#and to pay back a debt Pete has to work for Vegas
peachym00 · 1 year
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A crack of thunder interrupted Pete’s thoughts, making him jump out of his skin.
“Fuck me, that was loud,” Pete flinched, his heart nearly beating out of his ribcage.
“Not out here; the pavement will be far too uncomfortable,” Vegas quipped, getting up from the floor and holding out a hand for Pete to take.
“You’re hilarious, you know that,” Pete said sarcastically, holding onto Vegas’s hand, which helped him up with far more force than Pete expected, pulling him straight into his chest.
“So I’ve been told.”
Vegas looked at Pete like he wanted to crack him open and see what was inside. It made him feel good and wanted. Brave.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” Pete questioned quietly, not wanting to disturb the charged atmosphere that had built up around them.
“I don’t know, there’s just something about you, Pete,” Vegas says unhurriedly, his eyes gazing all over Pete’s face like he’s searching for something, anything that will give him an answer, “every time I think I’ve figured you out, you do something else to surprise me.”
Vegas brings his hand up to the side of Pete’s cheek, the tips of his fingers grazing it just so, not bearing any weight but somehow burning their mark onto Pete’s skin.  
It was then, as he was wondering what it would be like to feel Vegas’s lips upon his own, that an extraordinarily untimely and out-of-place thought came to mind, blurting out of his mouth as he couldn’t believe he didn’t catch on at the time.
“Oh my god,” Pete exclaims, horrified, “Porsche and Kinn are fucking; they’re one hundred per cent fucking.”
That would explain everything that Pete had been so far confused about. The reason Porsche was so coy about answering questions about working for the main family, the reason he had nothing wrong to say about him. It would also explain the reason why Porsche wasn’t shot onsite for injuring Macau, why out of every single gun pointed at him, Kinn chose to choke Porsche into unconsciousness instead.
“You’ve only just figured it out?” Vegas asks incredulously, dropping his hand from Pete’s face.
“He didn’t tell me anything!” Pete was slightly miffed that he had been interrogated so brutally on life at the minor compound when they could have talked about how Porsche was hooking up with his boss.
“Is that really what you’re thinking about right now, Pete, about Kinn and Porsche and their sex life?”
“Yes, it is,” Pete says, his thoughts coming to a standstill as he realises the moment he has deprived himself of, the sinking feeling of coming to the realisation that he is his own cock-block, “why, what should I be thinking about?”
Vegas’s gaze darkens, the corners of his mouth turning up into a brilliantly evil smile, the sharp edges of it leaving no room for mercy. They’re still standing close together, yet he tries to bring Pete even closer, their proximity giving him no choice but to rest his hand on Vegas’s chest. His other hand is still enclosed in Vegas’s own, getting increasingly sweaty the more nervous he gets.
“Me,” he whispers, turning his head to the side to speak directly into Pete’s ear, his voice hot and tingly, “You should be thinking about me.”
Pete gulps.
They didn’t cover this in training.
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auseyre · 2 months
“We don’t need another hero
We don’t need to know the way home”
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In KP, Porsche is on his own somewhat twisted version of the hero’s journey. But he isn’t a hero that gets corrupted. That’s not the story arc. The show isn’t about Porsche losing his morality, it’s about him losing his naivety (Chay follows a similar arc in a more minor way). Despite his circumstances, Porsche is still pretty naïve when the show starts. In a way, having to take care of Chay his whole life and trusting Thee has kept him in a bubble. All he has time for is work, and Chay. He half-assed attends school, but not even enough to really be a part of the University life. 
He never figures out what Thee is up to until it’s spelled out for him. He’s never even suspicious. He gives Kinn Jom’s name, even though he knows there’s something shady about Kinn, assuming that if they look for him, they won’t find a Jom working at Hum bar and they’ll what? Realize it’s not Porsche and just go away? He doesn’t take the bodyguard job seriously because even though he’s in the heart of the Mafia, he still doesn’t actually believe they’d kill him for nothing. That’s why Pete has to explain to him what would have happened if Kinn hadn’t choked him out in front of the Minor family. 
Porsche *lucks* into the perfect spot. As Tankhun’s bodyguard, he can fulfill his obligation to Korn and rarely, if ever have to actively engage in Mafia business. Instead, he’s bored and insulted that he’s taken out of the game. (Compare him Fan Jhe Ruei from Kiseki: Dear to Me, who joins a gang voluntarily and then refuses to do any of the dirty work.)
 Pol specifically tells Porsche that Kinn is collecting a debt and that if they don’t pay, it’s going to be a big deal. Porsche chooses to go there anyway, uninstructed. It’s not till he’s there, watching Mes get beaten and having flashbacks that he realizes this is a dumb-ass choice. He, naively, tells this guy who just pulled a gun on Kinn that he’s going to be fine, because Pete told him they weren’t going to kill him, not realizing the rules have changed. 
His problem is never really with killing Mes. It’s with leaving the guy’s kid an orphan. We see him kill with no problem and no protest later. He was perfectly willing to go kill the man he thought had killed his parents in a car accident. (Sure, it’s scummy to use your influence to escape any consequences, but it was still, as far as he knew, a legitimate accident, not murder.) He only decides not to because the guy has a grandkid. 
Porsche’s issues with the Mafia life aren’t about morality, they’re only about a specific circumstantial empathy. (I’m sure that the people on the end of the Minor family collections business are gonna get a lot more leeway with Porsche in charge if they stay in that business at all. After all, drugs, gambling, money laundering, etc... are much more of a sure thing with much less trouble).
His naivety continues as he trusts Vegas, and believes that Vegas really isn’t a bad guy because, despite Thee, he still believes in family first and thinks that everybody else must feel that way too. It’s only as the “truth” slowly emerges about what happened to his parents that his naivety finally dissolves. 
The thing is, it’s only when his naivety is stripped away that he gets to make his own choices. They may not be the best choices, but they’re still his. (Hey, I didn't say he was smart. I said it's his right.) When he sees the truth about Thee, he gets to make a choice instead of being carried along by Thee’s choices and lies. When he sees all the parts of Kinn, not just the Mafia boss, he can choose to give up a chance for escape, to come back and save him in the woods, and commit to being with him. 
 When he knows exactly who Vegas is, he chooses to deal with him anyway, without any lies or manipulation, to find out what he needs to know. After he remembers what happened in that house and understands the lies Korn has told, he makes the choice to go back and stand by Kinn’s side, not wide-eyed, but clear-eyed. He takes the ring, knowing that Korn is full of shit but realizing that it’s what’s necessary to stand beside the people he loves.
