in gasoline.
"Hey, 'Sons of Anarchy', I said we just wanted to send him a message, not burn down the whole block!" Louie yelled.
Johnny and Sarah ran out of their apartment.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" Johnny yelled.
"Consider this a message from Daniel LaRusso." Louie told Johnny.
Johnny kicked one of the bikers. The other biker grabbed Johnny, and Johnny elbowed him and flipped him.
Johnny stepped towards Louie.
"Hey, look, man, back up. I've got a bat! Back up. I've got a bat!" Louie yelled, holding up a baseball bat.
Louie tried to hit Johnny with the bat. Johnny ducked just in time. He grabbed the bat and tossed it aside. He stepped towards Louie.
"All right, look. Things got away from me, okay? Just calm down!" Louie yelled.
"Where does Daniel LaRusso live?" Johnny asked.
"This is between you and me! It has nothing to do with him! I made all that shit up! I'll take my licks like a man!" Louie yelled.
"Hey, asshole! Burn in Hell." One of the bikers threw a lighter at Johnny's car, and it burst into flames.
"Holy shit," Louie mumbled.
Johnny pushed Louie.
"Where does Daniel LaRusso live?" Johnny asked.
"Encino Hills! Escalon Drive!" Louie yelled.
Johnny got on a motorcycle and drove away.
Louie and the bikers left.
Sarah walked into her and Johnny's apartment.
Robby was skateboarding at the skate park. After several failed attempts on the half pipe, he was shocked to find himself perched upside down on one arm like Daniel was.
Sarah and Hawk were eating breakfast at Applebee's. Hawk took a photo on his cell phone. When he got home, he posted the photo on Instagram, tagged Sarah, and added a caption.
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Daniel was at his mansion, drinking coffee. He dropped his cup when he saw Johnny standing on the patio, looking ready for a fight.
Daniel stepped onto the patio.
"What the hell are you doing? You came to my house? Are you insane?!" Daniel yelled.
"I was trying to make things right, let the past be the past. You still can't leave well enough alone, man." Johnny said.
"What are you talking about? You and Sarah got Cobra Kai reinstated." Daniel said.
"I'm talking about my car." Johnny said.
"What about your car?" Daniel asked.
"Nice try. Those goons of yours could have burned down my whole neighbourhood." Johnny said.
"Goons? What goons?" Daniel asked.
"Don't try to play dumb. Son of a bitch gave you up right away. Don't worry. I took care of him and his little biker posse." Johnny said.
"Louie. All right, listen, I don't know what happened, but I had nothing to do with it. That was my cousin." Daniel said.
"Big surprise. All you LaRussos are the same. Your whole family is rotten to the core, man." Johnny said.
"All right, watch it, Johnny." Daniel told Johnny.
Anthony stepped onto the patio.
"Kick his ass, Dad!" Anthony yelled.
Daniel spoke. "Anthony, go inside."
Johnny spoke. "Listen to your dad, kid. You're not going to want to see this."
"Hey!" Daniel yelled. "Hey, I'm going to ask you nicely. Get the hell off my property, or I'm calling the police."
"Oh, yeah? You afraid?" Johnny taunted.
"You know what? This is ridiculous." Daniel said.
Johnny grabbed Daniel and pulled him to the side. Daniel freed himself from Johnny's grip.
Daniel held up his fists. "You want to go now? Come on, Johnny! You want to do this? Let's go. Come on."
Amanda stepped onto the patio.
"What is going on?" Amanda asked.
"Dad's about to fight this guy." Anthony said.
Daniel turned to his wife. "Amanda, please go inside. This is between me and..."
Daniel gave Johnny a funny look. "Sensei Lawrence."
"You two seem to have this in hand. Just a normal Saturday afternoon, a couple of grown men about to kick each other into a pool. You know, as much as I would love to watch you and your childhood karate rival duke it out, I kind of don't want to get any blood on the patio, so what do you say we resolve this over some breakfast instead?" Amanda asked.
"You want to go inside?" Daniel asked Johnny.
"I could eat." Johnny said.
As Daniel, Amanda, Sam, Anthony, and Johnny ate breakfast, Daniel, Amanda, and Anthony discovered that Sam was involved in the accident that damaged Johnny's car months ago. To help make amends, Amanda talked Daniel into giving Johnny a used car from his dealership.
At West Valley High, Miguel was having trouble focusing on his practice test. He put his pencil down.
"What's going on? The test is almost over." Demetri said.
"It's just a practice test. Relax." Miguel told Demetri.
"Easy for you to say. You have a girlfriend." Demetri retorted.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Miguel asked.
"I've got do well on these so I do well on the actual test so I get into a good college, which will lead to a good internship, then a high-paying job, and then, after a couple of promotions, I should have enough confidence to get a super hot girl. You've got the karate thing. I've got to play the long game." Demetri said.
The bell rang. Miguel and Demetri walked out of the classroom. Sam smiled and grabbed Miguel's arm.
Sam spoke. "Hey."
Miguel spoke. "Hey."
Sam kissed Miguel.
Demetri spoke to Miguel. "I'll see you later."
"Okay." Miguel said.
Demetri walked away.
"What's with the doom and gloom? Come on. I'm sure you did amazing...Again." Sam said.
"Yeah. I was just a little...Distracted." Miguel said.
"What? Why?" Sam asked.
"The tournament. I don't have a lot of time to prepare, so..." Miguel trailed off.
"Well, you had to have done better than me. The guy in front of me definitely did not shower. He made me forget how to calculate the volume of a sphere, but he definitely helped me remember the word malodorous." Sam said.
"So, what did you do last night?" Miguel asked.
"Uh...Just a family dinner." Sam said.
"I'd like to meet them sometime. I've never been to your house." Miguel said.
"Well, I've never been to your house either." Sam said.
"You're more than welcome whenever you want to come. My mom would love to meet you. Or I can come to your house and meet your mom and dad." Miguel said.
"Tonight's really not a good night, but we should totally hit up Ventura. Two shakes at Salt & Straw on me?" Sam asked.
"Um...I should go train. Maybe another time." Miguel said.
"Uh...Okay." Sam said.
"I'll call you later." Miguel said.
Miguel walked away.
At Daniel's car lot, Johnny picked out a 2009 Dodge Challenger. He insisted on taking it for a test drive. Robby had the day off, and Louie had been fired, so Daniel had to go with Johnny.
"Take it easy. This car isn't technically yours yet." Daniel told Johnny.
"Relax, Danielle. How many speakers does this thing have?" Johnny asked.
"It has enough. Here." Daniel turned on the radio.
The song Take It on the Run by REO Speedwagon was playing on the radio.
Daniel was bobbing his head.
"You like Speedwagon?" Johnny asked.
"What kind of man doesn't? But if you don't like it, I mean..." Daniel trailed off.
"No, no. It's...It's all right." Johnny said.
"Hey, pull over. Right over here. Pull over. Just a second." Daniel told Johnny.
