#and tulio has never touched it in his life
cicadacelebration · 10 months
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okay im sorry but i absolutely fucking had to
original comic
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dapperbasil · 4 months
For as much as the Toreador take pride in their loves, their distractions, their joys, their trances, I find no pride in such things. As nights go on and days turn to weeks and turn to months, I find myself unaccustomed to such a perverse feeling overtaking me. My Lady has been ever so kind to me as I rediscovered who I am after my embrace, yet the comfort I should get from such a thing is always and forever cast over by a shadow of perversion and disgust. Something that is supposed to be natural to me gives no feelings other than personal hatred and embarrassment. Each time I slip into that state of inaction, of inability to do more than stare in fascination I come out of it worse off than I stepped in. 
I am not a member of the Toreador clan. I have never been welcome in the homes of the roses, aside my brief stint in the haven of Lady Annalyse. Even then I was looked down upon as if I were not equal, and to them I suppose I may never be. I have always been a spectacle to them, something to catch their attention for a moment or two and be tossed aside. I suppose I am lucky in that way, as I have been spared the short attention span that seems to plague those embraced in such a way. 
The only things to catch my eye are those I would have found truly beautiful before my embrace nonetheless, which seems to work as its own kind of curse in a way. No longer can I stand the tender touch of my liege, the one person I love with all of my being. Her compassion brings me nothing but pain as I lose myself in the attention, his love being a double edged sword brought down upon my neck. The beauties of the world around me also pull me further and further into myself and stand to distract me from my duty. The glimmer of starlight on water, the beauty of the moon overhead shining with all of its brilliance to name a few. Each hurts me further and further, tempting the beast within to overwhelm me.
No longer will I allow the rose clan to hold the strings to the marionette which is my heart. I must learn to withstand these temptations, and quickly as to not embarrass Lady Thalia. The circumstances of my embrace have been quite the challenge to come to terms with for the past months, and even now I still do not feel as if I am truly myself or I ever will be again. Phillip died a gruesome death on that bloodstained cobblestone road four years ago, and in their place stands a rose plucked of all petals, only thorns remaining on the stem. My Lord has graced me with this new name, this new meaning to life, and I must show my gratitude in the only way I can.
My name is Thorne, and I am a knight of house de Sorrez. Tonight is the night I will be presented to all as a member of clan Lasombra, one year after the failure of clan Toreador to present me as one of their own. This time I am ready for the obstacles ahead of me, ready to traverse the battlefield of Elysium with Lady Thalia at my side.
-Thorne, Toreador fledgling and childe of Thalia/Tulio de Sorrez of Clan Lasombra
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
- tobias ‘he’s an idiot but by luck he’s my idiot’ foxtrot carrying off the love of his life in a box b/c he pulled the runeterran equivalent of nearly throwing hands with a 13 year old fhsjkadlfhsjdkahfkjsadhf
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like ooooh this is going straight into the long, long, long list of blackmail he’s accrued over the years (tbf graves probably has his own equally long list on him in return it’s fine)
- this is mostly funny but I also find it kind of touching just how desperately graves jumps towards T.F. at the end there haha. turn into little creecher? go to bae he fix 
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the less glamorous way to go down on one knee for your man but needs must
- (this is more of a canon-wide thing but graves always defaulting to ‘we’ like that’s how deeply he sees them as a Team/unit? also still very touching to me)
-  there’s a part of ‘on the way to piltover’ where lulu is involved and that fic just became even more amazing with the idea that this is how they already knew her fsakjdfhas (it’s a great fic series, go read it if you haven’t already!)
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 bye u gay losers
I LOVE that even after all that they’re still waving them off all friendly like ‘good luck with the dumbass husband, see ya!’. (also SO GOOD that tf/graves is the character duo the writers pull out when they need someone who’ll do some morally questionable stuff without there ever being any feeling of real threat or malice, if only because they’re too incompetent hahaha. just a pair of ineffectual bumbling comedy protagonists mostly interested in a) money and b) each other, tulio and miguel indeed)  
- interesting that this is rat town, so it’s around where graves grew up! on the outskirts/down towards a harbour, I’m guessing, most of the vibe of the rest I’ve read about the place indicates something a bit more huddled and dark and slum-like 
- fun little detail: tf is reading his cards at the beginning: 
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and he’s already gathered them up and is ready to leave when lulu arrives like 30 seconds later haha. trickster boyyyy (if you pay attention to his face when he says “you got”  that is also VERY much an expression that says ‘honey we fucking tALKED ABOUT THIS already WHY do you never listen’ lol) 
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their matching movements here are so subtly amazing -- first tf extending his hat towards graves with the ‘I told you so’ smugness and then graves faintly copying the same gesture towards Giant Lulu like ‘you’re helping me out here, right???’. and for all that this is so completely a comedy short and it’s not all that deep... the feeling at first that tf left him there on his own like another sort of mini-betrayal, only for it to turn out he was actually focused on saving him the entire time, and he doesn’t even care about any of the rest? such a good little emotional through line for how a bunch of their relationship works these days while they’re building the trust back up, it’s kind of sweet (like I KNOW it’s absurd to get a bit emotional over it while graves is transformed into a little comedy critter for the duration, but that sense of him just like barelling towards safety and Home in tf and them walking off together? both hilarious and also I’m like :’) that’s Partnership babey)
-  when he’s getting up graves actually gets the serape tangled over his head and he needs to shove it off with his arm ffaskdhfsd
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- I know the actual reason is that riot cannot for the life of them decide how yordle lore actually works and also, again, it’s just a comedy short for the hijinks it doesn’t really matter, but I like to think that tf sees through the protective glamour yordles have around them either because he genuinely doesn’t mean them any harm or because of some card magic stuff, while graves sees through the glamour because he’s literally too dense and grouchy to see anything but what’s actually there haha. the magical equivalent of ‘that sign can’t stop me ‘cause I can’t read’ 
- nothing more to say here they just so dumb and pretty 
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(graves is so Lorge tho 👀)
- pls tell me these two get away from bilgewater before the ruined king unleashes his full babyrage, these are my emotional support idiot husbands don’t let anything bad happen to them
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loganscanons · 4 years
Summary: Tulio goes to Pops Diner. Just a very short thing to introduce a new character.
The lit-up sign of Pops Diner illuminated the rain-slicked pavement, a never-setting streaked sunset on a lake of soaked concrete outside the window. Tulio flopped into an old booth and scooched across the red vinyl upholstery toward the glass flecked with drops of rain. He ducked under the strap of his messenger bag and leaned it against the wall beneath the window, then pulled his laptop from the bag and placed it on the table. The latest ghost hunt had been a long one, and he had dozens of hours of footage to sift through. As he typed in his computer password, a waitress appeared beside him.
Over the past year, he’d become a regular at Pops. The otherworldly but not unpleasant atmosphere of the diner after midnight provided a nice ambiance for editing that Tulio couldn’t find anywhere else. At the diner he could experience an almost supernatural liminality that helped set the tone as he pieced together a video, along with the comforts of a friendly waitress and a coffee cup that never went empty.
He wasn’t surprised by the waitress that stood beside his booth. As far as he could tell, Virginia Tanner, or Gin as she liked to be called, was completely human, but he’d come to believe that she didn’t exist outside of Pops Diner. She was always here. Regardless the time of day or day of the week, Tulio could count on her to be there to take his order and tell him the latest gossip in her life.
