#and twilight has to have a lycanroc
hollysoda · 2 years
Fuck you *assigns your Link with a Pokémon type*
Time: either Psychic or Grass
Twilight: Dark
Sky: Flying
Warriors: Fighting
Legend: Dragon
Hyrule: Fairy
Wild: Ghost
Wind: Water
Four: either Steel or Normal
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ixtaek · 2 months
Brain itchy, crossover time - LU Chain as Pokemon Trainers
Sky: Ace is Pigeot (the first big bird Pokémon!). Also has an Sir Fetch’d and Morpeko (Master Sword/Remlits). The Legendary he would bond with in the inevitable movie would be Mew or Cressalia!
Four: Ace is a Rotom (which has several different forms/types and is also tiny and mischievous). Also has a Tinkaton and Sableye (smithing/Shadow, plus Four is mischievous I feel it). His legendaries would be Registeel or Zygarde.
Time: Ace is a Gallade (expert fighter that is also attuned to emotions and highly loyal). Also has a Miltank and Alolan Marowak (Lon Lon Ranch/Hero’s Shade). His legendaries would be Celebi and Ogerpon.
Wind: Ace is an Alolamora (caring sea creature that, in spite of looking like a Pokemon from a previous gen, is not related, just like he isn’t related to Time). Also has an Orthworm and a Wailmer (trains/Ocean King, plus it’s funny to give the kid giant Pokemon). His legendary would be Tornadus and Latias!
Twilight: Ace is a Lycanroc, Dusk Form (Yeah I think you can guess why). Also has a Mudsdale and Tauros (Epona/I know Tauros is a bull not a goat but it also links him to Time’s Miltank). His legendary would be Zacian and Giratina!
Legend: Ace is Flapple (Apple themed and jumpy but sweet deep down). Also has a Cinderace and Musharna (bunny/Koholint). Strikes me as the type who has actually caught every Pokémon. Legendary would be Lugia and Dialgia.
Hyrule: Ace is Pikachu (the original! plus they both know Thunder). Also has an Audino and a Riombee (Life/Fairy). Legendaries would be Keldeo and Shaymin.
Warriors: Ace would be a Lucario (noble, able to use Focus Spirit, strategic). He would also have a Falinks and a Kangaskhan (soldiers/caring for his little brothers). His legendary would be Reshiram and Solageo.
Wild: Ace would be Houndstone (loyal Pokémon who returned from death). Also has an Octillery and Alcremie (ranged fighter/cook). His legendary would be Suicuine or Rayquaza.
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fever-project · 7 months
LU Pokémon AU - The Link’s Types and General LoZ Types
To preface this, this is all made up and generally not canon to the actual Pokémon universe. But humans are canonically Pokémon, so they are likely to have Pokémon types. Before we takle the Links, let’s explain how things generally work in this AU.
All humans (yes, Hylians-and Gerudos-are humans too) are generally Normal types. Occasionally, humans are able to gain a secondary type, think about those Psychic type trainers who have psychic powers. Those trainers are Normal Psychic types, and the Normal type being first is important, because if it isn’t first, then they are no longer a human. Sheikah aren’t humans, despite trying to appear so. They are Fairy Dark type, but try to-and have successfully as of BotW/TotK-pass themselves off as Normal Dark type. Dark does not always necessitate being evil.
Naturally, humans typically gain either a Psychic or Fighting secondary type, although gaining a secondary type is still very rare, and is an ability unique to humans. Zora, Rito, and Gorons can’t gain a secondary type like how humans do. Zora are Water Fighting type, Rito are Flying Fighting type, and Gorons are Rock Ground type.
To gain a secondary Psychic or Fighting type, a human must devote themselves to learning the type’s moves with the help of actual Psychic or Fighting Pokémon. It is a hard, and challenging process, and yet almost all Gerudos are naturally Normal Fighting types due to how many Gerudos in the past gained a Fighting type despite the tedious process. Urbosa and Riju are Normal Electric type. Ganon typically gains a secondary Dark type, but when he’s pig Ganon he’s mono Dark type, since he’s no longer human. Few humans can also be born with a secondary Psychic type as well, although it’s a rare occurrence.
The Zeldas are all Normal Fairy types thanks to Hylia, who was a Fairy Dragon type. Post-TotK Zelda is instead a Normal Dragon type, and was a Dragon Fairy type while in dragon form.
Now onto the main course, the Links. Here is a list of the different types the Link have and explanations for them:
Wild - Normal Ghost - After coming back to life after 100 years, he gained a secondary Ghost type. He also gained the powers of his fellow champions from their spirits, which further cemented the secondary Ghost type he has. If he didn’t gain their powers, the Ghost type would have gradually faded away and he would’ve went back to being a mono Normal type. Once the other Links learn about this, they would be very concerned.
Twilight - Normal Dark - After getting turned into a Dusk Lycanroc with the use of Twili magic, he got slapped with a permanent Dark type. His Lycanroc form is also a Rock Dark type instead of a mono Rock type because of this.
Legend - Normal - Arceus himself made sure that he stayed a mono Normal type, and that he can’t learn any moves without the use of items, this Link is powerful enough.
Hyrule - Normal Fairy - This Link is very adept at learning different moves. Just learning different move types doesn’t give you a new type however, he only got this type after learning how to transform into a fairy. Using this transformation power enough times had made the secondary type permanent.
Four - Normal Fairy - The Minish are Fairy Normal types, and instead of just shrinking down to their size, Four was able to transform into a Minish. Like with Hyrule, using this power enough times had slapped him with a permanent secondary Fairy type.
