#and while I kinda don't think Andy is that calculated
susieandhobbes · 4 months
I feel bad because Ayo is clearly legitimately pissed about the baseball video of her and Jeremy blowing up like this and her feelings are valid but in my extremely unprofessional and not at all certified PR perspective - she/her team are handling it SO BADLY.
Deleting her tik toks or IG pics, not dropping another vogue partnership video that (allegedly) was coming today, reposting that video about filming people in public - BABY THE STREISAND EFFECT!!!
The more rattled you seem, the more the internet is going to think they caught you at something and the harder they're going to read into everything. Hell, half the people who saw the video were like "oh this must be a marketing strategy" and while that makes literally no sense because you don't promote a ~platonic~ friendship by stirring up dating rumors, it was still something people were willing to believe. She should have posted "anyway The Bear Season 3 airs June 27th! Go cubs" on her IG story and kept it pushing
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HELLO!!! If you have been waiting for Project Chimera for the last 2 weeks, you going to have to wait a little longer. I had finals for classes then while deleting stuff no longer needed for those classes I deleted THE GODDAMN CHAPTER!!! And I was so proud of what I did with the doctor
WELP I got to do something. So let me talk about my experience with the lgbtq+ community.
So let me talk about me first though. Hello, you can call me Smoke. No your not getting my real name. I don't know how many of you are fae creatures in disguise. I am a purely straight cis guy. Why am I straight? Meh, I don't like men. We got those weird dangle bits down there and we destroyed the planet. The women haven't gotten a chance to. Why am I cis. Well, I was dealt the card of male and well I'm fine with it. If I was dealt the card of female I am pretty sure I would have been gay and possibly trans, but knowing me I could never go through surgery or go through hormone replacement therapy. My body does not take foreign substances well and I am hyper-sensitive to changes to my body. (can't even handle a small scab on my skin I have to pick at it instantly.)
Now where was I? OH YEAH! The community where I grew up was a very accepting place, but I didn't learn what being gay was till middle school. Anytime I saw a character in a relationship on TV with someone of the same gender I thought "Huh neat" and went on with my day. I have always been the type of person to just people to be who they want to be. It was not till middle school that I learned the meaning.
Same thing for trans but instead high school. then I learned all the lgbtq+ things from there.
Then comes Plurality. I am not plural but I do have something like it because of my ADHD and autism meds. kinda changes to my mood. off my meds, I am hyper, bounce, and distractible, at the peak of meds I am dull, calculated, and just done with stuff. (kinda of what I based Smoke the Detective on.) then there is me when my meds where I am sluggish and lazy, but OH DO THE CREATIVE JUICES FLOW!!! I do my best work when my meds are wearing off at the end of the day. anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, Plurality. Yeah, I am a bit blind here and don't know much about but I think I get the basics. And now I see it everywhere (I BLAME YOU TWO @ayviedoesthings /j)
zuzu, celina, lulu, and rin and yuya, yuto, yugo, and yuri from yugioh arc v
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Andy and Victor from Undead Unluck (Which you should go read.)
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Many things in media could represent Plurality Now I could go rambling on about other things about lgbtq, like how you look and act does not decide who you are, How the past can help you on your journey, or other words of wisdom but I got things to do and this gone a bit too long. hope to have you reading Project Chimera Part 4
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thelucyverse · 4 years
Andromaquynh ff: In Your Stead
part 1 - part 5
Ok so this part is rly Booker centric- maybe I'll add more to Andy and Quynh's POV if/when I post this to ao3, but for now I figured I'd post it as is- always best not to wait till I switch hyperfixations xD
Quynh's reaction kinda inspired by this prompt fill by @afterlaughy
Tw: mentions drowning as always; mentioned canon minor character death; slight homophobia
part 6:
Before the others finally join her again in her search for Quynh, Andromache was almost ready to give up. She's not making any progress, none of the submarines go deep enough, none of her calculations on currents and movement are of any value when she doesn't know the currents that far under the sea...
But now that the others have joined her, it's going to be better. Right? Together, they have to be able to think of something-
It does not, in fact, get better.
Le Livre is in an even worse state than when she had last seen him and even the constantly in love Niccolo and Yusuf are in a fairly bad mood because of it.
Nothing is improving.
It’s almost a relief, then, when she feels her body shudder and she is suddenly under the sea again...
Except then the water is flowing into her lungs, and there is no relief at all.
Sébastien le Livre- called Sébastien by his wife and papa by his children (before they all started to call him a demon, before they all started to die), called Livre by the other immortals for brevity's sake and because they don't quite have the level of familiarity necessary for nicknames yet- is sitting at the ugly table in the living room and staring into space while the others are talking amongst themselves, scheming or planning or discussing the weather, he wouldn't know or care.
When he first met them, he had hoped for explanations.
When he first met them, he had hoped for a way out.
All they have given him is someone to share his misery with, when all he wants to do is be alone.
They are looking for another one- a woman, Andromache's woman, that much is too hard to miss even for someone as purposefully unobservant as him. He doesn't care for her- for Andrea, for the stranger, for any of them. But if they find the drowning one, his nightmares are going to stop- no, not stop, lessen, because he still has a lot of his own demons to fight.
Yusuf and Nicolo disappear into the kitchen- the latter presumably to make something to eat, the former to distract the latter with a snog.
It's really saying something that Sébastien is more focused on how funny it is that immortals still need to eat than on how the two men are going to be- together. That was something simply not done where he comes from, not even in the war when there weren't any women around- although he had heard rumors of it, then. No matter. These two are too in love to be bad- or to be bothersome to himself.
Andrea is still staring at the map in front of them- and with a start, Sébastien notices that she isn't frowning as usual, but indeed starting to cry.
Quynh wakes to the face of a stranger in front of her.
Is waking even the right word? She hadn't been asleep in a long time.
It still feels like waking from a nightmare.
The man isn't looking at her, but at the table in-between them- as she looks down, she finds it covered in maps, some she recognises, some entirely new to her.
She might not understand the writing on all of the paper, but one thing she knows for sure:
They haven't forgotten her.
Part 7
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