“Well, Tulio, I thought maybe you’d forgot us! It’s been weeks since I seen ya. You been busy with the ghosties?” She tapped his shoulder lightly with her notepad, then gasped. “Oh, you would not believe this—one of my friends, the hairdresser, Bree, ya know? Ah’ve told ya about her, Ah’m sure. Well, she has this one client—you should see the size of the client’s house! They’re rich rich, ya know what I mean? What I wouldn’t do for that kind of money—I love working at Pops, of course, but I wouldn’ complain if I had more money linin’ mah pockets, now would I? Well, this client, they’ve been dealin’ with ghosts, hmm? What do you think of that? Bree was tellin’ me about it, an’ I told her, ‘Well, you would not believe this, but I happen to know a ghost hunter! Sweetest man ya ever did meet, and damn good at his job,’ I said. And she said her client is damn well at their wits end ‘bout the whole mess. Didn’ even believe in ghosts before this an’ now they’re ‘bout ready to shell out hundreds of dollars on some ghost hunter they found on the internet! An’ I told her that just ain’t necessary; I know a perfectly good ghost hunter who would do the job right. Well, she told me she would talk to them and that you might just have a job with them. How ‘bout that? What can I get ya, sugar? Ya workin’ on another of your videos? Ya gonna need a coffee?”
No matter how many times he talked to Virginia, or rather, was talked to, Tulio was never prepared for the verbal onslaught she would undoubtedly give. He blinked, processing everything she’d said, then smiled.
“Oh, thank you, Miss Virginia. That’s—that’s really kind of you,” he said. “A coffee would be nice.”
“Ah’ve told ya, sugar, ya can just call me Gin. Everyone else does. Ya know what ya want to eat? Or ya gonna need more time?”
“Uh, more time, please,” he said. His laptop was sitting on top of the menu. He lifted up his computer and pulled the menu toward him.
“Sure thing, baby,” she said. “I’ll be right back with yer coffee. Oh, an’ don’ let me forget, Ah’ll give ya Bree’s number, so she can get you in touch with her client.”
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steppenshe-wolf · 6 years
hey, can you do PoE for the characters/5 emotional categories sorting thing?
“The Prince of Egypt” has probably my favorite cast of all full-length animated movies I’ve seen. I don’t consider any its character bland or lame. I put most of them under #2( fan over) category, unless stated otherwise.
Moses - I love what a supportive and devoted brother to Rameses he was at the beginning, I feel like he was full of desire to help Rameses on his path of pharaoh. It’s not so common, many overally decent people( especially teenagers and yound adults) are more rivalrous of their siblings. Moses’ siblingly qualities remind be of charming Anna of Arendelle. His willingness take the responsibility for his and Rameses’ pranks is touching and shows that he has always been more selfless person than Rameses. Some say it was insensitive and unbrotherly of Moses to return the ring to Rameses but I don’t see why Moses is obligated to be sensitive and brotherly towards Rameses after Rameses did way more insensitive and unbrotherly thing: defended the man who nearly caused Moses’ death. I think Moses’ reacted much more peacefully than many other people( including Tzipporah, Aaron and myself) would. I love how Moses develops into a humbler man. Finally, he is very handsome and I really enjoy looking at him.
Rameses - he is my favorite character of entire movie. He is the biggest reason of many why PoE is a masterpiece. The original story of Moses is far from my favorite part of Bible, I always preferred Genesis over Exodus but I also prefer PoE over “Joseph: King of Dreams”( which I rate 8/10). It would be impossible to make me adore the adaptation of Exodus without giving dimensions to main characters. I think many people exaggerate Rameses’ love of Moses. We never see Rameses risking much for Moses, I don’t think using his power of pharaoh to save Moses from execution makes him exceptionally great brother. However, caring about others even only until it costs much is still not typical for villains from kids movies. Rameses’ character development is very well-written. He is such a realistic character. Also I love that Rameses has more stereotypically “good guy-ish” physical features than Moses and resembles a teddybear a bit, especially as a teenager.  The animators deserve special credit for it.
Miriam - her personality is so inspiring and enviable. She is incredibly courageous, bold, compassionate, protective and optimistic. Too bad I can’t say same of myself.
Aaron #3. Like - I didn’t expect to like him at all. At first glance he is too much like Tulio whom I can’t stand. But now I think Aaron is treated way too harshly both in-universe and meta. In my opinion he is the kindest of main male characters in this movie and the second kindest male after Jethro. He has never done nowhere near as jerkish as what Moses’ did to Tzipporah in the banquet scene, he has never been mean to innocents.  "Moses, how does it feel when you get struck to the ground?“ line is harsh but not injust. Of course, he should call Moses “a great leader”, despite Moses hurting Aaron’s beloved sibling( sarcasm). BTW, interesting if most likely unintentional parallel… I enjoyed how Aaron called Moses out on his self-centeredness, I don’t like when character don’t get any criticism in-universe. I’d classify Aaron as a borderline between #2 and #3. I believe that if Aaron was raised as a prince, he grew up more compassionate person than pre-exile Moses.
Tzipporah - another character who turned out much more enjoyable than I expected. I am not a fan of other love interests from 2D Dreamworks movies. My favorite moment with Tzipporah is when her facial expression changes after Moses’ ‘I’ve done nothing in my life worth honoring” line. Tzipporah appreciates humility and I think it’s very wise, as is her not rushing to fall in love with a man, despite knowing that this man is capable of decency. This is actually the answer what prevents me from loving princess Mei( “Mulan II”) who is overally quite similiar character. Tzipporah is so far from materialistic and superificial that in order to escape the life as handsome and rich prince’s concubine she is willing to risk her life. Tzipporah and Moses is my favorite 2D Dreamworks romantic couple.
Seti - Seti shows how hard-working creators really were. Seti is suprisingly complex for a character with such small screentime. I was touched by how he loves Moses as his biological son. Note that I have high expectations on people, I feel zero sympathy for villains many people do( Cersei and Tywin Lannister and Ellaria Sand, for example), seeing good about people is not my strength. Dreamworks managing me to feel sympathy for villain is just a miracle. Unlike many villains from kids movies, Seti is  uncapable of kindness when it costs him something( especially power) rather than uncapable of kindness at all. It’s very realistic and an important thing to know for children.
Tuya - she is adorable! I admire and envy her compassion, gentleness and generosity. I was impressed by how she immediately fall in love with Moses and was very decisive to adopt him and later she remained loving him whole entire life as much as she loved Rameses. I love how she, unlike entire crowd, was repulsed by Moses’ treatment of Tzipporah, a foreign slave, a sub-human by standards of her society. I also consider Tuya the most beautiful female in the movie. There is something feline about both her looks and demeanor. I associate her with a domestic cat who provide a cozy atmosphere at her beloved home. Such a charming character!
Jethro - so warm-hearted, charming, charismatic, caring, supportive, spiritual and wise! His song is so powerful and touching, always gives me chills. Only a innerly gorgeous person can speak like that. He is so much more than a nice guy. Jethro is very inspirational and I wish I had more things in common with him.
Hotep and Huy - they are funny and sinister at the same time and I love their musical number. They are partially the reason I prefer PoE over “Hunchback of Notre Dame”, I didn’t enjoy comedical part in latter at all. I love the scene at the beginning of “Plagues” when those two are eating and drinking and looking so carefree and then the food gets destroyed by bugs. There is something peculairly beautiful about this scene. Every movie about oppression needs characters like Hotep and Huy: priveleged, hedonistic jerks. And the way Hotep says, “By the power of Ra!” is just adorable.
Yocheved #4. Meh - what I’ll say may sound cold-hearted and cynical but love of one’s biological children sometimes can’t prevent me from loathing a character, let alone to put it into this category. It seems like Yocheved was overally a nice woman and had a good influence on Aaron and Miriam but we saw too little of her. Tuya and Rachel from “Joseph: King of Dreams” ( especially the former) left a stronger impression on me. I wasn’t excited with her famous lullaby as much as most of people were, I love “Through Heaven’s Eyes” more. However, Yocheved deserves a credit for courage( it takes a lot of courage to act so rational and reasonable in the face of the biggest threat possible) and she reminds me of Mulan because of said type of courage and her resourcefulness so my feelings to Yocheved borderline #3( like).
