#the cheat code for this is the hashtag
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sammygender · 1 year
‘they didn’t have the concept of mental illness back in the day so that’s why so many people claimed they could talk to god/had life altering visions/believed in witchcraft’ have you considered that maybe the lack of current magic in our world is due to the psychiatric system’s well-meaning inability to differentiate between life-threatening delusions & whimsy/possible spiritual insight
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buggerup-busters · 2 months
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Hello folks and hope you're all ready for the 6th annual Widdershins Fanworks Month, aka Buggeruptober! (Even though it's in August yes I know)
A quick rundown of how it works:
Use the daily prompts to create a piece of fanwork relating to Widdershins! Previously we’ve had drawings, snippets of fics, headcanons, AUs, music, and Ben shaped biscuits. Anything’s welcome!
Share your piece online using #buggeruptober
I’ll be reblogging everything using the hashtag but you can also tag me @buggerup-busters on Tumblr to make sure I see it
I don't have any other socials active but you're welcome to share this graphic or any of your pieces on other sites
You can do as many or as few days as you like, there’s no pressure to do it all!
If you post a fic on AO3 that came from this prompt list, you can add it to the collection ‘Widdershins Fanworks Month Pieces’ – even if it is just a small scene or unfinished snippet of a fic.
DM me to join our Widdershins Discord Server and discuss the comic and your fanworks :)
Ask me if you have anymore questions and I’ll help out
That’s pretty much it, just be sure to have fun!
Text version of the prompt list under the cut
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quackle · 3 months
I saw your post about Millie being an arguable anti hero and I agree! I saw people saying Bowie and Julia were anti heroes and I’m sorry but what??? I love them both but they’re straight up villains 😭 Bowie isn’t totally evil but he still broke Prillie up & mocked Millie about it in the finale & Julia is self explanatory

it took me a while to answer that question admittedly, but i'm really glad you agree with me! to me, millie does have the characteristics that could lead her to be an anti-hero, but only if the writers decide to dip into that potential arc for her. (it'd be so interesting if they did... millie total drama we will get you to that merge once more so you can shine again...)
i wouldn't call bowie an anti-hero. i can't even necessarily call him an anti-villain either, because his goal was selfish and more-so understandable to himself rather than others with more of a moral code. he strives to win by any means necessary, including breaking up a friend duo, fake-apologizing to the others with no remorse, and, at one point, cheating with mkulia (and ripper for like... .5 seconds) so their team could win more challenges. that's just purely antagonistic on his part, even though raj was the main reason bowie stopped in the end.
and to claim julia as an anti-hero is a huge miss considering she is quite literally thee villain of the reboot. from lying to cheating to making an enemy out of about 95% of this cast (with her one and only current friend being someone who was also her enemy at some point), she's just. she's an antagonist and that's it. there's nothing 'heroic' about her (and thank goodness for that because we need her silly loser evil ass energy in this cast like please keep her the way she is-)
hashtag blonde antagonists for the win. i'll always adore you bowie and julia worstie duo both together and separately <3
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kittoforos · 1 year
a lot of Posts floating around now about chatgpt in college, lxds. some things people are saying are true of course, but I work in at a large public university in the usa and I will set aside my cool laissez faire tech accelerationist cynicism to be totally honest for a moment:
the argument that ‘essay writing is a super specific skill that doesn’t matter in professional life so you should disregard those courses and just cheat to get the degree’ is very concerning to me, even as someone who doesn’t give a fuck about cheating per se, bc we don’t teach ‘essay writing’ in reading comprehension courses. or at least decent instructors don’t. I don’t. all that stuff about it being a cultural code is like, true above basic courses (so like, in grad school and even advanced undergrad courses yes it’s about *how* you write with all the attendant bullshit) but in that kind of remedial textual reasoning class in undergrad that’s required to get the basic ba degree, *nobody* writes in the prestige cultural style. the task in question is to be able to parse text and understand and construct logical arguments, and to be able to tell when an argument has something wrong with it, and to explain this clearly to other people. which you will need all the time forever in this hashtag society no matter what your job is, so you can tell when institutions are taking you for a ride. so like. 
. :/
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heavenlysims · 8 months
DĂ©jĂ -Lu Legacy Challenge (FR)
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DĂ©jĂ -Lu Challenge
Bienvenue au dĂ©jĂ -lu legacy challenge, un challenge de 10 gĂ©nĂ©rations qui reprend des Ă©lĂ©ments d'oeuvres littĂ©raires populaires, peut-ĂȘtre que les jouer vous donnera l'envie de les (re)dĂ©couvrir ?
Ce challenge a Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă© par @justmooresims et moi mĂȘme.
RĂšgles de base :
Les cheats ne sont pas recommandé sauf pour freerealestate pour la premiÚre génération.
Les hĂ©ritiers et Ă©poux.ses ne suivent pas de codes couleurs, vous pouvez les faire comme vous le souhaitez. Ils ne sont pas non plus obligĂ©s d'avoir les mĂȘmes noms que les hĂ©ros des oeuvres de base.
Le but est de compléter chaque rÚgle pour chaque génération, ce qui n'est pas mentionné dans les rÚgles vous appartient.
Garder l'espérance de vie en normal.
Si vous souhaitez partager votre histoire, vous pouvez utiliser le hashtag #dejalulegacy nous serions ravies de voir ce que vous faites! Les visuels du challenge sont disponibles sur le compte Instagram @/justmooresims.
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Génération 1 : Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
Éternel rĂȘveur coincĂ© dans une rĂ©alitĂ© qui vous ennuie, vous ĂȘtes amoureux de l’amour lui-mĂȘme et avez toujours espĂ©rĂ© un jour vivre le grand amour. Le vrai, celui qui vous transcende de passion et de dĂ©sir. Malheureusement, vous avez beau sincĂšrement aimer votre partenaire, celui-ci ne vous fait pas autant vibrer que vous ne le voudriez

Traits : Romantique, Snob, DĂ©teste les enfants
Aspiration : Romantique en série
Carriùre : Écrivain
RĂšgles :
ComplĂ©ter l’aspiration Romantique en sĂ©rie
Atteindre le niveau 10 dans la carriùre Écrivain
Atteindre le niveau 10 dans 3 compétences
Avoir un petit-ami Ă  l’adolescence et l’épouser dĂšs le dĂ©but de l’ñge jeune adulte
Tromper votre Ă©poux jusqu’à sa mort avec diffĂ©rents partenaires mais ne jamais divorcer.
Faire des dépenses inutiles et excessivement chÚres chaque dimanche
Avoir 5 enfants et ĂȘtre ennemi avec chacun d’entre eux.
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Génération Deux : Orgueil et Préjugé - Jane Austen
Bien que votre relation avec vos parents soit quelque peu conflictuelle, vous avez toujours Ă©tĂ© trĂšs proche de vos adelphes. Envieux d’apprendre, vous cultivez vos connaissances au point d’en dĂ©velopper un petit complexe de supĂ©rioritĂ© vous causant des problĂšmes relationnels
 Peut-ĂȘtre trouverez-vous l’amour plus facilement si vous appreniez Ă  connaĂźtre les gens sans les juger si vite.
