#and when i give him another headpat and he straightens back up and smiles and says 'very well; i'll forgive you this once'
kegareki · 2 years
i downloaded obey me ~4 days ago out of boredom and. ok. it’s good actually. the ability to give headpats to the characters after battles is an extremely good choice
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Does Hera and Mama get anything for Jaune, considering it's Father's Day and he is Hera's Papa
Got this late at night on Father’s day, so I couldn’t get it done in time, but better late than never right?
Hera is about 4-5 in this ask just as a heads up.
Jaune quietly moaned as a hand slowly shook his shoulder, but he didn’t open his eyes. He was too comfy in his bed to want to wake up. He still persisted and tried to hold on to his slumber even as the shaking grew faster. Instead he just burrowed into his sheet deeper and wrapped them around him tighter. Finally, the hand gave up and left him alone. Just as Jaune was about to smirk at his victory, he heard a cheery voice say, “Hera, give Papa some kisses.”
Jaune couldn’t react in anyway before a weight pushed down on him and a long, warm, and moist tongue lapped at his face with fury. Jaune sputtered and flailed, but had no escape. He opened his eyes and conceded defeat. “Okay, okay. I’m up Hera. You-ppllft-you can stop haha.”
Hera let out a deep bark happily at hearing her Papa talk to her and lifted her two front paws off of his chest, freeing him. Jaune sat up and looked at Pyrrha and Hera who were at the side of his bed. Jaune stretched his arms up and sighed out deeply, shaking off the last bit of sleep in his system. “Hey girls, what’s going on?”
Pyrrha smiled happily and absentmindedly reached down a bit to scratch Hera behind her big ears as she spoke. “Well Jaune, I know you wanted to sleep in a bit this morning, but today is a special day for you, and Hera just couldn’t wait to give you her gift.”
“Special day? What does that mean?” Jaune asked. His answer was a dark blue envelope getting dropped in his blanket covered lap, curtsy of a happily smiling Hera. Jaune chuckled and picked up the envelope, looking at the gentle teeth marks on it from Hera holding it in her mouth. “Ooookay haha. I’m guessing this is Hera’s gift?”
Pyrrha giggled and nodded. “Yup! She came up with the idea all by herself.”
“Oh did she now?” Jaune looked over to the fluffy girl and gave her chin a few scratches, much to Hera’s joy. “Well than I guess I better see what it is huh?” Jaune careful slid his finger under the seal, opening it. He then pulled out a nicely folded piece of white construction paper, and several small cards.
Jaune realized the cards were actually pictures and they were all of Jaune and Hera. There was one with Jaune cradling Hera in his arms three years ago what she was still a little puggle wuggle, one of Jaune kissing Hera’s head while she was wearing a birthday hat for her second birthday, one of Hera walking almost against Jaune leg in a park, and a few of them just cuddling and sleeping together. Those ranged from when they just got Hera and being super small to what must have been only a few months ago since she was almost as big as her Papa in them.
Jaune set the envelope off to the side along with the pictures and unfolded the paper. After getting it straightened out, Jaune realized it was a letter. When he read what was written on it, he couldn’t help but think his heart was going to burst.
Hera’s letter read in big letters:
Happy Father’s Day! Thank yous for being da best papa evar! I’s love you more dan bacon and headpats!
Love, Hera’
At the bottom of the paper, just below the signature, was one big paw print stamped on it from Hera. Jaune easily recognized it since he’d seen it so many times. Jaune cleared his throat so he could speak clearly and looked to Hera. “Well this is just the sweetest wake up call ever.” Hera let out cheerful bark at her Papa’s words. “Thank you for being such a good girl Hera.” Jaune lent over and kissed her on her nose.
She got really excited after that. Either because her Papa liked her present, or because of his affection. Either way, she barely contained herself from jumping into bed with him. Though it was obvious that was what she wanted since her front paws were tippy tapping rapidly. 
Jaune saw this and knew immediately what his baby girl wanted. In a playful voice Jaune asked, “What’s wrong Hera? You want up?” Hera’s tapping grew even faster. “Well come on then? Up up!” Jaune patted the open space next to him on the bed and sealed the deal for Hera.