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callunavulgari · 7 years
Scrapbook for the third part of 2017, because tumblr doesn’t like it when you have a million links on one post hates me. Though I guess I have been paying a lot more attention to the music parts of these, so sigh.
Once more unto the breach!
Italicized titles = enjoyed muchly, bold titles = love, titles with an asterisk* = OBSESSION and titles in (brackets) are re-watches/re-reads. And lastly, strikethough = DISLIKE.
Goals are: read thirty-five new books this year (hah! still behind!), finish four video games (done? i think?), finish writing and publish the Sabriel AU (hah. hah.), and write something original (yeah, not doing so great on the goals here).
Ghost In The Shell
(Dead Poet’s Society)
(The Secret Garden)
(Free Willy)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Me Before You
No Reservations
Thor Ragnarok
(V For Vendetta)
A Flying Jatt
Justice League
(Beauty and the Beast)
Garden of Words
(Howl’s Moving Castle)
Star Wars The Last Jedi
The Shape of the Water
Call Me By Your Name
Less | Andrew Sean Greer [Fin]
Authority | Jeff Vandermeer [Fin]
The Secret History | Donna Tartt [Fin]
Acceptance | Jeff Vandermeer [Fin]
Dark Matter | Blake Crouch [Fin]
Unbound | Victoria Schwab [Fin]
Slaughterhouse Five | Kurt Vonnegut
Our Dark Duet | Victoria Schwab
Wool | Hugh Howey [Fin]
Proper Gauge | Hugh Howey [Fin]
Casting Off | Hugh Howey [Fin]
Sleeping Giants | Sylvain Nouvel [Fin]
Waking Gods | Sylvain Nouvel [Fin]
The Unraveling | Hugh Howey
The Unraveling | Hugh Howey [Fin]
Ruin and Rising | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
1984 | George Orwell [Fin]
The Stranded | Hugh Howey [Fin]
Trigger Warning | Neil Gaiman [Fin]
The Crooked Kingdom | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Station Eleven | Emily St. John Mandel [Fin]
All The Crooked Saints | Maggie Stiefvater
Before The Fall | Noah Hawley [Fin]
Artemis | Andy Weir [Fin]
A Natural History of Dragons | Marie Brennan [Fin]
All The Crooked Saints | Maggie Stiefvater [Fin]
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet | Becky Chambers [Fin]
Our Dark Duet | Victoria Schwab [Fin]
Spunk & Bite | Arthur Plotnik [Fin]
A Tale For The Time Being | Ruth Ozeki
Call Me By Your Name |  André Aciman
La Belle Sauvage | Phillip Pullman
The Adventure Zone Episode 1
EOS 10 Season 1 Eps 6-9, Season 2 Full
Tanis Episode 1
EOS 10 Christmas Special
King Falls AM Eps 1-3
Wolf 359 Eps 1-3
Hunter x Hunter
(Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Grace and Frankie
The Strain
American Horror Story
RWBY s1-s4
Your Lie In April
Mob Psycho 100
Dark Matter s3
Voltron s4
American Horror Story
The Flash
The Good Place s1
Stranger Things 2*
Hunter X Hunter
The Gifted
The Flash
(Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Tiger and Bunny s1
Haikyuu s1
The Punisher
The Flash
Hunter X Hunter
Legends of Tomorrow
Little Witch Academia
Ancient Magus Bride
Pokemon Moon
Persona 5 (120 hrs, FIN)
Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall (4 hrs?)
Witcher 3 (Lots of hours)
Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall (5 hrs, FIN)
Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches (4 hrs, FIN)
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (12 hrs, FIN)
Pokemon Moon (More hours than before)
Metal Gear Solid V
Witcher 3 (So many fucking hours) 
Pokemon Moon (More hours than before)
(Final Fantasy XV)
Witcher 3 (So many fucking hours) 
Animal Crossing
ABZU (2 hrs, FIN)
Prey (18 hrs)
Mating Patterns of the Wild Mustang by @tierfal (FMA; Royed; 3k;  In which Colonel Mustang gives a practical demonstration, and everyone gets a bit more than they bargained for.)
Getting Off Easy by @tierfal (FMA; Royed; 7k;  Ed happens upon the unsettling revelation that Mustang is desirable, and Roy happens upon the implacable revelation that Edward is off-limits. A story in two halves.)
The Relative Merits of Wanting and Getting by cupidsbow (SGA; Mcshep; 6k;  An accident with an Ancient device changes Rodney's course.)
Water Your Dreams by amireal, Ladycat (SGA; Mcshep; 13k;  "It didn't occur to me until later that you actually meant a boat.")
Happily Ever After (the Pegasus remix) by cupidsbow (SGA; Mcshep; 4k;  One (glass slipper) alien device. One (romantic quest) typical Atlantis lab accident. One revelation of (true love) something far more ironic.)
(P O I S O N by goddamnhella (Inuyasha; Inuyasha/Sesshomaru; 160k;  The adventure is over: the heroes have all gone home. But one story was never told, one that began when two brothers swore their feud would never end. But the battle against Sou'unga may have changed everything.))
Theft of a Thief by FortunesRevolver (P5; Yusuke/Akira; 5k; “Yes,” Akira hissed, a hand coming up to cover Ann’s mouth before she could go any further. “I really like artistic… coffee.”)
By Any Other Name by astolat (Witcher 3; Emhyr/Geralt; 25k;  Vesemir wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve any of this.)
talk with your fingertips by citadelofswords (EOS10; Ryan/Akmazian; 1k;  The thing is, when you’re an interplanetary terrorist on the run from most of the Alliance, people tend to not want to do more than grab a drink with you. It sucks, not being hugged in over ten years, but Akmazian deals with it.
The Course of Honour by Avoliot (Original; M/M; 117k;  When Jainan arrived on Iskat to represent his home planet in a diplomatic marriage to Imperial Prince Taam, he was naïve enough to hope the match would work. Taam knew better. Five years later, his confidence shattered, Jainan is released when Taam dies in an accident, only to be faced with another marriage to help salvage his treaty. Jainan understands how the real world works now; but Prince Kiem - the cheerful, scandal-prone darling of the Iskat celebrity magazines - keeps breaking all the rules he's learned.)
Fifteen Men in September by ballantine (Black Sails; Flint/Silver; 34k;  Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest, Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!)
Break the Lock by Ruby_Wednesday (Captive Prince; Damen/Laurent; 25k; It should have been simple – the hold-up, heist, armed robbery, whatever you want to call it. Damen called it working for the family business. He was ready to storm into the casino and take a chunk of cash back from the Veretians. They'd taken enough from his side.He was ready, waiting, and then someone else arrived into the alleyway with bright blue eyes the only things visible through the black mask. After that, it wasn't simple.)
(Men Who Had Mothers by zeitgeistic (Harry Potter; Drarry; 11k;  This is what happens when you spend all of your time trying to save the world and never bother to see what you're saving. Inspired by vegans, philosophy, mothers, docks, and hopes and dreams.))
Leviathan by manic_intent (Dishonored; Corvo/Daud/Outsider; 32k;  In the end, Corvo has no one to blame but himself. He, after all, had been the first to spare Daud after besting the assassin in a duel.)
Patience on a Monument by betts (GoT; Jaime/Brienne; 21k;  Having a Jaime in your life means living in a soap opera, except you can’t DVR it to watch later, and the main character sometimes ends up in your guest bedroom for an undisclosed period of time because he has a woefully codependent relationship with his sister.)
Single Use Weapon by Fahye (Kings; Jack/David; 67k; "The king is dead," says Samuels. "Long live the king.")
