#and watch next year they'll do the same fucking thing god this band makes me so fucking angry
rinion-b · 2 years
Bocchi the Rock! is a work of art.
Obviously, it's animation, and animation is art. But I mean more than that. BtR as a piece of media is the coalescence of so many art forms and things that I enjoy about creation and media into one coherent work.
And this is from a 4koma manga series.
Read more below the Read More, this is mostly free of spoilers. Mostly.
CHAPTER 1 (yes this has chapters)
Okay, let's set the scene.
The year is...well, let's say just before the 2010s drop. As a kid who still doesn't know much about anime, you stumble across two anime series. The first one in this example is K-On! It's a CGDCT/slice of life (whichever term you prefer) about a girl learning the joy of playing music and making friends...for a rough summary.
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It's a really good anime, and for someone who had a pretty poor experience with learning instruments in school (personally, acoustic guitar and piano) it definitely planted the seeds of "guitar is pretty cool" and "making music is pretty cool" in my mind.
...But it's not perfect at doing that. It has the growth across the series, but that growth is streamlined, I'd argue even idealized (though forgiven due to what genre this show is), and it lacks the specific type of impact that I've always been partial to in music.
The other show had that impact.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is one of my all-time favorite series, and for more than one reason. Today, as you might expect, I'm here to talk about specifically the band scenes of God Knows and Lost My Music.
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Fucking Legendary.
This scene has Impact. I can hear this, watch the scene, and it makes me both want to pick up my own guitar or just sing along as if I'm in the crowd. Every time. The genre of the song being to my tastes helps, but on a technical level the delivery and setup is extremely well done.
What this show doesn't have for guitar, though, is the growth. Obviously. If you've seen Haruhi, you know why, and if you haven't, please go watch it? Please? Do it for Nagato. Then watch the movie.
I'm not a connoisseur of anime. I've honestly barely watched much anime since halfway through college, so I'm sure someone out there has other good examples of a music-focused anime that achieves both that sense of Growth and Impact at the same time.
Good on you. Hopefully you agree that Bocchi the Rock! fucking slaps.
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BtR comes out of the gate swinging, and it left me with a concussion. Social recluse discovers the appeal of guitar, and then they timeskip 3 whole years to her being good at the instrument. A reasonable human timeframe is terrifying. I'm not even joking here.
Then they address the issue of learning to play with Other People. This isn't even just applicable to Bocchi, this is about band and group music settings in general. You can be cracked at solo performances, but if you aren't used to even being around someone else, it's going to take time to get used to playing or singing or acting around them comfortably.
The depiction of learning and growth doesn't end there by any means. Episode 8 is maybe the hardest I've been hit by watching something in the past couple years, and I live in terror because of the thought they'll get me again with something in the finale.
From the next GIF (Kita) to the one after that (Bocchi playing a guitar), I am going to talk about the details of that episode. Your one spoiler warning.
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Ok. I am now going to nerd out about how specifically Bocchi the Rock! is not something that can properly be captured in a static panel format after the events of Episode 8. You with me?
As a music anime, obviously having music to go with the band elevates the anime above the manga by default. It's sort of a staple of the genre and leaving it out would result in this weird state the Pokemon titles are currently in where they need that crucial audio to sell the delivery. Anyway sound good.
But the vast majority of performances are either deliberately bad for the sake of showing a beginner status, or essentially flawless. BtR does not fucking do this. Their audition run was really solid, and you as the viewer are primed to expect that same thing from the band because if they've hit it once, they can hit it twice right?
Guitar, Loneliness, and Blue Planet feels almost painful to listen to here. Bocchi narrates internally the issues she's seeing, but even without that you can fucking FEEL the dissonance. The vocalist tripping over her lines, the lead not being in charge of the pace of the song, a general buildup of nerves and lack of experience that you can feel and see and hear and that burrows into your skull as the performance comes to a close. S l o w l y. They do not skip over this. You are in the audience watching this band stumble on their first performance. It hurts.
