#and with the time travel comes everything we saw being undone and reset
thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
Finished watching Tales of Arcadia in its entirely... ...Star VS The Forces Of Evil please step aside, another show/movie is here to collect the award for Worst Fucking Ending.
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
Between Two Agents (1/2)
Title: Between Two Agents (1/2)
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader x Marcus Pike
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 3,226
Warnings: Racy thoughts, suggestive flirting, no smut yet
Tags: @funandfangirlingcollide
Author Notes: This was all based on a sinful prompt I sent to @agent-whiskeys-sweetheart​ for her follower milestone sin night. I feel like I had to build this lead up to the smut because of course I can’t just go straight for the smut (I wish I had that super power.) Anyway! here is the first part of this idea that I put out into the world. The second part will be pretty much filthy smut (I mean it’s Javi, c’mon) so be warned. Please let me know what you think so far, feedback is always appreciated.
Gif Credit: Pinterest
Part 2
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Your feet were pounding on the pavement as you made a mad dash down the street to the J. Edgar Hoover Building. You had woken up late due to a power outage in your apartment complex that had managed to reset your alarm on your phone and your digital alarm clock. Fortunately you had managed to catch the very next subway to Federal Triangle Station which wasn’t that far from the Hoover building. Unfortunately you had gotten dressed hurriedly and you were pretty sure your buttons were mismatched on your blouse under your blazer and you had grabbed the nearest skirt in your closet which happened to be the one that didn’t quite fit right ever since a month ago. You had obviously gained some weight due to your boyfriend’s new cooking skills he was testing on you.
         Just as you made it to the main doors to the building you slowed to a halt to catch your breath before you went into work, with a quick glance at your wrist watch you saw you were only fifteen minutes late thankfully. Hopefully your boss was in a good mood this morning, you weren’t able to get a read on her when you had called her to tell you’d be running late and why you were. Just as you moved towards the front doors you crashed into someone, the person you crashed into wrapped their arms around your waist and held you close to them so that you wouldn’t fall on your ass.
         Relief flashed through you and you looked up to offer your savior a grateful thank you. But when you looked up at the man holding you close to him you felt your throat dry out like a desert in a drought and your brain started playing loud static in between your ears. He was gorgeous. He had dark chestnut hair that looked like it hadn’t been trimmed in lord knew how long as it curled around his ears and fell almost in his eyes. His dark chocolate eyes were piercing and had a harsh undertone to them. His nose stood out on his face in a way that made you want to nuzzle your own against it. There was a scraggly looking mustache on his face and the starting of a five o’clock shadow on the underside of his chin. The man had a deep tan to his weathered skin that looked like he’d been out in the sun for far too long but it looked good on him. He was wearing a black short sleeved button up shirt and the top button was undone giving you a peak at the skin under the hollow of his throat. His neck looked sturdy and strong and oddly that turned you on? When your eyes darted up to his face once again you saw him leering at you with a knowing smirk directed down at you, busted.
         Gulping slightly you let the man hold you as you began to take a step back from him. Your hands must’ve come up to brace against his chest because they were pressed there against what felt like his pecks and you felt a blush bloom on your cheeks. You had been caught checking this man out and almost feeling him up.
         “I should start charging you for looking huh, mi amor?” he asked conspiratorially and you felt your blush engulf your entire body instantly.
         “I’m so sorry.” You said sheepishly as you stepped farther away from him instantly missing the feeling of his hands on you. “I’m running late and wasn’t watching where I was going. I’m so sorry.” You said easily in explanation.
         “It’s nothing to be sorry about I do love feeling the body of a beautiful woman pressed up against me this early in the morning.” The man said with a smirk as his eyes danced around your face. Your mind raced with images of laying naked in bed with this man pressed against you breathing heavily into your ear. You shivered slightly and watched as the man’s pupils dilated as he watched your reaction to his words.
         What the hell was wrong with you?! You had a boyfriend, a very loving one at that. But maybe it was that talk the two of you had a few nights ago. The one about your fantasies. The one where you told your boyfriend that you’d always been curious about threesomes. And now you were thinking about this man and your boyfriend pressed to each side of you letting their hands travel up and you’re your body. Their lips pressing different kisses into your skin. Shaking your head you smiled brightly at him letting the professional persona fall over you easily.
         “Again I’m sorry for running into you, but I need to get to work. Thanks for catching me though.” You said good-naturedly and watched as the man smiled at you.
         “Anytime mi amor.” He responded easily and you moved around him to walk into the building and go through security.
         As the elevator dinged you walked into your department of the FBI and immediately saw your boyfriend Marcus leaning against the front desk of your department. When he heard the ding of the elevator he turned and you watched as his eyes raked over you in relief. Moving away from the front desk he walked over to you with a bright smile that slowly creeped across his lips and lit up his face. His hands came up to cup the outside of your elbows and he leaned in giving you a quick to your temple.
