#and yes I pull all of this off the top of my head loool so things can change after I think for a while longer after I post LOOOOL
ababybiter · 4 years
jungkook x y/n, besties to besties with benefits, a lot of texting, smut, fluff and college life, oh and lets pretend V wasn’t born in the christmas holidays
part 1/??
[00:19am] jungkook: please help me
{00:19am} jungkook: i don’t know what to get tae for his birthday
{00:23am} jungkook: Y/N!!!!!!!!!!
{00:25am} y/n: jungkook
{00:25am} y/n: his birthday is literally 5 days away
{00:26am} y/n: why are u like this
Truth be told, you weren't that surprised. Your best friend Jungkook was a novice at putting in effort for his friends birthdays and you were wholeheartedly used to that fact. The stress of finding something for your other best friend’s birthday on Friday was stressful enough for you, let alone the inevitable pleas of Jungkook’s text messages on Sunday evening coming through were enough to send you over the edge.
{00:28am} jungkook: TECHNICALLY it’s 6 days away...
You roll your eyes as you lay on your back, snuggled up under your duvet. You glance at your bedroom door, thinking of your roommate and close friend Nina. As Taehyung’s girlfriend, you wondered what sort of gift she bought for him.
{00:29am} y/n: You know I struggled myself! Have you asked Nina?
{00:29am} jungkook: NO she’ll hate me for leaving it so late D:
{00:29am} jungkook: I’ve been at my computer for ages. mY desperation has led me to WISH.COM
{00:30am} y/n: no she won’t but i get you
{00:30am] y/n: get off wish u idiot
{00:30am} y/n: shall we go shopping on wednesday? I’ll help you find something
You rub your eyes, unable to even pretend to think of gift ideas right now. You turn off your bedside lamp, your eyes straining in the dark as you thank the lords for your 1pm lecture tomorrow. It’s then that you remember Jungkook has an early morning class.
{00:35am} jungkook: YOU’RE THE BEST!!!!
{00:36am} y/n: you should be asleep kook
{00:37am} jungkook: i know i’ll get there
{00:37am} jungkook: can’t sleep rn
{00:37am} y/n: why? gift stress?
{00:38am} jungkook: lol, idk just can’t 
{00:38am} jungkook:
You roll over in the dark, trying to ignore the weird feeling in your stomach.
{00:39am} y/n: I have a late class tomorrow
{00:39am} y/n: YOU however sir do not
{00:39am} y/n: plus you’ve not been getting enough sleep lately, you need to sort out your pattern or you’ll be grumpy for V’s birthday :)
{00:40am} jungkook: i got it covered, just wanted to sort out a gift plan first
{00:40am} y/n: got it covered?
{00:41am} jungkook: I can make myself tired lol, dw <3
{00:42am} y/n: you gonna knock yourself out? LOOOL :(
{00:43am} jungkook: no y/n 
{00:43am} jungkook: 0.o
Oh. Oh.
You clench your thighs together, suddenly in the mood to do that too. 
No, what the fuck, no. That would be weird...touching yourself knowing that your best friend was doing the same. It would be weird...right?
Although it was Jeon Jungkook, you can’t deny that you’ve thought about him, accidentally of course, during your alone times. It was a secret you wouldn’t even admit to yourself let alone him or anyone else. 
It was clearly just the dry spell talking. Your last boyfriend was well over a year ago and Jungkook was a guy. A hot guy. It’s probably normal to fantasise about him.
Except you didn’t fantasise about Tae, or Yoongi, or any of your other male friends. The thought alone sent a different feeling to your stomach, these were your FRIENDS. Practically your brothers.
So why was Jungkook any different?
{00:47am} jungkook: you still there? 
{00:49am} jungkook: don’t pretend like you don’t do it too.
Was this still friendly territory? The full stop in his last text did something to your lower stomach.
Okay, now you’re being weird. You start typing tentatively.
{00:50am} y/n: I mean yeah, who doesn’t?
{00:51am} jungkook: Do you miss sex?
{00:51am} y/n: amongst other things, yes
{00:52am} jungkook: Such as?
Butterflies dance in your stomach as you type your next words, this was brand new territory for you and Jungkook. You wouldn’t even talk about this stuff with Nina...
{00:53am} y/n: I miss being eaten out
Your fingers dance over the screen as you wait for his response. You close and shut the app quickly before reopening it. 
{00:53am} jungkook: mhm
That’s it? Your cheeks redden in the darkness of your room as you shuffle your legs under the covers. 
{00:54am} y/n: I should sleep, it’s getting pretty late for me now
{00:55am} jungkook: okay, yeah sure
You’re about to lock your phone and throw it to the other side of your bed when it buzzes one more time.
{00:57am} jungkook: But are you tired?
{00:59am} y/n: I...am getting there. Why?
{1:00am} jungkook: we could help each other out?
{1:00am} y/n: how?
Jeez, how are you already wet? The excitement of talking to Jungkook like this was too much, clearly. You were 99% sure he was insinuating what you thought he was. But it had been a long time since you sexted, it also wasn’t something you and your ex had done much throughout the relationship.
{1:02am} jungkook: I like talking to you like this. I want to hear what else you like.
{1:02am} jungkook: let’s make each other tired
{1:02am} y/n: jeon!!!! you wanna sext?
{1:02am} jungkook: you made me horny y/n!
{1:03am} y/n: that was alllllll you jk! horny mf
Jungkook reads your message. The absence of the speech bubble appearing makes you stomach twist. Your phone goes dark waiting for it to appear. As much as you reprimanded him for his boyish behaviour, something in you wanted it to continue. But you probably blew it by being so whiney. Fuck. You didn’t know you wanted to sext Jungkook so bad.
And then.
{jungkook: Attachment 1 image}
You hesitate, before sliding open the chat. He’s laying in bed, the phone angled down at this legs in his black sweat pants. His thighs pressed close together in the tight yet stretchy material, his dick protrudes up from under the trousers, casting a dark shadow over his stomach. You know right there and then that this boy’s nudes would look like art.
