#it seems like theyre not used to working with anyone who is considered different
malwaredykes · 3 months
concept: alternative version of the quarry junction deathclaw situation. you get tasked with getting rid of the deathclaws, or maybe you just pass through there successfully and manage to take a peek at the flock, and you discover that theyre not just living there, theyre examining the machinery and, it looks like, trying to figure it out. every once in a while one of them will get something to run for a couple of moments and they all get very agitated about it. well, not much to be done anyhow, theyre still hostile and dangerous as hell, so you can either proceed to wipe them out, or you can continue on your merry way. much much later, maybe in a side quest thats easy to miss, a scientist confides in you that theyve been developing a device (pheromones-based? something else?) that makes deathclaws see you as basically another deathclaw. just a small shitty one i guess. the problem is that 1. theres not a lot of potential uses for that besides getting a closer look at deathclaw behavior in the wild, which not many people consider a worthy subject of study 2. theres a chance of the device not working 3. theres also a chance that any given deathclaw would still elect to beat the shit out of another deathclaw it doesnt know. so theres not a lot of volunteers to test it out. but hey. youre the main character, youre not scared. and you know Just the place to observe some very interesting behaviors. so you go to quarry junction disguised as a deathclaw and the flock doesnt seem to mind you at all. they cant communicate with you, but they seemingly arent surprised by it, which lends credence to a theory raised by the questgiver scientist that different flocks of deathclaws have their own languages and dialects. obviously the deathclaws attack you if you steal their eggs, hurt one of their own, etc. but so long as youre chill theyre chill, and you get to observe them up close. you even get to show them how to make some of the mine equipment start up, but its just a fun amusing thing to them, its not like they have any use of it. you can bring them some stuff theyve never seen before, like maybe that basketball from the lucky 38, and observe how they play with it. you play music for them and see how they react. crazy stuff like that. you write everything down, and bring the notes to the scientist, and... well i guess time will show whats done about all this new information. if anyone even believes it. if anyone wishes to conduct more research. if it is used, then who uses it, and for what purpose. also in the end well the quarry is still full of deathclaws so that sucks for the workers and for people who wanna go from goodsprings straight to new vegas LMAO
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the-s1lly-corner · 25 days
bishops x reader who wants to sacrifice themselves?
Bishops x Reader who offers to sacrifice themselves
oooooo i love me some angst mweheheheheheh notes: reader is gn, any creature for the reader, did a coin toss on whether or not they agree to sacrifice you, tbh not really proud of this but i do kind of like kallamars part and shamuras... will be yoinking that for some imaginary scenarios later cws: sacrifice and death
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he agrees to it after thinking about it for a while, hes not exactly happy about it but you bring up good points for why it should be done
you get a grave, too, decorated in flowers and small statues and trinkets, you actually have a hand in decorating it as morbid as it sounds
his mouth feels sour during the preparations, like he feels hes making a mistake letting you go through with this... hes killed countless followers before, most not even being sacrificed... so why are you different?
asides from of course, you being one of his favorites- but even then he wasnt exactly gentle with his other favorites either... young god, not as experienced as his siblings but just as quick to snuff out life without much of a second thought... the sacrifice is done
flat out refuses, and shes not going to be gentle about it. nothing you can say will change her mind, she still has use of you (code for her saying that she wants you to stay for just a little longer, or forever if you have a gold skull necklace)
besides- theres so much other use for you asides from giving your being up- like... working, and worshipping, and...!
doesnt like it when you bring it up and shuts it down anytime you mention it, shes stubborn and her words are final
shes so tense and harsh about it that it may put a strain on your relationship for a while until one of you caves- and its unlikely that the god of famine is going to backdown and admit defeat in this
he makes you a grave for when youre gone- hes always had that planned regardless of how you ended up going out... age, disease, an accident... but never did he ever consider you wanting to give your life to him to further his own
he wants to deny you right then and there but youre persistent, but he holds firm despite your begging to let you help him
there are countless other fathful followers that can be sacrificed, they can be chosen instead... and the proposition of using someone else seems to hurt you, just a bit... like you believed that you werent devoted to him enough
its a messy thing all around- you want to prove yourself to him and further his power and range... and he doesnt want to let go of you just yet- if it had been anyone else he would have let it happen without a second thought
they dont take your request lightly, not at all... just by the look in your eyes and the tone of your voice they knew there was no changing your mind- and this wasnt something you offered up on a whim
that doesnt mean theyre... thrilled about it... they make sure the preparations leading up to the ritual are catered to you, this is your death afterall and they want to make your last few days as comfortable as possible
perhaps they are compensating for something that plagues their mind, a means to regain some control and regulate their feelings of grief
oh how theyre going to miss you... but faith is something that must be preserved, and if you want to preserve their power.. and their life.. who are they to deny you?
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ashoss · 3 months
I have some ideas regards PJO x DC
Steph and Tim:
I love the idea of Tim or Steph being mortal and struggling to feel of any value when their predecessors were the kids of gods.
But like it only works if one of them is Mortal because I feel like Tim won’t feel out of place for long enough before Steph comes around to maximise angst potential (if my understanding of the timeline is correct) And Steph probs wouldn’t feel inferior mortality wise if Tim is also Mortal.
Like it’s gottta be one or the other if you get what I’m saying.
I love the idea that Duke is mortal but still a Meta so he doesn’t feel as out of place with his powers because it’s normal in the world of Gods and maybe as a result the kids know how to help him. But he has to adjust to the idea that they exist and some of the bad guys they fight that may look like mob members aren’t they’re monsters and at first he can’t see that but then eventually he learns to see through the mist using his powers somehow.
I love mortal Babs who just stubborns her way into the family business. I think it really helps to establish her determination.
I have the idea that Bruce is a legacy and thus clear sighted and that’s part of why he became Batman. Because he saw all these horrible monsters that most people don’t know are there and he couldn’t stand the thought of demigod children being forced to fight against them before some of them even have any training. Thus the Batman deals with his regular real world threats like the joker and the mob while also killing what monsters he can to make the world just a little bit safer for the demigod children out there
yeah i was thinking abt mortal tim and steph- it would absolutely be fantastic for the angst angle- tim feeling as if hes not as good as dick and jason who are demigods. mortal steph would also be interesting and i was also considering it just because i cant really find a parent that fits her. her being mortal would also add to her angst aspect, feeling like shes not good enough for the batfam because theyre all powerful, etc etc…
duke i do want to not be involved in the greek world at first. him as just a regular meta would also play into how different he is from the other bats normally- the only meta, the daytime bat, yknow. it would be really interesting to see how his powers could also affect his understanding of the greek stuff, how he could potentially see through the mist a bit, even if not a lot. i made a post on how he might be more affected by the godly aspects of them, how he may see their eyes as being a bit too… inhuman and how their veins seem to be a bit too gold (also how if he ever were to run into a god he might see them brighter than anyone else does.) just a lot of good stuff to consider with duke.
babs i def want to be mortal. she starts off as mortal- clearsighted or not, and then learns about everything via dick or bruce. im thinking post TKJ, after she takes on oracle she might get a visit from apollo who gives her something, unsure what. so yeah mortal babs with a blessing from apollo.
and yeah, bruce is either a clearsighted mortal, a mortal who learned abt the greek world (whether it be thru diana or somewhere else) and made himself see thru the mist, or a legacy. and yes should deal with both the regular criminals and monsters. im thinking wayne manor could be a safeplace for some demigods in gotham. idk bruce is a demigod magnet.