Time - Normal Fairy - I realize how many Links have this type. However, he gained this type from the incident with the Fierce Deity mask. Each of his transformation masks changes his type: Deku Mask - Grass Ghost | Zora Mask - Water Ghost | Goron Mask - Rock Ghost | Fierce Deity Mask - Fairy Ghost | You can guess why they all have a secondary Ghost type.
Warriors - Normal - He’s just some guy man. He wishes he had a secondary Fairy type, he loves fairies.
Sky - Normal - Just because he can fly with a giant bird, doesn’t mean he suddenly gets a secondary Flying type. He can’t fly by himself. He’s just some guy.
Wind - Normal - No he isn’t a Water type, but he is on his way to becoming Normal Psychic soon, even if he doesn’t really know that yet.
Here’s some other Links that are not really in LU or are not the main 9 Links:
Spirit - Normal Psychic - He didn’t die or get separated from his body like his Zelda, who is a Normal Ghost type, but he can see spirits better than the normal person, so he gets a secondary Psychic type, which he was actually born with.
First Hero - Normal Fairy - He got blessed by Hylia. That’s it.
Green, Red, Blue and Vio - They all get different secondary types because of the 4sword, with Green, Red, and Blue having Grass, Fire, and Water types respectively. This stays the same no matter who uses the blade. Vio, and any other fourth color gains a type that matches the emotion/mental state/whatever that color represents the most. So of course Vio is Normal Psychic, since he is the brains of the 4.
Ravio - Normal Psychic - Like most Lorians(is that what they’re called?), he’s Normal Psychic type, because unlike Hylians, the people of Lorule usually are born with a secondary Psychic typing. Ravio usually uses just his psychic powers to communicate with Sheerow easier. Sheerow is also a Pokémon, Flying Psychic type.
Linkle - Normal - She is very close to gaining a secondary Fighting type. With just a bit more training, she’ll finally get STAB on her Low Kicks.
Dark Link and Shadow Link - These two are different beings. Dark Links are mono Dark while Shadow Links are Dark Ghost.
That’s all I have for now, but if you have any other questions regarding this AU, please ask! I have done and am still doing a lot of world building, it’s so fun!
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napswithwolfie · 7 months
LU Pokemon AU
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bro the strength it took not to give him a full dog team
Wolfie is still a regular wolf. Not a mightyena, an absol, or even a lycanroc, just a plain regular wolf, and it weirds everyone out because no one has ever seen a creature like wolf link. 
Oh and if his team feels split, well that’s intended. Which half suits him better or does the full team represent him well ;DDD 
Time Sky Warriors 🐶Twilight Wild Legend Hyrule Four Wind
Team descriptions under the cut 👋👀
🐶Poipole: Midna, or his memory of her. So Poipole doesn't join Twi's team until the end of tp after the mirror is shattered. I imagine Poipole is born from the remains of the shattered mirror’s dust, suffused with the negative ‘other worldly’ energy of the arbiter's grounds. 
When Twilight hears giggling in the mirror chamber, he doesn’t think much of it. He has spent too many moments since their separation reminiscing about her. Even now, he decides to humour his heartbreak, imagining some lighthearted quip about how far he has fallen for her to stoop to hallucinations. He chuckles at himself and his imaginary conversation with Midna.
🐶Hisuian Typhlosion: in this au ghost types are the only pokemon unaffected by the Twilight. If anything, they already exist between worlds as, well ahem, ghosts. 
There's even that nostalgic weight leaning on his shoulder... Wait... Twi realises he's down bad, but even this is ridiculous! He whips his head over his right shoulder, and there, face to face, is a creature unlike anything he's seen before, wearing an all-too-familiar grin. They zip up and away, hovering nearby with playful curiosity in their eyes, waiting to see his next move. At his bewildered and stunned reaction, they let out that chiming giggle he heard earlier
You don’t have to look far to find where Poipole’s gone. If they aren’t hitching a ride on the back of any of their teammates, then they’re off causing trouble together with Time's mons.
🐶Incineroar: Twi didn’t get a choice when this little litten chose him in the alleys of Castle Town, though as a cat man he doesn't mind this one bit. 
Typhlosion first encountered Twilight when he was miserably lost in the Twilight zone of Death Mountain. Pretending to be one of the wandering souls, unaware of the blanketing twilight, Typhlosion carefully ambled in their direction to get a better look at the strange creature. They could feel a rich and powerful soul within Twilight, and noticed how the twilight both welcomed and repelled it. Even odder was their partner sitting on its back. Typhlosion knew dark energy when they sensed it, and that imp's soul was a pool so dark it threatened to swallow up the light - hrm, now there's an interesting thought. 
Just because you don't catch Typhlosion causing trouble doesn't mean they're not as much of a prankster as the others—actually, they're worse. Typhlosion has a knack for roping in carefully selected allies into their mischief. Despite their playful nature, they often go missing, staring out at seemingly nothing. As a ghost type, they're attuned to wandering spirits, and will spend much of their time listening to them and helping them pass on whenever they can.
Incineroars are excellent with children, and you can't change my mind. They're not named the 'Heel Pokemon' for nothing! They love playing with kids, pretending to be the villain to defeat, staging extravagant fights with spectacular victories for the heroes. Twilight's Incineroar is particularly protective of its family. Despite aiding 'The Hero,' they are anything but honourable in battle. They're not afraid to employ unfair tactics, from small actions like throwing sand in their opponents' faces to targeting eyes and joints, even going after the enemies' allies. They are unflinching in the depths they will go to achieve victory. 
🐶Mudsdale: Epona but buffer. Twilight's first companion, Mudbray would happily tackle the world together with all the confidence of an unstoppable 8 year old.
🐶Volcarona: Twilight was given a pokemon egg after restoring Faroe's light. It was terrifyingly cold when Twilight first held it, so chilling that even Midna thought it might be a morbid joke from the light sprite. Despite this, Twilight insisted on keeping the egg. 