Johnny parked in front of the South Seas apartment complex. Daniel used to live there.
Johnny and Daniel got out of the car.
"This is the old place. Used to be three palm trees up there." Daniel said.
"I remember I kicked your ass around that corner." Johnny said.
"Yeah? How'd that end? Wow, being back here...It's crazy. There's actually water in the pool. Never got a chance to swim in there." Daniel said.
"I had a pool twice the size of this." Johnny said.
"I bet you did." Daniel said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Johnny asked.
"It must have been nice having a rich daddy that gives you everything." Daniel said.
"I didn't have a rich daddy. I had a rich stepdad. He was a real piece of shit." Johnny said.
"I didn't know that." Daniel said.
"I guess my mom wanted me to have a better life, give me things she didn't have." Johnny said.
"Moms are good like that." Daniel said.
"I could use a drink. There's a bar around the corner." Johnny said.
"It's the middle of the afternoon. We've got to go back and do the paperwork." Daniel said.
"Good thing I have the keys, then." Johnny held up the keys.
"Johnny!" Daniel yelled. "Johnny, we've got to..."
Johnny got in the car.
Daniel got in the car.
Johnny drove off.
Johnny and Daniel were in a bar.
Johnny laughed. "There was spaghetti all over your face. It was hilarious."
"There wasn't any spaghetti on my face. It was on my chest. And that sauce burned." Daniel said.
Johnny laughed. "That's even funnier."
"Hey, laugh all you want. I hear Ali clocked you right after that." Daniel said.
"I had it coming. Man, that girl was something." Johnny said.
"Yes, she was." Daniel agreed.
"You ever see her these days?" Johnny asked.
"Nah. Not in decades. I heard she met some guy in med school." Daniel said.
"Ali's a doctor now? Wow. I knew she was smart, but I figured she was hot enough to avoid work." Johnny said.
"She's a pediatric surgeon. Her husband's an oncologist." Daniel said.
"Sounds like a tool." Johnny said.
"I don't know. I never met him. They live in Denver." Daniel said.
"For someone who hasn't talked to Ali in decades, you sure know an awful lot about her, man." Johnny said.
"I've seen her on Facebook." Daniel said.
"Facebook? What's that?" Johnny asked.
"Wow. Really, Johnny?" Daniel took his cell phone out of his pocket and showed Johnny Ali's Facebook profile.
"Ali Mills-Schwarber? That's her last name now?" Johnny asked.
"Yeah." Daniel said.
"Wow. What a downgrade. Are there any photos? I wonder how she's holding up." Johnny said.
"You've got to be her friend to see them. I never sent her a friend request." Daniel said.
"Why not?" Johnny asked.
"Because I'm a happily married man. I don't need to be snooping around my ex's photos. Besides, she never sent me a friend request either, so..." Daniel trailed off.
"Hold on. Is that her husband? Let's see what this loser looks like. Look at that dumb face." Johnny said.
"Yeah. What an asshole." Daniel said.
Daniel got the bartender's attention. "Another round."
The next day, Miguel, Aisha, Sarah, Hawk, and Demetri were at the park.
"Come on. Eat something. It'll make you feel better." Demetri told Miguel.
"I told you I'm not hungry, man." Miguel said.
"I still think you're overreacting." Demetri said.
"I'm not overreacting, dude. I know what I saw." Miguel said.
"All right, so you saw her eating dinner with some chode. It's probably her brother or something." Hawk said.
"No, dude. Brothers don't look at their sisters like that." Miguel said.
"Depends on what part of the country you're in." Demetri said.
"Look, I just don't want what happened to Sensei to happen to me." Miguel said.
"All right, so you go over to this kid and beat his ass so he doesn't have the chance." Hawk told Miguel.
"Don't listen to Eli." Demetri told Miguel.
Hawk spoke. "It's Hawk."
"Whatever. The fact is, Sam has given you no reason not to trust her." Demetri said.
"I guess you're right." Miguel said.
Aisha was looking at her cell phone.
"Oh! That little bitch," Aisha muttered.
"What?" Sarah asked.
Sarah was wearing a white tank top underneath an unbuttoned long-sleeved green and white plaid flannel shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and beige ankle-length boots. Her naturally straight blonde hair was down. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty peach colour.
"You know that video I posted of me breaking that board?" Aisha asked.
"Yeah." Sarah said.
"Look what Yasmine commented." Aisha handed her phone to Sarah.
Sarah read aloud. "Impressive. Can't believe the belt made it around your waist."
"Oh, shit," Miguel muttered.
"I've got to do something." Aisha said.
"How about we kidnap her and have my boy Rico tattoo 'bitch' on her face?" Hawk asked.
"Calm down, Hawk." Demetri told Hawk.
"All right, I hear how you're saying it, and I don't like it." Hawk said.
"Wait, wait, wait. I've got a better idea. Look." Aisha showed Miguel, Sarah, Hawk, and Demetri Yasmine's Instagram story.
"Yasmine's throwing a birthday party at the canyon later." Miguel said.
"Not if we strike first." Aisha said.
Hawk smiled. "Hell yeah."
Sam was in her family's mansion.
"Hey, Mom, have you seen Dad? I really need to talk to him." Sam said.
"No. He's out, and I need to talk to you. Did you get into a hit-and-run accident a few months back?" Amanda asked.
Sam didn't answer Amanda's question.
"Oh, my God," Amanda mumbled.
"It wasn't me driving, Mom. I swear. It was Yasmine." Sam said.
"I don't care who was driving. You should have told us. Do you have any idea the kind of trouble you caused?" Amanda asked.
"I'm sorry." Sam said.
"Sorry's just not going to cut it. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're grounded. Give me your phone." Amanda ordered.
"What? Why?" Sam asked.
"Because as long as you have Internet, sending you to your room is like sending you out to play. Now, hand it over." Amanda ordered.
"Don't forget her laptop and smartwatch." Anthony told Amanda.
Sam glared at Anthony before handing her cell phone and smartwatch to Amanda.
Sam walked into her room.
While the Cobra Kai students stocked up on snacks and alcohol using Hawk's fake ID, Miguel tried to invite Sam to the party, but because Amanda had confiscated her phone, laptop, and smartwatch, she couldn't reply to his text. Robby arrived at the LaRusso family's mansion for a training session, but because Daniel was still out with Johnny, he was asked to wait. After being scolded for checking her phone, a frustrated Sam told Robby she was a prisoner in her own home.
Yasmine, Kyler, Brucks, Moon, and Piper arrived at the canyon and saw the Cobra Kai students and a host of uninvited guests from school. Stunned at this development, Yasmine told Kyler to get rid of them. Upon spotting Miguel in the crowd, Kyler suggested they find another spot. As Kyler and Brucks left, Moon and Piper joined the party, and Yasmine reluctantly accompanied them. Still unable to reach Sam, Miguel opened a beer and started drinking. When he was finished his beer, he started drinking some more.
