#and when i asked for the chicken wings the guy at the till winked at me n when i checked the receipt after he rung me up i definitely did
latinokaeya-moving · 2 years
. just went to the butchers and i think they gave me the kilo of chicken wings i bought for free?
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lemonlushff-iy · 4 years
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WIPW you say...
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“Well...They are, we can say we tried. And then we can turn around ‘n’ go back and try again after our camping trip.”
“Are you guys looking forward to that?”
Three days alone with a newly single Inuyasha. It was going to be a dream come true and an utter nightmare. 
Nearly three days. 
That sounded a bit better. 
Less time alone together meant less time to possibly get into trouble. 
“Yeah, I think it will be fun. Just forget about everything for a few days...Kagome was right. I think I could use that right now.”
What else was she right about, she wondered. 
“Yeah - it will be fun.”
“Wow, talk about enthusiasm,” her brother replied dryly, and she rolled her eyes. 
“I’m sorry that wasn’t enthusiastic enough for you.”
Inuyasha glanced back at her in clear concern before turning to Souta and telling him to go on ahead. 
“See if you can get them standing, if ya can.”
“I’d have a better chance at getting Rachel Cooper to go out with me,” Souta mumbled under his breath, and Inuyasha grinned cheekily at him. 
“Won’t know ‘till ya try. Off with ya Squirt.”
“When are you gonna stop calling me that,” he sighed making Inuyasha laugh. 
"When you're taller."
"That's what you always say."
"That's 'cause I'll do it when you're taller. Off with ya," he encouraged, and Souta took off leaving the two of them alone. 
Which was just what Inuyasha wanted. 
And the three of them knew it. 
“--I promise I’m fine,” she hastily reassured before he could even ask. 
“Ya ain’t. It’s bullshit and we know it. Come on...out with it,” he tried again, his voice as soft as his eyes. “You can tell me. You know you can.”
She couldn’t. Not this time...and her silence only made him more uneasy. 
“Is it...Your dad?”
She was surprised he would even think of that...But she shouldn’t have been.  
“I know it’s the first time you’ve done this...since...well…” he trailed off uneasily, slowing Bessie until they were riding side by side. It might have been faster if they had walked, given the pace he set. She supposed he was trying to put more room between them and Souta. 
He wasn’t wrong, however. This was the first time she had moved cattle since her father passed. She had always managed to get out of it before, and she had been thinking about that earlier that morning, actually. Before they had even left. 
It felt oddly surreal. 
“It is strange,” she confessed, and he reached out, taking her hand. “I mean, I know it’s not like I expect to see him out there or anything,” she continued with a hallow chuckle, ”but I do remember the way he could take charge of a situation. 
The way he would make sure all of the mothers and calves were paired up before we moved them...and how he would stay behind to make sure we had everyone before joining us as we lead them to the next pasture. I always wanted him to give me that responsibility but…Can you just imagine me trying to wrangle a calf onto Spirit the way you can?”
“With those chicken wings?” he teased with a wink, and it was hard to describe the feeling in her chest when he did it. It was a thousand different things...ranging from a fluttering to utter devastation to annoyance. 
“Yeah,” she whispered, and she felt his thumb rub her knuckles. 
She knew that he was just trying to comfort her. Was trying to give her support and lend an ear and she appreciated it, but it also made her feel guilty. 
And angrier and more upset. Which was crazy but…
She was allowed to be confused and angry, ok? She didn’t understand what the hell he was thinking and why he was hiding it from her and she just…
She needed to know why the hell he did it, and why he wasn’t telling her. She needed to know what the hell was going on. 
She didn’t want to cause him more pain. She couldn’t hurt him again. Even if she wanted him...And god, did she want him. She wanted to hold him and kiss him and breath in the musk of his old spice. Wanted to hear that soft, soothing voice he used for her and only her. The one that told her she was special and precious and loved and…
...And just thinking about it made her heart ache. 
Between last night and doing this today without her dad she just…
She wished they could go home. Especially since it was going to be pointless. 
“Hey, let’s get a move on and catch up to Souta. I want to get this over with and not get caught in the storm. It looks like it’s going to be bad.”
Inuyasha nodded his head and urged Bessie into a solid gallop, surging ahead of her. 
Spirit wasn’t the only one who had a thing for asses. 
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jenni42085 · 4 years
Made in the AM <Five>
Ch. 5
Louis' POV
Getting back on the swing of touring after a month off was hard. Plus being a person short was even more tiring with rearranging songs and trying to reset everything. But the second night was epic. The energy that the fans give off will instantly make you feel pumped and excited though.