Traits : Génie, Proche de sa famille, Sûr-de-soi
Aspiration : Âme-soeur
CarriĂšre : Critique
RĂšgles :
ComplĂ©ter l’aspiration Ăąme-soeur
Atteindre le niveau 10 de la carriĂšre de critique
Compléter les compétences Piano et Education
Être bons amis avec tous vos frùres et sƓurs
N'avoir aucune relation romantique avant d’atteindre l'ñge jeune adulte
Se faire voler son premier amour par votre frĂšre ou soeur
Épouser votre ennemi
Avoir 3 plantes-vaches (peut ĂȘtre remplacĂ© par d’autres animaux de la ferme : poules, lamas, vaches, chevaux
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GĂ©nĂ©ration Trois : Perceval et la quĂȘte du Graal - ChrĂ©tien de Troyes
Enfant de parents surprotecteurs, on ne vous a jamais vraiment tester ni expĂ©rimenter par vous-mĂȘme de peur que vous ne vous blessiez. RĂȘvant pourtant de folles aventures vous avez toujours voulu explorer le monde. C’est donc ainsi qu’une fois votre majoritĂ© en poche vous ĂȘtes parti. Était-ce vraiment une bonne idĂ©e de quitter le confort et les gentilles attentions de Papa et Maman ? Vous n’allez tout de mĂȘme pas dĂ©pendre d’eux toute votre vie ! Soyez courageux !! Vos amis seront un bon substitut

Traits : Pitre, Maladroit, Membre d'un groupe de potes
Aspiration : Conservateur
CarriĂšre : Militaire ou Juridique
RĂšgles :
Compléter l'aspiration Conservateur
Atteindre le niveau 10 de la carriĂšre Militaire
ComplĂ©ter la compĂ©tence PĂȘche
Finir la collection des métaux ou des cristaux (au choix)
Être bon ami avec vos parents
Rejoindre un groupe/club à l'adolescence et se réunir au moins deux fois par semaine
Se marier et avoir des enfants mais finir par ĂȘtre parent cĂ©libataire
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Génération Quatre : Le portrait de Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Vous avez toujours Ă©tĂ© fascinĂ© par l'art et ce depuis votre enfance. En grandissant vous prenez conscience de votre beautĂ© et dĂ©veloppez une profonde peur de vieillir. Vous faites alors tout pour rester jeune et beau, au dĂ©triment de la bontĂ© de votre Ăąme vous lançant Ă  corps perdu dans les plaisirs de la vie sans vous prĂ©occuper de ce que peut dire votre entourage. “Carpe diem” est votre devise.
Traits : Amateur d'art, Égocentrique, RĂ©ticent Ă  s’engager
Aspiration : FĂȘtard
CarriĂšre : Culinaire, branche mixologue
RĂšgles :
ComplĂ©ter l'aspiration fĂȘtarde
Atteindre le niveau 10 de la carriĂšre Mixologue
Compléter la compétence Peinture
Sortir au moins deux fois par semaine sur un terrain communautaire
Se fiancer mais rompre la veille du mariage
Boire une potion de jeunesse Ă  la moitiĂ© de l’ñge adulte pour retrouver votre beautĂ© d'antan
Avoir un portrait peint de soi dans chaque piĂšce de votre maison
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GĂ©nĂ©ration Cinq : L'Étrange cas du Dr. Jekyll et Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Voyant rĂ©guliĂšrement vos parents tenter de dĂ©fier le temps depuis votre plus jeune Ăąge, vous vous ĂȘtes rapidement intĂ©ressĂ© aux moyens qu’ils employaient et aux gens qu’ils engageaient pour atteindre leurs objectifs. C’est ainsi que vous avez dĂ©couvert le monde merveilleux des sciences ! Si presque tout dans le Simworld peut ĂȘtre scientifiquement expliquĂ©, presque tout devrait potentiellement ĂȘtre expĂ©rimentĂ©, n’est-ce pas ?
Traits : Perfectionniste, Malveillant, ParanoĂŻaque (peut ĂȘtre remplacĂ© par ImprĂ©visible)
Aspiration : Roi des bĂȘtises
CarriĂšre : Scientifique
RĂšgles :
ComplĂ©ter l’aspiration Roi des bĂȘtises
Atteindre le niveau 10 de la carriĂšre scientifique
Atteindre le niveau 7 dans 5 compétences
CrĂ©ez un clone malĂ©fique de vous-mĂȘme avec la machine Ă  cloner.
Se battre 3 fois avec votre clone. Celui qui perd meurt et le gagnant continue le legacy avec sa propre descendance
Se marier et avoir 3 enfants
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Génération Six : Candide - Voltaire
“Incapable de dire non” et “faible” tel est ce que l’on dit de vous. TrĂšs diffĂ©rent du monde compĂ©titif dans lequel vous avez grandi, vous aimez vous bercer d’illusions restant aveugle face Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© du monde. Si votre optimisme est votre force, votre naĂŻvetĂ© est votre plus grande faiblesse et ça, les gens l’ont bien compris n’hĂ©sitant pas Ă  profiter de vous Ă  la moindre occasion.
Traits : Joyeux, Loyal, Bienveillant
Aspiration : Ami de tous
CarriĂšre : Petits boulots
RĂšgles :
ComplĂ©ter l’aspiration ami de tous
Se faire expulser du domicile parental à l’adolescence avec 50$ pour seul argent
Être bons amis avec vos parents et frĂšres et sƓurs mĂȘme s’ils vous ont jetĂ© dehors.
Avoir 2 échecs amoureux qui vous quittent chacun en prenant la moitié des fonds du foyer à chaque fois
Vivre dans 3 mondes diffĂ©rents (le monde oĂč vous avez grandi ne compte pas)
Compléter la collection des cartes postales
Adopter au moins un enfant
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Génération Sept : Le Rouge et le Noir - Henri Stendhal
Dans ce cruel Simworld, la naĂŻvetĂ© et la niaiserie de votre famille, bien que fort sympathique, est bien inutile et ne vous sauvera pas non plus de la misĂšre. Contrairement Ă  eux, votre ambition vous pousse Ă  toujours chercher plus loin et vous Ă©lever plus haut. Professionnellement comme personnellement, vous ĂȘtes quelqu’un de passionnĂ© et ne savez vous contenter du minimum requis. Prenez garde Ă  ce que les deux ne se mĂ©langent pas ou vous risqueriez de dĂ©truire tout ce que vous avez si durement construit

Traits : Romantique, Ambitieux, Rat de bibliothĂšque
Aspiration : Chef de bande
Carriùre : Politique ou Éducation
RĂšgles :
Compléter l'aspiration Chef de bande
Atteindre le niveau 9 de la carriùre Politique ou Éducation mais ne jamais atteindre le 10
Compléter les compétences Charisme, Comédie et Recherche et débat
Avoir un job en Ă©tant adolescent
Sortir avec deux membres d’une mĂȘme famille en mĂȘme temps
Se marier
Avoir des enfants dont au moins un illégitime
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Génération Huit : Le Comte de Monté-Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
AprĂšs avoir vu, enfant, les espoirs de vos parents partir en fumĂ©e et leur travail piĂ©tinĂ©, vous vous ĂȘtes promis que jamais cela ne se reproduira. Vous avez vu les failles du systĂšme, en connaissez Ă  prĂ©sent les rouages et vous qui Ă©tiez trop jeune pour rĂ©agir Ă  l’époque le pouvez enfin une fois adulte ! Vous devrez sĂ»rement tout reprendre Ă  zĂ©ro mais un jour vous reviendrez faire rayonner votre nom comme jamais auparavant. Que ceux qui ont osĂ© se moquer fassent attention, vous ĂȘtes prĂȘt Ă  leur montrer de quoi vous ĂȘtes capable.