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mikuni14 · 2 years
Kinnporsche ep 12 - AKA Porsche, Porsche Porsche
Porsche's emotions carried this episode, Porsche RULED. His love, support and devotion to his brother, the whole range of emotions shown in the scenes with Kinn, Korn and uncle … anger, disappointment, a sense of betrayal, forgiveness - first cautious, then full, because Porsche cannot do otherwise. We saw how much it costs him to control his emotions. Apo was wonderful in this episode, the most PRECIOUS,  god I love him 💖🥺 Not that I besmirch Mile' honor! :) Kinn fought for Porsche and their relationship the whole episode. Seeing Kinn barely controlling his panic that Porsche might just walk away, hurt my heart. When Porsche pulled away from him the first time, Kinn tensed up, a scene of constant apologies - you can see that Kinn is barely in control of his panic, then when they "get to know each other", Kinn swallows nervously, stll unsure and afraid. His fear of losing Porsche, his desperate attempts to save their relationship, along with how Porsche dealt with his problems - these were the highlights of this episode.✨ I liked the scenes where Kinn hugs Porsche who allows him to do so, but doesn't give back the hug (and Porsche's interesting choice of clothes). The scene in the car. Getting to know each other again and Kinn kissing Porsche's hand. And the best part was that Kinn and Porsche ultimately prevented strangers from affecting their relationship. That they fought for themselves TOGETHER.
Korn's cute little sob story was hilarious. If he really wanted to help the children of his friend's victims to ease his own conscience, he would pay off their debts and pay for their college. But this? Forcing Porsche to work as a bodyguard for the mafia? Which part of this plan was going to be "good" and “beneficial” to Porsche and Chay? Porsche could have worked for them in a position that would not involve the possibility of being KILLED. * headdesk * Also, I don't quite understand, Kinn gave up his "job" to live with Porsche?? And only Porsche is trying to be realistic in this situation? The “rich peple trying to live a simple life with teir poor beloved” thing is rarely, if ever, successful. It's the fairy tale stuff.
VegasPete Their scenes taken out of context were nice, but their story line doesn't make any sense. The only thing that made sense to me was that Vegas and Pete were really playing their scenes as "kidnapper" and "kidnapped" and had already completely fallen out of their roles, with a handcuffs as a sad, forgotten props. That's why I was able to understand why Pete came back. I watch VegasPete not being emotionally involved, because I just don't feel this ship and actors don't have any noticeable chemistry together. So without the pink glasses of being their fan and wanting them to be together (I know how it is to be biased), I honestly can't see how they got into their sex scene and how that not-really-bdsm sex has happened. There really wasn't anything so that suggest that Pete is interested in Vegas sexually, and that he's a masochist. NOTHING. (not that they did anything really SM). If anyone knows at what point it was shown or suggested, please tell me, because in my opinion there is simply no such scene and objectively I do not know where Vegas came from saying that Pete's eyes shine when he sees Vegas "moody". Pete shows fear when Vegas is "moody", he even literally showed it a scene earlier, when Vegas mood changed suddenly, because Pete said something wrong. Yes, Pete also shows him compassion, empathy, support, help in understanding his emotions. But there is no scene where Pete is excited, aroused beacause of Vegas. NOTHING. SUGGESTED. PETE'S. ATTRACTION. After what was said about their sex scene, that it was mentally and physically charging experience for the actors, I expected something very extreme. Meanwhile, their sex scene was … nice? 😘🥺I mean … they were more daring in Unforgotten Night, and I honestly laughed all through their scene. In Uforgotten Night however, the series shows that ‘Dom’ is very interested in the ‘sub’, there is progress in their relationship, although they had only limited time. In KP, Vegas and Pete are talking about something completely different and suddenly BAM, Vegas suggests Pete wants him, Pete kisses Vegas, which makes him seem as surprised as I am, Pete hands him ropes. ??????? Don't get me wrong, the scene was nice, but I have no idea how they got there, and it was, well, nice? and pretty? and actually sweet?😚 I mean, COME ON, Vegas kissing Pete's hands? Kisses? Caresses? Smiles? Very lovely :) (Well, unless it's not their only hot scene and we're just waiting for the Right One 😁)
Jeff's "DON'T" floored me OH.MY.GOD. I am salty, Jeff’s character is wasted in this drama. WASTED, PEOPLE!!!!
Kissing hands. So much hand kissing. Kinn’s eyes barely leaving Porsche’s face 💖💞✨🥺
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ameliasnormandy · 4 years
Warehouse: New start
Hey, just a week note. I am restarting my warehouse fanfic, because I didn’t like the start. It’s basically the same just more details, and better written. 
I am not going to get involved in anything. Never again. I paid my debt to society. I never had a debt to pay, yet I paid it. I paid a debt for a friend, and now I am out. I am free, and I will never do anything that could jeopardize my freedom. Not again. Not ever again. Well, I had made that vow, but there was one little thing that I had to do for a friend. There was this small little thing that I had to do, and then I was going to be out. It wasn’t going to be anything that would be hard or difficult or anything that would take very long, so I was sure that I could get out quickly.
              Myka Berring and Pete Lattimer were sitting in the bed and breakfast. Nothing much had changed in the four years since they were told that the warehouse could be changing to another country. Steve Jinks and Claudia Donavan were still there, as was Artie aka Arthur Neilson. Yes, they were all still there. Everything was the same, well except that Myka and Pete were now married, though they did have to postpone the wedding several times, and finally they just decided to do it when they were in Vegas, snagging an artifact from the nuclear testing field about thirty miles south. Not many people would be happy that they got married in front of an Elvis impersonator, while being officiated by a Marilyn Monroe impersonator, but two of them it made sense. The rest of their relationship was just as crazy, their wedding should be no different. They had actually just gotten married the night before. That was it. They were as newlywed as anyone could get. They were looking for a small vacation because of that. They were actually hoping to talk to Artie about that. “Artie, hey where are the others?” Myka asked. She paused and then looked at Pete. She knew that telling everyone what had happened would be more difficult, and she was hoping that Pete would take care of it.
“We have something that we should tell them,” Pete said, looking over at Myka.
“You can tell them that you picked out another date, another time, I have the next mission for you,” Artie said, throwing a folder in front of them. He seemed a touch more on edge than he had been. Yes, something was different about him. Something wasn’t right with him, but what that was and trying to understand it, didn’t seem like the right time.
              “Don’t you think that we could take a week to get back into our routine?” Myka asked, she was trying to figure out the best way to see that things were changing without telling Artie that.
              “Artie, maybe we should wait for the others to explain to them what is going on, before you send us on a mission,” Pete said, that was the best that he could think to do. It was the only thing he could think to do.
              “They are doing something else for me,” Artie said, curtly. “This is a ping and it takes your concern to fix it.”
              “Yes, Artie,” Myka said.
              Even now Artie has power over the people that work under him. I remember that power. I remember his power. He had this way of making you feel like the most important person in the world, while at the same time making you feel like he doesn’t care about that fact. It’s the weirdest relationship that any of us can have. I had known him longer than most. I knew him for a long time. I knew the pain that he went through. I seen the pain that he went through at some points, but it was never enough. None of it. Nothing was worth it. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth the effort that I put into him. He would say the same about me. He would still freak if he knew that I was out, and then I might finally be worth his effort. I might finally be worth it to me, at least to track me down and finally do what he had to.
