#and wahoo! I'm there with bells on!
amuseoffyre · 1 year
Me: That's enough Good Omens meta for now Also me: YES BUT WHAT IF...
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serwill · 1 year
anyway i made this blog just so i could say that i started a new game in elden ring and have been going hard with my bleed build and i've felled my last F I V E bosses without breaking a sweat wahoo
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[[Alright so I'm new around these parts, may someone pleaaaase sum up the juicy lore for me?]]
-grateful anon
[ominous bell toll]
[It is time (lore summary time)]
[and. and this time. WE'RE GOING OVER ALL THE LORE!!!!!!!!] [i'll probably pin this so people can find the lore easily]
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[LORE UNDER THE CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
[Alrightttt so. IMPORTANT BITS!!]
[gangle has an ai version of herself thats meant to represent her subconscious: "s-gangle" who is currently .. missing right now]
[gangle used to be friends with kaufmo (before he abstracted)] [related comics and art here:] [comic, art, art,
[gangle hates an anon named "hammer anon" who has attacked her multiple times] [i'll cover that momentarily]
[i'll also include some other blog lore at the end, but right now we're focusing on gnagle lore!] ------
[so, starting off from the very beginning: the first important event was when gangle borrowed one of jax's keys, secretly accessing kaufmo's room. she wanted to find a way to move on from what happened. it did not go well . heres the series of comics relating to this: comics here]
[kaufmo's blog got introduced around this time, making gangle freak out (because she couldnt really comprehend the fact that kaufmo was just. back] [but she didnt want to deal w/ her emotions, so she forced herself to wear her happy mask for an extended period of time] [which, according to blog lore, kind of helps suppress her emotions]
[anyway, obviously thats a horrible idea] [so she kinda suffers for the next few asks] [like this ask, this ask, this ask, and this ask!] [yeah turns out the mask aint holding up very well. uh oh.] [yikes.]
[this is where hammer anon comes in! in this post, he breaks gangle's mask, resulting in all her emotions flooding in (this post). wahoo, i suppose? (not really)]
[the anons comfort gangle in this post, and eventually she recovers. yay!] [gangle is happy for a bit] [shes watching over kinger's fortress while he erm. goes through his own arc (here)] [anyway while watching over the fortress she has movie night! which results in this art here]
[unfortunately. another arc happens. Jax literally abstracts! thats right. jax abstracted. gangle is. not feeling great about it! (comic)] [so yeah]
[unfortunately for gangle, things get worse when hammer anon decides now is a GREAT time to see if gangle has a third mask!] [art here!] [so she erm. flees! to the ferris wheel !] [cause remember, this may be a circus but theres also the fairgrounds!]
[anyway. gangle is cornered. and over the course of some asks impending doom slowly approaches her!] [related art here, here, here, and the comic begins here!]
[anyway. yeah! turns out! there is no third mask. which glitches gangle. yikes. whoops.] [shes out cold for a while] [and one of the anons takes her inside so she can rest (art here)]
[gangle eventually wakes up (art here)] [and has a bunch of errors all over her face! cause. you know. her masks.] [she freaks out a bit over it but dont worry she calms down eventually]
[also, not exactly lore important? but someone decids to taunt her for being a coward n such so she throws a fish at them in this comic]
[one extra thing as well: erm. jax DIED. like not even abstracted hes straight up dead due to one of the abstractions named dyno. yeah.] [or well he WAS dead at this time]
[caine is informed about what's happening, but unfortunately he isn't able to do anything about it (art here)] [honestly, gangle's tired of all this (especially considering the literal ai who runs the circus cant do anything to help) so she heads off to the lake. and SURPRISE!!!] [zooble appearance]
[heres the series of art/asks] in chronological order] [art 1, art 2, art 3, art 4, art 5, art 6, art 7, art 8,] [theres also a little break inbetween; one of the anons attempts to fix gangle's mask (it goes horribly wrong) related art here and here] [anyway continuing the zooble arc] [comic 1, comic 2, comic 3, comic 4, comic 5, and the animated finale]
[smth funny thats unrelated to lore- a CERTAIN ANON (cough) /silly was predicting all of my story ideas. (art here)]
[one more important thing regarding zooble: abstragedy/google ship is not canon, please don't joke about it/talk about it-] [im pretty sure zooble's mod is uncomfortable with the ship] [so.. yeah!]
