#and when my bro got home from work they didn’t say anything either
wampabampa · 6 months
I’ve been sitting here for 3 hours about to be 4..
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sunbaby01 · 1 year
Sweeter than usual
Conrad Fisher x reader
“I’ll take care of this guys” Conrad flashed his fake ID around the car ignoring Jeremiah’s baffled “with that?” and the giggles coming from Belly and Emmy in the backseat.
It only took 5 minutes of then staring at the store in silence before Conrad came out the store empty handed.
“Oh, no. What, ID didn’t work Mr Herbertson?” Jeremiah leaned out the window mockingly at Conrad before winking at Belly who was also leaning out of her window too.
“Fuck off. At least I have one” Conrad drawled, raising his middle finger to emphasise his words. Emmy tried to ignore the way his attitude sent chills down her spine, really she did. Honest.
“What?” Jeremiah scoffed moving out the car, “listen, it’s cause I don’t need one all right? Jumper and I are tight, we’re like bros. C’mon how hard could it be?” He shut the door behind him flashing a smirk at them all ‘watch and learn’ he mouthed.
Famous last words.
“Watch and learn my ass” Emmy snorted.
“Awww look at that face” Conrad teased and Belly laughed at the pair.
“So, what? Do you want to, like, pay someone to in and buy it for us or…?” Jere started.
“Try a different store? Hop a few towns over where they don’t know us as well?” Conrad finished.
Belly and Emmy looked at one another in the back seat, communicating with their eyes. The long years of being best friends allowed that sort of thing. Emmy lifted a brow first as if to say ‘you’re up’
Belly sighed “Yeah, I just don’t think that anyone is gonna buy your Guam ID”
“I mean who even chooses Guam-“ Emmy leant forward resting her chin on Conrad’s seat.
“I’d love to hear your plan Belly. And don’t even get me started Emmeline. I don’t see either of you heading to the store” Conrad turned to make eye contact with Emmy holding her gaze.
“Why don’t I just go in and ask?” Belly said confidently. Too confidently.
“That’s not gonna work” Conrad disagreed, Jeremiah nodded along. “It won’t”
“Okay” Belly shrugged and got out the car.
“Yeah I didn’t think that was her plan” Emmy sighed and rubbed her hand over her face and in Belly’s defence, inside the store she’d been the closest to success and yet still left empty handed.
“Well now what?” Jere asked the four once again.
“Emmy…” Belly started.
“No” the girl stopped her.
“But look at your outfit you could so do it. And, you’ve done it before-“ she contributed
“Leave the clothes out of it Belly. And yeah I’ve done it. At home with friends. In desperate times, not here in cousins”
The boys looked at one another in confusion before Belly caught Conrad’s eye lifting a brow the boy immediately understanding what she needed.
“C’mon Emmy this is a desperate time” he begged her, looking at her in the way he reserved for her, feeling a grin pull at his lips when she rolled her eyes and let out a groan.
“Conrad Fisher, you fucking owe me,” she pointed to the eldest boy.
“Anything you want” he allowed himself to smile at her flushed cheeks, “so what’s actually happening?” he looked back to his brother when both girls stepped out the car, the siblings rushing to follow them. When Conrad rounded the back of the car his eyes widened slightly. Emmy’s denim skirt been undone and rolled down at the waistband and her halter top adjusted to show more cleavage. Well, shit. She’d already looked hot but this? This was too much.
“Hey…uh maybe we should just drive a town over after all?” He tried to remain cool rubbing at the back of his neck, eyes flickering down at the girl.
“It’ll be the same there,” she sighed, “who did you say was working today?” She asked Jere groaning once again when he reminded her it was Jumper.
“Fuck” she mumbled, ignoring Belly’s whoop and Jeremiah’s whistle as she walked towards the store emphasising her hips as she did so. She couldn’t, however, ignore Conrad’s eyes burning into her.
“Maybe we should go get her?” Conrad tapped his foot, gaze not breaking from the store door.
“Connie it’s been like 2 minutes” Jere smacked his back moving to wrap his arms around Belly.
“Two minute too fucking long” he huffed, looking at the sky.
“Better open the trunk boys!” Her voice called out and he snapped his gaze back down seeing her grin as she walked towards them. Jumper may as well have been hypnotised the way he was following her and looking at her. Conrad clenched his jaw.
“Don’t get pulled over and god if you do? I’ll claim you stole in on my shift. I’ll see you tonight?” Jumper turned his attention to Emmy and ran his eyes over her one more time not noticing her noncommittal nod before heading back to work.
“What?” She asked Conrad who just stared blankly. “Half cherry, half coke” she shrugged and held out the cups to Jere and Belly who smiled in thanks already sipping them and heading to the car. She then pulled out the lolly from her pocket quickly ridding the wrapper and placing the candy in her mouth.
“Nothing for me?” Conrad questioned lifting the final crate of alcohol into the trunk and closing it.
“You hate slushys say they’re too sugary..” she trailed off as he stepped closer to her.
“I still like sweet things” he corrected her, reaching forward and pulled her hand holding the sucker towards his mouth.
“Mmm” he moaned slightly, “sweeter than usual” Conrad smirked, heading back towards the drivers seat.
Well, fuck.
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shadowqueenjude · 10 months
Ranking the top 10 most pathetic SJM men
10: Ithan Holstrom Come on, if you didn't think him simping for Bryce after knowing her for like 5 seconds was pathetic then idk what is. Also, him being mad about the Fendyr heir being enslaved and stealing fire sprites for revenge will never not be hilarious
9: Fenrys Moonbeam Bro was so desperate to escape Maeve that he almost killed himself. Then he had that "You'd rather my queen die than your king" line. Like bro is Aelin's dog at this point.
8. Eris Vanserra Thanks to @kateduchessofdolittle for making me see how pathetic Eris is.
-Fiancee goes to *great lengths* to get out their engagement. After all that, bro still bailed her out by dealing with her father Keir in ACOSF
- Got to be a passive little bitch to monster father
- seems to be a surrogate father to the *worst* people
- he's giving mama's boy
- his allies taunt him with another engagement and she laughs in his face too
At least he has his dogs.
7. Hunt Athalar Not sure how to explain this one. It's just the *vibes*
6. Tarquin Poor Tarquin. I felt so bad for him during that Feyre-Tarquin scene in ACOMAF (one of these days I shall write the Feyquin fanfic and rectify Feyre's mistakes here).
5. Ruhn Danaan You may be surprised Ruhn is so high up on this list. But bro, Hypaxia duped him so badly. Also, he was so desperate to get back in his sister Bryce's good books. Here are just a few examples from the book:
Ruhn bared his teeth at Maximus as the glowering vamp headed toward the golden steps. “Riso called me a few minutes ago and said you were here. With that fucking creep.” “Excuse me?” Her voice sharpened. It had nothing to do with the fact that she highly doubted the diplomatic club owner had used those terms. Riso was more the type to say, She’s with someone who might cause the dancing to cease. Which would have been Riso’s idea of Hel. Ruhn said, “Riso can’t risk tossing Tertian to the curb—he implied the prick was being handsy and you needed backup.” A purely predatory gleam entered her brother’s eyes. “Don’t you know what Tertian’s father does?” She grinned, and knew it didn’t reach her eyes. None of her smiles did these days. “I do,” she said sweetly. Ruhn shook his head in disgust. Bryce leaned forward to grab her drink, each movement controlled—if only to keep from taking the water and throwing it in his face. “Shouldn’t you be home?” Ruhn asked. “It’s a weekday. You’ve got work in six hours.” “Thanks, Mom,” she said.
She just opened the door. “If you hear anything about the Viper Queen, call me.” Ruhn stiffened, his heart thundering. “Do not provoke her.” “Bye, Ruhn.” He was desperate enough that he said, “I’ll go with you to—” “Bye.”
She flinched as Ruhn said at her ear, “You don’t need to see this.” This was another murder. Another body. Another year. A medwitch even knelt before the body, a wand buzzing with firstlight in her hands, trying to piece the corpse—the girl—back together. Ruhn tugged her away, toward the screen and open air beyond— The movement shook her loose. Snapped the droning in her ears. She yanked her body free from his grip, not caring if anyone else saw, not caring that he, as head of the Fae Aux units, had the right to be here. “Don’t fucking touch me.” Ruhn’s mouth tightened. But he looked over her shoulder to Hunt. “You’re an asshole.”
Ruhn was in the apartment lobby when Fury dropped her off. Tharion left them at the docks, saying he was going to help haul in the seized synth shipment, and Fury departed fast enough that Bryce knew she was heading out to make sure the Viper Queen didn’t abscond with any of it, either. Ruhn said nothing as they rode the elevator. But she knew Fury had told him. Summoned him here. Her friend had been messaging someone on the walk back from the docks. And she’d spied Flynn and Declan standing guard on the rooftops of her block, armed with their long-range rifles. Her brother didn’t speak until they were in the apartment, the place dark and hollow and foreign. Every piece of clothing and gear belonging to Hunt was like an asp, ready to strike. That bloodstain on the couch was the worst of all. Bryce made it halfway across the great room before she puked all over the carpet. Ruhn was instantly there, his arms and shadows around her. She could feel her sobs, hear them, but they were distant. The entire world was distant as Ruhn picked her up and carried her to the couch, keeping away from that spot where she’d yielded herself entirely to Hunt. But he made no comment about the bloodstain or any lingering scent. 4. Lucien Vanserra (or Spell-Cleaver? Vanserra sounds better)
Ah, Lucien, Lucien, Lucien. My poor baby just wants somebody to marry him. Does it get any more pathetic than "I'm a mated male now?" My man prepares for rejection every holiday without fail. He and Lucien did not exchange gifts, though the male had brought a gift for Feyre and one for his mate, who barely thanked him after opening the pearl earrings. Cassian’s heart strained at the pain etching deep into Lucien’s face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing. 3. Chaol Westfall I don't think many people remember Lithaen, but Chaol was in love with her and she fucked Dorian's cousin instead. Also there was this:
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Babe, ily but wtf. You ran into a different fucking dimension to save your ex-girlfriend's DOG??? Talk about pathetic. 2. Lorcan Salvaterre Bro abandoned the queen he served more loyally than any of the rest of the cadre the moment a tiny little human with witch blood showed a little cleavage and bossed him around. Bro wanted to be someone's bitch SO BAD. He RIPPED his shirts up for her periods even after she refused to even speak with him and said she hopes he's miserable and spends the rest of his life alone (and threatened to gut Rowan and Gavriel if they ever told her it was him). He swore a blood oath to his greatest enemy just to protect her and lost the will to live when she called him a monster. Absolutely fucking pathetic and we love him for it. 1. Tamlin It was a close fight to first, but nobody can beat Tamlin in the pathetic category. For one, of all the love interests we have seen, he is in possession of the least rizz. Negative rizz, actually. Lucien actually roasted him so badly for his negative rizz, and Lucien personally backed off so Tamlin and his negative rizz could rizz up Feyre. Bro sacrificed all of PRYTHIAN to keep Feyre safe, bartered with his enemy to get her back, only to have her destroy his court. Even after that, he saved her life at the Hybern camp and revived her mate. And unlike the others above, he didn't get the girl, and probably won't get any girl, actually. We could always put him up for adoption and one of the members of the fandom can take him? Maybe??? Maybe @kateduchessofdolittle will take him.