AND THEN BOCCHI FUCKING FLOORS IT. (see the GIF marking the end of this spoiler section)
By taking charge of the room with a solo, she's able to drag everyone out of that auditory funk they were just dragged through. Herself, the audience, the viewer, her bandmates. They pull out their new song, That Band, and it is taking all of my willpower to keep this paragraph from devolving into a keymash and incoherent rambling about how much I love this scene and this song and this series.
It's really good. It's really fucking good.
This scene capitalizes on both the ability to put the viewer in that uncomfortable situation in the first place and then drag them out, and ALSO by hiding the full contents of the original songs before the first time they're performed live in full (Guitar, Loneliness, and Blue Planet was used at their audition in a similar way, you knew essentially nothing about it going into that scene). These things together with the commitment to sitting through the entire scuffed first song before the intense shift into overdrive as Bocchi shreds both her guitar and the awkward silence and they go into a second equally impressive original song makes this scene by far my favorite in the anime, and the only thing that would top this is if they outdo themselves in the final episode.
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Spoilers over! Welcome back.
Between the commitment to bringing out Bocchi's character even further in the original songs, the technical details of the songs themselves, and the attention to detail in the actual performances during the show, there is an incredible level of passion poured into making this show that is honestly up there with the people who made the movie Redline. (Go watch that one if you have the time, it's a banger too but that's a different topic).
CHAPTER 2: the rest
Now comes time to talk about the fact that this music series that can and will get you emotionally involved in it IS A COMEDY AS WELL.
There is no comedy in the actual performances, and that also contributes to why they hit so hard when you see them play out. BtR manages to walk two tightropes at the same time, delivering immensely high-quality musical performances and a solid cast right alongside genius visual gags, surreal visuals, references to a ton of other media, and fun and engaging personalities throughout the roster.
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Bocchi's ability to deform and warp reality is a tangible and recognizable thing to the cast, and the amount of different styles and dimensions and framerates and methods of delivery and length of the gag vary from episode to episode, as well as within each episode. It almost feels like a class presentation session at times, with new styles and references popping in as a guest before cutting back to the regular depiction of the characters in their normal state.
They also??? Do 3D really well??? Like yeah you can tell what parts of some performances are using 3D but it isn't intrusive. It's implemented in a way that it complements the rest of the scene instead of detracting from it (I should clarify this also applies to the more esoteric 3D scenes but for different reasons than the ones used in performances).
Reading through an translation of an interview done with some of the staff (link here, highly recommend reading it) reveals that the animation crew is indeed just full sending into a gag and pulling out all the stops to deliver a punchline without breaking the coherence of the series as a whole.
I love them. I love this show.
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There is more I could say about this series, about the things that I love so much about the show, about the characters and my personal favorite gags and other moments I love.
But hopefully you understand now why I hold BtR in such high regard. A music anime produced to the highest degree, a legendary combination of music, audio, writing, visual media variance, and character designs.
It no doubt stands on its predecessors. But to compare it to K-On! in a way does both of them a disservice. This is as much a passion product as it is a production, and the entire staff and cast have my deepest thanks for delivering so well on this series.
I am not ready for the final episode.
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confinedinthisflesh · 2 years
GOD i want to enjoy the concept they're attempting now but it's been years
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nachotrash · 3 years
ft: @catchmewiddershins @lilikags and @paradise-creator // no haikyuu boys this time
Pauline: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this? Wid, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
Pauline: We're having a baby. Shiyu: Oh, congradu- Wid, slamming adoption papers onto teh table: It's you, sign here.
Pauline: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Shiyu, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Wid, whispering: Because I have little hands. Shiyu: Because they have little hands.
Wid: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Lili: Life keeps fucking me and I can't remember the safeword.
Wid: Pros and cons of dating me. Wid: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Wid: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
(cons. you're the smart one😔)
Shiyu: Sure, you're verified on twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of god?