(it could also be interesting to explore alfreds role in this- ive seen some stuff for hestie son/devotee alfred, or satyr alfred- and i think having him be some sort of magic could be intriguing. he could potentially set of the same kind of forcefield around wayne manor to keep monsters out. might be worth looking into hecate kid alfred?)
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cyberdragoninfinity · 14 days
ok so multiple folks have been curious about dimensionswap AU fusion!yugo and like. What the Hell is Going On With Him so. here's a loose bit of a rundown of some of his. Things Going On 🙃 AMONG OTHER THINGS:
yeah so fusion!yugo is DEEPLY unsocialized animal. He, as is a running theme with the Fusion Dimension kids, is an atrociously lonely victim of the Academia War Cult, but with a dash of "Leo Akaba is scared of him and paranoid and has put extra effort into exerting his authority over him and keeping Yugo "contained."
(Leo actually tried to throw Yugo into the ocean when he was like 6 to kill him and it didn't work (Yugo's dragon saved him <3)
(Yugo doesn't remember that part though :[ )
He's spent most of his life being chronically ignored and kept away from other people, locked up in his dorm (or. cage. sometimes. 😬) or at the mercy of DA's questionable teaching staff. He's only really been allowed to 'play' with other kids if he's dueling them (especially when staff uses him as this sort of wild Academia boogeyman that students have to try to avoid in hunting game drills.) (there's a nonzero chance theyre kind of hoping he'll just get himself killed and save themselves a whole lot of trouble) Yugo doesn't really know how to interact with people beyond treating them like a game to win. He likes games. He's good at those!! :)
He's still got that sort of energetic competitive spirit and doofus blockhead energy of regular Yugo, but it's a lot quieter and toned down after years of..discipline from his teachers. There's also this sort of aggression and overconfidence to it. If he deems his opponent as not worth his time he'll barely give them his attention, ignoring them and fussing with his various games and puzzles instead. god fucking help you if fusion!yugo deems you 'boring' lol
he can see duel spirits and talks to his monsters <3 He considers them his closest friends.
in general his dragon's two main forms emulate two big elements of his character--Shattered Wing Fusion Dragon's wings are broken, and it can only drag itself across the ground to pursue opponents; Yugo's been 'grounded' by his circumstances and he's starting to chew his own leg off about it. He's going stir crazy. And then Shattered Wing's 'evolved' form, Perfect-Wing Fusion Dragon, has freaky radioactive uranium glass wings made of different mismatched chunks forcefully fused together--Yugo is kind of chasing perfection way more than he lets on; he thinks often if he was just a little Better, a Little More Perfect then maybe people will care about him. Maybe he can make DA properly proud. And he's willing to jam whatever square pegs into round holes he needs to to achieve it. He doesn't need anyone. He can do it all HIMSELF.
(fusing with the other yuboys is a terrifying prospect for him. to go from so so alone for so long to being absorbed into Never Being Alone Again. He never actually manages to absorb anyone himself but if he did it would probably be like Yuri in canon where the other yuboy just experiences complete ego death and Doesnt Exist Anymore.)
the shit that goes on in Fusion in this AU is a story for another time there's like 18 different things going on in there but Yugo does get the distinct good fortunate to get to kill Leo himself after the bastard tries to flee the arc reactor room and declan and the bgirls Get His Ass<3 W for yugo
postcanon dswap yugo makes me a little sicko insane he just makes me SAD. kid who still doesn't really know how to interact with people. kid who kind of isnt very sorry for any of the questionable shit he did (kid who cant even really wrap his head around how anything he did was 'wrong' anyway and is getting increasingly frustrated that people seem upset with him??! HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING :/) he ends up striking up a weird friendship with dennis as theyre the last two real 'soldiers of DA who dont know what to do with themselves now that the war is over and have trouble conceiving of themselves as "people." they hang out and play games and beat the shit out of each other like the world's dumbest fight club. do not get me started on them. <--*the only insane bitch invested in dennis and yugo friendship*
here's a baby fusion!yugo and shattered wing's card...he's been alone for a long time but thats ok. he has his friends in his deck :,) thats all he needs. he can take care of himself.
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odysseys-blood · 3 months
theres a lot of back and forth about paimon especially so i just wanna put in my two cents about it bc speculation on paimon and gender can be tricky and theres a lot to take into consideration. this isnt an end all be all post and not the best written but im just speaking from my place as someone who is trans (though i myself am tme) and works with gender themes in my own characters so this is gonna be kinda long
So! Paimon
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a lot of the issue from the back and forth stems from how paimon is written by default. When you meet paimon, he's designated as just a pretty boy that likes to crossdress and they emphasize heavily that paimon is a man every time they talk about his femininity and how he presents himself.
Now crossdressing itself is not at all transphobic, hell drag is a big thing and its not uncommon for queens do figure out that they're transfem when they get into it. In fact a lot of queer people do push to erase gender boundaries within clothes because in the end....clothing is just cloth wear what you want be who you want to be, whether it be a woman wearing masc clothing, a man wearing femme clothes, or anyone just wearing something neutral feeling.
Where it becomes a problem is the push to enforce paimon's masculinity at every turn. While its good that paimon isn't a character that's put in to be played for laughs (as feminine men and trans women often are in media), it comes off odd in a way for paimon to have a feminine voice, dress femininely, love feminine things...and then at every point have it enforced heavily that paimon is a man. THAT is where a lot of the issue stems from at when you see it happening as someone who has seen transmisogyny (if this is your first time seeing the word, its transphobia that arises specifically for a trans woman being a woman. ergo the word being a mix of transphobia and misogyny) in practice it looks worrying. When you're someone who knows how to spot this kind of thing it can feel like paimon's gender nonconformity is being demonized (while they also highlight it. its an odd mix).
