#and work an 8hr shift on a busy day then come home and help my dad stretch bc he was in pain
scandeniall · 4 years
Dear Diary
song 1: dear diary |  good & bad masterlist | prev | next
Pairing: sakusa x reader
Summary/warnings: life has been kicking your ass yet you don’t want to tell sakusa/profanity
WC: 1.5K
“How’ve you been,” you paused debating on answering honestly or not. Switching your phone to speaker, you fiddled with the covers resting beneath your fingers before sighing out. “I miss you Yoomi.” A silence comes settled through the phone line. “How are you doing?” The insistence of your well being causes another sigh to escape your lips. Of course he could tell that something was off even through the phone and a part of you curses his observational skills. “Im just--really fucking stressed,” you mutter out reluctantly. 
“Have you been taking care of yourself? Eating real meals and getting proper sleep?” The questions being rattled off on the other side of the phone causes you to crack a small smile at his concern. You could only imagine the furrow in his brows at the thought of a lack of concern for your own health. You almost miss the ending of the questions as he tells you not to lie to him. Your silence causes Sakusa to sigh on the line. 
“Sometimes I hate how much you really know me.” You voice the thoughts that had previously been in your head. Sakusa could hear the slightest of background noise as you maneuver yourself under the warm comforter and shifted to get comfortable. “Do you need me to come home.” The words aren’t phrased as a question, and that causes you to quickly shake your head despite the fact that he couldn't see that.
“No-no. Yoomi, it's fine. I just- I just need to get my mind right and relax. I just needed to hear your voice tonight, that's all.” You tell him, despite wanting nothing more than for him to be back with you.He’d been on the road for the last month, a series of away games and such. And right before he left, you’d been out of town on a major business trip. It seemed as if time nor luck were your friend. It’d been at least a month and a half since the two of you were anywhere near one another. He’d still be gone another month and all either of you could do was wait it out. 
The silence that followed your response was telling. You could already imagine the way Sakusa has his eyes narrowed in thought. Thinking about whether he should push for your well being or let it go for now. The quietest sigh escaped his mouth from the other side of the phone. He’d made his decision. “I miss you too. I’ll be home soon.” 
Life after that phone call seemed to grow progressively worse. Not only had you and Sakusa not been able to squeeze in another talk in the following week, but life sucked. Your job has been giving you more and more responsibility, and allowing you more freedom. On one hand that was great, a celebratory text sent to your boyfriend at the talks of you in for a promotion, however it was tiring. You were coming home later and later, exhausted and starting to neglect your own health.
It’s not you were intentional in the neglect. It just felt too damn hard to come home after a long day and cook a healthy and fulfilling meal. When you were home you were suddenly reminded of just how empty the apartment was without Sakusa. Dust that was normally absent due to his cleanliness began to appear. Dishes piled up more than he would have liked. Whenever you did bother to straighten up at least for his sake, it drained you. 
Adulthood was really kicking your ass and it came to a head one night when you woke up sweating. As if life couldn’t drag you down even more, your AC had gone out right during the hottest part of the summer. Come morning you found out that your landlord had gone on vacation and could not and would not be able to fix the unit for at least a week. 
So you’d done what you usually did. Sucked it up and forced yourself to push through. Not a word of your woes to Sakusa who had more important matters to attend to other than your slump. You went to work, exhausted yourself there and dragged your feet into the dreaded heat of your apartment. 
Upon entering you were automatically hit with a wave of heat, making your already sluggish steps heavier. Kicking your shoes off you offhandedly waved hello to the person seated on the couch before dragging yourself towards the kitchen like it was completely normal. A moment later you stopped in your tracks. “Yoomi?”
The slightest nod from your boyfriend caused you to blink in surprise before launching yourself into his arms. “What are you doing here,” you muttered as his hands ran up and down your back. Pulling away slightly you eyed him. He looked tired. Eyes unusually sunken and you noticed the tiniest sheen of sweat across his forehead. You went to pull away knowing the touch paired with the heat would likely make him uncomfortable. To your surprise, the hands wrapped around your middle didn’t make any moves to release you. “You needed me so I came home.”
You felt a squeeze in your heart as your arms tightened wrapped around his shoulders. “But I didn't say anything—“
“Your voice. On the other week. And then your texts were different.” Of course he noticed. The conversation had already signaled to him that you weren’t the best. Your shaky exhales as you insisted that you were fine and that he didn’t need to come home. Then he noticed the jokes within your texts began to slowly subside. You’d also found yourself saying that you missed him more than usual. “So you came back?”