{1:08am} jungkook: let’s help each other out
{1:08am} jungkook: this is what thinking about you did to me
{1:09am} jungkook: tell me if you want me to stop
You stare at the messages on your phone, fingers hovering over the keys, your instinct to explode your feelings into capital letters and ask him what’s happening. Because that’s how honest you too are...so I guess it’s normal to be this honest too.
You fling the duvet off and swing your legs out of bed. Your heart hammers in your chest as you kneel in front of the mirror, not really thinking with your brain right now. You pull off the baggy t-shirt that floats around your torso, leaving you in your underwear. You place a hand over your breasts, hiding your nipples in a seductive fashion, before using your other hand to snap a photo, hiding half of your heated face with the phone.
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you press send.
You squeal, throwing your phone face down on bed, hoping you didn’t wake Nina up. The last thing you needed was for her to come bursting in to your room right now.
{1:13am} jungkook: holy shit
{1:13am} jungkook: you’re so hot
{1:13am} jungkook: i’m so hard for you
{1:13am} jungkook: wow
You climb quickly back into bed, his words sending electric waves to your core.
{1:14am} y/n: shall I touch myself?
{1:14am} jungkook: fuk yes
{1:14am} jungkook: i can use this picture right?
{1:14am} y/n: that's why i sent it kook :’)
{1:15am} jungkook: right okay haa good
{1:15am} jungkook
: holy wow
You try not to giggle at his cuteness, when his next message makes you gasp.
{1:16am} jungkook: god i wanna taste you
That was all it took to get your hand to work. More dirty words are exchanged, both of you sweating and misspelling, as you both get yourselves off to each other.
{1:26am} y/n: jungkook i’m gonna cum
{1:27am} jungkook: shit y/n me too
{1:27am} jungkook: fucck
Your orgasm washes over you. Your eyes flutter shut as you imagine Jungkook’s lips on your pussy, his body on top of you, the look on his face as he comes. You wonder if he’s loud in bed. If he’s moaning right now.
{1:30am} y/n: That was so fun.
{1:30am} jungkook: jesus. yes it was
{1:31am} y/n: maybe we can do it in person some time?
{1:37am} jungkook: yeah?
{1:37am} y/n: yeah, i guess i really have missed this stuff
{1:37am} y/n: wanna be friends with benefits?
{1:40am} jungkook: Is that what you want?
{1:40am} y/n: i think it sounds fun, what about you? are you down?
{1:41am} jungkook: mhm yes i’m down :)
Your newly found post orgasm confidence delegated some rules over text to Jungkook, which he easily agreed on. The main one being that should the opportunity arise to be physically imitate with each other, the two of you would be exclusive, and let the other person know if they were interested in being sexual with someone else. To which the arrangement would stop.
And under no circumstances, would it come between your friendship.
The two of you had been best friends for over 2 years now, meeting through Taehyung at college party. You didn’t even think about seeing him face to face after the occurrences of last night and what the ‘vibe’ would be, as Nina might say. In fact, it still hadn’t fully settled in that you had sexted Jungkook last night. As you left your apartment just after 12 to get some lunch before your lecture, it had felt like a hazy hot dream.
{GROUPCHAT: 1 new message}
{12:14am} V: anyone on campus ??? I bought too much food from the cafe. Need to share. Heading to the field if anyone wants to eat with me!
You type with two hands as you walk quickly onto campus.
{12:14am}: y/n: I’m almost at the field!
{12:14am} jungkook: I’m at the field now, just finished my jog
You stare at the message that popped up at the same time as yours. Butterflies fill your stomach again at the thought of seeing Jungkook in the flesh after the filthy wishes that were shared between the two of you less than 12 hours ago.
You look up as you reach the grass. Laying down on the green, propped up on his lower arms is the man is your best friend and new sexting buddy Jeon Jungkook. His fluffy black hair is pushed back with a sweat band that you’re sure belongs to Yoongi. The arms of his long sleeved black sweat shirt is rolled up to his elbows, and your eyes fall to his black jogging bottoms. You’re sure they’re a different pair, but the photo he sent you last night burns in your mind and you feel a familiar warmth down below.
Before you reach him, Taehyung appears, slinging down a grocery bag on the grass to which Jungkook leans forward and peers into, flicking his sweaty hair out of his eyes.
“Hey, Y/N!” Tae lifts a hand. “You know you two were the ones I was expecting to accept free food at the speed of light.”
“Hi guys.” You fall to your knees on the soft grass, dropping your bag beside you.
Jungkook’s eyes flicker over you before he meets your gaze. “Hey.” A shy smile ghosts his lips before he opens a packet of Doritos.
“Do you know if Nina got up in time for work?” Tae asks.
“Yeah, she was gone long before me.” You smile, focusing your attention on V.
“So is she not quitting the barista job then?” Jungkook sits up, shoving crisps into his mouth.
“No, she there’s no where else she can work where they’ll let her do the hours she wants.” V explains.
“Yeah, lucky bitch only has classes two days a week.” You scoff. “I should have taken politics.”
“Except one of those days is Friday.” He sighs, pulling out a sandwich and passing it to you. “Guess I’ll be high and dry on my birthday.”
“She’s not coming to your party Friday night?” Jungkook scrunches up the crisp packet noisily.
“Oh yeah she is, but I won’t see her until then, and if I’m not smashed, Nina will be, so...no birthday fuck for me.” He sighs wistfully. “Not one I’d remember anyway.”
Usually this sort of statement from Tae would breeze over you, but your hands become hot and you notice Jungkook swallow and cough. You wonder if he regrets the arrangement you agreed upon last night. You desperately needed to talk about this in person.
“So, um, why do you have so much food?” You open the packet, shoving the bread into your mouth.
“They were doing some deals at the cafe.” V munches. “Oh, to be a student.”