Pauline: Theater kids are just choir kids who joined forces with the band and strings kids.
Shiyu: Did you just call me a shrimp, you asshole?! I'm still growing, dammit!
(*lipbites in 166 cm*)
Wid: I don't dab. I stab.
(nOw WhEarE HAvE i SeEn ThIs BeFoRe)
Shiyu: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
(t-pose to assert dominance)
Shiyu, as a child, reading their school assignment out loud: I love my library because... Shiyu, mouthing words while writing: I love reading, fuck you.
(lmao baby nacho really be bold)
Shiyu: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Lili: It's not ugly, just aesthetically challenged.
Pauline: The last time I went to an urgent care clinic, I checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies.
Pauline: All of your existences are confusing. The Squad: How so? Pauline: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
(we are the squad now)
Lili: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Wid: Real life should have a fucking search function, or something. Wid: I need my socks.
Pauline: New year, same me. Because I'm perfect.
(yes yes you are how dare you)
Shiyu: Yeah I'm LGBT. Shiyu: cuLt leader. Shiyu: God hates me personally. Shiyu: cowBoy hat. Shiyu: *sniffles* Trying my best.
(my asexual ass be like;)
Wid: *plays shreksophone* Wid: Woo. Wid: Time to listen to this on loop for all eternity. Shiyu: ...Genius coping mechanism my friend
Shiyu: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Pauline: Killed without hesitation.
Pauline: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
Pauline: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Pauline: I hate Lili. Shiyu: "Hate' is a strong word. Pauline: I have strong opinions.
(oh no)
Wid: How does that even work? Shiyu, mocking them: hOw dO yOu UsE a cOmPUteR aNd KnOw wHaTS GoiNg oN iT DoEsNt mAke SeNSe?! Wid: Your face doesnt make sense.
(...fair enough)
Pauline: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Pauline: My stomach growled super loud in French. Pauline: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class. Shiyu: Bonjour. Lili: Le growl. Wid: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
(reminds me of the 'ill speak french between your legs' tumblr legend and im wheezing)
Shiyu: *tapping fingers on table* Lili: *taps fingers back furiously* Wid: …What’s going on? Pauline: Morse code. They’re talking. Shiyu: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - Lili: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Shiyu: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. Wid, Lili, & Pauline: Okay. Shiyu: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. Wid: Bold of you to assume I have money. Lili: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die. Pauline: Bold of you to assume I can die.
(pauline is a goddess. goddesses cant die)
Lili: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong? Wid: Strong. Shiyu: Weak. Pauline: An idiot, is what your are.
(as long as you dont flinch or scream youre strong. unless you get punched in the gut by someone like ushijima ofc)
Shiyu: Those darn tall old people. Wid: Darm em' indeed. Pauline: Don't worry, they'll be gone soon enough. Lili: *sharpening knife* Yes. Dead. The Squad: Lili: Hahaha. Lili: ...Is this self-destructive behaviour?
Wid: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Pauline. They're mad at you. Pauline: No, it's Shiyu. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Shiyu: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Lili: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Shiyu: I stand by my choice.
Wid: What do we think of Shiyu? *pause* Lili: *sighs* Nice pal. Pauline: I think they're gay.
Wid: Where is Shiyu? Pauline: I'll do you one better, who is Shiyu?? Lili: Here's a better question, why is Shiyu?
(i dont know man. ive been trying to figure it out for the last few years)
Wid: On the count of three, what’s your favorite cake? Wid & Lili: One, two, three- Wid & Lili: Chocolate cake, peanutbutter frosting, and chocolate chunks! Shiyu: Our turn, Pauline! One, two, three- Shiyu: Vanilla! Pauline: I’ve never had cake before. What is cake?
Pauline: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Wid: A doll. Shiyu: A cinnamon roll. Lili: A sweetheart. Pauline: Pauline: ...stop it.