With each zone of Twilight lifted from Hyrule, the Light Spirits would bestow a ‘boon’ onto Twilight’s team. Cryptic as always, Twilight had no clue what help he received. Steadily throughout his quest the egg grew warmer, almost scalding by the time the last zone of Twilight was lifted; and upon receiving the final sprites boon the egg hatched. 
Volcarona can be quite aloof. It lives at its own pace, exuding a divine presence that others cannot easily disrupt.
🐶Garchomp: I wanted a brutish pokemon that reflected (heh mirrors) his curse and it was a difficult decision between Garchomp and Kommo O.  
It was nothing short of a miracle that Twilight survived the encounter with Garchomp. The Twilight Blighted Pokemon was already an apex predator in its territory, its strength bolstered by the dark magic of the twilight. Twilight doubted he could defeat them. Forced to sneak around, he found that being a hero seemed to attract unwanted encounters - Garchomp suddenly stomped its foot, shaking the earth violently the ground threatened to topple Twilight, as sharp pillars of earth tore across the terrain toward his hiding spot.
Fight fight fight and somehow Twilight lives, Garchomp faints, dark mass is dispelled and happy happy cat meme goes here.    
Garchomp sometimes loses itself in battle, with adrenaline accidentally triggering a mega evolution that sends it into a rage. The aftermath leaves Garchomp feeling deeply ashamed, as it struggles to accept its own savagery.
Notes: twi’s team gave me the hardest time istg. There were too many mons to try and squeeze in, aaaaahhh a total nightmare: Exhibit A (scrapped idea)
But fr not a single dog in twi's team??? Yea well about that… Have Midna's team:
[Necrozma: The rest of the chain aren't aware he has a sixth pokemon at all. He just tells them he technically counted as one during his quest, satisfied that the lie works.
So nezzie here is a nod to the fused shadow that twi does accept in the manga. I have this idea that he has forced guardianship over the fused shadow, as a punishment, but also his duty as the hero. Twis conflicted regarding nezzie - On the one hand he is comfortable with what it represents but there's a deep fear of shame to admit to others he has formed a bond, though tentative, with nezzie.]
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In a dungeon chest Twilight finds a Fire Stone. He gives it to Midna saying how it reminds him of her hair.
(No gogoats for twi. Sadge) 
🔂Time 🐥Sky 🌹Warriors 🐶Twilight 🏹Wild ✌️Legend 🍃Hyrule 🧩Four 🌊Wind
🔴 Partner pokemon: Poipole 
⚪ Smaller team: Poipole, Mudsdale, Incineroar
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dj-of-the-coven · 7 months
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currently playing: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) / Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix
currently listening:
What's up, I'm DJ. That's not my real name so don't try to look it up ya weirdos. I'm 20 years old... for now. (til next december)
I like getting asks about random stuff. obviously don't go telling me about your medical history or some shit, but questions about my interests and hobbies are always welcome. I tend to answer asks more than dms.
my post "schedule" is entirely dictated by whimsy. a lot of my original posts are picmixes and meme edits but I have a couple of essays floating around for twewy fans. if anyone has a picmix request I'm basically always taking those.
do I art? I... uh... write. I paint. I make clothes sometimes.
I made a personal website to test my coding skills, but it hasn't been updated in a long time. Feel free to take a look at it if you like that kinda thing.
kingdom hearts was my biggest fandom for a long time, but it's been just barely nudged out of first place by the world ends with you. I still have mega brainrot for both so don't hesitate to talk to me about them.
I'm unfortunately a bit of a gamer. Some other game fandoms I'm into are legend of zelda, sonic, final fantasy 7, undertale/deltarune, various pokeymans (mostly the pokepark games and pokemon mystery dungeon but I've played like 5 mainlines), ace attorney, and okami.
Don't try to fit my aesthetic in one box. I like girly, glittery media as much as I like dark & edgy bullshit. In real life, my wardrobe and personal effects are a total mix of both. I also switch between feminine and masculine presentation by the day, though I always identify as a dyke. I'm only a woman when I say so.
Use whatever pronouns fit the bit when you talk about me. (why are you talking about me? lmao)
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fave colors: black, pink, red, white
drink order: iced latte with simple syrup
hair color: pink!!
current fave bands: Deftones, Go Betty Go, PXNDX
major (before dropout): japanese
minor (before dropout): queer ethnic studies
things I collect: cds, vinyls, cassettes, old tech, dragon stuff
fave season: winter
fave time of day: sunset to nighttime
instruments I play: ukulele, electric guitar
favorite pokemon: midnight lycanroc
fave music genres: punk rock, nu metal
fave sanrio characters: little twin stars, kuromi, my melody, cinamoroll
sports I've done (2+ years): skiing, kickboxing, wrestling
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neverchecking · 1 year
Imagine Reader playing pokemon and the chain happen to just peek at their switch and see that all the pokemon Reader has are named after each of them and they just rotate their main team of 6 between those 10?? 11?? (Think I lost count on how many Links there are now). Either way those pokemon are clearly the ones Reader uses the most since theyre the highest level and the best moves.
