#and they probably have a bunch of dumb rules to uphold that make no sense
squirmydonnie · 10 months
CW/TW: academics
Yesterday I did bad on my test. I got an 51, but because some of the questions were faulty everyone had an added 6 points.
The girl I comforted once, who made an effort to not include me in a conversation because it was "an A-B conversation", started crying in class.
They normally get 100s on every assignment, and only sometimes slightly lower. I wanted to go up to them and check on them, but I had just checked on someone else just before walking into class. I felt bad because I had tried this once before. But I felt like I couldn't find a good time to give them a tissue. I also felt like I had gotten too nervous already and probably sweated all over it, so I didn't give it to them.
They get very upset when they can't get something quickly. When she was staring at me so angry I had gotten scared, but I understood why she was upset. When getting help it probably felt like she was getting talked down to. Plus something with their blood sugar because they have diabetes.
So when I came up to help them that one time I thought it was fine. Until I realized today, they were probably weirded out by me coming up to them. And maybe I make them uncomfortable.
People say not to worry about others perceptions of you, but I can't.
I think these people see me as someone who's allowed to get poor grades. It's not their fault of they think that way, but I do try.
I used to be like them. I mean I wouldn't cry if I got lower then a B, but I get why they do. There's probably consequences they have to deal with and some kind of status they have to uphold.
And maybe I'm lucky I started failing at that status as soon as 6th grade. Maybe it's good. But its still uncomfortable.
This mindset makes me sick. That you are failure fo to grades, that your no longer intelligent because you didn't do as well on a test. And they way it can make you see others as well. In the GT classes people will call each other stupid a lot, and makes a whole bunch of unnecessary remarks. It gets tiring to hear everyday.
I get very upset with myself for ever thinking I am stupid. For ever thinking was dumb. Because that's wrong. I felt like worthless person.
I now know that I have these setbacks, that make it extremely difficult for me to keep up with these kinds of classes. I refuse to call them GT classes.
I hate the rift its created between students. It should have always been called advanced classes instead. If it's called "Gifted and Talented" you come across the problem of trying to explain that it doesn't mean that are or aren't gifted or talented and that its intelligence. Why would they make it this way? I almost feel like they wanted the rift, like they just wanted to make people feel bad.
Why are advanced classes basically just the regular classes sped up and with less instructions? Being in these classes would have been fine if it wasn't so shit.
I have adhd. I cannot do this sped up. I have autism. I can't do it with less instruction. Do not tell me to sit down and try to figure it out first. I will figure it out either when class is almost over or will get it done a month from now.
If I had advanced classes my way there wouldn't be any of this bullshit.
There would be accelerated classes which are faster for those who need work to be done that way. People who do the work quickly don't always comprehend it.
And also classes with more advanced content but at the regular pace.
I'm really just spit balling. I have no clue about whether or not this would be good, but I know what isn't. I know what hurts all factions of students in the schools.
General bad decision making.
Stop with these stupid names. Like when do you stop and think about whether what your labeling makes any sense.
I have beating myself up for years, for being a person who let academics rule my life. But I shouldn't. I don't know how to stop. It doesn't matter that I don't do it as much anymore.
I'm still left behind. Everyone's finishing their test an I'm still in class for another 40 minutes.
Everyone's working on assignment and I'm working on one from a month ago.
This would make anyone feel stupid or unworthy.
Knowing I'm not either of those only helps but so much when people in the class get upset with there 90s or 70s. And I'm in the back with my 20s, 40s, and 50s, and 60s.
I understand why your hurt. But when you say how bad your grade is, and it's an 80, don't ask why I'm looking at you weird.
What do you want me to say. Aw that sucks!
I guess it does. I'm not mad at you for feeling that way, but at the same time I'm not happy. I'm not happy the schools made you believe in bad grades.
It makes me sick to see you cry, even if your offput by me. You don't deserve that.
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amazinglyegg · 2 years
Oh and another hc! Danse is autistic but has little problem with eye contact for the most part because the Brotherhood trained him out of it, but when he's emotional in casual settings his ability to maintain it falters. This is most notice by him always looking away when he smiles
Y'know I've always imagined him to have a problem with Too Much Eye Contact, like, staring-into-your-soul levels of eye contact, but I think both of our headcanons actually work...