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rrenzwrld · 9 months
secreto de amor VIII
chapter 8! read chapter 7 here!
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although jean did say people would come by everyday, he didn’t mention anything to you about connie and giving him a key to the apartment.
“i only did it to keep a man in the house for you. so if anything goes wrong, you can call him and he’d be there since he’s more accessible than our parents or elliot.” you’ve never been to his house but you were told connie also has an apartment up the street from where you lived so compared to everyone else, it was closer. but then you remembered how jean came into your room to ask about connie when there was nothing between the two of you.
“you act like i’m some damsel that needs saving. you’ll be home in a few days right?”
“yeah i come home monday.” it was currently wednesday so it had been a week since he left and he had another 5 days to go. you’d probably be okay with connie for 5 days.
jean laughed. “don’t tell me you’re tired of him already?” you found out about the key on monday of that week but you barely saw him after that. he’d probably stop by before work then leave and maybe call if you’re lucky. he wasn’t doing the whole babysitting job well but you really didn’t care. you barely left the house anyways.
“he’s barely here.”
“oh you miss me? that it?” you rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see.
“no. i’m hanging up now.” and that’s what you did. you’d talk to him some other time, he’d be fine. as if on cue, you heard the front door open so you left your room.
“sorry i was… working.” connie said as he took his shoes off and plopped down on the couch. he had a duffel bag with him and you found it odd.
“what’s that?”
“a bag, duh.”
“don’t get smart. what’s it for? what’s in it?”
“clothes and stuff. i wanted to tell you earlier but i was way too busy—“
“to stay here?”
“yeah, jean literally asked me to.”
“tonight?” you held your nose as he stood up and got closer.
“yeah—“ you put a hand in front of his chest to stop him.
“you’re loud… again. take a shower, please.” even though you were asking him to shower because you didn’t like how he smelled, all he could focus on was the sound of your voice. he didn’t know if it was the weed or you making his heart beat with haste.
“you got it.” he grabbed his bag and went to jean’s room.
“wait he said you can sleep in there?” you watched him.
“uh yeah? i wouldn’t be if he didn’t.” you turned around and went back in your room as connie got undressed and went into the bathroom. things were fine and you nearly forgot connie was there until you heard music blasting from jean’s bedroom and you were reminded that you weren’t alone.
“this nigga bro…” irritated from the noise, you got out of your bed and walked over to jean’s bedroom and knocked on the door. normally you’d just barge in because you were used to jean staying there but you didn’t know what to expect with connie so you knocked this time.
“you do realize the music is really loud right?” you crossed your arms over your chest, appearing as intimidating as you possibly could but it was hard because it wasn’t affecting connie at all. plus you were losing focus with the random man with little clothes in front of you. your eyes couldn’t help but comb through connie’s body. the way his black tank top and basketball shorts attracted you to his build. you liked that he wasn’t too buff with muscle but he wasn’t too slim either. looking at him was satisfying to you, even when you didn’t mean it.
“my bad, i’ll turn it down. you doing homework or something?” you weren’t but you enjoyed peace and quiet.
“no. just kept it down, please.”
“what if i don’t? you’ll tell your brother on me or something?” you hadn’t thought that far.
“just don’t do it and there will be no problems.” you started to walk back to your room.
connie smiled a bit. “you got it.” surprisingly he did what you asked and you hadn’t heard a peep from him for the rest of the night.
when you woke up in the morning, you were desperate to see if connie had left.
but when you were walking into the kitchen, you heard the sound of keys from the other side of the door.
“good morning!” he greeted you with both hands full of groceries.
“you need help?” it was a habit of yours to offer yourself to people. sometimes you were okay with it, sometimes you weren’t.
“nah i got it.” he said as he sat everything down on the island.
“are you cooking?”
“yeah, breakfast.”
“for yourself or..?” you watched as he searched through the cabinets for what he needed.
“i didn’t buy all this food for no reason, y/n. c’mon now. and yes, jean does know i’m cooking in his house.”
“okay~ well i’m going back to my room. let me know when the food is ready, i guess.” he didn’t say anything in response.
after some time, the house was filled with a lovely aroma. you expected to smell smoke and burnt bacon or something. you couldn’t even wait for connie to come to your room so you went into the kitchen yourself. the food on the two plates looked amazing and you were fairly surprised.
“pick up your jaw. didn’t think i could cook, did you?” he was pouring two glasses of orange juice.
“i didn’t.”
“are you even like, a breakfast person? i know i am so i’m sorry for assuming if you aren’t,”
“no, it’s fine. i just don’t be thinking about breakfast sometimes.” connie nodded in understanding before placing a glass down in front of you.
the two of you got to eating and talking in between bites. connie asked most of the questions so you were really just replying because there wasn’t really anything that you absolutely wanted to know about him if he hadn’t already said it.
“so i see you like to stay home a lot.”
“yeah, i said that.”
“you said you weren’t a party person. you didn’t tell me you were a homebody.”
“is that a problem?” connie shook his head.
“no, just observing. you got work today?” you told him about your job and how you also wanted to take online classes.
“no but i do have a hair appointment—“
“oh? can i go?” you looked at him like he had two heads.
“why? i can’t let you out of my sight, part of the job.”
you rolled your eyes before finishing the last of your juice. “you’re never here.” connie could barely argue with that.
“i work.”
“anyways, what hairstyle are you getting?”
“just regular knotless. just so i won’t have to deal with my natural hair for a while.” in your free time, you looked up videos of on how to do braids yourself not only for your own head but to try to eventually make money from that too. but you were scared to go out on a leap so you opted for paying for styles until you weren’t scared anymore.
“why? i like your natural hair.” once again, you looked at him like he had two heads. your hair wasn’t unhealthy or unmanageable, you just were too lazy to style it yourself if it wasn’t a ponytail.
“sure.” you picked up your plate and was gonna throw it in the trash but connie took t from you and did it himself. “thanks.” he smiled.
“you sure i can’t go with you? i ain’t got shit else to do today.”
“umm, go home? don’t you sell drugs?” he quickly covered your mouth.
“shhh. i never told you that.” he whispered. you yanked his hand from your mouth.
“ain’t nobody here! and you did so, i’m a great listener. i’m sure i’m not the only one who knows though.”
“i told you i was selling, didn’t say what.”
“i’m not stupid. i know what you meant.”
“whatever. can i go with you or not? you keep bouncing around my question.”
“i did answer your question. i said no.”
“i don’t wanna hear that. say yes so i have something to do. i’ll even take you.”
“just for you to forget and leave me there for the rest of the day? i don’t think so.”
“i won’t leave you! i’ll stay the whole time, please?” you laughed at connie’s begging.
“are you begging right now?”
“…no, just let me go with you.” you had figured out that connie was a very persistent man and unless you wanted to keep hearing his mouth, you had to give in.
“okay whatever. it’s not until 12 and i need to wash and blow dry my hair so you have time.”
“okay~ i’ll clean up the kitchen and stuff.” you went to the bathroom to start on your hair.
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breadmate500 · 2 months
The letter (part 7- LAST PART)
October 1st
Hi diary! It’s been about a month since we left gravity falls. UGH. I MISS IT SO MUCH. Pacifica was just starting to become our friend and then we had to leave! Hopefully grunkle Stan and ford have fun on their over sea adventures! I know Soos is excited to run the shop and maybe Melody will come to visit him! I Can’t wait to see everyone next summer.
Okay wait- I am totally getting side tracked. I need to come up with a plan to initiate operation dipcifica. (That’s their ship name- clever right? Well not really it’s just a combination of their names, WHATEVER!) I called Pacifica after I read the letter that she sent Dipper. She was stubborn…as usual. So I didn’t get anything out of her. Luckily though I have spies on the inside AKA- the girls: Candy, Grenda, and Wendy.
They all agree that Pacifica has a crush on Dipper. And Dipper probably does too- honestly it’s hard to tell with him. Either he makes it super obvious or he’s absolutely oblivious. Pacifica did mention they hugged… it’s just a hug tho… HAHA JUST KIDDING! I’m delusional! A hug is like basically a kiss for Dipper! (They grow up so fast)
Anyway Diary, here is my master plan called Operation Dipcifica.
1. Give Pacifica Dipper’s number
- already done! (Look how far we’ve come!) they haven’t really texted a lot at least from what Pacifica says. She told me he’s a really dry texter but she is too. Maybe they both need texting lessons…
2. Communication
- I will give Dipper texting lessons! There is no one better to do it than me! I mean, I can fit ten emojis into a very well structured text… impressive I know! Wendy will help Pacifica learn how to text with boys. Wendy’s basically an expert. Also- an extra bonus to this step is me teaching Dipper how to talk to girls in general. Grunkle Stan tried to but it didn’t really go that well. Don’t worry! I got you bro bro!
3. Vacay!!
- mom and dad have talked about visiting Gravity Falls sooner than next summer. Maybe it’s because of their fighting or because they know how much we miss it. We might even spend Christmas down there! I think grunkle Stan and ford are stopping home for the holidays. If they do, mom and dad will let us go to celebrate. Dipper and Pacifica will talk and get closer and it won’t be so awkward! Maybe…
4.talking time!
- I like to rush things… relationships mostly. I found out that doesn’t really work out well for me. I think Dipper needs to take his time warming up to Pacifica and getting to know her as a person! SOOOO ‘talking time’ will be from after Christmas break until next summer…
And finally the last step of operation Dipcifica…
5. Next summer!
- I have a feeling these two are gonna need A LOT of talking time. Especially with this whole enemies to friends to possible lovers trope going on. But next summer they’ll finally be able to see each other in person! They can hug and go on adventures and dates… OOO I GOTTA START PLANNING OUT FUTURE DATES NOW!!! Who knows maybe they’ll even have their first kiss! That’s wishful thinking though. Next summer is the last step of operation Dipcifica when they finally realize their feelings for each other. Then, after that… whelp I guess it’s up to them. Maybe with some help from me. I guess we’ll just have to wait until next summer.
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boyinafandom · 9 months
Stalker ticci Toby x reader
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Part 2
story notes:this is kind of an au??? Idk what I do know is that it’s basically were Toby doesn’t become a proxy, I mean he moves out and stuff but his dad doesn’t die and he has a stable life also no cheek scar either, he’s a stalker so he looks like a normal person,reader is trans ftm
song of the installment is:
•in details about kinks, trauma, Toby being a pervert
•Toby being way to horny for someone he technically barely knows (💀💀like please get a grip bro)
• vulgar language and themes 
•y/n is seriously fucked
I like watching you,because you..oh FUCK you.
You’re so, perfect, just, there, waiting for someone..no ME to come into your life and sweep you off your stunning feet..
This is where you work, a club. You also have a tendency to come here and hang out, never drink though, you don’t like drinking, so why do you come here? Well because, it’s the only place you feel welcome.
It’s good that you’re isolated, and traumatized. And I know that that sounds like a stretch but I’ve read your note books, when I go into your, no OUR home, I mean you have a lot of those things. Like a lot a lot , I mean how much baggage could one man have, and don’t get me started on the fact that you have a “boy pussy” as you like to call it in the erotic fanfiction you write that you swear isn’t self insert but 100% is, I mean I get writing fanfiction for trans people, but you could change it up to male to female every once and awhile.