[now: smth i'd like to mention, there were 2 story arcs before the finale of the comics related to zooble:] [the computer files arc and s-gangle's introduction arc]
[the computer files thing was a little event i set up for everyone, where they could look through gangle's character files] [heres 2 silly asks that aren't lore related: 1 and 2] [ANYWAY lore related stuff! heres some of the important stuff: C&A, The Magician, and Memories]
[the one of the most important things though, from the files, would be the logs:] [here is log 1, log 2, and log 3 (with some art!)]
[anyway, s-gangle.exe is booted, and bam! s-gangle is introduced! (<- link here)]
[most of the asks are normal, but heres some lore important asks: flowers 1, flowers 2, copycat, red, poem (the poem ask was made around the time gangle returned)]
[anyway! wahoo, after a while, gangle's back, and she now has to deal with All the Anon Chaos that's happened. poor gangle] [anyway. heres the important stuff!: an anon decided to curse s-gangle with a physical body, resulting in s-gangle immediately running off (comic here)]
[and.. theres also some silly stuff going on with the kaufmo blog. for context; during the jax dying situation, kaufmo used the chaos as a chance to escape the cellar and hid in his room for a while]
[kaufmo, learning about the whole "error" situation with gangle, wants to do something about it. (comic here)] [andd.. heres the final part relating to that! (comic here)]
[apologies about the final section of lore, especially the kaufmo part, considering it had to be rushed on christmas day due to the ask i recieved]
[and. y.y eah. thats everything! i'll try to actively update this lore as time goes on. wow this is a lot.]
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skorchinq · 5 months
I binge read the entirety of Go For It, Nakamura! last night so here's some of my favorite panels! <3
Homophobic teacher </3 NO ONE ASKED YOU OTOGIRI-SENSEI
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autism stare
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I, too, have no idea how to join conversations... But honestly the main reason I saved this page was bc the bell was onomatopoeia'd as "BING BONG BEENG BOONG" which I think is a great way to describe the sound a school bell makes
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"Maybe I'm bi..."
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nvm it was just Hirose again
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Ok this is just mean TTOTT
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La lala lalalala~
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autism stare part 2
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Does anyone else think Hirose looks kinda like Adrien Agreste or is that just me
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This is somehow even more poignant than Shinji chair meme
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80% of the Tumblr userbase be like
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And now we move on to the second volume~
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pure unadulterated rage
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He has been wailing for so many days, he has broken the world record.
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pure unadulterated joy
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This could make a great reaction image I think
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So could this one
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I'm going to be quoting "He's attractive, but also? Kinda sus!" for the rest of my days I tell you
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Every panel on this page is the peak of comedy honestly. Especially fond of the look on Matsumura's face as he whips out the photos and the line "How do you like them apples?!"
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
Maaan, gotta love how Arendelle is going so hard with the Elsa/Riku parallel, it's so funny. Sora saw sad person running away who's afraid of the darkness power within themselves hurting others and immediately imprinted upon her as alarm bells went off inside his head. "Ah shit, here we go again."
Then a wall was put up between Sora and Elsa that Sora laid his hands on (KH1 Ending, anyone), only to be immediately followed by Larxene showing up with the same business as in CoM where she tries to deter Sora from following who he's trying to save (the thoughts I have about the connotations for Marluxia and Larxene both being ones to make appearances so far, two people from Sora's amnesia-d game...). And given who Sora was initially trying to save in CoM... 👀
You see my vision? Lmao, Riku's just gotta 'let it go,' har, har.
Also, this bit of dialogue, not quoting exactly outside of the ones I remember/screenshotted, sorry, because I don't wanna fact check phrasing via internet until I finish this world:
Goofy: 'When the going gets tough, we gotta stick together!'
Sora: "Exactly! Although, Donald, you do lose your temper a lot, so I can relate to wanting some alone time."
Versus, after Elsa insisting it'd be safer for everyone if she self isolated, and Sora walks up to her with a hand outstretched "Not safer for you!" after which a literal wall gets thrown up between them:
Goofy: 'She'll be alright! She seemed strong.'
Donald: "You gotta let her go. She wants to be alone."
Sora, his hands on the ice wall, not accepting it whatsoever: "Yeah, I hear you... but I just wanted to know why she was so sad." And this is after Elsa has demonstrated her fear of hurting people with her ice powers. And Sora still feels like there's more to dig into there. It's just interesting. 👀
I love how Sora is a bleeding heart, but also he gets extra invested when he notices aspects of his own situations in others, either consciously or, in this case I'm assuming, unconsciously. He'd be the person to watch a sad movie that reminded him of a loved one and text them sobbing at 3a.m like "btw you just. mean the world to me 😭❤️ ilyyy talk to me soon okay???"