This isn't to say that it is a concious thing that's being pushed either i'm not saying the writers are personally transmisogynists at all, HOWEVER since transphobia and transmisogyny is rampant in society to the point where it subconsciously controls biases, thats how it can come off transmisogynistic. Think of it as similar to racism: even if you think you yourself are not racist theres still likely biases you have picked up or have been taught just because theyre so pervasive in society. This doesnt mean its your fault it just means its something that you have to unlearn conciously and put in the work to do so.
This is also not just a problem with whb because again like i said, its systemic. Think about other characters in media who are written this way, such as Bridget from Guilty Gear, or Vivian from Paper Mario. While these two are different in that their status as trans women have been solidified, the treatment they've gotten is largely the same. Especially bridget considering how she for the longest was the poster child for the "femboy" archetype and how femininity is enforced yet also discouraged in these characters until she was finally labeled transgender in gg strive.
All this to say...its messy and theres a lot of points to consider so there really isnt a reason to go at each others throats. Using paimon's canon pronouns and gender isn't exactly a problem and neither is choosing to instead see paimon as a transgender woman and using she/her pronouns. But at the very least it doesn't hurt to educate yourself also and understand why paimon's writing can come off transmisogynistic and transphobic. WHB is not a game thats heralding itself on being progressive (even if there are aspects to it that might seem so) so there's not much to expect from it in that regard but still we can be mindful and discussion isnt bad.
(also a footnote i dont think ive seen any transfem or tma players of whb in the tag....ever but if anyone is and wants to add on or thinks ive overstepped let me know)
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 11 months
Hey so idk if you would know this but where did the term canyon in reference to Izzy fans come from? I feel like I just started seeing it like three days ago but everyone seems to already know what it means
lol so disclaimer that this ask has been in my inbox since september 23rd and alsoooo i might not be the best person to ask bc i am belothed by many who consider themselves part of the izzy canyon (which is their right). so if you asked an izzy fan about this you would probably get a different answer. also from what i can tell the term originated on twitter and i don’t go there.
the tl;dr that i heard secondhand from someone who identifies as izzy canyon is that at some point last year (summer or fall-ish i think) a lot of izzy fans were blocking so many people who didn’t like izzy that a lot of them ended up being unaware of general fandom trends and it became a running joke among them that izzy fans were isolated from the rest of the fandom in an "izzy canyon." and then allegedly the term expanded to just mean "if ur not a dick abt ppl liking izzy u can be in the canyon." THAT BEING SAID there are other ppl who had a very different experience with how "the canyon" originated and what kind of fan space it tends to be.
(slightly longer explanation below)
the thing with The Canyon is that to understand its origin and also why some fans have a problem with it, you gotta know two things:
there are annoying puriteen anti types on the internet who think liking certain characters make you a bad person. from what i can tell theyre mostly on twitter and tiktok. these people are annoying but also in my experience they're usually pretty easy to block and ignore.
the popularity of izzy hands is disproportionate to his narrative role in the show, and the popular fanon interpretation of izzy hands casts him not only as a principal character but as a much more sympathetic, righteous character than he is in canon. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I THINK ANYONE IS A BAD PERSON FOR LIKING IZZY. this DOES mean that i think ppl who think ed is izzy's domestic abuser are wrong. and also this is part of an age old fandom trend of fandom favoring a masc white guy who is often a side character and also often an antagonist.
so from what i can tell. in the early days of the ofmd fandom (spring-summer 2022) there was a lot of #1 going around on twitter, screaming about how if you liked izzy hands then you're a racist abuse apologist or something. at one point a throwaway account tweeted a callout for a popular izzy fan and said "we know they live in this area and work for this company, so these are the locations where they might work. everyone should call these numbers and tell their job to fire them. also we're gonna target these izzy fans next" and like, obviously this account was pretty quickly taken down. but it was a pretty scary thing and left a lot of izzy fans pretty paranoid, hence the blocking everyone who didnt like izzy.
(there was also a "izzy hater group chat" twitter account that was literally just a small group of mostly minors posting memes and also abt izzy that got accused of being connected to that whole mess. but afaict those guys have nothing to do with harassment of izzy fans they just dont like izzy)
so the thing is now that all of that has been used to justify shutting down any type of conversation about #2, or writing off anyone who posts meta about izzy that isnt like, "he works so hard and is so unappreciated despite everything he's done for ed" as an "izzy anti." analyzing izzy critically and posting this in the #izzy hands tag on tumblr is likened to genuine harassment.
oh lol and speaking of harrasment: there was also a problem with ppl on tumblr getting anon hate, and izzy fans will tell you that the anon came from an izzy hater who was targeting izzy fans bc the anon messages use "izzy critical rhetoric." however as someone who has posted "izzy critical" metas or whatever, i have actually gotten the same harassing messages accusing me of being an izzy stan and a racist abuse apologist. that's not what a targeted harassment campaign looks like. that's all been less of a problem ever since tumblr made it so you need to be logged in to an account to send anonymous messages.
anyway my stance on all of this:
i don't hate anyone for liking izzy. i am critical of certain comments/behaviors i often see from ppl who identify as izzy fans, but izzy fans are rarely the only ones who have this problem. from what i've seen tho, a lot of it comes from izzy fans.
before i ever saw even a hint of harassment against izzy fans, i saw izzy fans coming onto my posts and to posts by fans of color trying to argue that these posts were contributing to their harassment. from my perspective, it looked a lot like fans of a white character were trying to shut down conversations abt their favorite guy, especially when those conversations were being had by fans of color. i was very skeptical and oftentimes pretty dismissive abt the existence of this harassment.
since then tho ive done a pretty deep dive into the anon harassment on tumblr, and also looked at takes from different perspectives on the whole thing, and my conclusion is that there is harassment of izzy fans, however it is on the same base-level shittiness that most people experience from just... being on the internet. death threats and insults and slurs are literally just part of being on the internet. and yes, it SUCKS and it's wrong and nobody should have to put up with it, but izzy fans are not victims of specific targeted harassment. theyre victims of being on the internet and having to put up with general internet shittiness. and im sympathetic to that up until ppl start using "ive been harassed for being an izzy fan" as an excuse to be incredibly nasty (check out this tumblr acct for examples of what i mean lol). the ofmd fandom is annoying and parts of it are toxic but like, by no means is this the most toxic fandom to ever exist. we're not at "undertale fan giving out cookies with needles in them at a convention" levels just yet.
finally, tangentially related: i am inherently wary of fandom sub-groups that like, name themselves?? in my experience, the more people make being a Type Of Fan part of their identity the more it tends to lead to problems. this goes for fans who label themselves "antis" or "anti-antis" or whatever the fuck. i've personally been called an "izzy anti," an "izzy hater," and an "izzy critical fan" but like, i dont really call myself that?? it just seems weird to me idk. it gets to be very "us vs them" on default with little nuance and ive never found this kind of thing to be like, productive in fandom spaces. but that's just me.
