#and to this we say go read through the falling portion of the optimus prime comics and look for where she talks about herself
pluralsword · 1 year
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Gosh we love this piece so much... We commissioned @ VansZero (discord) & worked with them to make this four panel fancomic "That's So Lovely Sibling," focusing on Gauge & Sideswipe, he did such an awesome job with the art in our opinion. We did the writing, spot the references around the piece to who the two's six mentors are! (if you know us it's probably not hard to guess haha)
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thanksjro · 5 years
Eugenesis Part Two, Scene Five: (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight feat. Prowl’s Lack of Empathy
You know that super intense battle we were reading about last part? Where Grimlock got killed and Bumblebee was stabbed onto the front of a wrecked ship while the last line of Earthen defense was fighting one of the greatest threats in the galaxy?
Fuck you, it’s time for more OC-based pseudo-romantic tension.
As promised, Quark is going to see Rev-Tone again. He brought boardgames. He peeks into the specialized isolation room they’ve got Rodimus.
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Fuck, it’s Throwback. Why are you still here? You’ve served your purpose, go away.
Throwback just got back from his pan-dimensional testing- Perceptor wants to make sure he wasn’t going to cause some sort of rift in space-time just by existing. Can’t say I blame Percy for that one, seeing how the entirety of the Marvel comic run went in that regard.
Some nurses take Throwback back to bed, where he immediately and fortunately falls asleep. Quark goes over to Rev-Tone and starts setting up a game of full-stasis (space chess). They chat about what’s happened, Rev-Tone whining about how bored he is being stuck in the medi-bay. Quark says that Rev-Tone could just leave if he wanted to seeing as he’s nearly back to his old self, both he and Roberts seeming to forget that his legs are still off.
The two’s conversation dies off, as they see Red Alert, fresh from being un-exploded, being walked to a bed by First Aid. They, and everyone else in the ward, start clapping, showering the poor man with applause. This probably isn’t the best thing to be doing, guys, seeing as he- in his eyes, at least- just failed to keep the Prime safe from harm. This was the biggest job of his entire career and he blew it. This all probably just reads as sarcastic to him, and makes you all look like a bunch of jerks.
In a brief aside back on Earth, Bluestreak’s spotted a dozen troop-ships full of Quintesson cannon-fodder. They all land and Sharkticons start pouring onto the scene.
Meanwhile, Nightbeat’s ready to show the High Council what he’s sussed out from the security footage. Most of High Command isn’t even there, but he still puts on his game face, breaking out the footage and going through it beat by beat. It’s revealed what’s happened to Thunderclash; in the aftermath of the explosion, a mysterious stranger teleported onto the scene and whisked him away.
Then Chromedome walks in carrying a corpse.
Actually no, Emyrissus isn’t dead just yet, which is honestly kind of bullshit, seeing as we just got an incredibly poignant death scene out of him. I know he’s got important information to give the Autobots, but it still feels a bit cheap to let him live at this point.
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Prowl, you can’t just deny someone medical attention like this. 
The last thing Emyrissus does is finally reveal what he saw at Darkmount- Quintessons. Then he passes out. Chromedome’s a little shell-shocked, seeing as he’s still covered in the guy’s blood, but nobody cares about that right now. Prowl tells him to get to work communicating with everyone to be on the lookout for Quintessons, and Chromedome leaves, presumably to do his job and also maybe cry a bit.
War is hell, y’all.
Nightbeat brings up the point that maybe they should tell the Decepticons about what’s going on, just so they aren’t trying to fight two enemies at once. They probably don’t even have the troops to handle just one threat right now. Prowl disagrees, saying that the ‘Cons wouldn’t believe them, and also giving them a call would be the equivalent of rolling out the welcome mat and setting off fireworks.
Chromedome calls to tell Prowl know that he’s done what was asked of him, though he can’t actually reach Autobot City. He’s not sure why.
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…Holy shit, Prowl. Are you sure you’re supposed to be a good guy? No wonder IDW Chromedome hates him so much.
Prowl and Perceptor come back after a moment, having decided that now is the ideal time to tell Nightbeat why he was transferred to Iacon.
Wow, what a brutal few pages we’ve just been subjected to. It feels like Part Two really ramped things up, doesn’t it? That good ol’ rising action. Speaking of action, let’s get back to the battle on Earth.
Up in his warship, General Rodern is pissed. He really wants to see the titan, but it just isn’t happening. He orders half of the fleet to perform a ram-raid on the city. Now, I looked up what a ram-raid is exactly, and well:
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Yeah, that might work.
Down below, Ultra Magnus is fighting off Sharkticons with Death’s Head and Wheeljack. They still can’t get in touch with Cybertron, but Wheeljack’s got an idea- use the space bridge.
And down below that, Mindwipe’s feeling hella aftershocks from the battle above. The city’s on its way to collapsing, and he can’t get in touch with Magnus. Well, that’s just great.
OH-KAY, back to Nightbeat’s plot-thread; Apparently his mission, should he choose to accept it, is quite the doozy. After fumbling around with their words for a bit, Prowl and Perceptor just decide to show him the footage.
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Hey, so this is a wormhole. A wormhole that was made when Throwback came back to this universe, and can traverse space and time based on you just wishing really hard about where you want to go.
Goddammit, Throwback’s plot-relevant. I’m so mad. Rodimus is going to be mad too, if he doesn’t die, because this is basically a time-machine, and he spent pretty much all of 2009 destroying those.
Originally- y’know, back before Rodimus was one foot in the grave and Thunderclash was still around- Nightbeat’s mission was going to be a simple data-collection trip, and then he would shut it down. Now, things are a bit more complicated.
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Sweet baby Jesus, this is infinitely worse than how I was expecting this section to go. I was thinking we’d finally gotten to the mechpreg portion of this little romp, but instead it’s more  of Optimus Prime’s friggin’ undead body shambling through the franchise. Let his soul rest, for god’s sake.
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