#not saying that the brotherhood is ableist or anything
amazinglyegg · 2 years
Oh and another hc! Danse is autistic but has little problem with eye contact for the most part because the Brotherhood trained him out of it, but when he's emotional in casual settings his ability to maintain it falters. This is most notice by him always looking away when he smiles
Y'know I've always imagined him to have a problem with Too Much Eye Contact, like, staring-into-your-soul levels of eye contact, but I think both of our headcanons actually work...
Danse hears that "not looking someone in the eyes is considered rude/people will think you're lying or untrustworthy" so he starts just STARING all the time. Maxson's giving a speech? Staring out of respect. Giving orders to his team? Staring so they know he's serious and trusts them. He's the living embodiment of this meme:
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He gets so confused when initiates cower away from him because he tries hard not to be intimidating, what is he doing wrong? Is it his power armor? His rank? Is he not friendly enough?
And it's not like anybody will call him out on it because god forbid neurotypicals talk about their issues because of his rank, so he just continues doing this for years thinking he's being polite.
Maybe it takes Sole pointing it out to him or maybe he starts to feel comfortable enough around Sole, but he'll start letting himself look away more. While laughing, or telling a joke, or having a serious conversation. It's way more comfortable to him and Sole doesn't seem to mind. Danse looking away while he's talking is an easy way to tell that he enjoys someone's presence even when he won't admit it
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scarlet--wiccan · 4 years
the scarlet witch is an xman? i keep hearing that shell bring the xmen to the mcu and that shes an xman bc her dad and brother are also xmen but then shes on the avengers and im confused. it also seems that she appears a lot on the cartoons where shes also a princess and her dad is magneto.
The Maximoffs have always occupied a weird space in between both groups, but, to my knowledge, Wanda's never been on an X-Men, or otherwise mutant-focused, team-- at least, not in the primary Marvel comics continuity. As you know, there are parallel continuities and alternate universes in the Marvel canon, and while there are examples of alternate-Wandas in X-Men comics, they're few and far between.
Wanda and Pietro were originally written as X-Men villains, first appearing as teen members of Magneto's Brotherhood. They were mainly loyal to Erik because he'd rescued them from anti-mutant violence in their home country, but they eventually defected from the Brotherhood and emigrated to the United State. They were offered a place with the X-Men, but chose to join the Avengers instead, and, for better or for worse, Wanda has been an Avengers character ever since. Pietro has had more mobility-- although he is mainly an Avenger, he was also a fixture in multiple X-Factor series. Due to their status as mutants and close ties to important X-characters, they do have walk-on appearances in numerous X-Men books-- similarly, Erik, and other mutant characters, will occasionally show up in Avengers books because of the twins.
The Maximoffs are at the heart of multiple X-Men/Avengers crossover books, namely House of M and its follow-up, Son of M; Children's Crusade; and AvX. These stories mark major turning points in mutant history, and so, in spite of their distance from any actual mutant organization, the Maximoffs have long been considered important figures in the X-Men world. That status was disrupted by a poorly-received retcon circa 2015 which dictated that Magneto is not, in fact, their father, and that they were never true x-gene mutants in the first place.
Recent X-Men comics have addressed Wanda and Pietro's relationship with the mutant community, mainly through inaccurate and unsympathetic revisions of House of M, but it's hard for me to say what their present standing as mutants is, or what their future might hold. What I can say is that, ever since the events of HoM, the majority of mutant characters have been shown to hold strong negative opinions about Wanda. The X-Men have been generally hostile to the twins, in spite of their numerous attempts to make reparations for the damages they inadvertently caused. Unfortunately, this direction mainly comes from a shallow, misogynistic, and frankly ableist reading of HoM, which is still being perpetuated by Hickman, et al in the current X-Men books.
This means that Wanda really doesn't have any friends among the X-Men, but if we look at past comics, as well as alternate continuities, there are stories about Wanda forming a close friendship with Jean, and a romantic relationship with Kurt. In the main continuity, she and Rigue worked out some of their differences as teammates in Uncanny Avengers, although I wouldn’t describe them as friends. She also associates with magically-inclined mutants such as Pixie and Magik, although this typically happens outside of X-Men books— for example, she and Ilyana are recurring characters in Strange Academy.
Wanda and Pietro's appearances in X-Men cartoons, such as Evolution and Wolverine and the X-Men, are typically inspired by their early time with the Brotherhood, or later crossovers like House of M. These adapted characters are very different from their source material, as their backstories and affiliations revolve entirely around their relationship with Erik, omitting elements such as their adoptive parents and ties to other superhero groups. Wanda's romance with Kurt was even featured in WaTXM.