Confidence Artists by Fahye (The Road to El Dorado; Miguel/Tulio/Chel; 10k; The grey light of Spain carries their history with it, and it's gleaming through the cracks.)
The Rite Stuff by @tierfal (FMA; RoyEd; 23k; All magic is blood magic. And all vampires are bastards, although in that case, Ed's working from a sample size of one.)
ebb and flow to multiply by lehtonen (Stranger Things; Jonathan/Nancy/Steve; 11k;  And so it went: the monster was defeated, Will Byers was returned to his family, Steve got the girl, and life in Hawkins picked itself up, dusted itself off, and carried on much the same as it had before, with scarce as much as a backwards glance.)
Athelas by astolat (Thor; Thor/Loki; 20k;  There was a sharp and bitter edge crept into the words, a reminder that not all was well: that Thor still had a brother, but not a friend.)
(Shatter by Aria (Thor; Thor/Loki; 30k;  "Loki," Odin says, heavy with disappointment and regret for all he has to raise his voice, "Odinson. I cast you out."))
Colours in Your Eyes by Batsutousai (FMA; Royed; 23k;  Everyone is born with the ability to only see the colour of their soulmate's eyes. Only upon touching their soulmate, can people see the rest of the world's colours. Edward Elric will do whatever it takes to get his brother's body back and ensure he can have his happily ever after with his soulmate, even if it means never finding his own soulmate.)
A Second Chance at First Impressions by Cobrilee (TW; Sterek; 7k;  Derek grew up with the world's most embarrassing soulmark, which is honestly not the best first impression his soulmate could make. Then he meets the guy, and all of a sudden the soulmark doesn't matter quite so much after all.)
Think Once, Think Twice by Fahye (Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Amy/Jake; 47k;  "First one to cry annulment covers the other's weekends for six months," Jake says instantly.)
Judas by PepperPrints (The Punisher; Billy/Frank; 6k; What Billy wants, here and now… he wants Frank, with his big hands shuffling cards, his deep voice naming stars, his heavy body keeping Billy upright.)
Inclement Weather by jadepresley (HP; Drarry; 24k;  Draco is the best Unspeakable the Ministry have; his skill in magical control makes him the perfect person to help a struggling Harry Potter learn to contain his wild magic.)
through and through with fire by notbecauseofvictories (Thor; Gen; 4k;  It takes the combined strength of Thor, Loki, and Valkyrie to drag Hela onto the Grandmaster’s ship, though Loki gets a split lip for his trouble and Hela’s nails leave deep gouges in the leather of Thor’s vambraces.)
Within Monsters by AnonymousMink (Star Wars; Reylo; 132k; This is the last place she ever thought she’d end up.When work dries up on Jakku, a desperate Rey enlists with Galactech-- a tech company who will hire anyone with the right skills, and work for anyone for the right price.
Tap That by @tierfal (FMA; Royed; 200k; This whole college gig would be hard even enough without Winry being the best wingwoman Ed never wanted… and without the blog. Definitely without the blog.)  
Believer || Multifandom
(GoT) Jon and Daenerys || Ice and Fire
Ugly Story | Unfinished Homestuck
Game Of Thrones | Together (w/Zurik 23M)
RWBY - Glitter and Gold
Marvel ◆ I'm So Sorry (Imagine Dragons)
RWBY AMV - I Can Make Your Hands Clap
Cant Hold Us RWBY AMV
RWBY AMV| THUNDER by Imagine Dragons
Big Hero 6 | hills to climb
Apocalyptic Multifandom || SOLDIER (collab w/ djcprod) 
Dark Matter Tribute (Season 1-3) - Our Universe Was Brought To Life
Dark Matter || i could do it without you
Dark Matter || Hello stranger
Will Byers || You're home now
MARVEL || Stay Alive
race against time [multifandom] 
Justice League || Heroes will rise 
■ draco || i'll be good | Ana
► The only one | Jonathan and Nancy
► The best of steve harrington (S2) REUPLOADED
►Stranger Things | Stay Alive
stranger things | battle royale
young and menace [Bungou Stray Dogs] *HBD Pteryx*
not today [yuri on ice]
Steve Harrington || Feel it still 
Stranger Things || Sweet Dreams
Loki Laufeyson ♚ Look What You Made Me Do
Thor & Loki | Kings
Thor // Thunder
kingsman || brains/skills
(GoT) Jaime Lannister | Oathkeeper
(GoT) Jaime Lannister | Burn Them All
Frank Castle & Billy Russo // ♫Way Down We Go (Logan trailer version)♫
Ben (Kylo) & Rey // Somebody To Die For (tlj spoilers)
Kylo & Rey II Wide Eyed {The Last Jedi}
Multifandom Mashup 2017
Doctor, I Let You Go
Twelfth Doctor | I let you go
Breathe In - Frou Frou
Cirque Dans La Rue - Plain White T’s
I Hate This Part - The Pussycat Dolls
Evey Reborn - Dario Marianelli
Aphex Twin - Avril 14th (Arr. By Christian Badzura)
Low Roar - Bones
dné - Asos Model Crush
Apashe - Battle Royale (Feat. Panther)
The Howl & The Hum - Godmanchester Chinese Bridge (Radio Edit)
Scene 1: Valse - Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater
Hard Times - Paramore
Perfect Places - Lorde
My Name Is Human - Highly Suspect
The Man - The Killers
In A Summer Garden - Bournemouth Orchestra
Strip That Down - Liam Payne
Use Me - Goo Goo Dolls
Bounce - Fatty Koo
Heavy (Averous Remix) - Linkin Park
Can I Be Him - James Arthur
Broken Glass - Rachel Platten
Sugar - Karmin
Red Like Roses Pt II - Jeff and Casey Lee Williams
I May Fall - Jeff and Casey Lee Williams
Time To Say Goodye - Jeff and Casey Lee Williams
Dear God - XTC
The Evergreen - Mree
Home - Aurora
There’s A Ghost - Fleurie
Is This Love - Governors 
It Came To Me - The Barr Brothers
Pure Feeling - Florence & the Machine
Ori and the Blind Forest Soundtrack
Journey Soundtrack
ABZU Soundtrack
Milkshake - Buddy
how to be eaten by a woman (Star Wars; Reylo; 1,350 words; “So why don’t you do it?” he asks, breathless. His chest is heaving, his mouth open, gasping for breath.“Do what?” Rey asks, and thinks about biting his mouth.The corners of his lips tick upwards. Kylo squints at her, half-smiling. “That.”)
move the stars for no one (SGA/Labyrinth; Mcshep; 3,049 words; “You have no power over me,” Rodney whispers, just to see the way that the Goblin King’s eyes narrow - how he steps closer, until his narrow hips are pressed up against the footboard. He slouches in towards Rodney, sways toward him, his clever eyes hooded, and smiles like he’s won something. Asks, “You sure about that?”)
is this love? (SW; Reylo; 4,013 words; “It’s okay,” her brother tells her on their wedding night, lowering himself to sit on the floor beside her, until his nose is level with her shaking knees. When he smiles, he looks like a monster. “You don’t have to love me.”Then he goes to sleep on the couch, taking only a threadbare pillow from their marriage bed.)
rise again (SGA/SW/Dishonored, Rey, Emily, and John Sheppard, 952 words, “You’re Emily Kaldwin.” A pause. “You are, aren’t you?” Emily blows out a loud sigh, giving him an annoyed look, as if he’s to blame for the fact that she’s the most recognizable face in all the Isles. “Might be.” “Huh,” the girl says, and takes a seat right there on the floor. “I’m Rey.”)
i hope you’ll be happy, miss tara joan (SGA, Rodney/John, original child character, 360 words, They turn off John’s life support on a Thursday.)
blue lips, blue veins (Voltron, Keith & Allura, 655 words, “I am not,” he says stubbornly, “kissing you awake.”)
jewel of the south (Dishonored/Star Wars, Corvo & Rey, 686 words, The girl watches him warily, hunkered down in a nest of blankets in the corner. She’s a squatter, that much is obvious from her thin, patched clothing and the general disrepair of the apartment that Corvo’s found himself in. He blinks around, eyes lighting on a sofa, a desk, a couple rat-gnawed shoes.“You’re bleeding all over my floor,” she says flatly, her eyes heavy on him. “I’m bleeding all over your balcony,” he corrects, and wavers hard enough that his other leg gives out from under him. “And I’m mostly sure that it isn’t yours.”)
when the autumn moon is bright (SGA; Mcshep; 2,881 words;  There weren’t, strictly speaking, supposed to be wolves in Atlantis.)
hard and heavy, dirty and mean (Stranger Things; Steve/Billy; 2,846 words;  “Remember,” he whispers in Steve’s ear, his breath hot. “You wanted this.”)