(cant deny the truth bby)
Wid, Pauline & Shiyu: *screaming* Lili: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Shiyu?! Wid: Wait, why are you asking Shiyu that when Pauline and I are also here? Lili: Because Shiyu wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
(i mean... its true )
Pauline: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out. Wid: Fucking Shiyu and Lili were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
(manifests dvalin cause i wanna ride on their back and fall off)
Lili: Wake me up- Wid: Before you go go Shiyu: When September ends Pauline: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
(cant wake up- WAKE ME UP INSIDE)
Shiyu, watching Pauline & Lili panic : What's going on? Wid: Pauline is having a midlife crisis and Lili is just having a crisis.
Lili: *Gasp* Pauline: wHAT?? Lili: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish? Pauline: *inhales* Wid, in another room with Shiyu: Why can I hear screeching?
(shiyu: same shit different day)
Shiyu: Christmas is cancelled. Wid: You can't cancel a holiday. Shiyu: Keep it up, Wid, and you'll lose New Year's too. Wid: What does that mean? Shiyu: Lili, take New Year's away from Wid.
Pauline: So, are they your friend or... Lili: They’re like Wid, but if Wid was ordered to be around you. Pauline: Oh, so Shiyu. Lili: Precisely!
(if its about how annoyed i always look then you ahve a point)
Wid: You’re just being paranoid. Again. Pauline: When have I been paranoid? Wid: Um, when you first met Lili you thought they were an undercover cop…? Pauline: No one has a wart that big, I thought it was a surveillance camera! Wid: And last year you were sure Shiyu was a mermaid! Pauline: They hate wearing shirts! COINCIDENCE?! *Later, when Pauline’s theory is proven wrong* Wid: Do you have anything to say for yourself? Pauline: I still think Shiyu is a mermaid.
(id gladly be one)
*Wid drunkenly wanders around the manor and Lili is drunkenly giggling* Shiyu, completely sober: *sighs* Well, looks like it's just me and you against the wold, Pauline. Pauline, going to their room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
Wid: We need to distract these guys. Lili: Leave it to me. Lili: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Pauline & Shiyu: *immediately begin arguing*
(*pulls out dictionary*)
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle. Shiyu, with Wid and Lili behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Police: Yes…three. Shiyu: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Police: Wha- Shiyu: Pauline FUCKING FELL OFF!
Wid: What is love? Pauline: An emotional minefield. Shiyu: A neurochemical reaction. Lili: Baby don't hurt me.
Pauline: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? Wid: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. Lili: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two. Shiyu: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Shiyu, pointing to the wall: What color is this? Pauline: Gray. Lili: Grey. Shiyu, turning to Wid: Now tell them what color you think it is. Wid: Dark white.
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
The Outsider (Nikki Sixx x Reader)
Chapter 4
It's your first night on the streets of LA. You have just arrived and you have nowhere to sleep. You meet Nikki at a bar and he offers to let you stay with him. You are the outsider.
Language, fluff, abuse, considering smut
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It took you guys about two hours, but you finally found where Tommy's friend is playing. You walk in behind Nikki, keeping a strong grip on his hand. You really don't want to lose Nikki. You know how easily he can disappear in a crowd like this. You walk over to bar with Nikki and Tommy behind you. Mick went home. He said his back was hurting him too bad. You settle down on the stool. You look at the stage, trying to figure out who Tommy's friend is.
The lead singer actually isn't that bad. He's really attractive to. He's got blonde hair and moves that are driving the ladies wild. You nearly scoff to yourself. He's obviously a man whore.
Nikki's standing beside you. He wraps an arm around your shoulders. You lean your head against Nikki's side.
If you're honest, you just wanna head back to the apartment. You're already exhausted as it is. That phone call from Jared really got you worked up.
The band ends and Tommy runs up to the stage as fast as his gazelle legs can carry him. You giggle at how he runs.