Suddenly, Jungkook stands.
“I’m gonna go get cleaned up, enjoy your lunch guys.” He pats you on the head as he goes. “See you Wednesday, Y/N.”
You bristle at the friendly gesture, again something you wouldn’t have previously batted an eye at, but given the nature of your current situation it seemed...unnatural.
“What you doing Wednesday?” Taehyung asks through a mouthful of baguette.
“Oh, uh, just...meeting up.” You stammer, your eyes following Jungkook’s legs as they head towards the path.
“Hmm.” Taehyung smirks, drinking from his water bottle. “Just meeting up, huh.”
“What?” You snap your head towards him.
“You can’t fool me, Y/N.”
Oh god, you couldn’t be talking about this with Tae before you’d even had a chance to talk about it with Jungkook. How did he know anyway? Were the two of you really being that awkward?
“How-...what?” You blush.
“It’s something to do with my birthday isn’t it?” He grins.
You desperately try to hide your expression of relief and replace it with playfulness. You force yourself to roll your eyes. “Brat.”
After a day and a half of classes, you’re glad to have your mind preoccupied with no more awkward run ins with Jungkook, since your classes were held on opposite sides of the campus. Wednesday morning rolls around, and you’re surprised that he texts you first.
{10:54am} jungkook: Heeey my favourite creative gift giver
You blink at his confidence, baring in mind the previous conversation of your ‘benefit’s’ were floating above his latest text.
You walk into the kitchen, a smile on your face as you type out a reply.
{10:55am} y/n: You’re lucky you get me to leave the house on my day off :P
“Morning!” Nina beams at you, shoving fruit into her smoothie maker. You smile back at her, wishing you were as put together as she was. It makes sense she had a bunch of guys fawning for her attention before she and V got together. It’s even cuter knowing that she dodged them all to be with our lovely Taehyung.
{10:56am} jungkook: you can’t resist the kook ;)
Your bite on your fingernails, staring bewildered at the boy texting you. It felt like someone else was using Jungkook’s phone, his flirtation over text confusing you to no end, whilst his shy demeanour in person suggested he had a split personality. And still, how this was all wrapped up in your best friend of over 2 years you’ll never be able to believe it.
Still, ignoring your nerves, you were looking forward to seeing him properly. To shake off this high school cyber flirt situation.
“Who’s the guy?” Nina slams her hands down on the counter separating the two of you.
“What?” You jump.
“Who’s the guy that’s got you blushing and smiling at your phone like a love sick puppy?” Nina’s eyes sparkle.
You sigh. Since dating Taehyung, Nina had become more interested in your love life, constantly wanting you on the same level as her. She’d also become much more intuitive, to your dismay.
But this was Nina, and you couldn’t hide anything from her. Plus, you needed her deep and thoughtful opinions.
“Wait, so, you haven’t even SPOKEN about it yet?” Nina looks gobsmacked as she keeps missing her mouth with her smoothie straw.
“No! It happened on Sunday night, and we’ve both had classes.” You glance down at your phone, the latest message from Jungkook on the screen, saying he’ll meet you outside your apartment at 12:30.
“Damn...you and jungkook...who’d have thought.” Nina taps her glass.
“He’s seen my boobs Nina!” You exclaim, shoving a left over banana from Nina’s smoothie making into your mouth.
“I bet he’d love to see that.” Nina makes a square with both her thumbs and forefingers, capturing the erotic display in front of her.
“God, you’re spending too much time with V.” You roll your eyes, chomping loudly.
“And you’re spending too much time with Jungkook!” Nina points. “Close your mouth!”
You pout chewing quietly, as you pick up your phone.
“Shit! Nina, how long have we been sitting here, I have to get ready.”
“Wow!” Nina laughs as you leap away from the counter to your bedroom. “Anyone would think you’re going on a date!”
She ducks, missing the banana skin as it hurls over her head.
Nina’s words get to you. Why did you care what you looked like? It’s not like you’ve never hung out with your best friend before. No. You knew why. It’s because it wasn’t just Nina’s words that got to you.
‘You’re so hot.’
You hadn’t even thought if Jungkook had ever found you attractive or not. It was a low grade compliment that you so guilty enjoyed. You wonder if he found you hot every day, when you ate together, played video games together, when you attended the same parties did he ever look at you in your short skirts and think...
“Hey, Y/N.”
Your weird and wild thoughts are cut short by the man himself. Jungkook approaches you as you lean against the wall of your accommodation building. He stops in front of you, his eyes scanning your previously distracted face. Did he always stand this close?
“Ready to go?”
Together you drive the short journey to the mall. You discuss gift ideas as Jungkook watches the road, whilst you try not to watch his hands.
He parks the car in the underground parking lot and unbuckles his belt quickly. You sigh. Unlike him, YOU can’t go the whole day without talking about IT.
“Jungkook.” You start, your voice dropping an octave.
He freezes like he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t. “Y/N.”
“Do you still...about the other night, um...” You mentally kick yourself, wishing you’d prepared what you were going to say before you said it. “I had fun...is what I’m trying to say.”
“So did I.” He smiles. “A lot of fun.”
“Good. Me too. Are you still...down?” You meet his gaze, wishing you weren't having this conversation at such a close proximity.
“Yeah.” He catches his lip for a moment in between his teeth and you swear you almost stop breathing. He glances over your face. “Sorry, down to...?”
You smack his arm lightly. “You know...down to get down.” You wiggle your eyebrows before regretting it instantly. “Ahem, down to be friends with benefits.”
He gazes at you, his eyes darkening. “Is that what you want?”
Why does he keep asking that? Of course you want it! You wouldn’t have suggested it otherwise.
“Yeah.” You tell him. “I don’t wanna be one of those crazy uptight people that need to get laid.”
He breathes air out of his nose. “We wouldn’t want that would we?” He smirks, leaning closer to you until his breath is fanning your lips. “I think we know our first order of business.”