Danse hears that "not looking someone in the eyes is considered rude/people will think you're lying or untrustworthy" so he starts just STARING all the time. Maxson's giving a speech? Staring out of respect. Giving orders to his team? Staring so they know he's serious and trusts them. He's the living embodiment of this meme:
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He gets so confused when initiates cower away from him because he tries hard not to be intimidating, what is he doing wrong? Is it his power armor? His rank? Is he not friendly enough?
And it's not like anybody will call him out on it because god forbid neurotypicals talk about their issues because of his rank, so he just continues doing this for years thinking he's being polite.
Maybe it takes Sole pointing it out to him or maybe he starts to feel comfortable enough around Sole, but he'll start letting himself look away more. While laughing, or telling a joke, or having a serious conversation. It's way more comfortable to him and Sole doesn't seem to mind. Danse looking away while he's talking is an easy way to tell that he enjoys someone's presence even when he won't admit it
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The Heaven We Didn’t Choose, Chapter 16: In Which Monsters Celebrate
...A holiday that is actually rather tame, given the circumstances.
First: Chapter 1: In Which a Child Makes a Friend
Previous: Chapter 15: In Which Sans is Hired
Next: Chapter 17: In Which Alphys is Terrible
Click here for the story overview.
Sans stared at the items in his hands.  Why he’d ever thought this was a good idea was beyond him.
It had started off so simply.  In the Underground, clothing either had to be made by hand or repurposed from whatever fell into the old dump in Waterfall.  It had been Sans’s job to clothe himself and his brother, and he’d been...decent at it.  They were hardly fashionable (Papyrus had started dressing himself as soon as he was physically able, and wound up looking like a goth Halloween decoration) but they had adequate protection against attacks and the elements.
So.  Soon after Papyrus declared himself Boss and began enforcing his rule with more violence than Sans had been comfortable with, he’d found a door.  It was stupid - he couldn’t open it, and without some idea of what lay beyond he really couldn’t teleport to the other side - but he’d liked the door.  It represented something new, something different.  Something to hope for.  An escape.
Kinda like the barrier, now that he thought about it.
And yeah, okay, he may have told a few shitty jokes to himself out there, just for the sake of hearing his own voice, but it wasn’t like he’d expected anyone to talk back to him.
And yet, someone had.  Tori - though he hadn’t known she was Toriel, Queen of Monsters at the time - was funny.  Depressed as hell, and more than a little morbid, but when she put her mind to it she was hilarious.  For someone who hadn’t heard a decent joke in years, even from his own mouth, she was a small miracle.
They bonded over dumb jokes and self-loathing, even if they would never have admitted to either.  Maybe it was their sincere love of bad jokes, or maybe it was because there was a very solid door between them, but they became...allies, of a sort.
As allies, they exchanged stories and experiences.  Sans heard all about life in the Ruins (the most boring place in the Underground) and Tori heard about Snowdin (a very close second).  Once they realized that their respective lives were awfully dull, they moved on to something a little more practical: survival tips.
Like her daughter, Tori had an impressive fashion sense...and was very aware of the fact that Sans did not.  She was hardly subtle about it.  When he’d described the clothes he and his brother wore, she immediately offered her collection of knitting and crocheting patterns for him to choose from.  Yarn made from spun fiber was fairly common in the Underground, thanks in part to Muffet and her wild bands of spider mercenaries, so he agreed. He was never sure how she got them outside the door - there was never evidence of any evidence that it opened in any way - but from time to time he would find carefully copied patterns waiting for him at his spot.
He’d gotten pretty good at crocheting, actually, before everything went to hell in a handbasket.
Sans would’ve been content to live his life that way: avoiding Boss, swapping dumb jokes with Tori, slacking off work and bugging Grillby.  A few cases as the Judge here and there, a few run-ins with Muffet, maybe a trip over to MTT’s arena if he needed to blow off some steam; everything was pretty good.
Then Alphys - mad scientist that she was - tried to come up with ‘the ultimate weapon’ and accidentally brought a certain prince back to life as a weepy, over-sensitive flower with horrifying powers, and Sans’s life had gone to shit.
Which led, more or less directly, to a skeleton sitting at his sentry post one evening in the middle of December with a bunch of soft brown yarn and a crochet hook he barely remembered how to use.
He had pulled and reworked the little disk he was trying to make several times already, but it still looked lumpy and misshapen to his eye sockets.  With a sigh, he pulled the trailing end of the yarn to unravel his stitches - again - and grabbed the pattern out of his inventory.