After the meet and greet we all head back to the hotel. During the ride I see Liam and Alex deep in discussion about something. Niall has his head on her lap. While she runs her hands through his hair. Harry was zoned out listening to music trying to drown out them talking.
Sitting there long enough with out doing anything I decide to join in their convo. " What are you talking about?"
"Working out and stuff." Liam answers returning his attention back to Alex.
"What about it?" I ask.
Alex sighs slightly, "Niall asked why didn't I just do the weight loss surgery instead of working out. Since I was so stressed about being skinny."
"Ohh. And you don't agree with it?"  I ask.  
"Nah. I feel like doing that would be the easy way out with more complications than I would want to deal with. Plus hardworking never hurt anyone. You know?" she replies with honesty.
"I understand. That is good that you weighed the option before jumping into surgery like others do, but honestly you look fine."
"Nah, I'm a little pudgy and need to tone up per everyone lol. Plus get my parents off my back about my relationship status.  I'm single while all my cousins my age are either married, dating, or kids. They make me feel like the reason I'm single is my weight. I'm ok with being single I just would like someone for moments when I'm sad and beat myself up. Having girlfriends who tell me I'm awesome is great but having a guy to be your cheerleader is so much better."
Liam puts an arm around her and she casually rests her head on his shoulder. "I'll always be your cheerleader.  I just want you to love yourself first.  You are beautiful, but if you want to tone up, I've got your back."
"Me too!" Niall and I say at the same time. I turn around in the seat and get another look at them. "You guys look like a huge cuddle pile."
"Jealous?" Niall asks lifting his head from her lap.
"That is debatable. You guys just look cozy though."
"She has magic fingers. I swear." Niall says taking her hand and putting it back into his hair.
"I think I'm spoiling him. His hair is really soft so I don't mind."  Alex replies with some humor to her voice.
"So what is the plan for tonight? After you work out that is." I ask already knowing Liam and her would be working out for at least an hour. I'm still slightly amped up but I don't want to go out staying in for a hotel drinking, eating, and goofing off.
The two of them reply in unison, "Working out, then I don't know afterwards. Why? What'd you have in mind?"
"How about some chicken wings, drinks and etc" I turn the overhead light on to screen their expressions and they were all smiles. "I take that as a yes."
"You would be correct good sir." Alex replies with a horrible English accent.
"So after you work out come to my room and I'll have the food and drinks." I reply. This night is going to be fun.
Liam's POV
Harry had texted us to meet him in his room before I go work out with Alex. I meet everyone in his room. "So what is with the male only meeting?"
"Well, I just wanted to say sorry for my shitty mood. More importantly sorry if I seem not myself." He replies looking seriously sincere in statement.
"No worries, we know, we are all going through issues since Zayne left, then the tour, and the album. I'm just glad Alex is around because she is affectionate and her insight to life and music helps me open up to things I wouldn't normally want to listen to or write." Niall says while stretching out on Harry's bed.
"So is she really that good?" Harry asks with an unsure look.
"Honestly, yes. When you get into her bubble you can see that she is really open about things. I really want to listen to songs she wrote for Tori. I saw her texting her about a new song she was working for her as an album bonus track." I state.
"Can I work out with you guys tonight? Maybe she'll open to me when there isn't so many people around."
"You can try but I'd but I think you'd be better off if she is a little drunk." I state calmly.
"Seriously?!?  The is your brilliant idea?"  Harry exclaims.
I look at him with a smirk, "Yes.  Only way to get people to be nice to have have them a little drunk.  Do you have any other ideas?"
"At this moment..... no"
"Well, we will make sure she is a little drunk so you two can play nice."  Louis says.
Alex's POV
That work out with Liam was intense.  I feel so sore already but hopefully the hot shower will loosen my muscle enough to enjoy this night in with the guys.  Going to try to be nicer to Harry because I don't want the entire time on this trip to be awkward or me avoiding him.  While in the shower, I think on how to let the happiness I show with the others spread to Harry.  It wasn't that he was a bad guy, just not one for someone to judge me with out fully knowing me but, I guess that can be said to be the same of how I am treating him.  
After my shower, I smooth some Hemp lotion into my skin, braiding my braids into a Elsa from Frozen type of style.  While packing my MacBook and guitar there is a knock at my door.  Louis is standing there with a big smile on his face.  "Are you done yet?  We are waiting on you to get our party started."
