#and yeah obviously in certain cases a villain being a bigot makes sense and works story wise
sammydem0n64 · 1 year
Constantly thinking about a conversation me and a buddy had about how people in the modern era always end up making or Headcanoning villains as homophobic or just general bigots...
#No bc I think it’s a very interesting phenomenon#our conversation came down to how people are honestly unable to comprehend a person is horrible unless they’re a bigot#the example we were talking about is how so many ppl headcanon William Afton furnaff was homophobic to make him like. worse#when like. he’s already a kiddy murderer. I don’t think he can get any worse than that? he kills kids and is an abusive father#no need for him to also be a bigot but yet it’s a popular headcanon#and my pal said it’s bc a lot of ppl are unable to comprehend villains who are complex and have complex opinions/world views#and tbh YEAH!!! I think it’s really common for us to see villains or just people we don’t like as. unable to be like us#if a person sucks then we cannot have anything in common with them. when that isn’t the case#not everyone person who’s a piece of shit is a bigot. it’s common sure but not every villain is gonna be openly racist or transphobic#if anything a villain who has the same world views as the heroes/protags/audience makes them more complex!!#because it can show that anyone who is considered ‘a good person’ can actually be a pos despite their views or show how a person can fall to#-the dark side lol#and yeah obviously in certain cases a villain being a bigot makes sense and works story wise#I know I have quite a few antagonists who are bigots#but it’s a super common pitfall to just assign an antagonist ‘oh they suck so they also hate autistic people!’ or smth instead of like#just letting their horrible actions show how they’re a horrible person#I promise if a serial killer is a serial killer then like. yeah THEYRE horrible. and if you can only see them as horrible if they’re a bigot#then uh. I don’t know what to say to that!!!!!!#also going back to the complex point I know it’s common for people to not comprehend when a character does something bad and is considered b#-ad in the story unless it is EXPLICITLY spelled out! and I think the bigot stuff ties into that#ppl refuse to be like ‘ohhh this is a villain!’ unless the guy drops a bunch of slurs lol#once again depending on the story a bigoted villain makes sense and I have several bigot Ocs#but sometimes. bad people are progressive. or just aren’t homophobic. sometimes they have the same views as us#and sometimes... that makes them scarier and better written.#IDFK why I shared this rant here I just thought it was interesting and also this is a site where ppl make every villain in media#-homophobic soooo-
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freedom-shamrock · 5 years
Bi the Pricking of my Thumbs
Huge thanks to @galahadwilder for letting me play in your sandbox!  
For those just tuning in, this story comes from THIS post. In case it’s not obvious, this is a piece in honor of pride month. It's safest to assume that no one is straight or cis in this story. If this is a problem for you, if Bi-drien and Bi-nette have no place in your head, this is probably not the story for you, and it would be better for both of us if you just take a hard pass and skip it. Sincere questions are welcome, but bi-phobia will not be tolerated.
Note: Chat’s father is a bigoted fuckwad, and Marinette knows the stats for poor outcomes for queer kids.
Also on AO3.
Chapter 1
"What do you think?" Marinette held up a sketch for Tikki to see the minor modification she wanted to make to her superhero look for the month of June.
"Very tasteful," Tikki said, clapping her little nubs together happily. As she examined the pink, blue and purple striped ribbons.  "They’re clearly a nod to your own sexuality, helping bring awareness and visibility, while remaining your usual professional Ladybug self." She swooped in and nuzzled her holder's cheek. "It's so nice to see society changing their perspective on this matter."
"I can't wait to show Chat." At seventeen, she truly felt her partner was her best friend. Sure, she had very good friends in her civilian life, and some of them even unknowingly backed her up in battle now and again, but over time Chat's unwavering support had risen above the rest. About nine months after getting their miraculous, Master Fu started meeting with them to learn more about their individual specialties and powers. He gave them homework and exercises to work on both alone and together. Despite the covert nature of their time together, it had had the intense bonding impact of a week away at camp, adding to their already strong friendship.
While she still insisted they maintain their secret identities, she'd relaxed a lot as she'd grown more confident and sure of herself as both Ladybug and Marinette. She was no longer opposed to sharing personal details that wouldn't identify them, though in the last year she'd gradually accepted that a reveal wouldn't be such a bad thing. It had been nice to really get to know and understand her partner. Given his isolated upbringing and cold father, it made sense that he'd needed to learn proper social etiquette for pursuing someone romantically. She'd been gratified when he met up with her for training one evening with a heartfelt apology for his self-described "dudebro behavior." He'd been respectful and appropriate ever since.