At the LaRusso family's mansion, Sam was miserably reading a book. Robby limped into the mansion, having apparently sprained his ankle. As she was tied up with paperwork, Amanda told Sam to drive Robby home and come right back. As they walked out of the mansion, Robby revealed that he faked the injury. Sam and Robby headed to the party.
Aisha was standing next to Demetri, Hawk, and Sarah. She opened a can of beer and started drinking.
Demetri opened a can of beer and started drinking.
Hawk opened a can of beer and started drinking.
Sarah opened a can of beer and started drinking.
Yasmine was standing next to Moon and Piper. She opened a can of beer and started drinking.
Moon opened a can of beer and started drinking.
Piper opened a can of beer and started drinking.
Piper never bullied anyone. One day, she asked why Moon hung out with someone like Yasmine. Moon didn't have an answer.
"I'll be right back. There's something I've got to do." Moon grabbed Piper's hand and dragged her away.
Moon and Piper walked up to Aisha, Demetri, Hawk, and Sarah.
"Hey. I'm sorry for what I did. It wasn't cool. Can we start over and be friends?" Moon asked Aisha.
Aisha smiled. "I'd like that."
Moon hugged Aisha.
Aisha returned the hug.
Moon grabbed Piper's hand and dragged her away.
Hawk grabbed Sarah's hand and dragged her away.
Moon and Piper sat on a log and started making out.
Sarah and Hawk sat on a log and started making out. Demetri walked up to them. Hawk pulled away from Sarah.
"I don't get it. You shave half your hair, get a back tattoo, and just like that, everything changes?" Demetri asked Hawk.
"All right, let me let you in on a little secret. It's not just a haircut or a back tattoo. It's a way of life, man." Hawk said. "You've just got to feel the energy and live in the moment, you know?"
Hawk grabbed Sarah's hand and dragged her away.
Yasmine approached Aisha and looked at her angrily.
"Hey! You think it's funny crashing my party?" Yasmine asked.
"It's not really your party, 'cause we were here first." Aisha said.
"Yeah, well, I know you and your little karate gang think you're cool, but we all remember who you really are. You're just a fugly bitch, and your friends are all freaks. Moon, Piper, let's go." Yasmine told Moon and Piper.
"No. I'm staying, and so is Piper. I apologized to Aisha for what I did, and you should too." Moon said.
"Whatever. You deserve them, Moon." Yasmine intentionally bumped Aisha's shoulder with her own shoulder as she walked away.
"Hey, Yasmine!" Aisha yelled.
Yasmine turned around.
"Huh? What?" Yasmine asked.
"Let me help you to your car." Aisha grabbed Yasmine's underwear from the front and pulled.
Yasmine screamed in pain.
People started laughing.
"No mercy, bitch!" Aisha yelled.
Aisha let go of Yasmine.
Humiliated, Yasmine scurried away.
When Sam and Robby arrived at the party, Miguel pushed Robby in a jealous rage and lashed out at him, accidentally hitting Sam. Furious, Sam told Miguel her father was right about Cobra Kai and left the party with Robby.
Returning to Daniel's mansion, an inebriated Johnny and Daniel agreed to a final match in Daniel's dojo. They saw Robby. When Johnny learned that his son was Daniel's new student, he pinned Daniel against the wall, breaking one of his trophies. Robby got between them, telling his father to back off. Johnny drove away. Daniel was furious about Robby's dishonesty and banished him from his home and his business. He picked up the pieces of his broken trophy.
Daniel and Sam brooded about the events of the previous night. Amanda tried to rouse them, saying that LaRusso Auto Group was one of the tournament's major sponsors and must be represented. Realizing everyone she knew would be there, Sam convinced her father to go to the tournament.
Sarah parked her car outside of the All-Valley Sports Arena and saw Miguel punching the air.
"Yo, Miguel, calm down. Save some for the tournament." Hawk told Miguel.
"Hey, don't even bother. He has been super aggro ever since the breakup." Aisha said.
"Where's Sensei? The tournament's going to start soon." Hawk said.
"I don't know. He didn't come home last night." Sarah said.
Sarah was wearing a sleeveless black and yellow gi with the Cobra Kai symbol on the back. Her naturally straight blonde hair was tied up in a high ponytail. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty peach colour.
The other Cobra Kai students, with the exception of Aisha, were dressed identically to Sarah. Aisha's gi had long sleeves.
"He'll be here." Aisha said.
"I don't know about that." Bert said.
Bert was the smallest Cobra Kai student.
"What do you mean?" Sarah asked.
"I saw him at the mini-mall last night. I was buying a carton of milk, and I heard him yelling in the parking lot." Bert said.
"Why didn't you tell us this earlier?" Aisha asked.
"I don't know. I guess I'm so used to seeing him drunk that it didn't seem like a big deal." Bert said.
"Well, we're here, and he's not, so it's officially a big deal. What if something happened to him?" Hawk asked.
"Like what?" Bert asked.
"I don't know...Like he drove his car off a cliff or bought a gun and blew his brains out." Hawk said.
"No. Sensei would never kill himself. That's a pussy move." Aisha said.
"Whatever. We're here. We're going to have to do it without him." Hawk said.
Johnny arrived.
"Do what without me?" Johnny asked.
Aisha spoke. "Sensei."
"I didn't think you were going to show up." Hawk said.
"I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight." Johnny said.
Miguel spoke. "Great. Let's sign up."
"Not yet. There's one more lesson I have to teach you." Johnny walked into the arena. His students followed him.
Johnny and his students heard the announcer, Daryl, say, "All teams, report to the locker room in five minutes."
"You've all learned to strike first. To be aggressive and not be losers. I taught you to strike hard. To put every ounce of your power behind everything you do. But I haven't taught you the third rule of Cobra Kai: no mercy. The older you get, the more you're going to learn that life isn't fair. You wake up one morning feeling great, and then life kicks you in the balls and shits in your mouth. You get an F on a test. You get suspended. You fall in love with a girl, and some other dude comes and steals her away. Your car gets set on fire. Just when you think things are going well, everything falls apart. That's how it goes. Life shows no mercy, so neither do we." Johnny told his students. "We do whatever it takes to keep our heads above water. We do whatever it takes to keep moving forward. We do whatever it takes to win! Remember who you are. You're badass. You don't give a shit. You kick ass. You're Cobra Kai."
"Cobra Kai!" Johnny's students yelled.
"All right, guys, let's get down there and kick the shit out of everybody." Johnny told his students.
"Yeah!" Miguel yelled.
"Please take your seats. The competition will begin shortly." Daryl said.
Demetri, Moon, and Piper entered the gymnasium and sat on the bleachers.
"Welcome, everyone, to the 50th annual All-Valley Under 18 Karate Championship." Daryl said.
"This has been going on for fifty years? Am I the only one that has been out of the loop?" Demetri asked.
"You'll love the new mats. All right, let's start by welcoming all the local dojos competing today! From Granada Hills, All- Star Karate!"
