#and thus been waiting to actually post enough fic in Guardian to do this lol
miss-ingno · 2 years
Got tagged by @elenothar and @buriedbybooks! Thank you both :D sorry it took me so long! Rules: List the LAST lines of the last ten (10) stories you published.  Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else  notices any. Then tag some friends.
1) Special Occasion (Weilan, M for smut, fluff)
Shen Wei bit back the fond smile threatening to spill out and went about properly distracting Zhao Yunlan from his thoughts. 
2) Can’t Just Wait With Lives At Stake (pre-Weilan, T, Shen Xi lives canon divergence)
After all, it would be a shame to be unable to draw his attention to Zhao Yunlan's mouth. 
3) Taken A Turn (Li Qian & Zhu Hong, G, vampire AU)
The moment those eyes turned away from him, he fled the windowless room, into the dark of the night.
4) No Man Left Behind (bg Weilan, Zhao Yunlan & Ye Zun, T, YOHE canon divergence)
Surely Ye-zun will be up for any prank to be pulled on his brother, truly the only blessing to come from his trip to the past.
5) this is how the war is won (Kunwei, E for smut, a/b/o YOHE au, alpha!Kunlun, omega!Shen Wei, Plot with Porn, WIP)
With a small smile gracing his lips, Shen Wei nodded off.
6) Larger Than Life (Da Qing & Fu You, G)
It was always good to remind his human why he should feed Da Qing more dried fish.
7) Shen Wei, Accidental Lesbian Whisperer (Shen Wei & Cheng Xinyan, Shen Wei & Zhang Ruonan, Shen Wei & Li Qian, T for themes, canon compliant)
She couldn't disappoint him now.
8) Turn Up The Heat (Weilan, Lanzun, pre-Weilanzun, E for smut, modern a/b/o, omega!Ye Zun, alpha!Shen Wei, beta!Zhao Yunlan)
"Together," he echoed, and Zhao Yunlan fell into a dreamless sleep with a smile on his face.
9) In The Middle Of The Night (pre-Weilan, Shen Wei & Li Qian, M for violence, vampire AU, casefic)
From the roof, red eyes watched unblinkingly as the car drove off.
10) Dark Stars, Burning Hearts (Weilan, T, time travel fix-it, ep 20 onward)
And the whole future is ahead of them, problems and promises and all.
Tagging in @itskaysno @ganglylimbs @sorcererinslytherin @shadeofazmeinya @sailorbryant @kahnah23 @sasamelons @fornhaus @crystalinn if you’d like to!
Things I noticed about my endings:
I have a tendency to end with one character thinking about another
red eyes are apparently a Must if it’s vampire au xD
people falling asleep with a smile on their face
generally, I’d say I end on an optimistic note, unless it’s vampire au, in which case the ending is all about building the background plot tension and emphasizing the ~mystique lol
but yeah, definitely a strong tendency towards ending on a relationship note, one way or another. and an outlook towards the future, hinting at what is to come next (and that it’s gonna be Happy; unless, again, vampire au, where it makes sense to ramp up the dun dun DUN vibe)
also you can’t tell WIPs apart from actual endings, which makes sense too -- Lesbian Whisperer is one-shots packaged into one collection by theme, so each story is self-contained. And my goal for tihtwiw was to end on a happy enough note that readers won’t mind the time it takes me to update again (although I didn’t foresee the last chapter fighting me for so long, I knew it was gonna be a hard nut to crack and I was too busy irl to write while posting the first four)
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bereft-of-frogs · 5 years
So we ended up on a ‘rewatching Ragnarok level tonight’. I might double up and also watch Guardians of the Galaxy in bed to fall asleep tonight, but we’ll see.
I had a Day. And also I’ve been kind of nostalgic lately, for the period of time in between seeing Ragnarok and seeing Infinity War. It’s not really about the movies or fandom - I mean part of it is, but it’s way more about the emotional and professional place I was in in that time period. I was still in the coursework phase of graduate work (which is really the part I excel at and the part that made me happy), I was in really good shape, I had a lively and varied social life. I’ve just been in kind of a rut for the last year. I even find myself missing my old apartment which is sort of ridiculous. (The apartment itself was nice, but I had a roommate who I didn’t like and my current apartment feels much more mine.) It’s just all about how do I get that back? The feeling I had then. Where did it go? Why do I feel like this now?
I do have some actual real-life ideas of the why and how, but since those are like...long term things, my solution to that tonight was...rewatching Ragnarok XD
Thus, here are some thoughts:
- I do wish they’d slowed down the pacing of the first like...15 minutes a bit but that’s mostly because I would take a whole 2 hour movie of Thor and Loki sniping at each other. But I guess that’s what fanfiction’s for. ;-)
[also, if you’re asking me ‘but what would you cut to make that part longer’ the answer is just that comic strip of the dog being like ‘No cuts! Only more!’]
- there are a couple things where I’m like ‘@self, that would have been a rad detail to include, well, too late now.’ mostly the whole ‘knocking on the door of the Sanctum and then you’re just inside’ bit. That would have been rad to include, somewhere. Namely in the chapter of ‘bound at the end of the world’ where Thor and Steve go to visit Strange. Eh. Too late, oops.