"Didn't Chat say he was planning on coming out this month?" Tikki asked. "In his civilian life?"
Marinette nodded. “That’s part of why I want to do this, this year. I want to support him for a change.” He'd seen and heard how her own process worked for her. At fifteen, Ladybug came out as bi, letting her test the waters and see if she could handle the reaction without a super suit to deflect the cruelty she expected to follow. The following year, Marinette made it clear to those who hadn't already figured it out. Since it wasn't something she'd actively hidden, it wasn't a big surprise to her friends and family, though it was confirmation for those who didn't already know for sure.
Last year the two heroes had been asked to speak at Paris Pride Fortnight, and Chat Noir made a beautiful heartfelt speech at Tour Montparnasse, ultimately revealing that he wasn't merely a supportive ally, but that he was also bisexual. Only Ladybug knew that her sweet and kind partner was still very firmly in the closet as his unmasked self. She'd been the person he went to when he was starting to question his sexuality, and she'd been first person he'd told once he felt he knew where on the scale he landed. She suspected she was still the only one who knew, and she was excited and hopeful that his friends would be as supportive as hers were.
"It's about time to meet up with him," Marinette said. Technically it was a little early, but Chat was often early to their trainings. It got him out of his house and let him feel free. "Can we give the new ribbons a test run?"
"Of course!" Tikki said brightly. "You know the words."
* * *
Chat looked the part of an utterly dejected kitten when she found him atop the Eiffel Tower. He didn't even try to fake it when she zipped up to their favorite beam and landed beside his hunched form. He glanced at her, a deep hurt clear in his eyes before he returned his gaze to Paris. "Hey Bug," he said softly.
"May I hug you?" She was pretty sure of the answer, but she needed to be sure. "You look like you need a hug or thirty-six."
He let out a totally unamused snort. "I would love a hug, and I'm not sure thirty-six even comes close to what I need." His voice sounded rough, something she'd learned happened  when he'd fought with his father. Shouting and crying were hard on him.
She threw her arms around him, pulling him close. "I'm happy to listen if you want to talk about it. But we can also sit quietly if that would help you more. It's entirely your call."
He took a shuddering breath and burrowed into her shoulder.
"Oh Kitty, I'm so sorry," she murmured, moving to lean against an upright beam so she could better hold his weight. "Whatever it is, I'm here for you."
After many long minutes, he seemed to relax, the shakiness had passed. "It's my father," he muttered. "But you probably already guessed that."
She was starting to think the biggest danger in revealing identities was that she'd straight up murder his father once she knew who he was. The abusive fuckwad.
"I told him that I planned to come out as bi in the next few days, and… I knew he wouldn't like it, so I'd done my research. I had a whole presentation on my planned social media announcements and stuff. I had statistics to show that it wouldn't hurt in faaa - our line of business." He let out a heavy sigh.
"It didn't go well?" She wished everyone had parents like hers.  So supportive and loving.
"Ha!" He let out a mirthless laugh. "Apparently, he didn't realize I wasn't straight." He sat up, rubbing angrily at his face. "I guess that means I've done a good job at hiding it, or maybe he really pays as little attention to me as my friends say."
She caught his hand. "Did he hurt you?"
He cringed and she wished she could take back her words at the pain they obviously caused. "I have no illusions that he loves me.  I'm not sure he's capable of it. And I kind of thought he didn't feel anything, that maybe he wasn't human enough to have emotions anymore, but the disgust… the absolute revulsion he feels for me being bi… it hurt far more than any slap or punch could have."
She scowled out at the lights of Paris. "Just so we're clear here, I hate your father. I've never really hated anything, not truly hated it before.  It's kind of a gross feeling."
"Yeah. I know what you mean." His voice was soft, and she wondered how many times he tried to convince himself that he didn't really hate his father. "Anyway, I… I don't think it's going to be possible for me to be public about my sexuality until I move out. He hauled out his usual array of threats if I go against his wishes and come out as planned."
"Oh my god, is he Hawkmoth?" she demanded. "Because he sure as hell is having a go at being Paris' greatest villain." She shook her head. "You're seventeen.  You know how you feel, and science is behind us on this. Sexuality isn't binary and all evidence suggests that treating your queer kids like there's something wrong with them increases their risk of alcohol and drug use, depression, and suicide." Though she had to miss more meetings than she wanted, she'd joined the Lycee chapter of the Gender and Sexuality Alliance in her first year there. Lots of people thought she was just being supportive of Marc since it was also the year they started collaborating on cross disciplinary projects. With the meetings she’d made it to, she'd learned more than she'd ever wanted to know about poor outcomes for teens like them.