“I have a 3 day weekend this week. Then I’m back to practicing.” You nodded in understanding the two of you releasing one another and you noticed Sakusa frown. “Why’s it hot?” You explained about the broken AC and about the suffering you’ve endured for the past 2 days. “Did you get any more fans?” He looked annoyed once you denied purchasing any additional appliances knowing he’d had to get that done for you. “You know you’re more susceptible to nosebleeds in the heat right?”
“Thank you Dr. Omi,” you teased, laughing at his scowl from the nickname. The two of you settled onto the couch, your head coming to rest on his shoulder. “It’s common knowledge.” His replies allow a lightness to settle in your heart. One you hadn’t felt in weeks. The two of you settle into a silence for a little while his hand rubbing soft circles on your knee. “You need to take better care of yourself. And tell me when you need me.”
“I didn't want to take you away from your busy schedule,” you hum out. You feel the movement against your knee stop, a former grip replacing it. “I don't care how busy I am, I’m here. Now stop being annoying and tell me things.” You feel yourself jokingly roll your eyes before agreeing. However that wasn’t enough as you heard the scoff from next to you. 
“I’m serious. You remember what you told me back in college”
“Pretty sure I told you a lot of things back then,” you tease, taking his closest hand and interlocking your fingers. “You believed in me,” he started catching your eyes. “Told me you always knew there was no limit to me. That means I can handle it. Don’t feel like you’re annoying me.” Your eyes widened at how he remembered that very specific moment. 
It was around 4 years ago. He’d just told you that he signed to MSBY, something everyone around him was dying to know. Yet you were the first person he told. He remembered how your eyes beamed as you sat on his lap, your phone camera in his face recording the moment for memories sake. He didn’t even bother swatting it away like he usually did. He’d allowed you to place messy kisses all across his face despite the feel of your tacky chapstick. “Why do you remember that,” you questioned a soft smile gracing your own features. 
You notice the shrug of his shoulders as he helped to to sit you sideways into his lap. “Doesn’t matter. Now tell me what’s wrong. And then we’re going to get some fans.” You nodded leaning so that your lips met his for a soft kiss. “I really missed you,” you murmured into the kiss. And while he was only there for the weekend it was enough. He came home for you. The one who has loved and supported him with open arms for the past 5 years. He’d be damned if he didn’t try to make up for it. 
So you told him everything on your mind. Laughing every time he scolded you for the little things. “Don’t let the dust build up by the time I get back next month.” To “You need to sleep more.” And in return you got the same. You got the story from the exhaustion laced in his eyes. The hours it took to get to you, and the germs he forced himself to sit through to make it happen. And despite the annoying heat in the apartment, neither of you have felt that good in a while.
a/n: wow i FINALLY got at least 2 consective songs in a row done so now my prev/next is relevant for at least 2 parts. This took a different route than I initially planned for, nor is it exact in its storytelling. It was also started 2 months ago and finished now bc it was kinda hard for me. Anyways hi um did you catch the no limit to you ref? bc yeah i love that and to date still my fav piece ive ever written. you dont have to read that to understand this but its 5.4k words if you have some spare time.
anyways: im about to be on an 8hr car ride so feel free to request stuff. rules 
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makerpreserveus · 4 years
Rant Time
I normally don’t post things like this here but I havta let this off my chest or I might explode. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not support Petsmart (this includes chewy.com) at all during this time. Not only did they NOT offer hazard pay for employees that continued to work during the virus peak they are grinding their employees and even managers into the ground even harder since the protests started. I’m not sure about floor workers at all the stores but our floors workers have been sliced in half. Only two working at a single time. (if their lucky maybe 3)One pet care and one cashier. Our DM even came down to warn us about opening a second register. He said we can only have one open at a time no matter what. Even if the line wrapped around the store and if people got mad and left it didn’t matter. Managers have been forced to work overtime since they are on salary, taking hours away from staff. The grooming salon have been working on a ghost crew as well. We can have a max of 4 people for our salon(we have 8 tables) working at a time when normally on busy days we would have 7+ people working. With the new covid policies we don’t have time to do as many dogs a day cuz we have to wait our turns for tubs and dryers. But now we are being forced to allow stand alone services again(at least we can schedule nails and stuff during less busy times right now) and being forced to take on more dogs without being given more help. But at the same time instead of working our normal 8 hr shift to groom and bathe our dogs they schedule us for 7. So think about that. If before all this crap started lets say a groomer does 5 dogs a day in an 8 hr shift. (that still mostly gave us time to have a lunch break) Now with