What he was trying to make was a hat and mittens.  Simple, right?  He’d made much more complicated things Underground.  Hell, he’d made Boss’s first few undershirts for his Royal Guard uniform; the Guard had armor aplenty, but hadn’t been equipped to deal with someone as...skinny as Boss.  Some sort of padding to protect bone from harsh metal - and to keep the large armor on at all - was necessary, but trying to crochet around bones without a reliable pattern was awful.
He’d gone through a lot of yarn on those undershirts, more than he could’ve afforded at the time if he’d been inclined to pay.  That was probably when Muffet had started that bounty on his head.
The point being, he should have been able to pick crocheting right back up.  It was easy.  Once upon a time he’d practically been able to do it in his sleep.  He probably had done it in his sleep at least once.
But no matter how he twisted and looped and tucked and wrapped, everything kept coming out lopsided.  The urge to tear the wimpy human yarn apart was growing stronger.  Hmph.  Muffet was one of the monsters who hadn’t elected to move to the Surface - she was ruling her extended family-slash-crime syndicate from a roomy cave on the border between Waterfall and Hotland, last he’d heard - but maybe he could armor up and pay her a visit?
Nah.  He didn’t have the guts to go back to the Underground so soon after his confrontation with Asgore.
He dutifully made a new loop and started crocheting a few stitches.  He wanted to give up, but...sentry duty was terribly boring after dark.  He adjusted his lantern so he could see better, then carefully connected his row together so it formed a small circle.
Well.  That try didn’t look half bad, actually.  Maybe he was actually getting somewhere.  He made a few chain stitches and started on the second row.
It took him a few more false starts, but he managed to create what looked like a small skullcap by the time one of the heavy-armored guards who hailed from Hotland stomped up to his post, leaving steaming footsteps in the snow.
“...,” said the guard.  “... ….”
Sans narrowed his eye sockets at the guard.  “Whatever, pal.  You here to take over?”
“Ooookay.”  He barely remembered to snatch his project and slip it into his inventory before leaving his sentry post and heading back into town.
‘Christmas present in progress,’ his inventory called it.  He felt his skull turning colors.  How...embarrassing.  Accurate, but embarrassing.  Why did magic have to work on intent, anyways?
Okay, so he’d decided to make Frisk a Christmas gift.  She was human; Christmas was a human holiday.  If only she was a monster...but no.
Monsters were so much easier to deal with, sometimes.  Their winter holiday - Takersfaire - was traditionally a time when everyone put out the crap they didn’t want in booths, and folks snuck around and stole what they liked from other booths.  It kept them sharp, especially on the Surface where stealing was generally discouraged.
And sure, humans sometimes celebrated Takersfaire (even if they were too nice about it; most wouldn’t even take a half-hearted swing at a monster caught stealing from their booths) but he didn’t know if Frisk was one of them.  He’d never seen her steal anything while watching his and Boss’s booth, but then again that was the point.
So...Christmas gift it was.
He felt stupid.  He and Frisk were barely kind-of friends.  But...he’d been cleaning out his closet, looking for a place to hide his new sock collection, and he’d come across his folder of crochet patterns.  There was a pattern for a neat hat with matching mittens that he’d never gotten a chance to try, and on a whim he’d picked up some yarn while he was getting socks and gloves for his uniform.
Frisk just happened to be the only human adult he really knew; that was it.  And the mittens, at least, were clearly designed for a human; he wasn’t sure how Tori had gotten ahold of the pattern, now that he thought about it.  They were far too small for her and far too big for a skeleton, at least without serious modification.
He was going to justify it by making a matching set for Attie, but Christmas was only two weeks away.  With the way his crochet skills were going he doubted he’d be able to finish anything.
Sans shuffled into his apartment (Boss was gone again) and flopped onto his couch.  He didn’t know where this motivation to make things was coming from.  Maybe it was because he’d taken to secretly working out between jobs sometimes; Undyne had been getting on his case, and he’d noticed shifts in his magic from the exertion.  It was almost like he was...getting more energy, or something.
Mostly, it made him twitchy.
He sighed and took the ‘Christmas present in progress’ out of his inventory.  Might as well do something useful.
That was his routine over the next week or so.  He got up, went to his jobs, worked out (but not too much; he had a reputation to uphold) and slowly made progress on Frisk’s present.  He was getting better at stitching; by the time he finished up the mittens, he was no longer pulling out rows for uneven stitches.  He did have to redo a good portion of the left mitten because he’d gotten stressed out and pulled the stitches too tight, but that was just because he was a neurotic mess.