She turned to give Chat a full once-over. "You're not okay, Chat. And that's fair.  It would be unreasonable to expect you to be okay while living in the home of a man who finds your sexuality disgusting. For your own well-being, I think you need to start looking at getting out of there as soon as you can. Whether you get your own place, or you stay with friends, you need to get out of that house."
He nodded, looking a bit surprised by her vehemence.
"You're beautiful and amazing, and I'm so proud of you." She caught his face in both her hands. "You are perfect the way you are. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you."
Even in the low light, she caught the warm flush of pink in his cheeks. "Thanks, Milady."
"And I need you to do me a favor." She picked up one of his hands, clasping it firmly between hers.
"Anything," he whispered.
"I need you to tell me immediately if you ever feel like harming yourself.” She was completely serious, and she saw surprise on his face.
“Oh, I’d never…”
She shook her head. “No Chat. You may think you’d never, right now. But that can change. And it can change so fast.” She squeezed his hand. “You may feel like you’re deflecting your father’s hostility and negative reaction, but some of that gets through. And it will every time. It will add up, and it can suffocate you. So promise, please.”
Understanding washed away the surprise. He nodded.
“I need you, Kitty,” she said gently. “I really can’t do this without you. I wouldn’t have the heart to keep doing it.”
His smile was weak and watery, but it was sincere. “Thanks Milady.”
“And you’ll work on getting out of the house?” she asked, certain it was the long-term solution he really needed.
“I’m going to need to think that one over a bit more,” he admitted with a shrug. “There’s… a lot to consider.”
“There is,” she agreed. “And if you can’t figure it all out, let me know.  I’ll help. I’ll find you a place to stay if need be.”
He hugged her again, for a long moment.
As she tightened her grip on him, she considered what else he could to to feel better. “Maybe you should find one friend, one person who you know will absolutely not blab to others, and let them know. You deserve to have someone in your regular life who you can share this stuff with.”
“It seems unfair to burden any of my friends with this secret,” he admitted.
“My Maman has a saying about that,” she pointed out. “A burden shared, is a burden halved. Just make sure it’s someone who will respect your need for secrecy.”
“I’ll think about it,” he agreed. “Like seriously and for real.
Check out Chapter Two >>
This was supposed to be a quick one shot, but I now expect it to be 3-4 chapters.
And if you’re so inclined, feel free to support me over on Ko-Fi
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Yes, it is. You just don’t want to admit it.
First of all let me begin by establishing the key arguments for why I am saying that.
White Fang is not like BLM.
There’s no Equivalent of BLM in Remnant.
Activist organization is a necessity.
False Equivalence Between the two is problematic narrative direction
Those three key points basically explain my thoughts on this matter and  highlight a HUGE flaw within Remnant’s worldbuilding as well as  problematic approach RT is taking by assuming a “moderate” stance that  violence of any kind invalidates the cause instantly.
So let’s dive in into each of those points after the cut.
And as we will soon see: She’ll prove herself to be quite racist and problematic herself.
And that’s the thing: The White Fang ARE like Black Lives Matter. BLM has been causing damage through out the country such as hijack a pride parade (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/pride-parade-toronto-1.3662823) and a prominent leader attacked a police officer (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/baton-rouge-officer-sues-prominent-black-lives-matter-activist-deray-mckesson/). Hell, if I brought in a certain friend of mine I could get even more dirt because he hates BLM a lot more than I do. And he’s black so what’s your excuse there?
White Fang is NOTHING like #BLM
Let’s be frank, White Fang is basically ISIS in its presentation. Its shown as being a terrorist group that preys upon those who suffer  from oppression and prejudice and converts them into their warriors for  some imaginary world-wide racial war their leader perpetuates. Its an  organization that is not interested in actual peace. An organization  that THRIVES upon there being conflict.An organization that threat’s  it’s own members like shit and at least one of it’s higher ups(Adam) is a highly abusive psychopath, which yet again draws  (unintentional?)parallels to ISIS treatment of women and civilians.
The thing is - BLM is nothing like that. Its an organization that is very much a continuation of MLK Civil Rights  movement. Its an organization that is willing to put themselves in harms way for what they believe in  and longs for a solution but does not sit there playing moderates and  ignoring the need for action.
Let’s be frank -  Remnant NEEDS something like that. An activist organization that stands  up for the oppressed.  Since there’s nothing like that White Fang is  basically using that vacancy for hteir advantage.