I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus (SGA; Mcshep; 3,855 words; Rodney can’t see much about the man inside of the Santa costume from where he’s standing, the wig and beard hides what the suit doesn’t, but there’s something in his mannerisms that makes Rodney feel a spark of familiarity. He swallows and is still trying to puzzle it out when the Santa finishes with the little girl and turns their way.John Sheppard looks back out at Rodney from behind a fuzzy white Santa beard, his eyes widening almost imperceptibly as they shift from Rodney to Charlie and then back again.Jesus - fucking - Christ.)
The Yawning Grave (Star Wars; Gen; 2,489 words; WIP; does the skywalker choose the path, or the path the skywalker?)
empty churches: a mix for gay witches, basically
2017: heather’s top hits of 2017.
the spaces in between: a reylo mix for light, darkness, and all the spaces in between
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firewarrior117 · 8 years
The Witch and the Tambourine, Part 1
It sure has been awhile. I thinks it about time I get another story out there for you guys!
I’ll finish up unfulfilled contract when I have the chance, but for now, I’m going to start on a new one while I still got the idea in my head.
Fiona has had quite a few families as she’s gown up these past 14 years of her life. From an Orphanage that was burnt to the ground by White Reef militia, to an Aristocratic mage who used her as a test subject, to a family of Slavers who threatened to kill her if she didn’t bend to there will. However...There was one family, that actually felt like a family to her.
I’m not talking about the Infernus clan and Aki’s friends. This was a band of wanderers...who’s only desires were to sing, dance, and bring smiles upon the faces of the people of Vitaria. a band of caravaneers who were like no other troupe that performed across the lands. A troupe Fiona still holds dear to her heart to this day...
(Centurion’s Tower, Fiona’s room)
Vayle: *Comes into the room with a cardboard box* And you’re certain you’re okay with this, Fiona? I don’t want to donate something you might want to read later...
Fiona: *nods!* Don’t worry, lady Vayle! Mr. Bellator has doubles of a lot of these books in the tower library already! I’m sure there’s a lot of people in Vitaria who need these books more than I do.
Vayle: Heh...The Tower Library...Sounds like a room Akimoto should spend more time in...
Akimoto: Ah, shut up! *Places more boxes down* I’ve spent more than enough time in that room back in high school!
Vayle: Graduation shouldn’t stop you from furthering your education, Akimoto...Perhaps we should donate some of these books to YOU!
Akimoto: Sounds great! I’ll use em as kindling when Summer rolls around...*Picks up a book of beasts vol. 4* Anything like this you don’t want, Fiona?
Fiona: Yes, the book of beasts volumes can go! I’ve read all 10 volumes already!
Akimoto: Alright! *Places various random books and biographies within the box* How about spell books? Are those allowed to be donated?
Vayle: So long as they don’t fall into the wrong hands, they shouldn’t be a problem. 
Fiona: Oh! yeah! *point* The ones on that shelf are okay to go! I got all the important ones on the shelf by my bed!
Akimoto: Got it! *!* Huh...what the hell? *Picks up a tambourine that was stacked upon a small pile on top of the shelf, it makes a small jingle as Aki picks it up!*
Fiona: *Her eyes widen, turning to Akimoto in panic*...
Vayle: ...Oh? Is that a Tambourine?
Akimoto: Yeah. *Shakes it slightly as it jingles away* looks like something the Caravaneers play when they perfo-
Fiona: DON’T TOUCH THAT!! *Snatches it away, hugging it tightly*
*Aki and Vayle both stare at her in shock of her reaction!*
Fiona: ...*Blink* I...*Ahem!* S-sorry about that...Please don’t touch this Tambourine, it’s...It’s very important to me!
Vayle: It certainly must be, given your reaction. If I may ask, Where did you get it from?
Fiona: It’s a memento...Something to remember my old family by...A Family...Who loved me for who I was...Not for What I-...*Looks at her shackles*...Well...You know...
Akimoto: The Caravaneers, right?
Fiona: Mmhmm! They were the nicest, most joyful, upbeat, happy people I’ve ever met. They took me into there troupe with open arms! They didn’t care who I was, what I’ve done, or what power I had within! They welcomed me as one of them...They showed me so much love and joy. And they spread that joy to all of Vitaria through song and dance! *Jingles the Tambourine!* Through Rhythm, Dance, magic and talent, they always knew how to make others smile!
*Unintentionally Strikes a Caravaneer pose with a twirl and a smile as the Tambourine Jingles loudly!*
Vayle: Ahaha! *Claps!* seems some of that Rhythm rubbed off on you!
Akimoto: Heh...You might just give Krystal a run for her money with moves like that!
Fiona:...*Blink!*...O-oh! *Blushes!* Whoops! Force of habit! Ehehehehe! *Places the Tambourine in her Satchel* Well, that should about do it for the books! Where are we taking them?
Vayle: We’ll be dropping them off at the chapel in Speranza! That’s where the other nobles are collecting books as well.
Akimoto: Feh...just be careful they don’t force there preaching down your throat!
Vayle: *Raises Eyebrow at Akimoto* Not a fan of the Way of the lord, are we?
Akimoto: My family isn’t exactly on good terms with human gods...
Fiona: Still! We should at least do our part to help with there donations! There’s bound to be a lot of people who’d get better knowledge from these books then me!
(Speranza, Capital city)
Vayle: The chapel is in the noble district. We simply need to hand these books off to the guards assisting them, and they’ll handle the rest!
Akimoto: *Holding up the boxes, struggling due to there weight* grrr...hnng...Sheesh! How many books did you put in these boxes?
Vayle: Just a few fantasy novels and old Grimoires I didn’t require anymore!
Akimoto: It Feels like you put a whole shelf in these boxes! Hrrrk! *Lifts them up, keeping his balance!*
Vayle: Well, combined with Fiona’s Shelves and those Shelves of dusty old novels we found in the tower’s many abandoned rooms, I’d say it’s about the same amount you’d fill a shelf with! Wouldn’t you agree, Fiona...?*Blink*....*Looks around!* Fiona...?
Akimoto: *Blink* Oh great. Where’d she wander off to?
*The sounds of Jingling, Flutes, drums and other instruments suddenly fill the streets as cheering echoes with the music!*
Vayle: *Raises Eyebrow* What is that noise? Is there a Festival going on?
Akimoto: *points!* It’s coming from over there!
*Akimoto points to a brightly lit caravan of Drow performing for the people of Speranza as Villagers, Nobles, Guards, and Merchants cheer them on with delight!*
Vayle: Ah! There’s a troupe of Caravaneers in town! How lovely!
Akimoto: ...*!* Ah! There’s Fiona!
*Fiona stares with stars in her eyes as the Caravaneers perform!*
Fiona: Wow...
