#and yea apollo is there too bc she has to be
erythristicbones · 1 year
unexpected side effect of deciding to redesign Nisha & Artemis & Apollo as an evil punk band bc its my story and i choose the self-indulgence......im actually getting really attached to Apollo now
#i made this decision bc i adore nisha/artie both as their own ppl and also as a deeply haunting romance that wont leave me alone!!!!!#and yea apollo is there too bc she has to be#i was not super invested in her ever#like half of my plot decisions for her have been solely based on me going 'hey u know what would be funny?'#she's like one of the only villains out of the main 7 that remains a villain the entire time!!!!#i was not supposed to give her a second thought!!!!#but yea Pol has been on my mind this entire morning as i redesign her n artie#i dont think i'll attempt to redeem her still. i think she deserves to always gaslight gatekeep girlboss forever. as a treat#but wow she might be one of my irredeemable villain OCs that im invested in#its hard to explain but like. part of me making the villains i do is that i personally Dont Need to get attached#not in the same way i do the other characters#i have a very weird relationship between my Compelling Villians and my Just Villains. if theyre meant to be complex#then i'll let myself get attached#otherwise my writing process hinges on me seeing them as an antagonistic force and not a nuanced being ya dig?#apollo was not intended to be a nuanced person. she was supposed to just be an antagonistic force#but one simple(not even finished yet) redesign is singlehandedly changing my entire view of apollo#i highly HIGHLY doubt she'll ever be as important to me as nisha/artie are.....but she's defs much higher on the list#than she was prior to this morning aldjdjaks
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babyrdie · 3 months
How is the design of your Thetis?
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I actually had already drawn and posted two drawings of Thetis, but I deprived them, so here is she! Inspired by the versions of the myth where Apollo lies to Thetis about her motherhood, because I think Thetis' relationship with the Olympians is too interesting not to explore. Sure, I could have drawn another deity, but I really enjoy drawing my Apollo, so it's Apollo.
He dwelt on my happiness in my children, whose days were to be many and unacquainted with disease; and, comprising all, in triumph-strain that cheered my soul, he praised my lot, blest of the gods. And so I deemed that falsehood sat not upon Phoebus’ lips divine, fraught with the prophet’s art. But he, who raised this song himself, he who himself was present at my marriage-feast, he who himself spake thus, he it is who himself hath slain my son.
Aeschylus' attributed fragments, frag 189 . Translation by Herbert Weir Smyth.
Him did the Bride of Zeus behold, and straight upbraided with exceeding bitter words: "What deed of outrage, Phoebus, hast thou done this day, forgetful of that day whereon to godlike Peleus' spousals gathered all the Immortals? Yea, amidst the feasters thou sangest how Thetis silver-footed left the sea's abysses to be Peleus' bride; and as thou harpedst all earth's children came to hearken, beasts and birds, high craggy hills, rivers, and all deep-shadowed forests came. All this hast thou forgotten, and hast wrought a ruthless deed, hast slain a godlike man, albeit thou with other Gods didst pour the nectar, praying that he might be the son by Thetis given to Peleus. But that prayer hast thou forgotten, favouring the folk of tyrannous Laomedon, whose kine thou keptest. He, a mortal, did despite to thee, the deathless! O, thou art wit-bereft! Thou favourest Troy, thy sufferings all forgot. Thou wretch, and doth thy false heart know not this, what man is an offence, and meriteth suffering, and who is honoured of the Gods? Ever Achilles showed us reverence -- yea, was of our race. Ha, but the punishment of Troy, I ween, shall not be lighter, though Aeacus' son have fallen; for his son right soon shall come from Scyros to the war to help the Argive men, no less in might than was his sire, a bane to many a foe. But thou -- thou for the Trojans dost not care, but for his valour enviedst Peleus' son, seeing he was the mightest of all men. Thou fool! how wilt thou meet the Nereid's eyes, when she shall stand in Zeus' hall midst the Gods, who praised thee once, and loved as her own son?"
Posthomerica, 3.114-150. Translation by A. S. Way.