"I'm coming I was just grabbing my stuff just in case inspiration hits me plus, I have to let Harry hear the song and maybe work on some other stuff."  I reply.
"So are you going to give him a break?"
I put my head down at his comment then look up at him, "Yes I'm going to try.  I don't want my whole trip to be awkward, but if he says anything else stupid or hurtful, there will be a throat punch in his future."
"Noted.  I will hold you to it."  he says with a wink.
"Why is he so worried about it?"  I ask making my eyebrows raise slightly.  
"He just feels bad about it because that wasn't his intention."  
"Fine.  Let's get something to drink."  I say to him with excited expression.
"Oi!  That's my girl."  Louis grabs my guitar then follows me out of my room to his.  We get in his room,  while he is setting up the drinks and food I check my emails.  Tori and I have been messaging back and forth regarding a few songs as bonus songs on her album.  My heart is telling my 'Beautiful Things' will have to be on there because is it a soothing song and it is just with the guitar.  The other song I haven't been quite sure on.  It is has been a thing I've been playing around with, I've called it 'Dear No One'.
"Where is everyone?"  I ask pulling my guitar out of its case.  
Louis is pouring me a drink, "Probably late.  Chances are that Niall and Harry are playing games and Liam is still is in the shower."
I take a sip of my drink, "Wow!  That is strong.  I'm going to need a chaser."  Louis hands me some apple juice to drink with it.  "Do you think they will be much longer?  Tori needs another song, and I need to do a rough demo to send to her it shouldn't take long."
"What shouldn't take long?"  Niall comes in with a curious expression.
"Recording a quick song for Tori to play around with.  Would you do me the honors of playing the guitar while I plug the piano in so I can just do this in one take?"  
"Sure!  Hand her here."  I hand him my guitar then sprint back to my room and grab my travel keyboard then hand Niall the music. "You named a song 'Dear No One'?"  He looks over the music sheet then gives me a curious look.
A sheepish slightly embarrassed expression crosses my face, "Yes.  It is a pretty good song.  I think everyone will love it."
"Ok.  You are the songwriter."  Niall says sitting down next to me at the table.  
" 'Dear No One', take one with Niall Horan on guitar."  I take a deep breathe and Niall starts playing and the door flies open.
"Hey!  You ready to party?"  Liam was actually acting like a party animal with loose fitting gym shorts and a tight tank.  
"Damnit. Liam!  She was about to record."  Louis shouts at him.  I let a small chuckle as he hangs his head in embarrassment.
"It's ok deary.  Here can you play this?"  I hand him the piano version of the music.
"Yeah, are you asking me to play while you sing?"
"Well of course!  Niall is on the guitar so I can just sing."  I reply.  He looks at the sheet music and shoots me two thumbs up.  I hit the record button and close my eyes. " 'Dear No One', take two featuring Niall Horan on the guitar & Liam Payne on the piano playing......
I like being independent
Not so much of an investment
No one to tell me what to do
I like being by myself
Don't gotta entertain anybody else
No one to answer to...
But sometimes, I just want somebody to hold
Someone to give me the jacket when it's cold
Got that young love even when we're old
Yeah sometimes, I want someone to grab my hand
Pick me up, pull me close, be my man
I will love you till the end
So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
But I'm done lookin', for my future someone
Cause when the time is right
You'll be here, but for now
Dear no one, this is your love song
I don't really like big crowds
I tend to shut people out
I like my space, yeah
But I'd love to have a soulmate
And God'll give him to me someday
And I know it'll be worth the wait, oh
So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
But I'm done lookin' (But I'm done lookin'), for my future someone
Cause when the time is right
You'll be here, but for now
Dear no one (Dear nobody) this is your love song (Ooo-Oooh)
Sometimes, I just want somebody to hold
Someone to give me the jacket when it's cold
Got that young love even when we're old
Yeah sometimes, I want someone to grab my hand
Pick me up, pull me close, be my man
I will love you till the end
So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
But I'm done lookin' (I'm done lookin'), for my future someone (Ooo-Yeah)
Cause when the time is right
You'll be here, but for now
Dear no one (Dear Nobody) this is your love song (This is your love song)
Dear no one, no need to be searchin', no
Dear no one...
Dear no one...
Dear No one, this is your love song."   I stop singing and open my eyes to see all eyes on me.  I hit the button to stop recording and look at the time, only three mins long not bad for the length of a song. A few seconds pass and no one has said anything to me. "What?"
