#and ur worried they're going to start brawling
sighonaraa · 3 months
i think i talked about this fic a bit ago but then Life Happened and now it's not happening quite so much so! i've returned to it! the untitled sam & jamie best friend forever-ism gift fic!
The way Jamie ducks his head, almost bashful, makes Sam’s heart twinge. Perhaps it is for this reason that what comes spilling out of his mouth next is, “Do you like ice cream?” “’Course,” Jamie says, and then looks ashamed that he’s answered so quickly. “I mean…yeah, sure. Sometimes, I s’pose.” Sam elects to ignore the way Jamie trips over himself to backtrack, content enough that they’re having a normal conversation that hasn’t yet devolved into biting insults. “I was thinking of getting some this weekend,” he says, casual, although he feels anything but. His chest has opened up, a void over which he presides. An unknown realm. One wrong step, and he’ll be falling through darkness with no hand to guide him. “Would you—would you want to join me?” “Oh,” says Jamie, again, in the vocal equivalent of being struck in the face by a pan. He prods a bit at his salad, though his eyes never leave Sam’s face. They’re big and wide, almost owlish. There’s a clearness to them, a pureness, that Sam’s not sure how he ever missed. “I mean. You sure, mate? I think Dani’s free Sunday—” “No,” Sam says, firmly. He’ll make it up to Dani later. “I want to go with you.”
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