Thetis's outfit was inspired by Hesiod's description of Pandora's wedding attire in Theogony:
Forthwith he made an evil thing for men as the price of fire; for the very famous Limping God formed of earth the likeness of a shy maiden as the son of Cronos willed. And the goddess bright-eyed Athena girded and clothed her with silvery raiment, and down from her head [575] she spread with her hands an embroidered veil, a wonder to see; and she, Pallas Athena, put about her head lovely garlands, flowers of new-grown herbs. Also she put upon her head a crown of gold which the very famous Limping God made himself [580] and worked with his own hands as a favor to Zeus his father. On it was much curious work, wonderful to see; for of the many creatures which the land and sea rear up, he put most upon it, wonderful things, like living beings with voices: and great beauty shone out from it.
Theogony, 571-584. Translation by Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
As is usual with my water nymphs, she has very pale skin and black eyes. These blues on her skin are not attempts to draw scales, they are simply marks on her skin. It is more accurate to draw her entirely similar to a human since nymphs were like that in mythology rather than the popular modern-day version, which gives them attributes of their domains (characteristics of fish and plants, for example). But I really like the domains version…so I tried to go somewhere in between. I gave her the fin ears, but didn't go any further than that.
Apollo's outfit may be surprising because Apollo in a long dress like that isn't often portrayed in the popular media, but it was inspired by Apollo Citharoedus statues:
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Apollo Musagetes. Roman statue, 2nd century AD. See here.
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Apollo Citharoedus. Roman version of a Greek original, 5th century BC. See here.
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Apollo Barberini. Roman statue, 1st or 2nd century AD. See here.
Apollo is mentioned as part of the wedding choir alongside the muses in a source, so I thought it would make sense to take inspiration from the statues where he is shown with the lyre. In this third statue, he's even leading a choir of muses, which is why he's in movement.
The most beautiful chorus of Muses sang gladly for the Aeacids on Mt. Pelion, and among them Apollo, sweeping the seven-tongued lyre with a golden plectrum, led all types of strains.
Nemean Ode, 5.23-25. Translation by Diane Arnson Svarlien.
His hair having this specific texture was actually accidental. In the first drawing I did of him, this happened because I wanted to get closer to the original that I was redrawing. I decided to keep it because I thought it looked pretty and because it gives a sun rays look for some reason in my opinion.
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bookhighlightss · 2 months
Once upon a broken heart trilogy book review
★ Once upon a broken heart
1. Oh my lord he's just so fine. So hot. So sarcastic. If you couldn't tell already I love him. So much.
2. Okay um can I just say I hate one thing about Evangeline is that she has this "saviour I'm too nice" complex and tbh I don't fw that. SPOILERS AHEAD.
There's this scene where they are in a vampire's lair and she sees her ex lover or wtv and she wants to save him and jacks is all THIS IS A BAD IDEA DON'T FALL FOR IT and she obv like the main character she is goes like nooooo I will like girll fuck off he's a changeling nothing good will come out of this and quite obv he wants to bite her and jacks to save her gets his aarse bitten and shes like oh no I fucked up LIKE NO SHIT SHERLOCK YOU'RE SAVIOUR COMPLEX IS SHOWING but yea thas one thing that ticked me off.
3. Okay this book got me Outta my reading slump and it's like 300 pages so it's short and I finished it in 4 hrs so like I'd recommend this if you're like in a mood for a quick read.
4. The plot twists are twisting and it's so good with like the most shocking pcs of information and the way Evangeline pieces things together and it's just like damn everything's clicking now.
5. Lastly the " little " in front of the fox gets to me but the age gap is gapping ( iykyk ). Altho I think the book should have been lengthier considering the amt of things going on so it could be more descriptive but ig it's good bcs it's going so fast?
★ The ballad of never after
1. If I was crazy over the first book , I am absolutely psychotic over this book.
2. Okay so the first book they didn't have that much chemistry but oh god the second book made up for it in so many ways.
3. This is prolly the first book in reading which has the perfect slowburn like damn
4. SPOILERS AHEAD. OKAY SO the scene where he decides that saving Eva was more important than changing the timeline to meeting his love and not getting it wrong this time ...fuckkk that played with my heart like he knew he could never get that back and he was ready to still sacrifice his needs for eva only for her to lose her memories holy shitttt
5. Okay so at the end of the first book and the whole second book I felt SO FREAKING BAD for apollo I was like noooo I can't handle this triangle but thennn Apollo was like hehe I'm gonna be a little bitch so then I am so ready for when he gets killed if he gets killed bcs I need that man's head on the dagger desperately. He pulled the most heartless shit ever when eva went thru hell and back for him.