As Daryl introduced more dojos, Daniel, Amanda, Sam, and Anthony entered the gymnasium and sat in the front row.
"Fighting out of Topanga, we have Topanga Karate!"
The woman sitting next to Daniel, Amanda, Sam, and Anthony was named Patricia Stone. Her son, Xander Stone, was competing in the tournament. She was decked head to toe in blue.
"Yeah! Whoo! Topanga! You kick some ass, Xander! Whoo!" Patricia cheered, standing up.
Patricia sat back down, not noticing the funny looks she was receiving.
"From Reseda, returning to the tournament, we have..."
"Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" Johnny's students, led by Miguel, chanted as they slowly jogged into the gymnasium. They stopped chanting when they were standing with the other dojos.
"Now, that's what I call an entrance! And a badass name for a dojo! Let's hear it for Cobra Kai!" Daryl yelled.
"Whoo! Go, Hawk! Go, Sarah! Go, Miguel! Go, Aisha!" Moon cheered.
"And finally, fighting unaffiliated, from North Hills, we have Mr. Robby Keene." Daryl said.
Robby ran into the gymnasium. Once he was standing with the dojos, he glared at Johnny and Sarah.
Sam looked at Daniel and said, "I didn't know he was fighting."
"Neither did I." Daniel said.
Daryl clapped. "All right, folks, get ready! It's karate time!"
The crowd cheered.
Miguel was up first.
"All right, gentlemen, you know the rules. Three points wins. Step onto the mat." The referee told Miguel and his opponent.
Miguel's opponent stepped onto the mat.
Miguel was about to step onto the mat.
"Wait, wait." Johnny put a hand on Miguel's shoulder in order to stop him from stepping onto the mat.
"Do the LaRusso kick," Johnny whispered to Miguel.
Miguel smirked and nodded before stepping onto the mat.
"Face me. Bow." The referee told Miguel and his opponent.
Miguel and his opponent faced the referee and bowed.
"Face each other. Bow." The referee told Miguel and his opponent.
Miguel and his opponent faced each other and bowed.
"Fighting positions. Ready?" The referee asked.
Miguel's opponent got in a fighting position.
Miguel lifted a leg and put his hands in the air, preparing to do the move Daniel did when he won the tournament in 1984.
"Fight!" The referee yelled.
Miguel kicked the other boy in the chin, causing him to fall.
"Point!" The referee yelled.
"What?!" Daniel yelled, angry about Miguel stealing his move.
"Whoo!" Johnny cheered.
Carmen was sitting next to Rosa.
Carmen was in awe. "How did he do that?"
Sam looked at Daniel and said, "I can't believe he stole your move."
The fight continued. Miguel got two more points.
"Three points!" The referee grabbed Miguel's arm and lifted it. "Winner!"
Miguel and his opponent walked off the mat.
Sarah was up next. Her opponent was a girl the same size as her.
The other girl was on Xander's team.
Sarah and the other girl stepped onto the mat.
"Face me. Bow." The referee told Sarah and the other girl.
Sarah and the other girl faced the referee and bowed.
"Face each other. Bow." The referee told Sarah and her opponent.
Sarah and the other girl faced each other and bowed.
"Fighting positions. Ready?" The referee asked.
Sarah got in a fighting position.
The other girl got in a fighting position.
"Fight!" The referee yelled.
The other girl tried to punch Sarah, but Sarah dodged the punch. She swung her right leg sideways in a circular motion and kicked the other girl in the face, causing them to fall.
"Three points!" The referee grabbed Sarah's arm and lifted it. "Winner!"
Sarah and her opponent walked off the mat.
Aisha was up next.
Aisha and her opponent stepped onto the mat.
"Face me. Bow." The referee told Aisha and her opponent.
Aisha and her opponent faced the referee and bowed.
"Face each other. Bow." The referee told Aisha and her opponent.
Aisha and her opponent faced each other and bowed.
"Fighting positions. Ready?" The referee asked.
Aisha got in a fighting position.
The boy got in a fighting position.
"Fight!" The referee yelled.
Aisha blocked the boy's punches. She grabbed his leg and tripped him. She crouched down and punched him in the face.
"Three points!" The referee grabbed Aisha's arm and lifted it. "Winner!"
"Good job, Ms. Robinson! Good job!" Johnny cheered.
Aisha and her opponent walked off the mat.
Robby was up next.
Robby and his opponent stepped onto the mat.
"Face me. Bow." The referee told Robby and his opponent.
Robby and his opponent faced the referee and bowed.
"Face each other. Bow." The referee told Robby and his opponent.
Robby and his opponent faced each other and bowed.
"Ready?" The referee asked.
Robby got in a fighting position.
The other boy got in a fighting position.
"Fight!" The referee yelled.
Robby blocked the other boy's punches. He punched the other boy in the chest.
"Point!" The referee yelled.
As the fight continued, Daniel quietly rooted Robby on. "Come on, Robby."
Robby got two more points.
"Three points!" The referee grabbed Robby's arm and lifted it. "Winner!"
Robby and his opponent walked off the mat.
Hawk was up next.
Hawk smirked as he and his opponent stepped onto the mat.
"Face me. Bow." The referee told Hawk and his opponent.
Hawk and his opponent faced the referee and bowed.
"Face each other. Bow." The referee told Hawk and his opponent.
Hawk and his opponent faced each other and bowed.
"Fighting positions. Ready?" The referee asked.
Hawk got in a fighting position.
The other boy got in a fighting position.
"Fight!" The referee yelled.
Hawk tried to punch the other boy a few times, and the other boy barely dodged the punches. The other boy tried to kick Hawk, but Hawk blocked the kick. The other boy tried to kick Hawk again and almost threw Hawk off balance. Annoyed, Hawk ran towards the other boy and jumped before punching him in the face, causing him to fall.
"Three points!" The referee grabbed Hawk's arm and lifted it. "Winner!"
"Yeah!" Hawk yelled, removing his gi and flexing his muscles. "Yeah!"
The crowd cheered.
Hawk's back was facing the crowd. He was rolling his shoulder blades.
"I can't believe this actually works," Demetri muttered.
Hawk put his gi back on and walked off the mat.
Hawk's opponent walked off the mat.
Bert was up next.
Bert and his opponent stepped onto the mat.
Bert looked at the other Cobra Kai students and Johnny.
"Fighting positions. Ready?" The referee asked.
Bert got in a fighting position.
The other boy got in a fighting position.
"Fight!" The referee yelled.
Bert and the other boy circled each other.
The other boy did a backflip.
"Let's go, Bert! No mercy!" Johnny yelled.
"Come on, Bert! You've got this!" Hawk yelled.
"Come on, Bert!" Miguel yelled.
"Let's go, Bert! No mercy, Bert!" Johnny yelled.
The other boy did a backflip and kicked Bert in the chest. Bert fell.
Johnny, Sarah, Miguel, Aisha, and Hawk winced.