Traits : Actif, Froid, Sang-chaud
Aspiration : Ennemi publique
CarriĂšre : Homme d'affaires
RĂšgles :
ComplĂ©ter l’aspiration Ennemi publique
Atteindre le niveau 10 de la carriĂšre Affaires
Utiliser la Poupée vaudou sur 4 sims différents
Déménager dans un autre monde loin de votre entourage
Avoir une personne ĂągĂ©e pour seul ami et jusqu’à sa mort, ne pas se faire d’autres amis
Changer radicalement de style vestimentaire Ă  chaque changement d'Ăąge
Se marier en Ă©tant adulte
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GĂ©nĂ©ration Neuf : Les enquĂȘtes de Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Peu importe oĂč vous alliez ou Ă©tiez, vous vous ĂȘtes toujours senti Ă  part et diffĂ©rent. Trop diffĂ©rent. Vous prĂ©fĂ©rez ĂȘtre seul plutĂŽt qu’avec d’autres personnes que vous pensez souvent trop stupide pour mĂ©riter votre compagnie. Heureusement, votre Simmer vous a fait grĂące de l’existence d’une bizarrerie ambulante : votre meilleur ami pour vous aider Ă  plus aisĂ©ment supporter de vivre dans ce mĂ©diocre Simworld aux imperfections et autres bugs des plus
Traits : Solitaire, Aime la musique, MĂ©chant
Aspiration : Cerveau exceptionnel (ou Ă©tudes universitaires si vous avez le pack A la Fac)
CarriĂšre : DĂ©tective (ou Agent secret si vous n’avez pas le pack Au Travail)
RĂšgles :
Compléter l'aspiration cerveau exceptionnel
Atteindre le niveau 10 de la carriÚre agent secret ou détective
Compléter la compétence Logique.
Savoir jouer d’un instrument (de prĂ©fĂ©rence violon).
Se faire un ennemi jurĂ© Ă©tant enfant et entretenir cette relation jusqu’à la fin de votre vie.
Vivre dans un appartement en colocation avec votre meilleur ami durant toute la période jeune adulte.*
*Possibilité de vivre sur un terrain 20x20 (taille maximum) si vous ne possédez aucun pack vous permettant de vivre en appartement.
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Génération Dix : The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ayant grandi dans une famille qui n'avait que peu de temps Ă  vous accorder, vous vous ĂȘtes dĂ©brouillĂ© seul et avez tout appris par vous mĂȘme. Pour vous la vie ne s'arrĂȘte pas simplement Ă  trouver l'Ăąme sƓur. Vous souhaitez la trouver certes, mais souhaitez Ă©galement devenir l'homme le plus riche du Simworld, quitte Ă  frĂŽler l’illĂ©galitĂ©. Arriverez-vous Ă  rendre ces deux rĂȘves compatibles ?
Traits : Extraverti, Matérialiste, Immature
Aspiration : Baron de l'immobilier
CarriĂšre : Criminelle, branche boss
RĂšgles :
Compléter l'aspiration baron de l'immobilier et la carriÚre criminelle
Compléter la compétence Charisme
Avoir un ou une petite-amie durant l’adolescence, puis rompre
Organiser une fĂȘte chaque semaine
Renouer contact avec votre ex et poussez votre amour de jeune Ă  divorcer de son partenaire pour vous
Ne jamais se marier
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werkad7 · 6 months
1. All cheats except those for building and resetting a Sim are prohibited.
2. When you don't do something because you forgot or make a stupid mistake and you could have done it better, you can use cheats or mods to fix it (just that) so you don't feel guilty. But only if there was a real possibility for it to happen without codes.
3. The first sim must be a teenager.
4. Lifespan must be set to normal.
5. Season length must be set to 14 days.
6. CC is allowed, but mods that make gameplay easier are not (exception: points 2 and 7, shorter university mod).
7. You can have more sims in your family thanks to MCCC.
8. All options included in expansions such as dust from Bust the dust, voting from Eco Lifestyle, weather effects from Seasons etc. must be enabled.
9. Each sim can only get pregnant once (unless otherwise stated).
10. Don't leave without saving if something goes wrong or something happens that you don't want.
11. Neighborhood stories must be included for both played and non-played families.
12. When a sim calls with a question, e.g. about pregnancy, job change or promotion, you always have to click "yes".
13. When a sim asks your sim to be your friend, girlfriend/boyfriend or proposes, you must always agree and you cannot go back on it, e.g. break up or become enemies.
14. Always click "yes" when your Sim realizes they like or dislike something.
15. Always agree to overnight stays, rooming with someone, changes in traits, new traits and family dynamics.
16. The name of each generation must be the MBTI it represents, e.g. "ISTJ" and the surname is "MBTI".
17. Aging of unplayed families must be disabled.
18. You cannot change the genetic features of your Sims' appearance, you can only change the eyebrows (but not the color), hairstyle (but not the hair color), makeup and clothes.
19. You must start the game with an empty lot and 0 Simoleons.
20. It is recommended to always take all the spouses' property after marriage.
21. If a sim who is supposed to be a husband or wife is dead, you can download it from the gallery.
22. Teenage pregnancy is allowed.
23. Money tree is allowed.
24. Rejuvenation potion is not allowed.
25. Generations can be performed in any order. You can also skip or replace tasks when you don't have the packs that are needed.
26. Don't get discouraged when you fail at something. The important thing is that you tried. As long as you try, even if you fail, you can consider the challenge a win.
27. Ghosts cannot be sent to the afterlife and tombstones must be on a residential plot.
28. The challenge ends when the ENTJ dies.
29. You can post your Sims and your houses for this challenge in the gallery under the hashtag #mbtilegacy. I will like your works and follow everyone who does post something on this hashtag.
First generation: ISTJ
- Man
- Glasses
- Asian beauty
- Gray eyes and clothes
- No hair
- Polo blouses
- High-waist trousers
- Ties
Traits: neat, perfectionist, proper
Aspiration: any of the "Nature" categorie
Wife: Lily Feng or Supriya Delgato
Career: Doctor
1. Have a hive and take care of it.
2. Get an A in school.
3. Never drink any drink.
4. Have a German Shepherd dog.
5. Complete an aspiration.
6. After death, be a ghost in the family until the death of the second generation.
7. Reach career level 10.
8. Become friends with the Grim Reaper.
9. Always study hard when you are at school.
10. Collect at least one entire collection.
Second generation: ESTJ
Traits: mean, hot-headed, overachiever
Aspiration: public enemy
Wife: Judith Ward or Eliza Pancakes
Husband: Victor Feng, Sergio Romeo or Chack Cenzo.
Career: lawyer
- Bob cut / Karen haircut / ponytail / comb over / Draco Malfoy cut
- Brown clothes
- Blue eye-shadow
- Open toe shoes
1. Own a store and open it at least twice a week.
2. Live in the Magnolia Promenade.
3. Complete an aspiration.
4. Reach career level 10.
5. Have a Chihuahua.
6. Be a very controlling parent.
7. Don't like video games and never play them.
8. Always work hard when you are at work.
9. Reach fitness level 10 just by swimming.
10. Have a very bad relationship with your dog.
Third generation: ISFJ
Features: family-oriented, squimish, animal lover
Aspiration: big happy family, super parent or successful lineage
Career: veterinarian (unofficial)
Husband: Dirk Dreamer
Wife: Sachiko Nishidake (can be rejuvenated)
- Braid
- Blue clothes
- Checkered skirts
- Dungarees
- Pearls
- Strawberry dress
- Kimono
- Ballets
- White shoes
- Cat eye glasses
- Loose sleeves
1. Live in Brindleton Bay.
2. Complete an aspiration.
3. Run a 4-star veterinary clinic.
4. Reach level 10 in knifting, gardening and flower arranging.
5. Always have successful holidays.
6. Have a cow, llama or chickens.
7. Go with teenager to school every time.
8. Climb Mount Komorebi.
9. Acquire all stages as a inflant.
10. Have maximum skills as a toddler.
Fourth generation: ESFJ
Traits: outgoing, foodie, proper
Aspiration: any of the "Popularity" categorie
Husband: Geoffrey Landgraab or Lucas Munch (can be aged)
Wife: Clara Bjergsen, Mila Munch or Mary Greenburg (can be rejuvenated)
Career: educator (as an adult), nanny (as a teenager)
- beach waves
- pink clothes
- cowboy boots
- mom jeans
- Santa hat
- wedding dress
1. Level 10 baking and cooking.
2. Organize lots of parties and events.
3. Complete an aspiration.
4. Career level 10.
5. Record makeup tutorials on a video recording station.
6. Start a club and organize meetings every week.
7. Run a 4-star restaurant.
8. Have at least one trait resulting from inclination.
9. Live in these three towns throughout your life: Willow Creek, Newcrest and Copperdale.
10. Have a dog.
Fifth generation: ESFP
Traits: materialist, glutton, self-absorbed
Aspiration: serial romantic, party animal or friend of the animals.