"How do you not have a record deal?"  Harry asks, while singing I guess I was so focused that I didn't hear him enter the room. "You are great.  You wrote that?"
"Yeah, been on my list of things to perfect while working on song ideas.  I didn't want a recording deal  so I never went looking for one.  I wanted Tori to accomplish her goals, so I wrote for her to express myself.   So you like it?"  They all nod their heads at me.  "Thanks, Harry I haven't forgotten to let you listen to 'Drag Me Down' do you want to hear it now since I already have my stuff out?"
I think I asked him a little to quickly because he had a shocked expression on his face.  This was me trying to be nice, even if it kills me.  "Yeah, I'd love too!"  While finding the file on my computer Louis hands me another drink.  Normally I'm cold because I'm anemic but now I'm feeling warm peeling off the lightweight hoodie I had put on exposing me in just a pastel aqua cami to match my teal cotton capris from Old Navy.  I take off my flip flops and yawn quietly.  
When the song finishes Harry's expression is hard to read.  "You are quite talented.  I think stronger drums in there would get it a more intense feeling to it but your lyrics were great.  Again sorry for being an ass."
"It's ok, as long you can see my talent and acknowledge it."  I say with a bright smile, "Enough of the mushy stuff, let's drink, dance, and be merry!"
The rest of the night was composed of taken shots, drinking, and  playing drinking games.  Not going to lie it was nice being the only girl there. Louis decides to do some Truth or Dare which was quite fun with seeing Liam streak through the hotel lobby.  Niall giving Harry a lap dance and Louis telling us his most embarrassing story ever.  I was laughing at this story with tears in my eyes when he asks me "Truth or Dare?"
Feeling drunk and very brave I decide to be daring instead of a chicken, "Dare."
"Ok, I dare you to kiss Harry."
"Say what?"  I ask.  
"Kiss Harry.  Come on.  Don't be a chicken.  Show us that you guys will be playing fair."  Louis replies with his eyes looking glazed over from too much alcohol.  
<sigh>  "Do you mind Harry?"  I ask feeling the heat rise in my cheeks.  
"Nah, I don't mind.  Come here.  I'll rock your world."  I roll my eyes at his comment while he flashes me a cock grin exposing his dimples.  
"So cocky.  How do you know that I won't rock yours?"  I reply feeling all that liquid courage in me.  I stand up and sit on Harry's lap, he wraps his arms around my waist and it makes me blush.  I hope my fat ass won't break his lap.  He grins me at me reassuringly.  "You ready for your first kiss from a black girl?"  Before he could respond I kiss him.  At first it was a few pecks then I liked his lips so much I slipped him some tongue, next thing I knew it was game on, Harry's hands were exploring my body while my fingers were going through his hair.  After a few minutes I realized that I needed some air, so I pull away from him.  The room was quiet but I didn't care it was a good make-out session and it has been way too long.  
"Wow that was some dare."  Harry says barely loosening his grip on me.  I try to stand up to get something else to drink and he stops my movement,  "What are you needing?"
"I wanted to make another drink and then stretch out on the couch."  I suddenly feel shy about making out with him.  He stands up with me in his arms, shocking me as to how strong he was.  I give him a shocked expression.
"Here get comfy and I'll grab it for you."  He carries me to the couch putting me down and makes me another drink eagerly.
"Well, that was interesting."  Niall says as Harry joins me on the couch placing my feet in his lap.  
A small chuckle escapes my mouth, "It's go big or go home right?"
"That is true.  How was it Harry you look a little flustered,"  Liam asks playing on my guitar shooting him a big grin.
Harry sits quietly for a moment then squeezes my foot,  "I rather enjoyed myself.  Maybe all her hatred turned into passion."  I tense up at his comment, "Just joking.  I swear love.  I think you are naturally a good kisser."  
"Thanks.  You aren't too bad.  Can we play another game?"
"Sure, what do you have in mind?"  Louis asks while eating some nachos.
"Twister!!"  I say with a shout.  "Well at this point, it will be drunken Twister so this should be more fun."  Not sure what came over me, but when I got up from the couch I turned and gave Harry a quick peck then sprinted off to grab the game.