Anyway. You work here not because you like it, but because: (based on what I read) you, and I quote: “think the owner wants to fuck me, I don’t think she realizes that I’m a biological woman, she is not gonna like that fact that I can’t dick her down with the cock that I don’t have, I think it’s the only reason she keeps me around”
It probably is, your right tiger, she probably is just keeping you around because she wants your pretty non existent cock in her. I bet your loud to..
As I think that last thought in my never ending inner monologue I hear your voice, your sweet sweet new to testosterone voice, it’s all scratchy, I bet your voice breaks when you moan, when you moan my name…
“Hey there…you?”
You say, fuck me I got to close to the bar, when did I even start sitting here? I thought I was supposed to keep far away so I could keep watching you from a distance
“Not gonna say anything? Alright then..I’ll just assume you want a water”
You say as you rub a glass clean with a rag
This is my chance
“I’m sorry?”
You’re so polite
“My name, is Toby, I’m not a stranger”
“Alright Toby.. well my name is Y/N”
I know that tiger I know your name
“Can I get you something or are you gonna sit here till close?”
So sassy, god this is orgasmic, it’s our first time speaking and it’s already going so well.
“Oh no I’m good, I uh don’t drink”
I have to be on guard, to make sure that I can be at my best, just for you.
“Then why are you at a bar? I mean, wouldn’t you drink if you’re at a bar?”
“I just…had no where better to be so..”
Fuck, I didn’t think you were this smart how am I gonna get you out of this one..
“Uh huh..”
You nod your head, tongue sliding across your inner cheek, mouth slightly agape.your thinking. About me, fuck how I want to consume your thoughts, and then someone calls out to you. Fuck your getting taken away from me, so soon?
“Shit.. YEA?”
You mumble the first part under your breath waving to me before walking across the bar to the fuck face that had the nerve to cut our first conversation short.
In all honesty, this isn’t actually our first time speaking well not my first time speaking, to you that is. I was working at a convenience store, I was like 14, my cuck of a father said I “need to get a fucking job and stop being a little sissy bitch” or something, all I know is, was that when I was working that meaningless job, you came in, one fateful day, you looked about 13 or 14 and you had a tick, while you were looking for something, and it triggered one of my tics, and you looked at me, with your beautiful eyes I swear I saw your pupils get a little bit bigger, it was kind of far away, but I could tell you liked me to, you even bought something for me, a monster energy, I said that the white flavor was the best one, you quirked and eyebrow,turned around, walked to the overly cold freezer section that I low-key freeze my hands on every time I had to restock it, because the fucking owner didn’t know how to keep the temperature down and pulled out another one, walked back over placed it on the crusty old counter and said, with your sweet pre testosterone voice:
“You want one? I have enough?”
The rest of the memory is kind of Dingy, but what I do remember is that I saved it for weeks, dusted it for prints and then when I finally got the prints scanned I cyber stalked you to the fucking fullest.
That’s how I found out about your name,your family that you hate, you’re old and new address, your age, were you work and all that good stuff, but the funny thing is, is that I didn’t find this out through your social media, I found it through your friends and family, because, you didn’t have one, not a singular social media account. Intel about a year ago, and after that you gained a huge fallowing, it’s so cool that people love you as much as I do.
it’s like your paranoid, I mean, I would be to, there are a lot of cases on your public records from getting restraining orders, being apart of multiple custody battles, a name change, but surprisingly, no criminal record, bringing back to one of my other points, you only have one account, it’s a tumblr account, where you post, once again, erotic fanfiction. And thank god for that, maybe I’m over analyzing this (which I’m not, because I’m right) but your writing says a lot about you tiger, you really want someone to treat you like a dog, puppy play kink was it? It’s shown in a lot of your fics “be a good dog “Y/N”” I mean seriously, if you want me to put a leash on you and fuck you till you bleed just tell me. I’ll fucking do it. And don’t get me started on your parent issues, your obsession with psychology and over analyzing characters, and over all your problems you pass of as “giving y/n a personality” when anyone in your tumblr comments tells you how much they love your character wrighting and that “it’s not a typical blond haired blue orbed y/n with tits and no personality”
“Sorry about that, he’s a regular here”
You smile, snapping me out of my horny thoughts
“Oh uh yea..”
My neck pops, fuck what if my tics off put you? What if your a different person that you were back then?
You cock your head to the side, like a puppy
My puppy.
“If you’re not gonna drink..what are you here for?”
You. I’m here for you
“Maybe I wanna make a friend”
“Oh yea? Like who?”
Is this what flirting feels like?
I take a look around, swiveling in the bar stool
You smirk, biting your lip in the process. Your pretty slightly yellow teeth gleaming under the bars over head light
“Alright…you’ve caught me, my shift ends in an hour, meet me by the back exit?”
Alright wanna play this game? We can play tiger.
“Sure, wanna keep me entertained till then?”
I chuckle, like I’m not about to fucking cream my pants.
“Well, I’m not sure I can do that for an entire hour,but I can come around and chat from time to time.”
“I’d like that”
I’d love that actually, more than anything, any chance I get to talk to you is enough to make me want to jump over the counter and take you infront of everyone.
After an hour of banter (aka you teasing me by breathing in my general direction)
You take your apron of your twinky ass waist, and walk over to ask if I’m ready to go
“Oh yea totally”
I get up. I bet I’m taller than you.
As it would turn out I am, as we walk out, you seem so unaware that I need you all to myself
You open the door for me
“Oh thank you, such a gentlemen~”
I would give anything to jerk off right now. Fuck, please just let me please you.
I as I walk out I hear something, then I feel it, it’s cold, and it hurts, you just hit me over then head. With a metal object and I crash to the pavement
“Good night rogers.”
Then everything goes black.
“You caught me,my shift ends in an hour”
This is all I need. I just need to get him isolated and then I can ask him all the questions I want, like why he’s stalking me, and stealing my boxers and blood stained underwear…I wonder if he smells them?
His face lights up, bet he think he’ll get his Squirrley dick wet.
“Sure wanna keep me entertained till then?”
What does he think I am? Fuck, I’ll have to play his game.
“Well, I’m not sure I can do that for an entire hour,but I can come around and chat from time to time.”
Catching him isn’t worth losing my job, but I need to keep him here.
“I’d like that”
Of course you would. Fucking creepo.
After an hour of going back and forth between actual customers and a guy who’s been stalking me for who knows how long, my shift finally ends and thank fuck for that, because I can finally figure out what this guys problem is.
“You ready to get out of here?”
“Oh yea totally”
Yes yes yes yes yes yes FUUUUCKKKKK YES. Get out of here so I can…wait fuck what am I gonna do with him? He’s like three feet taller than me, how in the fuck am I gonna get him to talk to me..
As we walk out I open the door for him
“Oh thank you, such a gentlemen~”
Bet he’s a pervert
He’s walking infront of me, without a care in the world…
Fuck it, it’s the hard way or the hard way, I pull my gun out of my waist band and cock him upside the head with it, he immediately hits the ground…thought that would be harder but I guess not?
“Good night rogers.”
Ok…so now there’s a guy locked in my basement…how did I get here?
Oh shit? Is there movement?
I check the camera screen
There is, he’s awake.
The door creaks open
And then I see you.
“Hey tiger..”
Fuck my head hurts
“Don’t call me that… that’s not my name”
Now that my rage and mild adrenaline rush is gone, I can’t help but take him all in…his lack of clothes, that I striped him of because I knew it would make him feel vulnerable, his very well kept body, his shaggy brown hair, his chocolate brown eyes… his white teeth and sharp canines…
…maybe this won’t be so bad.
“Why are you stalking me?”
Strait into the shit
“Why won’t you let me call you tiger?”
“So you admit it then? Your stalking me?”
God you look so good, just standing there, right in front of me, god if I wasn’t tied down right now that things I would do.
“Maybe…but I can’t help it..”
“What does that even mean??? You’re fucking stalking me.”
Then I remember something, you called me rogers..that’s my last name…
“How do you know my name? Hm?”
“Because you told me?”
“No, I told you my name was Toby, you called me rogers before I passed out, after you knocked me to the floor, really…took my breath away”
Is he seriously trying to flirt? Not the point, he’s onto me,,, no..he knows I’m stalking him back
“So? I checked your id when you bought a drink?”
This is a lie, he said he didn’t drink
“Uh Nuh uh-?! Firstly I don’t drink- I told you that, and second, I didn’t buy a drink.”
“No I’m pretty sure you did.”
I cross my arms over my chest
“You’re not a good lier.”
“Fuck you.”
“What did I ever do to you?”
He puts his leg out in an attempt to nudge mine
“Don’t touch me.”
“Untie me”
He sounds smug, I don’t like that
I want to touch you, if you want of course, but… fuck just take me here..
“Fuck just take me here..”
Fuck did I seriously let that slip out?
“I’m sorry?”
What in the fuck did he just say??
“I mean…if you want to”
Then I watch you slump to your knees in-front of me fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck…
“May I?”
You say, with your pretty voice
I feel myself getting harder
And then I’m snapped back into reality
“Are you hard right now..?”
I can feel myself getting sick, how far gone is this guy,I mean seriously?
What in the fuck am I thinking?? This guy is a creep. A stalking,grimy, slimy, nasty..kind of hot..NO EW GOD NO.
“What are you thinking about?”
Shit, I got to lost in thought and now he..god why am I so bipolar? Can I please have one solid thought without..
And before I know it I’m cutting off his ropes, taking him upstate’s to the main part of my house and..we’re talking? No we’re flirting, we are 100% flirting.
God please tell me you know I’m flirting with you.
The stupid end because I can’t make good endings for things
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localgardenweed · 4 months
Okay I did @vyo96’s HWS Japan map thingy and this is a perfect time to roughly explain my characterization of my baby girl
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Now look imma admit he fucks, he can fuck and will fuck but thats a story for another day, preferably December 20th 2024 but we’ll get there when we get there. In short just give him his viagra hes still got it in him
Anyway i like to say he’s a little fucked up in the head and just so done with everything around him that he can only put on a plain face and keep trudging through till he kicks the bucket. The curse of immortality has left him a little fucked up, wondering when it’ll all be over, sometimes wishing he was just plain mortal and not stuck waiting for his country to fall apart. He loves his people but sometimes wishes he didn’t have to be a personified country and just a normal human along side them cause he feels lile he can do more for them as human since him and all the other countries are under the thumb of their governments half the time
I want to say that he wants people to think he’s more in up in the “just a little fella” section cause like he doesn’t want people to know he’s popping his pills, that’s embarrassing!! He just buries his feelings deep down so no one can see them until his friends pull up and hold him down and operate the feelings out of him.
His personality isnt that much different from his canon version but i like to think he is definitely more expressive and idk but emotional??? When he’s by himself like, in the comfort of his own home he’ll let out a big loud laugh over a meme but in public he’ll just smile and say “that was funny”. He thinks way too much about how he looks he looks in public its a problem. He actually has some wit and really sarcastic when he wants to be. He can also be really scary but he doesn’t like showing that side too much so he just kinda keeps it in the back burner.
He’s definitely very self sufficient i mean he’s had like 2000ish years to live and grow bro practically picked up everything as a hobby at least once. He’s made a schedule which he has been keeping pretty much the same throughout the years, only really changes if big like advancements are made like he used to go to the store once a month to rent VHS and had planned days to go return them all but now he just either streams it or has bought all the VHS and DVD he wanted and plays them at home.