Career: store worker (as a teenager), actor (as an adult)
Wife: Lilith Vatore, Candy Behr, Kaori Nishidake, Sofia Bjergsen, Penny Pizzas or Baby Ariel
Husband: Joaquin Le Chien or Mitchell Kalani
- afro
- jeans
- makeup
- Hawaiian shirts
- mini skirts
- lots of jewelry
- heart-shaped glasses
- tunnels
- black and white clothes
- pink nails
- princess dresses
- yellow clothes
- red clothes
- pink lipstick.
1. Buy the "great kisser" trait with satisfaction points.
2. Have a dog and be his best friend.
3. Go to Selvadorada for at least 7 days.
4. Go to a party at least once a week.
5. Complete your aspiration
6. Career level 10.
7. Become a siren.
8. 5th level of dancing.
9. Go shopping at the stores in the Magnolia Promenade or those built by you.
10. Live in Windenburg or Tartosa.
Generation Six: ISFP
Features: music lover, art lover, foodie
Aspiration: freelance botanist
Career: painter
Husband: Kiyoshi Ito, Lou Howell, Taku Akiyama or Jay Bhatia
Wife: Venessa Yeong, Catarina Lynx, Alice Spencer Kim, Blossom Greenburg (can be rejuvenated), or Olivia Kim Lewis (can be aged).
- Man bun / emo hairstyle / Wolf cut
- black nails
- no socks
- sweatpants
- no shoes
- beanie hat
- nose ring
- rings
- choker
- purple nails
- fishnet stockings
- blouses
- bucket hats
- round glasses
1. Maximum level of painting, photography, singing and guitar playing.
2. Run a zoo.
3. Live in Sulani.
4. Watch only sport on TV.
5. Have a dog, a cat and a horse.
6. Have rabbit holes on the lot.
7. Collect the entire frog collection.
8. Have a hamster.
9. Complete an aspiration.
10. Career level 10.
Seventh generation: ESTP
Traits: noncommittal, kleptomaniac, bro
Aspiration: bodybuilder
Career: fast food employee (as a teenager), bodybuilder (as an adult)
Husband: Don Lothario, J Huntington III, Max Villareal (can be aged), Eric Lewis, Paolo Rocca or Akira Kibo
Wife: Dina Caliente, Morgan Fyres or Grace Anansi
- Slicked back hair / sleek ponytail / sporty ponytail
- nothing
- Sunglasses
- tops
- sport shoes
- leopard print clothes
- flip-flops
- Red nails
- cold weather shorts
- unbuttoned jacket without a shirt
- shirtless
- skinny jeans
1. Swim in the pool every day.
2. Be outside more often than inside.
3. Reach the highest level of fame.
4. Experience the entire jungle adventure.
5. Complete your aspiration.
6. Career level 10.
7. 10 level of fitness.
8. Only use the bathtub, not the shower.
9. Watch TV for at least an hour every day.
10. Live in Del Sol Valley and Mount Komorebi.
Eighth generation: ISTP
Traits: evil, loner, self-assured
Aspiration: angling ace
Career: detective
Husband: Wolfgang Munch or Jacques Villarreal (can be rejuvenated)
Wife: Nina Kaliente or Darling Walsh
- buzzcut
- beard
- leather jackets
- cargo pants
- caps
- denim shorts
- tattoos
- slippers
- eyebrow piercing
1. 10 level of handiness, fishing and fitness.
2. Collect one collection.
3. Become a werewolf.
4. Go roller skating once a week.
5. Have a cat.
6. Have siblings.
7. Career level 10.
8. Complete an aspiration.
9. Go to Granite Falls at least once for at least a week.
10. Live at Moonwood Mill.
Ninth Generation: INFJ
Traits: paranoid, eco-friendly, lazy
Aspiration: spellcraft & sorcery
Career: ecologist
Husband: Bjorn Bjergsen
Wife: Cassandra Goth or Elsa Bjergsen (can be aged)
- floral dresses
- sweaters
- hairpins and bows
- long skirts
- bells
- boho dresses
- shorts
- bracelets
1. Live in Glimmerbrook.
2. Always get out of bed between 5am and 8am.
3. Buy the Early Bird trait with satisfaction points.
4. Never eat sweets or drink sweet drinks.
5. Complete your aspiration.
6. Career level 10.
7. 10th level of logic, singing and charisma.
8. Become a spellcaster.
9. Go to university (you can use shorter university mod).
10. Go to the spa once a week.
Tenth Generation: ENFJ
Traits: jealous, good, romantic.
Aspiration: any of the love categorie.
Career: Farmer (unofficial)
Husband: Caleb Vatore or Brant Hecking
Wife: Bella Goth, Summer Holiday, Catrina Caliente, Julia Wright or Kyra Anello
- redhair, wavy hair
- purple clothes
- black turtlenecks
- green nails
1. Level 10 in charisma and flower arranging skills.
2. Complete your aspiration.
3. Own a farm with vegetables, fruits, flowers and animals and earn money from it.
4. Have a Golden Retriever dog and a cat.
5. Go camping once a week.
6. Forgive your lover's betrayal.
7. Give a rose to your lover every Monday.
8. Eat an apple everyday.
9. Only watch romances on TV.
10. Live in Evergreen Harbor.
Eleventh generation: INFP
Traits: gloomy, animal lover, socially awkward
Aspiration: best-selling author
Career: writer
Husband: Bob Pancakes, Jeb Harris, Salim Benali, Hugo Villareal, Gunther Munch, Simeon Silversweater or Claude Rene Duplantier
Wife: Becca Clarke
- pastel hair with bangs
- loose T-shirts
- sweaters
- unusual eyeliners
- frills
- long sleeves
- one-piece swimsuit
- shoes that cover the toes
- unusual wedding dress
1. Go to Granite Falls for a week.
2. Complete your aspiration.
3. Career level 10.
4. Listen to music every day.
5. Write at least one book a week.
6. Write a blog about feelings.
7. Climb Mount Komorebi.
8. Become a plant sim.
9. Be in a relationship with both genders (it doesn't have to be at the same time).
10. Make friends with a selected Sim from the listed spouses (except your spouse).
Twelfth generation: ENFP
Traits: creative, cheerful, childish, clumsy (3 of these)
Aspiration: any from the Eco Lifestyle expansion pack
Career: YouTuber (unofficial)
Husband: Paka'a Uha or Knox Greenburg.