*The musician plays Songs of joy, bringing a soothing, mesmerizing tone to the ears of Speranza. two Male performers show off there juggling and sword techniques as they jump and swing away at the air with there Scimitars. The Females dance to the rhythm clad in long, colorful flowing skirts as they twirl and twist there bodies to the music, striking poses and winks to the audience!*
Fiona: Ehehehehe! *Claps! Almost dancing to the rhythm herself!* It’s so mesmerizing! So Nostalgic! *Suddenly, her laughing and clapping turn to joy as she too begins dancing to the rhythm of the caravaneers, attracting the attention of the audience!*
Vayle: *!* Oh my!
Akimoto: Wow...How the heck did she pick that up so fast?
Head Caravaneer: *!!!!* *Stares at Fiona in astonishment, his expression of shock turning into a large smile, impressed with her movements!*
*The other Caravaneers gaze in awe, clapping for her as the audience cheers her on!*
Fiona: *finishes her dance with several twirls, striking a pose, smiling as she stops exactly to the end of the music!*
Vayle: ...*Blink!*...Goodness...
Akimoto: Hehehe...I’ll be dammed! *Claps for her!*
*The Audience cheers and whistles, praising Fiona for her movements!*
Fiona:...Huh? O-OH! *Blushes!* Ehehehehe...T-Thank you! *Bowing courteously to the citizens cheering for her!* Thank you...Hehe...
Head Caravaneer: BRAVO! BRAVO! *Jumps down to her! Clapping intensely!* ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL, LASS! I haven’t seen anyone move like that in ages! You’re a Natural!
Fiona: I-it’s nothing! I didn’t mean to try and steel the show! the Rhythm just echoed in my head, and suddenly my body started to move to the music!
Vayle: Fiona, That was Beautiful! Absolutely Mesmerizing!
Akimoto: It Sure as hell gave the other performers a run for there money!
Head Caravaneer: Ha! I’d say! You’ve got a talent for performing, Lass! You could go far with skill such as that!
Fiona: R-Really? *Her face flushed red* T-thank you! That’s very kind of you to say, Sir...
Tulio: Ah! But where are my manners? *Bows to her!* I am called Tulio, if it pleases you! Wandering entertainer! Proud Father! Loving Husband! Leader of the Luminous Stars Caravan Troupe!
Fiona: My name is Fiona! It’s a pleasure to meet you! *Bows her head*
Tulio: Charmed, my dear! And what of your friends?
Vayle: Lady Vayle! Speranza Noble! *Curtsies to Tulio!*
Tulio: Aha! Yes! The creator of that “Soul Whisperer” Style my daughters love so much! *Returns the gesture!* Tis an honor, my lady!
Akimoto: Akimoto Infernus. I’m a Freelance Swordsman.
Tulio: A warrior of the Infernus clan, yeah? Most impressive! Well met, sir knight!
Akimoto: Woah! Woah! hold on there! I ain’t a knight, pal! I’m the exact opposite of a knight!
Vayle: It’s true. There isn’t an ounce of Chivalry in his bones...
Tulio: Ahaha! Never the less, it is a pleasure to meet you all.
Fiona: So, what brings your caravan here to Speranza, Tulio?
Tulio: We are entertainers, lass! It is as you saw! We’re here on a mission we share with all our Caravan Brothers and Sisters! To spread joy and happiness to all the people of Vitaria! And my family, my cousins, and I are here to do just that! *Gestures to them!* My son Valmiro and my Nephew Kaseem are our Sword Jugglers, they also duel with fire and martial arts!
*The boys pose with there blades, showing off to the others!*
Vayle: Ooooh! My, my! Those are some impressive muscles they have...~
Akimoto: *Rolls Eyes at Vayle*
Tulio: my Daughters Sarisa and Fareeha are our star dancers! There movements and styles are sure to catch anyone’s eye!
*The Two girls strike a pose, raising there skirts with one hand and there tambourines held to the sky with the other as they smile and wink to them, specifically Akimoto...*
Akimoto: *Blushes, turning his head away from them!* Grrrr...
Tulio: My Brother Miguel, His Wife Corina, and her brother Gerardo are our musicians! none of our shows would be entrancing without them!
*Miguel makes an intense face at them, playing his guitar hilariously as his wife laughs!*
Tulio: My Mother, Hilde, is our cook, as well as our alchemist and woodcutter!
Hilde: Heh...I may be old, but I still got plenty of strength in me! Hahahaha!
Akimoto: *Blink!* Good God, She’s like Gramps and Gran if they fused together...
Fiona: Wow! You have quite the family...
Tulio: And then there is my Beautiful wife, Rosalita! *Kisses his wife as she sits on the caravan!* She is our star dancer! She is the one who leads our daughters usually! Ah...But alas, during a performance at a little town in Despoire, she suffered a leg injury, and the doctors say she will need to wait a couple weeks before dancing again...As a result, while I feel our shows have been doing well...They lack a certain charm they usually possess! A fire that truly ignites the entire performance...
Fiona: Oh no! I’m so sorry to here that...
Tulio: However...That is before I saw YOU, lass! *cups her hands with a smile!* Never have I seen such passion and beauty in one’s movements! Your elegance almost rivaled that of an old friend of mine from long ago!
Fiona: ...Really?
Tulio: TRULY! You’re a natural with Rhythm, Fiona! Your passion! Your heart! Your grace! It ignites inspiration within my soul! And as such, I must ask you...Would you be willing to travel with us?
Fiona: *!!!* H-HUH?!
Vayle: Travel with you?
Tulio: Not for long, of course! I only ask until my wife’s injury recovers! We would truly be honored to have you dance with us, lass! You’ll consider it, yeah?
Fiona: I...I don’t know...*reaches into her satchel, pulling out her Tambourine*...hmmmm....
Vayle: I think you should do it, Fiona!
Tulio:  Your friends are more then welcome to come with us as well, if you’d li-...*looks down at the Tambourine...His eyes suddenly widening in shock as he stairs at it silently*
Fiona: You think so?
Akimoto: You clearly got the Rhythm for it! Why not?
Fiona: It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m just not sure...
Tulio: U-um...Fiona...M-might I see that Tambourine for a moment?
Fiona: *!* U-um...Okay! *Hesitates, but then slowly holds it out to him* please be gentle with it...
*Tulio grasps it gently, examining it closely and observing the craftsmanship...he then turns his focus to the familiar marking on the tambourine...His eyes widening with intensity!*
Tulio: This...This is the marking of the White Sparrows! T-that was my Friend’s troupe! B-But...No, this is impossible! She was killed by a Manticore years ago! H-How did you get this?!
Fiona: Well...I...*Sigh*...I have it...because I was there when it happened...
Tulio: ...What do you mean...?
Fiona: I was just a little girl when it happened...I had nowhere else to turn...An orphan wandering lost, hungry, confused...But then I met Madam Esmeralda...She took me into the troupe when I had nowhere else to go...She treated me as part of her family! They cared for me! They kept me safe! They cherished me...And then...The Manticore attacked...It ravaged the caravan...Killed them all *a Tear rolls down her face*...It ate her alive! And I...I...*Fists clenched*...I was the only one left...I was scared...Frightened...Alone...There was nothing I could do...So I had little choice but to keep moving...I kept Esmeralda’s Tambourine with me ever since...That’s why I have it!
Arcana: (Oh, Come on! You didn’t even tell him the GOOD part!)
Tulio: You were there when it happened...? Y-you...You were with the white sparrows...? Then...That means....*Whipes away his tears, his sadness turning to joy!* Then that mean they are not all lost! They live on with YOU! THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING! *Hugs Fiona!* Your Dance! Your movements! Joyous Day! The White Sparrows live on! Hahahahaaaa! *Hands on Fiona’s Shoulders!* We would MORE than be honored to have you perform with us, Little Sister!
