#and would like to have a website mostly finished first x_x
rainyjackalope · 2 years
Workin on redoing my tagging so that my new tag for all sona art is 'sona tag' and characters will be tagged either as 'sona: name' or 'oc: name' like I know other folks do
I've meant to sooner but it's a bit of an undertaking because I've been posting for years...the mass post editor helps a lot but ough
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junioradventure · 5 years
WHAT A WEEKEND. I can’t believe I actually got... autographed cups from Stray Kids ㅠㅠ And to think that I stumbled upon the news of the event pretty much randomly. 
So, I’m sure STAYS know about Stray Kids’ official Twitter, Instagram, and even Facebook handles, but to get the in-depth and most current information, schedule, and events of the group, you should join their “JYP Fan’s” cafe as well! Heck, I didn’t even know about it until like a week ago, honestly. I mostly saw their updates on their IG, but the JYP Fan’s website is where it’s at. It’s basically like their fancafe. You can go to the website and join easily here. I also didn’t keep track of their Twitter up until recently when I got to check it out, but their Twitter updates also link to the JYP website for events and all that good stuff! Keep reading for the full experience!
Anyway, after waking up at around 12 o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday, I thought, today is going to be a relaxing day. Yesterday was rough, but it’s the weekend, so I’m just gonna kick back! I check the Stray Kids’ fancafe just on a whim and I saw that they added a new event.
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“Stray Kids 1st Anniversary with SOUL CUP”
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WHAT THE HECK, THAT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE! Granted, I didn’t check the fancafe on Friday because of the aforementioned craziness of how busy and tiring that day was for me, but darn it, I should have because it felt like a bomb just dropped on me! I hurriedly threw on some clothes, got ready, and looked up the way to get to that cafe from my place in Jeongja.
The cafe is in the Gangdong area, literally on the first floor of the JYP Entertainment building. From my area, since I’m in Bundang, it took around an hour and a half, with walking, subway, and a bus. I got there around 3 something.
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Some JYP Entertainment pictures I took. 
I got off at a bus stop across the street and passed the front entrance of the building, as the cafe’s entrance is located on the side. You just walk and pass the JYP building but turn left immediately at the edge of the building. You will see a giant red cup and there’s the entrance to the cafe.
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It’s kinda hard to miss it.
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A grander view of the main entrance.
Hmm, no line. “It must not be busy!” I foolishly think as I walk in, my mind numb to reality as I order a drink. I ask the cashier, “Do you have the Stray Kids cup?” to which he replies, “It’s sold out.”
I’m okay. No, really I am. I sit down after getting my mango blueberry smoothie, which was actually really yummy. I find a nice seat and see a giant projector screen on a little stage, which was playing all JYP artists’ music videos (including SKZ of course!)
(I only have video footage of the screen and such. I want to put together a little video too, I hope I can manage to get that done lol)
The atmosphere is really nice and chill, but the music videos playing throughout the cafe made me wanna jam out haha which I did. I saw some fans and... they had signed cups ㅠㅠ At this point, I also ordered a slice of chocolate salted sea caramel cake because I came all the way here so I might as well have my cake and eat it too.
As I finish my food, I remembered something from the announcement on the fancafe... The event said it was running from Saturday to Monday... which might mean... I went up to the barista and asked if they would have more cups tomorrow. She said yes. OMG OMG OMG OMG- that’s what was going on in my head. I still have a chance. I told myself, tomorrow you are coming back here and this time you will get. Those. Signed. Cups.
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I woke up at 6am. I couldn’t even properly sleep that night because I had weird, random mini-dreams (unrelated lol). However, I got myself up and out of the house, on a mission. 
I got to the cafe at around 7:19 am. However, there were already a lot of fans waiting... I got in line but there were at least, hmm, around like... I can’t even estimate correctly, like 60 people or so in front of me? Don’t quote on me on that number though, because it seemed like quite a lot. And thus began my waiting game. I was nervous that I wasn’t going to get any cups, and my journey back here would be for naught. It was bitingly cold, and I was hungry.
Then I realized, negative thoughts would not help me at this moment. I plugged in my earphones and started listening to “Mixtape #3″. GOSH I LOVE THIS SONG, it always lifts my spirits and this time was no different. More and more people showed up and got in line. The line was so long, it went to the end of the street and then the line continued like across from me. 