              “Did Artie seem freaked to you?” Steve asked Claudia.
              “Artie is always freaked when there is a dangerous artifact running around,” Claudia said, stopping front of a building. It seemed that Artie was calmer. He hadn’t been as anxious as Claudia first knew him to be. Dr. Vanessa was helping with that. She seemed to calm him down. It was good. A good four years, but then something happened. It was in the warehouse. It didn’t seem like it was too big of thing, but Artie seemed to freak out. There was something that Artie didn’t like, and because of that he had sent them to this building.
The building? St. Mary’s Psychiatric Hospital. In the middle of Shanny, Pennsylvania. Shanny, Pennsylvania, the middle of nowhere, Pennsylvania. The perfect place to hide out. The perfect place to hide the truth. The perfect place to stick someone who is barely at fault here, well no, I know that it was my fault, but I was not the only one to blame. It had flowers running along the walkway. They were yellow flowers, mixed with blue and green, and just a few pink ones. I planted those. They let me have a lot of freedoms there. They didn’t think that the needed to worry about me. There was a small amount of Ivy growing over the building. There was a lot of yard space out in the front, and there were several benches scattered along the yard. “A pretty place. I wonder why they keep an artifact here?” Steve said, looking at Claudia.
              “These places always seem nice, but there is always something wrong with them,” Claudia said, taking a step away from Steve.
              “Do you want me to do this on my own?”
              “No,” Claudia said, turning around to look at him. “Whatever is going on Artie thinks that we both need to be here. I am curious what he wants here.”
              “We had best find out,” Steve said, walking toward the door.
              I gave up on them years ago. I gave up on everything years ago. I know better than to believe in anything, and yet with my past I have to believe in everything. It’s just the only thing that works. I know the truth though. I know more about this world than I should. I know more about the world’s secrets than I should, but I won’t let them keep me from doing what I have wanted for several years now.
              That is simply to live free. I want to live free, and they want me. They want to put me back there. I don’t know why; they think that I am worth it. Arthur has to know that I am no longer worth it. I no longer have the capabilities to be worth it.
              Unless it is truly the fact that I exist, if that is the case, I wonder if it has always been the case. Could it be that when someone knows about an artifact, when someone is connected by an artifact, they become forever connected to the warehouse, a slave to the warehouse. No matter what. No matter if they want to leave or not. I have often thought about that especially now. Now, that I know some of what happened. Now, that I know what happens next.
              “Did Artie seem off to you?” Myka said, looking over at Pete. The plane felt a little tighter and just a little bit closer than it had several years ago. It was weird for Myka to think about the fact that it had been several years. They had been through a lot. They had made a lot of great friends from this too, and she wasn’t planning on going anywhere any time soon. Now, they were on an airplane, tracking an artifact just as they had done countless times. They had no idea that the last four years of relative peace had been building them up to this moment. I don’t think anyone did. Not one of them. Not even me, and usually when it comes to things like this, I know. Yes, I know. I know a lot of things that I shouldn’t. I know a lot more about the warehouse then I should, but this, this what I am talking about, how everything played out so far, I never saw coming.
              “More than normal?” Pete asked, sitting on the plane beside Myka. More than normal? Artie had a normal? This place had a normal? The warehouse had a normal? Well, to be fair it did seem that there had been a normal. They had found something that I had never found. That my team never found. We never found a normal. We never found anything that could even be considered normal. Maybe for that reason I am jealous of the new group. They found something we never could. They found the normal.
              “Yes, more than normal,” Myka said, shaking her head. He was acting stranger than normal, and I wish that I could take the blame for it, but I know better. I know that the truth of the matter is that it had hardly anything to do with me, if it had anything to do with me at all.
              “I am sure that it’s nothing,” Pete said, leaning back. He could tell that Myka was still upset. “I am sure that everything is fine.”
              “It just seems that Artie is worried about something.”
              “He is always worried about something,” Pete said, nudging Myka a little bit. “This isn’t about that, though is it.”
              Myka didn’t look at him. Myka didn’t say anything for a few seconds, but then she finally spoke. “No, it isn’t. It’s…” She paused trying to get her words right. “I feel like we betrayed them getting married the way we did, and Artie, acting how he is, it just seems, that something might be going on, and I am now wondering if it was a good idea to get married.”
              “Are you questioning whether we should have gotten married or not?” Pete asked, his mouth open just slightly.
              “No,” Myka said, confidently. “Not at all, but I just worry now.”
              “What are you worried about then?” Pete asked her.
              Myka bit her lip for a second, just for a second before she said, “I worry that something might be coming.”
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politicoscope · 4 years
Elizabeth Warren Who Electrified Progressives, Drops Out of Democratic Presidential Race: Here's Why
New Post has been published on https://www.politicoscope.com/elizabeth-warren-who-electrified-progressives-drops-out-of-democratic-presidential-race-heres-why/
Elizabeth Warren Who Electrified Progressives, Drops Out of Democratic Presidential Race: Here's Why
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Elizabeth Warren, who electrified progressives with her “plan for everything” and strong message of economic populism, dropped out of the Democratic presidential race on Thursday, according to a person familiar with her plans. The exit came days after the onetime front-runner couldn’t win a single Super Tuesday state, not even her own. The Massachusetts senator has spoken with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden, the leading candidates in the race, according to their campaigns. She is assessing who would best uphold her agenda, according to another person who requested anonymity to discuss private conversations.
Elizabeth Warren Exit
Elizabeth Warren’s exit all but extinguished hopes that Democrats would get another try at putting a female nominee up against President Donald Trump.
For much of the past year, her campaign had all the markers of success, robust poll numbers, impressive fundraising and a sprawling political infrastructure that featured staffers on the ground across the country. She was squeezed out, though, by Sanders, who had an immovable base of voters she needed to advance.
Elizabeth Warren never finished higher than third
Warren never finished higher than third in the first four states and was routed on Super Tuesday, failing to win any of the 14 states voting and placing an embarrassing third in Massachusetts, behind Biden and Sanders.
Tulsi Gabbard
Her exit from the race following Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s departure leaves the Democratic field with just one female candidate: Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who has collected only one delegate toward the nomination. It was an unexpected twist for a party that had used the votes and energy of women to retake control of the House, primarily with female candidates, just two years ago.
Elizabeth Warren Enormous Promise
Warren’s campaign began with enormous promise that she could carry that momentum into the presidential race. Last summer, she drew tens of thousands of supporters to Manhattan’s Washington Square Park, a scene that was repeated in places like Washington state and Minnesota.
Elizabeth Warren compelling message
She had a compelling message, calling for “structural change” to the American political system to reorder the nation’s economy in the name of fairness. She had a signature populist proposal for a 2% wealth tax she wanted to impose on households worth more than $50 million that prompted chants of “Two cents! Two cents!” at rallies across the country.