         “Morning sweetheart. Mary told me what happened, you okay?” he greeted you and looked into your eyes a little worriedly. You smiled at him and reached up to lightly trace a finger down the side of his face. He was always worrying about you, and it made you feel so loved to know and see his concern for your well being.
         “Better now that I got to see you.” You said affectionately and watched as another bright happy smile grew across his face at your words. You grinned as you watched his eyes crinkle at the edges and he stepped closer to you. “But yes I’m okay, just had a run in with someone at the entrance to the building.”
         “A run in?” Marcus asked softly and you chuckled amused at yourself and what had happened this morning.
         “Oh yeah, literally ran into some guy downstairs. He actually caught me before I fell on my ass.” You said sheepishly as you chuckled at yourself. Marcus smirked down at you as he swung an arm over your shoulders and began walking you over to your office.
         “You’re such an adorable clutz.” He said warmly to you as he pressed another kiss your temple before walking into your office with you. You moved over to your desk and dropped your messenger bag next to your chair and looked over at Marcus as he stood across the desk from you. “What is it sweetheart?” he asked softly slightly concerned, you wondered if you should share with him the thoughts that you had this morning about the man you ran into.
         “You remember that talk we had a few nights ago?” you asked as you moved over to your office door and shutting it. Marcus turned to watch you and raised an eyebrow at your movements before his eyes darkened as he realized what talk you were asking about.
         “You mean the talk where we shared our fantasies?” he asked, probably wanting to make sure he was on the same page as you. You nodded your head at him and walked back over to your desk and picked up your messenger bag and began to pulling out your case files and laptop setting them on your desk. “What about it sweetheart?” Marcus asked as he stepped closer to your desk making you look up at him.
         “Well, when I ran into that guy this morning all I could think about was the three of us together.” You admitted wondering if Marcus would be upset with you. You cringed slightly as the silence stretched between the two of you, you began to panic suddenly wondering if you had just overstepped and ruined everything.
         “Hey, look at me.” Marcus said softly and your eyes darted up to him and saw that he was smirking softly at you. “There’s my pretty girl.” He said in an almost whisper. His words made your gut clench with arousal remembering what fantasies he had shared with you that night and you felt your body begin to heat up. Marcus had confessed to you that he was always curious about threesomes as well but he had said that he would rather it be with someone that the two of you wouldn’t ever see again. That it would be a one-time thing just to curb his curiosity. “We’ll find the right person to fulfill that fantasy of ours sweetheart, I promise. Do you know who the guy was?” he said reassuringly to you.
         “No, I didn’t see a badge or I.D. on him. And I didn’t catch his name. He was probably just someone walking past the building.” You said shrugging. “He actually reminded me of you a little bit. He was almost like a darker version of you.” You explain smiling widely at him.
         “A darker version huh? What’s the matter am I too soft for you?” he asked teasingly as he smirked at you. You adamantly shook your head as you watched him slowly walk around your desk towards you with a challenging look in his eye that made arousal flush through your body again.
         “Not at all. He gave off a hardened vibe. Where you’re sweet and warm he’d be cold and bitter. Two side of the same coin.” You explained as you felt your breaths coming out in pants as Marcus moved even closer to you trapping you against your desk.
         “Is that what you want? Two opposites in bed with you giving you the best of both worlds?” Marcus crooned to you seductively and you felt yourself melting softly into his embrace as his arms came to cage you in.
         “Hmmm, could you imagine?” you asked softly as your eyelids dropped to half-mast. “Me in between you and him begging for you take me anyway you wanted.” You hummed up at him as your hands played with the bright red tie he had chosen this morning. Tugging on his tie you dragged him closer to you and pressed a soft kiss to his lips and he grunted against your mouth. “Your hands and his all over my body as I begged and pleaded with you to do something.” You whispered against his lips not moving away when you broke the kiss.
         “Damnit sweetheart.” Marcus hissed as one of his hands came up to grip your hip. He pressed closer to you and you felt his hard on pressing into your hip and you gasped softly. “I’m gonna be stuck in a briefing almost all day working with DEA on a case we’re assigned to with that image in my head and this sexy little look you got going on.” He groaned softly as he flicked one of your buttons on your shirt. Looking down you saw that you had in fact buttoned your shirt wrong and grimaced softly. You instantly felt bad for working him up and you slid your hand down his chest towards his belt.
         “I could always help you real quick.” You said softly in repentance. Marcus gripped your wrist tightly and shook his head.