Fiona: *!* *Her eyes widen with a look of sorrow!* L...Little...Sister?!
Tulio: You were with the Sparrows! You were there FAMILY! You are a Little sister of them! Of ALL Caravaneers! *Smiles, gripping Fiona’s Shoulders!* Please, Lass! We would love to have you perform with us!
Fiona: *her eyes shaking with comfort, sparkling as she wipes away her tears and gives him a huge smile!* YES! I accept! I would love to travel with you guys!
Vayle: *Smiles* I was hoping she’d say that.
Akimoto: *Smiling as well, looking at Fiona with an expression of comfort as he nods in agreement!*
Tulio: HAHAHA! Thank you! Thank you! It will be an honor to perform with you, Little Sister! *turns to Akimoto and Vayle* And you two are more than welcome to come with us as well! Any Friends of hers are friends to us!
Vayle: I would be honored to travel with you all!
Akimoto: *Raises eyebrow!* Depends...Are you gonna pay me as an Escort?
Vayle: *glare* Akimoto!
Akimoto: I’m a mercenary, Vayle! what do you want from me?!
Tulio: Ahaha! Rest assured, Friend! There will be plenty of Adventure and reward waiting to be found on our journeys! Now Come! let us prepare ourselves for the Journey ahead! And the performances that await to be given!
Fiona: I can’t wait! I’m more than ready for when the next performance will be!
Akimoto: *Stops, starring back at the Boxes of Books*...hmmmm...*Shrugs, Pushing them into an Alleyway near the Caravan, then finally rushing toward them to catch up!*
To be Continued in Part 2!
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firewarrior117 · 7 years
The Witch and the Tambourine, Part 4
Part 4 of the Caravaneer’s journey across Vitaria. There travels have taken them to the lands of Despoire, where Fiona, Vayle, and Akimoto are known to be quite infamous amongst the supporters of the Republic’s Severus Braxton. They continue there performances with the Luminous Stars Caravan troupe, unaware of the dangers that might shortly follow them.
(Castle Dragon-claw, Severus’s quarters)
Severus: *Drinking Tea* Hm...This day has been quite relaxing. Not a stressful moment in the kingdom this day...
Wyrmkin maid: More tea, M’lord?
Severus: Yes! poor it in! *Smirks as the maid poors the tea in his cup* Aaaaah...Hm...A decent cup...though it could be better...
*The Guards from the red market come charging into the room!*
Republic Soldier: LORD SEVERUS!!! *Pant*...*Pant*...Lor-...Lord Severus!
Severus: Uuugh! Dammit! What have I told you fools about bothering me? Can’t you see I am busy?!
Republic Soldier2: *Pant*...*Pant*...*Phew!*...*Despoire Salute!*...Lord Severus! Akimoto Infernus and two of his companions have been sighted in the Red market!
Severus: *!* Akimoto Infernus?! Uuugh...So much for a relaxing day...That fool has some nerve traveling into our borders! What was he doing? Who were the companions?
Republic Soldier: It was the Seeress and the White Witch, my lord! They were traveling with a band of Caravaneers last we saw...
Republic Soldier2: They just left the Red market and are currently heading down to the path near the capital!
Severus: Near the Capital?! Caravaneers aren’t allowed in the capital! Why in blazes would they be heading here?
Republic Soldier: M-Maybe they’re spies, my lord! trying to sneak in and raise a rebellion of some kind!
Severus: Don’t be ridiculous! As if a bunch of skirt twirling, tambourine playing Myrmidons would be spies for the Empire...They’d sooner sing around a fire and dance under the full moon than sneak in and cause an uprising...
*Severus takes a sip of his Tea, thinking for a moment...*
Severus: ...Then again...The Infernus clan is traveling with them...If they WERE to try and storm the gate, that DEMON would no doubt cut down our soldiers in one strike...Hmmmm...Maybe we should deal with them while we can...
Republic Soldier2: *Salute!* What are your orders, My Lord?
Severus: We will have our scouts watch for where they camp tonight...Then, when they are all settled, dancing around there little bonfire and singing merry little songs...I’ll unleash my new...Pet...to deal with them! Hmhmhmhmhm...
Republic Soldier: *!* M...My lord...Y-you don’t mean...?
Severus: Yes! THAT ONE!
Republic Soldier2: ...*Gulp!*...A...A-as you command, my lord...
Severus: Hmhmhahahaha...I want see its carnage for myself when it happens...You’d best prepare yourself, Infernus! No song or dance will save from this creature’s fury...*Sips tea menacingly*...Hmhmhmhmhahahahahaaaa...
*A performance by the luminous stars occurs within a town near the capital, the sisters singing a humorous song with Fiona Providing a dance routine along with it*
Sarisa: The knight did raise his blade the sky~! Casting it down into Ogma’s eye~! 
Fareeha: And thus Ogma the pie thief’s rain was no moooore~! 
Both sisters: As his his ugly old head fell down into the ocean floooooooor~....
Fiona: *Jingles her tambourine, twirling with the sisters and they all strike various poses!*
*The Town errupts in laughter and cheer, clapping and throwing drakes to the performers as the three girls bow to the audience!*
Vayle: Hahahaha! Splendid! Bravo!
Akimoto:...Okay, Fiona totally just struck a JoJo pose!
Tulio: Ha! I’m not sure what a “JoJo” is, but I like it! *Clapping for his performers!*
*after the performance, the Caravan prepares itself down the road once more, the sun setting upon the lands of Despoire!*
Rosalita: *decorating Fiona’s hair into a braid with flowers holding it in place!* This is a style I usually like to do in the spring and summer times...A Bandana is all well and good, but sometimes even the most beautiful of flowers should bloom on stage once in a while!
Fiona: Really? *Red Face!*  that’s kind of you to say...
Rosalita: You really are a beautiful young girl, Little sister! you should make yourself stand out more!
Vayle: That’s what I tell her! But the poor girl is so shy when it comes to social interaction. When she’s not reading books, she’s usually just collecting alchemy ingredients in the forest. I really do need to get her into social situations more.
Rosalita: Hahaha! Aren’t we all at that age? She hasn’t even grown to her prime yet, and I can already tell, she’s going to be a Goddess amongst maidens! That charming sparkle in her eye, the extravagant shine in her hair...You are going to break hearts, my dear! *Finishes her hair!* And there we are! See for yourself!
Fiona: *Looks in the mirror!* *!* Oh, wow! That’s so pretty! I love it! It’s so beautiful!
Rosalita: Hmhmhmhm! I knew you would! That look really suits you, Little sister!
Vayle: Oh my, that is fascinating! I should try that on my designs some time...
Rosalita: The Braid and flowers were a favorite of Esmeralda’s, too! She would always wear her hair that way during the warm days of Vitaria...Hm...Her and Tulio were such good friends...He was absolutely devastated when he got the news of her death...
Fiona: *Her smile turning into a curious expression of sadness* Hmmm...Yeah...She was a very nice woman...How long did you and Tulio know her?
Rosalita: Since we were children. Those two were an inseparable pair when we were younger...They were more like siblings than friends. Esmeralda was the one who introduced me to Tulio in the first place! She saw something in both of us that would have us be bound for the rest of our lives! And she was right...I don’t know where I’d be without Tulio in my life...He’s such an upbeat and optimistic man! The way he brings a smile to anyone’s face is enough for him to become friends with everyone we meet in our travels! Hmhmhmhm...I’m proud to be the wife of such a wonderful man...
Fiona: Hehehehe! Esmeralda was such a wonderful woman. It’s hard to believe how she’s changed so many lives...
Vayle: ...*Smiles*...Yes... I would have loved to have met her...
*The Caravans come to a halt suddenly*
Rosalita: Oh dear...What now?