“Mhm?” You mumble, trying to still calm your breathing as you stare at his wet lips that he just licked, purposefully. His hand slides around to your back.
Suddenly there’s a click as he undoes your seatbelt.
“Find a birthday present for Taehyung!” He pulls away and opens his car door.
You let out a breath. Jeon Jungkook.
Shopping was taking longer than expected. It was hard to find something that didn’t scream ‘happy birthday, I just bought this from the mall 2 days ago!’. Jungkook wasn’t making it any easier, he was more interested embracing the role of the best friend with benefits.
“Hey, wanna take a look in here?” He throws an arm around you, nudging you towards the lingerie store.
“Jungkook I’m here to help you find a present for Taehyung. Have you forgotten that I’ve already got something to give him?”
“Okay okay, I’m just saying. I’d definitely want to see you in that.” He points to a black lace plunge bodysuit worn by mannequin. 
“Mhm, yeah?” You lower your voice, drawing his attention back to you. “Well, you said first order of business was to find a birthday present for Tae, so that’s what we’re doing right now.”
He smirks down at you. “Fine. What do you suggest?”
“I have an idea.” You tug on his hand a few stores down. “You should get him a whole new outfit. He’s always telling you how much he loves your style!”
“Yeah, that would be cool.” He smiles. “See, this is why I needed your help! You’re good with this stuff!”
“Come on!”
Excitedly, the two of you begin picking out clothes you both like and that you think V will love. Eventually you come up with a handful of shirts, trousers, jackets and shoes.
“Okay, now we gotta put them into outfits and choose which one we like the best.” Jungkook dumps the clothes on a seating area, the mall is quiet today. Most people are at work or college on a weekday, leaving the seating areas open to have clothes dumped upon.
“Kook, you can’t choose like this. You need to try them on. You guys are like the same size.”
“Ah, really?” He groans. “I’m too hungry for this.”
“We’ll get food after this.” You pick up the clothes and shove them into his chest. “Go.” You nod to the changing rooms.
He carries the items to the changing rooms, you follow along behind, letting your hand feel the mens clothes hung up on the racks as you pass.
“Hey, uh, got a few items here.” Jungkook shrugs to the college aged boy behind the changing room desk.
The guy barely looks up from his phone as he nods Jungkook down the hallway to the changing rooms. You stay behind, pulling out your phone.
{13:23pm} nina bean!: Hey?! How’s it going ;) x
{13:35pm} y/n: Fine lol, I don’t know what you think is happening at the MALL x
You wait for her reply, your eyes falling to the ground by the desk, where a crumpled up t-shirt lies. You stoop forward to pick it up, and it’s only your favourite choice out of all the options. There’s no way he’s not trying this one on. The man behind the counter pays no attention as you start down the hallway, the t-shirt in your grasp.
“Jungkook.” You whisper.
Finally, he answers you from the end of the corridor. “Yeah?”
You pull open the curtain and gasp.
“Jesus, Y/N!” Jungkook scrambles to pull any pair of trousers over his bare legs as he stands in his boxers. 
“You said yeah!” You step inside the changing cubicle with him, for a reason you can’t think of, closing the curtain behind you from the inside.
“Yeah doesn’t mean ‘whip open the curtain for anyone to see!’” He sits down on the small bench.
“Oh chill out, there’s literally no one here today.” You hold up the shirt, standing in front of him. “You dropped this.”
He takes the shirt, opening it up to inspect it with large curiosity. His cheeks crimson. You chuckle quietly. “You know, you’ll have to get used to me seeing you naked right?”
His eyebrows flick upwards as he hides a shy smile. “Right.”
It seems awkward Jungkook has returned. Unbeknownst to you, the idea of being intimate with you already sent his heart rate through the roof. Realising the idea goes beyond hypothetical advances and flirtatious jokes was enough give Jungkook a heart attack.
It was only then that the thought occurred to you, maybe you had wanted this kind of relationship with him for a long time, and maybe he had too.
As you ponder this revelation, your eyes drop to a new piece of art on his shoulder. 
“Hey.” Your fingers reach out before you can stop them, brushing the inked skin. “You got a new tattoo?”
He shivers under your touch, staring up at you, as if he doesn’t know what you’ll do next. His fingers reach out, before he can stop them, and pull you closer by your jean belt hoop. “Like it?”
“Love it.” You whisper, drawing around the outline with your nail. He hisses.
You clear your throat and back off. “I’ll be outside when you’re done.”
Jungkook stands up, keeping the close proximity as he backs you into the wall of the cubicle. “Promise me something, Y/N.” He murmurs, tracing your jawline with his finger.
“What, kook?”
“I’ll always have you. No matter what.”
“Of course cringe ball.” You whisper.
He smiles then, relieving some of the tension in the air. His smile is infectious, you giggle back at him. When he looks at your lips, his smile fades, and your heart pounds in your ears. You can hear his shaky breath as he leans in, so slowly that it’s almost unnoticeable. Painfully slow. He stops, a hair away from your lips as they part.
“Kook-” You murmur.
At the sound of his nickname he wastes no more time. Bringing his lips to yours eagerly, one hand caressing your jaw whilst other rests above your hip. The kiss is passionate, his thigh pokes in between yours in an attempt to get as close to you as possible. You grant access to his tongue as it shyly asks for permission against your teeth. The feeling of your tongue against his seems to spur him on. He whimpers into your mouth, pressing his crotch against yours. You catch your breath as his mouth leaves yours, only to trail kisses along your jaw and down your neck. “Kook...” You moan softly as he moves your top strap and sucks on your collarbone.
“Mmm?” He moves back to your mouth, kissing you deeply.
“We have to...choose...an outfit...” You breath in between kisses.
“Mmm, I know.” He pulls away from your lips, touching them with his finger. Then he steps back and grabs an outfit, including the t-shirt you chose. “I’ve chosen.”
“Did you try them on?”
