#and this poem acts as a metaphor of how ive learned to cope and live with my anxiety
silhouettecrow · 8 months
365 Days of Poems: Day 10 (January 10th)
Harmonious Anxiety
There is a music inside me
There always has been
When I was younger,
before I knew much of anything,
my fingers fumbled over the keys and strings
attached to my organs
and what came was a cacophony
produced by my movements
I tried to teach myself
how to turn the discordant noise
into something—anything—pleasant,
and sometimes I would stumble
upon notes that fit like a jigsaw,
but mostly,
I made it worse
with a mess of overthinking and insecurity
I learned to leave the music alone
and let it play itself
however it wanted or needed to,
but sometimes the cacophony would return
without my influence
and I would have to intervene,
trying to muffle the sound
and silence the chords,
but I rarely succeeded at that too
someone else—a musician—took my hands
and taught me
how to pluck the strings and touch the keys
to make a melody
that grew into a symphony
with my internal orchestra,
and they taught me
it's impossible to fully stop the cacophonies
but it is instead possible to make my own music with it
until it passes
They were right:
the cacophonies have never vanished,
but I have since learned
to live with them in harmony
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Here's the link to the corresponding writing prompt post
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