         “No time pretty girl, the briefing starts in ten minutes. I’m pretty sure the DEA agents are waiting on me.” Marcus said reluctantly as he stepped back. You watched as he tried to control himself. You were surprised when he looked up and then cupped the back of your head before he descended on your mouth with a heated kiss that made you whimper softly against him and melt in his arms. “Think about what I’m going to do you later tonight sweetheart when I finally get you alone. And fix your shirt.” He whispered seductively to you and you gasped. With a smirk Marcus kissed your cheek and then walked out of your office quickly. You panted softly and quickly turned from your office door as you unbuttoned and buttoned your shirt correctly.
           “Alright so I think now would be a good time to break for a bit and get a breather.” Said the lead FBI agent on the case. Marcus nodded his head eagerly wanting to get away from the conference room that they had all holed up in for the last few hours. He pushed back from the table and pulled his phone from his pocket. He smiled when he saw that he had a few text messages from you. As he read the text messages he stood from his chair and walked out of the conference room over to the small break room on this floor. He turned to lean his back against the counter next to the fridge not paying attention to any of the other agents that walked in.
         “Hey Pike” came the voice of one of the FBI agents he was working with and he looked up easily with a small smile on his face.
         “Yeah?” he asked curiously.
         “Stop sexting your woman, we’re all gonna order from the chinese place do you wanna order lunch?” he asked and Marcus smirked softly at him before telling him what he wanted for lunch.
         “So sexting huh?” came an amused voice next to him and Marcus looked over to his left to see DEA Agent Peña leaning against the countertop much like him but sipping from a mug of coffee he had made. Marcus scoffed softly and shook his head.
         “They’re just jealous.” Marcus said shrugging his shoulders before he looked back down at his phone. He grinned softly as he saw you had sent him a selfie of yourself with a text that read Thinking about you.
         “Well they have good reason to be jealous if that’s your woman.” Agent Peña said easily as he nodded his head to Marcus’ phone. Marcus smirked softly and nodded his head as he showed the other agent your picture. “Wait, that’s your woman?” Agent Peña asked suddenly and Marcus instantly noticed the stiff stature the other agent held as he stared at your picture.
         “You know her?” Marcus asked curiously as he began to figure out how the DEA agent could possibly know you. Was he your mystery man? Marcus surveyed the other man and could see the similarities that you had spoken about before. And suddenly Marcus was hit by how fortuitous this would be if he played his cards right.
         “I ran into her this morning.” Agent Peña explained as he nodded at your picture. “You’re a lucky man.”
         “Oh you have no idea.” Marcus said nodding his head. “What would you say if I offered you an opportunity to be lucky as well?” Marcus asked lowly and the DEA agent looked over at him sharply with a heated look.
           You’re sitting in your office finishing up your case file packet with all of your research before quitting time when your phone buzzes next to you on the desk. Looking over to it you see Marcus’ contact image lighting up your screen making you smile. Quickly picking up your phone you swipe over the screen and press it to your ear.
         “Hey babe!” you said cheerily as you answered the call.
         “Hey sweetheart, you getting ready to head out?” Marcus asks warmly and you laugh softly amazed that this man knows you well after only a few months of dating.
         “Yeah just finishing up my last case file.” You said easily as you start organizing all the papers you needed to include in the file.
         “Good, hey listen I’m going to meet you at your apartment after work alright.” He said warmly and you grinned widely.
         “Ok, is everything alright? The DEA are keeping you a little later?” you asked teasingly. Marcus’ chuckle came over the line and you felt your insides melting at the sound.
         “Something like that.” He said easily before you heard him pause. You furrowed your eyebrows and were about to speak up when Marcus beat you to it. “I want you to do something for me once you get home okay?” he said in low gravelly tone and suddenly heat flushed your whole body. You knew that whatever he asked of you you’d do it when he used that tone but now your curiosity was peaked. “Wanna try something new tonight if you’re up for it.” He said lowly and you panted out a breath.
         “Yeah. Yes. What did you have in mind?” you panted out softly. Marcus chuckled softly into your ear and you felt your insides melting even further. At this point it’d take you forever just to get home because you’d be a melted puddle on the floor all thanks to this man of yours.
         “Remember that black set I bought you a few weekends ago?” he asked lowly and you could only imagine him sitting in a conference room hunched over the table trying to talk to you just softly enough that the others wouldn’t hear him.
         “Mmhmm.” You hummed softly knowing exactly which set he was talking about. It was a pretty black lace bra and panty set that had pretty floral designs in the lace that looked great on your skin. Marcus had bought it for you on a whim as he saw it in a small local lingerie boutique. And you had yet to show it off for him.
         “I want you to put that on when you get home and blindfold yourself and wait for me in the bed.” He said so lowly that it almost sounded like he was growling out the words over the phone. You shivered as you imagined what you were in for tonight. “Alright pretty girl?” he asked lowly and goosebumps erupted across your skin.