Couldnt think of pokemon for all of them (still trying to get through TotK and find a way to play AoC) but in my head it probably be like:
Lycanroc- Twilight
Dewott- Wind
Ribombee- Hyrule
Decidueye- Wild
Eevee- Four (that or a few eeveelutions named after the colors)
Bisharp- Warriors
Aegislash- Time
Talonflame- Sky
Bunnelby (or Pawmot)- Legend
bfibfig THESE ARE ALL SO TRUE FHIOFBF ESPECIALLY TWILIGHT (he'd have the dusk or night evolution)
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phoenix-arts7 · 10 months
LU boys with Pokemon:
Time has a Trevenant (bc tree dad) and Celebi enjoy messing with him
Twilight has a ton of dark/ghost types, though he's quite close to his Lycanroc
Wild's Ursaluna is essentially his horse
Wind somehow befriended Kyogre, but Gyarados travels with him in their stead
Four and his Falinks confuse people on purpose
Warriors' Gallade will fistfight people who talk shit about him
Hyrule's Lucario takes it up on themselves to remind him that he is a hero, no matter what his brain tells him
Legend's Musharna helps everyone with their nightmares
Sky's Staraptor has his mother hen tendencies, but worse because she will sit in you to enforce bedrest.
Oh, I don't really do LU stuff, but the thoughts you put in are pretty cool! A while ago I did come up with Pokemon teams for my own Links, though. Can't remember them off the top of my head for the most part, but Time did have a Trevenant and Celebi so there's that xD
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valorborn · 1 year
🌌 + pokemon orrrr a farming sim au
Send ' 🌌+ a universe / au ' and I’ll make an AU verse based off of it.@heartwilled
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Link's Pokémon team consists of:
Phantump - Chosen to represent Link's relationship with the Kokiri Forest and Lost Woods. Phantump was the first Pokémon Link ever caught. It staunchly refuses to evolve.
Rapidash - A little on the nose, but she represents Epona. He raised her from a Ponyta and when travelling, she is oft out of her Poké Ball allowing him to ride her.
Vaporeon - A representation of his relationship with the Zora. He didn't so much catch her as she decided to come with him. She saved him from drowning when he was small, and they have been inseparable since.
Lycanroc (Day Form) - Also a little on the nose with Hero's Shade's wolf form and Twilight Princess Link's wolf form. But also a rock type, a good Pokémon to show his relationship with the Gorons. Link caught Lycanroc when he was already fully evolved. He put up an aggressive fight, but has been loyal ever since.
Ribombee - Navi. Need I say anything else. Link raised her from a Cutiefly. She hates to be cooped up inside of her Poké Ball and spends her time flitting about Link's head.
Gallade - He reminds me of Link's friendship with the Gerudo, their scimitars, and his own skill with a blade. This was the last Pokémon to join Link's team, but he was still raised with care from Raltz to Kirlia to Gallade. He is fiercely protective of Link and the other members of his team. It's quite clear that Gallade stays in his Poké Ball willingly, because if he ever senses his team is in danger he releases himself to protect them.
Link is from the Kanto region. He earned all of the gym badges there, but since then has taken to travelling to each region. He doesn't go out of his way to battle and he hasn't taken up any more gym challenges as he prefers to encounter new Pokémon, make new friends, and see new things.
He often gives advice to young trainers when he comes across them.
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bluefuecoco · 2 years
Random anon here again. 👋 I'm glad you're not bored or annoyed by my questions! If I could befriend a legendary or mythical pokemon it'd probably be one of the Kanto birds! If I could live in a pokemon region I'd pick Unova (dunno why, I just vibe with it). I don't know about the one color only team or my top 5 favorite shinies 😶😭 (but Zangoose is one of them for sure, love that lil guy) 💙
Question of the day... If you had to come up with a pokemon team for your fav LoZ character, what would it be? 🐴🍃
Oooh, the kanto birds! I think that's a really interesting answer, i think they'd be very cool to befriend. Unova is a great place to live, and Zangoose's shiny is SO COOL, if it wasn't exceedingly rare in scarvio i'd 100% hunt it
as for today's question, funny enough, I actually kinda made a team for Zelda in the past!
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A rapidash because it's very royal, a dragonair to represent the dragons, and a lycanroc for twilight princess link ;)
but my FAVORITE Loz character is Vaati so let's see....his entire character is wind-based which makes it a little hard... A Crobat would be his ace, since it looks similar to one of his monstrous forms. Maybe Shiftry...oh he'd totally have an Absol because it's edgy. Gliscor, Dusknoir, and...I can't help it, Flabebe, because it reminds me of the minish and i like to think vaati still has some humanity in him :) But 100% in the final battle he'd have replaced it with Giratina
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Who's your favorite loz character and also which is your favorite game from the series?
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quirkle2 · 2 years
How many pokemon do the rest of the chain have? :o
oh i haven't even thought abt the rest of the chain im ngl GVEIAYGV hm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
time has One (1) pokemonand he kicks absolute ass w them,,,, he's fucking unstoppable. i like the idea of him having a venusaur
twilight hasssssssss 3 :) im trying desperately to avoid giving him a wolf pokemon but like . ,,,they're so cool man why wouldn't i. fuck everybody he has a rockruff he loves to pet and they turn into a midday form lycanroc and he gives them so many belly rubs
four hasssssssssssssssssssssssss 2 ! for some reason mawile strikes me as a pokemon they'd have
wild has 2 pokemon, one being wyrdeer, the other a corviknight
wind isn't old enough to be a trainer :( but he Does have a wooper as a pet and he cherishes them so much
hyrule has 4 pokemon !!! he's got a meganium somewhere in there
and lastly sky has 6 bc i secretly love him :) archeops 100%. espeon,,,,,,,,,,, fuck it give him a ninetails. he's badass as hell
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alolanrain · 5 years
Do you have any Milo/Ash cute headcanons in mind??? (I have thought this ship for a while now but haven’t thought any good ship name)
Wosidb I would like to call them Countrysunshipping since both of them are pure fucking sunshine.