He was sitting in his sentry station one evening having just finished tying off the second mitten when he got a text from Undyne.
Capn Undie 4:52 PM SO You ARE coming to Takersfaire in New Home, RIGHT???
Shit.  Right.  Takersfaire was that evening.  He knew he’d told Boss he wasn’t going, so he was probably working...right?  He checked his inventory.  The crumpled piece of scrap paper he’d written his work schedule on was one of five items labeled ‘Piece of junk,’ so it took him a bit to find it.
You 5:03 PM Uh u have me working a double shift 2nite
Capn Undie 5:12 PM CRAP I DO
You 5:15 PM Yeah bcuz the dogi r still out Puppies need food n stuff Who knew
You 5:22 PM Boss…?
You 5:30 PM Wait he dusted a kid? When was this?
Capn Undie 5:34 PM Nah, I got him in time BUT HE ALMOST DID
You 5:39 PM I dont know what u want me to do about it
Capn Undie 5:43 PM I WANT YOU TO Wait Oh.  Nevermind.
You 5:48 PM So am I working or what Hello Undyne? Hello?
He leaned back in his seat, propping his feet up against his sentry post.  Weird.  What was that about?
Sans hadn’t actively participated in Takersfaire since he was a babybones, but he did usually watch his and Boss’s booth.  He hated it.  Strong monsters sometimes used Takersfaire as a time to show off: the fancier the booth, the more confident its owner was that he’d be able to hold onto all his items.  It ran a little contrary to the spirit of things, but traditions were weird.
Because Boss was Boss, the skeleton brothers’ booth was always one of the most elaborate in the Kingdom of Monsters.   Also because Boss was Boss, most of the items were bones.  There were a few real goodies as well - electronics that Sans fixed up, plates of whatever Boss’s favorite dish was, envelopes of money, etc. - but mostly it was bones.  Bone attacks, at that, just to make things a little less fair.   Touching them wasn’t exactly what most folks would call safe.  And yet, Sans was expected to guard it.  And stay awake while doing so.
It worried Sans that Boss had taken the news that he was on duty during Takersfaire so well.  A calm Boss always had something up his sleeve.  He had no idea what it could be, though.
About an hour later, Sans was woken up from his usual nap by his text alert.
Capn Undie 6:55 PM *1 picture message received PUT YOUR EYE SOCKETS ON THIS
The picture was Undyne in full armor, posing dramatically, her helmet was tucked under one arm and the other around the shoulders of a human woman.  The woman was wearing a beaked mask of dramatic red and orange feathers that matched the hues of her long, flowing dress.  Sans couldn’t place the outfit's reference (some sort of bird??), but after a careful examination he was stunned to recognize the woman as Frisk.
He was so distracted that he almost missed Attie by Frisk’s side, which would have been a tragedy.  Her face was painted in an obvious facsimile of a skull, and she was wearing a hooded onesie with the pattern of a skeleton printed on it.  He considered being mildly offended (humans and their obsession with naked skeletons were a source of constant confusion for him) but Attie had put a pink skirt on over top.
You 7:04 PM Wow I dont recognize those monsters Who r they?
Capn Undie 7:10 PM *3 picture messages received
The first two pictures were both of a twirling Attie.  Behind her was a booth decorated in ribbons and strands of beads, a large Delta Rune symbol on the front.  The ambassador and her daughter had brought what looked like chocolate cookies in cheerful baggies, as well as some small toys and colorful pieces of clothing.  There was nothing particularly expensive, but the items were personal and useful...especially to those who still lived in the Underground.
The final picture was of Frisk.  She was looking at something off to her left, her head turned to expose the gentle curves of her neck and shoulders.  One hand was raised, lifting the mask just enough to reveal her face.  She was smiling, the same way she always smiled at Attie.
On the table behind her, one of the bags of cookies was missing.
Sans put his head down on the counter of his station, trying to control his trembling arms.   This was the woman he’d killed - sometimes slowly and painfully - dozens of times.  Maybe hundreds of times.  His memories of previous timelines had always been a little fuzzy; he didn’t know, really, how much pain he’d caused her.
And yet…
Don’t.  Don’t even think it.  It’s pointless.  It will only bring heartbreak.
...and yet...some part of him seemed to gravitate towards her.  She wasn’t just the young woman who broke the barrier, or the Kingdom of Monsters’ primary ambassador, or even Attie’s mother.  She wasn’t just someone he’d had an on-and-off passive-aggressive feud with for the past eight years.