I hope that was informative! TL;DR: Wanda, in the main continuity, is not and has never been an X-Man, but she and her brother have always been in the X-Men's orbit as prominent mutants and have played major roles in defining moments of mutant history. They frequently appear in screen adaptations, where they are exclusively characterized as Magneto's children, but even then they're usually villains or tertiary characters, and not X-Men proper.
I really can't speak to how, if, or when the X-Men will be incorporated into the MCU. I doubt it will have anything to do with WandaVision, but it seems likely that the series will develop Wanda's magical and/or "reality-warping" powers. If that's the case, she could be used down the line as a catalyst for a soft-reboot, of sorts. I believe that's the running theory as to how the X-Men will arrive the film continuity, but, personally, I think that's a really stupid idea, and that if they were gonna do a reboot, it woul more likely happen in Multiverse of Madness. To be honest, I don't care for the majority of Marvel films and have generally lost interest in movie adaptations of cape comics. I shouldn't have to continue repeating this, but Olsen's Wanda is not recognizable as a version of the character I love, and is only really relevant to this blog as an example of Romani erasure. I don't care what she does in this or any future MCU title.
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thecorteztwins · 5 years
Inhuman royal family in the Evo verse
I was hoping someone would ask this one! How to work the Inhumans into Evo is actually something I’ve thought about a lot, because I love the Inhumans and I love Evo, but they SEEM so incompatible, since Evo doesn’t really have any other superhuman species besides mutants, and just plonking some in doesn’t fit the tone of the universe, in my opinion.The EASIEST option is just to make them all mutants, give them some human names (Blackwell Bolton and Maxwell Bolton for the Boltagon brothers, Gordon for Gorgon, etc) and let their Inhuman names just be their codenames. But...I feel like that takes away their Inhuman-ness. That is, I think them being this weird isolated people with their own culture who are wary of outsiders and consider themselves superior to all others is a really important part of who they are, and I’d like to keep that.So my idea is they are mutants, but they’re not just normal “I grew up as a normal human in a normal human family til whoa I got my powers!” mutants. They’re an extended mutant family that has lived in an off-the-grid commune for GENERATIONS. The idea is that their ancestors were mutants whose powers surfaced much earlier in history, like Logan or Magneto, or maybe even before them. Persecuted by humanity, who believed them to be witches (like maybe they came up during Puritan times in America?) they fled and formed their own secret community. They’ve welcomed in new blood here and there over the years, but it’s still very small and tight, implied to be a little inbred. So they’re people who are mutants, who grew up knowing they were mutants even before they got their powers, whose parents and grandparents before them were mutants, whose neighbors are mutants, who have only ever known other mutants. To them, it’s HUMANS who are the weird ones. And since they didn’t have the word “mutant” til very recently in history, they’ve always called themselves “Inhumans”. The “Rite of Terrigenesis” in this version wouldn’t be what gives them their powers, but instead a coming-of-age ritual that they perform after their abilities first surface. They go deep into a mist-filled crystal cave at the center of the commune, and meditate on their new abilities until they come up with their new “Inhuman name” to reflect said abilities. So they’re given human names at birth and then take on names like Triton and Medusa later. Which makes a bit more sense than “yeah the kid we named Triton just happened to turn into a fish guy when he got his powers, what are the odds”.The emergence of mutants en masse amidst the general populace has shaken their sense of identity, as they always considered themselves a unique people, and caused debate among them if they should reach out to these other mutants, attempt to rejoin humanity, if these other mutants count as “Inhumans” too or if you have to be raised in the Inhuman culture to count, should they help the persecuted mutants in the outside world, etc. As for Xavier, he actually learned of the Inhumans long ago via Cerebro, even before he formed the X-Men. He visited them and offered them the chance to send their children to his school, but they declined, wanting nothing to do with the outside world at the time. However, since he had found them, he knew, as they did, that the rest of mankind would sooner or later. So he worked together with them to develop technology that would “block” devices like Cerebro, should anti-mutant forces ever develop them. Thus, the Inhumans stayed hidden successfully---until SOMETHING happens.I don’t have a distinct idea as to what. Off the top of my head...I’m going to say Crystal ran away, wanting to explore the outside world, and she got attacked/captured by a Sentinel. When the X-Men liberate the mutants being kept in the same holding facility as her, they of course get her as well. From her, they learn about the Inhumans, and they want to go meet them. Xavier, however, is like “no, they want to be left alone, I’ll return Crystal privately.” And Crystal is like “but I don’t wanna go home!” but since she’s not being treated badly there, Xavier is like “well you’re going” because he knows the Inhumans, he knows they’ll just come take her back by force. So Xavier takes her there in the Blackbird with some of the older X-Men. But the New Mutants, of course, are all “hey if this teenager says she doesn’t want to go home cuz it’s boring, she shouldn’t have to!” and they stow away, intending to “rescue” her. So after Crystal is handed back to her family, the New Mutants sneak out of the Blackbird and come help her escape AGAIN, but they get caught by her sister (Medusa), cousin (Gorgon), and sister’s boyfriend (Black Bolt). This is how we meet the Inhuman royals, and how they come into conflict with the New Mutants.And somehow or another, by the end of it they’ve decided they want to explore the human world too, and convince the elders/their parents to allow them to be the first explorers into the outside world since the community’s founding, as ambassadors to the “NuHumans” (as they call other mutants) They don’t become permanent members of the school or the New Mutants/X-Men, but they do have a temporary stay at the Xavier’s mansion and attend Bayville High for awhile as “transfer students” from the country of “Attilan” (the name of their commune) Xavier probably helps a lot with convincing the Bayville high officials that “Attilan” is TOTALLY a real country, guys, it’s a tiny city-state in the Himalayas! And the reason they’re white is because it was founded by, um, European missionaries!And now after that VERY LENGTHY SET-UP, here’s the Inhuman royals! As teens! Because that’s the fun of Evo!