- Milo can lift Ash. Ash can also lift Milo. Milo is confused yet really really likes it when Ash picks him up
- don’t imagine Ash and Milo napping out in the fields, Ash laying on Milos chest as the gym leaders arms are wrapped around his waist. There’s a flock of Wooloo that surround them and Ash’s Lycanroc and Milo’s Yamper are quietly guarding the group
- ash is surprisingly the one person out of the pair that does better than the other during PR events and Galas. So he sticks by Milo and helps him with his nervousness stuttering
- (with Milo now being voiced in Twilight Wings) one of Ash’s top favorite things in the world is when he wakes up next to Milo and Milo greets him with an even deeper and slightly gravely voice. It sends shivers down Ash’s spine and Milo knowing just how much his voice affects Ash he continues to quietly mumble what he has to do today or what they can do together later on
- they get into a praising contest that leave both of them freckles covered messes
- !!! Speaking of freckles !!! Milo totally pins Ash down to the bed and spends at least half an hour kissing all the freckles he can that are littered all over Ash’s face and neck. Maybe even his shoulders if Milo wants to continue 
- Milo totally goes out and gets a baby Yamper for Ash either on his birthday or their anniversary. Now Milo has a lap full of a very happy Ash who’s kissing him all over the face
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darkzeruda1214 · 5 years
The Destiny Trio as Pokemon Trainers??
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Oh… whoa,
Sorry. That was one of the most random questions I’ve ever gotten. But at the same time really interesting. I do like Pokemon, I grew up watching the show when I was younger. And still a fan of the show and games today.
Now I won’t deny that your question left me thinking. What kind of Pokemon would the Kingdom Hearts characters would have. I’m not 100 percent sure what Pokemon team the characters would have. But I’ll give it my best shot
Now I will have to modify your question and might split it into three parts (for the three trios) if I ever get back to going on it. Not sure if I’d be able to write it for organization XIII (Or the Disney characters... I’m sorry, but Disney and FF characters will have to strictly stay out of this one). 
I don’t think all the KH character would all get a full team, but I’ll try to think more into it.
However, I do believe that they would all get at least 3 Pokemon with them. (But again I do have a hypothetical team for all the trios) But for now I will only focus on the Destiny Trio and a brief explanation as to why I gave these Pokemon to them alone.
I did make a couple of ground rules before I started, one being, that neither of the characters would share the same Pokemon, regardless if one is evolved and the other is still in the first stage or so.
So let’s say I gave Sora a Gardevoir and Riku a Gallade. Since they are both from the same Pokemon line, regardless of different evolutions and are of different genders, they would counteract with each other (and while it would make sense, make the challenge way too easy). So I would cancel that.  
Also, like I said I gave myself a challenge, so there are no starters. And absolutely. No. Legendaries.
*But since region starters are a primary Pokemon that every trainer has to get at first, I decided to add a “hypothetical case” if I were to give them a starter. (And as an added bonus, each starter has to be a different type, so if I give character B a fire type, character A and C must be EITHER water or grass). Just an extra challenge for me.
Also, one Eeveelution since Eevee has the ability to change it’s type when it evolves. And I think everyone has a special type of personality that would fit them well with a certain element.
Also I’m strictly sticking with Gens 1-7, since Pokemon Sword and Shield hasn’t been released when I wrote this.
With that said were we go with the Destiny!
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Starting with the one and only protagonist in the majority of the titles, I think it’s only natural I only start with our little cinnamon bun. His type of Pokemon team was a little tricky to come up with considering his easy going personality. But I think I managed to get a stable kind of team. I don’t think realistically he would be very balanced out in types, but since I based the type of Pokemon they get from personality his a little balanced here.
So the main three Pokemon he could possibly have would be:
Okay. Okay. I know I said Eevee was a hypothetical case for everyone, but I’m gonna have the bend the rule slightly once because of the reason behind it. Now as far as why I gave him these three is simple. As for Eevee’s case, since the beginning of the game Sora has been rather classified as this “normal boy.” As stated by Xehanort, mentioned in KH1 and even by Nomura himself. He was just a normal boy so people would be able to relate to him.
So Naturally Eevee stuck with me (not because his hair and Eevee look pretty similar in a sense) but also because Eevee is known as the evolution Pokemon. And as you all know, Eevee can evolve into any Pokemon type (currently only 9 types at the moment when I wrote this analysis). And Sora has shown time and time again to shape his own destiny by his own hand and choices. Despite being that “dull, ordinary boy.” So to me Eevee was the best option.
Again, I know I wasn’t going to add Eevee other than a Hypothetical Pokemon, but I think Sora earned the spot to be the exception because of what kind of character he’s portrayed as.
Now as for Klefki, the answer is obvious. Sora’s the first character to show that he has a Keyblade when the games first came to existence. And while Klefki isn’t exactly one of the most strongest Pokemon it is a good support Pokemon. And to me that really “speaks Sora” because of “his friends are his power” and how much he supports his own friends.
So maybe not a powerhouse, it still speak reflects Sora’s character.
Litleo has a few reasons why he’s on Sora’s team, and namely because of a certain Pride Lands exploration. But also just in general because I’ve always seen Sora having fire as favorite magic spell. So naturally fire would be a good Pokemon type for him. (Also it doesn’t help that in monster’s inc he’s a cat-based monster and the Simba summon is fire based, so...)
Now as for the rest of his team in this hypothetical case scenario:
Lucario (He’s a fighting steal type, which also reflects on Sora’s character and Keyblade)
Pidgeot (His name means sky in Japanese, it would be criminal for not for me to give him a flying type. But also I think Sora would like to have a Pokemon to fly once in a while and I think Pidgeot fit’s the glove)
Lapras (A certain Atlantica incident inspired this one. But also Lapras is shown to be large enough to carry it’s trainer across water. And in a sense that would also be Sora since he doesn’t have trouble to carry extra weight to help his friends) Also Lapras is adorable and so is Sora.
