#Confess series
darkzeruda1214 · 2 years
He Has TWO!?
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So I’m sure at this point everyone is aware of the Medic!Leo headcanon in the Rise fandom. And I tell ya, I am HERE FOR IT!
So happy my boy is getting as much love as he is in the show. But that aside, I noticed something. 
So I was rewatching ROTTMNT, and I’m not sure if this has been noticed or analyzed but I figured, eh what the heck. It’s not gonna hurt anyone. (I hope). 
And as I was watched “Many Unhappy Returns” (S2, ep1) I noticed something particularly interesting. 
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Leo’s got 2 fanny packs/pouches. 
Don’t believe me? Or, “I don’t see it” or “just an animation error, his pouch switches sides.” 
Well, look:
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And look: 
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That looks like a second separate fanny pack to me
As we all probably know, the medic!Leo headcanon was born because out of all the turtles he’s the only one to have a pouch connected to his belt. And I unfortunately can’t find the source anymore. But in an interview one of the writers/animators (someone who worked on the show) was asked what Leo carries in his pouch. And they responded: “I don’t know, probably a med kit.”
I don’t know about you guys, but I think that fuels the headcanon even more. And personally, this is just me, but I feel like Leo being the medic can work. I mean Leo has shown that he can be smart when he wants to. And before he became the leader he’s always declared he’s the face man. 
I think this falls under his inferiority complex, because in the episode “Portal Jacked” (S1, ep17a) he blatantly says to Senior Hueso: “I’m nothing without them!” 
Also, and I know this is a stretch, but I think (considering the headcanon) that if Leo feels this about himself. He probably also thinks that he’s not able to contribute to the team like the others can besides being the “faceman” and say his “one-liners.” So by him also being the team medic, he has something he can at least help with (at least in his mindset).   
Also, P.S. in the 2012 series Leo’s has done physical bandaging like here: 
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Not to mention his “healing hands” 
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Oh. And in the mobile game TMNT Legends. (If anyone plays) he’s a healer.  
so yeah... 
I’m all aboard the medic!Leo train!
I find it funny that despite all of this Don is the team medic and not Leo in the 2012 fandom haha
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muniimyg · 5 months
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seven moments later
jungkook confesses and you're in denial
navi | m. list | ask me ! | send an ask to be on the taglist ! i will not be responding to taglist requests anywhere else !
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pairings: unhinged jungkook + shy oc
uni au
friends to lovers
fluff & crack / smut (x) & angst if u squint
mini series
1: the confession
2: the avoiding
3: the favourite snacks
4: the cold
5: the oblivious (x)
6: the madness
7: the yes or no (june/july)
+ prologue
+ 3: msgs
+ 5: msgs
+ 6: msgs
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church-of-lilith · 8 months
nobody does queerbaiting as good as disney, you simply cannot outdo the doer.
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mcytblrconfessions · 8 months
i go to church (not religious my boyfriends dealing with the whole being gay thing and realising his first crush was jesus) and sometimes when i'm sitting there following whatevers going on i zone out but instead of religious thoughts or something i just watch highcraft episodes in my mind
sorry wait pulling this one out of queue because i am speechless. what
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The way they have me LOSING MY MIND. Yes, I know he was not only talking about Mobius. But I also know that Mobius is the only person from that group that Loki has called a friend. And we know how Loki is with admitting feelings, he's not the best at that.
Loki cannonigally wants Mobius. I'm fine, tho. I'm great.
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moonkhao · 9 days
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You really don’t like me? I don’t know. You don’t know about what? You really don’t know? [...] Do you somehow know it now? How about you? Do you somehow know it too?
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princeyralsei · 9 months
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Confessions #50
""Amok Time" is one of my favorite Star Trek episodes. Not just because of the Spirk moments, but I also like how Spock praises T'Pring on her logic. Maybe it doesn't mean much since they're Vulcans, but there is still the persistent stereotype even today of "Women are emotional, men are logical" so to have a show episode played in the sixties where the female character is praised by a post-hormonal man for being rational and practical instead of humble and nurturing is pretty huge for its time."
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agios-rio · 1 year
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01x04 – The Naked Time
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respectthepetty · 3 months
A collection of Qian and Yuan being framed in their own little world where Yuan usually looks at and after Qian.
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And a smaller collection of both isolated and separated in episode six which means they can't and don't see outside of the framed world.
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So the only time they look outside of the frame is when they look at the place the other should be.
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Luke calling Percabeth an old married couple just to remind OG readers that Luke doesn’t have romantic feelings for Annabeth this time around 😭
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tastycitrus · 9 months
there's an alternate timeline where the new 52 reboot kept all three batgirls but retconned all the robins except for dick, who went back to being robin with nightwing banned from being mentioned at all
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gethoce · 1 year
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[First] - [Prev]
Meta Knight's confession 3/3, Just a little Guy
Not exactly what Meta Knight expected. What counts is that Dedede feels a wee bit more at ease!
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kojitheopossum · 1 month
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Final breath of a dying star
Closeup and lightless + bonus version under cut
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mcytblrconfessions · 1 month
did we all just collectively forget about Tales from the SMP, cause I remember that being actually really well-written and having horrifying implications story wise, though it might just be rose-colored glasses-
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juneviews · 11 months
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"Because I don't like Pear, I like you."
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