Wife: Zoe Patel, Miko Ojo or Luna Villareal
- highlights hair
- braces
- socks and sandals
- rainbow socks
- scary makeup
- witch costume
- tights under shorts
- glasses with colored lenses
- leggings
- without trousers
1. Level 10 media production and Level 5 dance and photography.
2. Become famous for making videos.
3. Complete an aspiration.
4. Have pets and spend time with them every day.
5. Travel somewhere every other day (may be more often).
6. Visit an amusement park at least 3 times.
7. Have a same-gender spouse (you can adopt a child, but it must be a newborn).
8. Live in Oasis Spring and Henford-On-Bagley.
9. Have sibling.
10. Always vote for local action plans.
Thirteenth generation: INTP
Traits: Genius, bookworm, geek
Aspiration: Any of the Knowledge categorie
Career: tech guru
Husband: Mortimer Goth, Alexander Goth (you can age him) or Erwin Pries.
Wife: Liberty Lee, Yuki Behr, Lana Mckinnon or Nanami Ito (can be aged).
- long and sleek hair
- no makeup
- glasses
- headphones
- long pants for hot weather
- hoodies
- the same every outfit
1. Always go to bed between 0-4.
2. Buy the Night Owl trait for satisfaction points.
3. Have the most expensive computer.
4. Avoid leaving the house and cleaning.
5. Never enter any water (except bathtub and shower).
6. Live in Britechester.
7. Defeat the Mother Plant from StrangerVille.
8. Become an alien.
9. Career level 10.
10. Complete an aspiration.
Fourteenth generation: ENTP
Traits: erratic, goofball, self-absorbed
Aspiration: chief of mischief or joke star
Career: entertaiment
Husband: Morgyn Ember, Johnny Zest, Travis Scott, Gavin Richard or Cameron Fletcher.
Wife: mint sim from Not So Berry Challenge (if you haven't done it, you can download one from the gallery).
- bowed baby buns / curtained hair
- natural makeup
- baggy jeans
- platform shoes
- necklaces
- torn jeans
- T-shirts
- earrings
- tattoos
1. Complete an aspiration.
2. Career level 10.
3. Become an occult.
4. 10th level of guitar playing.
5. Go to a water park once a week.
6. Never be very sad.
7. Spend as little time in nature as possible.
8. Never use a computer, TV or tablet. You can use your phone, but not for entertainment purposes.
9. Live in San Myshuno.
10. Set your calendar for Halloween with 5 traditions and complete them all.
Fifteenth generation: INTJ
Traits: loner, hates children, snob
Aspiration: friend of the animals
Career: architect (unofficially). For each house you build, add 450 Simoleons with the code. You can only build 1 house per day (but not on Saturdays and not on Sundays).
Husband: Count Vladislaus Straud IV or Rohan Eldelberry
Wife: none. Have your Sim adopt a newborn.
- curly hair
- black clothes
- turtlenecks
- suits
- little black dresses
- short sleeves
1. Become a vampire.
2. Level 10 logic only through chess.
3. Complete your aspiration.
4. Build 10 houses.
5. Have a cat and make friends with it.
6. Buy the Iceman trait with satisfaction points.
7. Paint 3 wall murals.
8. Have sibling.
9. Give birth or adopt a child only on the last day before the elder's birthday.
10. Live in Forgotten Hollow.
Sixteenth generation: ENTJ
Traits: ambitious, evil, self-assured
Aspiration: public enemy
Career: politician
Husband: Diego Lobo or Dario Lampa (must be downloaded from the gallery)
Wife: Nancy Landgraab or the red sim from Not So Berry Challenge (if you haven't done it, download one from the gallery)
- Peaky Blinders cut / Justin Bieber's 2010 hair / Vintage Curls / Slicked back pony
- suits
- high heels
- crown
- Red lipstick
- leather clothes
- watch
- crop tops
- dresses with one sleeve
1. Complete an aspiration.
2. Career level 10.
3. Not having any child.
4. The highest level of fame.
5. Not having any friends.
6. Argue with someone every day and never apologize.
7. Live in San Myshuno.
8. Collect one million simoleons (including the value of the house).
9. Run your own business.
10. Have a Rottweiler dog
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dysfunctionalsimmer · 7 months
The Dysfunctional Sim Legacy Challenge
🚹 This is an ALL-pack challenge 🚹
In The Dysfunctional Sim Legacy Challenge, you will embark on a wild journey with a family of Sims who thrive in chaos, dysfunction, and hilarity. There are ten generations in this challenge. Each generation of this legacy will bring new challenges and absurdity to your gameplay. From questionable life choices to comical mishaps, this legacy challenge will test your Sims' resilience and your ability to manage the most dysfunctional family in all of SimNation.
If you wish to share your journey, please use the hashtag #dysfunctionalsimchallenge
Basic Rules:
You must dress to code.
Unless stated otherwise no cheats are allowed however for gen one, you may use 'freerealestate' cheat to get your first home if you don't want to build wealth on the streets, that is up to you. But after that no cheats please.
You can live anywhere in the world unless stated otherwise.
Every generation must complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless stated otherwise.
Your spouses can do whatever you like unless stated otherwise.
Your sims and spouse can be whatever pronoun you wish them to be.
There must always be a biological heir. No robots mmkay.
Life span can be normal or long and you must have auto aging enabled.
Unless stated otherwise if an heir dies you cannot resurrect them. If there is no new generation the challenge has failed. However, if the next gen is alive but is a baby, toddler or child you may create a caregiver for them until they age into a teen if no living family member is available to raise them. Once they're a teen they're on their own.
You have free choice of who the heir will be.
Meet your founder, a perpetually hungover party animal with a penchant for drama and chaos. They’re determined to start a legacy, despite their chaotic lifestyle.
Traits: Party Animal, Outgoing, Cringe
Aspiration: Party Animal
Career: Mixologist (to start with)
Dress code: Hot-mess / Party Animal / Club-ware
You must host and achieve gold for every social event available (all packs = 29 parties in total).
You cannot hold down a steady job, you must be fired at least once and quit at least once. You cannot quit a job until you max that career. 
You must have at least three children with different partners, and they must all be raised in unorthodox ways (for example raising them in a basement, only feeding them pizza, etc etc.) Never have any child taken away by child services.
You hate cooking so when it’s not a party day or holiday, you order pizza for dinner.
Gen two is a quirky and eccentric sim who just wants to be noticed! They love being the center of attention and have a talent for making people laugh, even if it's unintentional. Their ultimate goal is to make a name for themself in the world of entertainment.
Traits: Goofball, Hot-Headed, Childish
Aspiration: Joke Star
Career: Entertainer
Dress Code: Flamboyant & Flashy
Max Comedian career and have at least B-grade fame.
Become best friends with a global superstar and go to a karaoke club with them once a week.
If they are close, always start a fight with the paparazzi even if they’re not there for you. 
Tell a weaponized joke to all alive adults in your relationship panel once it’s unlocked. 
Gen three sim simply loves money. They love flaunting it. They love spending it. They just hate working for it.
Traits: Materialistic, Snob, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Career: N/A - Marry for Money
Dress Code: Affluent but trashy 
You must marry and divorce (not kill) at least five rich Sims while maintaining a fabulous lifestyle. 
You only have one biological child in late adulthood. The rest of the time you drink illudium q-36 birth control or outright avoid woohoo.
Maintain a deep suntan when the weather is warm.
Visit a bar every week for your discount drinks (Friday: Ladies night, Sunday: Guys Night, any other day: Happy Hour) and don't forget to flaunt your wealth when speaking to strangers.
Materialism disgusts Gen four. They want to save the planet while living as green and frugal as possible.
Traits: Freegan, Recycle Disciple, Green Fiend
Aspiration: Eco Innovator Aspiration
Career: Civil Designer Career (Green Technician)
Dress Code: Thrift Store
As soon as you hit young adulthood you leave your family behind (split households) and live on the streets.