After what seemed like an eternity, the line started moving! It moved up quicker than I had thought, but once I was in the front door, that’s when it seemed like I was only moving a few inches at a time. The line zigzagged like three times towards the cashier. A lot of Stray Kids MV’s were playing. The place was abuzz with STAYS. I tried to keep the doubts and fear out of my head. I was almost near the counter...
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What I saw before I ordered at the counter! Just to further showcase the event :)
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Apparently, with every drink or food you purchase, you could get one individually-signed cup, by random. I saw a lot of STAYS generally get 3, so that’s what I did. I ordered a Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream, a Dazzering Milk Tea, and an affogato. I actually ordered the affogato on accident even though I don’t even really drink coffee.
Right before I ordered, though, there was a particular group of STAYS who were pretty much manning the area right before you order. They were pretty much bartering their cups for their desired member, which was pretty smart because basically everyone in line was a STAY and since the cups were given randomly to us, there was a way everyone could end up with their biases’ signatures. Except if you were Hyunjin biased, because his signed cups were pretty rare from what I heard, and whoever got his, most likely was his fan and wouldn’t want to trade. Luckily, even if I loved them all, the ones I was shooting for was mostly Chan and Woojin. 
Anyways, one STAY asked me which member I liked and I told her Chan and Woojin. She echoed it to her friends and apparently they had my biases’ cups!! She really wanted Changbin’s. With fingers crossed, after ordering, the cashier handed me my three cups and...
All 3 were Changbin’s! 
The STAYS around me spazzed when they saw my cups, and I was shook too! The same STAY asked me which members I liked again, and then began the trading. She pulled me along after passing down the news of my cups to her friends. She told me to come with her and she brought me to her friend, who had Chan’s cup! I traded one Changbin cup and got my bias’ signed cup ㅠㅠ I was taken the opposite direction, where another STAY had Woojin’s cup! I traded my other Changbin cup for it. 
Finally, I figured I might as well make another Changbin fan happy. I asked if someone had Felix’s signed cup, I could part ways with Changbin’s. Another STAY did, and that was it! I was a happy camper. I ate my ice cream and drank my coffee and milk tea happily while watching MV’s on the big screen. For all three items, it cost around 21,000 won (~$`18.47 USD) but for their autographed cups? Ummmm yes please.
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Overall, it was a lot of waiting. The cafe actually opens at 9am, and it took around 2 hours to get my order in (and the cups). If I didn’t live like an hour and 20 minutes away by subway, I would’ve wanted to get there earlier x_x Then the waiting wouldn’t have seemed so bad.
But I got my biases’ cups, so everything was worth it!! ㅠㅠ
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littletornviolet · 7 years
92 Truths
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
I have a backlog of these things I need to clear but I’m gonna start with the most recent and work backwards. Thanks for the tag @somethinglikefangirl !!
LAST… [1] drink: jasmine tea (drinking it at the moment).  [2] phone call: my mum, to ask her to pick me up from the train station.   [3] text message: my sister, about phone chargers.  [4] song you listened to: give it to me - agust d (i’m drawing at the moment so i’ve got a playlist going!) [5] time you cried: i cry very easily so i don’t even know anymore... sometime this week?
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: no (i mean i’ve never dated so).  [7] been cheated on: see above. [8] kissed someone and regretted it: see above, again. [9] lost someone special: in a few different ways, yes. [10] been depressed: i don’t think so.  [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: i drink very infrequently, and i don’t plan on ever getting drunk (i enjoy control too much for it ahaha).
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: (this was hard? because it depends on the situation but...) [12] mint green [13] sky blue [14] honey (so sort of orangey-yellow?)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes!!! it’s my first year of uni so i’ve met some new people.  [16] fallen out of love: with things, but not with people.  [17] laughed until you cried: probably. my friends get very loud when we’re together.  [18] found out someone was talking about you: no? or at least not maliciously.  [19] met someone who changed you: not really.  [20] found out who your true friends are: ohhhhh boy yes. don’t stay friends with people who constantly insult your other friends and put you down, people. it’s not fun.  [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: no. 
