#and with the aromanticism: gender fuckery
variousqueerthings · 2 years
When i was writing it i also kept think about blindfolded Hawkeye, all evidence really does point towards him loving it...
He really does get lead and pushed around so often, I'd love to see someone's take on how it contrasts with his control and responsibilities as chief surgeon. Even outside of surgery, the contrast of him being with someone and then having a nurse or doctor coming in to ask for help or giving him an update on a patient and how he can swap between both mindsets ect.
I firmly believe that Hawkeye would valiantly try to be had by all of the nurses if given the time and opportunity. And any attention is good attention is the sort of mindset that Hawkeye would take and then promptly act like a terror until he got the attention he wants. I feel like he wouldnt have to do this with bj as much as others but he does anyways just to be a problem.
Margaret's a strange one bc it would make sense considering her personality and Hawkeye's interest but like, idk. I think its too much of a contrast in my head from his refusal to show her respect as a major, their relationship in the later seasons (in my head) hinges so much on their views of each other as equals and i think the power dynamics would be a mess.
Its kind of funny how they have Hawkeye acknowledge how sexist some of his actions were when i feel like i always remember there being more women in those earlier seasons. I might be misremembering but i feel like if theyre going to do that they could at least make female characters more core. Like not every woman has to be plot relevant to be featured.
Aro Hawkeye my beloved <3<3 I get him, he loves his friends so much it hurts and also is so so horny. He deserves to be held gently and then absolutely railed and then held again.
(listen okay sometimes I get worried that an ask is too personal or inappropriate so i hold off sending my name with it but the fact that you knew it was me is so funny. What tipped you of?)
Alright, post the first out of... maybe three (maybe four)! (the others of which will be about women in MASH and much shorter I think + blindfold Hawkeye + some more aro talks beyond this + idk, sometimes you’ve just got to see where the typing takes you)
I’d originally put your message into bits and was answering them one at a time, but then everything started being about a few of the same things, SO
trust me this all comes from your message 😂 
This post: aro Hawkeye 🤝 aro Margaret and my actual dream relationship on the show (or, you’ll never guess where this meta/headcanon is going, or maybe you will, idk)
ALSO KNOWN AS: I make the argument that Hawkeye and Margaret are already in an aromantic life-partnership and so her occasionally topping him is really just a part of the benefits for both of them (but also I barely make the latter half of that argument, I’m sorry, I go all over the place with this one)
I think (and I mentioned that in another post) that Hawkeye being chief surgeon and Very Good at his high-stress job is a feature in this entire (somewhat jokey, but also haha kidding... unless... you know?) headcanon -- lots of people with those kinds of jobs want to get to shut off any decision-making/responsibilities outside of that space and we see that a lot with Hawkeye (in a non-sexual sense). He really really hates being in charge when it’s not about the job 
I just rewatched Carry On, Hawkeye and I love how there’s that scene where Margaret is like “I should be in charge now” and Hawkeye basically goes “absolutely, have at it,” but because she’s so used to him being contrarian and bitchy with her, she thinks he’s arguing that she shouldn’t 
and it gives us this interesting line:
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and then in the same episode having just given Margaret the reports she needed, if we’re going for the “Hawkeye and strong women/Hawkeye and I’m just a little guy/Hawkeye and putting himself on the table” well...
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literally.... on the table....
(Margaret if you’re in charge you have to get used to a lanky weirdo lying about on your desk, that’s just who he is)
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and then of course:
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S I R (mr alan alda, you cannot tell me this guy has never been topped by a woman (we leave domming out of the discussion for today kids, but youknow.. it’s Margaret, she of the riding crop and vibrator))
Anyway this takes us neatly into “Margaret and Hawkeye” territory... 