Anyway, wahoo, back to Nobodies kicking my ass in Larxene-induced ice jail <- own fault, this silly goose is under leveled. I've yet to die yet in this game though, despite being in Proud Mode. 💪 I gotta brag a little bit.
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jolapeno · 5 months
Helloooo! I love your happy hour idea! So firstly, do you have anything you’d love to share for happy hour?
Id love to have the brains about me rn to come up with a good fmk for you, but I am T I R E D, so mines is a dull-to-most piece of news but I’m so buzzin’ about it 😂
I’ve been away for four days with my class on a residential trip and I managed to climb a ropes course which was essentially a free walk and it was SO high. I was shaking for HOIRS after it with the adrenaline! I’m also proud of myself for just surviving this trip - I have NEVER been so exhausted in my life hahahah
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This is a pic of the course we did (you see that tightrope? That shit was SCARY 😂) and we had to go back and forth to ring the bell at the top left 🥲
I hope you’re having a lovely week! I did see that you posted your new story (ahhh!!!!) so I’m going to read it tonight (unless I fall asleep hahah) now that I’m finally home 💕
omg babe, do not worry about using any brain space on a fmk for me, i'm just so glad you're here. also, that tightrope looks terrifying (jo is a little scared of heights and she would not like that at all)
i hope the residential trip went well though???
and your news is never dull, because it's from you 🩷 and i care about you!
so, do i have anything to share. hmm. okay. this week, i did something a little off-putting/intimidating/scary in my personal life (I've been trying to challenge myself with little things that usually set off my anxiety or ocd really badly) and it wasn't NEARLY as bad as i thought it was. it was still like jarring? but as it's something i can continuously do, i'm hoping that it'll get easier? you know? but yeah. it was a minor thing, something people can do with ease but something I've always struggled with. BUT WE DID IT. wahoo. and that's why i have cookies tonight, it was a treat for ticking another thing of my goals for 2024✨
see, now who's sharing dull things hahaha
happy hour is open ✨
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bednbunfast · 11 months
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new ocs!! wahoo!! both are still uncolored but their names are Bell ( Belicia ) and Lidia!! i am shaking them i love these little shit,,
I'm gonna tell more about them tomorrow I am just,, sleepy
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gamermoment · 4 years
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WAHOO :D!!!!!
OK SO I've really liked Rachel from the beginning (as in from when I first started watching Gumball when I was like 7 and only the first few episodes were out on) and honestly, coming back to series after getting older and finding that she NEVER appeared in any episode post season 1 (or just post "The Party") kinda did shock me a lot. I feel like they'd at least keep her in the background every now and then :(
Tobias probably didn't lie; Rachel might have supposedly gone to college like he stated in that one "Darwin's Yearbook" clip. Seeing that she supposedly went there, it's weird. She was attending Elmore Junior High and I'd assume she's in the same class as Clare, Hot Dog Guy, Wilson, etc., since she was the older sibling. Did she get to graduate early? And as far as I'm aware they all haven't physically grown over the course of the show. Rachel specifically was taken out by the show directors because they didn't like her personality; as though none of the other characters were just as annoying (that's what gives the show a sense of genuinity. teens are cruel and really blunt and annoying (speaking as a teen myself ofc.)) (And even then- the characters did subtly-or-straight-up develop over time)
Rachel has vanished, and something I noticed when comparing Rachel and Rob was they both are stated to have supposedly gone to college. Rob claimed to have a degree in canadian history; and Tobias stated that Rachel went. So these two already have a lot in common, on top of the "both being background characters who suddenly vanished before Season 3" but with Rob's case, he comes back and takes on a new style change in his design. Rachel isn't seen again.
There's a strong correlation between "college/uni" and the Void. So did Rachel go to college? Allegedly, but my theory is she ended up the same as Rob- in the Void.
ok now for the actual AU:
im still working on a little synopsis for a fic! but so far I've got
• She's stuck in the Void and with a strong drive to leave and spite the world, she forcibly makes her way out even if it means tearing apart the materialized border between the Void and Elmore.
• She steps out of the void and
(just like Rob, she's disfigured- which I actually drew some concept art of her that I'll post later! it's not done but i will share the WIP on my art acc :3) She looks around and sees almost no one except for a couple of people right outside their houses.
• Shes not angry, just annoyed she got sent away from where she lived; so she looks and tries to reunite with her brother and family.
• but before that, it becomes night time and she finds a bench to sleep on, she's cold; she wakes up and woah!!! someone covered her in newspapers
• Rachels unaware of what she looks like so as shes making her way to the school and encounters Felicity, Rachel is really confused as to why the woman is screaming and covering Billy's eyes before running off.