...No, no it is not.
ISIS is not motivated by oppression or prejudice: In fact, ISIS THEMSELVES spread oppression and prejudice and are self aware of that. Why? because they take the tenets of Muslim belief way too far. In this sense, ISIS is more like the Crusaders from the old days of the Catholic church being motivated by a severe misinterptation of a religious ideal. To say they are the same in their presentation is misrepresenting the facts at hand. There’s only two reasons why you would say this: A. You think Muslim is a racial term which I highly doubt or B. You’re drawing false equivalency. 
And...No, BLM is NOT like the Civil Righst Movement. Their methods are far too violent and far too forceful to be that. Proof, here: (https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/08/24/i-was-a-civil-rights-activist-in-the-1960s-but-its-hard-for-me-to-get-behind-black-lives-matter/?utm_term=.f9e030d0da39 / http://www.wnd.com/2015/10/civil-rights-leader-black-lives-matter-angry-godless-hateful/ / http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-black-church-activism-20160801-snap-story.html) Numerous people who do embody the ideals of Martin Luther King Jr. outright disavow Black Lives Matter because they don’t embody those ideals. 
Yeah...Just like the White Fang was in it’s conception, back when Ghira was leading them. Yeah, your ISIS parallel falls apart more here because ISIS has ALWAYS been violent but civil rights movements? THey have slowly degraded from the proud Civil Rights Movement to the far less effective Black Panthers to the outright contradictory and useless Black Lives Matter now. It’s a story about not becoming the evil you fight and being self aware of your problems...Huh, I guess that’s why you want the White Fag to be absolute good: You want your self blindness to celebrated.
The Vacant Throne of Social Activism
Remnant is a violent and dangerous world. Paranoia runs high and communications are limited between the four kingdoms. Faunus, those who are “different from thenorm” make easy scapegoats to externalize that paranoia. And  the said paranoia is an easy scapegoat for externalizing your own  bigotry. Some people might be prejudiced out of paranoia. Others on  other hand will hide their prejudice and bigotry BEHIND excuses of  paranoia. Either way it is minorities that suffer.
Let’s be  frank - its a world where it has been just around hundred(or less) years since a big World War kind of scenario which also happened to involve  genocidal intentions and nation-wide racism against the faunus. Faunus  are the people who had to FIGHT for their right to be recognized as  EQUALS.
There has only been a century of “peace” after that.  World does not fix itself just via that. As show most often said(yet  somehow not shown), humans might have “recognized” faunus as equals, but most of it is just on paper and not in reality. Prejudice, racism,  bigotry, etc, are still everyday occurences. Hell if to continue  drawing parallels to our world - there has been approx a century between the start of MLK movement and the end of US Civil War. Our world  did not magically fix itself via a war “being won”. Hell even now,  another 60 years latter, its still filled with racism and bigotry. Why  would Remnant a world with giant terrifying monsters and society less  advanced be any different in shorter period of time?
So yeah, Remnant has it’s oppressed. Faunus even now are treated like slaves in  Atlas and Mistral is still trying to force them out of Anima continent  into Menagerie. Even Vale, the self-proclaimed “center of the world” has problems like ethnically-fueled bullying. The issue is still there.
And when there are oppressed, situation arises where there’s a position to  be filled to stand up against oppressors. The oppressed will obviously  flock towards those who stand up, starting a chain reaction of oppressed minorities standing and resisting their oppressors. Oppression is like a barrel of dynamite…and the choice to stand up against it is the fuse  that changes everything.
It just so happens that that  position is filled by WF, who currently are more interested in  consolidating power and fueling conflict rather fighting for actual  rights.
What Prejudices? What racism? What examples?
See, you can’t claim that everywhere is racist when you only have...what, one example? And yes it is one because I don’t see any racism in Mistral yet so you’re making that up and Atlas is very much an isolated incident which isn’t even TOTAL racist to begin with Neon Katt being a student. And Cardin? Cardin was looked down upon and treated as a villainous idiot for thinking that way.
Which leads me to my next point: You say that it isn’t logical for Remnant to get rid of Racism and bigotry. While that is true to an extent:, you treat the situation of both our world and Remnant as if they still hold the values of 1950′s when in actuality: Bigotry and racism is heavily looked down upon in our society and it is the same for Remnant. You give off this message of the situation being like Fanaus can’t get jobs and are frowned upon in society when in fact, they are not as a whole. In a few select areas, yes but that’s total consistent with our world as well. So stop misrepresenting the facts.