1. first there’s all this stuff around sexuality and gender and romance and relationships happening between those two -- Margaret and “sir” and incorrect womanhood leading her relationships to not work and being openly sexual (and highly suggested dominating), Hawkeye and calling himself “aunt” and being a motherhen and all the being pregnant jokes, and being stepped on jokes, and “joking” about being married to men, etcetcetc -- 
of course the crux of which is that amazing conversation they have in “Stars and Stripes” in which it’s made textual how similar they are in their ideas about relationships. One of the main reasons I like to hc them as aro is that the way they phrase it is so... vague.... they can’t pinpoint why it never works out for them, time and time again, other than “they can’t change who they are,” and they’re looking for a “custom fit,” but at least with Hawkeye he’s been shown to “fall in love” with people very fast (Erika, Kyung Soon, Inga, etc) and (due to the nature of syndication) get over those relationships again/fall in love with someone new just as fast -- and a note on Erika is that he’s literally suggesting marriage and she’s the one to shut him down (in an also very aro way)
not to mention Carlye whom he proposes to have been in love with for years/never gotten over, but when given the chance for a do-over doesn’t leap at the chance... again because of vague “you choose your job over romantic relationships” reasons (any aromantic who can relate to that reasoning/has literally scoured for historical people who were described that way, raise your hands) 
with Margaret you do get the sense that she’d wanted these relationships/that she invests in them, but that the men can never accept her as she is (which Hawkeye does -- and he doesn’t even do it on purpose, to begin with they’re scratching and clawing at each other as we all know), so you see, she’d love to be in a romantic relationship if only she were a completely different person, but alas she can’t be and so she’ll never be a correct woman (again, any aro who’s felt that connection between brokenness and incorrect gender and aroness raise your hands...) and to stretch that one even further, the imagery in “Dreams” of her in the wedding dress with those bodies of men in her bed and the miscarriage-looking blood-stain, it’s all... very evocative of that same incorrect/broken woman, who will never get those things that society promises are what brings happiness that she won’t have and maybe doesn’t even want, but what’s the alternative being offered here? 
dead bodies and a lifetime of being alone?
2.  I think it’s interesting that you said that because Margaret’s and Hawkeye’s later relationship hinges on them being equals that the power dynamics would be a mess, when that respect is actually the very thing that makes me think of them being perfect for each other in this scenario – there’s a lot of trust and vulnerability that goes into that, especially considering aforementioned gendered expectations and the ways they both already fuck around with them, and how well they know each other at that point. And if I’m gonna take “Inga” at face value, Hawkeye isn’t as out about his (in this headcanon) preferences as one might have thought, so being vulnerable with a stranger? Or someone who isn’t as under his skin as Margaret is?  
What I do wonder about is whether later seasons Hawkeye is… all that interested in sex? Overall? Comparatively? Sure, there’s the occasional “Hawkeye has a date” or “Hawkeye does some flirting (with friends),” but – I will go more into this in my next post about women in MASH – when he talks to Marina in opening s10 about how he’s not treated women right in the past + has seen too much to ever be wide-eyed again, it is both good reasons to blow her off, and also something I definitely read at face value.
It also goes into something someone said on a post (I’m sorry I cannot remember where) about how later seasons had less sex, but also less homoeroticism hand-in-hand with that, but also that it’s just that the tone is overall – for Hawkeye more than any other character (he frequently gets The Narrative end of the stick, while everyone else is having a bit of a laugh) – less light-hearted at that point, and also it may have had to do with how they wanted to write the women who did come on the show (again, for next post). My point is that it all adds up to make him seem both Really Really Tired and Much Less Interested In Sex, and then as a consequence gives it a fun read of maybe he's less interested in sex, because he’s so damn tired?
In that scenario is he looking for an occasional fun time with his good friend Margaret Houlihan who maybe would step on him wearing heels (a thing he has canonically lamented her not doing at one point on the show) if he asked nicely and called her sir? Or is it that by the time they become good enough friends that he might trust her and she might trust him with these sexual and gender transgressions, he’s not in a place to try and make anything like this happen at all, because he’s just… tired?