         “Yes sir.” You whispered into the phone with baited breath. You knew those two words were what the FBI agent was looking for and you were rewarded with a low groan in your ear.
         “That’s my good girl.” He crooned to you and you shivered again. “I gotta go but I’ll be home within the hour okay?”
         “Yes sir.” You answered and then hung up the phone. Suddenly you needed to get home. You quickly packed your things away and rushed out of the office. You had things to do before Marcus came over.
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Forgotten Light Ch. 2: The House that Thomas Built
Summary: The heroes get some information from an unlikely source.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Spade’s projection made an eerie, glitchy chuckle. “And Ranboo and Bing call me overly paranoid.”
“Is this a projection or some remnant of this psychopath,” Nate demanded. “What else did this asshole leave in our base?”
“I’ll be brief, while you are no doubt demanding questions of me,” Spade began talking, his form occasionally glitching. “Around our fifth reset, everything went so poorly that it compelled me to start making some precautions. One of them was to ensure you idiots keep your hands off of Thomas.”
“Thomas is fucking dead!” Joan told the projection. “When are people going to listen to the fact that my friend is fucking dead?”
Spade glitched, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Give me a moment, I had to make a whole program to respond to your rather inane questions. How I ever did this before is beyond me. Anyway, ask your question again if you would?”
“I didn’t ask you a question,” Joan spat. “I’m asking for some decorum for the dead, you shitbag.”
The hologram glitched. “Oh, Joan, if I’d registered you were here before, I would have been gentler.”
“What do you want?” Joan demanded.
“To stop all of you from doing something idiotic. These spells can only be undone by myself,” Spade gestured to himself with a smug smile. “Or at least your out of date version of myself.”
“So that’s why you took the camera, Logan told me that Deceit hadn’t been the one to give it to us,” Nate spat.
“My conclusion for our failures to save people is because of your ineptitude and recklessness.” The hologram’s expression crashed into a frown. “My Thomas was corrupted by the deaths of three of the Sides, I wouldn’t have killed Orange if I’d known it had such an adverse effect on him. If you are even hearing this message, I can only assume we were successful in saving Roman and Virgil. A cause to be celebrated.”
“You killed Orange?” Joan balked in horror.
“He made a couple crass remarks about Roman and Virgil, while I was still metaphorically raw, one too many times and I was already in a foul mood, so I beat him to death and absorbed his aura.” The hologram had a dark look in his eyes, his tone chillingly calm.
The atmosphere went terrifyingly quiet.
After some pause, something in the hologram’s programming was directed to say something. “Thomas is not violent, despite what the situation at hand would lead you all to believe,” Spade tried to convince. “I am more than capable of dissecting flesh from bone. Roman’s and the Duke’s weapons can kill with ease. But Thomas has been trapped for years, the camera has kept him asleep for years. I believe that is worth mentioning.”
With that the projection disappeared and the nanites that were in the camera swirled into a small cube that Jackie immediately picked up and raced over to Bing who accepted it immediately.
Jackie was back as the heroes were discussing the situation, Joan picking up the camera and looking at it.
“Trusting a demon who murdered a hundred people is a shit idea,” King shouted.
“The guy could have left an explosive charge and he didn’t,” Mare reminded, walking over to get a good look at the camera. “Pixels here didn’t even try to hurt us.”
“Yeah but a demon not trying to kill us at this second doesn’t mean that it’s lying,” King reminded.
“This doesn’t change the fact that we need Logan, but they won’t be back until Sunday,” Joan cut into the argument as they studied the camera. “There’s nothing we can do about it right now.”
King let out a frustrated groan, “You do realize that if this thing gets out it will kill the Sides as we know them. For all we know, the only reason future Logan was probably able to think for himself was because there were already so many of the Sides dead and something else probably happened to the legate. There’s a lot we’ll never get to learn about the guy because of bullshit time travel.”
“I’m not saying we shouldn’t drop kick this thing into the closest ocean,” Joan shot back, holding the camera to their chest as if they were trying to protect it. “I’m just saying we should wait until the Sides get here to decide.”
Looking away, King was quiet as the heroes put it to a bit of a vote. They all decided to wait, mostly because Joan refused to hand over the camera until they decided to wait. Nate put it back into holding and Jackie went to discreetly check on the Sides in his normal clothes. They seemed fine and greeted Jackie warmly.
Everything was fine, and if they suspected something was wrong, then they never even hinted that there was anything off.
So the heroes waited until the Sides came back from their vacation. As they suspected, Logan knew someone had been in their home the instant he was through the door. When they rushed over to the base, there was white-hot anger in his eyes.