“All except this.” He pulls the shirt over his head and looks in the mirror. “It’s fine. It’ll fit.” He pulls it back off and smirks when he catches you staring. He leans forward and kisses you on the nose. “Let’s go eat.”
You pick up the discarded clothes to return and he starts to help you. “That was hot.” He throws a smile in your direction.
“Don’t tell me you’ve got a kink for public places I didn’t know about?” You raise an eyebrow.
“I guess you’ll find out all about my kinks.” He winks, pulling open the curtain. 
As you both leave the store with outfit for Taehyung, you check your phone.
{13:40pm} nina bean!: You tell me ;) x
Something tells you, you will.
After a full day of classes on Thursday, you and Nina meet and walk home together. She’s completely invested in your friendly sexual adventures, but decides to broach a different type of question.
“Did you always know you wanted Jungkook?”
“I didn’t always want him.” You correct her. “I always knew he was cute...well, more than cute, but who didn't? He’s been a great friend to me since we met...we’re just helping each other out.”
“Y/N, you just made out with your best friend, who was TOPLESS, let’s not forget. IN A CHANGING ROOM STALL. You’re telling me there was no spark? No passion? No...”
“I didn’t say that.” You hide a smirk as Nina squeals beside you, tugging your arm. 
“Oh yes! I can’t wait till you start dating. I can FINALLY double date with my bestie. There’s so many couples date ideas I want to try out with the four of us-”
“Who said I want to be in a couple?!” You gesture wildly. 
“Well what DO you say, Y/N? You just admitted that there was a spark.”
“There can be a spark in my situation.” You protest. “It passionate because it’s fun. I think he’s hot, he thinks I’m hot. We’re already comfortable with each other. It’s the perfect match.”
“Perfect match.” Nina pokes you.
“Nina! Are you not familiar with the term ‘FRIENDS with benefits’?”
“Yes, I am familiar.” Nina snaps. “Very familiar, actually.”
“Oh?” You raise an eyebrow. It was a rare occurrence that you found something out about Nina that you didn’t already know.
“Oh, indeed.” She nods. “It was a disaster. I fell for him stupidly fast, and then he told me he was getting back with his ex and that was that. He’d been thinking of HER the entire time. Point is, it’s better to stick to the generic way of dating in this day and age, so you KNOW where his head is at. Trust me.”
“Yeah well, Jungkook is my best friend, he’s not thinking of anyone.” You tell her. 
“I know!” She nods. “Sorry. I don’t want to worry you. I just want you to be happy, like I am.”
“I am perfectly happy with my current relationship with Jungkook.” You reassure her.
She smiles, her eyes lighting up once the two of you reach your accommodation. “V!” She exclaims.
“Hey!” V holds a small bunch of flowers as he wraps his arms around his girlfriend. 
“What’s this? I thought I wasn’t seeing you until your party.” Nina blinks up at him.
“Yeah, about that. I wanted an afternoon with my girl before we get shit faced drunk with our friends. I’m taking you out to dinner.”
“V, you’re so cute!” Nina gasps. “I’m suppose to be spoiling you this week!”
“Hey, Y/N!” V ruffles your hair. “Mind if I steal your roommate?”
“Not at all.” You laugh.
“Oh, V, I’m not exactly ready for a dinner date.” Nina cups her own cheeks self consciously.
“You’re gorgeous.” He taps her nose. “Don’t be silly.”
Nina turns to you with the flowers in her grasp. “Can you put these in some water for me?”
“Sure.” You smile.
You watch them skip away, thoughts swirling. You couldn’t imagine Jungkook making a gesture like that. To another girl, yes, but to you? 
Who knows what you wanted anymore.
After dropping your bag on your bedroom floor, you decide to take a long hot shower. You step out to see a flash on your phone. 4 memes from Jungkook.
{16:44} y/n: thanks for the meme spam :’)
{16:45} jungkook: I should probably stop sitting in my towel scrolling through memes and get dressed lol I'm so relatable
{16:45} jungkook: proof
Here comes that excitement in your stomach again, who cares if you weren’t in a proper relationship? Who cares if Jungkook’s feelings weren’t as intense as yours? Your relationship now was exhilarating. 
You let the towel drop from your body and glance at the mirror, your figure blurry with steam from the glass, but there’s enough to see what he wants to see, whilst leaving more to the imagination.
You send the photo and put on a pair of shorts and t-shirt, climbing into bed. The exhaustion of a day full of absorbing information comes crashing down.
{16:48} jungkook: fuck that’s sexy
{16:48} jungkook: wanna see me?
{16:48} y/n: yes please
{jungkook: Attachment 1 image}
You were right. This boy knows how to take nudes. He holds his dick in one hand, the camera settled into selfie mode to show his v line and tense stomach. You gasp quietly at how big he is. He sits on the side of the bath, his towel discarded beside him.
You move your panties aside and start rubbing in slow circles at the sight of him.
{16:50} y/n: i’m touching myself
{16:50} y/n: wow you’re so hard already
{16:50} jungkook: that’s what you do to me baby
{16:51} y/n: i want to send you something else
{16:51} jungkook: ?
You video yourself, sliding your finger up and down your clit, drawing the slick up to your stomach. You send it to him, giddy as a school girl. 
{16:52} jungkook: fuck
{16:52} jungkook: stop y/n
You feel your face heat up at his request. Was it too much? You look down at your pussy self consciously.
{16:53} jungkook: Can I come over?
You say yes.
Jungkook’s accommodation is a ten to fifteen walk away. You change into a thin vest top and sexier gym shorts despite the cold weather. You stand in front of the mirror, overthinking as per usual. Was it too try hard? He’s seen you in what you normally wear to chill and snack in after a day of classes, this was clearly for him. 
But you kind of liked that.
hi!!!! this is my first time writing in about 5 years o.O thanks for reading!!! i’m weak for best friend jungkook imagines so I thought i’d try and make one. LEMME KNOW IF YOU WANT A PART 2. 