• Offended and taken aback, she realizes something- if it isnt the fact that her arm is slightly glitching and both arms are covered in faint gray and pink; its that she hasnt had a makeover in an eternity.
• she goes over to a puddle on the side of the road to see her reflection, but it's too muddy and unclear so she makes her way to the school again.
• Rachel walks in and the halls are empty; everyones in class so Rachel takes this opportunity to go to the bathroom and see what changed.
• She sees herself in the mirror, freaks out which alarms the two other girls in the bathroom (sarah and jamie, who neither of them recognize her) The latter of the two grabs a broken pipe and attempts to attack Rachel with it.
• ThE GiRls ArE FiGhtInG and Clare walks in just in time, slamming the door behind her which caught all 3 girls' attention.
• Rachel took the chance to kick Jamie off of her and bolted towards the door; Clare immediately gets out of the way.
• After leaving the bathroom, she goes around the school seeing if she can find her brother and eventually stumbles into Brown's office (who did not take Rachel's sudden uncanny appearance lightly) He doesn't recognize her at all and threatens to call authorities if she doesn't leave school property.
• Rachel is now running through the hall, the bell rings and she bumps into Mr. Small (note: she saw him and the wattersons come into the void when they rescued Molly) She passes by Gumball and Darwin too but doesn't pay much attention.
aaaaand thats all that I have of the base/rough draft for now; im really excited to finalize this into a full fic!
Another note: the main plot of this AU is she unites with Rob and the two get to know each other better while planning revenge and discussing the void (they even live together at the dump where Rob resides)- there's also a little romance between her and Clare as they see each other more frequently outside of the school, Clare trying to suppress her feelings for Rachel but the latter prompts they hang out each time they see each other.
this AU is still a wip but its really fun thinkin about it!
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musteligay · 4 years
Is it normal for after awhile, the "shine" of a kintype like wears off? Like I'm still dogkin, just not "WOAHH IM DOGKIN I WANT GEAR AND TO RUN IN THE WOODS YEAH", just more laid back ig and casual even if it still effects me. Is that normal? I feel bad for not like trying to do dog things day to day anymore
That is very very normal. Human beings do not run around all day every day going WAHOO I'M HUMAN I'M GONNA GO DRIVE A CAR AND ORDER FAST FOOD! Nor do animals spend every waking moment planning to bark at strangers or groom themselves. The newness of a revelation will not be your constant every day. You may have moments when the euphoria is bright like the sun, just as you will have times when it barely registers. When it is your normal then it simply Is. It doesn't NEED bells and whistles attached at every step to be meaningful or even real. Even when I do acknowledge my animality, sometimes it's just a one off casual yep still an animal. It's normal to have highs and lows, even extreme ones. There is no wrong way to be nonhuman. Just letting yourself exist as you are and taking all that entails in stride is how life works. It's only when you resist your reality that it's an issue. Telling yourself you can't possibly be an animal despite all the signs otherwise will wear you down into a mess. But letting it ebb and flow naturally, right all that entails? That's life. That's nature. A dog is a dog even when it is doing nothing at all to acknowledge or enforce that fact. A weasel is a weasel even when it isn't reminding itself of that fact over and over.
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damnrightshow · 2 years
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Back again new week and new feeling. Also today 2 hours funk n’ soul. I have to get new records for feeling fresh, I think ! Monday show played heavy funky stuffs on but isn’t good for Monday ? Anyway I play on the tunes and only Mixcloud live this week ! Please join the live ‘! I’ll do same time same address today. See you later.
2. "Loving You Is Mellow" MAJOR HARRIS (Atlantic)
3. "Destination Unknown" THE DELREYS INCORPORATED (Tampete)
4. "Bullet" DALE DENNARD (Red Coach)
5. "Steppin' Tall" BILL BUTTERBALL CRANE (Key)
6. "Charge" BRONC GLOWS (Bull City)
8. "Who Knows" BEAU DOLLAR (King)
9. "Living In Depression" SEBASTIAN (Pesante)
10. "You Blew My Mind" VARNON GARRETT (Kapp)
11. "Moving World" CREATIVE FUNK (Creative Funk)
12. "For Your Love" 1619 B.A.B. (Chess)
13. "My Hang Up Is You" SKULL SNAPS (GSF)
14. "Don't Shake My Tree" BEVERLY WHEELER with THE CAMEROS (BSC)
15. "Work To Do" THE ISLEY BROTHERS (T Neck)
16. "Soul Chills" DEDE SOUL AND THE SPIDELLS (Julmar)
17. "Did You Mean It" ARLENE BELL (Velvet)
18. "Poppin' Pop Corn" THE HIGHLIGHTERS (Ro Jam)
19. "Power Struggle" JAMES POLK AND THE BROTHERS (Twink)
20. "You Can't Even Walk In The Park" JOHNNY PATE (Abc)
21. "Everyday People" CAPRELLS (C.R.S.)