★ The curse of true love
1. Can I just say this book did not give what it was supposed to??? Like the chemistry just got lesser???
2. Okay the dagger scene was so hot tho. And the inn scene bcs damn.
3. Okay the way Evangeline remembered wasn't like SCENEMATIC enough ykwim??? Like I was expecting so much more and that was so less???
4. Okay one I'm more interested in lala's story??? Bcs genuinely what's going on there??
5. I HATE APOLLO. If I thought I was hating him in book 2 then it was loathe in book 3 for me. He just became so sick and twisted like it made me pukish. Kinda disappointed in the book but the last few chapters made up for it ig so yea
Overall I think the book needs HEAVY editing for it to give what it's supposed to?? Like ig the book is too short for such an intense plot I feel like Stephanie could've taken so much more out of this book than she did. And a part of me was waiting for eva to eventually become badass but she always stays the naive damsel in distress girl which kinda got to me bcs I'm all for super lit characters and a few things remain a mystery in this series. Like he's immortal she's not?? What are they gonna do?? She has magic in her blood and thas it?? They couldn't milk it further to make her super badass?? Overall plot is amazing but the story should have been written better
She's a Zionist. I just found that out when I was going thru Goodreads review and now I've got the ick bcs till now I was boycotting authors who are Zionist and to find out you just read a book by a zio just makes me sick to my stomach. I really this is a lie or sumn bcs I can't find any posts on twitter tt Tumblr and ig where it says shes a zio so idk I just saw a comment that said she's a zio and thas all so idk. Zionist authors immediately make me change perspective of the book. Was gonna read caraval but not anymore.
UPDATE did my research and found out she is promoting Sarah j mass who is a very proud Zionist among other things therefore it's an ick either way. Not reading caraval
Overall id give the series a 8.5/10
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svnflcwerisms · 3 years
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-- LILY COLLINS, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER. || i’m sure you’ve seen EMBER STUART around ivywood. she is THIRTY ONE years old and is a KINDERGARTEN TEACHER. i’ve heard a rumor that she is a huge fan of ASTROLOGY, TWILIGHT & TEEN WOLF and has a tendency to be OUTGOING & FRIENDLY and HOT HEADED & SENSITIVE.
full name: ember rose stuart.
age: thirty one.
birth date: may 24th.
zodiac sign: gemini.
occupation: kindergarten teacher.
fandoms: astrology, twilight & teen wolf.
+ traits: outgoing, friendly, amusing.
- traits: hot headed, sensitive, blunt.
ember is an only child! and believe me it’s for the best. she’s sometimes a very difficult person to get along with, especially if it’s someone from her family. strangers? she’s the nicest, but she’s just genuinely not that big of a family person. even with her own parents. they’re the reason why once she turned eighteen, she moved out of the house and into her own apartment. 
she’s a kindergarten teacher and she loves it! children are really her type of people. they have such great imaginations and she loves whenever they mispronounce stuff or when they come up with their own words. she finds it quite cute. she can’t wait until she has children of her own... whenever that may be. 
while she has a very outgoing personality, there is a very negative side of it. she’s a very blunt person. don’t ask her a question if you don’t want the cold, hard truth from her because that’s all she gives. she isn’t one to sugar coat anything, really. sometimes she can be a big bitch when she wants to, but it’s honestly just who she is.
she’s very into astrology!! she will definitely stereotype you once she finds out your sign and whenever you do certain things she’ll be like “it’s because you’re a leo” or “yea you’re a cancer it’s obvious” or some shit like that. she’s a gemini so, she really doesnt have any room to talk lmao.
she has two pet ferrets! yes, ferrets. they’re siblings, a boy and a girl and so of course she had to name them artemis & apollo lmao. and she also has a sugar glider. he’s a boy and his name is hermes bc he’s a little shit that manages to escape his cage every time it opens so he can go play with the ferrets. 
she’s had her own house for a while now, she lives in a nice, two bedroom townhouse. while it’s kinda cozy, it is just her and the animals living there so she doesn’t mind it.
halloween is her favorite holidy and before you ask; yes her and the ferrets always have matching costumes. she would dress up the sugar glider, but he’s too small.
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gweyson · 7 years
Lex 8, 13, 22, 37 and 42, and Apollo 9, 16, 29, 33 and 35?