“I think it’s time we had that talk,” Nate told Logan.
Logan stiffened before he started stomping over to King. “Get your hands off of that.”
The logical Side slammed into a barrier as Virgil nervously took a step back and his back collided with a magical barrier that had triggered when they all passed through it.
The anxious Side let out a sharp gasp that immediately drew his three teammates’ attention. Only when Logan was sure that Virgil wasn’t being harmed, did his head sharply whip back to the other heroes.
“What is the meaning of this?” Logan demanded. “Did you all go through our house without permission?”
“Depends,” King’s fingers drummed on the camera and Logan seemed to become angrier. “If we’re talking to Logic, Morality, Anxiety, and Princey then it was for your own good. If not, this conversation is going to turn real nasty, really fast.”
“Worry not,” Roman smiled as he pushed himself in front of Logan. “None of us are that dastardly neerdowell, Deceit.”
“Oh, trust us,” Jackie scoffed. “We’d be havin’ a much different conversation if he was here. Might e’en get better answers, ‘cause yeh all sure as shite ain’t givin’ us any.”[1]
Logan pulled Roman back and the creative Side glared at him and yanked his arm away. “There appears to be some kind of misunderstanding, dispel the barriers and hand over the camera and we can talk.”
“You do know the archives and storerooms have cameras, right?” Nate reminded Logan. “We know you have long conversations with him, so start telling us what you’ve been talking about.”
“What are you talking about?” Logan glared at them.
“Is his name still Thomas or is he telling you to call him something else?” Nate demanded.
“Thomas is dead,” Logan’s tone was especially snappish. “If I could have been in communication with him I would have been years ago.”
“But yeh have been, yeh make yer way inta the storage room an’ yeh talk ta this thin’ but whene’er we try an’ get the audio it’s just a garbled mess,”[2] Jackie accused. “So either yeh tell us, or we’re gonna have ta force a conversation.”[3]
“I have not been talking with that thing, it is an inanimate object not worth talking to,” Logan denied.
“You do,” Virgil informed.
“You kinda do, Lolo,” Patton told him.
“It is a touch unsettling, but I always rehearse lines in the mirror and I hear nerds talk to a rubber duck, so who am I to judge?” Roman shrugged.
“No, I do not talk with some useless object, my coding duck is a completely different matter,” Logan defended, as Joan was loading up something on a PAD. It was a time lapse of Logan casually sitting in the storage room, his mouth moving but the audio coming out a garbled mess.
Logan felt an uncomfortable weight settle in his stomach, “I have no memory of this.”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” King scoffed. “It also explains why you don’t have any aura. All the other Sides have aura but you never had any to spare.”
Logan stared at the camera and hazy memories of feeling something in him getting drained away and nothing but empty silence in his head. “I . . . I . . . What is that thing?”
“It’s a very dangerous demon, and when Thomas was spilt he did so incorrectly,” King explained. “And voila, you became his Sides. If this demon gets out or wakes back up it will turn you all into his proper thralls. A legate’s thralls only exist to bring their legate aura and mindlessly serve it.”
“And it’s trapped in that thing?” Virgil asked nervously. “No wonder Dee hated it. How do we keep it from getting out?”
Logan was quiet, just staring at the camera.
“If it is a foe to be vanquished I won’t go down without a fight,” Roman declared, drawing his sword.
“Maybe we could just talk to this legate?” Patton suggested. “We could try it.”
“What part of: if it gets out, you’ll become mindless thralls, didn’t you understand?” King demanded.
“Is it conscious?” Logan asked, silence crashing around the room. “Because if what’s in there is awake, I will rip that camera apart with my bare hands.”
“You’ll free it,” Nate reminded.
“I don’t care,” Logan decided. “Not too long ago I was in the same position. I was trapped in that drive for only eighteen hours, and I was made to suffer in my inability to move and speak. I would not wish such a fate even upon my worst enemies.”
“He’s gonna[4] get out eventually and then he’ll just be more pissed,” Virgil agreed, more than a bit of fear in his voice.
King groaned, “Yeah, you two have a point.”
“We should make a barrier, break the camera and if he attacks, we fight back,” Silver suggested.
“I think instead of the weapons and the magic,” Joan cut in, “the first thing he sees should be me.”
“An unacceptable risk,” Logan told Joan. “If this demon is even a fraction as dangerous as you all insist, you cannot be allowed near it.”
That got Joan a little upset, that Logan was so dismissive about something that was still a part of his old friend. “No, I don’t care. The others aren’t here, and I was one of the last things Thomas saw before he died. If there’s a chance he’s still in there, I want to try it.”
“We’ll be here to move in if he even tries to strike at him,” Silver promised. “Powerful or not, we outnumber him.”