And you talk about how fear and paranoia are rampant in Remnant...butr you treat the actions of groups like Black lives Matter, who cause violence against people for race (http://www.cleveland19.com/story/32814897/men-chant-black-lives-matter-before-viciously-attacking-white-victims) (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/nov/16/black-lives-matter-protesters-berate-white-student/) as a good thing. You talk about how bigots will try to use that fear as a reason to be racist...which is what they do with Black Lives Matter in real life. Yeah, you’re whole post is starting to crumble.
White Fang is a mistake, but Social Activism is a Necessity
Let’s be frank. “Peaceful” activism might sound nice on paper but it is a  naive idealistic pipe dream. Being peaceful works only as long as the  other side does not decide to bring combat vests, guns or cops against  you….or drive a car into you. Now there are EXTREMES which should most likely not be reached, but Remnant or our world, you can’t fight for what you believe without FIGHTING. There’s a reason why word activism starts with “act”.
Moderacy(synonymous with indifference)  is not gonna tip the scales towards equality. Its a cool pipedream  to “be in the middle”, but the thing is - the middle between two points  is usually closer to the one side that is far more extreme than the  other. If you meet racist in the middle, you have already strayed far  far right from the norm. The idea of “moderate middle” presents the  toxic ideology that wanting things like equal rights, equal  representation, etc is somehow “extreme” or “out of the norm.  MLK is  often quoted having said that White Moderate is pretty much one of the  biggest enemies and it is true - to be “in the middle” in most of cases  means to NOT stop the oppressor AND to not help the oppressed.
To attain equality you need to be able to actually push back. To take  action instead of being indifferent. The thing is - for that you can be  easily labeled as an extremist. But as, once again, MLK put it - the  question is what KIND of extremist are you gonna be?
Its easy to  take the path of White Fang and use the existing problems as path to  power. And sure that is what we see with the White Fang in Remnant.  Whoever is leading the WF is seeing a power vacuum and susceptible  people that can be radicalized into serving the leader’s needs.
But  the thing is - one should be able to chose the other way and actually participate in activism FOR the actual minorities. You don’t need to be “ISIS-type of extremist”, you can be BLM type of activist.
The problems don’t disappear just by removing the White Fang from the  equation. It just returns the situation to status quo. You still need  SOMETHING willing to stand up and tip the scales back to balance and  equality.
While its weird that there’s no opposite  organization to White fang, you could write that off to “creative  liberties” and stuff - writers could have needed WF to be the only  ones to set up WF’s power.
So it should be easy right? Just have  Blake amass power and create her own organization that stands up for  actual rights of the faunus and is willing to do anything to protect  them. Sure Faunus are not about skin color and it is about species, but the comparison still works ideologically.
Its easy but that’s where the show starts walking a REALLY slippery slope of false equivalence and bad writing.
“Naïve pipe dream”...
With those three words, you have lost any right to debate this topic: IT HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE. NUMEROUS TIMES. That’s how black people got equal rights and that’s how women got equal rights. It can’t be a pipe dream if IT HAPPENED. You are seriously blinding yourself to reality if you try to argue THAT.
Uh...Yes you can: Civil Rights Movement did it. See your entire point is invalidated by the existence of the Civil Rights Movement...which you used as an example earlier!
... “the question is what KIND of extremist are you gonna be?” 
... You bitch. That is NOT the full quote! 
The full quote reads as follows: “So the question is not whether we will be extremist but what kind of extremist will we be. Will we be extremists for hate or will we be extremists for love?”
Yeah, don’t you dare try using him to justify your bullshit. You choose your extreme of hate a long time ago: Don’t try painting yourself as good anymore. And DON’T GO DISRESPECTING A GREAT MAN.
ISIS IS NOT AN ACTIVIST MOVEMENT! I lost my temper with you a while ago, don’t push me. You’re only saying that to make BLM look good. ISIS is not, never has nor will it ever be an activist movement. BLM is and you just wanna paint them as a good guy when in fact, they are the negative extreme. Being a BLM activist is being a terrible activist and actually harming your cause because it gives your opponent’s a reason to exist. At that point, you are creating your own villain.
No oone is saying “get rid of the White Fang”: The show is actively against that idea. It’s just saying “Get the genocidal manic and racist murderers out of the organization to get it back on the right track”: Are you so egotistical that you believe yourself right in every action you take. That you can cross whatever extreme you want and it’s fine, that people who call you out are automatically wrong? God damn it!