She was someone who cared enough to advocate on his behalf.  He had no doubt that she was the one who had sicced Undyne on him.  Undyne rarely cared for anyone but herself (unless caffeine was involved), and yet she’d gone out of her way to help him on multiple occasions.  She’d befriended him.
He owed Frisk a lot.
Staying out of her life so he wouldn’t drag her down seemed like a small price to pay for all she’d done for his sorry ass, but…
“Attie misses you.”
...was that really the best option?  He really didn’t know what was “best” anymore.  He was beginning to doubt that Boss knew what was best, and the past ten years of his life had revolved around the fact that Boss always knew what was best.  The obvious course of action would be to talk to Frisk or someone close to her, but his soul clenched at the thought.
It was a fear of rejection, he realized.  If Undyne or Tori or someone else who knew Frisk well told him to stay away from her, he would have no reason to wonder.  He would have no reason to hope.  It was...more frightening than he wanted to admit.
Capn Undie 7:58 PM OI BONEHEAD!!!! ARE YOU ASLEEP???
You 8:05 PM Nah They look cool Thanks for the pics
Capn Undie 8:07 PM YEAH!!!  They clean up nice, don’t they? Hey, Attie wants to stop by your station after this.
You 8:10 PM You wanna let a kid go tramping down the mountain in the dark and the cold? Also it just started snowing Again
Capn Undie 8:19 PM Fishsticks Frisk got pulled into a meeting Maybe another time BUT I’m gonna take LOTS more pictures So many pictures it’s gonna BLOW YOUR PHONE UP But I’m NOT gonna send them to you YET I HAVE A PLAN GO VISIT ALPHYS SOON I PUT UP WITH HER FOR AN HOUR AND I WON’T LET IT GO TO WASTE
You 8:31 PM Fine
Sans groaned.  He’d been putting off going to see Alphys as long as possible (her broken surveillance equipment was still burning a hole in his inventory), but it looked like his luck had run out.  He really did need to see her records, and if Undyne was willing to consult the Royal Scientist about something...well.  It was probably important.
Everyone knew Undyne and Alphys had hated each other for years, ever since that little incident where Alphys had ‘accidentally’ added something experimental to the captain’s tea during a meeting, and Undyne had responded by trying to get the scientist fired.  Neither had ever forgiven the other, though Alphys remained disturbingly obsessed in that odd way she tended to fixate.
Regardless, Sans had a pretty good idea of what Alphys was messing with, and he didn’t blame Undyne for her reaction.  It was one of the reasons he avoided Alphys in general.  If she was trying to dose people with what he thought she was using…
He put his head back onto the sentry station counter.  Dozing through the rest of his shift seemed like a great option.  He almost managed it, too, but a distant bark from Lesser Dog at the next station over woke him up about half an hour before the end of their shift.
Teleporting over, he evaluated the situation.  There was an abundance of dog tracks in the thin layer of snow, but Lesser Dog was...completely fine??
“Heya, LD.  Heard your alert.  What’s up?”
*Lesser Dog is fine!  And not hiding anyone!*
“Uh-huh.  Do I need to get Undyne?”
“‘Cause you know she’ll be upset if she has to leave her party to deal with something out here.”
*Lesser Dog is not hiding anyone!*
A shifting under Lesser Dog’s station revealed two white pointed ears and a small black nose against the backdrop of snow.  The nose twitched, then retreated.
Lesser Dog tried - and failed - to look like he hadn’t noticed.
“And who was that?
The sentry gave a huff and woofed something Sans didn’t catch.  A sleek grey female dog and a white puppy wiggled out from under the wooden counter, ears pulled back and tails low.
It took him a moment to recognize Lesser Dog’s mate and pup.  The puppy had been born not long before Frisk fell into the Underground, and was - if Sans recalled correctly - the only survivor from his litter.  He didn’t know how long dog monsters took to grow up, but the pup was still in stripes.  So...longer than actual dogs, then.
“Celebratin’ Takersfaire, then?”
*Yes,* the female woofed.  *Darker Dog was a bad girl for bringing Tiny Dog up here.  Sorry.  Please do not report Lesser Dog to fish-captain.*
The sadistic part of Sans wanted to, just because it was funny watching the dogs squirm.  Besides, he knew Undyne wouldn’t be too hard on them; she needed every available sentry, she didn’t believe in dusting kids, and it wouldn’t make sense to punish Darker Dog when the other two were off the hook.