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selamat-linting · 1 year
Hello Actually I would like to hear your thoughts on Gin Minowa 😊
well alright you did ask :) but beware this is mostly going to be unstructured rambling.
anyway, her death basically caused the taisha to upgrade the hero system, introducing mankai and giving the girls immortality at the cost of their own bodies, thats the main conflict of the first season of yuyuyu. it drove togou into despair because she lost the memory of her friendship with gin and sonoko and will probably lose her new friends again to a fate worse than death that she's willing to end the world just to stop it all. and we all know how that eventually caused the wedding of the shinju and yuna and basically everything else. also, her death spurred the taisha to actively recruit more girls to be grinded into the hero system, so her death is also responsible for karin to join the hero club and the rest of the sentinel squad to be formed.
like, gin minowa's impact is massive. she's genuinely haunting the narrative. my first exposure of the yuyuyu franchise is the anime, and even without knowing her name, or seeing her grave, the traces of her life and death is everywhere. karin is using her terminal!!! sonoko and togou's entire friendship during the second season hinges on their mutual guilt complex over gin's death. hell, togo does not remember gin at all in the first season, but she knows she lost her and thats enough to kickstart togo's murderous rage and despair.
also thematically, she really is the poster girl of a human sacrifice. i've seen a meta post somewhere about how the shinju and the mankai system can be read as an allegory of how women ultimately commit slow suicide from making themselves small and palatable for the male gaze and doing all of the invisible labour for the sake of patriarchy. and the way yuyuyu keeps portraying in universe that being a hero is a way to protect the country, spesifically using a rather political word like the country, not humanity or life itself, it reminds me a lot of how fascist propaganda present itself to women. conform to the gender binary, fulfill your god given role, sacrifice your body and your life for the sake of your society. it seems familiar. the magical girls are chosen yes, but theyre lambs to the slaughter in the service of the shinju and the taisha (patriarchy metaphor)
disclaimer, im not japanese, and i dont know the behind the scenes trivia or the author or even played the yuyuyu games, so i know im working off partial information and im looking at something with a perspective unlike my own, im well aware i could be wrong and the authors' intentions might be different, but that is what i get from the anime. the metaphor did fell apart towards the last few episodes, especially when we consider the taisha was formed because they have to survive against the apocalypse, they might be a corrupt and fucked up organization that grinds children into an eternal suffering machine but they did try their best against an impossible situation, but overall i do feel like the hero system can be read as a metaphor for gender roles in patriarchy.
back to gin minowa, out of the trio, she seems to be written as the most down to earth / relatable of the two. she's smart and clever, but only when its useful to other people, i.e when she's helping and when she's fulfilling her role as a child soldier. and she never ever blames anyone for anything. nobody ever stops to ask if she has better places to go, nobody ever asks if she's tired from all the help and chores she's required of doing, and she never seems to mind. only smiling and blaming herself for being late and forgetting her studies. its only her friends who actually find out whats going on with her and tried to help her. she is the picture perfect idea of a heroine and the taisha and the shinju took advantage of it and it ultimately killed her. she is the number one proof that this is the bitter end of all magical girls if they let themselves follow the orders thats been given to them. god fucking damn it, theyre all heroes, they's the chosen one, but theyre chosen as a hero the way a lamb is chosen and lead to the slaughter. rip gin minowa you will always be famous 😭
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atertiary-culture-is · 9 months
Sorry to bother you, but could I ask what it's like to be afam? I'm realizing some of my behaviours seem kind of afam (openly not loving most* of my family, confusion and almost repulsion to my friend's "online mother", being uncomfortable with being compared to/jokingly called my pet's and my friend's family) but I don't actually know much about afam people and I'm not sure if this is caused by just having a weird (derogatory) family
*I like my aunt and my younger family and I guess my dad but even that feels different to how others seem to feel, aside from younger family. I'm not sure anymore, I guess it's better to ask and be wrong than to not and be right
Thanks for sending in this ask !
It is possible that you may find the afamilial label useful in describing your experiences, but you may also not find it a useful label.
Some of what you describe sounds like familial repulsion (which I also experience, but allofamilials may also experience and not all afamilials experience), and not feeling familial love. Afamilial includes disconnect from familial attraction / no familial attraction etc.
Both afamilial and allofamilial people may have familial trauma, or other bad experiences with family. Some may have perfectly normal or even good experiences with family. And some people may be afamilial due to trauma (labels like caedfamilial if one lost familial attraction due to trauma and have ptsd/cptsd, or erasfamilial for the same if they dont have ptsd/cptsd, are for that).
People describe familial attraction as wanting to be family with people, I don't know how it works myself though as Ive never felt it and I personally actively don't want to have any interaction w the bodys biological family or find found family, even if Im around them for financial dependence reasons rn.
Different afamilial people have different experiences, but I will talk about some things I experience related to my afamilial orientation:
-I don't wish to form familial bonds. I don't even want to consider my partners (Im allosexual and demiromantic, and atertiary) family even if I marry any of them at some point. I also don't want found family, and dislike that I live with the bodys biological family right now.
-I have never thought 'I want this person to be my family' or seen anyone 'as a parent/sibling/etc. figure', in fact even people who were that to me biologically I never actually wanted them to be that to me
-My orientation may be influenced by familial abuse - Im sick of how people get away with abusing me just bc theyre legally considered family
-It makes me very upset that, if I don't get married to another body, the bodys family will be given things like visitation rights or the right to make medical decisions for me if I am unable to, by law
-I never felt love towards the bodys family. When I was younger I felt really guilty for it, especially bc I didn't realise the bodys parenrs were abusive and I was constantly blaming myself for them abusing me
-For a while I thought that I only disliked the bodys family due to the abuse, but I realised I didn't want found family either
-The only way the 'found family' trope popular in queer media appealed to me was the idea of knowing other queer people, not being abused (though I am aware found family can be abusive too), and potentially having partners (back when I didn't have partners) - basically the family part itself did not appeal to me in the slightest
-I'm uncomfortable with being referred to as a sibling/sister/brother/parent/child etc. even jokingly - I also don't want to be a parent
-I genuinely don't understand how a spouse is automatically seen as family legally and socially. I view marriage as sexual and romantic, not familial, and if I were to marry someone I certainly don't want to 'start a family' with them
-I don't want to have pets either - both due to the way people assume pets become family, and due to being unable to take care of one (I know I can't handle that much responsibility for another life - like how I don't want to raise kids)
-I don't like being compared to people in the body's biological family - or made to feel like I cannot be anything more than who they are
My experiences are mainly of the no familial attraction, familial repulsed afamilial type so would not be reflective of all afamilial people
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axelsagewrites · 2 months
I hope that you are doing well.