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(The starter I think he would more likely get would be Charizard) (And he already has normal Eevee, so…)  
This one was a bit of challenge for me to figure out, but in the end I managed to get something in. I’m not 100 percent happy with this team, so if you might think that there are other Pokemon who fits him better, I understand why, but this is what I got.
The main three he would call upon the most would be:  
Lycanroc (dusk form)
These three Pokemon spoke a small little story to me when I put them in that specific order.
Zoroark was the first Pokemon that came to mind when I thought about Riku’s team. The majority of the time we see Riku’s he’s struggling or is using darkness to help him win his fights or get an advantage. So there’s no way I wouldn’t give him a dark type I think Zoroark made the most sense. Not because it’s solely a dark type, but also because it’s an illusion fox.
And while not cannon to the game (at least to my knowledge) the anime has shown that Zoroark has the ability to transform into people. And to other Pokemon. And that’s what happened to Riku, whether he wanted to or not, when he used the powers of darkness Riku turned into Ansem seeker of Darkness. And to me that spoke a nice Pokemon for Riku to have on his team.  
Now as for Lycanroc (more specifically dusk form), Riku also came off to me as this “lone wolf” kind of character. And yeah sure there is Mightyena, and let’s not forget Lycanroc’s midnight form. I felt that while Riku did have darkness, it’s not too much to the point his entire team would be all dark types. And so we get to dusk form, for one the reason I gave him Lycanroc is because it’s a rock type which coincides with his name. Because Riku means land.
And while I do like the midday form, since it looks more a like a wolf, the Midnight form suited his style more. But at the same time, I didn’t want his team to solely reliant at the night. And so we have his dusk form. And Dusk Lycanroc speaks a lot of Riku’s transition from the darkness to the light. Because he chose neither light nor dark. But the road to dawn. Which to me felt like a mixture of both. (Heck his Keyblade is called “Way to Dawn” which has a combination of both light and darkness) And closest we got to in between was Dusk form. So I think it worked the best.
(Also Riku spent a good amount of time in Twilight Town, so…)
When it came to Aegislash, I will admit that it could be either one of the evolutions. But knowing Riku he would want to max out his entire team to reflect his strength. So the conclusion why I came to Aegislash is to continue the story, when he first started out as darkness, he soon came to the light but was still influenced by his past. So when he finally overcame that he started to fight against it and for what is right. And to me, I think the best way to demonstrate that was Aegislash because it’s a sword. And normally when I think of a fighter of good, I normally (stereotypically) think of a knight in shining armor. And the Pokemon that fit the category the best was Aegislash. And to me it finishes the story of Riku’s arc in Kingdom Hearts (or in this case, in the AU Pokemon)  
For the rest of his team, well might not be the best choice I figured it could be like this:
Gyarados (Gyarados is a Pokemon of both intimidation and hard work, in order to get Gyarados, either you have to beat it, or struggle to evolve a Magikarp. And Riku fit’s that bill pretty good IMO. Also Riku can be intimating if he wanted to).
Garchomp (This is mostly because I feel like Riku would have a dragon type, I know Salamence might be a choice. But I think Garchomp eased into the role mostly because of it’s design as well as being a ground type, again fitting to Riku’s name)
Sawk (Okay… I’m not going to lie, I’m not 100 percent sure about Sawk. There are other Pokemon that fit’s the fighter type better. And since Riku is a fighter, I wanted to give Riku a fighting type. In the end I just chose Sawk because of it’s color design, because Riku wear predominantly blue in KH3)
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(The starter I think he would most likely get is Greninja) (Eevee would no doubt be Umbreon)
Kairi was sorta like Riku, a little difficult to decide, as many of the Pokemon I thought would be nice also seemed… too redundant. I tried to limit the amount of Fairy types since that’s the closest we’ll get to a light type in Pokemon. But since Kairi is a princess of Heart naturally she would have more light compared to others.  (I wouldn’t be surprised if she had an all out Fairy team, but again I needed to give her something a little more realistic).  
So in the end I thought her main three would be:
The reason I didn’t go for Florges is mainly because I think Kairi would care little to evolve her Pokemon for power. I can see her be a bit of a strategist and Floette could provide a good amount of advantages. Also biggest reason I gave Floette, because one: Fairy type. And two, it’s a flower which goes pretty well with her Keyblade.
Milotic was sorta an easy pick because of Kairi’s name meaning ocean. And Milotic is a really pretty Pokemon. I can easily imagine Kairi wanting to join showcases or Pokemon Contests. And just in general it could also represent Kairi and the sign of strength. Despite not looking much, she can grow into something much more than just something simple and dull. (Though… it’s debatable after what happened in kh3... But that’s not the point right now!)    
As for Meowstic, it doesn’t really matter what gender Kairi would get, because I sincerely doubt she would care about that. But I think the female version would be more likely on her team, knowing how it’s typically girls with girls sort of deal. But beyond that, the reason I gave her Meowsitc has to be because it’s a psychic type. For as much as I can tell Kairi has been surrounded in and has magic, and the closest we’ll get to a magic type is psychic type. And while I know there are other Psychics that fill the role. I think Meowstic isn’t too much of a bad choice. That and it’s a cat, and there is a theory that Kairi is a chirithy just like Riku is a dream eater for Sora. So, I use that to help choose her Pokemon.
I think Kairi would definitely have the least amount of Pokemon compared to everyone else. But hypothetically for a full team, I thought this would work:
Ninetales (Alola version) (during my gameplay I noticed that Kairi used a lot of ice spells, so I figured that might be her favorite element in magic. That and Ninetales is really pretty in design and I figured it would be a nice addition on Kairi’s team).