There is an opposite organization: The White Fang of the past, the White Fang that Blake originally joined, the one her family built up, the one that Adam stole and corrupted. You act like the White Fag has always been this way which just shows you either don’t watch the show or you’re blyinga nd misrepresenting the information at hand.
... You’re an idiot: The White Fang can still be salvaged and redeemed. Just like the SDC can be redeemed from it’s horrible past. Just...stop talking
Oh go right ahead: Give me more ammo.
Problematic False Equivalence and Bad Writing
The problem with worldbuilding in world of remnant and narrative themes in  RWBY overall is that writers seem to instantly equate ALL kinds of  activism to extremism.
Blake creating BLM equivalent is  logical step for her. Its logical step towards challenging Adam and  challenging the new WF leader who took the position from her dad.
The problem is that to RWBY writers BLM and ISIS seems sort of the same kind of maybe????
With the release of Blake character Short, it seems writers thing the viewer should see Ilia punching the bigot school friends in the teeth as some  sort of warning sign or bad thing. There’s a preachy  underline to the  conflict in Blake’s story that you can only achieve something by being completely peaceful.
Its the same kind of idea perversion as those claiming that MLK would  somehow find BLM abhorrent - the idea that MLK preached purely peaceful  activism and condemned all violence. Let’s be frank - that’s not what  MLK’s Civil Rights movement was and MLK was not some holy moderate god.  He understood the importance of standing up and taking action. Civil War was not won by simply waving a white flag and meeting others in the  middle. Civil War took resistance. MLK condemned needless violence sure  and wanted a peaceful solution, but he understood that it won’t come  from just talking. The problems and inequality and bigotry was something that was needed to be SHOWN to the world. MLK understood that. He understood that you can’t just sit and wait, you  need to SHOW it. A lot of Civil Rights Movement revolved around standing up against white privilege and trying to turn the population’s  attention towards the issues racial minorities face. And the world HATED that back then. Civil Rights movement was viewed as “needlessly  polarizing” and “extremist” by your average white people. But now MLK is lauded as a hero by children of the very same people and it is very  clear that the said movement WORKED, even if it did not finish it’s job.  Activism is NEEDED for change to occur. It is still needed. If you are pushed into a corner you need to push back, you need to punch  back.
So why should Remnant be different? Why can’t Faunus make their voice be heard loud and clear and stand up for themselves?
Hell, even in terms of Remnant history the preachy message makes no sense - The faunus Civil war was not fought by Faunus sitting down and talking it all over and over again. It was a war. Part of great war. Where not just faunus but whole kingdoms stood up against certain ideas and to protect certain values.
Why making your voice heard is suddenly wrong now? The issues are the same, they are just more in background. The racism is still there, just more  systematic and less open.The bigotry is still there. It might not be a  â€œwar”, but as Blake’s very same character short shows, the faunus still  keep dying in counts of dozens everyday.
There’s nothing  wrong with opposing WF with violent force, yet it is somehow wrong to  push back against systematic oppression and acts of bigotry?
Its somehow RIGHT to throw dozens of WF members off the moving train(and  into a tunnel cave in full of grimm, but somehow it is WRONG for Ilia to punch bunch of insensitive racist pricks who are laughing at DOZENS OF  PEOPLE DYING?
Activism is not same as extremism. BLM is not same as ISIS. Standing up for equality in is not the same as acts of terror. Taking a stand against white supremacy is not the same as driving a car into a crowd of protesters. Punching a racist in the teeth for being a racist is not the same as staging an invasion into a whole peaceful country.
... NO! The writing does NOT equate all activism as extremism: The White Fang of the past PROVES THAT! The show is just saying that anyone can become like what they fight, that the path to hell is paved with good intentions, that you should beware staring into the abyss lest the abyss stares back! The only reason you say that is either because you are so blind to reality that you cannot comprehend what is actually going on or YOU ARE LYING in order to force people to see your side as the absolutely right.
THE CURRENT WHITE FANG IS THE BLM EQUVILANET! Stop treating a homophobic, racist, violent, self defeating movement  as some pinnacle of humanity and stop ignoring the existence of the previous White Fang and the Civil Righst Movement to suit your narrative. 
No, the only person here who thinks that BLM and ISIS are the same is the person who tried comparing a racial radicalist movement to ISIS IE you. 
HE WOULD! He was a man of God! A man of peace! A man of love and acceptance! BLM literally lacks all of that! They instigate violence, they show nothing but hate and when people tried fighting for their own races, they threw a bitch fit! Seriously, you only think that because you are so blind and arrogant and egotistical that you cannot see the destruction around you.