Once you hit adulthood you start your career, buy land and live off the grid (off-the-grid lot trait must be enabled) in a micro home to raise your family in. Instead of a toilet you own a bush, you have tents as bedrooms for those who can use them.
You can only use things you found in a dumpster or purchased at a flea market to decorate your micro home with.
You marry someone you meet at the flea market.
GENERATION FIVE: The Conspiracist
Gen five is obsessed with all things strange and unexplained, from ghosts to aliens to government cover-ups. They spend their days researching conspiracy theories and investigating haunted locations around town.
Traits: Paranoid, Nosy, Socially Awkward
Aspiration: Seeker of Secrets 
Career: Paranormal Investigator (Freelancer)
Dress code: Track suits, hoodies and trench coats 
Live in a haunted house with a secret basement conspiracy room.
Raise someone from the dead.
Have max friendship with a ghost, a werewolf, a vampire, a mermaid, an alien, patchy, and Bonehilda.
Marry and have children with Father Winter
Gen six sim has just finished reading their favorite vampire romance novel and is now obsessed with everything vampire, they dress like one, they befriend them, they read up about them. They’re so obsessed they get turned into one! After becoming a vampire and living the immortal life for a few years, they realize being a vampire is really boring, so they find a way to turn back into a human before they die.
Traits: Bookworm, Non-Committal, Cringe
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Career: N/A - earn your wealth by selling fine aged bottles of plasma nectar as well as other vampire concoctions.
Dress Code: Victorian / Goth
Have equal numbers of vampire children and human children.
Reach the highest rank in the Vampire lore skill.
Turn at least 5 other Sims into vampires.
Discover the cure for vampirism and become human again.
GENERATION SEVEN: The Thrill-Seeking Daredevil
Gen seven has a hunger for adrenaline and seeks out dangerous stunts to satisfy their need for excitement. They live life on the edge, pushing their physical limits to the extreme. Their bro-like attitude and daredevil antics make them a hit with the thrill-seeking crowd.
Traits: Active, Bro, Adventurous
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Career: Athlete (Professional Athlete branch)
Dress code: Sporty
Climb to the Highest peak of Mt. Komorebi
Celebrate the first day of the season by doing the following: Summer = drink beetle juice. Fall = Order and eat puffer fish meal. Winter = make a wish at a wishing well. Spring = Eat a Cowplant “cake”.
On every first day off work go deep scuba diving in Sulani.
If you make it to an Elder, die from overexertion.
GENERATION Eight: The Neglectful Pet Lover
Gen Eight has a heart of gold but a messy lifestyle. They can't resist taking home every stray they come across, but they often forget to feed or care for them properly, leading to their escape back into the wild.
Traits: Animal Lover, Childish, Slob
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Career: Veterinarian
Dress code: Scrubs / Slob 
Adopt and take care of at least 4 strays you find in the wild. Have them all run away at least once.
Have max friendship with a flock of wild birds, a bunny and a dust bunny.
Own at least three chickens, two goats and one llama.
Complete the bug collection.
GENERATION NINE: The Unapologetic Criminal
Gen nine loves crime and is addicted to the thrill of stealing. As they grow older, their kleptomania only intensifies, and they become known as the town's most notorious thief.
Traits: Ambitious, Kleptomaniac, Evil
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Career: Criminal - Boss Branch
Dress Code: Sleek and stealthy outfits.
Your spouse is a police officer who you met at prom.
Crime Spree Streak - Steal at least 10 valuable items without getting caught (reset if you get caught.)
Complete a Villainy Degree with honors or higher.
Have at least 3 enemies in the neighborhood.
Gen Ten prefers their own company to other sims. They spend their days exploring hidden caves and ancient ruins, searching for treasure and uncovering secrets of the past.
Traits: Self-Assured, Loves Outdoors, Loner
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Career: N/A - sell archeology finds to fund your lifestyle.
Dress Code: Adventurer / Outdoorsy
Create at least 9 jungle relics.
Explore all hidden zones in the world.
Be cursed five times and find a cure.
As an elder, die from a relic curse you haven’t had before. 
This challenge was made for some friends who have lost that simming spark despite owning all the pack. It is designed to be long and challenging, but I hope you love it if you try it (my fav is gen 10 because I never made relics before.)
Happy simming everyone <3
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deprivedmusicaljunkie · 1 year
rank debut and evermorrreeeeee (i dont remember whether youve done these or not lolll)
i already ranked debut !!! but i will gladly rank evermore, it’s one of my favorites if not my favorite (rip folklore)
right where you left me - THIS IS SO HEARTBREAKING AND SO ME CODED
champagne problems - OUCHHH WHERES MY HAPPY ENDING
ivy - the best cheating song she’s written imo it’s so satisfying to listen to
cowboy like me - look it’s claythorne!!
happiness - i cant explain it but that part where she sings “no one tells you what to do when a good man hurts you, and you know you hurt him too” it sounds really musical theater-y??
willow - the wlw mermaid x pirate au you mentioned HAS NOT LEFT MY MIND and now i literally have a pinterest board of all my ocs from that universe?? 10/10
it’s time to go - bye!!!!! see you never !!!! jk i actually like this song
closure - the intro always throws me off but i actually like it
coney island - THIS SONG IS SO SAD when i walked up to the podium i think i forgot to say your name !!!!!!
tolerate it - insert that one post about how the song ends with the beginning verse which means that the singer never breaks out of their toxic cycle??? gags and vomits
evermore - healing <3
long story short - it’s cute but i kinda wish there was more of a story đŸ„Č
tis the damn season - imagining this from dorothea’s perspective is so sad
gold rush - i love the vocals in the beginning that kinda sounds like church hymns(???) hashtag winlet 5ever
marjorie - sobs
dorothea - you know. that i am not a fan of anything remotely country (speak now is an exception)
no body no crime - i put this song in the car one time and my mom freaked out bc she thought there was police following us 💀
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onlinemarketingjuice · 1 year
Creating Word of Mouth in the World of Likes, Shares, and Retweets
Tumblr media
Building a robust social media presence is no easy task, and it’s not just about posting regularly. It’s akin to creating a rich tapestry, with threads of community engagement, value creation, and trend awareness intricately woven together. Let’s dig into some of the secrets that can help you sail the seas of social media, focusing on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Know Your Audience Understanding your audience is the foundation upon which your social media strategy rests. Dive deep into their interests, preferences, and behaviors. It’s like having a cheat code for engagement. The more you know your audience, the better you’ll be at creating content they love and conversations they value.
Brand Consistency Your brand voice and visuals are your compasses, guiding every post you make. Consistency in these aspects breeds familiarity and trust, making your brand instantly recognizable. When your audience sees a post, they should be able to tell it’s you even before they see your logo or handle.
Timeliness and Regularity Posting regularly is the key to staying at the top of your audience’s mind. But beware, timing is everything. Each social media platform has its peak hours when users are most active. So, it’s not just about what you post and how often, but also when you post.
Engage in Meaningful Conversations Social media is all about interaction. It’s not a one-way street. Engage with your audience, answer their queries, thank them for their comments, and value their feedback. Not only does this engagement make your brand more approachable, but it also helps in building genuine relationships with your audience.
Become a Beacon of Value The golden rule of content creation is to provide value. It can be a nugget of knowledge, a reason for a hearty laugh, or a dose of inspiration. When your audience finds value in your content, they’re more likely to engage with it and return for more.
Decipher the Data Analytics is like the GPS of your social media journey. Use them to understand what content resonates with your audience, when they are most active, and how they engage with your posts. These insights will help refine your content strategy and optimize your efforts for better results.