I was wondering, but do you think Jon Snow and Margaery Tyrell would be good as a couple, in canon and/or a modern setting? How do you think they would be and how would their relationship be?
Also, when you have the time and inclanation, do you think you would be willing/able to do a NSFW Alphabet for Margaery Tyrell?
Have a nice day!
I was wondering, but do you think Jon Snow and Margaery Tyrell would be good as a couple, in canon and/or a modern setting? How do you think they would be and how would their relationship be?
This is honestly such an interesting idea cause I feel like my cannon vs modern answers would be so different
I think cannon (mainly show based since I haven’t read all the books) for a bit it would work. I think show Margaery could make anyone (more so men tbh) love her when she needed them too. if Margaery needed Jon I think she could have him. Plus I do think she’d like how honourable he is and since he knows the ways of court but doesn’t follow them I think he’d be a nice break from society for her in private.
Jon would be shy at first ofc but I think would fall for Margaery especially if she did a similar act of charity she did with kingslanding and the orphans. However, I think once he was more comfortable jon would be worried about Margaery using him since he is pretty perceptive and probably has trust issues with everything that happens in the series.
If they were betrothed/married for pollical reasons I think they’d be a great match by Westeros standpoints since Margery and Jon are both witty and smart plus they’d have a mutual respect for each other. I don’t even think Jon being a bastard would be that big a deal for maergery since she doesn’t seem to look down on people the same as others but I don’t think they would meet and instantly fall in love but maybe over time would grow to at the least deeply care for each other.
Modern time is different tho. Modern jon would defo still be nervous around women and I feel like maergery would be oddly into this. Like the idea of this boy getting so shy just from her flirting with him. I could see them being in class together and her flirting with him during a project.
It would not shokc me if modern jon and maegery dated since she’s really smart and witty and I could see jon just listen to her ramble away and just smile and nod. Though I don’t think they’d be end game. They would be like high school sweethearts who break up because they have different life goals.
Maergery to me seems really extroverted and would want to travel and take over the family buisness and turn it into an empire or something whereas jon would probably leave high school, join the army, then settle down with ghost in the town he grew up in as a home body.
Ive never really considered them as a couple before so now im really curious what people think of them. I think they would work but to me theyre just not each others forever person if that makes sense
however i'll defo add a margaery nsfw alphabet onto my list since she is one of my favs <3 (even if her spelling confuses me lol)
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terraliensvent · 2 months
guys i think civ isnt satan (edit: they lied)
EDIT: please see this post, civ played everyone like a fiddle and blatantly lied about having nothing to do with the pet species deletion. keeping this og post up to show how dedicated they were to painting their narrative
so, a few screenshots relating to their bulletin were given to me (you can see my initial thoughts here)
now as with all breaking news there are revisions to be made with new info
(all screens can be found in this imgur gallery, may be out of order because imgur is dummy stupid)
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so it turns out, civ and coy actually werent contacted prior to the decision. i do agree this could have been handled differently and there should have been more of a discussion around it, HOWEVER im more inclined to the side of current terra staff. for one, they came to the decision of one adopt every two months for each staff member as compensation for their work on the team. their reasoning for cutting down coy and civ's amounts is to be fair to everyone especially considering coy and civ arent actively working on the species anymore. i dont necessarily agree with the decision to cut customs though, since people have to actively seek them out for that and its more akin to a comm service. i also want to note that i can understand why terra staff wouldnt want to negotiate about the number of adopts with civ and coy, considering that this is how it went last time
you can see in the imgur screens the original terms, notably that civ and coy collectively were allowed to make 12 adopts a month. i can see how it would be seen as unfair to not be able to be compensated as much as the people who left the place to die.
throughout the screens it seems civ is being a lot more reasonable, i think more discussion should have been had with them and after introspecting, it probably wasnt right for them to be banned, however, i dont see why they couldnt just be unbanned. i think that theyre getting lumped in with coy severely here and truthfully that isnt fair to them. i dont know how i would go about the downgrade from 6 to 2, but what i do know is they were being pretty polite about it
coy on the other hand...
throughout the screens they just seem to keep throwing salt into the wound, working through loopholes and being petty just for the sake of it. their behavior i would argue is still deplorable, and their unwillingness to work constructively is probably the reason why they and civ werent included in the discussion. ive gone over coy a million times before, these screens just keep hammering the point home
besides that, there are a couple other things to note:
Tycho's lack of presence
Tycho (furthermore referred to as cal) diverting the discussion to others is something that has happened before, and can be a point of criticism against him, but honestly my personal opinion is that shit happens sometimes. cal has very valid reasons to want to pull away from the discussion, especially with the myo compensation event he seems to be giving his best despite the situation. i am willing to give cal a lot of leeway when it comes to being stressed because we have seen the work that he and his team are putting in. i mean ffs we already have new pet species concepts not even a day after the old ones were removed. hes got a lot on his plate, and coys un-reasonability and demanding things be done NOW would drive anyone crazy even if they werent already dealing with species AND irl responsibilities. you could argue that cal shouldnt be in a place of ownership if he cant take the heat which is a valid criticism, however i think that hes a fine owner, good even, its just that these situations keep popping up one after another and he just cant keep up. these arent things that normal species owners deal with
so regarding these screens (because i know some civ/coy whiteknights are gonna try and use it to excuse all their actions)
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listen, was it the most professional way to respond? no. but also: (assuming it was cal who said these) i would argue this is a totally valid argument. granted, probably not to be directed at civ, but still valid. if i was dealing with the same continued problems from people who arent supposed to even be a part of the project anymore, i would have blown my lid way worse. this comment isnt even that egregious to me, its just that civ and coy have created such an echo chamber that any criticism is seen as sacrilege, and given cal's previously mentioned stressors its completely understandable for him to react harshly when they have to deal with coy drilling up his ass and being petty for no reason
civ's final words
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the screens speak for themselves here. i do think there are some things to be criticized relating to civs bulletin (particularly comments painting them as this poor sad puppy dog tossed in the rain) but ultimately they are not as much of a villain in this as coy is. best course of action honestly is to just leave them alone, they were pretty professional in the screens and just seem to want to be done with it
final verdict? coy is an ass. civ kind of isnt. it could have been done differently but i really understand why it wasnt. cal needs a break. new mods are still doing good in my eyes.