Blackwell Bolton aka Black Bolt: As in the comics, he doesn’t speak due to the destructive nature of his vocal powers, which almost destroyed the Attilan commune when he was a child. Because of this, he feels great responsibility for the commune, and protecting it to make up for the damage he did as a baby, even though it wasn’t his fault. His first thought is therefore always looking after his fellow Inhumans, and his reason for coming to the outside world is mostly just to protect the other kids while they explore. His teachers are told that he is deaf-mute but that he has a hearing aid (he wears a fake one) so he can hear them, just not reply. The reason given to his teachers as to why he doesn’t speak sign language is that “oh he does but only Attilan sign language, and there are no interpreters for that in America!”He’s seen as the “strong silent type” by the girls at Bayville High, and it makes them VERY interested in him. The guys claim it just makes him “weird” however, mostly out of jealousy. I imagine there’s a scene where the Bayville guys invite him to play sports or have some other athletic competition, and they expect they’ll humiliate him because there’s no way the weird foreign disabled kid will be able to be good at anything...and he ends up EFFORTLESSLY WHIPPING ASS!He and Medusa might already be dating, I did call him her boyfriend earlier, but I think maybe Romantic Tension might fit Evo better. The show was ALL ABOUT THAT ROMANTIC TENSION. BB/Medusa/Max might be the new Jean/Scott/Rogue?Maxwell Bolton aka Maximus: BB’s younger brother, of course! I’m not sure if I’d make him a villain yet or not? And whether he is or not would influence if he keeps his powers a secret or not. If he’s not going to be a bad guy, then he doesn’t keep them a secret. If he is going to be a bad guy, he keeps it secret so that he can more easily use them without the other Inhumans and X-Men realizing what he’s up to. And if he’s a bad guy....what’s his motive? Do these Inhumans still have royalty? Is BB still in line to be king? Or is it something else? Also, he probably still disdains regular humans (and possibly also “NuHumans”) like in 616, so if he’s got some villainous plan that could give him motive to come along with the others to the human world. But it could also be he just wanted to hang out with Medusa, who of course he has to have an unrequited creepy crush on.Max is obviously a science/engineering whiz, basically the new Forge, and ends up being INCREDIBLY useful on the X-team for this. I think that there should probably be a scene where he and his tech single-handedly trounce the Brotherhood, all with a smirk on his face. So at first they love having him around, but his personality quickly grates on everyone, even MORE than the other Inhumans (who, it turns out, are all kind of snotty besides Crystal)I think I wouldn’t write him as obviously “mad” at the start, just very energetic and enthusiastic about his work, so hyper and weird but nothing to suggest he’s truly unstable. But there increasingly starts to be moments where he just goes “too far” against enemies or even just people who bother him, to the point it starts to be worrisome, with eventually the others having to actually FIGHT him to put a stop to it. I think that, as with the “Royals” series, there would definitely be acknowledgement and exploration with how ableist Attilan society is, that they had no sign language for Black Bolt, no way of recognizing or treating whatever it is Max specifically suffers from, with the explanation being that in this universe, they never moved on with the rest of outside society on these matters, that they still look at these ailments the way their ancestors did long ago. I think there would have to be careful balance to show that he’s not evil BECAUSE of his illness though, more than he actually ends up failing in said evil because said illness trips him up. Something like that. Also the idea wouldn’t be that he was hiding his mental illness, but that it’s developing/getting worse now that he’s hit puberty. And there should be a really emotional scene where it’s been figured out what’s going on and he begs Xavier to fix him and Xavier explains he can’t rewire Max’s brain on that level ;A;Madeleine McQuillan aka Medusa: As mentioned, she’s either Black Bolt’s girlfriend already, or there’s at least Ship Tease between them. She keeps her hair tightly bound so that she can’t subconsciously use it in public. She’s very sensible, responsible, etc., and is basically the “Jean Grey” of the group, except she’s much more no-nonsense, she can be kind of cold and harsh but only when it’s actually called for. She’s basically the serious sister to contrast Crystal’s free spirit, and she takes the leadership role in the group alongside Blackwell, being the one who reprimands the others when they get out of hand or doing something dumb that might get them hurt, reveal their powers to normal humans, etc. But she also defends them