Emolga (The biggest reason? Emolga is freaken adorable, and I know Kairi would have other cute Pokemon, that and it doesn’t evolve, which… sorta fit’s Kairi… but also I think Kairi would be interesting to see Kairi have an electric type that isn‘t Pikachu) that and I think someone else would more likely have Pikachu on their team 
Arcanine (I’m sorry, but no one can tell me otherwise that Kairi would not have a fire type. Despite her nature she has shown to be feisty and can get riled up. And honestly I wanted to give Kairi a Pokemon that does look pretty strong since the rest of her team has an appearance of fragility ~even though the Pokemon themselves aren’t~ I wanted to give her something that would show her fighting spirit too)
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(The starter I think she would most likely get is Chikorita, unlike the others I don‘t think she would evolves hers. At least not beyond Bayleef, I feel like Chikorita would be comfortable being in it‘s first stage).
*The other starter that I feel would suit her as well is Fennekin. But her Keyblade is mostly flowers so I felt the grass type held a little more influence in what starter she would get
(I’d be an idiot to not give her a Sylveon)
And that’s pretty much it, I actually had a lot of fun writing this, and honestly I think I might do the others to. Also, please consider that this was done for fun and not meant to be taken seriously. I understand that others will have different views and opinions. And that’s totally fine, I see no harm in it at all. In fact I’m really curious,
What Pokemon teams do you think these character would have? I’d love to see what you all have in mind
That’s all for now, thanks for reading
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fever-project · 7 months
LU Pokémon AU - Links’ Teams
Just to get all of this out there so I can remember. Trying so hard to not give them all legendary/mythical Pokémon, since that’s no fun. What’s in italics are the nicknames. Not all of them have nicknames. The small words are little notes.
Wild - Porygon-Z / Pory-Z | Raticate / Ratatatatata | three segmentDudunsparce / Dun Dun Dun! | Unfezant / Trans | Arboliva / Smol | Cyclizar / CycCycCycle
Twilight - Mudsdale / Epona | shinyCosmog / Nova | shinyDusk Lycanroc / Wolfie(his Lycanroc form is technically a part of his team) | Mindimp / Midna(midna fakemon, who currently is not part of his team but I feel like I should mention her)
Legend - He constantly changes his team of Pokémon, but here is his current team that he was testing out - shinyGliscor / Imorscor(mainly just called Gliscor) | shinyToxapex | shinyToxtricity | shinyAlolan Muk | shinyGalarian Weezing / Old Man | shinyDrapion
Hyrule - Drifloon / Drifty | Klefki / Key Keeper | Litwick / Candle | Banette / Dolly
Four - Much like Legend, he also changes out his team from time to time, here is his current team - Eevee / Eve | Swampert / Mud | shinyCastform / BelovedShiny(mainly called Shiny) | Zygarde / Core | Shedinja / NotAShiny(mainly called Nota) | Azumarill / Marsh
Time - MasterpieceSinistcha / Mocha | shinyHydrapple / Apple | shinyGholdengo / Goldie | shinyKingambit / Samurai | Ogerpon(not a part of his team, but they are friends)
Warriors - shinyAegislash | Falinks / Kids(this is just what he calls them collectively, all six have different names) Head Falink / Link Jr. | Second Falink / Impa Jr. | Third Falink / Sheik Jr. | Fourth Falink / Lana Jr. | Fifth Falink / Mask Sr. | Sixth Falink / Tune Sr.
Sky - Honedge / Fi (she looks more like the master sword and less like a regular honedge) | HisuianDecidueye(found Rowlet on the surface and kept it because he missed his Loftwing) / Rowan | shinyKricketune (was originally Zelda’s Pokémon) / Goddess Harp | Yanmega - Bettle | Loftwing(technically a Pokémon in this au, but isn’t with the chain) - Crimson
Wind - Pelipper / Philip(that’s what Arryl calls him) | Dhelmise / Anchor | Dragalge / Kelp | Palossand / Sandy | Crabominable / Crabby | Wishiwashi / Fishy
In conclusion, each has a certain amount of Pokémon on their current teams.
Wild - 6 Full Team
Twilight - 2 (3 if you count Wolfie)
Legend - 6 Full Team
Hyrule - 4
Four - 6 Full Team
Time - 4
Warriors - 2 (7 if you count each Falink as a different Pokémon. I don’t.)
Sky - 4
Wind - 6 Full Team
40 Pokémon in total with an average of 4.5. Three trainers have 4 Pokémon, two trainers have 2 Pokémon, and four trainers have 6 Pokémon.
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batdusklycanroc3blr · 5 years
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The wolf that is dual wielding two Keyblades, has Pokeballs on his belt and is dressed up as WereGarurumon from the Digimon franchise is my Zoosona, Nathan Rufus. I commissioned the wonderful and talented artist @ocerydia to help me create my Zoosona after I realized I didn’t have one and thought it be cool to get one. He is a Red Wolf that likes to dress as WereGarurumon because he is the most badass looking Digimon in the franchise. The Pokeballs on his belt contain his favorite Pokemon: Charizard, Lucario, Lycanroc (Dusk form), Rockruff, Arcanine and Riolu. The Keyblades he is wielding are the Starlight (Fully Upgraded) and an original Keyblade I had @ocerydia design for me. When she showed me I was blown away and when I asked her what was its name, she said that since it was my Keyblade I get to decide the name. After giving it a moment of hard thought I gave it a fitting name, Twilights Howl. Once again @ocerydia, thank you so much for creating my Zoosona for me and for creating me an original Keyblade.
To support this wonderful artist and others like her, visit their Patreon and commission them.
Her Patreon link: https://staging.patreon.com/ocerydia/overview
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gotitmeme-orized · 5 years
I have no idea where my original post went on the subject but mmmmm...