He can be very affectionate if he wants to but feels cringe when he does it in public so mostly keeps it all in. But if he had his way he would smother his s/o in gifts and kisses and loving pets and be at their knees wondering if they need anything. Thats mostly at home though in public he just holds pinkies. With his close friends (mostly just Italy, Germany and Prussia) he opens up more a little baby bit, he actually shows some emotion and lets out more of his personality!! Oh my god!!!! He actually…shares his actual opinion/concern?!? He feels more comfortable with letting them see his real feelings and they like seeing it too cause they were getting concerned that he just nodded along to almost everything when it was smth they definitely should not have been doing.
Anyway best character deserves more respect he is the light of my life and i hold him very dear to me. I wish i could like talk about him more but trying to write this was hard as hell cause i cant always express my feelings with words im better at talking than writing. I tried to get some of my like speaking and form of talking into this but some areas could use work.
If any other hetalia japan lovers wanna speak their truth speak it and we can come together and have a meeting and talk about him
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nicole-2099 · 8 months
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-ˋˏ ༻Tight fit༺ ˎˊ-
{Changbin xfem-reader}
[Best friends to lovers theme]
Changbin in a compression Shirt, (WARNING) <Smut,fluff, unprotected s3x,missionary>
You woke up to a text from your gym bro Changbin (also ur best friend). He was asking to see if you wanted to go work out with him, it was a bit too early for that but you decided to go just for fun! You text him back asking when would be a good time cuz you just woke up and didn’t really plan anything, He texted back saying in and hour and he even offered to pick you up, You agreed and got up to get into your work out clothes, you’d tie your hair up into a claw-clip and then went to your kitchen to make yourself a coffee, After get your morning coffee you heard a car pull into your drive-way, you grab your keys and walk out the front door locking it as you leave. You then see Changbin head out the car window like a dog, “Hey! Oh jeez did you just wake up-?” He asked a slight playful smirk on his face. “yes I did actually, you don’t look any better either.” You’d say a small smile on your face as I got in the passenger side and put your seat belt on. “You better actually do the work, You can’t just sit around like always.” Changbin said as you got comfortable, he pulled out the drive-way still yappin to you abt how you don’t even work out and you just sit around drinking coffee. “Like- Gurll please for once in your life do something, I’m sick of seeing you do absolutely nothing.” You’d side eye him a bit as he yapped on and on.
“Do you ever shut up- I mean I knew you talked a lot as a kid but the older you get the more you talk!” You’d say slightly annoyed but brushed it off since he had a point, you don’t do anything when you’re there, you mainly watch him work out (not in a creepy way..). “Matter of fact, no I don’t shut up but you on the other hand never talk at all your like in your own world half the time!” Changbin said clearly annoyed with you. “You remind me of a kicked puppy on the side of the road, you never talk not even to me!” He said his grip on the steering wheel tightening. “Look I don’t know if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed but if your going to be a bitch, then pull over I can walk home.” Changbin sighed and shook his head then looked at you for a second then looked back at the road, “Look I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings It just pisses me off. Please all I ask if just do the work.”
“I will just get off my dick- god.” You’d say still a bit upset. “Hey what if we get some coffee on the way back?” He’d say trying to cheer you up. “I guess that would be nice, but I didn’t bring my wallet” you’d say frowning. “It’s on me, as an apology.” Changbin said smiling at you. “Okay as long as you’re okay with it” you’d say shrugging.
A few minutes later you arrived at the gym, it was huge with blue and white colors you could see all the equipment through the slightly tinted glass. “This isn’t our normal gym- when did we change?” “We didn’t but I did, the old one I was at got taken down” Changbin said as he grabbed his duffel bag from the trunk. “Didnt you bring a bag..?” He asked confused. “Nope! Don’t need one.” You’d say a playful smile on your face. “Okay then.” Changbin shrugged and closed the trunk.
“Jeez it’s freezing in here!” You’d say as you walked into the gym it felt like you were in the North Pole. “Hey you go ahead ima talk to front desk.” Changbin said as he went over to the front desk lady. “Okay!” You made your way to the beach and sat down clearly not motivated enough to do anything without Changbin. “Where the hell is he?” You said to yourself, you closed your eyes drifting asleep for a moment, but then you heard his voice in front of you, “wake up sleepy head”. “Hmm? What-…” you’d open your eyes looking up at him your eyes wide. He was wearing an all black tight compression shirt, you could see the outlines of each individual muscle, oh and his huge chest, you thought to yourself (WTF!!)
“Hello.? What? Something on my face or something?” He said as he looked at you puzzled as to what you were looking at. (THOSE HUGE TITS!)
“Huh? Oh uh Right!- yeah um let’s go.” You said getting up and walking over to one of the treadmills and turning it on and started running, Changbin did the same. After being on the treadmills for so long you got off and sat down on the bench, Changbin got off to but he walked over to the bench and started benching. You watched in silence as you watched his muscles flexing, you never realized how big his hands were or how veiny they were, you couldn’t help but clench your thighs together, for some reason seeing him all sweaty and worked up made you feel a bit different then when your normally around him, You bit your lip dazed of how hot he was. “Holy. Fucking. Shit.” You said as he sat up his chest heaving, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. He got up and walked back over to where you were and sat next to you, your thighs touching for a moment. He looked at you his eyes slightly hooded, he smiled at you as he took the water bottle you were clenching in your hand. “Ima take this-“ he said as he took a few sips of the cold icy water. “You okay, your not doing much other then sitting around?” He said leaning back against the wall his voice hitched just a bit from working out. “Huh? Oh uh yeah I’m fine I think I might have pulled something tho.” You were obviously lying you just didn’t want to do the work. “Oh here.” Changbin said as he got up and went behide you and started massaging you shoulders, surprisingly his hands were gentle firm but gentle, you sighed your head dipping forward. Changbin smirked you could feel his eyes looking at you but you shrugged it off, After a while Changbin went back to his work out he did a bunch of things but the thing that excited you the most was when he was doing hip thrusts. You watched from a far, trying your best not to slide your hand down your pants and go at your clit like a slut. Changbin continued doing hip thrusts for a while his head tossing back his mouth open and his chest heaving, every time his hips lowered back down. You couldn’t watch anymore you closed your eyes, trying to not imagine him holding onto your waist as he thrusts into you going deeper and deeper every time. You got up and went into the bathrooms locking yourself in a stall and sat down on the toilet seat, taking a minute to breathe; honestly you never thought of Changbin in this way but seeing him like that changed your perspective on him. After a while of being in the stall you decided to come out you left the bathrooms and went back to the bench you were sitting at; Changbin seemed to be done with his work out and it was dark out by then- you let out a sigh of relief but then the unexpected happened, he looked at you and then said “You just can’t stop looking, huh~?” He said his tone teasing; “what?! What are you talking about!” You’d exclaim your cheeks turning a light pink. “You think I did see, you were looking me up and down and I must say you suck as hiding it..” He said biting his lip playfully as he twisted a strand of your hair around his fingers, as he inched closer, you could feel his hot breath against your face a bit, he came even closer to you; right by your ear and whispered “look love if you want it that bad.. just ask for it~” you jumped back a bit after his comment his hand was gripping your thigh and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter by the minute. “No- uh no just no let’s just go home.” You said getting up and rushing out the doors; Changbin following.
You rushed to the car and he unlocked it, you got in and closed the door quickly trying to avoid him at all costs since he caught you red handed. Changbin got in the car shortly after putting his bag in the trunk, he turned the car on the engine revving; he then looked at you and then he pulled out of the parking lot and started driving back home. “For your concern I wasn’t looking. Just was watching.” You’d say trying to cover it up, “oh please we both know that’s not what your pussy is telling you..~” he said in a playful tone; “Changbin I’m serious.” You’d say firmly. “Yeah I am too..” he said stopping the car in an empty parking lot. “I know your lying, but I need you to say your lying to my face..be a good girl and you’ll get it but if you don’t then soon you lose!”. You must admit he’s not wrong at all he was making you wet asf, you clamped your legs shut; and You looked out the window and shook you head then remembered; “hey don’t you owe me a coffee! Maybe get me my coffee and I’ll tell you.” Obviously you weren’t going to but that didn’t go as planned because when you end up getting your coffee in the end but he still doesn’t drop it. He begged and asked but it didn’t work so he had another plan. “If you don’t tell me istg, I’ll figure it out myself.” He said grabbing your face and pulling it closer to his face; so close, too close, WAY. Too close. “Changbin! Hey wai- ; You couldn’t even finish talking the next thing you knew were his lips were pressed against your in a pretty heated kiss.
You couldn’t help but lean into a bit, his grip on your face was gentle, it was kinda sweet how gentle he could be; he pulled away from you his eyes locked onto yours “Come on love, you know you like it.” Changbin said smirked noticing you clench your thighs together; “Your insane binnie I don’t like it.” You’d say rolling your eyes, Changbin bit his lip and leaned closer to you, you back up against the window; he kept leaning closer Till his lips were inches from yours, you could feel his breath on your lips and a shiver ran down your spine, Changbin bit his lip and slowly pulled you into a deep kiss holding you by your neck pulling you even closer to him till you were practically pressed up against his chest. The kiss was practically sucking the air out of your lungs; you pulled away from him your breathing hitched as you looked at him; his eyes hooded with a small hint of amusement behind them. Changbin smirked his fingers gliding against your waistband, sending shivers down your spine making you gasp slightly, making Changbin chuckle; “hey why don’t we take this to the back seat.~?” He said his hands holding onto your waist as they slowly move higher up your waist.and then moved back down to your waistband. “Pleasee.~” Changbin said playfully pulling at the waistband of your shorts.
The two of you crawl into the back, seat and your back is pressed up against the window and Changbin is hovering over you his hand on your neck gently holding you steady as he leaned in and kissed you sucking the air out of your lungs everytime. your legs were wrapped around his waist as he sits in the middle of your thighs leaning closer to leave small nips and kisses on your neck, every small kiss on your skin made you jump and you could feel his hands running up your side lightly squeezing at your skin. Changbin continued leaving small kisses on your neck gradually going lower down to your tits, at this point it wasn’t just kisses and some nipping it was hickeys and bite marks; The more he bit down on your skin the more your body tensed up and then you felt it, Changbins lips pressed up on your nipple leaving hot wet kisses on them. After a while of making out with your tits he pulls himself away taking a breath or two before looking up at you, your bottom lip quivering from how sensitive your getting; Then you feel it, his hard on rubbing up against your inner thigh…😏😫 You look at him then at his clothed dick then back at him, Changbin leaned into you more his dick shifting higher up your inner thigh. You let out a soft gasp feeling how hard his tip was against your skin; your thighs quiver at the feeling and you look at him your eyes a bit needy. Changbin looks at you and then smirks- he gives you a reassuring look and you approved, he slowly started pulling down your shorts and tossing them on the floor; as he lightly runs his fingers over your covered core as your back arches upwards he takes his hand and places it over your mouth hushing your whines and moans, Changbin comes closer to your ear and whispers softly; “All wet and we haven’t even started.~” his voice a tease. Changbin bit his lip as he slide your panties to the side revealing your folds that were already dripping from excitement and thrill of the moment; Changbin pulled his sweatpants to his to his knees and centered himself right at your entrance, slowly rubbing his dick up and down on your clit; slight teasing you, The more he did it the more needy you became your legs shaking with anticipation and your eyes shut from overstimulation, you’d whine you breathing tight as you try to calm yourself down just a bit before you make yourself cum just by thinking abt it inside you. Changbin licked his lips playfully before slowly pushing inside you; when you felt it slide inside you, your body clenched up and you let out a moan your fingers digging into the seat as Changbin slowly pulled out then pushed back in; with each passing minute his movements were more needy his thrust deeper and his grip on your waist tightening.