Daryl smiled. "And that brings us to the quarterfinals."
"Three points! Winner!" The referee yelled, lifting Miguel's arm after he defeated his opponent.
"Over on mat two, Miguel Diaz makes the semis!" Daryl announced, clapping along with the audience.
Hawk and Robby advanced to the semi-finals.
Sarah's opponent was a boy that was slightly taller than her. He was on Xander's team. She lost the match. It was a close match.
Aisha's opponent was Xander. He tried to punch her, but she dodged the punch. She kicked him in the stomach.
"Point!" The referee yelled.
"Yes, Aisha!" Sam cheered.
Aisha blocked Xander's punches. He swept her leg out from under her and punched her in the stomach.
Daryl spoke. "And over on mat four, Xander Stone is our last semi-finalist."
"Yes!" Patricia yelled as she stood up.
"Sorry." Xander tried to help Aisha up, but she pushed him away.
"Eat shit, asshole." Aisha walked off the mat.
Johnny patted Aisha on the shoulder. "It was a good fight. You'll get him next time."
"Whatever." Aisha walked out of the gymnasium.
"I'll be right back." Sam told Amanda.
"Okay." Amanda said.
Sam walked out of the gymnasium.
Aisha was sitting on a bench. Sam approached her.
"You did a great job out there. If he hadn't resorted to that sweep, you totally would've had him." Sam said.
"I don't need your sympathy." Aisha said.
Sam sighed.
"Look, I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear right now, but I'm really sorry. You're my oldest friend, and I never should've been hanging out with somebody like Yasmine in the first place." Sam said.
"You've got that right." Aisha said.
"All I know is, after that front wedgie, she's never going to live that down." Sam said.
"You saw that?" Aisha asked.
"It's all over YouTube. You really tore her a new...Vagina." Sam said.
Aisha and Sam laughed.
"You know, I've got to admit, this is a pretty cool gi." Sam said.
"Thank you." Aisha said.
"I mean, the snake's a little on the evil side, but I like the colours." Sam said.
"I can probably get you one." Aisha said.
"Yeah, right. My dad would have a heart attack." Sam said.
"Well, even if you don't join Cobra Kai, we could definitely use another girl out there." Aisha said.
Aisha walked into the gymnasium. Sam followed her.
"Yes! Let's give it up for all of our competitors! You're all winners. We've seen some great fighting today, haven't we? There can be only one true winner, and he is standing on this stage right now." Daryl gestured to the four boys that were standing behind him.
"Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?"
Miguel bowed.
"Will it be Hawk...Well, I guess it's just Hawk...From Cobra Kai Karate?"
Hawk smirked as he bowed.
"Moskowitz." Demetri rolled his eyes. "He's Eli Moskowitz."
"Will it be Robby Keene, unaffiliated?"
Robby bowed.
"And last but certainly not least, last year's champion, Xander Stone!"
"I love you, Xander!" Patricia yelled as she stood up. "You're my boy."
Patricia sat back down.
Xander did a front flip and a backflip. The audience gasped. He took the microphone from Daryl.
"I just wanted to say that even though I love to fight, we all need to fight together against hatred, and as I look around this arena, I pray for every race, religion, and gender that we can all live together in peace. Please join me in a moment of silence as we strive to end intolerance in our time."
Xander bowed his head. The audience slowly followed his lead.
Johnny looked annoyed. He turned to Miguel.
"Kick that pansy bitch in the face." Johnny ordered.
Miguel chuckled. "Yes, Sensei."
Daryl took the microphone from Xander. "All right! First up, Stone versus Diaz! Let's go!"
As soon as the fight started, Patricia yelled at Xander. "Come on! Punch him in the face, Xander! Use your hands! Come on!"
"Focus, Diaz!" Johnny yelled.
Miguel kicked Xander in the head, causing him to fall.
"Point!" The referee yelled.
It was two to one.
"Yeah, Miggy!" Carmen cheered.
Xander got up.
"That's all right, baby! Two more, and Mama is back in the finals! You've got this!" Patricia yelled at Xander.
"Fighting positions." The referee told Xander and Miguel.
Xander got in a fighting position.
Miguel got in a fighting position.
"Offense! Stay on offense!" Johnny yelled at Miguel.
"Ready? Fight!" The referee yelled.
Xander and Miguel circled each other a few times, blocking punches.
"Focus, focus! Let's go, Diaz! Don't let him trick you! Come on, Diaz!" Johnny yelled at Miguel.
Xander jumped and tried to kick Miguel, but Miguel dodged the kick. Miguel kicked Xander in the stomach, causing him to fall.
"Yeah!" Rosa cheered.
"Point!" The referee yelled.
"That is bullshit!" Patricia yelled. "Bullshit!"
The referee grabbed Miguel's arm and lifted it. "Winner!"
Xander and Miguel faced each other and bowed. Xander was a good sport. He shook Miguel's hand.
Xander and Miguel walked off the mat.
Daryl spoke. "Miguel Diaz is headed to the finals. Next up, Hawk versus Keene."
Daniel was reluctant to support Robby.
"Oh, come on. You're not going to cheer for your student?" Amanda asked.
"No. He's not my student. I...Amanda, I can't. The kid lied to me." Daniel said.
"So what? He's a kid, and he obviously wasn't in it with Johnny, or he wouldn't be fighting his students." Amanda said.
Robby stepped onto the mat.
Johnny was upset.
"Is something wrong, Sensei?" Hawk asked.
"No. Show him what you've got." Johnny told Hawk.
Hawk jumped onto the mat.
Hawk walked towards Robby. "Prepare to face the fury of the Hawk."
"Face me. Bow." The referee told Hawk and Robby.
Hawk and Robby faced the referee and bowed.
"Face each other. Bow." The referee told Hawk and Robby.
Hawk and Robby faced each other and bowed.
"Fighting positions. Ready?" The referee asked.
Hawk got in a fighting position.
Robby got in a fighting position.
"Fight!" The referee yelled.
Robby tried to kick Hawk, but Hawk dodged the kick. Robby continued trying to kick Hawk, and Hawk continued dodging the kicks. Hawk grabbed Robby's waist and threw him on the floor before punching him in the stomach.
"Point!" The referee yelled.
Hawk screeched like a hawk.
"He's not focused," Daniel mumbled to Amanda.
"Remember what you learned, Robby!" Daniel yelled. "You've got to search inside for the good stuff, you know, because then you can find some balance in your life."
Robby closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.
Hawk scoffed, giving Robby a judgmental look.
"Okay, fighting positions!" The referee yelled.
Hawk got in a fighting position.
Robby got in a fighting position.
"Ready? Fight!" The referee yelled.
Hawk tried to kick Robby in the face, but Robby dodged the kick. They blocked each other's punches. Robby swung his foot at Hawk, and Hawk tried to duck, but he got kicked in the head and fell.
"Yeah! There you go, Robby!" Daniel yelled.
Hawk got up.