In a flash, Hera was up on the bed next to her Papa. She circled a few times on the bed before nudging her head into Jaune, then plopping down next to him on he side. She was in that position for about five seconds before her Papa started scratching away with both his hands on her side, getting her to roll onto her back and wiggle around happily. Jaune happily took the opportunity to move onto scratching her now exposed belly.
Pyrrha just smiled even wider as her fiancé and sweet fluffy girl wildly played around on their bed. She loved Jaune and Hera to death, and seeing them get so happy with each other would never cease to put a smile on her lips.
Well, she didn’t see a reason not too join in the fun herself, so she quickly jumped in bed with the two off them on the other side of Hera to help double team scratch the fluffy beast. 
She had her own gift to give him, but she decided to just enjoy this moment first. Jaune could wait a bit before finding out he’s gonna be a father in another way in a few months.
Happy late Father’s Day to all the amazing fathers, dads, and papas out there!
A/N: Even though I love all the asks I get, I do want to ask this of all of you. I already have several asks about this little ending teaser, so please do not send more in about it. I already feel bad enough not getting to the ones I have done yet, I don’t want to add on to the pile.
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makku-ruko · 5 years
Chesh meets Kinoah
Cheshire: //Enters. Looks around.// uwaaa....that’s a lot of cabinets.../nya/..
Kinoah: //Quietly approaches// May I help you?
Cheshire: !! AH!! O-oh...yeah um. Are you...Ki...noah?
Kinoah: Yes, that’s me. Did you need assistance with anything? //warm smile.//
Cheshire: //“That’s a soft boy smile right there. Now I have another person I want to protect -3-“//Ah, well no. Not really. My friend Mandarin said that you’re a...therapist?
Kinoah: //Light chuckle.// No no. I specialise in aromatherapy. But, if there is anything ailing you, I wouldn’t mind lending a listening ear.
Cheshire: //“Calming voice. So polite.” She softened lightly, appearing more ladylike.// I’m not usually open enough to seek out therapy...but a lot has happened and is happening with me at the moment. It’s hard to find someone to talk to...
Kinoah: No problem. We could move to my study if you’d be more comfortable there. It’s better than standing here with less privacy at least.
Cheshire: mm. //She nodded as he gestured to the room. It was tiny but quite cozy. She grew comfortable quickly, plopping herself into the couch. Hands on her knees as she straightened her back.//
Kinoah: //He sat opposite her on a smaller armchair, tilting his head at her posture.// You don’t need to be so tense. Though I understand the ‘stranger danger’ fear but you needn’t worry. I’ll give you as much space as you need.
Cheshire: //She blinked, finding it a little difficult to fix her tense figure.//
Kinoah: //He gave a small chuckle in response.// Never mind. Just tell me what’s bothering you. Though I must note, you aren’t from here are you?
Cheshire: ....No. how did you know?
Kinoah: //He smiled.// Lucky guess~
Cheshire: Pfff, that’s a lie. //She loosened as a small chuckle left her.// Yes. I’m far from home and unable to get back...that’s all I’ll really say. It’s been a struggle getting used to here and the way things are. I’ve...cried once or twice over the absence of my mother. Though I’ve contacted her already...I...still miss her.
Kinoah: Who are you staying with...? Do you have a place to stay? //Concern took over.//
Cheshire: The underling of the person that’s claimed this village...//She smiled bitterly.// Do you want to kick me out now that you know?
Kinoah: //He only gave a gentle smile in reply.// I had a feeling. Word travels fast in such a small village. ‘A mysterious girl that seems to be working with the giant grape and his servants.’ //A titter.// I wouldn’t hold against you what you have no control over. Had you the choice, I’m sure you would have avoided this outcome..
Cheshire: Right. I stay neutral because there isn’t anything I can actually do. I have no affiliation with this place either or it’s people. The one I’m staying with is under orders to cause chaos...I won’t lie though...I quite enjoy chaos...but that comes with total detachment. Now that I’m getting to know other villagers, it’s harder to enjoy...
Kinoah: You don’t seem to be referring to your ‘caretaker’ by his name. Do you two...not get along?
Cheshire: Wh- n-no! No. We do. In fact I met him first before seeing some of the work he has to do..
Kinoah: If you don’t mind me asking, what sort of relationship do you two have?
Cheshire: We’re friends. //She smiled.// He makes some exceptions for me and appears to worry about my wellbeing. It doesn’t seem like he wants to hurt me either...that makes me happy.../considering why I came here/...