Warren, 70, began her White House bid polling near the back of an impossibly crowded field, used wonky policy prowess to rocket to front-runner status by the fall, then saw her support evaporate almost as quickly.
Elizabeth Warren candidacy appeared seriously damaged
Her candidacy appeared seriously damaged almost before it started after she released a DNA test in response to goading by Trump to prove she had Native American ancestry. Instead of quieting critics who had questioned her claims, however, the test offended many tribal leaders who rejected undergoing the genetic test as culturally insensitive, and it didn’t stop Trump and other Republicans from gleefully deriding her as “Pocahontas.”
Elizabeth Warren lost her finance director
Warren also lost her finance director over her refusal to attend large fundraisers, long considered the financial life blood of national campaigns. Still, she distinguished herself by releasing dozens of detailed proposals on all sorts of policies from cancelling college debt to protecting oceans to containing the coronavirus. Warren also was able to build an impressive campaign war chest relying on mostly small donations that poured in from across the country — erasing the deficit created by refusing to court big, traditional donors.
As her polling began improving through the summer. Warren appeared to further hit her stride as she hammered the idea that more moderate Democratic candidates, including Biden, weren’t ambitious enough to roll back Trump’s policies and were too reliant on political consultants and fickle polling. And she drew strength in the #MeToo era, especially after a wave of female candidates helped Democrats take control of the U.S. House in 2018.
Elizabeth Warren couldn’t consolidate the support of the Democratic Party’s most liberal wing
But Warren couldn’t consolidate the support of the Democratic Party’s most liberal wing against the race’s other top progressive, Sanders. Both supported universal, government-sponsored health care under a “Medicare for All” program, tuition-free public college and aggressive climate change fighting measures as part of the “Green New Deal” while forgoing big fundraisers in favor of small donations fueled by the internet.
Elizabeth Warren poll numbers began to slip
Warren’s poll numbers began to slip after a series of debates when she repeatedly refused to answer direct questions about if she’d have to raise taxes on the middle class to pay for Medicare for All. Her top advisers were slow to catch on that not providing more details looked to voters like a major oversight for a candidate who proudly had so many other policy plans.
When Warren finally moved to correct the problem, her support eroded further. She moved away from a full endorsement of Medicare for All, announcing that she’d work with Congress to transition the country to the program over three years. In the meantime, she said, many Americans could “choose” to remain with their current, private health insurance plans, which most people have through their employers. Biden and other rivals pounced, calling Warren a flip-flopper, and her standing with progressives sagged.
Bernie Sanders Effects
Sanders, meanwhile, wasted little time capitalizing on the contrast by boasting that he would ship a full Medicare for All program for congressional approval during his first week in the White House. After long avoiding direct conflict, Warren and Sanders clashed in January after she said Sanders had suggested during a private meeting in 2018 that a woman couldn’t win the White House. Sanders denied that, and Warren refused to shake his outstretched hand after a debate in Iowa.
Leaning hard into the gender issue only saw Warren’s support sink further heading into Iowa’s leadoff caucus, however. But even as her momentum was slipping away, Warren still boasted impressive campaign infrastructure in that state and well beyond. Her army of volunteers and staffers looked so formidable that even other presidential candidates were envious.
Elizabeth Warren Just Before Iowa
Just before Iowa, her campaign released a memo detailing its 1,000-plus staffers nationwide and pledging a long-haul strategy that would lead to victories in the primary and the general election. Bracing for a poor finish in New Hampshire, her campaign issued another memo again urging supporters to stay focus on the long game — but also expressly spelling out the weaknesses of Sanders, Biden and Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, in ways the senator herself rarely did.
Mike Bloomberg Effects
Warren got a foil for all of her opposition to powerful billionaires when former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg entered the race. During a debate in Las Vegas just before Nevada’s caucus, Warren hammered Bloomberg and the mayor’s lackluster response touched off events that ended with him leaving the race on Wednesday.
For Warren, That led to a sharp rise in fundraising, but didn’t translate to electoral success. She tried to stress her ability to unite the fractured Democratic party, but that message fell flat.
By South Carolina, an outside political group began pouring more than $11 million into TV advertising on Warren’s behalf, forcing her to say that, although she rejected super PACs, she’d accept their help as long as other candidates did. Her campaign shifted strategy again, saying it was betting on a contested convention.
Still the longer Warren stayed in the race, the more questions she faced about why she was doing so with little hope of winning — and she started to sound like a candidate who was slowly coming to terms with that.
“I’m not somebody who has been looking at myself in the mirror since I was 12 years old saying, ‘You should run for president,’” Warren said aboard her campaign bus on the eve of the New Hampshire primary, previewing a ceasing of campaigning that wasn’t yet official. “I started running for office later than anyone who is in this, so it was never about the office — it was about what we could do to repair our economy, what we could do to mend a democracy that’s being pulled apart. That’s what I want to see happen, and I just want to see it happen.”
She vowed to fight on saying, “I cannot say, for all those little girls, this got hard and I quit. My job is to persist.”
But even that seemed impossible after a Super Tuesday drubbing that included her home state.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Elizabeth Warren ends 2020 presidential bid after Super Tuesday rout
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/elizabeth-warren-ends-2020-presidential-bid-after-super-tuesday-rout/
Elizabeth Warren ends 2020 presidential bid after Super Tuesday rout
Elizabeth Warren, who electrified progressives with her plan for everything and strong message of economic populism, dropped out of the Democratic presidential race on Thursday, according to a person familiar with her plans. The exit came days after the onetime front-runner couldn’t win a single Super Tuesday state, not even her own.
The Massachusetts senator has spoken with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden, the leading candidates in the race, according to their campaigns. She is assessing who would best uphold her agenda, according to another person who requested anonymity to discuss private conversations.
Elizabeth Warren’s exit all but extinguished hopes that Democrats would get another try at putting a female nominee up against President Donald Trump.
For much of the past year, her campaign had all the markers of success, robust poll numbers, impressive fundraising and a sprawling political infrastructure that featured staffers on the ground across the country. She was squeezed out, though, by Sanders, who had an immovable base of voters she needed to advance.
Warren never finished higher than third in the first four states and was routed on Super Tuesday, failing to win any of the 14 states voting and placing an embarrassing third in Massachusetts, behind Biden and Sanders.
Her exit from the race following Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s departure leaves the Democratic field with just one female candidate: Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who has collected only one delegate toward the nomination. It was an unexpected twist for a party that had used the votes and energy of women to retake control of the House, primarily with female candidates, just two years ago.
Warren’s campaign began with enormous promise that she could carry that momentum into the presidential race. Last summer, she drew tens of thousands of supporters to Manhattan’s Washington Square Park, a scene that was repeated in places like Washington state and Minnesota.
She had a compelling message, calling for structural change to the American political system to reorder the nation’s economy in the name of fairness. She had a signature populist proposal for a 2% wealth tax she wanted to impose on households worth more than $50 million that prompted chants of Two cents! Two cents!” at rallies across the country.