all the new policies and how crazy things are that groomer needed to cut down to 4 dogs a day on a 8hr to make sure the dogs are done safely and well while still adhering to the new safety policies. (that still gives us time for a lunch break mostly) Now petsmart says we can only work 7 hours a day but have to groom more dogs. And we get written up for overtime (threatened to be fired if it happens too much) and we don’t have time for a break to eat something anymore. So if we don’t get a groom done by the time we must clock out we are told to send the dog home half groomed. (this is not fair to owners who have had a dog scheduled for weeks) We are also during this time we were told we are not hardly allowed to take a block with a large are bad dog. (a block reduces the amount of dogs we do so we can have extra time to complete difficult grooms) If we do have to put a block in we MUST charge the owners extra. For some dogs I believe that to be fair. Dogs that bite or owners who choose very difficult hair cuts that involve lots of hand scissoring or heavily matted dogs. But sometimes just because you have a certain breed I don’t believe it is fair to overcharge the owner. (like great pyrenees, doodles, ect. the groom price is already more so why do we have to charge even more) The last bit is that we were threatened that if we couldn’t meet the numbers and properly run the salon on a fraction of the staff (numbers which cooperate put in at what we made on twice the staff before this all started) that we would be revoked our vacations. Which dead days (days on which we cannot take vacations like during holidays) are coming up fast.  Ive checked with some nearby petsmarts too and they said similar things to what our store is facing so I think that many petsmarts are in this boat. I wonder if Petco is doing similar stuff or if other petsmarts outside my area are like this too? BOTTOM LINE DO NOT SUPPORT PETSMART RIGHT NOW. If you must buy pet food or need grooming services go support your local small private owned pet food stores and private salons. They need your support WAY more right now. And I know the wait may be long for grooming but please go support your local grooming places. (the people i work with are great but cooperate has been not helpful at all during these difficult times)
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kpop-sprite · 6 years
Green Tae and Strawberry Mochi
Reader x Jimin x Taehyung
Warnings: Everything?
Genre: Smut x Revenge x Punishment
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 I want to thank everyone for their previous love on my posts from Jeon Wonwoo, Yoongi, Jungkookie, and my latest, Kim Namjoon. I am so blessed and honored to have so many people reading my work! If you EVER have a request, please message me, it will be kept private if wanted. I hope you guys enjoy this next story, it’s been days in the making!
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 “I need more pork cutlets and radish kimchi fried rice!” I hollered into the kitchen over the loudness that was the restaurant I worked at. It was another Saturday night, one of the busiest days of the week and once again we were running low on our specialties. I struggled moving around the busy room, careful not to bump into too many chairs or people who were there filling their stomachs with our desirable food and high priced Soju. It was hectic to say the least.
“Excuse me!” Ah, another customer, great.
“Yes, can I help you?” I bow with respect and await their order.
“Yes, I’d like 2 fried pork cutlets, a ramyun bowl, and your number.”
My eyes look up past my brow, “We’re fresh out of numbers, anything else I can get you?” I smirk gently towards the man.
“Haha, I’m sure by the end of the night you’ll have another available, but the food is fine for now,” His response so smooth, his smile shining through his eyes. If I wasn’t in a relationship I would have melted right before him.
“It will be right out, sir.” I make my way back to the kitchen putting in orders and delivering them to their appropriate tables, the man’s words start flowing through my head. “What a cocky man…” I laugh it off, I’m in a relationship after all.
 “How is everything sir, anything else I can get you?”
“It’s delicious, but I am afraid it’s missing a key ingredient…” His gaze concerned.
“Oh, what is that sir? I will try to fix the problem,” I reassured him.
“You, have a seat.”
“Sir, I have a boyfriend and besides, I’m at work…now if there is nothing else…” I turn to leave when he grabs my hand.
“You keep pulling away, but I can see how thirsty you are, let me help with that.”
“I beg your pardon! Sir, I am at work I cannot tolerate this behavior…” Shocked and in dismay I storm off. “…thirsty,….that cocky mother-….”
I tried to stay focused on my job, helping my customers and waiting on tables, but the more I tried to ignore him, I found myself glancing back to his table. His eyes were tracking me, a sweet look in his eyes pulling me into his direction. Until finally, I looked over and he was gone. He left a tip for me on the table and to my surprise there was no note attached to it. “I guess he was all talk,” a little laugh in my voice.
I finished my shift for the night and made my way out the exit.
I pulled my large jacket tighter around me, the cool winter air brushing against my bare legs as I begin the walk home to my apartment.
“Hey! Wait up!” A slight familiarity in the voice had me stop in my tracks.
“Huh? Oh, it’s you again…” I rolled my eyes and kept making my way down the side-walk, it didn’t take him long to catch up to me.