"Point!" The referee yelled.
Hawk got in Robby's face. "That was a lucky point. It's going to be your last."
"Why? Leaving early to fix that stupid haircut?" Robby taunted.
Robby walked away. Hawk ran towards him.
"Hey! Stop! Get back here! Hey, hey!" The referee yelled, trying to stop Hawk from reaching Robby.
Hawk pushed the referee out of the way. He kicked Robby in the shoulder. Robby fell, groaning.
"What the hell was that?!" Daniel yelled.
"Robby!" Johnny yelled.
The referee grabbed Hawk.
"That's enough! Illegal contact! You're disqualified!" The referee yelled.
"Bullshit!" Hawk yelled.
The referee pulled Hawk off the mat.
Johnny ran up to Robby.
"Are you okay?" Johnny asked.
"Get the hell away from me," Robby said angrily.
"Hey, back on your side." The referee pulled Johnny off the mat.
Johnny walked over to Hawk.
"What the hell are you thinking, man?" Johnny asked Hawk.
"What was I supposed to do? Be a pussy?" Hawk asked.
"You all right, kid?" The referee asked Robby.
"Yeah, l'm fine." Robby said.
Daryl spoke. "With that disqualification, Keene earns a trip to the finals. We'll see him back here after a short break."
Daniel and Robby were in the locker room.
"You remembered to focus." Daniel said.
"You had me up on that tree for hours." Robby said.
"Look, Robby, your dad and I have our issues, but you and him? That's another story." Daniel said.
"I'm sorry I lied to you, Mr. LaRusso. I just wanted to get back at him." Robby said.
"I know, but you're never going to find balance that way. You can't let that bad blood change who you are. I'm not saying you need to like the guy. I know I never will, but he is your father, and believe me, you're lucky to have one. You've just got to try to remember he's not a monster. He's just a guy with a lot of demons. Mr. Miyagi always told me there's no such thing as a bad student, only a bad teacher, and your dad had the worst teacher there ever was. It sent him down a wrong path, but you don't have to go down that path. Do you understand? You don't have to ever become him, trust me. You let go of all that anger, and I guarantee you, no matter what happens tonight, you'll go home feeling great." Daniel said.
"I don't know about that. My shoulder's killing me. I don't think I can fight." Robby said.
"We'll see about that." Daniel rubbed his hands together, as if he was going to use Mr. Miyagi's pain suppression technique.
"Medic!" Daniel yelled. "Is there a medic?"
Daryl spoke. "The final match will begin shortly."
Miguel was stretching. He heard Sam laugh at something Aisha said. He approached Sam.
Miguel spoke. "Sam."
Aisha spoke to Sam. "I'll see you later."
Aisha walked away.
"l'm sorry about what happened the other night." Miguel said.
"You mean when you hit me?" Sam asked.
"It was an accident. I wasn't trying to hit you." Miguel said.
"You shouldn't have been trying to hit anyone." Sam said.
"You bring some dude to the party and expect me to be okay with that?" Miguel asked.
"I expect you to act like a normal person. You don't even know Robby, and you were trying to start a fight with him?" Sam asked.
"You have to strike first. You don't wait for the enemy to attack." Miguel told Sam.
"The enemy? Do you even hear yourself? I don't even know who you are anymore." Sam said.
"Well, just wait. Watch what I do to Robby in the finals." Miguel walked away.
Sam approached Amanda.
"Hey, Mom. I really need to go...But...Um...I can call an Uber." Sam said.
"No." Amanda said. "No, baby, I'll come with you. It's okay. We'll...Uh...We'll just text your dad on the way. Come on, Anthony. We've got to go."
"It's just starting to get good." Anthony complained.
Amanda, Sam, and Anthony left.
The medic walked into the locker room.
The medic gestured to Robby's shoulder and asked, "Are you feeling any pain here?"
"Uh...Yeah." Robby said.
The medic touched Robby's shoulder and asked, "Does it hurt when I do this?"
"Yeah." Robby said.
"Okay. Are you ready?" The medic asked.
The medic popped Robby's shoulder back into place. Robby groaned.
"It's a slight anterior dislocation, so I just popped it back into place, but you're going to feel it for the next few weeks." The medic said.
"Okay. Thanks, Doctor. I appreciate it." Daniel said.
"You're welcome." The medic walked out of the locker room.
"Listen, you don't need to fight." Daniel said.
"Yes, I do. I'm going to have to face him sooner or later. Might as well be today." Robby said.
"This is it, folks. The moment we've all been waiting for. The final match to determine who will be victor and champion. Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?" Daryl asked as the spotlights came on.
The crowd cheered.
"That's my son!" Carmen yelled proudly.
"Will it be Robby Keene, unaffili…" Daniel trailed off.
A woman ran up to Daryl and whispered in his ear.
"Daniel LaRusso's going to coach? Daniel LaRusso's going to coach!" Daryl yelled.
Daniel waved as he walked onto the stage.
"I'm sorry, folks. There has been a change. Robby Keene will now be fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate with former champion Daniel LaRusso as his sensei. How about that? Good luck, gentlemen." Daryl said.
The crowd cheered.
Daniel walked off the stage.
Johnny approached Daniel.
"What do you think you're doing?" Johnny asked.
"Coaching my student. Somebody needs to be there for him." Daniel said.
"You think this is funny?" Johnny asked.
"Do you see me laughing?" Daniel asked.
"You're going to regret this when it's over." Johnny told Daniel.
"Yeah, right." Daniel scoffed. "Like this will ever be over."
"All right, senseis, take your corners." The referee told Daniel and Johnny.
Daniel walked up to Robby.
Johnny walked up to Miguel.
"No aggression. Let him come to you, all right?" Daniel asked Robby.
"All right." Robby said.
"You know what to do. You've trained all year for this." Johnny told Miguel.
"Don't worry, Sensei. I won't let LaRusso or that kid go home a winner." Miguel said.
Miguel and Robby stepped onto the mat.
"Face me. Bow." The referee told Miguel and Robby.
Miguel and Robby faced the referee and bowed.
"Face each other. Bow." The referee told Miguel and Robby.
Miguel and Robby faced each other and bowed.
"Fighting positions. Ready?" The referee asked.
Miguel got in a fighting position.
Robby got in a fighting position.
"Fight!" The referee yelled.
Fighting defensively, Robby managed to score a point. Miguel earned two points by exploiting Robby's injured shoulder. Daniel called for a timeout to help Robby focus, after which he scored his second point with a two-legged kick.
"How about that? A two-legged kick!" Daryl yelled.
Robby held his hand out to Miguel
Miguel pulled on Robby's injured arm. Robby fell, groaning.
Robby groaned.
"Watch it, Diaz!" Johnny yelled.
"Ref! Come on!" Daniel yelled.
The crowd booed.
Robby got up.
The referee spoke. "That's one warning for unsportsmanlike contact."
Daniel called for a timeout.
"Robby, come here." Daniel told Robby.