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
idk what her first target wouldve been but yea shes fired a gun. she continues to do it pretty routinely altho half of the time its just for dramatics tbh
13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
it makes her a little queasy if theres a lot of it but it’s not usually a massive issue
22. What does your character like in other people?
she likes ppl who are tough and can take a joke
37. Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
,,, yes
her honour is probablt more important to her but also losing her status as Big Evil Scary Space Pirate Captain You Should Probably Be Afraid Of? doesnt sound too good
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
nothing much has changed tbh
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
happiness!!!!!! he wants everyone to be happy and get along!!!!!!!!!
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
he wanted to be an astronaut…. i guess that semi came true? hes in space now but its bc he accidentally stowed away on a space pirate ship not bc he actually did any official training or got good grades or whatever
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
*through tears* haha yeah thats great! thanks!
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
he gets worse at volume control, he’ll laugh at like. everything u say. he just gets very enthusiastic snd excited in general
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nightandstarlight · 7 years
Demeter, Apollo, Ares, Centaur, Siren, Nymph, Agamemnon, Jason, Sun Chariot, Caduceus, Aegis, Golden Fleece, Olympus, Tartarus, Elysium, Ogygia, The Labyrinth? :3c
Asdfghjkdhslñ so many omfg why iLY ((I have to say tho i didnt really think about having to answer more than one of these at a time before i rbed the qs and since im on mobile and theres no way im gonna remember all of them im probsbly gonna do one first and then like edit this post to add the rest or something so it might take a while))
‡Demeter: do you have any pets?
>Unfortunately i dont my dad never wanted us to have any :// last time i had an actual pet living in my house i think it was when i was like 10 y/o or so and they were a couple of turtles who used to escape all the goddamn time like we would literally find them on the street trying to get away from our house even tho we had a enormous backyard and we treated them as well as we possibly could?? idk they prolly hated us so my parents mightve given them away i dont even remember,,, and thenn like two years ago i think i got a pet sheep called peter.. Peter the sheep was only around for a week tho and he wasnt even officially my pet but i loved him as if he were i still miss him and think about him often.. basically that summer when we went to visit my dads brother in misiones we took him with us from my dads farm ? (not really my dads farm but i dont wanna get too sidetracked here lmao) to my uncles farm for breeding or whatever so it was a solid 6-7 drive with him in the bed of our truck and me just starting at him and trying to get attention goD i never thought id care about a sheep that much anyway once we got to misiones we couldnt take him straight away to my uncles farm for whatever logistics reason i never asked about because all it meant was that he would have to stay in my uncles backyard for a couple of days and i would get to spend more time with him !! so thats what happened !! I took tons of pics and recorded him doing nothing and loved him from afar and then i was there when we dropped him off at my uncles farm.. and then i never saw him again.. the saddest part is that weeks later when we were all back home my uncled called my dad to let him know that Peter wasnt even fit for breeding bc rumour has it he had a third testicule lmao so he was technically useless rip peter the sheep ,,, aaaand now that i live alone i really wanna get like a cat or something but i never learned how to take care of anything so im scared i wont know how to if i have to do it all by myself
if i could add tags to this on mobile id apologize for talking so much about peter instead of just answering the question but i cant soz
‡Apollo: What kind of music are you into?
>alt/pop/rock/indie/pop punk,, i dont really like defining it by genres because who knows for sure what do they even mean anymore but the second best way i have to describe my music taste is ~basic white girl who thinks shes special~ and that makes me feel even weirder,, if you want i could try to make a playlist once im back in my apartment like next week or so lmk
‡Ares: whats a big pet peeve of yours?
>probably when people dont listen,, (u mean deaf people?? thats pretty fucked up dude) no lmao i mean people who pretend to listen but dont care about what you have to say or even worse when theyre so self absorbed that they dont even try to act like theyre paying attention and just straight up talk on top of you or interrup you constantly and not even bc they have something important to say but just because they can like whyy ohh or even worse when they do all that and then have the nerve get angry/offended if you dont pay enough attention to them??? Boyyy oh boy i hate that but i *cough love my parents i love themm
‡Centaur: Last book you read?
>all the bright places by jennifer niven,, didnt actually read it but i listened to the audiobook a week ago so i think that counts,, and if audiobooks dont count i read Evenfall by Santino Hassel back in march
‡Siren: Last song you listened to?
>((when i answered this (at 3:30am) i wasnt listening to anything but)) spotify says it was devil in me by halsey,, rn (13:40) im listening to alone by halsey
‡Nymph: Last dream you remember?