“I’m sorry if I am bothering you, but I just wanted to apologize for what I said in the restaurant. I didn’t mean to come off so forward—“ Some sincerity coming from his words
“Then what did you mean to happen?” I questioned but never turning to meet his gaze.
“Well, it’s just, you are very beautiful and you seem a bit stressed.”
“I did just work a 12hr shift, so agitation is kind of reasonable I think” I shot out
“You’re right to be agitated and I shouldn’t have pushed you into flirting with me.”
“….What?” I stopped and turned to him, “I never flirted with you.” My voice a bit angry.
“So what was all the looking towards me for while waiting other tables? Your eyes searched for me every time.” He persisted
My jaw dropped. “I was checking on you because you are my customer, not because—“
His lips were pressed against mine, his hand holding my jaw keeping me there, my eyes shot open as I pulled back
“W-what are you doing?!” I stepped back, my hand on my lips
“What you want me to do.” His crooked smile spreading wide across his face.
“…I don’t recall asking for this…” My face burned red with embarrassment waiting to see what he would say next.
“You didn’t have to tell me to take care of you, I can see you need it.”
My eyes start to tear up, “I don’t know what you are talking about, I don’t even know you!”
His hand grabs my face again, “You don’t have to be lonely anymore, Jagiya.” His lips press against mine once again, the warmth heating up my entire body. “I’m Park Jimin, let me take care of you.”
 That was the first night we met, but not the last encounter we had.
 Jimin’s fingers trailed down my body, his mouth lingering on my earlobe, hot breath blowing my hair. My body contorts itself under his control as his fingers reach my folds, sliding in and around my wet core. I moan out his name, heavy breathing shuddering out from my lungs as he inserts his thick length into me and thrusts roughly. He then presses his lips to mine, our tongues twisting themselves together until they are one solid movement. My orgasm rings out through my body, his thrusting never letting up, our hips colliding until he cums, pulling out of me to cover me in his white load. I was his dirty play thing and was treated as such.
He crawls up the bed till he falls beside me, “I think you better clean that off before it dries, (Y/N).”
“I have to shower anyway, I have another 8hr shift tonight.” I make my way off the bed and into the bathroom where I turn on the shower waiting for the water to heat up.
Jimin walks in, his arms wrap around me, his mouth presses against my neck. “If you’re going to rinse off my artwork I might as well help.” I groan releasing pleasure from my mouth.
Before I knew it our bodies were sliding together in the shower, my back pressed against the tile, his torso holding me up as he slams into me, the water making it easier for him to go in deeper. The water splashes around us, the steam filling the room creating isolation for us. “Fuck, (Y/N).” His voice deepens as he releases his load once more, burying his face into my collarbone. I pant loudly in exasperation, “I really need to wash off now, Jiminie, I can’t be late for work again.”
“Aish, you’re right, besides, you’ll have leftovers when you get home.” His cocky smile always resting on his face.
I quickly rinsed off my body, the inside of my folds, and washed my hair. It took me 20min to get ready for work, nearly forgetting to eat I grab an apple on my way out the door. Jimin and I have been having our sensual dates like this for about 2 weeks now and recalling the first night we met and how annoying I had thought he was, I never thought he’d be the one I’d be having sex with constantly. A part of me was ashamed for sneaking around with Jimin, my boyfriend, Taehyung, away on business…if he ever found out….it’d be over for us. And as much as I love my boyfriend, he wasn’t around to fulfill my needs and desires to be touched.
“(Y/N)! You have tables 23 and 87 ready for ordering!”
“Mmm! I’ll get right on it, Hoshi!” I quickly make my rounds and assist the tables that have been waiting on me, late again thanks to Park Jimin.
My shift was going as per usual, loud customers, angry managers, and children somehow getting ripped up kimchi and rice in my hair. I was a mess, especially since I missed a call from Taehyung again. This backwards schedule we had going on was really frustrating and tearing up our relationship. All I could think about was going back home to see Jimin and releasing more of this stress.
 I struggled through my shift getting only a 15min break the entire time I was there, it was terrible. Customers were throwing food, orders were getting backed up, and a child threw their toy causing another waiter to trip and lose an entire case of Soju. I was so ready to be home I could barely stand it. I pulled my jacket hood over my head and started my walk home through the cold winter night when my phone rang out. Taehyung.
“Hey, baby!” I answered the phone as cheerfully as possible.
“I just got off work, yeah it was a rough day,….2 more days? Really? I am so excited to see you too! Mmm, okay! Love you too!” Our conversation lasted until I made it to my apartment, Taehyung’s deep voice making my heart swell and my core ache for his touch. Jimin will be inside waiting for me, and for the next 2 days, he will be the one to fill this void.