Robby walked up to Daniel.
"I'm going to tell him to end it." Daniel said.
"No. Let me finish." Robby told Daniel.
"Okay. Just...Be careful." Daniel told Robby.
Miguel walked up to Johnny.
Sarah was standing next to Johnny.
"I found this weakness, Sensei. It's his shoulder." Miguel told Johnny.
"Look, I know we want to win, but it has to be the right way." Johnny told Miguel.
"We don't have to fight dirty." Sarah told Miguel.
"Dirty?" Miguel asked. "There's nothing dirty about winning, Sarah. Sensei taught us that. Don't worry. I've got this. No mercy."
When the match resumed, Miguel targeted Robby's shoulder once more and won the tournament.
"Who saw that coming? I know I didn't!" Daryl yelled as Miguel's fellow students, with the exception of Sarah, joined him on the mat. Sarah stayed by Johnny's side. They were in no mood to celebrate.
"Without further ado, let me present the trophy to this year's new champion, Miguel Diaz and the Cobra Kai dojo!" Daryl handed the trophy to Miguel.
Miguel held up the trophy. "Yeah!"
"Miguel! Is there anything you want to say to the people, son?" Daryl asked Miguel.
"I just want to say that if it wasn't for my sensei and his daughter, I wouldn't be here, so this is for Sensei Johnny Lawrence, Sarah Lawrence, and Cobra Kai!" Miguel yelled.
"Yeah!" Hawk cheered.
"Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" Hawk, Aisha, and the other students standing next to Miguel chanted.
Johnny and Sarah approached Robby and Daniel.
"Robby, I...I'm sorry." Johnny said.
"It's okay, Dad. Let's go, Mr. LaRusso." Robby told Daniel.
"You got what you wanted, Johnny. You won. Congratulations." Daniel left the arena with Robby.
Rosa and Carmen approached Miguel.
Rosa hugged Miguel.
"Miggy!" Carmen hugged Miguel. "Miggy!"
"Are you okay?" Carmen asked.
"Yes, Ma. Just...Um...Looking for someone, okay? One minute." Miguel walked away.
Demetri approached Miguel and hugged him.
"Hey! There he is! Listen, I'm reconsidering joining Cobra Kai. I'm still not into the idea of getting hit in the face, but I respect the safety in numbers aspect of joining a gang." Demetri said.
"Uh...Have you...Have you seen Sam?" Miguel asked.
"She left a while ago." Demetri said.
Miguel sighed. "Okay."
"Great job not sucking." Demetri said.
"Thanks, man." Miguel said.
Sam walked through Daniel's dojo and reminisced about their time together before launching into an aerial attack routine.
On the drive to Daniel's mansion, Robby was sullen about getting second place. Daniel told him he was the true winner, as he fought with honour. Robby expressed concern that Cobra Kai was going to become the premier dojo in the Valley.
"Over my dead body." Daniel said.
Daniel took Robby to Mr. Miyagi's old house, which he planned to turn into the new Miyagi-Do dojo.
Johnny and Sarah arrived at the Cobra Kai dojo and contemplated the hollow victory in Johnny's office.
The bell jingled as the door opened.
Johnny and Sarah walked out of the office and saw Johnny's former sensei, John Kreese.
Sarah had heard stories about Kreese from Johnny. She wasn't too fond of Kreese.
Kreese was smoking a cigar.
"Congratulations, Johnny. You did what I always thought you could do. You won. Cobra Kai is back where it belongs. Back on top. Everyone closed the book on us. They thought we were done. But now they see that the real story has only just begun." Kreese said.
"I thought you were dead." Johnny said.
Kreese put his hand on Johnny's shoulder. "You're not the only one, kid. I've been away a long, long time. It's good to see you."
Johnny slapped Kreese's hand away.
"Sarah, go back to the office." Johnny ordered.
"I'm not leaving you alone with him." Sarah said.
Kreese chuckled. "You've still got that hot temper, huh? I like that, Johnny. I like that. I bet that's why one of your students is now the champion. You trained him and your daughter well. Just like I trained you."
Johnny tried to punch Kreese, but Kreese dodged the punch and flipped him. He fell, groaning. Sarah helped him up.
"You forgot. I taught you everything you know." Kreese said.
"Not everything." Johnny said.
Johnny kicked Kreese in the face, and Kreese's cigar landed in the trash can.
Kreese chuckled. "Not bad, Mr. Lawrence. Not bad."
Johnny tried to punch Kreese, but Kreese dodged the punch and pinned him against the wall. Kreese kicked Johnny in the face and pushed him into the mirror, causing it to break.
"Look, I don't want to fight. I just want to talk." Kreese said.
"About what? How you taught me to fight dirty? How you broke my second-place trophy? How you tried to kill me?" Johnny asked.
"I never tried to kill you." Kreese said.
Johnny tackled Kreese and tried to punch him, but he punched the mat instead. He put Kreese in a headlock.
"Go to Hell, you son of a..." Johnny trailed off.
Johnny thought about the time Kreese strangled him after he lost to Daniel in 1984.
Johnny let go of Kreese.
"Showing mercy to an old man. That's very honourable. And stupid." Kreese said.
Kreese swept Johnny's legs out from under him. Johnny tried to get up, but Kreese elbowed his left rib. They laid on the floor until the sprinklers came on.
1 note · View note
blazingsnark · 7 years
Pairing: Blade Master x Grand Master Rating: G Wordcount: 1593 Notes/Summary: Raven doesn’t want to be awake, but he wants to be asleep even less.  Apparently, Elesis is in the same boat.
How long had it been since he’d had a peaceful night’s sleep? Raven wondered, once again finding himself kicking off the blankets, sitting up despite the sandbag heaviness of his eyelids.  Every time he tried to close his eyes and succumb to his exhaustion, the same horrific image flashed in his mind and he found himself jolted awake.
It was like the nightmares from the Nasod capsule, Raven thought, and dragged his human hand down his face, letting out a sigh that sounded louder than it actually was in the silent room.  He just wanted to sleep.  Why couldn’t he manage to sleep?  If this went on for much longer, he’d have to start pulling out of battles.  He couldn’t endanger the Elgang with his exhaustion.
Raven stood and started pacing the room, only taking a moment to glance at the clock.  One in the morning - an El-forsaken time, when the moon started dipping below the horizon and darkness claimed the world.  Some superstitious mercenaries in the Black Crows had called it the ‘witching hour,’ Raven suddenly remembered, and then shook away their faces because the next thought would be-
No.  He wasn’t going to think about it.  Stubbornly he tried to keep those thoughts from his mind, continued pacing, stifled a yawn that probably would have cracked his jaw.  Think about anything else, Raven.  Tactics.  Elsword trying to make bad puns.  Elesis and Aisha sparring with only fire.  Anything.
The blood-soaked clearing flashed in his mind, bushes red and dripping under the shaded leaves of trees, bodies thrown every which way, Owen’s taunting smile as his blade dripped blood.