>i cant remember any recent ones atm but a couple of weeks ago i dreamt i was dating veronica from riverdale?? I probably posted something on here about that and it was so sweeett other than that idk maybe something about my classmates i see some of them pretty often in my dreams and theyre usually really nice cause i almost never remember any bad dreams/nightmares
‡Agamemnon: whats an achievement that youre proud of?
>i cant think of anything rn maybe getting into uni or coming out to my mom
‡Jason: have you ever travelled abroad?
>nope,, the closest i was to leaving the country was in 2014 when i was gonna go with my english teacher and class to nyc i got my papers and everything ready but then everyone started to come up with reasons why they couldnt go so i was gonna have to go completly alone/with friends of my teacher and their students which i didnt know at all so i got scared and decided not to 3 i know (hope) i’ll get another chance to go tho
‡Sun Chariot: whats your favorite mythological creature
>umm maybe sirens or gorgons im not 100%sure
‡Caduceus: whats your favorite color
>too many for different purposes but mostly purple?
‡Aegis: whats your favorite book or series?
>all for the game by nora sakavic atm
‡Golden Fleece: whats your favorite animal?
>ive loved dolphins since i was a kid but felines are too perfect in too many ways they make me weak at the knees
‡Olympus: describe your dream job
>so i know id looove to have an office job really stable and monotonous and everything like translating books but i also know that im terrified of getting stuck? And i feel like a job like that doesnt really leave much room to grow professionally so even if at the time im happy with just doing that the idea of looking back one day and realizing i sat at a desk and did the same thing for 20 years is not the best (which is ironic bc im wasting my youth ™ doing exsclty that for free basically but yea idk ) Dream job as in actually ~dream~ job would have to be like whatever people did on that show extreme makeover home edition?? I used to be obsessed with that show when i was a kid and i still think its a great idea even if its not as extra and over the top like that was id love to help people that way i could also make this longer but its lowkey too personal
‡Tartarus: Whats a short term goal you hope to achieve?
>going back to therapy and not quitting this time? making friends? Id say improving myself as a person but i feel like thats more of a long term goal but not hating myself rn would be nice,, also something tangible would have to be passing my calc II final that i shouldve taken a year ago and didnt cause i got scared + too depressed to study properly lmaao
‡Elysium: if you could have a superpower, what would it be?
>telekinesis and or being able to teletransport sounds cool
‡Ogygia: describe your dream husband/wife/life partner?
>patient, better at comunication than i am, respectful but that should be obvious, loves puns and bad/dad jokes, loves me? Also loves kids and is okay with adopting cause i definitely wanna adopt childrepn someday
‡The Labyrinth: have you ever died and came back as a vampire?
>not sure if im allowed to talk about this but i bet no one is gonna read all this cause its wayy too long lmao also i dont care anyway so yes, yes i have
half a day later im done!!! i know its a lot I hope its not too boring tho lmao
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marsilainen · 8 years
so i used to do this thing were i listed all the esc songs and wrote down my opinion on them, and (mainly bc i’m bored) i thought i’d do it again this year. here ya go, (if anyone cares):
Albania: Lindita - World | i never remember what this song sounds like when i see the name :D but yeah i think it’s ok, not great not bad Armenia: Artsvik - Fly With Me | eh just not my cup of tea Australia: Isaiah - Don't Come Easy | at first didn’t like it but after listening to it more my opinion changed. also the chorus gets stuck in my head SO easily Azerbaijan: DiHaj - Skeletons | this is one of those songs i skip whenever i’m listening to the playlist of all esc songs.. i just got no patience for listening to this one idk :D Belgium: Blanche - City Lights | i know this song is one of the general favorites but i just don’t see it.. idk if it’s the voice of the singer or what Cyprus: Hovig - Gravity | this song reminds me of something i’ve heard before but idk what.. anyways it’s an ok song, annoyingly catchy :D Czech Republic: Martina Bárta - My Turn | nahh dunno really, kinda like something about this but idk Finland: Norma John - Blackbird | don’t like it :c i just feel the whole song sounds the same and there’s nothing.. like there’s no climax or something like that Georgia: Tamara Gachechiladze - Keep The Faith | one of those songs i tend to skip.. just not my style Greece: Demy - This is Love | i feel like they aimed to