Stay on Top of Trends The social media landscape is a rapidly shifting terrain. Keeping up-to-date with the latest trends—from viral hashtags and trending topics to platform updates—is critical to keep your content relevant and fresh.
Harness the Unique Features Each social media platform offers unique features designed to help you boost your visibility and engagement. Whether it’s Facebook Stories, Twitter, or LinkedIn’s professional networking tools, make the most of these features to amplify your reach and engagement.
Keep Evolving The only constant in the world of social media is change. As strategies become obsolete, new ones are born. So, keep experimenting, analyzing, and learning. Remember, growing a strong social media presence is a journey of continuous iteration and learning.
Building a solid social media presence is like running a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time, patience, and a lot of creativity. But with a relentless focus on your audience, a commitment to consistency, and a willingness to ride the waves of change, your brand will surely thrive in the dynamic world of social media.
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transboykirito · 1 year
college squad au bc i think of this a lot
koujiro rinko, our main character. she starts off at 18 in season 1. programming nerd. gemma from m3gan. trying to find herself and figure out how adulting works. millennial (affectionate). she’s determined that college is going to be the best years of her life. the entire fandom universally agrees she’s bi and in love with her best friend mayumi who gets introduced in season 4. rinkoyumi vs kayarinko debates plauge twitter for months until her actress posts a tweet on june 1st saying she’s always considered rinko to be bi and wanted to play her with the intention of her crushing on mayumi. every gay person fucking loves her she has so many comfort character edits on tiktok.
kayaba akihiko, Just Some Guy Turned Main Love Interest. starts season 1 at 19. somehow everyone in the university knows who he is. he keeps to himself and has a foreboding mysterious sense about him. fans either headcanon him as bland and emotionless or secretly a massive softie who volunteers at animal shelters. math nerd. he usually ends up solving most of the bullshit the squad gets into. the amount of autism coding in this man.
sugou nobuyuki, fandom-nominted misunderstood soft dork (negative). never have you ever seen a character be misconstrued like this. starts season 1 at 18 but turns 19 like halfway through the season. he’s originally an english major but changes his degree in season 2. he is a dick but he’s good at hiding it therefore people think that he’s gonna be The Bad Boy Love Interest. he briefly is bc he and rinko start dating at the end of season 2 but she cheats on him with kayaba in season 3 (yay). his entire tiktok hashtag is either thirsty edits or people screaming at other fans for liking him. his actor likes tweets hating on him. after the finale he tweets a picture of himself on set flipping off the camera like “so long asshole i will never miss playing you” and then later he posts a picture of the whole cast and crew like “i lied i miss these guys already”
higa takeru, fan favourite smol bean. 18 but acts like a 14 year old boy. he is solely comedic relief for the most part. he’s hardcore crushing on rinko the entire series. he has a million dumb catchphrases. his Big Moment is when rinko breaks down crying in her dorm bc Boy Problems and he comforts her like “you deserve better anyway. do you wanna come sit on the roof and we can finish some beers and you can insult me again like you always do?” and she kinda laughs and follows him onto the roof and they sit there drinking and talking and he’s like “wouldn’t it be cool if we could make an entire world of ai’s?” and its this moment and its like the only time he’s serious
professor shigemura, george feeny 2.0. he sometimes drops major life advice in the middle of a lecture. he gets super invested in all his students and gives them advice and wants them all to change the world. very loving dad. yuuna makes a cameo a few times and fans adore her. any scenes with young yuuna are played by the professor’s actor’s irl daughter and it’s just super wholesome.
yuuki kouichirou, cameo character. he’s mentioned a few times in the first 2 seasons and makes a couple of cameos but fans love him and so he officially joins the cast in season 3, when he’s 19. he’s the sweet doting older brother who doubles as nobuyuki’s childhood friend. he’s never super plot relevant but he’s cute and sweet and people like him. he does a lot of fairy dance foreshadowing and his actor is like tom holland levels of accidental spoilers
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jodie-dreams · 11 months
Mon Ă©cole de sorcellerie "Spirit Sparkle"
Bonjour à toustes. Si comme moi, vous aimez jouer avec les jeteurs et jeteuses de sorts, il vous faut votre école de magie. J'ai donc décidé de vous partager la mienne.
Elle contient des cc. Et je possĂšde tout les addons. Vous ĂȘtes bien sĂ»r libre de jouer sans. Et de l'adapter suivant les ccs et les addons que vous possĂ©dez.
Afin de l'installer, vous devrez aller sans le Monde Magique. Ouvrir la barre de cheat code en faisant Ctrl + Shift + C. Et mettre le code bb.enablefreebuild
N'oubliez pas aussi le code bb.moveobjects on
Informations pour la tĂ©lĂ©charger : ‱ Nom: "Spirit Sparkle" ‱ Dimension : 50 x 40 ‱ Hashtag utilisĂ©s: #JodieDreamsCreation #SpiritSparkle #mondemagique #magic #magicschool ‱ Cocher le fait de voir les crĂ©ations avec ccs lors de votre recherche dans la galerie. ‱ ID Ea: JodieDreams
♩ Cc utilisĂ©s ♩
Je vous fournis la liste complÚte des ccs que j'ai utilisé pour faire mon école de sorcellerie. Je ne suis nullement responsable des éventuels bugs que ceux-ci pourraient provoquer dans votre jeu.
‱ Armoire : https://bramblefinch.tumblr.com/post/189109268196/hey-everyone-ive-got-a-potential-fix-for-the#notes
‱ Petites plantes en tout genre : https://plumbobteasociety.tumblr.com/post/170874771645/rustic-romance-stuff-for-sims-4-the-love-child et https://fr.brazenlotus.com/object/eco-lifestyle-small-plants
‱ Petites plantes sous globe : https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_07.shtml
‱ Armoire avec tiroirs : https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_dining_02.shtml
‱ Petit Ă©vier dans le meuble en bois et mini serre sur pied : https://plumbobteasociety.tumblr.com/post/166361358489/cottage-garden-stuff-for-sims-4-a-collaboration
‱ Tables : https://simsationaldesigns.blogspot.com/2018/02/oasis-chic-dining-outdoor-furniture-set.html
‱ Arrosoir et divers objets de jardinage : https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_outdoors_11.shtml
‱ Grimoire vert : https://gelisims.tumblr.com/post/188650874195/just-working-through-my-wip-folder-more-wow
‱ Pile de grimoires : https://zx-ta.tumblr.com/post/178011040617/hi-this-is-the-set-that-was-hiding-under-books
‱ Tableaux : https://zx-ta.tumblr.com/post/179758378872/a-simple-conversion-from-ts3-supernatural-to-ts4
‱ lampes : https://zx-ta.tumblr.com/post/182919332667/hi-this-second-set-is-ready-more-lamps-from-tsm
‱ Diverses bibliothùques : https://zx-ta.tumblr.com/post/184924037317/various-objects-that-i-had-in-my-game-but-never
‱ Cadres : https://plumbobteasociety.tumblr.com/post/165368432859/in-celebration-of-dragon-queen-lovely
‱ Meubles et accesoires de magie : https://myshunosun.com/post/696909666025914368/witching-hour
‱ Divers articles de jardinage : https://fr.brazenlotus.com/object/eco-lifestyle-garden-clutter et https://www.patreon.com/posts/garden-at-home-75165165
‱ Bougies : https://fr.brazenlotus.com/object/candles-in-a-bottle et
‱ clutter magie : https://fr.brazenlotus.com/object/spellbound-clutter et https://fr.brazenlotus.com/object/incantation-%26-apothecary-clutter et https://fr.brazenlotus.com/object/vampire-objects-separated
‱ mortier : https://www.houseofharlix.com/kichen
‱ DĂ©cos clutter de cuisine : https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_community_01.shtml et https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/special_01.shtml
‱ Pack Pufferhead : https://mlyssimblr.tumblr.com/post/184271189880/pufferhead
‱ Divers dĂ©cos : https://sixam.cc/wednesday-goth-bedroom-cc-pack-for-the-sims-4/
‱ mug : https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/decorative_clutter_30.shtml
‱ Squelettes Ă©tranges : https://modthesims.info/d/680047/skeletons-of-some-really-weird-creatures.html
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simswamp · 1 year
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Welcome to my very first post on Tumblr ever (help me I have no idea what I'm doing), and the opener for a new decades playthrough! I've been Simming since 2000, and this is by far my favorite way to play.