But overall, I do think out of anyone at the 4077th… except for maybe Klinger (and also Sid, if we’re going beyond-but-adjacent), Margaret is the person who might be able to accommodate for Hawkeye the best, and Hawkeye might be able to give Margaret something she doesn’t entirely know how to balance with other men (the one downside is that technically Margaret would wanna be doing something like this with a guy like Trapper – bigger/more traditionally outwardly masculine, but it’s not like she doesn’t find Hawkeye attractive/I don’t think it would be a total dealbreaker – anyway, also smthinsmthin Hawkeye and Margaret are often attracted to the same kinda guy… as for women, I think Hawkeye is pretty broad, while Margaret likes Strong Women (similar to the men))
Meanwhile Margaret, it feels like, has prepared herself for this lifetime of loneliness, except she’s got this family all around her and maybe this guy who’s also not looking for normative relationship structures and is also Not Correct in vague, unspoken (queer) ways. But maybe, again, around the time where it could conceivably be going on, neither of them are in that headspace or maybe they can get each other out of the more tragedy-filled-careening-towards-the-end-of-the-narrative headspace, I can’t say for sure until I’ve finished the show
and speaking of that unknowable space...
What about after the show then?
3. So here’s some stuff I can’t know until I’ve finished it -- I don’t know where Hawkeye ends up and I don’t know where Margaret ends up (or anyone else for that matter), but I do think they’re the two characters who are the most conflicted at this point and likely will be right through to the end 
Margaret has made a choice to not get into a romantic relationship with anyone unless they understand her as she is, and so to all intents and purposes has practically sworn off romantic relationships -- this is also framed as her putting her career first, although not entirely. It’s more like she’s putting herself first, but also… there’s something there that doesn’t quite fit. It’s certainly more possible for her to stick with the military than to conform to a housewife ideal, because she’s been with the military her whole life, but she also no longer idealizes what it is and stands for. I really do wonder where she’ll be by the end and I sort of assume she’ll stay with the military, but I also read that somewhat through the lens of disappointing, but expected romances.
Because she’s changed a lot. I don’t think the military really is her home, but I don’t think she knows of anywhere else to go. So I wouldn’t be surprised if she stays with it – I think it would be in character – I just think it would be bittersweet. Better than a marriage, but also not as good as she could do if she could unpack some more of those vague ideas that niggle in her brain (it’s queerness, but not just that, but this read of her is based around that aromanticism in particular).
And meanwhile Hawkeye is just a mess. Idk, I can’t see that changing. I also can’t see where I’d place him after the war, because I can’t see him as okay in that movie-lotr Frodo Baggins Can Never Go Home way. I can’t see anyone as technically “okay,” but I don’t think he has anyplace where he could go to attempt what people call “resuming a normal life.” Hell, I’m not even entirely sure I could see him continuing as a surgeon (that episode with the surgeon who completely breaks down is uh… well, it’s not there for nothing). Similar to Margaret, but with added PTSD, there’s all that Vagueness niggling at his brain, which maybe angers him, because he already knows he’s a big ol bisexual who falls for married men, so what gives? And he doesn’t even have a fallback like the army. At best he might simply be a surgeon or a general practitioner, but you know… The Horrors. I can’t see him as anything but haunted for the rest of his life
And so thinking of a dream scenario where they both somehow make it and it’s not just “trying to get by (trying to get by in the army, trying to get by back in Maine, trying to remember what “home” is supposed to be)” I’m like… what if they just moved in together and tried to deal with the Vagueness together, same as they’ve done multiple times on the show? 
(And sidenote I maybe should’ve gotten into earlier, it’s so interesting that their romantic travails are shared with one another more than any other character -- Hawkeye is the person who knows the most about what was going on with her and Frank/Don/Sully, and she knows about him and Kyung Soon, and the aforementioned Big Conversation about The Revolving Heart Of Korea, which is said by Margaret, but is really the both of them)
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(sidenote: Hawkeye is consistently the person who makes her smile like this the most)
(other other sidenote: “double-solitaire” ought to be codeword for queerplatonic aro partnership?????)