- “Father, it’s us” THAT FEELS SIGNIFICANT EMOTIONALLY (more significant even than the ‘my sons’ line, which admittedly does get the good face reaction)
- I really need to make another running playlist with more of the Ragnarok score on it, this shit is great running music
- I’m really into the focus on euphemism on Sakaar. “People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate” Like that’s part of what makes it such fun dub con fodder, it’s all about the veneer of being okay and then you peel back the layers and it’s horrifying (similar to the thing I said earlier about how the Black Order doesn’t really scare me, but the Raft does). There’s that great moment that the writing engineers where you’re going along with it, and then trip into the horror. “People come from far and wide” *nodding along* “to unwillingly participate” *trip.* Dang. It’s really great that the writing can cause that drop in your stomach when you realize the dark truth behind the glamour. Dang.
- Loki also full body flinches away right when the Grandmaster interrupts his whispering with Thor. Every time, every fucking time I think I’ve gone too far, or read too much into things about Sakaar, canon just fucking does that...
(like I guess you can interpret it as surprised flinch, but with everything else...)
- also Hela says that Odin ‘banished me, caged me’ which is a nice callback to what Odin did to both Thor and Loki, in order
- also the chest touching ‘you’re not allowed to leave’ move, please canon, chill out a bit
- I 100% think earlier in the Hulk’s career on Sakaar, Thor doing the lullaby totally would have worked. Like, the Hulk had been there too long, he’d gotten too much control over Banner. (I’ve seen posts that are like ‘lol why did Thor think that would work’ and my two cents is the only reason it didn’t was because of the brutality of the arena and how long he’d been there)
- I do really like how clever and resourceful Thor is in this movie - contacting Heimdall, palming the controller off Valkyrie. I like smart Thor. :-)
- Loki and the Valkyrie’s fight. Still hot. Still makes me ship it. Enough said.
- and the visual effect of that flashback scene...iconic
- “I don’t want to fight your sister, that’s a family issue” I love how Bruce draws the line, like ‘I’ll fight your brother, but your sister...eh...’
- I would also take a lot more Thor and Bruce sniping, they are very entertaining. And like four full movies of Loki and the Valkyrie physically fighting. Just like. A lot of that. Yes.
- “...do you want revenge?” “Um, undecided.” Gold.
- god, the elevator scene. I can’t. “I should stay here.” “You’re right, you should stay here.” “TT_TT how could you think I should stay here?” Loki, you are a disaster. This scene is also probably the most honest scene they’ve ever had, through four films, and it’s like 80% lies and obfuscation, fuck
- ‘orgies and stuff’ CANON GO HOME YOU’RE DRUNK
- also, Thor and the Valkyrie fighting in sync. Also hot. Also makes me ship it. Hence the massively underrepresented OT3. (I think there are...12 Thor/Valkyrie/Loki fics on Ao3?)
- despite having not grown up with/interacted with her younger brothers until like two days ago, Hela really has the ‘get up, you’re in my seat’ delivery down pat. And it even works. (I only have like...a 70% success rate.)
- I hadn’t ever really caught that Hela calls herself ‘the savior of Asgard’ in her fight with Thor, I feel like that also has so much EMOTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE that then Loki is given that title a few minutes later
- Valkyrie’s wtf face when she realizes the Bruce Banner/Hulk thing is great
- Thor and Loki being Delighted With Each Other will always be the best part of the final battle
- another thing that contributes to what I think this movie does very well re: Thor and Loki’s relationship is all of their real conversations are like half conversations (the elevator scene being the major exception, which is more a conversation hidden beneath another one) - Thor doesn’t need to actually explain anything about Surtur’s crown and Ragnarok on the bridge - it’s this nice little half-said conversation that serves to prove that...they actually know each other, that they’ve grown up together, had all this experience together before it all fell apart. It’s part of what I really appreciate about their relationship here. Their relationship is so dramatic and fraught in the first three films they’ve appeared together in, which is beautiful in it’s own way (you all know I love me a good dramatic angst speech), but I think here we really see what foundation there is to lay the ground of a reconciled, renewed relationship.
- Thor’s little ‘what have I done?’ makes me SAD
- I’m still waiting on that fucking hug, Marvel. I will never stop waiting on that hug. I will keep fucking writing fanfiction where they hug, and cuddle, and kiss each other’s foreheads, and cheeks, and touch each other, even just little touches to the arm or back to get the other’s attention. I will keep writing fucking PLATONIC BEDSHARING until I get my GODDAMN HUG, Marvel, I swear I will!
- I wish I could like the comparison posts between the end of The Dark World Thor and Endgame Thor, but the problem is...I love his coronation at the end of Ragnarok so much (how quiet and unadorned and clearly supported by the people it is) that I just...can’t get behind having to rewind that arc. It was such a good one. From ‘I can’t be both king and a good man’ to ‘to be a good man in this moment means becoming king’ and the title and power don’t necessarily fit him perfectly but you get the sense that he can grow into it and make it his own, and honestly that’s probably a good thing, and that’s what makes it possible for him to be a good king...and I just...it was perfect. Having to do it a second time (because otherwise he’s just like.....giving up literally everything?) is just...ah. I don’t know.
So that’s it! We’ve reached the end! Clearly, the end in which Thanos arrives and things are bad but Thor and Loki both survive (and Heimdall, he survives too) and eventually they defeat Thanos and recover and build a life together ruling Asgard reborn OBVIOUSLY.
I’m really glad I did this. I think I rewatched Ragnarok in...April? Just before Endgame? But I definitely wasn’t paying attention, was doing something else (something somewhat unpleasant if memory serves) and stopped halfway through. This was fun, and helpful! (I think some of my voices and aesthetics had started slipping a little bit in writing. I should probably watch the other two Thor movies, and Infinity War again too, refresh the inspiration box in my brain.)
Okay! End movie night!
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