“Fine,” Logan barked dismissively. “Since I’ve unwittingly had the most interaction with him, I should be their bench test for how this demon will react to the other Sides. If it proves to be non-violent or will not consume me, it will be safe to let the other near as well.”
“No!” Virgil shouted in blatant fear.
“Absolutely not,” Roman balked. “What if he hurts you.”
“I would rather him hurt me than you,” Logan decided.
Patton had a determined frown on his face.
“You think you throwing yourself into harm’s way makes it any better?” Roman spat, pointing at Logan. “I am capable of defending myself.”
“I will not watch you die again!” Logan shouted, his glasses glitching for a second and Roman flinched, fear flashing in Roman’s eyes. “You and Virgil are to be protected at all costs, whether than threat comes from hunters, demons, or anything else.”
“Lo,” Roman said, his face a mix of terror and shock. Virgil ducking behind Patton.
“The first thing he put in my head,” Logan clutched at his temples, “was the sight of your dead body, of your lifeless eyes. It is a sight I never wish to see again. Not your death, not Virgil’s, not Patton’s. It would be my undoing. I—”
Patton cut Logan off by hitting him with a hug and held him in a vice grip. “Lo we’re here together and we just wanna[5] help you.”
That finally stopped Logan’s screaming tirade. The warm, physical reminder that someone he loved was still here. Logan’s eyes turned back to normal and Patton held Logan to him. “Hey, come on big guy. We’re all still here and we’ll do this together.”
Logan, stubborn to the end, commented, “This individual has been feeding off of me for years, if I have not been taken as a thrall yet, there is the possibility that it will recognize me and I can convince it not to harm anyone. Will you give me a chance to reason with it?”
“No risks, you wait for Joan, and you run before it can hurt you,” Roman ordered.
“There are too many variables to—” Logan began to refuse.
“The only variable that we care about right now is your safety,” Roman told Logan. “Maybe you trust us for once, yeah?”
Logan looked conflicted, turning away.
Taking his hands, Roman tried to position his head so that he could look Logan in the eyes. “We’re a team, we do things together.”
Finally Logan let out a reluctant, quiet exhale, and closed his eyes. Then he gave a shallow nod.
Patton hugged Logan tighter. “We wait for Joan and the others, and when it’s safe, we all go out together.”
Then we’ll all die together. Logan thought morosely, but he didn’t say anything. His attention instead turned to Virgil who was not doing well with the situation. Between the undercurrent of fear in the room, it was having an adverse effect on his own crumbling mental state.
He was crying, and shaking, little anxious noises coming from him. To try and offer what comfort he could, Logan let go of Roman and gently pulled Virgil towards him.
Immediately Virgil bows his head forward to hide it in Logan’s chest.
Logan leaned forward and kissed the top of Virgil’s forehead. “My darling nightshade, I would let nothing set their finger on you if I were capable.”
Virgil’s stressed shaking began to get worse and he tried to press his head further into Logan’s chest. Logan’s free hand rubbed comforting circles into Virgil’s back as he tried to be as soothing as the situation would allow.
When Virgil stopped shaking as much, Logan could stand to take his attention off of Virgil.
Jack walked over. “Maybe yeh four shouldn’t be in the room when we pop the seal, we get some ‘a yer aura Logan, an’ we can try ta keep yeh guys safe.”[6]
Logan nodded and the other three Sides let him pull away long enough for King and Nate to use his aura to undo all the enchantments Spade had placed on it. Leaving the camera, at last, defenseless. The Sides were allowed to pass through the barrier.
Roman and Patton pulled Logan back into their group as they walked down the hall, turning out of sight.
It left the other heroes to get ready in the somber mood. Joan was finally left alone with the camera and the spell to crack open the camera. Everyone else who wasn’t Joan or a side was behind a protective barrier that Nate and Mare enchanting to keep them invisible until they needed to defend Joan or the Sides.
Nate stepped out to double check the barrier before walking over to Joan. With a heavy sigh he looked down the hallways, “Ready?”
Joan nodded, Nate catching the movement out of the corner of his eye.
“Alright,” Nate took a deep breath as he readied his magic. “3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Behind the wall!”
Nate pulled and severed the line as Joan took the camera and it shook before it began to glow. Then the camera cracked and a soft white light came from the old device as a person dropped out of the light.
Joan immediately recognized Thomas’s face and they tried to listen for any signs of life. “Thomas” was deathly quiet and still eyes closed before his eyelids twitched and he groaned.
“Thomas?” Joan urged gently, keeping out of direct arm’s reach but moving closer. “Are you okay buddy?”
Thomas blinked open his eyes and began to weakly pick himself up, looking up at his old friend, “Joan?”