(other other other sidenote: literally just watched “Birthday Girls” in which Margaret rails against getting sympathy, but in this one she accepts it so readily from Hawkeye, and has done multiple times ever since the episode with the dog)
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Margaret is the woman (maybe even the person) that Hawkeye knows best/has Hawkeye’s number and has done from very early on (but now she’s incredibly fond of that nr), Hawkeye is at least 10% of Margaret’s perfect man, it would be a great beard for the both of them, and they’d be able to draw a lot of comfort from each other.
And you know... they See Each Other and don’t expect the other person to change the core of themselves to fit, and they could challenge one another to become their most truthful selves better than anyone else could 
SO IN CONCLUSION WOULD MARGARET DOM HAWKEYE (is barely the question that’s been answered in this long fucking post): IT DEPENDS 
early seasons Hawkeye would have been SO up for it, but Margaret would not + it wouldn’t have been great for either of them I think? Although, sometimes they got along, even then, so maybe off the back of an episode like that... (but I do think it matters that they never canonically have sex until “Comrade in Arms”)
later seasons Hawkeye may have been too depressed for sexual frolicking and Margaret was going through an identity crisis, so idk, somewhere in between all of that somewhere? 
POST seasons Hawkeye and Margaret... maybe? depending on where you puttem? if they get to spend time together?
would they at the very least have fantasized about it? Oh yeah, absolutely!
I leave you with this image:
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a-wondering-thought · 3 months
*stares at you with my autistic brown eyes filled with sleep deprivation and warmth and love and homosexuality and aromanticism*
*stares back at you blankly with my autistic gray/blue void eyes filled with sleep deprivation and gender fuckery and homosexuality and aromanticism*
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elytrafemme · 11 months
15 and 33 for the pride asks?
15] How has your identity changed over time?
i used to identify as pansexual! for a long while :] around the time i began to identify as lesbian instead, i started using she/they pronouns. that became they/she/he eventually. i had a crisis about aromanticism and asexuality, thought i was arospec and polyamorous at around the same time (poly came before a bit), then realized i was monogamous and asexual. also had a brief stint of thinking i was a bisexual lesbian, but that's no longer the case.
the difficult thing about my identity is that it moves very rapidly because my identity, itself, as a whole, changes a lot. so i have no doubt that at some point i will abruptly start ID-ing as bisexual, or identify as aroace. it's just like that, and i'm happy with taking it as it is. i am pretty damn certain my current identity will stick, though.
33] What about your LGBT identity do you feel proud of/ want to recognize/celebrate?
recently, something that's been so important for me to celebrate is being a boy. i'm genderfluid, so this isn't an always thing, but having a lovely partner who calls me her boyfriend sometimes, and friends who will listen to me bitch and moan about wanting a packer, has meant a lot to me.
also i'm always really proud of the femme4femme relationship i'm in, especially because we both do a lot of gender-fuckery. and i'm just always so proud to be a lesbian.
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morsobaby · 2 years
I've been having some. Interesting feelings about attraction and gender identity lately. I honestly think it's not anything that weird but I feel embarrassed talking about it, some internalized phobias or something probably.. It's a messy subject for me so I like to dumb things down whenever someone asks, and also for the sake of trying to make some sense of myself.
I say genderfluid but in detail that means sometimes I feel a different gender depending on the company I'm in, sometimes I feel a strong urge to be some gender despite not "feeling" like I am that gender, sometimes I legitimately don't know if I'm just really in denial about being SOMEthing that I just don't know?? I feel isolated and dysphoric when people talk about binary genders and reduce people down to Men and Women. I don't fully connect w the nonbinary Culture either, the popular image of nonbinary being "Flat chested androgynous quirky person who goes by they/them pronouns" really bothers me. It took me so long to figure myself out bc I didn't vibe with what the most common portrayal of nonbinary people is like. I'll stop before I spiral into being dysphoric or anything
Having a crush on not one but two trans men, but wait, is it romantic or platonic? Or do I just wanna be physically intimate bc I'm touch starved? And then there's amab and generally masculine bodies, for cis men I feel a sort of gender envy and for anyone amab or masc aligned who doesn't identify as a man. It's like. Woah, I Feel A Feeling for you. Romantic? Sexual? Sensual? Envy? Idk but it sure is a Feeling. Ykno? I can aesthetically find men attractive obviously, I don't need to wanna date them to think that at all. Men are hot that is a fact. But then even all that aside there's my aromanticism. Demiromanticism to be specific. Or grey. Well, both. Probably. So it's like okay now is this platonic or sensual or or or... And it goes on. It's hard. I need so much time. Help.