“Aghh~ fuckkk~..easy mamas..-slow down~!” Changbin moaned his voice hitched; “Ah~! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck fuckk!!” You’d scream out your back arching upwards causing you to slide down a bit Basically on you back, Changbin took his free hand and slightly added a small about of pressure right under your bellybutton just as he hit your g-spots causing you to scream out your thighs shaking and you eyes fluttering open to look up at him; “Atta girl~ yeah that’s it good girl~ keep it up Yeahh~!” Changbin praised. “fuck~ Changbin- fuck I’m gon-gonna CumM~!!” You’d cry out the air from your lungs leaving as you released your body shaking, as you use your hand to cover your mouth. Meanwhile changbin wasn’t stopping anytime soon, Changbin pulled out completely and then slammed back inside, you’d scream out holding his hand your fingers intertwined. “fuckk~ so tight..such a, Tight fit.~” Changbin said in a hissing like tone; “yes good girl~ good job yes~!”- “taking my dick so well~ good girl mamas, now keep at it~” Changbin said his grip on your waist losening meaning he was close, really close. The harder he fucked you the louder you got, you voice was shaky and you could barely breathe, your eyes teary from the overwhelming feeling inside you hitting the same spot over and over that’s just makes it so much more, better. “fuckk~! Changbin please!!~ AhH~” you’d scream out your legs wrapping around his waist holding him in as your body clenches up, and he for sure feels it; “AHhH~ fuckk~! I’m gonna cum- fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck~!!” Changbin said his voice even more shaky than what it was.
And then it was over, the sound of skin smacking against skin the sounds of there shared moans and the feeling of him filling her up in the back seat of his car, it was all so unreal you couldn’t believe it yourself, You’d lay there for a while both of you trying to catch your breath; Changbin slowly starts to pull out of you making your legs quiver, Changbin clearly exhausted leans back on the other window his head resting against the window panting and gasping for air.
After calming down the both of you did your best to clean up, and crawled back into the front seats, acting like nothing happened the rest of the night.
(Don’t come at me I got lazy towards the end!! If u have any ideas of what I should do next lmk!!!,also I scanned over it so it might not be the best but wtv, Mwah!)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
happy au steven mike n reader doing xmas stuff. tree decorating, cookies, etc. if it’s ok to go on from the last happy au ask, then maybe mikes egg hatched and is either lil baby charmander or is now a big strong charizard :> kinda wanted a cute lil thing with steven n reader under the mistletoe bc mike was like “LMAO this’d be funny” and hung it where he KNEW they would stand. also mini request could the reader have a shiny eevee companion? maybe as a gift from one of the boys? -galaxy(imoutofs
Aw yeah holiday sequel!
It was Christmas time in Kanto, and every human and Pokémon in town was making their final preparations for the holidays.
You, Steven, and Mike had just finished decorating the outside of the brothers’ home, so now there were a few more things to add inside to get you all hyped for the season.
You never thought you’d be spending Christmas with them, of all people.
But after a rather awkward meeting with Steven, that ended with Miki and your Charizard becoming lovers and having a baby Charmander (who Mike raised to become a strong and powerful Charizard like her mother), here you were years later, having grown closer than ever.
Especially Steven. 
Ever since Blue--and then Red--defeated him and became the new Kanto champion, he decided to settle for a quieter life with you, Mike, Miki, and the rest of his Pokémon team. It was much-needed “retirement” of sorts. The three of you went on vacations to other regions, the most recent being Galar, but returned home just in time for the holidays.
Of course, with both of your Charizards falling in love, it’s no surprise that you’d eventually develop your own feelings for Steven. 
But the truth was that he also had a die-hard crush on you..one that Mike knew very well.
He’s been trying to motivate his little bro for a while to make the first move--to no avail. Despite being quite charismatic with his fans, Steven faltered on genuine romantic things, even though he fell for you because you were the only one who treated him like a person instead of a celebrity. It’s you who he could envision a future with.
He simply didn’t know how to take things further from here.
However, with tonight being Christmas Eve, Mike may have just discovered the perfect plan.
While you were taking cookies out of the oven, the Charizards were playing in the snow, and Steven was adding finishing touches to the tree, the brunette had strategically placed some mistletoe above a gift his brother accidentally left on the sofa. He forgot to put it under the tree when he got side-tracked by other matters. 
‘All according to plan. This should work out just fine.’ Mike snickered, before heading into the backyard. He wanted to make an ice skating rink by using his Blastoise’s new Ice Beam attack.
Shortly after he left, Steven turned around and noticed the gift. “Crap, I forgot all about this one..”
“You forgot what?” You peeked out of the kitchen, taking off your mitts and leaving them on the counter. The cookies were cooling down now, so you decided to investigate what was going on in the living room.
He picked up the present and looked at you, standing rather awkwardly. “I was gonna put this under the tree but got caught-up in other stuff.”
“Oh! Is that for Mike or-?”
“Awh, sweet!” Grinning, you took it from his hands, looking down at its spherical shape. “Y’know, in some traditions it’s okay to open one present on Christmas Eve.” Then you looked up at him, eyes shimmering. “Do you mind I choose this one?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Sure. Go for it.”
“Thanks!” You removed the wrapping paper, stuffing it into your pocket so you didn’t make a mess on the floor. And it was revealed to be a...
“Huh..nice. Just what I always wanted.” You snickered sarcastically. “My very own standard pokeball.”
Steven was flustered, but before he could say anything, the device opened up by itself to reveal-
“...oh my gosh, is that a Shiny Eevee?!!!” Your eyes widened in shock for a few moments, before you hopped up and down in happiness, scooping the silver-furred Pokémon into your arms. “I love it!!”
It seemed just as happy to be your companion as it uttered a joyful “vee”, before wriggling out of your arms to curl around your shoulders instead. There, it nuzzled its nose against your cheek. You grinned and rubbed its ears. “It’s so cute. Thank you, Steven!”
You hugged him tightly, feeling him tense up for a moment before he returned the hug, smiling lightly. His heart was hammering in his chest at the closeness.
‘We fit perfectly in each other’s arms..’ His smile grew softer, wondering if this was now the right time..
But his eyes wandered up to the ceiling, and that’s when he realized...
There was mistletoe directly above you both.
“Huh, that’s funny.”
His face exploded into a blush as he looked back at you, seeing that you noticed it as well. And you just had a staring contest for what seemed like an eternity.
“Well..you know what they say about traditions.” You winked.
But Steven was barely able to get a single word out, as you quickly pecked him on the lips. Only for a second, though this was a moment he’ll never get out of his head.
You were actually kissing him.
When you pulled away, you chuckled. “Awh, your face is as red as a Shiny Gyarados.” You teased softly. “Too bad you can’t hide it behind all your hair.”
Your Shiny Eevee seemed to agree, as it giggled at his flabbergasted expression.
“Now, what were you trying to say before?”
“...[y/n]..I-I...um...” Steven was completely tongue-tied right now. 
There was a lot he wanted to say in this moment.
So much that he wanted to tell you-
Startled, you jumped out of each other’s arms and saw Mike standing there with his Rotom Phone, a grin spreading from ear-to-ear. “Oh that’s cute. I’m totally posting this on my Pokégram!” He laughed, though he tensed when Steven began fuming. “Now, now bro..what do we say?”
“..uhhh...hey I-I think Blastoise is calling me!! H-He learned how to use telepathy now so bye!!”
Mike sprinted away laughing, while Steven chased him outside, hellbent on ensuring he didn’t post that image of you two.
All the while, you stood there with the Shiny Eevee still on your shoulder, petting its fur. “Heh, brothers..am I right?” You sighed, shaking your head in amusement.
“Vee, vee.” It nodded.
“...I hope he likes the Shiny Applin I found in Galar. Do you think he’ll like it?”
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desertsfic · 11 months
29 please!! Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to)
(for the Bored Writer Ask Game)
Hello, sorry! I was out all day yesterday and then came home and immediately passed out!
I had to pull out my computer for this and it's a little long and not edited so forgive me, but I think this is a scene from chapter ??? 48?? of rng?? it's been awhile since I looked at my deleted scenes folder but I am the kind of person who never deletes anything, I just stuff it into a corner and never look at it again haha!
This is a scenee between Bro and Mom, which changed a lot and definitely got shortened up but here is some old deserts nonsense behind a big read more:
“Sorry,” you say again, but it feels mechanical, and like she won’t really believe you. “Back when I first got Rose I wasn’t in a good place Dirk.” She folds her arms over her knees. “I'd been babysitting drunk for years and I thought ‘it's not that hard, it won't be so bad’. I had no idea what I was doing. I just wanted to be – to be better than Hass. I didn't want to let them grow up in a dirty cluttered house that didn't look cared for, and I wanted there to always be food in the fridge. I wanted it to be the kind of place that looked like home but I—" She tears up and you let her. “But I didn't know how to cook, and I still don't, and I knew the drinking was bad but in my mind it didn't matter. It didn’t matter because eventually Rose wouldn't need me anymore an’ I wasn't even sure how far we'd make it in the game or if they'd even win at all.” You don’t touch her, though you know she’d probably prefer you did. “I knew that what I was doing was wrong, but I suppose I didn't think it was affecting me nearly as bad as perhaps it might have been? In my mind, I was still getting  her an education, I still cleaned the house, I worked, I...” She wilts. “But I was wrong. It was wrong of me, to live like that. So reckless, and with a child in the home?” She laughs, but there’s no mirth in it. “Christ, I could have killed her.” You give a bitter smile and she returns it, watery and wavering at the corners. “We're quite the pair, aren't we.” “I don't think it's worth comparing yourself to me,” you say. “You're a good person Rox. Who's made a few mistakes. That's alright. You're allowed a second chance.” She sniffles. There was a point in time where you were just a stupid kid. Both of you, and she was the only other person you ever truly thought of as a friend. "It's good to be here with you," you say, because you can't say the right words. Roxy, for all her faults, and for all of yours, knows you well enough to parse the space between. She takes your face in her hands and you let her, because Roxy's got hands for fighting, rough on the pads and thick in the knuckles, but she would never truly hurt you, and you can trust her more than anyone else you've ever known. "I love you too, Dirk, you complete fool."
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vera-king-hrfl · 4 months
Goodnight Kiss part 2. This one was easier. Mainly because I have a massive crush on Dammon. I do usually make him a bit more naughty, but bro actually liked Avernus, so...
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In the morning, you steel yourself and exit the tower with determination. You can’t talk to Lia about this. Can’t talk to Rolan. You need someone who is more experienced with this sort of thing. Your brother had returned late, but, hopefully, your intended confidant would be up and about. As you approach the forge, you hear the ringing of a hammer, and hesitate. He’s awake already, slamming his hammer into soft metal. You round the corner and he’s there, his silky stupid hair in a little knot, his stupid muscles rippling in the morning light. He won’t answer you until he’s done with whatever he is working on, so you just sit silently on the ledge nearby and watch him. He glances up, flashing you a devastating smile, before going back to his work. His focus is lovely, and watching him work has always been one of your favorite distractions, so you don’t have a problem waiting. Dammon enjoys being looked at, you know, a pleased little smile on his face as he finishes whatever he’s making.