Nikki kisses the top of your head. "I really think this is going to work."
"You think?" You ask, looking up into his green eyes.
He nods. "We have a kick ass guitar player and a fucking epic drummer. As long as we can find a good lead singer, we'll be set."
You smile, not sure what to say. You're so proud of him, words can't express it.
Tommy comes back to the bar with the blonde lead singer in tow. His eyes run over your body with a smirk on his lips. You roll your eyes, leaning further into Nikki.
"Guys, this is Vince," Tommy introduces, looking proud of himself. "I think he'd be great as the singer."
"Your voice ain't half bad, man," Nikki says, shaking Vince's hand. "I'm Nikki."
Vince nods, not taking his eyes off of you. "Who's this?"
Nikki's eyes narrow. You pray to whatever holy being that's above that Nikki won't attack Vince for just looking at you. His arm tightens around your body.
"I'm (Y/N)," You say, reaching out to shake Vince's hand.
Vince just smirks at you as Nikki glares at him. Does he not notice the death look Nikki has on his face?
"My girlfriend," Nikki nearly growls.
You nudge his side, trying to signal him to calm down. Nikki's eyes meet yours. You try to tell him to calm the hell down, but you have no clue if that's what he got from that look.
Tommy hands Vince a cassette tape, oblivious to Nikki's anger. "Here's our tape man," Tommy says. "Listen to it and call us."
Vince nods, his eyes still not leaving you. Vince sticks the tape in his pocket, finally looking at Tommy.
"You guys gonna hang around for a while?" Vince asks.
Nikki shrugs. "I don't see why not. It's not like we have much else to do."
You laugh, knowing it's true. The most you and Nikki will do is sit around the living room. He'll be working on some new songs whilst you're reading some book you found in the bookstore next to your work. That sure does tempting.
Vince leads the three of you over to a table. You all settle down. Somehow you end up between Nikki and Vince which only makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. It's one of those circular booths instead of the normal ones. Nikki has his hand securely on your thigh, rubbing comforting circles onto the clothes skin.
You lean into Nikki, not really wanting to speak. Vince and Tommy are engulfed in a conversation about their latest "scores". Meaning the girls they've slept with. You don't really mind their talk. You've heard a lot worse from Nikki before you guys started dating.
"What can I get you boys?" A waitress asks. You vaugely recognize the voice.
You roll your eyes. Anytime you're out with Nikki and Tommy, or just Nikki, if it's a woman waitress she usually just ignores you. But really, could you blame them? Nikki and Tommy are really attractive men. With Vince thrown into the mix you're sure that you'll never even get to place your order.
Nikki orders his usual, Jack Daniels, and Vince and Tommy decide to do shots. You roll your eyes at them, knowing that they'll have major hangovers tomorrow.
The waitress doesn't leave right away. You can hear her speaking to Tommy. Well, more flirting with him.
Nikki nudges your side. You look up at him with a small smile. He leans down and gives you a quick kiss. You're not going to lie, you wanted it to last longer.
"You alright, love?" Nikki asks.
You nod, forcing yourself to smile wider. "Yep. Just a bit tired is all."
Nikki opens his mouth, but the waitress speaks up.
"(Y/N)?!" She exclaims.
You look over and see someone you didn't expect to be here. Her blonde hair and revealing wardrobe hasn't changed in five years.
"Vicky?" You almost laugh. "Please tell me I'm high or some shit."
Nikki laughs. "Nah, you smoked all our weed last night."
You narrow your eyes at him. "I only had maybe a quarter of a joint. You and Tommy smoked like one each."
Tommy laughs. "I only got three quarters of one since you were smoking on mine."
You laugh, kicking Tommy lightly under the table. "You really didn't need to be smoking that much since you were setting the goddamn cockroaches on fire."
Tommy snorts, leaning forward. "I do that shit when I'm sober."