and terravent fans eat good tonight
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conarcoin · 1 year
you know what? fuck it. i will be a dick. dresuma is fucking disqualified all because some prick who hasnt been in my spot, me whos been sitting here for hours checking my notes over and over just to see who i need to block because theyre clowning, they told me 'its just a silly tumblr poll and its hilarious that youre getting mad about a ship that you included'
this tournament has been a big thing on my mind for OVER A MONTH STRAIGHT, ive gone through MANY emotions because of it lately and ive been trying to be nice and fun but honestly? people can be really fucking annoying on this website, actually!
that ship was included because i was being lenient and nice and thought it was fun even though i didnt think those characters actually interacted once considering i had to genuinely edit two very different quality images together just for their ship image. yknow what criteria i had for letting ships in? 1. they didnt date or marry in canon! 2. they werent a minor/major! and 3. no incest! anyone else was fine! sure, a lot of them maybe didnt fit the definition of why i made this tournament but i thought i had a pretty clear idea from the start what ships would make it to the finale anyway, and all of them did fit the definition!
i didnt think people could misinterpret things as bizarrely as they did. i didnt think people could be so. annoying. i didnt think id get more than a couple thousand notes tops, not OVER 10K NOTES AND COUNTING. im NOT used to this stuff, considering that ive said many a time that my main blog has like 250 or so followers, and my main blogs notes are like, 20 a day tops!
and no offense to this person they seem lovely, i didnt think id be fucked over by, of all things, someone whos worked on a minecraft smp, and not only that but one that ive enjoyed before! again they seem lovely and i hold nothing against them for just having fun, but man, this is a weird situation man!
i deleted the poll. it doesnt delete the reblogs and i doubt it does anything to the poll itself, but hopefully it gives me no more notifications about it.
i will be hosting a different finale. if i hear any bs about this, youre getting blocked. im sick of this. i was naive and hopeful and lighthearted when this started and at this point i just want this to end.
please just grant me the luxury of just letting it end in a chill way.
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 3 months
Hi there! Hope you're doing good!
For the music ask game, how about 15 20 and 30? :)
hihi!! i think i answered 20 already just now but thanks for the ask!!
heres the ask game if anyone wants it
15.) a song that is a cover by another artist
can i be super low key and say dodie's when it rains/its not living if its not with you? its just such a beautiful loop and i love it so much. i dont listen to her as much as i used to but her work is so beautiful. especially the Somewhere In The Crowd cover. which seems dumb bc ive never legitimatly finished la la land but anyway.
i do recommend that though. its on the spot idk. theres an 1 hr loop of it and its SUCH a good loop and i love it so much. considering i love both of those songs deeply. "when it rains" by paramore and "its not living (if its not with you)" by the 1975 its just really pretty. i love it. her voice. augh. i dont know if that counts as a cover-cover?? technically kinda but its whats coming to mind atm.
20.) a song that has many meaning to you
I already answered this one but it was either "The Irony Of Choking on A Lifesaver" by All Time Low or "Thanks To You" also by All Time Low. Just in the way that throughout the years the person itd been about has slowly shifted into about different people with different undertones and lyrical meanings yet the premise of them hurting and wronging me has relevantly remained. but in a totally pissed off "fuck you!" type of way. like as a way to say "look whos thriving after your bs lol"
30.) a song that reminds you of yourself
another waterparks mention bc theyre legitimatly my favorite band but um
"Royal" by waterparks <33. its like... when i was really questioning my identity and who i was i really was listening to that song. i just really feel like yeah the entire double dare album is so good... Royal feels the most like *me*
which- yeah seems goofy but Royal was legitimatly one of the choices for the middle names I was gonna pick. and it was gonna be after this song. thats how much i love it. just the lyrics. i feel them.
genuinely double dare is probably in my top 5 favorite albums and idk if thats weird but thats cool to me. it means a lot. its just a timeless vibe for me.
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Oh god another Lila episode
Hi yes, before you say it I’m aware protection released yesterday, I was taking a mental health day for myself so I’m late but we’re doing this now ok? Let’s go!
So as the title says, this is another Lila episode! Which usually means that people are dumbed down to believe stupid things Lila says and everyone is against marinette being obsessive and that’s depicted as bad! While there is no dumbing down this episode, LILA MAKES SOME ACTUALLY GOOD POINTS THIS EPISODE THAT ARE SWEPT ASIDE BECAUSE “OHhH shES tHe VillaiN”
So Kagami confides with Lila in how marinette and Adrien being in a relationship, despite her being happy for them, hurts her a lot and that she’s just trying to help her friends be happy right?
So Lila starts saying how selfless and kind Kagami is for tolerating this shit and helping marinette get Adrien (which she’s right to say) and says how frankly, the fact marinette always has people help her with her love life issues is kinda weird, because she never seems to help others or acknowledge other people’s emotions or effort, AND SHES FUCKING RIGHT!!!
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Like this is a serious problem in the show!!! Every single character except for marinette doesn’t have anything going for them anymore except helping marinette and Adrien get together! When is the last time we saw kitty section just play for the sake of playing, or marinette discussing Marc and Nath’s work, or hell! When is the last time we saw Adrien, Marinette’s love interest have anything going this season except for loving marinette?!
This show has a whole cast of different characters that they can easily grow and make new and interesting plots with, with episodes that rather then revolve around marinette confessing, can revolving around LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE!!! And instead, everyone in this show has been just dumbed down to a couple signature traits, and constantly praising marinette and helping her with her stupid confession!
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And sure, Lila lies and definitely exaggerates and calls marinette “toxic” and shit which is very much “I have my own motive I want her to suffer” and I will acknowledge that! Lila isn’t a saint, and she never was!
But she’s not fully wrong. Marinette again, runs away from her friends trying to help her and when the plan doesn’t work cry about how “she doesn’t have the magic” or what not, instead of getting her shit together and try to consider and evaluate her feelings (again she immediately went back to Adrien after the thing with Chat Noir) and be considerate of her friends who are really trying to help her!
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But again, whenever there’s a problem in the writing of the show (the plot being purely “marinette deserves everything and we should always help her get what she wants”) the show will make the villains say it, with a couple of mean words thrown in to argue that anyone who thinks this way is manipulative or wrong
Like hell, the way they “counteracted” Lila’s points? About the fact that people are constantly in service of marinette and don’t ever get the same kindness or support from marinette? Was just saying “well Marinette is the best and Lila is just lying so ha”
“Hey why is everyone constantly in service of marinette? Don’t you think the confess to Adrien plot is overdone? Don’t you think characters deserve more depth then being Marinette’s lackeys and perhaps even have marinette help them with their life?”