‘Punch back” huh? I didn’t know a MAN OF GOD, a follower of JESUS CHRIST, IE The guy who literally said “Turn the other cheek” would advocate VIOLENCE! For Christ's csake, he was a PACIFIST. THEY DON’T FIGHT BACK! Great, now that’s TWO PEOPLE I respect that you’ve insulted: Wanna try for three with Monty Oum or Fredrich Nieztche?
THEY DID! Previous White Fang! Show’s lore contradicts you!
Gee, maybe people don’t like it when you start murdering everyone who disagrees with you...Including other Fanaus! yeah, Vale, that place that the White Fang unleashed Grimm on, had FANAUS living there. It’s a problem because PEOPLE ARE DEAD.
It WAS wrong to oppose the previous White Fang with violence because they were peaceful...and the people who did were wrong and the show treats them that way. PREVIOUS White Fang , not CURRENT White Fang because since they want to kill, they get killed. Law of the universe.
Considering those White Fang members where trying to destroy Vale, killing millions of innocents...HUMAN AND FANAUS: yes.
And Illa was wrong: because now they can always talk about how that awful, disgusting Fanaus assaulted them. They now have a REASON to be bigots. All because of Illa. They weren’t right in laughing but Illa was wrong in attacking.
No, BLM is not like ISIS...only that BLM uses racism as an excuse and have roots in something good whereas ISIS uses religion and was never good.
No...But it is the same as advocating the genocide of an entire race and killing innocent people that you are supposedly fighting for. Yeah, Adam contradicts your arguments.
Its an issue that really makes RWBY worldbuilding and intentions take a huge nosedive.
Its so easy to fix and its so easy to give thematic empowerment to minorities and it is needed for thematic coherence, but it seems writers are too busy with their “both sides” bullshit it seems. Its especially problematic in the world we live in.
Nope, it doesn’t d any of that. The real world supports RWBY and it’s message with the likes of the Civil Rights Movement being peaceful and being the only one that succeeded. 
But why are you saying that? Easy:
P. S: Its weird because its the complete opposite of what RVB did in latest  season with making evil enemy grunts be alt-right tangerine-supporter  assholes before the main characters murder the fuck outta them. Is there any coherence in company values at Rooster Teeth or not?
See, you are so obsessed with being justified that you confuse “internet trolls” with “conservatives.” 
You hate moderates because they expose your thoughst for what they are: Sick, twisted, backwards and wrong. You are basically General Kimball if she refused General Doyle’s lesson: You refuse to see the other side as human and see your own flaws. You want to be right because you are egotistical and insane.
Well, Too bad. RT is a moderate place and company and they’ve always done this. What you want is to be locked into an echo chamber and have everything you want agree with you but since RT doesn't pander to you: You refuse to see your reflection and you don’t want any reality to show you.
My only response: Go somewhere else and take your bullshit with you.
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So since I’m apparently in the process of cleaning house right now (which I am not particularly happy about, but oh well), I guess I’d rather rip that particular band-aid off in one go. Dear followers, full disclosure, I hold the following unpopular (at least on here) opinions that I don’t usually mention. (long-ass post behind the cut)
If you disagree with me, feel free to stay around and have a civil debate with me on any post I make or reblog (except for this one, I won’t answer).
If you feel like you don’t want to follow someone with my opinions, don’t hesitate to unfollow or even block if you want. Everyone should have the right to decide who they interact with.
If, however, you are planning to be a jerk about it, you can go fuck right out of my space and stay out. I have reached the end of my patience here. If I see any more posts on my dash that imply I’m a worthless person for an opinion I hold or an identity I have, I’m going to unfollow you. If you insult me personally, I’m going to block you.
Opinions below:
- Ironic misandry and similar jokes intended to “punch up” at entire groups of privileged people are eye-roll-inducing at best and harmful at worst, both to our activist causes as a whole and to vulnerable individuals caught in the splash damage.
- I’m sex positive. That includes kinks. Even the ones I personally find gross. As long as all participants and onlookers give their full and uncoerced consent and all participants have the knowledge to do whatever they are doing safely (or are aware of any remaining risks), I think people should be allowed to live their fantasies as much as they damn well please, without uninvolved people judging them. And if you think that a person’s “gross” kinks are a reflection on what they actually think of people and society in a non-sexual context without any evidence of that apart from the fact that they have a kink, then I think you’re mind-reading in a very uncharitable manner and you should stop.