make the typical esc song :D a bit cliché but ok. Iceland: Svala - Paper | the chorus is ok but otherwise eh Latvia: Triana Park - Line | kinda same with this one. liking how the chorus sounds, not too sure about the rest of the song Moldova: Sunstroke Project - Hey Mamma | first things first: EPIC SAX GUY IS BACK :D:D anyways, i like the melody and it stands out bc there are so many ballads this year Montenegro: Slavko Kalezić - Space | not really feeling this, especially the parts that are not the chorus (what are those called :D:D) so yeah not my thing Poland: Kasia Moś - Flashlight | this song’s just not for me, sorry Portugal: Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois | i like his voice but the song is just a tiny bit too weird for me :c he should sing disney songs with that voice tho :D Slovenia: Omar Naber - On My Way | usually i like songs like this but even for me this song is too cliché Sweden: Robin Bengtsson - I Can't Go On | honestly i don’t like the singer’s voice that much.. and the song is a basic esc song, one of those that annoyingly get stuck in your head Austria: Nathan Trent - Running On Air | what a happy feel good song, liking it! Belarus: Naviband - Story of My Life | this is also a happy song (or idk what they’re singing about but it sounds happy) but it’s just.. not for me :D Bulgaria: Kristian Kostov - Beautiful Mess | love this, one of my faves definitely! beautiful song c: Croatia: Jacques Houdek - My Friend | honestly my first thought was “this sounds good” UNTIL the opera singing started sorryy :c Denmark: Anja - Where I Am | another kinda generic esc song imo.. Estonia: Koit Toome and Laura - Verona | this is kinda growing on me, i gotta say i like it F.Y.R. Macedonia: Jana Burčeska - Dance Alone | it’s ok, i just generally don’t care for this kind of “party songs” that much Hungary: Joci Pápai - Origo | well this one IS different, props to hungary for that! the chorus is catchy but other than that it’s maybe too different for my taste :c Ireland: Brendan Murray - Dying to Try | LOVELOVELOVE this, it’s my fave this year! especially loving the singer’s high voice c: Israel: IMRI - I Feel Alive | it’s ok, idk what else to say :D one of those try to get this song outta ya head once you hear it Lithuania: Fusedmarc - Rain Of Revolution | lemme just say this straight: not on the list of songs that i like Malta: Claudia Faniello - Breathlessly | i guess i like it, idk it’s ok Norway: JOWST - Grab The Moment | also one of my faves, just gets me so motivated to do things :D Romania: Ilinca ft. Alex Florea - Yodel It! | can i like it ironically? i’m not sure if this song is supposed to be serious or :D well at least it’s definitely different Russia: Julia Samoylova - Flame is Burning | sounds like a generic “inspirational esc love pop ballad song” but i actually like it, quite catchy San Marino: Valentina Monetta and Jimmie Wilson - Spirit of the Night | VALENTINAA ESC QUEEN!! so happy she’s back but unfortunately i just don’t think the song is that special, can’t help it :c Serbia: Tijana Bogićević - In Too Deep | at first i thought “another one of these... i’ve heard this so many times” but i catch myself listening to this and hitting repeat.. so yeah it gets a like :D (might i even dare say it’s one of my faves this year) Switzerland: Timebelle - Apollo | honestly idk, sounds like a pretty common esc song.. not bad not great The Netherlands: OG3NE - Lights and Shadows | ok so at first i liked it more but i guess it’s still ok, quite inspirational :D France: Alma - Requiem | bless u france for always singing in ur mother tongue, also nice song Germany: Levina - Perfect Life | at first i was like NO NO germany can’t u have a good song FOR ONCE but after a few listens this song has started to grow on me. i actually really like some of the lyrics. (also once u get past the fact the beginning sounds a lot like the song Titanium...) Italy: Francesco Gabbani - Occidentali's Karma | this is what esc needs and i’m talking about that guy in the gorilla suit :D but yea it’s a fun catchy song Spain: Manel Navarro - Do It For Your Lover | liking this one, so catchy!! nice melody, the whole song sounds so positive Ukraine: O.Torvald - Time | so i’m not really sure about this one.. like i kinda like it but i’m not sure?? idk honestly :D United Kingdom: Lucie Jones - Never Give Up On You | another one of my faves, such a beautiful song :3
overall i think this year we got so many good songs, but also a lot of them are really similar.. i feel it’s almost ironic the slogan is “celebrate diversity” when all the songs are the same :D and the fact that almost everyone is singing in english just adds to that.. so big props to those countries singing in their mother tongue! anyways i’m really looking forward to this years esc, can it just be May already??
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