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Lea was originally from Galar, now in Alola along with Isa (because hello Sun/Moon dynamic ahahahahahaaa)
Left to his own devices he’d have a team of nothing but fire types but Isa encouraged him to have more balance.  Aside from the usual suspects of Charizard, Flareon, Braixen, Rapidash, Chandelure, and Infernape, he’s got some others that he regularly uses.
He has a regular Ninetales to Isa’s Alolan one, Espeon to Umbreon, and twilight Lycanroc to midnight (shiny).
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thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Act 2 - Other Wardens
FOLDER IDENTIFICATION: Night Warden Team - Shadow Bane
Warden Team Identification: Shadow Bane
Team Members: 5
Specialization: Well-rounded - preference towards elimination of dangerous targets
Name: Nina Darkclaw
Alias: Fenrir
Gender: Female
Species: Lycanroc (Midnight)
Bio Below
An unparalleled brawler. Her talents in close-quarters combat has proven to be essential to the Guardians of Twilight countless times. Nina Darkclaw’s favored weapons are her clawed gauntlets, the exceptional strength and speed of her body combined with her skill in these weapons allow her to rend through both rock and foe with ease.
Her personality is carefree and brash - bordering on reckless. Although she has a strong lust for combat, she at least has enough restraint to ask questions before striking. There are times where she has difficulty on taking things seriously, resulting on her having trouble evaluating the intensity of some situations. These situations require her teammates to put her in line. 
Nina Darkclaw is the official leader of team Shadow Bane.
Additional Notes: GoT Branch Leader Officials are reconsidering her position as team leader.
Name: Grace (Self-Given)
Alias: Barricade
Gender: Female
Species: Bisharp/Forretress/Ferrothorn Hybrid (Artificial)
Bio Below
Self-imposed ‘tank’ of Shadow Bane. Her strongest assets revolve around the two giant shells on her arms. Although capable of being used as weapons, their use as shields is her greatest advantage. Their length is large enough to enclose around her whole body if she were to crouch down - acting as a portable bunker. Spikes lining these shells can be launched as projectiles, giving her a form of retaliation to those who strike her while enclosed. These shells combined with her exceptional strength makes up for her lack of mobility.
Her personality is strong-willed and steadfast. She’s known to be straight to the point and unafraid to voice her thoughts, often focusing on the task at hand. Although having difficulty expressing emotions, she does show concern for her teammates and does her best to look after them.
Additional Notes: The HWDP Identification code on her body reads BNK-01
Name: Flint McCoy (Possibly Self-Given)
Alias: Deadlock
Gender: Male
Species: Gardevoir
Bio Below
A ‘gun-less gunslinger’. Flint McCoy specializes in ranged combat, however has an unusual amount of strength and muscle mass for his species. He possesses an arm-length gauntlet on his left arm that channels and concentrates his psychic energy, allowing him to unleash ‘solidified’ bolts of psychokinetic power from his fingers - similar that of bullets fired from guns. His precision and speed with these shots is very remarkable.
His personality is noted to resemble that of main character cowboys from Human western films. Broody, overconfident, likes to show off, tends to speak few words - mostly an attempt to come off as intimidating. He has been known to instigate fights and is considered a troublemaker. It is a necessity that he is to be accompanied by at least one team member at all times in public areas, especially places where brawls tend to occur.
Additional Notes: Despite his brown coloration being unusual, it is the result of his heredity on where his ancestors lived.
His interest in Human old western culture is noted to be obsessive, due to his behavior and how he dresses himself.
Name: Pythia Noma
Alias: Psybreak
Gender: Female
Species: Alakazam
Bio Below
A powerful psychokinetic wielder. Pythia Noma’s sheer psychic power is acknowledged and respected by all Psychic-types in the Guardians of twilight. Her greatest strengths lies in her telekinetic power over inanimate solid objects. She is capable of lifting objects of extreme weight or numerous smaller items with ease. However she has shown numerous signs of concentration issues when it comes to living entities, making it difficult for her to restrain more than one individual with her power at a time.
Her personality is normally calm and collected, although rather self-absorbed. She’s very analytical of various scenarios and looks at the finer details, yet she has also shown difficulty in taking the emotions of others into consideration. She is also easily stressed when it comes to situations she is uncomfortable with. The severity of her reactions vary.
Additional Notes: List of a few situations that causes Pythia extreme stress:
1. Being touched by those she’s not close with, most especially strangers.
2. Being unable to find an answer to what she feels is an obvious question.
3. Being exposed to loud noise for extensive periods of time.
She however has shown great amounts of improvement ever since she joined the Guardians of Twilight, especially the handling of her stress during combat.
Name: Shiro (Self-Given)
Alias: Affliction
Gender: Male
Species: Gothitelle/Aromatisse/Tangrowth Hybrid (Artificial)
Bio Below
Field medic and bio weapons master. Despite being part Gothitelle, his psychokinetic power is almost nonexistent. Yet in the end his greatest strengths result from his Aromatisse and Tangrowth traits. His right arm is composed entirely of plant matter - mostly vines, and he is capable of instantly growing numerous seedpods of varying effects. His most known seedpod is a unique variation of Leech Seed that imbues healing energy to those it’s attached to. He is also capable of generating weaponized seedpods, containing deadly gas or other dangerous effects
His personality is that of professionalism and courtesy, holding himself with an air of dignity. He has shown extreme tolerance to stress, rarely angered or upset regardless of the situation. Although aware of societal norms, he seems to personally care little if others abide by it - unless it jeopardizes the current mission at hand. Although reluctant to admit it, he has grown attached to his teammates and desires to see that they’ll always be well.
Additional Notes: He has shown to have a disturbing fascination on the effects of what his seedpods do to the living body.
The HWDP Identification code on his body reads GTH-05
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