Accessibility Translations:
1. We’d be having a much different conversation if he was here. Might even get better answers, because you all sure as shit aren’t giving us any.
2. But you have been, you make your way into the storage room and you talk to this thing but whenever we try and get the audio it’s just a garbled mess
3. So either you tell us, or we’re going to have to force a conversation.
4. going to
5. wanna
6. Maybe you four shouldn’t be in the room when we pop the seal, we get some of your aura Logan, and we can try to keep you guys safe.
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oldscarredlove · 8 years
ProjectTale - Part 1
Again, another old story that was never completed. Also, this is before Project met Dolly.
This is my second AU and is also the second fan-fiction I’ve posted on Tumblr, if you’d like to see my first AU, it’s called AfterGone and there are 3 parts to it. You can read this one and go read the other after but I recommend reading this one 2nd. ANYWAY!! I hope you enjoy this story and I should be able to do Part 2 either tomorrow or the next day. I HAD drawn the beginning of it out but I seem to have lost all but 1 of my comic strips =_= Greeaat….  So, on with the show! — The room was dark, soft snores was the only thing you could hear, the underground was completely silent and all the monsters had retired to their homes. Next to the library was a rustic looking house, the window to the main bedroom opened slowly and none of the residence awoke.
The man slithered in and crept past the queen sized bed and stopped before the cot beside it, which had a small baby skeleton wrapped in an blue blanket sleeping inside. This was his target. The man brushed his fingers against the baby’s skull and lifted him up into his arms, he flinched however when the baby’s face scrunched up and started to wail.
“That is my child.” He glanced behind him, not enough to show his face but enough to see hers. Her eyes were glowing a deep red, ready to spill his dust on the floor for touching her son. He cracked his neck and teleported away, he managed to avoid her physically but not her final cry, one word echoing through his skull for the rest of his days. “SANS!” — His footsteps echoed through the corridors as well as the baby’s cries. Sans’ cries. The man scowled and used his free hand to rub in between his eyes, he was getting a headache. Arriving at his main lab, he went up to a clean desk and placed the small skeleton onto it delicately. He placed on hand onto the center of their skull and felt a burning sensation, apparently the baby also did as their cries turned into screams.
“You are mine. I’ll make you stronger than any creature and you’ll be useful when it’s time to overthrow.” He chuckled darkly, removed his hand and in the middle of the baby’s head, just above the center of their eye-sockets was a wingding for the letter W. “Sans…” —???— I could hear everything, I didn’t know if I should feel freaked out or amazed. All those books I’ve read have really paid off, I’ve learnt how to tame my magic, to make sure it didn’t run wild and give this psycho what he wanted. It’s been… How long has it been? I only learnt time but that just keeps on resetting… and how can a guy remember how many times the clock has struck midnight?
I keep my mouth shut, feeling the oozing chemicals around me, making me feel sick to my non-existent stomach. I hear him groan, then a buzz and was suddenly released from my containment tube. All the liquid rushed out, taking me along with it and I ended up sprawled on the floor, coughing for air.
“Pathetic.” I hear him say before my soul started to glow and I started to float up in the air. I thought I was choking, it felt like something was blocking me off from my air, I struggled, trying to get out of the invisible grip but to no success.
“Tell me Sans, you’ve been consoling your magic, haven’t you?” I felt my eye-sockets widen in fear. Oh no… “How? Who taught you?” I looked at his cracked face, the left socket having a crack going up whilst the right was going down. I hated his man. W.D Gaster. “I ought to be more careful with what you read. I should make your punish worse, you seem to not be listening to me anymore.”
I felt a burning sensation in my left eye whilst my right went cold. In the corner of my socket I saw a vial that had a yellow caution symbol on it, thinking it looked promising, I willed it to come closer and closer. When Gaster looked in the vial’s direction, it was too late.The acid splashed onto his face then forgot me completely and whilst taking this golden opportunity, I ran away. — I was so screwed. I needed to find a way out and soon. I never got to travel through the lair and now I see why, so I’d never find the exit. Somewhere within these hallways, I heard a dangerous growling and did what my mind first told it to, hide.
I went into a random room and shut the door behind me, backing away slowly whilst taking in my surroundings, spotting a mirror at the opposite side of the room. I went up to it and gave myself a once over. A skeleton wearing a dark grey dress-thing with a black choker around the turtle neck this dress had and a wingding on the forehead. Yeah, definitely not going out like this.
Then a miracle happened, my eyes were attracted to a navy box behind me that said “Janitor” and I was easily able to rip the door off. Inside was a pile of orange and black clothing and after putting them on I couldn’t stop grinning, my fang-like teeth making me feel even more dangerous.