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britishchick09 · 3 years
1984 livewatch
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the time has finally come to watch the full movie! it’ll be sad, it’ll be disturbing, it’ll possibly be cringy, but it’ll be a lot of fun! :D
we start out with the mgm lion! noice ;)
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epic quote B)
wait why is opera music playing i thought we’d start at the 2 minutes hate
OMG what if they’re gonna hate on opera
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this looks like a drive-in movie tbh
narrator: “this is a land of peace and hope, a land of plenty...” OH SHUT UP YOU
they’re showing wheat like it’s little house on the prairie BOI YOU’RE IN LONDON
this is epic propaganda B)
what if the war footage was taken from ww2 and thus... isn’t real :o
HOLD UP is the eurasian war racist?
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oh no it be u (his face is like ‘WHAT IS GOING ON’ and it’s very lol)
julia’s so into this! :o
o’brien’s like ‘ohhh!!!’
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look who decided to SHOW UP FINALLY
he pauses a bit before reluctantly joining in yas ♥
good they stopped!
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this IS a school assembly they’re going back to work!
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winston in glasses *chef’s kiss*
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ooh a rotary dial! great use of tech from when the book was written :D
winston’s looking over at syme WITH SO MUCH JEALOUSY lol
what if the words they speak are just random stuff with no meaning
OMG confession!!!!!
poor winnie with his cough :(
this confession sounds JUST LIKE WINSTON’S OMG!!!!
winston: “bugger!” he’s a brit lol :D
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epic B)
OMG this guy read goldstein’s book SO DID WINSTON!!!!
i love how the diary is in a brick hole that’s so cool :D
the diary scene was filmed on april 4th just like in the movie so that’s way rad man :D
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i want you valley!!! :D
ooh they’re put a smol scene of his childhood in there coolio! :D
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he  s l e e p
this violin squeak tho :o
it’s not but i can easily imagine it lol :D
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he’s a stick omg ;o
when the lady talks to him you know it’s not a recording ;)
lady: “anyone under 45 is perfectly capable of touching his toes” BOI
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parsons: “choco rations are going up” c h o c o
parsons: “i seem to have run out of razor blades for some reason’ yeah,,, for some reason... ;)
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this is so a cafeteria scene at school
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♫ i suddenly see him standing there, a beautiful stranger tall and fair, i wanna stuff this weird food in my faaaace! ♫ :D
me: “this is so romantic!” winston’s thoughts: “lemme smash HER WITH A ROCK”
wait did the lady say pineapple grenade???
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syme rip boi
the 11th edition isn’t thicc :/
aww winston’s smol nod ♥
parsons: “by 2050 we won’t have conversations like this!” yeah because of screens lol
OMG the food looks and taste like meat but isn’t IT’S PLANT BASED MEAT!!!! :o
parsons just pulled a ‘hey need help with that?’ and put winston’s food on his plate EPIC
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julia’s lookin’ at u ;)
he liked the ‘bright red lips’ yet...
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poor baby desperate for money :(
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hand on cheek = doublepluscute ^_^
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epic foreshadowing B)
OMG a couple is making out in the bar EPIC
winston’s just like ‘nnope’
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he’s at an antique store in prescott bless his heart ♥
mr. charrington sounds so kind WHYYYY
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mr. charrington says ‘4 dollars’ but they’re in london??
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winston: “what was that?” mr. charrington: “something old.” no DUH
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they see each other againnn!!!!! :D
winston writes that he hates her SAME WITH A LOOK LIKE THAT
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his mom is lying dead in the field like the erza kid in ‘kirsten’s promise’ :(
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he’s just... staring
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that ‘ow!’ was so fake jules!
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this is like anna and hans but not as bad underneath!
julia: “it’s nothing!” but this is turning out to be something... ;)
we’re half an hour in and wowza it’s gone by so fast! :D
winston: *gets a cute love note from julia* YEET!
THE HELICOPTER IS BACC!!!!! they’re really not making the spying subtle
winston is the best plummer confirmed
kid: “you’re a thought criminal!” winston: *gives a slight ‘wha’ face and smiles* ICONIC
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the crowd is clapping and cheering over the war yet winston’s not doing anything SAME
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jules is just scooching by lol
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the sky does exist! :o
the telescreen has some great music :D
winston’s joining the ‘big man’s hiking group’ suure you are... ;)
the train is going to the beat of the kids’ singing coolio! :D
big brother is called ‘bb’ yas bby!
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the lq audio made the twig crack and the leave brushing really weird lol
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winston: “i want you.” I-CON-IC!!!! :D
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winston: “i want everyone corrupt.” julia: “i’ll suit you, then. i’m corrupt to the core.” *mal screech*
she really went commando huh
the sex looks like it hurts NO WAY MAN NOT FOR ME NNNNOPE
i’m glad it was only a part you couldn’t really see and not a full on thing I DON’T NEED THAT
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awww she’s so peaceful after big naughty :)
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this is vaguely gay...
aww winston’s hair ruffling in the wind ♥
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c r o n c h
also did he just cronch into a potato???
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teacher: “when the orgasm is finally eradicated...” totally julia: “NOT ON MY WATCH”
winston is the kid who smokes in glass while julia is the one kid who Just Doesn’t Care lol :D
thoughtcrime THIS IS THOTCRIME
wow syme is still alive?
julia: “you dropped your ink pencil” you mean pen?
winnie’s back in prescott! :D
the room is 4 bucks a night noice B)
the modern say 2 minutes hate is probably just a livestream with kids texting ‘h8 xd’ in the chat lol :D
winston’s thoughts: “she who is so careful...” boi she threw a dictionary at the telescreen in the book THAT’S SO NOT CAREFUL
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she has so many smiles YAS!!!!
she’s so eager with showing him I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JULES ♥♥♥
she says ‘real sugar, real bread’ and... jam
winston: “how did you manage to get all this?” jules has her ways... ;)
winston: “i want you” julia: “i want you too” YAS :D ♥♥
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the thiccc singer is here!! :D
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she’s so pretty! ♥
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aww the stroke ♥
his hands are shaking as he touches her :(
winston: “freedom is the freedom to say two plus two equals four. if that is granted, all else follows” iconic!