And then oh boy. Attraction. Can of worms I could almost say. So basically I suffered comphet for years until my ex best friend (boy) confessed to me and it finally clicked, no, it's not that he's undesirable as a person, but I literally cannot romance with boys. And then that was that for a long time. Great. Internalized homophobia aside it was cool. Then I had a crisis bc I fell for an amab person who actually turned out to be a trans woman and I'm like Woah okay this is a. Feeling. Confirms my lesbianism yes? No? I still can't bring myself to say I'd genuinely date and have a romantic connection with a man, I wouldn't, but here and now I have strange uh.. Stumbles I guess? Things that throw me for a loop.
And don't get me started on gender fuckery like genderqueer people in any capacity, I am very attracted to them in Some Way. What way depends on the person bc obviously it's a wide category. But man, when they have a spicy gender. I am looking respectfully. When they're gnc or mess around w expression, ohhhhh boy. Oh man. Xenogender? Otherkin? Ohhyes I would date an aesthetic concept or a supernatural creature in human form. Ohh wow. What society at large deems too weird and nonsensical is so so close to my heart. Owns my heart. Completely gender conforming binary cishet people perplex me so much. How can you live like this. Why. You're cis, the world caters to you, you're attracted to what is considered the correct gender, aka the opposite and that comes with a slew of categories and a specific box to fall into. And that box was made for and by you. Jesus. Fuck off
I feel so alienated. It's so weird and uncomfortable hearing people say some shit about how binary genders and sexes work 100% of the time and this is the correct opinion and logical and science blah blah. Ew. Please stop talking. Is this how you perceive people? God. Is this how people perceive me? Eugh. Genuinely wish the world was more openly normal about gender fuckery, bc around where I live, people can't even be normal about a person wearing a skirt. Regardless of what gender they're perceived as (but God forbid they're perceived as a Man bc mEN can't WEar SKIrts Its UNNNAtural)
Sighs. My brain feels so jumbled. Sometimes I genuinely forget or just, feel so blindsided by the fact that binary cishets exist. Like they love to say "Oh well you can't force me to be gay or trans, it's just not me, that's just not fair" but never have the same energy for actually trans and gay people. Fucking ridiculous
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lyricdissonance · 2 years
i think maybe i’m bi gay
main reason i hesitate is bc while i am very much both a known bisexual and a known man enjoyer i don’t have much of any connection to the mlm community bc of my gender fuckery (i’m transmasc but only a man in a neither both and in-between way) but after giving it some thought i’m like. i’m already a second thought if i’m thought of at all in basically any orientation community i could belong to because of my nonbinary-ness and aromanticism. if i don’t fit in and labels don’t matter then i might as well have some fun with it. i’m bi i’m gay i’m bigay i’m pan i’m queer i’m a flaming homo i’m it doesn’t matter what i am i’m still gonna fuck your dad. hello mspec gays this is me saying i’m one of you (possibly)
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aceing-on-the-cake · 4 months
Not sure if this is something anyone would be interested in, but I was thinking of writing fanfiction collaboratively with someone, maybe where we just collaboratively write chapters together, maybe where we switch perspectives back and forth and each write a characters perspective, maybe where one of us mainly writes one fic and the other edits and then do that the opposite way on a separate fic.
I'm not really stuck on any of those options and if you have a different idea I'd be down to explore that, I just honestly I think want to try working with others, I think it'd be fun.