Warren, 70, began her White House bid polling near the back of an impossibly crowded field, used wonky policy prowess to rocket to front-runner status by the fall, then saw her support evaporate almost as quickly.
Her candidacy appeared seriously damaged almost before it started after she released a DNA test in response to goading by Trump to prove she had Native American ancestry. Instead of quieting critics who had questioned her claims, however, the test offended many tribal leaders who rejected undergoing the genetic test as culturally insensitive, and it didn’t stop Trump and other Republicans from gleefully deriding her as Pocahontas.”
Warren also lost her finance director over her refusal to attend large fundraisers, long considered the financial life blood of national campaigns. Still, she distinguished herself by releasing dozens of detailed proposals on all sorts of policies from cancelling college debt to protecting oceans to containing the coronavirus. Warren also was able to build an impressive campaign war chest relying on mostly small donations that poured in from across the country — erasing the deficit created by refusing to court big, traditional donors.
As her polling began improving through the summer. Warren appeared to further hit her stride as she hammered the idea that more moderate Democratic candidates, including Biden, weren’t ambitious enough to roll back Trump’s policies and were too reliant on political consultants and fickle polling. And she drew strength in the #MeToo era, especially after a wave of female candidates helped Democrats take control of the U.S. House in 2018.
But Warren couldn’t consolidate the support of the Democratic Party’s most liberal wing against the race’s other top progressive, Sanders. Both supported universal, government-sponsored health care under a Medicare for All program, tuition-free public college and aggressive climate change fighting measures as part of the Green New Deal while forgoing big fundraisers in favor of small donations fueled by the internet.
Warren’s poll numbers began to slip after a series of debates when she repeatedly refused to answer direct questions about if she’d have to raise taxes on the middle class to pay for Medicare for All. Her top advisers were slow to catch on that not providing more details looked to voters like a major oversight for a candidate who proudly had so many other policy plans.
When Warren finally moved to correct the problem, her support eroded further. She moved away from a full endorsement of Medicare for All, announcing that she’d work with Congress to transition the country to the program over three years. In the meantime, she said, many Americans could choose to remain with their current, private health insurance plans, which most people have through their employers. Biden and other rivals pounced, calling Warren a flip-flopper, and her standing with progressives sagged.
Sanders, meanwhile, wasted little time capitalizing on the contrast by boasting that he would ship a full Medicare for All program for congressional approval during his first week in the White House. After long avoiding direct conflict, Warren and Sanders clashed in January after she said Sanders had suggested during a private meeting in 2018 that a woman couldn’t win the White House. Sanders denied that, and Warren refused to shake his outstretched hand after a debate in Iowa.
Leaning hard into the gender issue only saw Warren’s support sink further heading into Iowa’s leadoff caucus, however. But even as her momentum was slipping away, Warren still boasted impressive campaign infrastructure in that state and well beyond. Her army of volunteers and staffers looked so formidable that even other presidential candidates were envious.
Just before Iowa, her campaign released a memo detailing its 1,000-plus staffers nationwide and pledging a long-haul strategy that would lead to victories in the primary and the general election. Bracing for a poor finish in New Hampshire, her campaign issued another memo again urging supporters to stay focus on the long game but also expressly spelling out the weaknesses of Sanders, Biden and Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, in ways the senator herself rarely did.
Warren got a foil for all of her opposition to powerful billionaires when former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg entered the race. During a debate in Las Vegas just before Nevada’s caucus, Warren hammered Bloomberg and the mayor’s lackluster response touched off events that ended with him leaving the race on Wednesday.
For Warren, That led to a sharp rise in fundraising, but didn’t translate to electoral success. She tried to stress her ability to unite the fractured Democratic party, but that message fell flat.
By South Carolina, an outside political group began pouring more than $11 million into TV advertising on Warren’s behalf, forcing her to say that, although she rejected super PACs, she’d accept their help as long as other candidates did. Her campaign shifted strategy again, saying it was betting on a contested convention.
Still the longer Warren stayed in the race, the more questions she faced about why she was doing so with little hope of winning and she started to sound like a candidate who was slowly coming to terms with that.
I’m not somebody who has been looking at myself in the mirror since I was 12 years old saying, You should run for president,’ Warren said aboard her campaign bus on the eve of the New Hampshire primary, previewing a ceasing of campaigning that wasn’t yet official. I started running for office later than anyone who is in this, so it was never about the office it was about what we could do to repair our economy, what we could do to mend a democracy that’s being pulled apart. That’s what I want to see happen, and I just want to see it happen.
She vowed to fight on saying, “I cannot say, for all those little girls, this got hard and I quit. My job is to persist.
But even that seemed impossible after a Super Tuesday drubbing that included her home state.
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wikitopx · 5 years
Branson's top-dos can best be described as family-friendly with a western nation. Think Disney World meets Nashville.
There is Silver Dollar City, which attracts children with thrilling trips and makes parents happy with the "fun, clean" atmosphere. There are also ample educational opportunities, from the history of the "unsinkable" ship at the Titanic Museum to animal and environmental science lessons at the Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery. What's more, Table Rock Lake affords a picturesque place for swimming and boating, while an array of performance venues like the Sight & Sound Theatres will entertain the whole family with singing, dancing, and music.
1. Table Rock Lake
The Rock Lake board covers over 50,000 acres, with nearly 800 miles of coastline, in southwest Missouri. Visitors enjoy the natural diversions of swimming, boating, fishing and even scuba diving at the lake, especially since they're so different from the rest of Branson's activities.
Recent tourists, from aspiring fishermen to families with young children, say Table Rock Lake is clean, peaceful and absolutely lovely. Fishing, swimming and sunset trips receive special appreciation from visitors.
2. Branson Landing
Branson Landing is an outdoor shopping, dining, and entertainment center located along Lake Taneycomo that spans 1.5 miles.
Along with shops and restaurants, the area also boasts a lakeside boardwalk and a series of water fountains set to lights, fire, and music (the feature was designed by the same company responsible for the fountains at the Bellagio in Las Vegas).
Recent travelers enjoyed shopping at the more than 100 storefronts in the center, as well as eating at its restaurants, including Cantina Laredo and White River Fish House. More adventurous visitors highly recommended Parakeet Pete's Waterfront Zipline, which allows visitors to zip line across the lake.
3. Silver Dollar City
Silver Dollar City is a unique theme park in that it contains both thrilling rides and entertainment, and it embraces a late 19th-century vibe. Even when guests scream on the latest trip, they will still feel like they were transferred to the 1880s.
Attractions like the Frisco Silver Dollar Line Steam Train, which travels through Ozarks country, and the signature Fire-In-The-Hole roller coaster, which mimics a coal mine caught ablaze, help foster the old-time feeling.
A range of shops that carry homemade candies and handwoven rugs, among other eats and wares, also lend themselves to the homespun theme. Along with its trips and shops, Silver Dollar City is known for its programs, ranging from pickers and storytellers to gospel performers and musicals.