“Well it’s because marinette is the best and we love her so she’s fine”
Anyways that was a stupid episode, Lila is not necessarily wrong, and Gabriel not letting Adrien be with marinette is still weird? Like the show is trying to say that Gabriel’s only reason to not approving is blackmail from Kagami’s mom? Bitch if they try to redeem him
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the-ark-awaits · 2 years
Hello all you may remember me from such bangers as 'show me the proxies in marble hornets' and 'and another thing'
oday um here to talk about how we've fucking regressed as a fandom since creepypasta and marble hornets on ao3 got. presumably merged as a fandom tags bc sorting for exclude crossovers still shows creepypasta fic. in fact doing that just now to confirm this, the very first fic on the list was creepypasta.
so obviously this is a huge pain in the ass for anyone who wants marble hornets fanfic and only marble hornets fanfic. you cant even remove creepypasta fics with exclude crossover, youd have to do it manually with filtering options not everyone knows how to use. and we shouldnt have to yknow? you should be able to go in your fandom tag on ao3 and find only that fandom and crossovers (which should be easily filtered out by exclude crossovers) same as here on tumblr crosstagging is a huge issue but the worst part of it is that the continuous crosstagging in recent years has caused the fandom tags to be merged (not fully as shown by the fact that the numbers for amount of fic in each tag is different) but enough that they're considered the same universe by ao3 which is. blatantly untrue.
creepypasta is a catchall term for internet short stories made by a community, marble hornets is one single webseries online. fuck the creepypasta fandom wouldnt be what it is without huge swaths of shit stolen from marble hornets (like yknow, the pages, the operator symbol, masky and hoodie) but that doesnt mean they are marble hornets fans that doesnt mean theyre making marble hornets content. that would be like saying that since fnaf and batim are kinda similar and the fans have an overlap that means theyre the same and should be tagged the same. they arent, and shouldnt be yknow?
also apologies this isnt the best post im kinda fried rn and im stuck on mobile
that not withstanding its fucking depressing. this did not used to be an issue. thr only fics tagged with both were generally easy to ignore or a real honest to god crossover, but now i swear you look at the mh tag on ao3 and the majority of the recent fics are crosstagged crp fics with giant tag lists that tack up the whole page and tag anyone who is so much as mentioned
and maybe this is a step too far here. but i really think this is bc of tiktok. the people crosstagging posts and fics seem to be the same type to complain avout the 'ao3/tumblr algorithm' not favoring them. but there is no algorithm, just annoyed fans who have to dig for their actual content because people dont have common decency anymore. theres an etiquette you need to follow for shit like this. like how would you feel if like. i dunno. fucking... genshin (just an example of a large fandom or whatever made a character cameo out of like jeff the killer and suddenly all the crp tags were filled with genshin posts not even related to or barely mentioning the character, just ti try and get more clicks?
youd be pretty fucking annoyed having to scroll past all that to find actual creepypasta content huh?
thats the same issue happening here, and honestly i think its a huge issue. for obvious reasons but also bc its so much harder to find mh content now that im sure its incredibly disheartening to be a creator in the fandom rn and foe the past few years. you work and make content for your rather small fandom and its buried under barely related shit, its gonna feel bad yknow? especially when that content gets more clicks bc. frankly theres more creepypasta fans than mh fans just bc of what creepypasta is format wise. its collectively made shortstories. you can like one or two and bc a crp fan, its not like that for mh
this is going kinda off my starting topic but anyways if theres any ao3 tag wrangles following me or who see this.
please for the love of god i beg of you to do anything you can to unmerge those tags i will do anything ill get receipts proving they're separate things please unmerge the tags im dying here
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 5 months
ok some more thoughts on the eps (under read more cos of potential spoilers lol)
starting with the slightly more negative stuff so i can end with the things i like lol
there was a lot of over explaining of some basic who things, which i didnt mind that much considering they were being told to ruby, but but it did definitely feel like 'rtd is trying to introduce this to a new audience so he's kinda spoon feeding them everything' which is a lil frustrating as a long time fan lol...
on a similar note some of the flashback things in space babies were completely unnecessary given they were from the literal same episode pfft... like at least in the 2nd one they used flashbacks as voice overs which worked a lil better, but i'd still rather they just relied on the audience to understand the call backs without having to SHOW them u know?
the cgi babies mouths were weird, i didnt like them... i also wasnt the biggest fan of the music notes as tentacle like things coming from maestro... surprised i havent seen anyone complain about this given how vocal some of y'all were about the use of cgi in chibnall's era....... hmm
speaking of, i think some of the pacing issues in chibnall's era have stuck around a bit because that 2nd episode esp started off really well but then fizzled out in the middle, and the resolution went on for waaaay too long lol (also after maestro said that in ordered to defeat them they needed a musical genius, i kinda assumed the doctor and ruby would turn to eachother like 'hmm who could we go to who's a musical genius in 1963...' and then it cuts to john and paul wondering around the studio or smth... like idk there wasnt much connecting tissue between the sections, it just hung around on the kinda boring 'music battle' between the doctor and maestro... and like i get theyre trying to make ncuti's doctor more of an action-y style hero, but that felt too much like the battle with the toymaker.... also yes maybe i'm also mad there werent more scenes with the beatles in them SUE me lol! like literally most other episode (think of the van gogh one) the feature figures from history, theyre the main focus of the episode so it kinda sucked they were barely there :///////)
the musical number at the end of that ep wasnt my fav i'll be honest.... like it was fine, but in the xmas ep it made sense to have a fun musical number and it worked with the rest of the ep, but this one just felt like 'well the story's over ... but we still have 5 minutes left to fill so random song and dance number!'
final thing that i didnt love was (and bear in mind i know nothing about filmmaking lol) that some of the shots and edits felt a bit off? or didnt feel like they worked in a scene or just could have done with a retake from a different angle ... like especially some of the maestro scenes, like the performance was so good but the camera didnt seem to really be working with them very well? and in general some of the conversation scenes had the vibe of what you see in theatre lol? like where characters talk to each other via looking out at the audience lol... and like i dont mind that kinda theatrical way of producing scenes usually, but in moments when it's an intimate conversation between two characters, it did feel a tad weird lol...
edit: another thing i didnt mention but i did recently see a post talking about this, but i did think it was odd that most of the beatles ep is set in the 60s but it doesnt actually discuss the doctor being a black man in what was a very tough time to be non-white lol... like not only does the beatles music directly come FROM being influenced by black artists in america (smth they even discussed lol), but a part of the episode is about how important music is to humanity, and nothing shows that more than the way music the african slaves' sang whilst on plantations was adapted into blues/jazz and then later into rock n roll/pop... like music was an act of keeping a part of their humanity alive when they were being brutally dehumanised... (and like in part i get why rtd didn't go into this, as he hasn't the best history of dealing with black characters... but it WAS a notable absence and does kinda tell me the doctor being black isnt going to play into anything, which sucks, since chibnall did at least make it so the doctor being a woman DID massively alter the way she was seen... i might make another post about this lol)
ok things i liked!