“Eh, don’t worry about it.  You helpin’ your dad keep an eye out for humans, pup?”
Tiny Dog yipped excitedly.  He clearly shared none of his parents’ concerns about consequences.
“As long as everyone’s safe.  Hey, let me know if you run into any trouble, ‘kay, LD?”
Lesser Dog woofed his surprised agreement and gave his mate a fond lick on the mouth.  Sans immediately retreated back to his own station; the dogs were notoriously shameless when it came to PDA, and he did not need to see that.
He’d just sat down and settled in when his phone buzzed again.  He unlocked it, expecting to see more pictures from Undyne, but was instead greeted by the harsh and imposing features of his younger brother.
Boss 1:44 AM IN YOUR ABSENCE, I HAVE SUCCESSFULLY DEFENDED OUR BOOTH!! *1 picture message received
Boss had decorated the booth himself over the past week, entirely without Sans’s help (for once).  It was black and appeared to be covered in tiny white painted bones of various kinds.  Whatever Boss’s flaws, he had a good eye for style...and a lot of patience with things that held his attention.
An elaborate bone display was set up on and around the booth.  A few plates of something (lasagna, maybe) were barely visible through the latticework, but he couldn’t quite make it out.
You 1:48 AM Nice boss
You 1:59 AM Right of course
“I’m here to take over for ya,” said a gruff voice.
Sans pocketed his phone and looked up.  “Heya, Doggo.”
Doggo tensed when he stopped moving.  “What?  Hello?  Ya still here?”
“Grrrrr.  Get out of here, bone bag.”
Sans smirked and walked back towards the barrier.  As soon as he was clear, he teleported straight home.  He didn’t care if Boss punished him for it; two six-hour shifts back to back were exhausting enough without having to walk an hour back into town.
He fell asleep to dreams of a little skeleton girl in a pink dress who kept burying him in leaf piles, and asking him why he was crying on such a happy day.
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kane-and-griffin · 7 years
what is different about Clarke vs Octavia becoming commander? we know Octavia was never part of society on the ark, but from a grounder perspective, she's still a sky person. both Clarke and Octavia have lived among grounders, while Clarke has been about 'transcending tribalism' and changing things with the idealistic goal of bringing peace to warring factions, Octavia has been more enthusiastic with status quo. has Octavia assimilated with grounder culture enough to be a dual citizen?
We talked about this a little bit on Meta Station, but basically, in anutshell, the answer to this completely depends on what we mean when we say“Commander.”  There are two potential ways I could see this going; for oneof them, my answer is “YIKES PLEASE NO DON’T LET EITHER OF THEM DO IT,” and forthe other, my answer is that they could actually sell me on it with either ofthem, though for plot reasons it’s more interesting to me personally with Octavia.
It’s certainly true that of all the Sky People, it’s Clarke, Octavia (andalso Kane LET’S NOT FORGET ABOUT KANE) who have spent the most time immersed inGrounder culture, learning to understand it and respect it. But it’s still not their culture. Which means for me, anyconstruct of a “Commander” which resembles the way Commanders looked before -incorporating the Nightblood and Flame theology, serving as a religious andpolitical leader over twelve/thirteen distinct clans, etc. – getting handed overto somebody who is not actually ofthat culture feels . . . real iffy.
Part of what makes this tricky is the way the writers treat Grounder cultureoverall.  As it’s constructed, it isn’treally a nationality and isn’t really an ethnicity and isn’t really a religion.It’s a society that evolved out of basically whoever the fuck was left alivewhen Becca landed, which was probably an incredibly heterogenous group (unlessof course the main survivors were Cadogan’s band of survivalists and all theGrounders are descended from them).  Butassuming that Becca’s first people represented a whole bunch of differentethnicities and cultures and religions and out of a mishmash of lots ofdifferent things, one new thing emerged, and “Grounder” as we understand itapplies only to people who are specifically descended from that one newthing.  Which is a really specific way todraw a boundary around a society.  It’sdifferent from how you can convert to a religion and then become a member ofits clergy, or you can emigrate to a country and then run for political officeafter becoming a nationalized citizen. There isn’t a way, really, to become a Grounder, because what “Grounder”means is entirely about who you’re descended from.  And their whole religious and politicalstructure is tied specifically and directly into the origin story of theirpeople and what they have always believed that to mean.  So where this gets kind of dodgy is that,even if we subtract out the extremely complicated layer of how the twosocieties are coded in show (Grounders = primitive and tribal, Sky People =civilized and enlightened) and the various tropes that plays into about colonialismand race and class, we’re still left with a society who choose leaders througha method that is deeply steeped in a very specific set of traditions andbeliefs that Clarke and Octavia don’t share, and a culture of which they arenot a part, and having either of them roll up all “CHIP ME, BITCHES, I’M ANIGHTBLOOD NOW, I’M YOUR SUPREME RULER FROM NOW ON” is . . . let’s politely sayquestionable.