"I'm not even surprised, T-Bone," You say, letting Nikki wrap his arm around your shoulders.
"Did you guys just forget I'm here or something?" Vicky asks.
Good to know she's as bitchy as ever.
"Yeah," You respond.
Nikki laughs. "Look who has an attitude."
You shove him, smiling. "You have no room to talk, Sixx. Before I came around you had a reputation of kicking people's asses for just looking at you."
Nikki nods. "That is the truth."
Tommy shakes his head. "I'm not surprised. The way you went off on London's lead singer kinda pegged you for a hot head."
"This is just ridiculous, now," Vicky says.
You sigh. "You still with Jared?"
"You still jealous?" She retorts.
"I never was and never have been jealous of you and Jared's relationship. Especially now," You respond, wrapping your arm the best you can around Nikki's waist.
She scoffs. "You're really dating this guy?"
You hum in response. You watch as Jared and your sister walk through the door of the bar.
Vince taps me on the leg. I turn my head towards him. I already know what he's going to ask.
"I'm alright," You say, not letting him ask.
He holds his hands up in surrender. "Don't attack me for making sure you're okay."
"We just met, Blondie."
"And that means I can't be worried about you?"
You nod. "Yep."
"You're a strange person," Vince laughs.
You turn back to Vicky who now has Jared and your sister next to her. Jared looks the same. Black hair and a preppy style. Nothing has changed.
"Vicky could you please just go get us the goddamn drinks?" You practically beg. You want her as far away from this table as she can get.
Jared opens his mouth to say something, but you cut him off.
"Can you both just leave me the hell alone?"
Jared looks taken aback by your harshness. He doesn't say a word. He just takes your sister's arm and walks away.
"We're never coming back to this bar," You say, leaning back.
"Why babe?" Nikki asks.
"Too many people from my past that I'd rather forget," You answer. "From now on we're sticking to the Starwood, The Whiskey, and The Rainbow."
"I would say, 'I'll drink to that', but your friend still isn't back with our drinks," Tommy laughs.
You bite your lip, trying to think of any way to get out of here. "Why don't we just go home? We have plenty of booze and we won't have to worry about how we're going to get home."
Nikki looks at the other two, trying to see what they want to do.
"Sounds good. I miss that apartment," Tommy says.
"Tom we were there not even four hours ago," Nikki laughs.
"I still miss it."
"Sounds good," Vince says.
"Hold on," You say. "The apartment is a sacred place that the band members and I hang out. You can't go there if you aren't apart of the band."
"What?" Vince asks, laughing in disbelief.
"You need to choose if you're gonna be in the band or not right now," You respond.
Vince takes a minute, then nods his head. "Alright, I'm in."
You all climb out of the booth and leave the godforsaken bar. Nikki walks beside you with his hand tightly gripping onto yours. Vince and Tommy are talking animatedly about something. You aren't listening to them. Your mind is staying at how you saw three people you ended up hating. They treated you wrong, and you see that now. They belittled you. They made you feel like nothing. You thought that's how friends treated each other, but after you met Nikki your view on that changed. He was, and still is, the sweetest and kindest man you ever met.
"Looks like you got us a lead singer," Nikki laughs, giving your hand a small squeeze.
"I guess I did," You respond, looking up at him. God, he's so perfect. You know that you're in love with him with every ounce of love you can manage.
"Who were those people?"
You drop your gaze back down to the sidewalk. "People that I hoped to never see again. Let's not get into it, alright?"
"Alright." He stops, pulling you into his body. He leans down and kisses you as deeply as he can manage. You smile as he pulls away. "I love you."
"I love you too," You respond.
You mean those words. And hearing him say them is about the only thing that's keeping you from breaking down right now.
This fic: @celestica-1988 @miriampraez @scarecrowmax @fandomshit6000 @freddiessmallnipples
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel
Nikki fics: @moon-beame @slutfor-sixx @2dead2function
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