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cheeeld-blog · 7 years
L | Day6
Nora cooks when Mom and Dad are away. And it's disastrous. Good thing for Nemo is that he only has cereal for breakfast. eat a lot I'm one of the first few people to arrive at school. Even Weirdo isn't here yet. She's always there in some corner with her hugeass army of minions. I swear she even has some seniors under her wing. I wandered around the building for about half an hour till I found something interesting. The back door to the auditorium was left slightly open and I could hear music playing from the inside. I quietly slipped in and followed the tune to where it led. The backstage area would've been pitch black without the small beam of light seeping from one of the practice rooms. I peeked through the gap in the doorway. There were four guys, who seemed to be east-asian (not being racist) and probably a band, playing the instrumental to some song that sounded really familiar. I stood there behind the half closed door, listening, with my hands in my pockets, trying to figure out the name of the song, until one of them noticed me. "Oh hey there!" He waved. He had dyed blond hair, was skinny and tall as fuck, and a pair of Harry Potter glasses rested on the bridge of his nose. He looked an awful lot like chicken little. O.o "Hey. Sorry, uh-I didn't mean to interrupt your practice. I-Uh, I was just wandering around and I heard you guys play, so..." I stammered. "Oh no don't worry, it's alright. You can watch us if you want. Come in. Don't just stand there." He laughed warmly, and extended an arm as he introduced himself. "I'm Jae, the sweg senior." "Levi. Not so sweg junior." I shook his hand. "Guys introduce yourselves cmon!" "Will, nice to meet you." The guy with the keyboard waved. "Sungjin, but it's hard to pronounce so you can call me Bob." Bob was a weird name for a bassist. I looked over at the drummer. "That's Dave, he doesn't talk much. Okay no, he does talk a lot. But he needs time with new people." The Dave guy nodded and gave me a sheepish smile. "He is just scared that people will run away hearing his voice 'cause he sounds like a sixty year old vampire." Jae whispered. "Don't let his baby face fool you." I laughed. "Hey Dave, it's cool bro. I won't run away." Dave chuckled, and holy shit... I felt the sound reach my insides. It was so deep. My face must've given away my thoughts because I heard laughter in the background. "So Levi, huh? How come I've never seen you before? I know pretty much all the juniors.” Bob asked after they finally calmed down. "Oh I'm new, actually. Transferred after mid terms." “You know Carmen, right?” The Will guy asked. “Carmen?” "You don't know Carmen?! Are you serious? Everyone knows her. She's hard to not notice." The "Is she like Regina George or something?" I must've said something funny because they all burst into laughter. "Okay, uh, she must not be one then." I said quietly. “Dude, I'm assuming you've been here for – what? A month already? And you haven't had a SINGLE encounter with Carmen yet? How the FUCK is that possible?!” "Who is this Carmen, Seriously?" "That girl with dip dyed purple hair and radiates positivity and joy. She will say hi to EVERYONE. has an army of freshmen and sophomore minions. Bows 90 degree to greet all her seniors and calls us Sunbaenims. And no. She is the opposite of a Regina George." Wait. Are they talking about… Weirdo? "Wait. Do you mean Jo?" "Who's Jo?" "What she said her name was Jo! "Oh my god! Day6 is gonna perform today!" "Day6?" "Right. You don't know do you." Smh "Day6 is one of the school bands. They like Kpop too and three of their members are Korean. Jae and Brian are half korean. Wonpil, Dowoon and Sungjin, known as Will, Dave and Bob (don't judge. Sungjin likes the name Bob a lot for some reason). Are all korean. I'm the assistant president of their fan club and jae is my bro." "Jae...the chicken little dude?" "Yup. That's the one. He owns red the lobster hoodie. And Will is the guy with the Scottish pink sweater." "Oh them. Okay now i know. I've seen them practice a couple of times." ... "Annyeonghaseyo Dei siksuh ibnida. What's good it's day6. Sorry guys our beloved drummer boy Dave is currently sick and can't perform. We wanted to cancel the concert but dave insisted we go on and we have Jamie here, who's gonna play dave's part today." *cheers* *get well soon dave* "Of course we can't end our concert without a Kpop song. Any recommendations." *random shouts* they looked at each other and winked. Brian was oblivious. And jamie was red. Likks like they have something planned. *plays intro* OMG REALLY REALLY *suddenly stops at the chorus. Brian soon realized* "Uh guys?" *jamie stands up. comes to the front. Grabs mike. Looks at brian" "Nar chowahae, really really really" *crowd takes a moment to understand. Then squeals* Brian grins. Blushes. He takes the mic "nado chowa" *jae acts as eng subs* *crowd squeals* Brian kisses jamie ••••• Jo and I headed to mc
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