Those problems would exist with anyone from Skaikru, but there are a coupleissues with Octavia and Clarke specifically that make me side-eye it evenharder.  So, as a lifelong Catholic, oneof the most annoying things on God’s green earth are people who just foundJesus on like Tuesday and because this is all new to them they think it’s new,so all they want to do is lecture people who have been doing this our wholelife that we’re Jesus-ing wrong because we aren’t following the rules to theletter.  Like slow your roll, Susan, ifyou want to start going to Confession twice a week I can’t stop you, but I willbe watching television with no pants on like a regular human. We call this“convert’s zeal” (yep, it’s enough of a phenomenon among faith communities thatthere is actually a name for it) and it’s the best example I can give of myspecific issues with the notion of Commander Octavia.
From within the narrative – that is, for who Octavia is as a character – her immediate obsession with Grounder culture anddesire to assimilate makes perfect sense. She didn’t have a place or a home with the Sky People, and no real tiesexcept her brother.  She’s been lookingfor a place to belong, and Lincoln became her whole world very quickly, the waythat first loves tend to do.  Her desireto make his life her life, and then her clinging onto it after she lost him,make totally logical intuitive sense from a psychological perspective.  Meaning, this is exactly what you’d expect aperson like Octavia to do.  It’s alsovery fitting for someone like Octavia to take that ball and run with it,CONVERT’S ZEAL AF, and subsequently try to “out-Grounder” characters likeLincoln and Indra by reminding them of the rules of their own society(sometimes by violence) – a society of which, again, she is not technicallypart.  This is all plausible, but it’s not really a good idea.  It gets into somereal “yikes” territory if the narrative is intending us to believe that Octaviasmacking Lincoln and Indra around and yelling “GROUNDER UP, MOTHERFUCKER, YOU’REGROUNDERING WRONG!” is something we’re supposed to approve of.  So for that reason, there’s an additionallayer of concerns with Octavia becoming Commander and essentially enacting thaton a large scale – becoming more Grounder than the Grounders, essentially –that I don’t love.
All the same concerns apply to Clarke as well, in terms of stepping in toserve as the sacred leader of a culture and faith that isn’t yours – a faith which,because of this whole technology vs. superstition division between the clans,you don’t just not share but activelybelieve to be bullshit.  But with her, it’s additionally complicatedby this new “Chosen One” narrative the show seems to be developing over thecourse of the season, with everyone telling Clarke she was “born forthis.” 
Because the problem is, she wasn’t.  
Lexa was. Luna was.  They were born Nightbloods, trained with theother children under Titus, grew up steeped in Grounder tradition and belief,and fought in the conclave.  Clarke wasborn on the Ark, with no knowledge that anyone on the ground was even alive, and only became a Nightbloodartificially like five minutes ago.  Thenotion that she nonetheless was still somehow “born” to be the Commander,despite lacking all the qualifications and even the beliefs that hithertodefined that role, basically invalidates the entire Grounder belief system. And yet the narrative appears to be continually reinforcing your “you were bornfor this,” “this is your destiny” angle with Clarke, tying it specifically toLexa, and it makes me a little concerned that this may be where they’re headed.
We were given a clear understanding of what makes someone a Commander; notjust taking the Flame and communing with the past Commanders but also beingborn a Nightblood, winning the conclave, going through the Ascension rite, and upholdinga specific set of political/religious beliefs and traditions for which youwould have been groomed since birth.  Itis a profoundly sacred role to their culture. So if anyone can just inject themselveswith Nightblood, stick the Flame in their head and call themselves theCommander, what does that do to people like Gaia and the belief system uponwhich they have based their entire life, and what does that mean the narrativeis telling us about the notion that their faith was dumb and superstitious and “primitive”in the first place?  Was she “born forthis” because someone from a more “enlightened” society had to explain to themthe difference between a sacred relic and a computer chip, and then step intothat role without any of the belief system that used to define what that rolemeant?