Anyways, if that sounds interesting to you here's some possible fandoms I'm in that I'd feel comfortable enough writing about as well as ships or basic plot ideas I'm ok with writing
(I'm aroace spec, I'm fully down to explore aromantic and ace identities in any of these fandoms and with any of the characters in it as well as explore plots that don't have to do with romance, sex, or shipping at all if that's what you're looking for)
Stranger Things
Platonic Stobin (in conjunction with Steddie or without Steddie at all)
Possible Tropes/Plots Could Explore
any of the characters recognizing their queerness
Vampire Eddie
Steve and his relationship with his parents (getting into his c-PTSD and having him heal from it, hurt/no comfort pre-series exploration of some of his trauma in general, hurt/comfort where his pre-series trauma is explored with lots of found family healing mixed in, up to you)
QPRs!!!! (like for literally any pairing, but especially Stobin, you let me explore aromanticism and asexuality and I will provide you with cake, frogs, and my undying devotion)
Steve and any exploration of his gender
Dean & Sam (platonic exploration of their relationship)
Sam & Castiel (platonic exploration of their relationship)
Dean & Jack (platonic exploration of their relationship as parent/kid)
Destiel + Drowley (not something I've done before or even really read much of but I saw one fanart and now I'm interested in possibly exploring it)
Possible Tropes/Plots We Could Explore
female winchesters (trans Sam, gender fuckery with angel or witch magic, baseline born that way au, transport to another universe into opposite gender body, literally could be anything I just really really like gender fuckery with these two)
Fix-it for destiel confession (I'm aware this has been done many times before, but with as many times as the show lead us on about these two I feel it can always be done again)
Pre-series Destiel
PLATONIC dean & sam & castiel where Cas goes to the past and fixes some trauma of the boys. I repeat, PLATONIC, I'm really really really really not into underage
Literally anything to do with Sam/Rowena, it's a really minor ship and I think honestly anything you wanted to do with that I'd be down
Platonic exploration of relationships (Sam and Dean actually talk for once in their goddamn lives, hurt/no comfort exploration of every reason Sam and Dean should just talk for once in their goddamn lives, Sam and Castiel becoming friends, hurt/no comfort of Sam being hurt by Castiel, Dean becoming a decent parent to Jack and apologizing, hurt/no comfort exploration of Dean not being a decent parent to Jack, etc)
anything to do with fucking over John Winchester. Fuck that man.
*any of these ships I should preface with I'm not really down to write anything underage, specifically sex. I'm not against that for any of these ships, but I'm only down to write that kind of content in an adult AU*
Bakudeku (qpr, married, dating, aromantic bakugou and bisexual deku, asexual bakugou and gay deku, I literally don't care, you put these two together I'll probably be down to write a version of them)
Momojirou and Kamijirou poly relationships
Honestly pretty much any poly ship you want
Possible Tropes/Plotlines to Explore
Anything to do with exploration of BakuDeku's realtionship (hurt/no comfort exploration of kids, hurt/comfort bakugou redemption arc, platonic BakuDeku qpr exploration, etc)
That's honestly it, I am still interested in this fandom but it's not one of my top ones so I don't got a lot of ideas for it. If you do and you still want to collaborate I'm definitely still down, I just don't really got much myself.