against the X-Men when the X-Men try to reprimand them for the same things; she’s very much got a “these are my idiots and only *I* can call them idiots!” attitude, and she cares about them and feels responsible for them, something Blackwell can relate to. I think her arc should be less about romance, and more about her and Crystal’s relationship, their differences and conflicts, and each coming to understand and appreciate why her sister is the way she is. Crystal McQuillan: Might give her an elemental-themed codename if I can think of one! Anyway, she’s the open-minded free spirit of the group, curious about the human world and eager to explore it. She’s very fun-loving and doesn’t hesitate to follow her heart, but the downside means she’s impulsive, childish, and doesn’t think about others before she acts. Due to her enthusiasm for the human world, she’s been consuming human media since childhood (probably something she and Max did together as kids actually), and thus seems the most “normal” to the Bayville kids and X-Men alike, and fits in with them the best out of all her family. The boys especially like her, and I imagine she’s got ship-tease with Sam Guthrie and Duncan Matthews both. I think there might be an episode where she starts getting involved with Duncan and Jean tries to warn her what a jerk Duncan is, but she ignores her and then ends up in some real trouble because of it. There should probably also be some obligatory moment where Pietro winks at her during a battle with the Brotherhood and she calls him cute or something, but nothing beyond that.Gordon Peters aka Gorgon: First thing, someone will ask him why that’s his codename since weren’t the Gorgons what the mythological Medusa was, and he’ll explain that there’s another creature in lore called a Gorgon that is a bull-like creature. Because there is, and his codename baffled me until I found this out.Anyway, Gordon ends up fitting in at the school IMMEDIATELY. He’s a jock, he loves to party, he fits right in with the “popular crowd” even while all the other Inhumans (except Crystal) struggle to various degrees to integrate. Same powers, he wears specialized boots/shoes to disguise his hooves and block the effects of his stomps if need be. I don’t really have any ideas for him besides that he probably gets a human girlfriend or at least is implied to be as popular with the ladies as Blackwell (and unlike Blackwell, he reciprocates the attention!)Carson and Tristan, aka Karnak and Triton: Haven’t picked a surname for them! I also haven’t decided if Karnak’s powers come from training like in the comics, or if they’re actually POWERS like in the ABC series. I’m thinking the latter. Either way, he’s even colder and harsher than Medusa, and way more abrasive about it, so he rubs people the wrong way easily as much as Max does. Thus it annoys the X-team EVEN MORE how useful he is. There’s probably a scene where he goes toe-to-toe with Logan during a fight in training after Logan has wiped the floor with everyone else, but instead of this making Logan or the kids LIKE him, it actually just makes them more irritated with him. The fact he doesn’t care at all makes them like him even less. He’s kind of like Jean in that people resent him for his talents, but unlike Jean this doesn’t cause him any conflict. The only thing that bothers him is when everyone else is BEING AN IDIOT.Triton had to live in the Attilan lake ever since his powers surfaced. He didn’t think he’d be able to go on the trip into the outside world, but once Maximus had access to the level of tech available at Xavier’s, he was able to build him a breathing apparatus. It fits around his neck, and he hides it with scarves and turtleneck sweaters. He uses an image inducer like Kurt, of course.Due to the fact he hasn’t been able to socialize much since he was a kid, a lot of his social skills are very awkward, and he comes off as shy and weird even when he’s TRYING to fit in very hard with the other kids, he’s just so happy to be here but they all think he’s a weirdo. It’s also hard for him to prove his worth in combat to the X-Men since like...he doesn’t really have any powers? He’s just really good at living in an aquatic environment. In the comics he has a lot of training, but in Evo I think he’d lack that, and thus be pretty useless in a fight unless it was underwater. Kurt would see him as a kindred spirit, and go out of his way to be his best buddy, take him to social events, etc.Lockjaw - Of course Lockjaw has to be included! Since there’s no Terrigen Mists though, I think he’d just be a normal dog! Still probably an unusually large bulldog, like the size of a pit bull or Saint Bernard, maybe he’s a mastiff, but he’s not cow/hippo-sized like the comics and show. He also cannot teleport, but maybe he has some kind of teleporting device put on to him by the Attilan parents as an emergency portal back home should the kids ever need it. 
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