Eventually, he hits the last blow and plunges whatever it is into a barrel of water, letting it hiss and sputter as he wipes his hands. “Hi Cal. What can I do for you?”
You hadn’t thought of how to bring this up to the handsome tiefling, and you stammer for a second before coming out with it. “There is something… I’m having a hard time. Can I ask you something?”
His face becomes more serious when he sees how earnest you are. “Of course. You know you can talk to me about anything. Let’s go around the back.” He leads you to a little covered porch, drawing two cups of small ale from a small keg, before handing you one and motioning to a chair, bidding you sit beside him.
You sit and sip at the weak beer, organizing your thoughts for a minute, then clear your throat. “Dammon… how do you get a girl to like you?”
The older man chuckles. “So it’s like that, is it? I’m not sure if I’m really the best person to give you advice, but I’ll try.” He grins. “I used to be really shy too. You remember. But the time we spent in Avernus, with all those devils… now I kind of just ask if they want a piece. Gets me smacked, occasionally, but it works as often as not. Who’s the lucky lady? Or is this just a general question?”
You smirk to yourself a bit. It worked on Rolan, you think. You cough lightly to cover it. “Yeah but you look… well, like you. And this is different. I… just a girl I know and, well, I walked her home last night and I couldn’t even talk, much less make inappropriate suggestions. I was too nervous. I don’t just want… that. I like her and I want her to like me too, but I’m not very interesting, or handsome, or like… I don’t know. It’s probably never going to happen.” You take another drink, disgruntled.
Dammon laughs. “You think too little of yourself. Don’t worry about what I look like, Cal. I never got much attention either, until I built up my confidence a little. Not the kind I wanted, anyway. Look, I know everyone is going to tell you to just be yourself and stuff like that, but I had to become… I guess, a different version of myself. I had to stop caring what people thought of me. But you’re not like that. You’re so sweet. And you are attractive, whatever you might believe. I’m sure the lady thinks so too.”
Well… she had said that you were cuter than an ogre, anyway, so that was something. “But how can I tell if she likes me? I don’t want to get smacked if I say the wrong thing. This one uses magic… hells, Dammon. It’s Tav. She could blast me through a wall if she didn’t like it.”
Dammon sits straighter and whistles low. “Really? Well I can’t help you much there, I struck out with her. She was polite about it, and I remain mercifully unsquished, but I’m not really sure what she likes. I’ve never noticed that she’s really been interested in anyone. Can you describe what happened when you walked her home? What was she like?”
You feel annoyed that Dammon had tried to seduce Tav, or whatever he did, but relieved that he hadn’t managed it. “I don’t know. I guess… She was quiet, too. She walked next to me, kind of close, you know? Like, her hand touched mine sometimes. Made me nervous. Then when we got to her house, she just kind of stared at me for a minute. I thought she was offended about something, maybe because I didn’t talk… so I just babbled something and she said goodnight and I basically ran away.”
Dammon shakes his head with a chuckle. “Oh you are delightfully clueless, aren’t you? She does like you, Cal. Trust me. Tav can talk a mile a minute about anything under the sun, for hours on end, and she definitely isn’t shy in most circumstances. If she was as mute as you were, then she was probably feeling the same way. Think about it. How close she was, the hand touching. The girl won’t get within ten feet of me since I… uh… you know, not unless there are other people around. She’s the same with most people who show any interest in her, she’s not a flirt. I bet when you got to her door, when she looked at you like that… she was probably hoping you’d kiss her.”
Your face heats, thinking about how she looked. Her eyes big and golden, little teeth biting that plump bottom lip… maybe… but that brings you to your next problem. “I don’t really know how,” you mumble.
His blue eyes widen. “Really? But…” he laughs, “I am surprised. You really are adorable, you know. I find it hard to believe nobody has ever tried to kiss you.” He flashes his teeth at you. “I might have, once, but your brother would have turned me into a sheep.”
You blush even more fiercely, stammering, “well… um… maybe some people have, but I always wanted it to be… you know… someone special. But now I realize that I don’t even know how to do it. Where to put my hands…”
“That depends on where she wants them. But I can help with that, I think. Stand up, I’ll show you a few things.” He gets to his feet, but you just stare at him, feeling like your hair is going to burst into flames. Did he really mean…
He laughs again. “Don’t worry Cal, I won’t kiss you. I understand that you’re saving yourself. It’s sweet. But this kind of thing is hard to describe.”
You rise and put down your mug, wiping your sweaty hands on your pants. Dammon is taller than you, bigger, and you feel his energy when he comes close. He isn’t what you want, but it is kind of thrilling, having him so near. He takes a breath, “Alright, so. We’re going to keep this a bit chaste.” He lifts his hand and touches your cheek. “Close your eyes. Just feel it.” You do, and he slips his big, rough hand, slowly, up behind your ear and into your hair. You feel his heat move closer, and his other hand rests lightly on your waist. He’s whispering now. “Like this, you see? Don’t grip, just… ease into it. Give her some time to pull away if she wants to. If she likes it, she’ll touch you back.” You raise your own hands, touching his own waist, gripping the back of his arm lightly, “yeah, just like that. It’s instinctive. Then you lower your head, but not all the way.” You feel his warm breath against your lips, a little tingle racing down your spine to the tip of your tail. He really is good at this… “and that’s the thing. You don’t kiss her, you just… invite it. If she wants to, she’ll do the rest.” You are almost disappointed when he pulls away, and you have to shake yourself to dispel the effect. If you could do that to her…
“Does that help a bit?” Dammon resumes his chair and picks up his mug, grinning as you finish yours and nod, preparing to leave. It takes a second to find your voice again, but you smile at him and shake his hand.
“Yeah, it just might. Thanks, Dammon. That was… interesting.” You are turning to go when the devilish impulse hits you. “I can see why Rolan likes you.” You hear him choke and spit a mouthful of ale, and speed up, grinning as you round the corner of the house.
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hotsexydorks · 2 years
😈 Generic Plot Ideas 😈
Generic | Incest | Cheating/Cuck | Hypno  
He called it community service. They called him Glory Hole Whore.
“Shit! Sorry Coach! I didn’t think anyone was here..” “Don’t worry about that, why don’t you come join me, nothing about a shower between men.”
“Think he’ll notice?”  “Bro that slut? He’s been eyeing up your bulge since you walked in the door.”
“What did I say? If I find you near my daughter one more time. I'd show you what happens when real men are in charge.” 
“So still want to complain about me and my guys moving into your apartment complex? Me and my boys can leave and find somewhere else to live …. no? That’s what I thought.” 
“This one's good boys, come on in!! Hope you guys like parties, cause you’re about to be the center of one.”
Turns out you didn’t need to do anything to turn your arrogant boss into cock hungry slut. He already was one, all you needed to do was drop your pants. The boss had a reputation for ‘guiding’ the young new interns.
“You’d do anything for that promotion eh?” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll use a condom…not.”
“Told ya I used a condom… never said it had to stay on.”  
“You don’t need to be ashamed here son, the team locker room should be a place you can be to feel free. Now why don’t you drop that towel.”
Your pledge night task tonight determines if you’re sorted into either the cock hungry frat or join the Alpha stud brotherhood.
“What do you say, partner? Want to make this stakeout a little more lively?”
Doctor Smith was great for house visits, he always had the best remedy for your morning afflictions
Coach always loves when he gets progression pics from his athletes. This wasn’t any exception
“ALRIGHT MEN! Listen up. We’ve got new management. As you know the company has been bought by a larger global conglomerate, and with this will come some changes. First! Uniforms. Please look at Brent over here as our example. Secondly, following the new uniform policies all employees will be sorted into new jobs and assignments.”
When your neighbours asked if you could look after their sick son for the day you were happy to oblige. You knew just what the patient.slut needed.
“Come now Mr.Carson. Your rich parents are paying for you to raise your grades from these extra lessons. The least you could do is read some of the book while you’re down there.”
“Hey dude, could you help me? Think anyone will notice I’m freeballin today?”
You were so glad when your mother suggested that the family hire a pool boy for the summer, she just didn’t know how much fun the pool would bring you.
Those clothes, that mirror, the phone, that school bag. Looks like mister popular quarterback had a few secrets of his own. What would he think once he knew that he has been lusting after his teacher’s tasty cock for the last week. Only one way to find out, Friday night’s game couldn’t come quick enough.
“So I heard that you gay guys make the best cock suckers. Since we’re going to be roommates this year why don’t we start off things right and see if that myth is true or not.”
“This is how you nail a job interview”
“I told you before, boy, if you fail at that competition, there will be consequences. And don’t think you’ll be finished once Principal Martin is done. The entirety of the staff and school board are next.”
“Where do you think you’re going slut, you don’t get to hide. I want you looking into these cameras, we’re going to make sure you really make an impression with those scholarship reviewers.”
“Remember, you might be the straight married conservative senator now but, you’ll always be that little cop cock slut.”
“Working from home is great, all your own food, your own music and your very own cock sucker during meetings.” 
“Step one - tell your straight guy friends that gay guys do it better.   Step two - work them up until their so horny they’re dumb and curious Step three - Reap all the hard cocks.”
“Time to get dressed for work as the office sissy. Fitted shirt, nice tie and my tiny thong. Check.”
“Hey Fag, my food’s here, you know what that means! Time for you to enjoy your meal of my cock. On your knees while I eat bitch.”
Coach started giving us these specialised protein blends for our workouts. Now my ass is too big for my pants.
“You want to be on the team fag? We’ve got the perfect position for you, now open up. You’re going to be our new ball boy.”
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rrenzwrld · 9 months
secreto de amor VIII
chapter 8! read chapter 7 here
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although jean did say people would come by everyday, he didn’t mention anything to you about connie and giving him a key to the apartment.
“i only did it to keep a man in the house for you. so if anything goes wrong, you can call him and he’d be there since he’s more accessible than our parents or elliot.” you’ve never been to his house but you were told connie also has an apartment up the street from where you lived so compared to everyone else, it was closer. but then you remembered how jean came into your room to ask about connie when there was nothing between the two of you.
“you act like i’m some damsel that needs saving. you’ll be home in a few days right?”
“yeah i come home monday.” it was currently wednesday so it had been a week since he left and he had another 5 days to go. you’d probably be okay with connie for 5 days.
jean laughed. “don’t tell me you’re tired of him already?” you found out about the key on monday of that week but you barely saw him after that. he’d probably stop by before work then leave and maybe call if you’re lucky. he wasn’t doing the whole babysitting job well but you really didn’t care. you barely left the house anyways.
“he’s barely here.”
“oh you miss me? that it?” you rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see.
“no. i’m hanging up now.” and that’s what you did. you’d talk to him some other time, he’d be fine. as if on cue, you heard the front door open so you left your room.
“sorry i was… working.” connie said as he took his shoes off and plopped down on the couch. he had a duffel bag with him and you found it odd.
“what’s that?”
“a bag, duh.”
“don’t get smart. what’s it for? what’s in it?”
“clothes n stuff. i wanted to tell you earlier but i was way too busy—“
“to stay here?”
“yeah, jean literally asked me to.”