Good Omens
*want to preface this with I haven't watched the second season and refuse to until the next one comes out because I don't want to spiral into a depression over these gay men. Doesn't mean I won't write from a point after the second season or that I don't know what's happened in general, but I haven't watched it personally myself*
*that's it pretty much lol, that's all I'm down to really focus on*
Possible Tropes/Plotline Ideas
AUs in general (coffee shop/bakery, tattoo artist and florist (look, florist crowley and tattoo artist aziraphale would slap, fight me), human AU, etc)
Hurt/no comfort crowley pining after aziraphale and vice versa
Hurt/comfort crowley to an aziraphale inevitably betrayed by heaven
Percy Jackson
*should be noted, I never read the books when I was younger so my main understanding of the fandom comes from mutuals and watching the new show. I'm perfectly willing to look up generalized plotlines or even read ahead in the books themselves (I can usually read a book in 1-2 days), but like while I enjoy this fandom, and I'd like to explore this fandom, if you're a long time fan full up front, you probably know more about this fandom than me*
*I'm just gonna put it up front, I again, don't do underage, and all I know of these characters so far is them as children. I don't mind exploring romances for these characters, but I'm not comfortable writing or posting underage sex in regards to these characters*
Percy & Grover (platonic exploration of friendship)
Grover & Annabeth (platonic exploration of friendship)
Nico/Will (don't know much about this one, because again, haven't read the books, but it fits the tropes I think are cute for relationships and I'm willing again to read up on the books themselves or read plot synopsis to catch up)
Possible Tropes/Plotlines
literally anything to do with religious trauma, I'm aware that the kid's trauma comes from Greek gods, but like religious trauma hits for me no matter the form, so I'm absolutely willing to explore this
exploration of Annabeth's relationship with her mother from her perspective and not Percy's
AUs (normal kids au, different pantheon of gods au, grown up college kids au, etc)
Some Things I Think I Do Decent As a Writer
Internal thoughts
Emotional Expression
Some Things I'm Not Good At As a Writer
sex scenes (not against writing them but I am the kind of ace that sucks at writing smut, so if you're good at it, awesome, would welcome the help)
Heavy action (I can write a little bit of action but long, drawn out fight scenes? Knowing where everyone is and keeping track of all that? My worst nightmare)
Setting Descriptions (I have aphantasia (can't visualize things in my head) so to me all stories exist in a black vacuum with just the characters in it and only relevant objects, so if you're better at creating descriptions of things around the characters and settings, then yeah we might work well together)
Fluff, I can write it, but I'm not great at coming up with fluff. I'm much much more a hurt/comfort guy
A Couple Of My Hard No's
I don't write noncon or underage unless it's specifically addressing a character's trauma or abuse, and even then I prefer less show more tell. If you want to explore a character's trauma dealing with experiencing and healing from either of those, I'm ok with that, but I won't ever write it in a positive manner.
Permanent main character death unless already such in canon (I can write hurt/no comfort but at the end of the day they're my blorbos and I just need them to live)
Permanent amnesia trope (same deal as above, I need my blorbos to be happy or at the very least to have them at least remember each other even if they're in pain)
I think that sums it up. These are relatively generalized guidelines, my main goal here is honestly to work with someone else creating a collaborative work together. If you've got a different plotline or even a different ship than the ones listed feel free to hit me up anyways and we can talk it over and there's a good chance I'll be on board.
Feel free to message me here in direct messages or send me a friend request at my discord username: cassemiah.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated so this leaves the sphere of my mutuals!
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shychangling · 4 years
poor bitters, he’s a queer disaster hdfgdhg i personally hc bitters as demi and i really vibe with what you said about him! if i can ask (and you wanna talk about it) what’re your thoughts on palomo?
Bitters is so queer it hurts the poor guy. And Palomo okay so here’s Big ole Projection fuckery. But Palomo is an agender aroace. With conflicted veiws on sex, romance and gender. Yeah sure Romance sounds cool. Until you sit down and cry three hours into the night wondering if you have a romantic emotion you’ll destroy your entire friendship with someone. He worries he’ll never be enough in any catagory. Gender (who’s gonna crush on someone who doesn’t have it?), asexuality (people assume just cause he cries sometimes about sex he has no desire for it) or aromanticism (he’ll never be able to match the love someone else has for him there for he’ll be abandoned and left with not even a friendship.) So its too risky to admit sometimes that he wants relationships because everyone’s already passed that milestone well into their teens. And here’s Palomo well into 20-21 with no idea on if he can Even HAVE those kind of dynamics or if he wants them. But he figures he’s faked his way through alot of stuff surely a crush is something he can fake too. So why not emulate your hero alittle? In the end palomo realizes he’s aromantic leaning to either demi or cupioromantic and he relaxes some in his emotions.
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