The orange thing covered my entire body (except my arms since the sleeves were ripped off from the shoulders), I’d left the two top buttons undone because it felt weird with the black hood thing I wore underneath it. There was this thing black material also that fit through the loops of the suit, it helped it fit better onto my figure. The shoes were a little soggy, like they had been drying out but weren’t quite done.
After the quick change, I put the hood up and covered up the mark I’ve had since forever. I peeked outside and made a break for it once I thought it was clear. After running around for what seemed like half an hour -with the exception of making a quick stop- I saw it. The doorway to my freedom. — This new power inside me was incredible. I heard that madman’s Blasters and sent red bones to impale them to their demise. The sirens of the professor’s lair were louder than I thought, I’d been running for a while and I can’t even see the flashing lights but even from here, I could still hear them.
My running came to a stop when I came to a small place full of monsters, next to me was a sign, a big one, that read “Welcome to Snowdin!” As I looked around I was captivated by the tree in the centre, decorated with lights and lots of colour. I hadn’t even realized I’d walked up to it.
I pulled out the picture I’d quickly taken from my quarters before my escape from the pocket of the suit. My hand started to shake and I willed it to stop. I needed to find a place to hide for the time being, there was no way I was going back to that torture.
“May I help you?”
I turned toward the voice and felt my jaw drop slightly. This monster…  “You seem to be looking for someone?” Was completely made out of fire! And he wanted me to talk? I’ve never spoken to anyone expect Gaster and I’d only just throw snarky remarks at him.
So when I spoke, I was even shocked by how deep it was. “No worries about it..” I shoved the picture back into my pocket. The wind blew and I shivered from the low temperature. The fire monster offered me to follow him and I’d agreed, cracking a joke that I was “chilled to the bone”. I think that was my first warm-hearted joke.
We headed into another building and whilst looking around, he answered my unspoken questions. “This is where I work, it’s the ‘place-to-go’ here in Snowdin. Grillby’s, the number one diner.” He instructed me to sit down and I did so, watching as he went around to stand on the other side of the counter. “And yes, I am Grillby.”
“I guessed.” I could smell all the food around me and I realizing just how starved I was, I couldn’t remember the proper day I’d eaten, perhaps 3 days ago? “Want to order something?”
I shook my head and grinned under my hood. “Nah, got nothing to pay you with… I’ve been… erm.. Travelling and I’ve kind of ran out….?” Shoot. Making it sound like a question was bad, you might as well add to the end ‘Was this believable?’
He nodded thoughtfully and said. “I see your dilemma, as a first timer here, you can order something for free. On the house.”
My life was full of light and glory at that moment. I ordered something called “fries” and during my wait, I took of the picture again and did nothing else. When he returned, I was brought little thin sticks that flopped in between my fingers. As I popped on into my mouth I was introduced to probably the best thing I tasted.
All of a sudden, there was a bang at the front of the diner and a booming voice saying. “Grillby! May I have a word with you?” Heavy footsteps stormed toward me and I felt myself turn into a statue, staying as still as I could so I wouldn’t attract unwanted attention.
This guy sat in the seat right next to me and I got the impression that he was a very scary guy, his armour looked very fancy and spiky, suggesting he was high up in the royal levels or something. What was it that Gaster said… about a new guy he didn’t like….
“Head Guard Papyrus, how can I help you?” Head Guard! That was it! I took a sneak peak at ‘Papyrus’s’ face and MAN was it creepy looking. His eye-sockets were empty and on his forehead was the symbol of the kingdom, a mark I basically saw everywhere in the labs.
“I’m looking for an escapee,” I froze in spot, “In the last couple of hours, Gaster was attacked and apparently an experiment of him got out. Have you seen any peculiar looking monsters tonight?”
Please don’t say me, no, I won’t go back. I’d rather die than- “Nope, not really, I mean, no one looks somewhat normal down here. But if I see anything I’ll come find you Head Guard.” He gestured to the weird junk he had at the back of the bar. “Would you like to get something? You look rather tired Papyrus.”
Now that he mentioned it, he did, it looked like he hadn’t gotten sleep in days. He frowned in disgust. “No thank you, I’m on duty so I don’t have time.” He got up from his seat and turned away heading toward the exit.
Grillby turned his attention to me once the door shut and asked. “Is something wrong?”  I was shaking, I couldn’t stop, even the picture wasn’t helping. Grillby made a small, low noise and then asked me another question. “Who were you looking for back there?”
I shook my head and smiled sadly at the skeleton-woman with a sweet, sweet smile holding a small skeleton in a blue blanket in front of a familiar -looking decorated tree.
“No one” —PAUSE— I hope you enjoyed the opening of ProjectTale and wish to read more of it! I’ll be looking forward to any comments you may have!
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