- The term “onlookers” does not include people who deliberately seek out kinky material that squicks or triggers them. If it’s clearly tagged and you go looking for it and find it, the consequences are on you and you alone.
- The same goes for fictional content. In fact, I don’t believe there’s such a thing as fictional content that should be “forbidden” to produce and while no story should be exempt from analysis and criticism, likewise no story justifies harassing the author over it. No, not even the weird-ass underage ship over there or the person shipping the villain with the cinnamon roll hero. Also if you think that someone who enjoys reading or writing about a thing in a fictional context must condone that thing in real life without any evidence apart from their fictional likes and dislikes, again, you are mind-reading in a very uncharitable manner and you should stop. There are a bazillion reasons why someone might enjoy problematic content, few of them are “‘Cause I want to do this evil thing for real” and none of them are any of your business unless the person in question ACTUALLY does the evil thing for real, in which case it’s no longer a matter of fictional tastes anyway.
- Uncoerced consent means “In the mind of the person giving it”. I don’t accept “But they were brainwashed by society”. It is literally impossible to differentiate between societal preferences and “natural” preferences (if such a thing even exists beyond the things we literally need for basic survival). If you ask a person “Does this thing truly make you happy” and they answer “This thing truly makes me happy” - then for all intents and purposes it truly makes them happy and you’ll just have to accept that. Period. (Which, incidentally, applies to non-sexual things like lifestyle and clothing as well.)
- Just in general, trying to destroy gender roles by criticising individual people for their likes and dislikes is counter-productive.
- Doxxing may sometimes be justified, but it is never ever justified to spread personal information that you haven’t verified and are absolutely certain is true. That shit destroys people’s lives. Just. Don’t.
- I think it is morally questionable to escalate violence unless you are sure it’s necessary to prevent further harm. (E.g. Don’t reply with insults to someone asking a polite question or - more relevant to the current discourse - don’t answer verbal violence with physical violence.) Which means: No, I don’t think punching nazis is always a good thing unless it is in literal self defence or defence of someone who can’t defend themselves, in which case, punch away, I mean, obviously. The reason I think that, apart from the moral ambiguity, is that you are not going to scare them into shutting up. The internet exists. They can spread their filth anonymously without running any danger of being harmed. At best they’re going to stop saying this shit on the street until they’ve recruited enough people that they no longer need to feel scared and then we’ve got a serious problem on our hands. Besides, if you punch a nazi, you run the risk of making them into a martyr and giving them proof that they are, in fact, under threat from the outside. Congratulations, you have now made it harder for people to leave that swamp. I think what we need to do is find out why people join groups like that (and no “Because they’re evil” isn’t an answer. People aren’t born evil.) and work on removing those factors, if at all possible. At the same time we need to make sure the nazi groups in question look as ridiculous as they are and that everyone knows they’re WRONG, goddammit! Punching them isn’t going to do either of those things (vuvuzela-ing over their bullshit might accomplish one of those things.) Let everyone know that neo-nazi views are absolutely unacceptable and not just because “they’re not politically correct and you might get punched if you say that stuff out loud but secretly lots of people think that way” but because they are WRONG and MONSTROUS. Educate people about what nazism actually means and do it early and frequently so that they know before they run danger of being recruited. (Of course, having the state on your side helps, but unfortunately in the US that ain’t gonna happen anytime soon from the looks of it, so unlike us here in Germany, you’re on your own, which does make things harder. Punching still isn’t going to solve the problem.)
- Also, given that it’s not my circus, not my monkeys, I don’t have any opinions on being trans with/without dysphoria or whether or not the term queer should be used as an umbrella term or not or whether there should be two As for Asexual and Ally but I’ve heard enough arguments on both sides that I don’t think either side is 100 % wrong and evil and horrible.
- And also: I hate the term Social Justice Warrior because of the way it’s being used by people who are just generally against social justice, but I think we do need a term for bullying-under-the-guise-of-activism, because it is definitely a thing that happens.
- Also, the black and white worldview around here is draining as fuck. Again, people are not born evil. They have a reason for their opinions. That reason is frequently bullshit or downright horrible but in those cases there is a chance that they might be argued out of it or at least someone who’s on the fence could see your argument and go “Hey, that activist’s opinions make more sense”. Don’t get me wrong, nobody has to argue with bigots. Hell, I don’t want to do it either. But for the love of all that is good and holy, let the people who WANT to and feel equipped to do it, do so without revoking their social justice advocate card.
So yeah, do with this information what you will.
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