Although Silver Dollar City is family-friendly, some people say this park is best for children 36 inches or taller because there is a height requirement for most trips. Tourists also recently mentioned the hills inside the park, suggesting that future travelers should be prepared to walk.
Some people also warn that eating options may stand to improve. If you don't want to purchase snacks in the park, pack your own; Silver Dollar City allows visitors to bring in food and nonalcoholic beverages.
4. Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery
The shepherd of the Hills Fish Farm is a salmon farming facility operated by the Missouri Department of Conservation. Travelers can tour the hatchery, which produces between 350,000 to 400,000 pounds of rainbow and brown trout annually.
You can also walk on one of the four trails - which allow fishing to reach Lake Taneycomo - pack a picnic to enjoy at picnic tables and pavilions, and see the natural center of the hatchery.
Families traveling with children said they would love to feed the fish, but they suggest future visitors take them to the neighborhood to pay for fish food and a cup to collect food for. fish. Others highly recommended making time to view the video in the visitor center and speak to the friendly and knowledgeable docents.
5. College of the Ozarks
A university visit may not usually be on your to-do list, but the College of the Ozarks is unique. Nicknamed "Hard Work U," this college allows students to graduate debt-free if they work campus jobs while they attend.
Tourists recommend eating at the Dobyns Dining Room or Keeter Center, saying the food is delicious and the staff is very kind and professional.
6. Titanic Museum
When visitors enter the Titanic Museum, built to look like the real ship, they are issued a boarding pass with the name of the Titanic passenger actually on it.
At the end of the self-guided tour – which winds through a recreated grand staircase and past more than 400 artifacts preserved from the sunken vessel –, visitors see if the passengers on their tickets survive the notorious shipwreck.
Recent visitors have reported that the experience, while a bit expensive, has been well worth the huge admission fee. Parents, in particular, said their children enjoyed various interactive experiences.
Museumgoers can touch a real iceberg, plunge their hands into 28-degree water (the temperature of the ocean on that fateful night) and try to stand on the sloping decks, which mimic the incline of the ship as it was sinking.
7. Sight & Sound Theatres
The 2,000-seat movie theater & audio - with locations in Branson and Lancaster, Pennsylvania - is one of the top things to do in Branson. The theater has been called the "Christian Broadway" since its stages show with Biblical themes.
Some recent musicals include Sam Samson, "Jonah" and "Miracle of Christmas". Self-pay is family-friendly, Branson's Vision & Sound outpost even has a glass-covered family room, allowing parents to look after children and watch a show on TV without losing the audience concentrate.
But it's not just families that enjoyed the choreography and elaborately costumed performances. Critics of all ages always describe the shows as "awesome", praising the high level of talent, as well as special effects and general atmosphere.
Thanks to the stadium-style seating, many visitors said there's not a bad seat in the house (though some recommend booking a seat in the back half of the theater in the center section for the best view).
Recent visitors also enjoyed the one-hour behind-the-scenes tour, currently available from mid-March to mid-December. Tourists said the tour guides were friendly, informative. and help the audience to better understand the show scene.
8. White Water Branson
Visitors to White Water Branson, Silver Dollar City's sister attraction, will have the opportunity to splash into over 2 million gallons of water. Along with a lazy river and speed skating, White Water Branson also has a 500,000-gallon wave pool.
Most tourists say that the water park spends a great time, while others say that while the staff is friendly, the park's attractions are only average when compared to public parks. other water pills. To avoid waiting time, reviewers recommend going to the park when it's open in the morning.
9. Promised Land Zoo
The faith-based zoo was founded in the 1990s by the Sanders family to preserve and rescue endangered animals. Current critters include sloths, kinkajous, and kangaroos. It also employs a number of biologists and conservationists who are responsible for the animals.
Like the rest of Branson, the zoo gets into the Christmas spirit and hosts a drive-thru lights display in November and December.
Recent visitors recommended purchasing the VIP experience. With the VIP experience, visitors have the opportunity to feed, keep and interact with a number of creatures in the zoo. Other features include guided tram tours and foot safari, among other attractions.
Reviewers say the interaction with the zoo's animals makes the pricey ticket well worth the money. Travelers also warn future visitors about the zoo's religious postings throughout the space. Though the postings did not detract from their visit, it could be jarring to those unfamiliar with the zoo's religious affiliation.
10. Branson Scenic Railway
You can take a ride on the Branson Scenic Railway at the historic warehouse in downtown Branson and take a winding train through the foothills of the Ozark mountain range. November and December are especially popular times since the train turns into Polar Express, eliminating children's favorite books of the same name.
The experience includes a live reading of the book, hot cocoa for all and a visit from Santa Claus.
Recent visitors said the train ride was enjoyable and that they learned a few things along the way about the towns that used to lie along the tracks. Others said that there wasn't too much picturesque scenery to enjoy during the 40-minute trip, but parents mentioned their kids loved the Polar Express experience.
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to do in Colorado
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-branson-mo-704228.html
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ser11 · 7 years
Review of Dice Angel by Brian Rouff
Review of Dice Angel by Brian Rouff At first glance, this book didn’t look very exciting, as the front is a dull gray color with dark gray lettering and a soft image of an angel worked into the words. However, just as the saying goes, we shouldn’t have judged this book by its covering. To our surprise, after picking this book up, it was hard to set it down! The chapters are short but are packed full with riveting information that entices you to keep reading. This book is the story of Jimmy D, a middle-aged bar owner whose life seems to be a constant string of bad luck. His ex-wife loves making his life miserable, his accountant fled town with all of Jimmy’s money, and he’s about to lose the bar to the bank. Finally things start to turn around when Jimmy is introduced to the Dice Angel, who gives him the opportunity to turn his life around through success at craps. Will luck continue to be in Jimmy’s favor? Or will he lose everything and have start over from scratch? You’ll have to keep reading to find out.
About the Book
Audience: Middle-aged Men and Women Author: Brian Rouff Genre: Fiction, Gambling-related Length: 38 Chapters, 242 Pages Point of View: First Person Narrative Publisher: Hardway Press Publishing Date: January 2002 Setting: Las Vegas, Nevada in the 21st Century
Brian Rouff Bio
Brian Rouff was born in 1955 and although he started off as a freelance writer who specialized in advertisement, he has more recently turned to writing books. Dice Angel was the first book that Rouff wrote, but he also wrote Money Shot in 2004 and one chapter of Restless City in 2009. In addition to that, Rouff has also been a regular contributor to the Las Vegas CityLife, a weekly newspaper and his own personal website, Living-Las-Vegas.com. Today, Rouff is a managing partner of Imagine Communications, which is a full service advertising, marketing, and public relations firm based in Henderson, Nevada.