Raven pressed the heel of his human hand into his eyes, wanting the thoughts away, praying for it to stop.  A strangled moan of anguish broke the silence.
It took a moment for Raven to realize it was coming from his own throat.
Half-angry at himself, he snatched up his blade and slipped out of the room.  Fine.  If he couldn’t get sleep, he’d exhaust himself more until he collapsed.  Training had always been a good way to do that.
The training room was always silent and dark at this time of the night.  The hilt of Raven’s blade felt familiar in his hand, perfectly balanced steel grounding him in the present.
For now.
He flicked on the lights and waited for his eyes to adjust, blinking until it didn’t seem too bright anymore.  Then he dragged a training monkey out into the middle of the room and positioned himself in front of it, breathing out in a slow exhale, mentally adjusting himself into a fighting mode.
The blade in his hand seemed to reach out almost of its own accord.  Raven dragged a long cut up the training monkey, slashed, let the strike bounce off as if from a shield, and came at the training monkey with a vicious pierce.
A sword dance, the training instructor had called it; basic moves that had to be ingrained into any Blade Master so deeply that they could perform them in their sleep.  And even in his exhausted state, Raven could perform these.
Cut.  Thrust.  Parry.  Slash.  The blade’s glint was familiar, the weight of it familiar, the burn of Raven’s muscles all familiar and grounding.  Raven’s focus narrowed to only his next movement.
He didn’t notice Elesis until his training monkey was littered with cuts and scars.
She was standing to the side, watching him.  Raven lowered his blade and tried to regulate his breathing.  How long had he been practicing?  He wasn’t sure what time he started.
“Can’t sleep?” Elesis asked.
Raven shook his head mutely, and Elesis’ mouth twisted into some grim approximation of a smile.
“Me neither.”
Raven still said nothing.  Elesis turned away and dragged out her own training monkey, nearly whittled away to a stick by now from the weight and precision of her claymore.
“I hope you don’t mind if I’m not chatty tonight,” she said, reaching for a practice claymore - just as heavy as her normal sword, but less sharp.  Raven silently thanked Ishmael that Elesis wasn’t in a talkative mood and turned back to his own practice.
Cut.  Parry.  Forehand, backhand, slash-slash pierce.  The rhythm of the movement was so deeply ingrained that Raven found himself almost doing it unconsciously, carrying through each hit with the same sort of quick tempo his first sword instructor scoffed at as impossible.
Impossible.  He’d done a lot of things that were impossible.  The Nasod arm throbbed with cold, and without breaking the rhythm of his strikes, Raven flashed out a black hole with it that tore a few chips from the training monkey and sent them vanishing into freezing space.
Elesis’ strikes vibrated in the background of Raven’s hearing, an almost comforting counterpoint to his own.  Raven found himself attuning to her, slowing down his pace enough to make their rhythms similar.
The room wavered.  Raven stumbled, darkness flashing in front of his eyes, and felt the comforting steel of his blade drop from his hand mid-strike.  For a terrifying moment, it felt like he was floating again in green gel, his body mangled from fresh experimentation-
Elesis’ voice reached through the darkness.  Raven jolted awake on his hands and knees, the training room’s cold ground biting into his human hand, Elesis crouching beside him.
“You just collapsed,” Elesis said, and reached for his human shoulder.  “Is everything alright?”
He couldn’t tell her it was.  She’d just seen his weakness.  Raven shook his head and tried to keep his breathing steady.
“Nightmares,” he said shortly, hoping Elesis would get it.  From the shift of her position, she did.
Silence for a few moments.  Raven swallowed hard, tried to will the room to stop spinning, and sat up on his heels.  Elesis’ concerned gaze washed over him.
“You know,” she said, “sometimes it helps to talk.”
He didn’t want to think about it.  If he just didn’t think about it, it would go away.  Raven shook his head.
Elesis didn’t press, but neither did she move.  Her hand slipped from Raven’s shoulder.  Without really thinking, Raven grabbed her wrist again, needing something solid to ground him in the present.
Elesis swore under her breath.
“Ebalon’s light, Raven, how long has it been since you’ve slept?”
How long had it been?  He couldn’t remember.  “A few days,” he hazarded.  “Long enough to… make me like this.”
Elesis swore again, then Raven felt her free hand on his back, helping him up.  He complied.
“Ciel can give you something to make you sleep, you know,” she offered.  “To stop the nightmares.”
It wouldn’t be enough.  Raven drew breath to say as much, but some hardness in Elesis’ eyes as she looked up at him gave him pause.
“How do you know?” he asked instead.  Elesis huffed a humorless laugh.
“How do you think I manage to sleep?”
There were bruised circles under her eyes, Raven finally noticed, and kicked himself internally for being so exhausted that he was dead to the world around him.  He wasn’t the only tired one.  He wasn’t the only one with nightmares so bad he couldn’t manage to rest.
“What are yours about?” he asked without thinking, then bit his tongue.  “I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t-”
“It’s alright,” Elesis said, cutting him off, and helped Raven over to the bench at the edge of the training room, the one everyone used for stretching more than sitting.  Raven collapsed onto the hard wooden seat.  As tired as he was, it seemed softer than anything.
Elesis sat beside him.  Raven realized with a start that, at some point, he’d stopped gripping her wrist and started gripping her hand.  His fingers were twined with hers.
“I… There’s one dream that keeps recurring,” Elesis murmured.  She was actually answering Raven’s question.  “I’m sprinting down a hallway.  I don’t have my claymore, and there are Red Knights behind me.  We’re running from something.  There’s something we can’t defeat, but I never know what it is, just that they keep disappearing….”
Her voice wavered.  Raven squeezed her hand.
“You don’t have to go on,” he murmured, and the bloody clearing flashed again in his mind’s eye.  “I understand.”
Elesis, hesitantly, leaned into Raven, her head on his shoulder.  Raven buried his face in her hair.  She’d told her nightmare, he should reciprocate.
“Mine…” he started, and then hesitated.  “I see the place where Seris and my comrades died.  There’s blood everywhere, and Alex - Owen - the man who betrayed me is there.  Except it’s not my comrades on the ground, it’s the Elgang, and-”
His voice cracked.  That hadn’t happened since he was a teenager.  And oh, gods, was he crying?  Raven furiously blinked away the tears.
Elesis gripped his hand.  Raven focused on the pressure.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured.  Elesis sighed.
“Hi, ‘sorry’, I’m-”
“Don’t you dare.”
Elesis snorted, and for a moment, Raven almost forgot the dripping red of the leaves, the way Elesis’ body had been torn apart on the ground by Owen’s blade.  Exhaustion once again washed over him with a tempting pull.
“We should go back to our rooms,” Elesis murmured.  Raven pulled himself away from that tempting precipice and nodded.
Neither of them moved.
They were still like that in the morning when Elsword found them, both sleeping on each other, their fingers laced together and their breathing soft and steady.
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