“tonight?” you held your nose as he stood up and got closer.
“yeah—“ you put a hand in front of his chest to stop him.
“you’re loud… again. take a shower, please.” even though you were asking him to shower because you didn’t like how he smelled, all he could focus on was the sound of your voice. he didn’t know if it was the weed or you making his heart beat with haste.
“you got it.” he grabbed his bag and went to jean’s room.
“wait he said you can sleep in there?” you watched him.
“uh yeah? i wouldn’t be if he didn’t.” you turned around and went back in your room as connie got undressed and went into the bathroom. things were fine and you nearly forgot connie was there until you heard music blasting from jean’s bedroom and you were reminded that you weren’t alone.
“this nigga bro…” irritated from the noise, you got out of your bed and walked over to jean’s bedroom and knocked on the door. normally you’d just barge in because you were used to jean staying there but you didn’t know what to expect with connie so you knocked this time.
“you do realize the music is really loud right?” you crossed your arms over your chest, appearing as intimidating as you possibly could but it was hard because it wasn’t affecting connie at all. plus you were losing focus with the random man with little clothes in front of you. your eyes couldn’t help but comb through connie’s body. the way his black tank top and basketball shorts attracted you to his build. you liked that he wasn’t too buff with muscle but he wasn’t too slim either. looking at him was satisfying to you, even when you didn’t mean it.
“my bad, i’ll turn it down. you doing homework or something?” you weren’t but you enjoyed peace and quiet.
“no. just kept it down, please.”
“what if i don’t? you’ll tell your brother on me or something?” you hadn’t thought that far.
“just don’t do it and there will be no problems.” you started to walk back to your room.
connie smiled a bit. “you got it.” surprisingly he did what you asked and you hadn’t heard a peep from him for the rest of the night.
when you woke up in the morning, you were desperate to see if connie had left.
but when you were walking into the kitchen, you heard the sound of keys from the other side of the door.
“good morning!” he greeted you with both hands full of groceries.
“you need help?” it was a habit of yours to offer yourself to people. sometimes you were okay with it, sometimes you weren’t.
“nah i got it.” he said as he sat everything down on the island.
“are you cooking?”
“yeah, breakfast.”
“for yourself or..?” you watched as he searched through the cabinets for what he needed.
“i didn’t buy all this food for no reason, y/n. c’mon now. and yes, jean does know i’m cooking in his house.”
“okay, well i’m going back to my room. let me know when the food is ready, i guess.” he didn’t say anything in response.
after some time, the house was filled with a lovely aroma. you expected to smell smoke and burnt bacon or something. you couldn’t even wait for connie to come to your room so you went into the kitchen yourself. the food on the two plates looked amazing and you were fairly surprised.
“pick up your jaw. didn’t think i could cook, did you?” he was pouring two glasses of orange juice.
“i didn’t.”
“are you even like, a breakfast person? i know i am so i’m sorry for assuming if you aren’t,”
“no, it’s fine. i just don’t be thinking about breakfast sometimes.” connie nodded in understanding before placing a glass down in front of you.
the two of you got to eating and talking in between bites. connie asked most of the questions so you were really just replying because there wasn’t really anything that you absolutely wanted to know about him if he hadn’t already said it.
“so i see you like to stay home a lot.”
“yeah, i said that.”
“you said you weren’t a party person. you didn’t tell me you were a homebody.”
“is that a problem?” connie shook his head.
“no, just observing. you got work today?” you told him about your job and how you also wanted to take online classes.
“no but i do have a hair appointment—“
“oh? can i go?” you looked at him like he had two heads.
“why? i can’t let you out of my sight, part of the job.”
you rolled your eyes before finishing the last of your juice. “you’re never here.” connie could barely argue with that.
“i work.”
“anyways, what hairstyle are you getting?”
“just regular knotless. just so i won’t have to deal with my natural hair for a while.” in your free time, you looked up videos of on how to do braids yourself not only for your own head but to try to eventually make money from that too. but you were scared to go out on a leap so you opted for paying for styles until you weren’t scared anymore.
“why? i like your natural hair.” once again, you looked at him like he had two heads. your hair wasn’t unhealthy or unmanageable, you just were too lazy to style it yourself if it wasn’t a ponytail.
“sure.” you picked up your plate and was gonna throw it in the trash but connie took t from you and did it himself. “thanks.” he smiled.
“you sure i can’t go with you? i ain’t got shit else to do today.”
“umm, go home? don’t you got some drugs to sell or sum?” he quickly covered your mouth.
“shhh. i never told you that.” he whispered. you yanked his hand from your mouth.
“ain’t nobody here! and you did so, i’m a great listener. i’m sure i’m not the only one who knows though.”
“i told you i was selling, didn’t say what.”
“i’m not stupid. i know what you meant.”
“whatever. can i go with you or not? you keep bouncing around my question.”
“i did answer your question. i said no.”
“i don’t wanna hear that. say yes so i have something to do. i’ll even take you.”
“just for you to forget and leave me there for the rest of the day? i don’t think so.”
“i won’t leave you! i’ll stay the whole time, please?” you laughed at connie’s begging.
“are you begging right now?”
“…no, just let me go with you.” you had figured out that connie was a very persistent man and unless you wanted to keep hearing his mouth, you had to give in.
“okay whatever. it’s not until 12 and i need to wash and blow dry my hair so you have time.”
“okay~i’ll clean up the kitchen and stuff.” you went to the bathroom to start on your hair.
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*thinking about publishing this somewhere else too but idk where…any ideas? wattpad? ao3?*
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Top!Ashton Masterlist
Bare (ao3) -im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance Ashton/Calum E, 2k
Summary: When Calum made that bet with Ashton, he did not know he was gonna lose, which meant he had to do anything Ashton wanted. At first it was alright but after five days, his frustration got the best of him. Calum wanted revenge. If Ashton wanted a bare Calum, he was going to get a bare Calum.
Blue Satin and Black Lace (ao3) - sammyswagstar Michael/Ashton E, 6k
Summary: Michael Clifford never ever backs down from a dare, even if he’s dared to wear women’s underwear for a whole day. Besides, he kind of enjoys it. He find out he isn’t the only one sexually frustrated by the dare.
The one with panty kink, masturbating Michael Clifford, and rough Mashton bro-sex.
Drumstick (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance Luke/Ashton E, 3k
Summary: When Michael left Luke tied to the bed, it was Ashton who came to the rescue. The conversation they had, turned into proving how good of a drummer Ashton was and in the end, Luke always got what he wanted.
Everything i didn't say but i should (ao3) - RinasWonderland Luke/Ashton M, 4k
Summary: Luke is in Love with Ashton, Ashton is in Love with Luke. Neither of them knows, until one hot night.
First Time for Everything (ao3) - orphan_account Luke/Ashton N/R, 3k
Summary: The first time they decided to go all the way, Luke had felt his skin go red as Ashton had quickly pushed him inside of his own bedroom. They had just gotten back from their seventh date together, at a park near Luke’s house.
Height (ao3) - iCheeseYou (EHkook) Luke/Ashton M, 12k
Summary: “I may be shorter than you, but I most certainly do not bottom.”
Hot Dog With Mayonnaise (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance Luke/Ashton E, 3k
Summary: Ashton had taken it up to him to annoy his band mates after they called him annoying and he was quite successful because he could tell he had gotten on their nerves. When Calum, Luke and Michael were deciding to put an end to that madness, Luke voluntarily proposed to handle the situation, in his own personal ways.
‘I’m not gay.’ (ao3) - antisocialhood Michael/Ashton M, 5k
Summary: Michael just isn’t gay.
i want to be loved by you (ao3) - lucasshem Luke/Ashton N/R, 4k
Summary: ashton always gets what he wants, and currently, he wants luke.
Let's Be Alone Together (ao3) - antisocialhood Luke/Ashton E, 3k
Summary: He was the cliché, pampered blonde with a charming smile, bright blue eyes and long limbs that liked to wear panties and purple nail polish.
Life-Size Luke (ao3) - plushyluke Luke/Ashton E, 15k
Summary: ashton is a sex store employee when the new adult, collector dolls hit the shelves. he's had enough of these "lukey dolls," when one night everything changes, and his life becomes lukalicious.
photo (ao3) -  orphan_account Ashton/Calum N/R, 3k
Summary: calum and ashton add a pretty little photo to their collection of casual sex pictures.
scars on my body (yeah i love the pain) (ao3) - orphan_account Luke/Ashton N/R, 4k
Summary: :+: Ashton comes home from work with stress in his veins, and he can remember Luke telling him that he could be of use during this time, so he does what any sex-deprived man would, fucks the living daylight of him. :+:
Shots (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance Luke/Ashton E, 4k
Summary: Luke always loved teasing Ashton and that was what he had in mind but what he did not know was that Ashton was going to turn the situation around. The drummer had already planned on a little something and was only waiting for the right time to execute his plan. In the end, Luke got more shots than he had expected. It started with shots and ended with shots.
Stay here with me, I won't tell a soul (ao3) - DefinitelyNotErin_x Luke/Ashton M, 4k
Summary: An angry confrontation between Ashton and Luke leads to more than either of them bargained for.
Sticky Sweet (ao3) - twinkylukey Luke/Ashton E, 2k
Summary: Ashton and Luke are roommates. Ashton really likes Luke.
work for it (ao3) - lucasshem Luke/Ashton N/R, 4k
Summary: the air conditioning in ashton's office breaks, causing things to heat up between him and luke.
Worship (ao3) - DarkGnome Luke/Ashton E, 2k
Summary: Luke makes the mistake of allowing Ashton to go to church with him. Now Ashton gets bored and seeks entertainment at Luke’s expense.
Or the one where Ashton fucks Luke in church...again.
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gotatext · 1 year
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𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐞𝐲  ;    ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ʜᴜᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ #5 !
how are you feeling in your decision to couple up or stay single ?
  “ didn’t really have much choice in the matter ! ”  he laughs, feeling like a cuck, because the power really was all in jenny’s hands for that one.  “ but i’m glad jenny picked me. obviously, there’s stuff she needs to work through with josh, and that’s fine. i don’t like seeing them chat, but i also don’t see it being a problem ? at the end of the day, she got the better bloke, ”  he grins, cheekily jerking his thumb in his own direction, “ and josh seems fully into naomi, which works for me obviously, so yeah. feeling pretty happy. ”
are you happy in your couple or do you think your head could be turned ?
 “ i don’t see my head turning at this point, nah. i mean maybe someone more my type would come in, and maybe i’d have a better time with them, sure, but i don’t really care about that too much. i’m chilling with jenny. staying in my lane. me and angel’s new motto is no trouble, and that’s kinda what i’m trying to do. just keep my head down. obviously jenny makes that hard sometimes, squaring up to people left and right, but i’d be lying if i said it wasn’t cute. she’s fiery. i like that. but then again, i thought my head wouldn’t be turned from romi, so never say never.  ”
what are your thoughts on seb & bash & rhys’ exit last night ? why did you vote the way you did ?
 “ obviously it’s sad when people go. rhys was always a decent geezer to me, and bash seemed like a fun guy. seb and i never really got too close, but he seemed alright. i don’t really have too much of an opinion, but i know it affected jenny a lot seeing them go, especially rhys... so yeah, just gotta be there for her i guess. ”
out of everyone left, who would be the hardest person to see go ?