Chapter Summaries & Thoughts
Chapters 1-5 The first few chapters are where you learn a lot about the narrator of this novel, Jimmy D. He tells you about his past experiences with his ex-wife, his daughter, Jenny, and his deceased father. You’ll learn all about the bar that Jimmy inherited from his father and you’ll be introduced to all of Jimmy’s friends.Instantly, you’ll feel connected to this man who is down on his luck and although he can be stubborn and insensitive at times, you’ll have a desire to see him come up on top. Early on, tragedy strikes, as the bar has been broken into and thousands of dollars have been strategically stolen from the slot machines inside Jimmy’s bar. Of course, Jimmy is responsible for paying that money back and so begins the slippery slope of Jimmy’s money problems. Soon his cards start getting declined and his checks start bouncing. Although Jimmy is started to get concerned, he’s distracted because his daughter Jenny is in town. You get to meet Jenny and see their loving father-daughter relationship that further makes you fall in love with Jimmy D. Chapters 6-10 Chapter 6 is where you’ll be introduced to Owen, Jimmy’s current accountant and ex-brother in law. He tells Jimmy that he can rest assured because the complications have been resolved. The next day after his encounter with Owen, his wife Sarah calls to inform him that Owen is missing and that he never came home that night. The bank called Jimmy the very next day to inform him that his entire life savings had been emptied and he no longer has any money in his accounts. As Jimmy’s bad luck continues to grow, he comes to the dismal realization that Owen had been embezzling money from him. If Jimmy doesn’t act fast, he’s going to lose the bar! He tries to get a loan from the bank, only to find that there is a lien on his property because Owen had failed to pay the businesses taxes. Jimmy has no choice but to get a lawyer  but has no luck finding one that will take his case seriously, so Jimmy starts turning to alcohol for comfort and by the end of this book, you’ll probably think he’s an alcoholic. Chapters 11-15 By Chapter 11, it’s time for Jimmy to tell Sarah everything he knows about her husband and through this we see his love and compassion for other people. He’s so kind and sweet to her that you grow more attached to his character. After meeting with his assigned lawyer Poon, Jimmy discovers that he is going to have to pay over $56,000 in just over a year or he’ll lose his bar. Believing that’s practically impossible, he strikes a deal with Poon, allowing his band to play at the bar regularly, as long as he can have a two-year extension on his debt. Poon’s band is unfortunately too awful to keep on staff, as they scare the regular customers away. Jimmy has no choice but to fire Poon’s band and reap the consequences, which in this case are him owing the complete $56,000 in cash by the end of the month. To make everything worse, Jimmy’s good friend, Zelasko, who happens to b a private investigator, calls to inform Jimmy that Owen’s past is untraceable and there’s no record of him prior to the time he started dating Sarah. Chapters 16-19 Pete, the homeless man, that frequently visits Jimmy after hours for a free meal and to give him advice will give him a business card that will change Jimmy’s life forever. The card reads “Dice Angel, I Will Bring You Luck at Craps, Ask for Amaris, 702-555-1431. (Just for fun, we called the number on the card to see what would happen, but unfortunately the number is no longer in service.) Jimmy exclaims that he would never become that desperate but takes the card and stuffs it into his wallet for good measure. He then goes on to explain to Pete that he has a bad history with gambling addiction and hasn’t been to a casino in over five years. Even though Jimmy knew this day was inevitably going to come, he still was bitter when he received a letter from the IRS the following day. Jimmy reluctantly decided it was time to tell his employees exactly what was going on and to his surprise, they were very supportive of him and even offered to work on tips alone for the next couple weeks. In hopes to put a dent in his debt, Jimmy starts selling off his prized possessions such as his auto-graphed Al Kaline Jersey and the Rolex that his father gave him when he graduated high school. He decided to clean out his wallet in hopes to find something that will help him collect more money when he sees the Dice Angel Card. As he was about to throw it away, he could hear Pete’s words, “What do you have to lose?” Chapters 20-24 Jimmy sets up an appointment to meet with Amaris at a nearby diner and when it came to be about fifteen minutes after the time they were supposed to meet, he suspected that he would never come. Amaris did come and brought her intense, vibrant personality with her. Their meeting was pretty typical, as they asked each other questions about themselves and Amaris took the time to explain her powers. Although Jimmy is still skeptical, he agrees to meet Amaris at Wild Bills Gambling Hall the next day. After Amaris slips away, he takes her tea-cup and plans to give it to Zelasko so he can do a background check on her. Since Jimmy did some investigating, we decided to do some ourselves. We looked into the Wild Bill Gambling Hall to see if it was an actual place and everything seemed to be just as described, a small casino just a few miles away from the main strip. This adds a certain amount of authenticity to the book that we truly appreciate. As soon as Jimmy gets back into action, his old habits start falling back in place and the bad luck he had before still followed him to the present day. After studying Jimmy’s every move, Amaris gives Jimmy a few pieces of advice that may help him naturally become a better gambler such as betting at a full table with friendly people and to not get defeated when things don’t go his way. Amaris noticed that Jimmy a deep hatred for money and she believed it’s probably linked to experience he’s had from a past life. Chapters 25-29 Amaris demands that Jimmy visits Dr. Arnie Gilman who is considered a Doctor of Parapsychology. While there, the doctor hypnotizes Jimmy so that his previous life could be revealed. While hypnotized, Jimmy is taken back in time to where he was a Holy Man that would collect money from peasants for God but would use it for his own selfish desires. When Jimmy woke up, he realized that he needs to learn to put others first in order to overcome is hatred of money. This was certainly a turning point in the story for Jimmy. The next casino that Jimmy and Amaris plan to meet is the Golden Gate casino, which also checks out when it comes to authenticity. Jimmy starts playing with a decent bankroll of $500 which he had to borrow from the bar. Amaris stood close by to Jimmy, speaking enchantments and working her magic behind the scenes. Jimmy started off on a roll but then quickly lost $200 and was very frustrated until he bet on the 11, winning $4,500 in a matter of seconds. Although Jimmy seemed to have luck on his side that night, Amaris decided they should stop while they were ahead. They depart and as soon as he gets home, Zelasko calls to inform him that Owen’s real name was actually Vincent Toledo, an old mobster that went off the grid years ago. The police found Owen/ Vincent dead body just several days ago and needed him and Sarah to go to the morgue to confirm that it was Owen, who it ultimately turns out to be. Chapters 30-32 After reading through all of Amaris’ past crimes, he decides to confront her which turns into him feeling like a jerk as she was quick to point out that most of her past crimes occurred when she was only a child. Overlooking some hard feelings, they decide to meet one final time, on Thursday night, in order to win the extra $50,000 they needed. For the first time in a long time, Jim has hope.  He thanks Pete for recommending him to the dice angel and is anxious for Thursday night to come. They decide to meet at Luxor Casino, another casino whose description matches just the way it’s described: a giant pyramid shaped casino which an Egyptian theme. Before Jimmy starts playing, Amaris gives him two simple pieces of advice: trust the universe and count your blessings. Chapters 33-35 Jimmy immediately starts winning right off the bat, first reaching $700 and then climbing up to $11,000 in a matter of minutes. He seems to be on a lucky streak that will just never end and their plan seems to be progressing perfectly at which point Amaris gets spotted and escorted out of the casino. Jimmy had managed to win just over $40,000 at this point, which would leave him about $15,000 short. He decided to go against his best instincts and continue gambling without her, winning an extra $20,000 before choosing to quit while he was ahead. In total, after taking out the $15,000 he owed Amaris, Jimmy was left with $60,000 to pay back his debts and call the bar. As soon as he came home that night, he called Poon to exclaim that e would be meeting with him tomorrow to pay his debts in full. This is where we though the story would end, happily ever after, but Rouff had a different idea.