Some things to know:
I go by a different time table than the classic Decades challenge. I don't switch decades until the next generation is born, which is weird and doesn't make a lot of sense, but well same here so this is what we're doing. When playing the traditional way, I find that the game starts moving too fast, and the 18 collective hours I've spent downloading vintage CC seems like a much less effective use of my time. So my playthrough is starting with 1880 (founders), and will become 1890 with the YA birthday of their first child, and will STAY 1890 until the next generations heir has their YA birthday. If this sounds too confusing/dumb, please leave because I am the most confusing and dumb bitch you'll ever meet. But I've spent thousands of dollars on this franchise over the last 23 years and I owe it to myself to do the absolute most.
I'm really not a storyteller, I don't use poses, and I don't edit my screenshots, 50% because I'm lazy and 50% because I don't know how. There will be a paper-thin attempt at something resembling a plot, but that's about as deep as it gets. I love this game the most when it gets weird.
I fill the world with gallery Sims that are hashtagged with the appropriate time period, so that the background characters are still very appropriate without me having to actually make them. Again, lazy. So you may see some Sims you recognize, if you do the same or happened to have made those Sims. The same is true of some buildings, which may be lightly edited on occasion, and which I will never take credit for or pretend to have built. All Sims that see any playtime and all buildings that the legacy family live in will be 100% made by me.
I'm new please be gentle :3 I'm truly just here to dump screenshots and hopefully find people to interact who are also this into this game.
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Once upon a Monday around 8pm, an imaginary, immortal cartoon based on a human loser, got extremely bored. Sure; she's immortal, with immortal versions of her partner and pets to keep her company, and also unlimited money and artificially perfect skin. But what's it all about?
And then, a brainstorm. Why not create imaginary people and control every aspect of their lives? But they can't enjoy the decadence that usually comes with being a pretend person, because that's just boring. The best part is when they're stressed out, right? So they'll have to be pretty damn quaint.
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She built a church to the only deity she had ever fully believed in: Dibella. Of the Nine Divines, Goddess of beauty and love, from a video game series so 1) appropriate and 2) also very imaginary. From the pulpit, she could call her little sheep to flock, checking in on their lives and encouraging a meager lifestyle. Just because we KNOW the cheat codes, doesn't mean we should USE the cheat codes.
Three newlywed couples were created.
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Imogene and Ambrose Merriment,
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Mathilda and Vernon Revelry,
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and Amina and Roger DeBauch.
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After an afternoon spent around their adorable little gathering place, she decided on the Merriment family being her primary focus, receiving the most attention and the least control of their own fates. All three families will be largely controlled, but not to the same obsessive level as the Merriments.
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They were given a farm, complete with a barn, cow, chickens, small garden plot with seed packets, and 100 Simoleons. Much more important, they were given a randomized mixed-breed puppy, Llewelyn, for protection and company.
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Setup complete, let the great experiment begin!
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synsick · 2 years
I swear I be wantin' to give up. What the hell is the cheat code to even get interaction & support on this app/platform?
Do hashtags even work on here?! No way in the world I can hashtag PHOTOGRAPHY, VIDEO, & ART yet no one is seeing my work. WTF?!
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sims 4 toddler skill cheat mod WMW%
đŸ’Ÿ â–șâ–șâ–ș DOWNLOAD FILE đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ Thinking – _skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_thinking #. Imagination – _skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_imagination #. The Sims 4 cheat codes to max out toddler skills. Before entering any of the below cheat codes, you will need to open the command console in-. Sims 4 Toddler Cheats – Age Up and Max Out Their Skills · Hit ctrl + shift + C · Then, type in “testingcheats true” · Hit enter. Sims 4 Toddler Skill Cheats ; _skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_imagination #, This will level up your toddler's imagination skill. Toddler cheats in The Sims 4 can make life a lot easier, especially if you have several toddlers at once. Toddlers in The Sims 4 can be a handful, with these toddler cheats you can instantly solve needs and gain skills, making your toddlers more independent. For a full list of working cheats, read on. Click to enlarge. As with any cheat, make sure you have cheats enabled in your game first by typing 'testingcheats on' into your cheat box. The following cheats will help solve toddler needs and fill up need bars:. Alternatively, you can instantly fill up all the need bars or disable motive decay to permanently put your toddlers in a good mood. To do so, enable cheats in your game and then hold down Shift and right-click on your selected sim. This will bring up the option of 'Cheat Need
' click this and receive the options to disable motive decay or 'Make Happy' instantly fill all needs. If you want to advance your toddler's skills and make them more independent, use the following codes. Replace the hashtag with the number you wish your toddler to advance to, for example, if you want your toddler to achieve level 3 of the potty skill the cheat would be: stats. If you want to change the appearance of your toddler or change their traits without using store rewards, you can enter the full version of CAS create a sim with the following cheat:.
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bosssmg · 4 months
Golden VEL 46 is a cheat code | YOU NEED THIS LOADOUT
Golden VEL 46 is a cheat code | YOU NEED THIS LOADOUT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jwm185Kxt-E Hey everyone, VEL 46 absolutely shredded my opponents and got the easy win. Video Title: gold VEL 46 🔔Looking for non-stop laughs and epic gaming action? Subscribe to Boss SMG for side-splitting jokes, intense gaming showdowns, and the wildest gaming moments! https://www.youtube.com/@bosssmg9615/?sub_confirmation=1 🔗 Stay Connected With Me. 👉Twitch: https://ift.tt/X5mZSv0 ============================= ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Just Logged In & Already Getting Trolled 😂 | Gaming Gone Wild! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T_8Q8UGaNo&t=32s 👉 Epic Fails & Savage Clutch: Gaming With The Boys! Gaming Shenanigans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXEwv2jlHJU 👉 CALL OF DUTY MW3 - watch me destroy this team callofduty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-_vJIHFMNk 👉 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - CRAZY SHOTGUN LOADOUT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nSfvHVBwrQ 👉 When DJ Khaled plays Call of Duty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phOZkBEpdo0 ============================= ✅ About Boss SMG. Welcome to Boss SMG, your go-to destination for top-tier comedy and gaming content! Get ready to laugh till you cry with hilarious skits and dive into epic gaming adventures. From side-splitting jokes to intense gaming showdowns, I've got it all here! Remember to SUBSCRIBE for epic gaming content, funny videos, and my journey through the wildest gaming moments. Join me for daily entertainment, and remember to smash that like button. Get ready to boss up your day with Boss smg—where comedy meets gaming excellence! 🔔 Ready to level up your gaming entertainment? Don't miss the epic gaming content, fun, and unforgettable moments—hit that subscribe button now for this wild ride! https://www.youtube.com/@bosssmg9615/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= ADD HASHTAGS HERE ⚠Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Boss SMG. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Boss SMG via Boss smg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVRXdRMk6p9kblfy5iqH77w May 27, 2024 at 08:13PM
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