Kinoah: Why did you come here?
Cheshire: I...ahhh...I have dreams. Dreams that let me see past, present or future. I’m not aware of how accurate they are. Anyway, everything is hazy usually but he..wasn’t. Well...a version of him. He was the clearest person in my dreams and I just..you know wanted to see if that person existed.
Kinoah: //He noted her change in demeanour.// Do you..have feelings for this ‘version’?
Cheshire:....yes. I don’t know why. Something resonates within me when I see him. I doubt he’d ever think twice or even look at me...I just wanted to meet him. Then I met E— well you know. Things were fine until I revealed to him what I’m telling you, about that version of him. He brought up if perhaps he WAS that person after all, just different. He said he used to look how I’d described that version...the personality fits though...//She lay her head in her hands.//
Kinoah: How do you feel about him then?
Cheshire: He’s my friend. Somebody I get along with, like to tease and spend time with. It’s nice getting hugs and pats from him too. I don’t know....I don’t want to see him like that...just yet. But because of what he said, about how that dream version and he might actually be the same person then I can’t stop myself from feeling. There are so many things that can go wrong. I want him...to trust me. So I avoid using his moments of vulnerability for my own gain. I don’t want to use him...but it’s like walking on eggshells. I can’t open up yet and neither can he because we don’t trust easily. We’ve both been hurt..him more so than me but I understand. I just want to be there for him..and be the friend that he needs.
Kinoah: How selfless. That’s quite commendable m’lady. But have you ever considered that maybe he feels the same way?
Cheshire: I don’t want to. Because I don’t want false hope. I’m doing all that I can on my own....so I don’t bother him. So I’m not reminded of how I feel... just—
Kinoah: Distractions?
Cheshire: Yeah. Or something to keep me stable. The last thing he needs is someone who relies on him wholly and solely. The pressure that come with it...it’s so cruel. So I stay out of his way.
Kinoah: Understandable...but also admirable. You seem to be taking on a lot mentally and yet to still have space for worrying about this other person’s wellbeing. It’s very sweet. I can tell that he’s very special to you...But I sense that’s not all.
Cheshire: Well....we get along. But we don’t know each other that well. What if sides of me are uncovered that he doesn’t like???
Kinoah: What sort of sides...if you don’t mind me asking?
Cheshire: Eeeeeh...my needs. I’m clingy. I’m....well you know my shirt says ‘Kitten’?
Kinoah: //nod.//
Cheshire: Well that’s what I am. I’m a kitten. I want a master/owner and I need attention like cuddles and being pet. He already knows I’m perverted -w- but I did slip up and almost call him master. That still haunts me...//She started to redden// /wouldn’t have said anything if he just left it alone. That dumbass/...
Kinoah: 0.0...//He burst out into light laughter at that.// You’re very honest. I don’t know many girls who’d openly call themselves out like that.
Cheshire: Welp. I’m an attention whore, what can I say~? -w-
Kinoah: And your name...? Or would you prefer Kitten?
Cheshire: Gah! >\\~\\< you tryna kill me Quinoa??? It’s Cheshire.
Kinoah: /Quinoa../...//Another chuckle.// A nickname so soon? Or do you really not know how to say my name?
Cheshire: Well...I’m sure you can figure it out~ uwu
Kinoah: //titter.// Quinoa it is then. Is that all you needed to say?
Cheshire: ^^ mmhm! //She stood.// Thank you! I feel a loooot better now. Phew. I had no clue there was that much my head to be honest. Say, are you always so...eloquent? Like do you speak casually? Because I wasn’t sure where to put myself, not gonna lie.
Kinoah: It varies. If I want to, I will.
Cheshire: Ohoooh. Unorthodox- I like it -w-
Kinoah: Cheshire. Could you come over here a moment?
Cheshire: Ah- 0.e...oke. //She trotted on over, slightly suspicious before calming as her head was stroked.//....prrrrrrrrrrr uwu
Kinoah: hahah, you are a cat after all! //After Another chuckle, he settled.// Well then, if you ever need to unload any baggage or are in need of some attention, I will gladly give it to you. //He gave a friendly smile that appeared to brighten the room a little.//
Cheshire: ÒwÓ yus! You are now the headpat dispenser. Thank you sir rice man. ùwú
Kinoah: hmhm..you’re very welcome, Kitty.
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