I open the door to my apartment and as soon as I step into the room, Jimin is there. I throw my bag to the floor and kick off my shoes, jumping into his arms he carries me back to the bedroom, my legs wrapped around him tight. He kisses me, his breath smelling like strawberry mochi, I want the taste to last forever. He throws me onto the bed, his hands ripping open my shirt and beginning to massage my breasts from under the bra as I unsnap it. I groan out for him to continue when we hear the slam of my apartment door.
My eyes open wide and look at Jimin, “What was that?”
“I was going to ask you…”
Footsteps trail their way to the bedroom door, and out from the shadows comes Taehyung. He was still in his Gucci suit, black shining shoes, glitter embroidered slacks, and a bright red silk shirt covering his chest. His face wore a look of distraught, my heart dropped in my chest. “Aish, what is going on in here?”
I stammer trying to cover my now bare breasts, “Tae, I can explain…”
“Explain how you are in bed with my best friend from Busan, or explain why you didn’t tell me you needed me?”
“Tae-I…” His best friend? I could barely fathom any of this…
“You should have waited,” His face pointed down, his sharp eyes glaring up at me from his brow when he suddenly begins undoing his belt. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” His belt pulls out from his pant loops like a sword from a sheath. “Did you think you could get away with this?” He unbuttons his sleeves and his shirt collar until some of his chest is exposed. “Who do you think sent Jimin to you, (Y/N)?”
 I swallow hard, trying to move up the bed, Jimin standing to the far side of the bed away from me now, I had nowhere safe to go. Taehyung moved closer to me, belt in hand, his body tall and still in front of me now.
“Jagiya,” Taehyung’s voice deep and powerful as his words rolled out, “I’m sorry for leaving you, I’ll take care of you now.” His hand large and gentle rubbing my cheek and brushing my hair away and tears that started to roll down.
“Jimin-ssi?” Tae’s voice booms out
Jimin quickly comes over to me, as if he knew exactly what Taehyung wanted him to do. He pulls me up and positions me onto the bed where my ass is in the air, his hands pressed against my back to hold me there. Taehyung pulls my work pants down, along with my panties, exposing me to the air around us. “I’ll always take care of you, (Y/N), and now you won’t forget it.” He pulls his black leather belt back over his shoulder, quickly whips it back towards me creating thunder claps as it hits my ass.
“WAH!” I groan out as he whips the belt back at me.
“Stay quiet, kitten. I’m just getting started.” Taehyung nods at Jimin to let him know to move. Jimin adjusts me once more, undoes his pants and drops them to the floor. His cock inches from my face he prods his head against my lips. “Open up, Kitten. Take your punishment for daddy.” Tae massages my folds with his fingers gliding them up and down before inserting them into me roughly causing my mouth to open allowing Jimin to place his cock into my mouth. His cock fills my entire mouth, tears rolling down my cheeks from the spanking and now the instant full sensation in my mouth. I begin to suck Jimin’s dick, Tae’s fingers still rubbing and teasing my vagina.
Jimin’s head falls back as I continue to suck on him, precum dripping down my throat with each thrust of his hips. I hear Taehyung’s zipper and pants fall to the floor, his fingers have stopped moving around me, instead his dick reaches my entrance, teasing me before entering hard and slow.
“Aish, Jimin-ssi, I thought you said you’d take care of her, she’s a tight mess down here.” Tae groans out as he enters me, his thrusts deep and slow making me ache.
“She missed you, there was only so much I could take care of for you, Tae.” Jimin’s voice breaking through his thrusts into my mouth. I continue to suck through the thrusts in my mouth and cunt. The pounding causing me to gag for air. “Ah, I’m so close, (Y/N)” Jimin continues to thrust a few more times until he pulls out, rubbing his cock till he comes, his load grabbing onto my hair and falling onto my shoulders down to my breasts as they bounced from Taehyung pounding into me. I moan loudly as Taehyung’s fingers play against my clit now.
“Aiish, (Y/N), you really needed daddy, didn’t you?”
“Y-y-yes, daddy” I manage to squeak out as our hips collide.
“Fuck, Kitten, you’re going to make me cum.” Tae’s deep voice booms as his load begins to fill me up, my own orgasm tightening around him as he thrusts harder.
“T-t-tae..” I moan out through our orgasms, Jimin massaging my back as we cum together.
Taehyung pulls out, our juices dripping down my thighs onto the bed. He grabs my legs and pulls me towards him, flips me over onto my back. His large body crawls over me, his face lowering onto mine, lips centimeters from touching.
“Jagiya, I may not always be beside you, but I will always take care of you.” Taehyung's lips meeting with mine for the first time in months.
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