Corina: Oh, blast it all...Gerardo! You didn’t get us lost again, did you?!
Gerardo: GERARDO NEVER GETS US LOST! I just not read map properly! We should be in port black-heart in no time!
Corina: Yes...Port Blackheart...Which is WEST, Gerardo! You were leading us NORTH! No wonder I can see the capital from here! 
Gerardo: CUT GERARDO THE SLACK! He just have one of too many of the drinks before we left last town. Also, I think Gerardo’s Compass might be breaking, as well!
Miguel: *facepalm* Oh, Gerardo...
Akimoto: Everyone calm down! It’s starting to get dark, anyway...Might not be a bad time to rest up for the night...
Tulio: Sir Akimoto is right. Let us set up camp someplace safe for now. I think the map says there is a campsite not too far this way...
Gerardo: Yes! Yes! Gerardo sleep like baby, THEN navigate us to port!
Corina: Or...How about CORINA drives us to the port tomorrow, yeah?
Gerardo: ...*Shrug!*...That work just as well...
*The Caravans Camp within a  large opening in the middle of the woods, the bonfire illuminating the entire camp*
Miguel: *playing his Lute as the sisters dance with there Tambourines!* There we go, girls! Let the rhythm do the dancing for you!
Akimoto: *Drinks from water Canteen* Huh...Is there a day you guys DON’T perform?
Tulio: Hahaha! Usually only when we’re on the road or sleeping. We gotta keep ourselves in shape and ready to bring happiness to the people at all times! That’s the life of a caravaneer, my friend...*Takes a swig of wine*...Heh...Now, are you sure you’re not interested in ether of my daughters? *wink!* I think Fareeha might be your type!
Akimoto: *Glare!* for the LAST TIME, old man! I’m not interested in ether of them!
Tulio: HAHAHAHA! Again! I jest, my friend! I only Jest! *Offers him wine!* Would you like some? Wild-berry Wine! it’s a delicacy in Despoire...
Akimoto: No thanks...I don’t drink...
Fiona: *Reading a magic tome, practicing levitation on a teapot!* ...Focus...Focus...
*The Teapot lifts 2 ft. into the air as Fiona focuses her magic into it!*
Tulio: *!* W-woah! What? Is that Teapot flying?!
Vayle: Good job, Fiona! Now try gently setting it down back on the platter...
Fiona: Right! *Gently starts to make it descend as she concentrates on the plate!*
Tulio: Aaaaah! That’s right! Little sister is a scholar of the arcane arts, yeah?
Akimoto: Yep! She’s been practicing it since she was little! That’s one of her big dreams when she’s older...she wants to master magic and become a powerful Sorcerer like her parents were.
Tulio: Hehehe! She’s a big ambition for it, eh? Learning these arts must be quite important to her...
Akimoto: More than anything. When we found her, she lived in a giant hollow tree near white reef. Hehehe...Whole tree was FULL of books, Scrolls, artifacts...She’s mostly self-taught, but Vayle and Gramps have tried to help her the best they can. We try to find her some new tomes, too! Help her stay in touch with her studies...
Tulio: Hahaha...That’s very kind! You’ve certainly been taking good care of Fiona, haven’t you?
Vayle: Oh! Of course! We all love her dearly! She’s a wonderful girl, and the way people treat her because of her curse is completely unfair...
Tulio: ...Her...Curse...?
Akimoto: Er, well, it’s not much of a curse, more that it’s a burden to her...
Fiona: *Sigh* Aki, just let me explain it...You See-...
*two despoire scouts peak from a higher ground near the camp*
Republic Scout: *Pulls phone from pouch*...Lord Severus...the Caravaneers have been sighted, there guard is down...Awaiting your command...
*in a small encampment not too far from them...*
Severus: Excellent...Keep watch for movement...we shall ready the beast for its attack...*Turns to his other soldiers!* OPEN THE GATE!
Republic Soldier: W-What?! OPEN IT?! M-my lord, are you mad?! What if it pounces and attempts to take your li-?!
Severus: I Said...OPEN THE GATE!
*The Soldiers panic as they release the locks on the gate, the beast growling and grunting with each lock undone...*
Severus: Hahahahaha! Yes! That’s it! Release it!
*The Final locks break, the Gates flying open as two glowing Yellow eyes stare down Severus...A large, Lion like paw emerges from the shadows, then the rest of the beast starts to reveal itself, shadowed by the moonlight as it growls and glares at Severus*
Severus: Peace, Monster...I am not your target! THIS is your target...*Pulls a ripped sword belt that used to belong to Akimoto, throwing it down in front of the monster*
*The Beast begins to sniff at it, pawing at it as it’s glowing eyes than take its gaze beyond Severus as it growls with fury!*
Severus: That is the scent of a DEMON who opposes Despoire! I want you track it, and DESTROY THE SOURCE! *Points* NOW GO! FOLLOW THE SCENT! KILL THE DEMON! AND ANYONE WHO STANDS IN YOUR WAY!
*The Monster roars loudly, A Hissing sound from behind it as it then spreads its wings and dashes off toward the scent!*
Severus: Hahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!
*Back at the Caravan...*
Kaseem: *Hears roaring in the distance*...What the hell was that?
Valmiro: Probably just some wolves...
Kaseem: I don’t recall wolves making noises like that...
Fiona: -And ever since, I have been forced to wear these Shackles...Forced to hold her back, hoping that as I continue to study the Arcane arts...I’ll find some way to break her out of my body...make it so the one in my body is just ME, and not her...
Tulio: Oh...Little Sister...I...I am so sorry! I did not know such a burden was afflicted upon you! I wish there was something I could do to help you...
Fiona: I appreciate you saying that...But I think the answer lies deep within the secrets of the Arcane arts! Arts that would horribly mutate a human and alter there minds... Luckily, I am a Drow! So hopefully when I DO find the answer! I can use the spell without any horrible side-effects...
Arcana: (It exists...I know it does...I want to be free of you as much you want to free of me! We must keep finding the answer!)
Rosalita: Well, if there IS anything we can do to help you find a way to free yourself from this, Say it!
Akimoto: That goes for all of us in the tower as well! You know we got your back, Fiona! We won’t let Arcana possess you!
Vayle: Agreed! We shall do everything to help you...No matter how long it takes!
Fiona: You guys...I....*whipes away tears from her shaking eyes*...I don’t know what to say...I’m so-
*The Roaring is heard once more! But MUCH louder this time!*
Valmiro: Okay...Maybe that isn’t a wolf we’re hearing...
Kaseem: I told you! SOMETHING is out there!
Vayle: What in blazes WAS that...?
Akimoto: I don’t know...It sounded kind of like a Manticore, but...
Fiona: *!!!* A...A Manticore...?!
*The trees suddenly rip apart, falling to the sides as a large beast emerges from the dark!*
Valmiro: *!* WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
Kaseem: LOOK OUT! *Pushes him out of the way as they rush for the Caravan!*
*The Beast Swipes at the Bonfire, the flames hitting the logs and trees that Surround the Caravan! The Flames brighten the entire camp, revealing the beast from its shadows. Its appearance resembling that of a Lion with glowing yellow eyes, large horns sprouting from its head, the hind legs and wings of a bird, and the tail of a snake as it hisses and leers at the Caravaneers alongside the lion!*
Miguel: *!!!*...By God...
Tulio: It’s...I-t’s a...IT’S A CHIMERA!!!
Akimoto: You gotta be kidding me...*Readies sword!*
*The Chimera Roars in a bloodthirsty rage, the Snake Hissing and leering it’s glowing red eyes at the Caravaneers!*
Fiona: *Stares in utter terror at the beast, stepping back from it!*...N-No...No...Not again...
To be Continued in Part 5!
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