  “ obviously jenny. but unless it was one of those save one half of a couple, send the other half home type deals, i don’t see why that would happen. and realistically, she’d get saved over me. angel would probably be the hardest to see go. like, that’s my boy. ”  angel’s probably the only person, other than jenny, who jude would consider leaving with. though honestly having an all-expenses-paid holiday would probably win out.  “ charlene’s a top lass. if she left without finding anything, it’d be a crying shame. in a weird way, i’d miss dante, too ? i know we had our shit in casa but he’s grown on me. and i probably have to say callie, too, ‘cos that’s angel’s bird. ”
who seems like the strongest couple right now and why ?
“ other than me and jen ? ”  he laughs, self-consciously. “ nah, i’m kidding. angel and callie are solid as fuck. i know there was some kinda drama last night, but honesty, bro, i think they’re golden. if anyone can make it, it’s probably them. ”
who seems like the weakest couple right now and why ?    
“ josh and marcus ?  are they technically a couple ?  i don’t know, maybe frankie and her man since she apparently she was planting the moves on her ex.  romi and dante don’t seem too strong either, just based on what i’ve seen. or maybe adela and dylan. everyone i’ve spoken to seems under the impression that she used him as a free ticket back to the villa, which fair play to her, but kinda sus. plus they were in the bottom two, so... yeah, pretty much all of them are wobbly, man. ”
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calypsoff3 · 2 years
Fifty Five.
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I have not had peace like this from the kids in a while, nothing is going off and to see the older two more into school then anything is making me happy. They are both forever just playing around but they are both putting their head down, especially Rylee with her senior year she needs too. I don’t know if it’s because they know dad is around still but the kids are being very good, New Year, new them I guess but I am enjoying the peace and I am happy Amerie is back, she had a long break with her own family while I did what I needed to do but now the real work start for me, I am releasing one more album and then one more arena tour and I am over it, I want to do this under myself and have this under my belt. I don’t need to do this because I am making enough money to last me until I die with just Fenty alone but I want too, I think the fans deserve this and I want to keep this album for me, like I did this under my own record label, going independent has been the best decision I have ever done, I should have done this ages ago but I was scared, I needed Chris to help me in that and he did before we divorced that is. The kids will be coming home soon from school, I am just waiting on them. I do miss Chris, it was nice to spend time with him, I think he appreciated it more and I would never not spend time with him. Nobody understands the struggle he goes through, and I want to understand it, he knows I am just one phone call away and he does call me, I do miss him here and close to me. Answering the call from the security here “hello” I answered “hello Miss Fenty, we have Hebert here” letting out an oh “ok, let him come through” I said, the security has changed now. I get phone calls when people come in and out, disconnecting the call and placing my phone down on the table. Chris well and truly wants to stay in London, the way he got rid of the house and I just thought he could keep it but he didn’t want to change hid mine, that is his choice and I will support it, he wants to do it so why not.
“Hey” Herbo hugged me “thank you for letting me in, that security is an ass, I am like listen I know the inside of the house bro, I have been in there and he goes well I don’t know you” closing the door “I actually prefer it, it stops Rylee making an escape every time” he chuckled “man she still on some shit that girl” nodding my head “yeah, nice seeing you though. I did over hear some rumours which sucks, Chris didn’t throw you out” he let out an oh “the story got pulled in the wrong direction, we was outside with the stuff and you know how TMZ are like, I ain’t fallen out with Chris. That is my brother for life so they can suck my balls with that shit” waving him over to follow me to the kitchen “yeah, I saw it and I did discuss it with Chris, and he said it was never that and he did discuss it with you” which he did say that “yeah he called me, he did say it. I ain’t even mad, niggas just making up shit, you know” nodding my head “how is he though? I feel like I have lost a brother though, like to not see him here, to not see his face. I miss that shit a lot” Chris hasn’t told Herb that he has that so I have to wors this cleverly “and I saw that picture of him at your concert, like it scared me. He lost so much weight, is he ok? I was supposed to see you when you came back. Weeks later I finally get too” turning to him “yeah, I know those pictures looked bad, but he is ok. I think I hated to see it myself because people were calling him cancer patient and it hurt me so much, but he is ok, I know he is ok. He looks so much better now, you should visit him” I said, Chris would love that “so he ain’t coming back home then?” I cringed “he is happy there, and I can’t force him to move either. We aren’t together but we are very good friends, you know. We are good with each other, I am happy for him to be there, makes him comfortable” Herb looks so sad, he isn’t happy “I miss him” he admitted, I know he does.
Herb passed my phone back to me “that was just yesterday, he was showing the picture he draw and that is the latest selfie of him, so as you can see he is well” he nodded his head “yeah, just his vibe man. So he is becoming a British citizen” I laughed “you never know but for now, knowing he is at peace and loving life. I am ok with it, the kids are happy. He speaks to them all now every day, he is at a point where he is happy. Herb, Chris was very unhappy with a lot of things and right now. He is at peace, we need to accept that, we need to be happy with that. He never said nobody can see him, and I can tell him that you want to see him?” Herb is so sad, like he is so hurt “man, was it something I did?” shaking my head “oh no, don’t think that at all. Never you” he huffed out “you niggas back together again?” I laughed out “no, we are friends currently. We are just making each other happy, we are just being us and being us is more like boyfriend and girlfriend at our big age too” I laughed “but we are in a good place, the both of us” Herb took in a deep breath “well, I am here. For you, for the kids. For the boys, you know. They have football and basketball practice, I am in Cali now so if you need me, I am here” I cooed out “you look good too, happiness looks good on you” I cooed out “aww thank you” hearing the kids come in “mom!” Rylee shouted, rolling my eyes “I am in the kitchen!” I spat, hearing the kids shouting. They are being so loud right now; someone must have argued “uncle!” Rylee spat and ran over to him “man, Rylee how are you?” Raihan ran into the kitchen “mommy!” poking my bottom lip out “don’t you look adorable, hey baby. You enjoyed yourself” he nodded his head, I have let my baby go now and this is why it is so quiet in this home, I let my baby go now so I am feeling it myself.
It was nice of Herb to come in and check, I know he is upset about Chris not wanting to come back here but he is happy there. He is acting like I didn’t try but I can’t push him, it’s something I have to accept with him. We keep in contact so I can’t be angry at him, he doesn’t worry me at all “mom” looking up from my laptop “yes baby” Rylee has been trying to speak to me but I have been busy once they kids came back, the boys needed to do their homework and then Imani needed help with hers “can I now speak to you” nodding my head “come in” waving her over “oh” Tianna is here too “I came to listen, to see the outcome” Tianna just wants the drama, she isn’t shit for that “ok, this is about to be serious then” Tianna jumped on my bed “well kind of” Rylee said, Tianna shuffled her way over to me “so you already know?” I asked her, she nodded her head “I am listening” Rylee cringed “erm” Rylee looks nervous “oh please” I closed my laptop, Tianna snorted laughing “you want me to say it? I can say it” she offered her services “no!” Rylee spat “ok, so like. Melo” Rylee said “ok, yes. He was at the house yesterday” she cringed “I don’t want to be with him” she admitted, nodding my head slowly “right, and?” Rylee huffed out “mom, it’s just that I did think he was cute but I am not into him, he chased me for so long, once you know, you do know and he chased me to be with him and I have really decided I don’t want to be with him, but I feel bad. Like how do I do it” squinting my eyes at her “you feel bad because you are still in communication with a certain British boy?” I said straight out “mom” she whined “I am being truthful mom stop” I gestured for her to go ahead.
My daughter is just a pain “I want to be happy mom and I am not happy, just because everyone loves him, and I feel trapped. It’s unfair, being with him isn’t fun. He is boring too and he doesn’t give me that fun, but like everyone loves him because he is good. I don’t know mom, I don’t want to be with him. Maybe once he grows up, he just. I don’t know” she is talking just to talk “he is what? Rylee just speak” I said “he won’t make a move on me” I breathed out “you know Rylee, boys are also nervous about these things? Especially when one likes the girl, it can happen. There is a lot of pressure on them you know” I said “he isn’t a virgin mom, I am!” she yelped out “fine, break up with him, I want you happy and he isn’t making you happy so do it. Sit him down and just say, I don’t know. If you are better as friends then say that, but ok. But do it now, don’t wait either. I hope you’re not doing it for him” I eyeballed her “no” that no was a little weak for my liking “so erm I also decided, in regards to college. I have seen ones in London” I laughed out “mom!?” she spat “London? You think you’re going London? Oh you dream of that place, oh no sweetie. You are having me on right now” Tianna is giggling “dad lives there!? How can you fight me on this, I will live with dad” I pointed at her “so you can drive him up the wall!? He don’t need you there” I spat “you’re jealous you can’t up and leave to be there with him, I am asking dad and he will say yes then what” she shrugged “he will say no, your intentions aren’t what it seems baby no” I know her, she yelped out “why are you like this!?” she spat “you continue the plan. New York, if he likes you that much, the flight is a little closer huh” she stormed out, she is not happy but I will not let her do it, she isn’t going to London, I refuse to let her go.
Shaking my head, I don’t know this girl at all. She is really huffing and puffing around the house, I can hear her shouting at my other kids “she is a child” I mumbled “she is so in love” looking at Tianna “excuse me?” I said “I am not even joking, she likes him so much. And I don’t know, maybe he does like her too because he makes so much time for her. At one point, this was when we went out for frozen yoghurt, North and we all was there. She just sat in the corner facetiming him, not even a care in the world” grabbing my phone from the side “my daughter is seventeen, I have had enough!” I spat, unlocking my phone and tapping on Chris’ name and sending him a message “But mom she will be eighteen soon and then what? She may hate you, like I get it but still” she said, typing out a message ‘Do not allow Rylee to talk you into accepting her going to London, she goes to New York and that is the end of it! She is not going there, we will speak tomorrow x’ pressing send “what else do you know about this? It’s really got Rylee a whole different person “erm, when I asked like do you still speak to him, she said yeah. But they friends, I said ok so if he has another then what, she said but they not exclusive, just friends but they spend too much time to be just friends” shaking my head “I don’t want to know anymore, I don’t support it. If she wants to leave Melo then fine, but this girl” I scoffed.
She’s going to New York, I fear that if she goes to London she won’t be learning anything but chasing that man. She’s not doing it, not she’s disrupted my sleep. But also I don’t want my daughter upset so I’m going to check on her, also check she’s asleep. I mean Tianna has a point because once she moves out then what, I can’t do this. Walking over to her door, I was about to knock on the door but I can hear her talking in there. Pressing my ear to the door “are you? Why?” She’s talking to Oakley again “because I’m not feeling him, I’m doing it for me. Don’t smile at me like that” she said “I ain’t say anything, so did your master plan work?” Squinting my eyes “oh my mother had a heart attack and said no, I’m saying it to my dad but knowing my mother she will have text him and then get into his mind so New York seems to be the one, but like” she went silent “your parents want the best for you, respect that” Rylee scoffed “why do you be voice of reason, I hate it. Like I am a child, show me your hair again” rolling my eyes, knocking on the door to see what happens “what?” She spat “it’s me” I opened the door, she is in bed with no phone in sight “mhmmm, go to sleep. And also nothing has changed. It’s New York or here. Sleep, now” I pointed, she nodded her head. Closing the door and walking off, I don’t want to seem like an annoying mother but she isn’t thinking right at all.
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