A Surprise Ending
Jimmy gets a call from Sarah, explaining that her daughter Rachel had relapsed and was in critical care at the Desert Sun Hospital. Jimmy rushes to the hospital, only to find Sarah crying desperately, afraid that the hospital with move Rachel from their facilities due to a lack of funds. Jimmy, the honorable man that he is, gives up his entire $60,000 unanimously to save Rachel’s life. When we reach chapter 37, a few months have passed and the bar has already gone up for auction. Sarah pays a visit to Jimmy, revealing that she knows what he did to save her daughter’s life and that she is eternally grateful. Sarah also gives Jimmy a beautiful surprise by announcing that she won the auction and purchased his bar back with money she received from the government due to her husband’s death. Sarah invites him to be his business partner and he happily accepts. The last scene of the book is Jimmy going back to the pawn shop to buy back the watch his father had bought him as a child, showing Jimmy’s great appreciation and love for his father that is evident throughout the entire book.
Our Favorite Quotes from the Book
Jimmy speaking, “At that moment, I had a image of Steve Wynn, the casino mastermind, in a Uncle Sam costume. I realized that casino owners and the U.S Government were in the same business of taking your money, your property, and even your hope. At least the casino gave you free drinks.” This quotes sums up Jimmy’s personality perfectly, as it shows his blunt honesty. We also appreciate it because it shows just one of his many references to famous casino tycoons and players that add a strong element of authenticity to the text. Jimmy speaking, “In a single moment of clarity, I knew what had to be done. Before I could change my mind, I removed the bills from my pocket and placed them on Mrs. Burke’s desk.” We love this quote because it show’s Jimmy’s willingness to help Sarah, no matter what the cost. He doesn’t hesitate to help her sick daughter, Rachel, even though it ultimately means that he’ll lose the bar. This selfless act is a changing point in the book and it truly reflects Jimmy’s growth.
What Others Are Saying
Amazon gives this book 4.8 out of 5 stars, with over 125 reviews to back that up! Casino City Times said, “I highly recommend Dice Angel, the new novel by Brian Rouff, published by Hardway Press. It’s got a great story and is liberally sprinkled with wonderfully eccentric, though highly believable people.” John’s Jottings said, “Dice Angel is one hell of a fun read that should appeal to everyone whether you go to Vegas to roll the bones a couple of times each year like I do, or you simply enjoy fast moving quick hitting stories.” Curled up with a Good Book Reviews said, “Dice Angel’s pacing is perfect. Immediately drawn into Jimmy’s world and attached to his characters, my attention did not waiver once. However, it’s the surprise twists at the end that make the book a special read.”
Our Rating and Why We Recommend It
4.5 out of 5 Stars The only out-right downfall I see to this book and the one reason why it receives a 4.5 instead of a 5, is its wide use of profanities. We aren’t talking about a simple curse word here and there but instead you’ll find various profanities on every page. This may not offend everyone, but there are certainly people out there that will be offended. Another offending aspect to this book is Jimmy’s attitude and description of women. He’s very rude and loves throwing out sexual references that might leave a woman very uncomfortable. Regardless of the above criticisms, it was truly a wonderful experience reading through this book and getting attached to Jimmy and all of the other characters you meet along the way. Books written in first person narrative are also more personable and help you understand and connect to the characters. Also the immense amount of dialog also helped us understand all the characters in the book, but for those of us who don’t enjoy all the dialog, we would probably think it’s a bit excessive. Rouff did an excellent job of using detailed descriptions of everything that it was so easy to picture the scene he was describing. The chapter he wrote we short, never more than a few pages long, making it easy to read a chapter of the book when you only had a few minutes to spare. Click to Post
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peachym00 · 11 months
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Prying his eyes open to the light flooding in from the unclosed curtains in his room was not the worst way Pete could have woken up. Once, years ago, he’d woken up in the back of a car, the left side of his face throbbing from where his father had punched him for losing a match; it was still dark. He didn’t know where he was going or who was driving the car, and it scared him. He was only eleven.
As the grogginess faded to something more manageable, his head was pounding; a glass of water was on his bedside table, and he was only wearing one sock. Sitting up was a struggle; the pain in his head worsened when he moved, making him feel nauseous. Reaching out for the glass of water, he realised some paracetamol was sitting there too.
After giving some time for the painkillers to kick in and his brain to restart, he gets out of bed and into the shower. Standing under the hot water gives him clarity, so much so that the memories from the night before start flooding in. He was drunk. So drunk. In front of Vegas.
The thought renders him useless, and he drops a near-full bottle of shower gel onto his foot, yelping in pain, then wincing when the echo of his own shout hurts his head.
Vague flashbacks of Vegas walking into their conversation in the bar, saving him from face-planting and helping him to bed surface from the shallow depths of his brain.
“God, Pete, you could give me a hand,” Vegas struggled to take all of Pete’s weight as they walked towards his bed.
“Here,” he holds his hand in front of Vegas’s face, chuckling to himself while he does it.
“What are you doing?” 
“Giving you a hand,” Pete bursts into hysterical laughter as Vegas shoves him onto the bed.
“You’re fucking hilarious, Pete, really,” Vegas sighs, pulling off Pete’s shoes for him, “your comedic talents are wasted in the mafia. Do you need help getting undressed, or can you do that yourself?”
“You just want to see me n a k e d,” Pete teasingly spelt out, watching as Vegas stood up straight and put his hands on his hips. Pete tried to sit up but found he couldn’t manage it; instead, he settled for leaning back on his arms, slightly propped up.
Before he knew it, Vegas was leaning over him on the bed; Pete felt like he was going cross-eyed, trying to look up at him, “And what if I do?” Vegas murmured, far too close for comfort.  
Suddenly everything wasn’t so funny anymore.
“You’ll have to use your imagination because the only place you’ll be seeing me naked is in your dreams,” Pete whispered back, proud of himself for being able to sound coherent. 
“And what sweet, sweet dreams they’ll be,” Vegas said lowly, his tongue poking out between his lips, wetting them slightly so they glistened in the room’s low light.
Pete gulped loudly. 
He was fucked. And that was putting it lightly.
How was Pete supposed to face him now?
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