nan-e was seriously great (cant remember what the actress is called but she does such a great job!!!! in a way i'd love for her to show up again she's such a fab character lol)
the whole resolution of the space babies ep was really great tbh! also the reveal the bogeyman is actually made of bogeys was legit really funny lol! even the fart at the end like yeh it's childish but who doesnt love a fart joke lol?
ncuti is great at acting all suave and confident one minute only to be on the verge of breaking down the next, aka the literal epitome of the doctor lol! also love his relationship w/ ruby ofc
ruby was great too! tho atm idk if we've really gotten a true grasp of who she is as a character u know? atm it does feel a lil like the whole clara mystery thing where her character comes 2nd, but i'm sure as the series goes along we're gonna get more lol
loved that cilla black was in the devil's chord ep!! that's it tbh just loved that
also loved that the doctor mentioned his family this early on, specifically susan! i do kinda wish they had used a flashback sequence when he was talking about the genocide cos i kept thinking 'wait... is this the time war or is this what happened w/ the master at the end of the (???cant remember the number.... 12th?) series??' which was several years ago and would have been great to refresh our memories on.. also meant we could potentially have seen jodie again lol!
i saw someone on .... somewhere complain about the 4th wall breaking but i actually really liked it lol! especially the non-diegetic comment! idk if i want every episode to have that, but i enjoyed it in that one! one thing about rtd's first era that i appreciate is that he experimented a lot with the format of each episode... which meant we got things like love & monsters, which like,yeh, it's..... An Episode for sure, but i appreciate that it's told from a different perspective! so in a way it feels like he's doing that kinda thing again, where each episode feels connected but still distinct from one another, if that makes any sense??
i liked the fake beatles song about the dog lol... partly because it didnt even sound that far off of something they wouldve written on a later album (by paul) pfft... kinda sucks they didnt buy the rights to at least one actual beatles song, even just to play a few secs of it lol...
overall, neither episode blew me away, but they weren't terrible either lol... i'm also shocked how similar this series is to chibnall's era, which is why it's so bizarre to me that people continue to be like 'oh doctor who is finally back!' like bitch for one it never went away lol!??! and for two, a lot of issues people had with chibnall's (and to some extent moffat's) era are still there, but now cos it's headed by rtd again people arent complaining about them the same way they did before... idkkkkk
i've also already talked about this, but i do still think the releasing at midnight thing is fucking dumb, especially for us british fans! i get that maybe that's a stipulation from disney but it doesnt mean i have to like it... also didnt like that 2 episodes were released at once like ???? why lol idkk
i'm still looking forward to the rest of the series ofc!
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hearts401 · 7 months
loredump about your ocs plz <3
HEHEHEH I don't wanna say TOOOO much bc I have plans BUT!
I can ramble about the characters and worldbuilding!!!
The story takes place in a place I have yet to name that im calling Times Square (haha) where about five or so gods run the universe. they dont do much, initially, until a big accident sets the universe off-course butterfly effect style and they need to fix it.
Hence, the weird animal things.
Each god made something they could use to try and help fix this. But a special group of them is given the dirty work: Killing anyone who needs to be killed for the universe to right itself.
This is usually reserved for people who've been raised to do it, as it takes a lot of training and care to do correctly. you cannot be seen, the cause of death needs to be probable with the time zone, and you need to make sure you ONLY hit the correct target. anything else will just leave a bigger mess to clean up.
But our little Time Owl who has no name (so hell just be called Owl for now) met a curious little creature. The cowboy guy. who also has no name. (he'll be Cowboy ig) He was injured, alone, and incredibly far from where he comes from. On top of that, he was just in general very different from the rest of his kind. his wings were small and almost completely useless, and they made a loud rattling when vibrated. (also, altho this is normal for his kind, his tail has three ends that knock together loudly, kind of like if you hit wooden spoons together)
His kind (technically dragons ig?) usually engage in environmental things. specifically with wildlife and people in the woods. also they're often tasked with protecting important people for the timeline. but without being able to fly, that'd be difficult. not only that, Cowboy was relatively clumsy and aggressive. he was short-tempered and also just seemed more inclined to kill than he was to protect. Owl decided to raise him and teach him multiple different things, but he deviated towards the killing people bit.
Usually, killing is for sirens. there are other creatures raised to do it, but sirens are the most common. the tales of them are already all over society, and not many people who run into them survive, not to mention how easy it is to cover up a murder from a siren.
all this considered, Cowboy was in a pretty weird place. he was skilled, no doubt about it, but he fell into the role of just. anything. which would typically put him to work in the Times Square, like a normal citizen, but he doesnt like that idea, and repeatedly argued with Owl about it.
eventually, he ends up hopping job to job, until Owl tries to let him work in his own library.
Cowboy promptly destroys it (accidentally) and Owl kicks him out for the day (note that hes like. in his mid-late 20's rn. he only still lives with Owl bc he a) cant hold a job and b) is still his apprentice technically)
He wants to make it up to his mentor, so when he overhears some people talking about a mission theyre not sure they can handle, he makes a very smart adult decision and steals their stopwatch.
stopwatches are their way of traveling time to time and compasses are for place to place. Cowboy already has his own compass (u cant use it to get to earth unless you have a watch, since earth is in any time at all times up to a very specific point) so he just. goes to do their mission for them.
while looking for his target, however, he notices they took a wrong turn (he has very specific directions, and he knows where they're supposed to be at the given time) and follows them, only to see our wonderful (also unnamed) siren kill him.
When she sees him, she immediately scolds him, telling him how reckless he was and then telling him his mentor was looking for him.
turns out the siren (who im calling Siren surprise surprise) is a backup. which means shes not often called to missions, but she gets paid the same to pick up the failed or unfinished ones. shes unhappy with that arrangment and KNOWS she could do better if theyd just give her a shot at being a real assassin instead of the 2nd 3rd 4th 5th option. shes regarded as less attractive than the other sirens, and her mother refuses to listen to her and let her do more than what she has. shes frustrated and insulted by this, but also just not very respected. she spends more time outside of the siren are of times square than she does IN it, because the people there aren't incredibly pleasant.
Cowboy, who wants nothing more than to avoid trouble with his dad i mean mentor, proposes an idea:
if the two of them can convince Owl to give them a shot, they can work together on these missions, which are typically solo. and she agrees.
theres other important characters, like Cowboy's husband and a third person in their little murder gang, as well as the other gods, some antagonists, and a very confused cryptid investigator, but this is the general gist! though id love to talk about anything more specific if anyone has anything theyd like to hear more about :D
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