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it be gin time ;)
he scratches the face off the gin bottle woah :o
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winston’s little ‘yes!’ at getting the 10th newspeak dictionary ♥
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that’s a look of longing my friends! :o
winston: “the call has come. all my life i’ve been waiting for it...” and now he’ll go into the unknown... ;)
AAND we cut to naked julia eating an apple! slight bi panic
she’s touching the paperweight queen love it ♥
julia: “i just know it!” BOI YOUR G-PA HELPED OUT
winston: “the only thing to do is to walk out of here before it’s too late” thus my ‘julia lives’ au comes in! :D
winston: “never seen one another again” ...oh he was talking about that NOT IN MY AU SON
julia: “you do, i do.” omg marriage :o
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fluffy! ♥
julia: “i love you.” awww :)
winston: “julia. do you think the resistance is real?” julia: “none of it’s real.” STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER!
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work is scrambling like eggs!
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poor headache bby! :(
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epic B)
winston’s dreaming of his bishy selfish chocolate mom adventure!
the rats were there when his mom and sister were vaporized! :o
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she’s in the dress! ♥
they’re talking about betrayal and julia’s like ‘they can’t do that!” OH BOI BUT THEY CAN!!!!
julia: “they can’t get to your heart” aww :)
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winston sees o’brien WITHOUT JULIA THE F????
this feels like the principal’s office lol :D
o’brien’s voice is so deep and british ♥
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the way he clutches the newspeak dictionary is so cute! :D
aww he’s stroking the pages as he reads :)
the oceania anthem sounds russian :o
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so soft ♥♥
winston: “julia, my love.” MY LOVE MY LOVE AHHH!!!! :D
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she’s hungry... she wants coffee... who’s gonna tell her coffee isn’t food?
omg i saw winston butt :o
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winston: “she’s beautiful.” julia: “she’s a meter around the hips easily” winston: “that’s her standard of beauty.” YAAAS!!! :D
winston: “the future is ours.” YAS
mr. charington is loud compared to how i thought in the book
his ‘you are the dead’ should’ve been quieter like winston and julia’s then he could be loud!
charrington: “here comes a candle to guide you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head!” OHHHH NICE ONE MR C!!!!!! :D
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i should be a bit more heartbroken BUT THAT MR C RHYME MAN
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why does he look old
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awww :(
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delete the drunk old lady BUT GIVE US PARSONS SUUURE
i dread the scene to come...
parsons didn’t say that he said ‘down with big brother’ so that’s a bummer :/
aww poor parsons he’s crying! :(
oh SNAP room 101!!!! :o
poor parsons but at least that scene wasn’t a thing!
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is this leading into the bloody mouth scene? I STILL NEED TO KNOW WHAT THAT IS
winston doesn’t know where he is IT’S THE I WANT YOU VALLEY!!!
hold up this is just a vision ok BUT WHERE’S THE BLOODY MOUTH SCENE
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frankenstein and spirit halloween called!
also o’brien flipped the switch without warning BISH
o’brien: “you suffer from a defective memory” and you suffer from a BISH MEMORY SIR
remember winston it’s all in the mind... ;)
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'how many fingers’ is a trick question because winston sees four YET WE SEE FIVE OHHH
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mother gothel vibes...
awww winston’s little scared squeak :(
winston: “i don’t know... i don’t know!” SAY FIVE WINSTON SAY FIVEEEEE
o’brien’s voice is so calming yet it spouts evil words...
julia immediately betrayed winston BECAUSE SHE HAD A ROSEMARY KENNEDY yet she’s somehow still alive without damage by the end???
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ooh a new shot! :D
they just faded to black and showed a new angle which is a bit weird...
o’brien: “you’re thinking that my face is old and tired...” because it belongs to poor richard burton!
o’brien just yoinked winston’s tooth out tho :o
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mother gothel strikes again!
winston to o’brien: “i love you.” you don’t say that back to jules YET YOU SAY IT TO O’BRIEN BOIIIII
o’brien: “you’re one of us. one of the chosen.” one of us gooble gobble! also ANAKIN IS THAT YOU????
winston just said ‘i love you’ oMG OMG OM WAIT WWAIIITIT
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
seconds after she says ‘i love you too’ SHE’S FREAKING SHOT DAAANG NO PUNCHES PULLED BACK!!!!!
aww he called her ‘my love’ even in a dream
so that was the infamous bloody mouth scene and it was quicker than i thought it would be? at least i have a bright julia smile! ♥
OMG winston’s calling for her yet it sounds so weird WHYYY
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he’s much improved!
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they’re skyping lol
after all he’s been through he still hates bb! :o
ROOM 101 :o
room 101 is a personalized experience just for you! :D
omg the rats are GOING AT EACH OTHER GEEZ
winston’s squeak at the rats no!!! :(
‘do it to julia’ sounds a bit selfish but it’s the betrayal we’ve been waiting for!
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uh oh here comes the awkward reunion...
they should’ve said “...sup.” to each other
the bartender saying “on the house!’ tiredly each time is great :D
winston: “thank you for coming.” julia in her thoughts: “yeah whateves bro.” :/
at least they can still bond over something :)
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jules gin time ;)
they ratted out on each other true love???
julia: “we must meet again.” winston: “yes, we must meet again.” ...they never met again
but if they did it would be a bro time!
winston: “i have seduced party members of both sexes” BI NANI???? :o
since his crimes are like the guy’s from earlier... what if he didn’t do them and was convinced that he did? :o
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in the book he says i love you to bb, but here he turns away and says it... what if he still loves julia? :o
and with that question, the movie has come to a close! it’s a fantastic little film that closely follows the book. while i would’ve liked to see julia with winston at o’brien’s and the drunk jail lady, the cutting of the gross parsons scene, the addtion of the bloody mouth scene and the possibly hopeful ending make up for it. overall, this is an amazing adaptation of such a great book! :D
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thekpopcloud · 5 years
Minho (Lee Know) as your boyfriend
requested by @vkookbangtanboys
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(gif not mine! credit to owner!)
okay let’s get one thing straight...
