#and those people might get more influenced by morphing than your dyed-in-wool southpaws
if a right-handed animorph morphed a left-handed person (or vice versa), would they still be right-handed?
Hmmmmm. Someone who knows more kinesiology than me will probably disagree, but. I'd venture: if Cassie's a lefty and morphs Rachel who's a righty, then she'd probably have a stronger right than left hand in that morph, but might be better at doing things lefthanded than real-Rachel would. If someone throws a baseball at Cassie-in-morph, she'll be faster at getting her left hand up to catch it than real-Rachel would be and clumsier at actually catching it than unmorphed-Cassie would be.
Based on what little I do know, handedness is very set in most adults but more flexible the younger a kid is, and some people are more flexible than others. For example, a lot of kids switch between hands when first learning to write, and the practice of teachers simply telling everyone to use their right hands led a decent percent of kids with potential for left-hand dominance or ambidexterity to spend so much time writing righty they eventually became right-hand dominant over the years. There are also people like me who are right-hand dominant but can comfortably eat/clean/throw lefty if needed, and even write neatly with the off hand. There are also people like my former roomie who can't even get a good grip on a pen or spoon with their left hands, no matter what. There are even people like my uncle who - following a bout of meningitis, or possibly the anesthesia during surgery - switch hand dominance as teenagers.
So. I think lefty-Cassie's mind would be used to doing things lefty, and would have the potential to teach a Rachel-morph to become more ambidextrous over many many hours. But I also think righty-Rachel's physical brain would have more circuits connecting the pathways for doing things righty, and more muscle memory for being righty. And if Cassie used that morph enough, she might become an eensy bit more ambidextrous over the first several years' worth of morph time. But it'd probably depend on whether either of them has my style of hand dominance (where I'll eat or write lefty any time my right hand's occupied) or my roomie's style (where the left hand is barely used) or somewhere in between.
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