So all of that being said, the possible angle that I could absolutely getbehind, and which could work plausibly with either of them, is the idea thatthe word “Commander” actually comes to mean something very different in thisnew world they’re building.  Not aCommander like Lexa, but a Commander like Becca.  Not the established clan head of an entirecivilization with a complex sociopolitical structure for a foreign Sky Girl toroll up and appropriate, but the head of a ragtag group of whoever the fuckcomes out of that bunker alive, trying to create a new social structure out ofeveryone who is left.  A motley crew of Grounders, Skaikru and Azgeda, whohave collectively decided to abandon those previous divisions and become awhole new thing.  No Chancellor.  NoIce King.  No Commanders.  One society, where none of those divisionsmatter anymore, and where taking the Flame isn’t about being anointed some kindof god-king, it’s because you need access to all the shit Becca knew about “Howto Survive an Apocalypse 101.” 
Grounder Commanders were elected as kids, and don’t seem to live very long(Titus was, what, mid-fifties?, and I forget how many Commanders he said he’sserved, but it didn’t sound like anyone got to die of old age in that job), so theiryouth wouldn’t be a factor in an O.G. Grounder Ascension but actually doesbecome something that needs a plot-related explanation if they’re trying to,like, start a democracy. As a ride-or-die member of Team Adults, on a practicallevel I’m like “please don’t make a teenager the president,” though if we aregetting a time jump this becomes quite a bit less absurd.
If they go this direction, Clarke is by far the most obvious choice – all theJaha leadership parallels this season, the fact that she’s taken the Flamebefore and already encountered Becca, the “you were born for this” stuff, the bafflingretcon that she suddenly decided to “transcend tribalism” like JUST NOW whicherases a lot of what made Season 1 Clarke so great.  Destiny or not,Clarke expects to assume the leadership position wherever she is, and the peoplearound her expect her to as well.  Whichis probably why I’m actually rooting way more for the gig to go to Octavia.
Octavia has been a problem character for me since the start of thisvengeance arc in the middle of Season 3; we’ve been watching her channel allher grief and anger into an endless succession of destructive behaviors, withno real clear sense of whether the narrative intended us to be on her side ornot.  I think some of that is gettingclarified this season (the Pike flashbacks as she held a gun on Ilian may havebeen clumsy on an emotional level, but they did serve to definitively remindthe audience, and Octavia, that Bellamydid not kill Lincoln, which clears upthe question of whether we were supposed to take her side when she accused himof that), and we know she gets some big crazy plot twist because everyone fromthe show in every interview who gets asked “who has the coolest arc thisseason?” says “Octavia.”  So like, thinkfor a second about the idea of Octavia having to do something she’s never donebefore in her whole life and actually assume a role of leadership over otherpeople.  No big brother/little sister dynamicto hide behind.  Octavia has often beendefined, both in the narrative and I think to herself, in the context of otherpeople.  She was the girl who lived underthe floorboards, then she was Bellamy’s sister, then she was Lincoln’sgirlfriend, then she was Indra’s second, then she was grieving Lincoln, thenshe was Kane’s bodyguard.  So I like theidea of Octavia having to ask herself some hard questions about who Octavia is,on her own.  After four seasons of seeingher sit in judgment of Clarke and Bellamy and others’ decisions, sometimescriticizing the outcome without really having a complete understanding of whatwent into it and how many competing forces were at play, I like the idea ofOctavia being the one who has to make the hard choices.  It’s the missing piece to her finally beingable to really understand her brother. She also needs something constructive to do with her passion and energy andemotion and grief besides, you know, stabbing people.  Imagine Octavia having to persuade, Octavia having to learn how toget people to actually follow her, Octavia having to take diplomacy lessonsfrom Dad!Kane (”you can’t just kill everyone who disagrees with you,” as CallieCartwig once told him), Octavia having to collaborate. Octavia and Bellamy working together to bring everyone to the table – Azgeda andTrikru and Skaikru – to figure out who this new society is and who they want tobe.  Octavia getting to honor Lincoln byhelping to establish the kind of peace he hoped for (remember him in 301telling her about how Kane and Abby had the right idea and were trying to builda community where those divisions didn’t exist anymore), not by stepping into aspecific and clearly-defined role that’s held as sacred by a culture that doesn’tbelong to her, but by putting all her grudges and hostility aside to fight fora new way.  And if that involves hergetting Nightblood so she can take the Flame and commune with Becca about specificthings that Becca knows, that’s different enough from “Octavia becomingCommander” that I think I could be totally down with it.  
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