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them. i’m very selective about my fb friends.  [23] do you have any pets: we have a heck ton of fish that splash around in a pond right under my bedroom window.  [24] do you want to change your name: this is a complicated story which i do not have space for here. in short, yes, but only because it already got changed.  [25] what did you do for your last birthday: had a really nice sit down lunch with a bunch of my friends! [26] what time did you wake up: woke up at 8AM, didn’t get up until about 10AM.  [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: finished watching brooklyn nine nine with the siblings and then went on tumblr.  [28] name something you cannot wait for: to find out what i’m good at? i guess. a lot of things.  [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: five minutes ago.  [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: this is hard because everything has led to this point? but at the same time there’s so much that could be different. who knows.  [31] what are you listening to right now: arabella - arctic monkeys.  [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes.  [33] something that is getting on your nerves: my ridiculous procrastination habits, people who walk slow when i’m trying to get to uni, people who don’t take off their bags on public transport. i have so many gripes.  [34] most visited website: tumblr, facebook, my uni’s student portal x_x [35] elementary: is this the american equivalent of primary school...? a tiny local one in my neighbourhood.    [36] high school: went to two! first one was local and really sportsy (which i am not. at all.) and the second was more academic.  [37] college: it’s in the city, so it’s a bit of travel, but it’s super pretty and prestigious and all that. worth it.  [38] hair colour: black, but it’s got brown streaks in it at the moment which i’m planning to re-dye in about a week.  [39] long or short hair: i want to get a bob but my hair is difficult -_- so it’s just past my shoulders.  [40] do you have a crush on someone: i get crushes on everyone it’s ridiculous.   [41] what do you like about yourself? i care about people!  [42] piercings: none :( sensitive skin.  [44] nickname: people either go mum/mother, or mich/michi.   [45] relationship status: single. [46] zodiac sign: virgo [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: i forgot everything i have ever watched. at the moment, b99, the first two seasons of sherlock, and i realise i never watch tv lol.  [49] tattoos: none! maybe someday.  [50] right or left handed: right handed! my left is basically useless for things that do not involve music. 
FIRST… [51] surgery: none! potentially one in the future for the jaw.  [52] piercing: none.  [53] best friend: i’ve never been clear on how to tell my best friends from my close friends?? [54] sport: dance (ballet and jazz). i’m really bad at sport don’t even get me started.   [55] vacation: probably china, or this little seaside town i go to with my family.  [56] pair of trainers: no idea, i would have been a tiny child. 
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: chestnuts. [58] drinking: jasmine tea (still).  [59] i’m about to: finish this, and maybe go for a walk if it doesn’t rain.   [60] listening to: save me - bts [61] waiting for: me to get my act together and do my readings.  [63] get married: not in the foreseeable future, no.  [64] career: something in law! hopefully to do with human rights or discrimination, but i’m mostly interested in criminal law (which everyone says to stay away from ahaha).  
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: i’m kind of forced to go with hugs here.  [66] lips or eyes: on myself, eyes, on other people, both! [67] shorter or taller: ooooh probably taller.  [68] older or younger: doesn’t particularly matter.  [70] nice arms or nice stomach: i have a thing for arms, but honestly don’t care?  [71] sensitive or loud: i’m a really quiet person, so it really depends on the person.  [72] hook up or relationship: relationship for me.   [73] troublemaker or hesitant: situationally dependent. 
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no. [75] drank hard liquor? yes?  [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? i sometimes put my glasses down in the bathroom at night before bed and then i forget where they are in the morning and panic.  [77] turned someone down: yes.  [78] sex on first date? no.   [79] broken someone’s heart? i don’t think so?  [80] had your own heart broken? not broken but maybe lightly dismantled.  [81] been arrested? no. [82] cried when someone died? yes. [83] fallen for a friend: yes? kind of. 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? not as much as i wish i did :( [85] miracles? most of the time no, but only because i haven’t seen anything miraculous happen.  [86] love at first sight? i think it’s sweet, but i’m not sure it’s ever going to happen to me.   [87] santa claus? i’m not sure i ever did.   [88] kiss on the first date? potentially!  [89] angels? no, but i hope. 
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: staying silent on this one.   [91] eye colour: dark brown (very typical ehehe).  [92] favourite movie: the lord of the rings trilogy! in terms of things i have watched recently, logan made me so emotional :( i have also now forgotten everything i have ever watched. 
tagging!  @psyraah @trepidationchance @kpop-eh-trash @6e-ez @luwuket @taichou-kun @skribblindaydreamer @callmesoupy @asschillea (i don’t have anywhere close to 25 people to tag. only if you want too *finger guns my way out of the room*)
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