22. "Sunshine" SCACY & THE SOUND SERVICE (Scacy)
23. "Journey Of No Return" NEW BORN LITE (Soul Sauce)
24. "I'm Gonna Get Your Thing" LEE HARRIS (Forte)
25. "Searching For Soul" JAKE WADE & THE SOUL SEARCHERS (Mutt)
26. "Superpeople" NOTATIONS (Gemigo)
27. "Get On Down" THE YOUNG HEARTS (20th Century)
28. "Give It Up" HORIZON (Shine)
29. "We The People" GENERAL JOHNSON (Arista)
30. "Yolanda" BOBBY BRAND (Abc)
31. "Wahoo Wahoo Wahoo" WAYNE CARTER (Mootrey's)
32. "Bring Back Peace Of The World" SPENCER JACKSON FAMILY (Scarab)
33. "Straight Ahead" BOBBY BOYD CONGRESS (Okapi)
34. "The Morning After" DEREK DAVID (Pagan)
35. "Fifth Street" MERCY MEN (Gee)
36. "Got To Be A Change" THE CONCEPTS (Kustom)
37. "Do It Again" DEEP HEAT (CUWU)
38. "Nothing But The Best" O.C. SMITH (Rendezvous)
39. "We've Only Just Began" LEE McDONALD (Soul Brother)
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3pirouette · 3 years
Ho ho ho! It's your Steggy Secret Santa here, checking in from the North Pole!
The elves and I are all big fans of your work, and we have put our heads together and think we have come up with an idea for your gift! However, we haven't cleared off the workbench to get started on it yet, so this is your chance to put in requests! Is there anything you would particularly like or not like in your gift? (We have your original list of do not wants tacked up on the wall of the workshop, and we are pleased to say that our idea does not include any of them.)
The elves have a few other questions which may or may not be related to your gift idea. They are such big fans, sometimes they just want to know things.
Do you have a favorite Howling Commando (or Howling Commandos)?
Do you have any strong feelings about small woodland animals? Are there any you really don't like? Any you really do?
Do you enjoy Christmas carols? If so, do you have any favorites? Are there any you really can't stand?
What's your favorite color?
What, if any, are your feelings on the judicious use of cinnamon in pancakes?
All of us at the North Pole wish you a very happy December!
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IT'S HERE!! OH MY GOSH HELLO!! You don't know how excited I am for this- to hear from you AND to get my own assignment!
Ok, ok. Stay cool, stay cool.
Ok, so...
Do you have a favorite Howling Commando (or Howling Commandos)?
Dum Dum. By far. (mostly because Bucky's in a totally different category- he'd be first them Dugan second, but if Bucky's out, it's Dugan all the way. WAHOO!)
Do you have any strong feelings about small woodland animals? Are there any you really don't like? Any you really do?
...I just finished watching the most recent episode of Dexter New Blood- so I'm sure I read this in a FAR more nefarious context than you meant it to be... but I'm a little worried. Also, as a South Park Fan, Woodland Creatures in a holiday context tend to make me nervous in general. HOWEVER... in general, I do like small woodland animals and if I COULD make them my friends a-la Snow White, I would. Other than that, i have no strong feelings either way.
(I do, however, have fairly strong feelings about hunting? Not sure if that applies or not...)
Do you enjoy Christmas carols? If so, do you have any favorites? Are there any you really can't stand?
I do enjoy christmas carols. If we're talking traditional carols or songs, the 12 Days of Christmas is my least favorite. That's followed closely by anything super religious, as I'm not at all religious and instead prefer to celebrate the holiday focusing on showing my love and appreciation for friends and family.
As far as "traditional" holiday music goes I'm actually a sucker for the Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky and Carol of the Bells.
Those picks seem minimally helpful, I'm sorry.
What's your favorite color?
Purple. Followed closely by blue.
What, if any, are your feelings on the judicious use of cinnamon in pancakes?
That sounds delicious.
I AM SO EXCITED!! Santa, please feel free to jump in my inbox at any time. I will try to check frequently for you!
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