If Minho hadn’t been pushed to confess then he wouldn’t have
Everyone knew you and Minho had a thing for each other
Everyone knew Minho was head over heals in love with you, every time he looked at you it was like hearts were pouring out of his eyes
But the only person that didn’t see it? You guessed it,,,,YOU
And eventually the rest of skz got sick of seeing the two being so oblivious
They took matters into their own hands....which could’ve gone terribly to be fair
Jisung had an idea, which meant it was already was probably stupid, of locking the two of you in a room together
So after a very very very long discussion they decided to get you two into one of the practice rooms.
*in the spongebob voice thing* one day later...
Minho was on his way to practice when he got a text from Woojin
I need to talk to you about something, come to the practice room, as quick as you can
At the same time, you were at home doing some work when Jisung has texted you
Thinking nothing of it, both you and Minho headed towards the same place, completely unaware of what they were planning.
You arrived first, getting comfortable on the couch then texting Jisung
I’m here, hurry your backside up, it’s too quite in here
From the other end of the phone, the boys were hollering and cheering cause their was plan was going to plan.
A good...10 minutes later Minho rocked up stopping dead in his tracks when he saw you.
confusion,,,nothing but confusion.
He walked into the room and in the reflection of the mirror he saw Felix and Jisung peeking in the door.
“GOOD LUCK YOU TWO” they screamed and slammed the door shut, locking it.
You jumped to your feet, practically racing to the door to try and pry it open.
“niether of you are leaving this room until you confess! So Minho, tell y/n how much you love them, y/n you do the same” that was chan’s voice.
“i hate you so much Bang Chan” you whispered, hitting your forehead on the door.
Minho, gaining some ounce of confidence, paraded over to you and gently grabbed your arms and spun you around, pushing your back against the wall.
“Listen to me and do not say a word, i’m gonna have to thank the boys for because frankly it’s getting frustrating. I like you, a lot, and i guess the boys got sick of seeing me acting like a lovesick puppy, You don’t have to feel the same, you don’t have to like me back, just know how much i like yo-”
You decided to cut him off, giving him an answer but pressing your own lips on his.
His brain must’ve short circuited, cause he froze like literally FROZE.
It took him a moment, but he kissed back with a new found passion.
“I like you too, more than you think” You commented when you pulled back, pecking his lips once more.
first date:
Minho didn’t wanna overdo it, but then again he didn’t wanna under do it.
So he decided to take you on a lovely little picnic down at Han River when the weather was just write.
He spent a good few hours putting together food for the two of you, which the boys wouldn’t stop tryna steal.
You dressed in your nicest outfit, putting in a effort for once in while.
He met you at your home and you walked down to the river, basking in the sunlight, enjoying the breeze.
Once y’all started eating and relaxing, Minho wanted to be cute and laid his head in your lap, asking you to feed him.
it was so cliche and he loved it
he took so many selfies and photos of you when you weren’t looking and photos of the two of you with cute filters
and yes, when he went back to the dorm, he gushed over you so much the boys wanted to him to shut up.
The two of you stayed out for ages, opting to stay and stargaze
he disappeared later in the day and went to the shop, coming back with some drinks for both of you
Good drinks, the open night sky, you by his side...Minho was happy.
He walked you home, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist, keeping you close to him.
Minho walked you right to the front door, promising to take you out when he had time, before kissing you.
Boyyyy was he smiling when he got home
first ‘i love you’:
loool, minho is too dramatic sometimes
the two of you had gone to lotte world on a date...and he was slowly regretting it
because the one ride you were focused on getting on was the Viking Ship
but minho? his heart was running a hundred miles an hour as you dragged him towards it
He was putting up a brave face though, cause he loved you and if you wanted to go on it then he would too
“Min, are you alright?” you’ finally asked him. 
“Yeah...yeah i’m good” He replied, visibly shaking like crazy. 
before you had time to say anything you being pushed onto the ride, minho grabbing a hold of your arm at lightening speed. 
the ride started up sooner than he’d hopes and his grip on you arm got so tight it almost hurt. 
as the ride started swinging, he basically screamed in your ear, rather dramatically. “If i die here, just know that i love you!!!” 
the two of you jumped of the ride, minho looking as pale as a ghost. 
“I love you too min” you casually mentioned, swinging your hands. 
He went from as pale as a ghost to as red as a tomato in half a second
first argument:
admittedly, the argument was kinda your fault, and you’d well accepted and acknowledged that
minho, being an incredible dancer, had been tasked by JYP to help some of the trainees with their dancing
of course he obliged and helped them
 the only minor problem, in your books at least, was the sheer amount of time he was spending with them
jealousy? maybe. 
the ONE thing bugging you was one of the trainees
you’d dropped in on one of his sessions to bring him some food an the first thing you’d notice was how clingy she was and how he hadn’t even realized. 
it went on for weeks and weeks and he still hadn’t noticed
in fact he’d gotten closer with her an started spending more time with her, than he did with you
and yes, though you’d tried to deny it, you were jealous. 
and as a result of your jealously, you’d unintentionally given minho a cold shoulder and ignored him. 
until one day, minho had decided to confront you. 
“baby, are you alright? you’re never usually this quite?” 
shrugging, you mumbled something and turned away. 
he still persisted, wanting to find out what was wrong. 
“babe, what’s wrong?” 
“nothing minho! jeez...” 
“i can tell somethings up babe, talk to me” 
you rolled your eyes, not really thinking before you spoke. 
“why don’t you go and spend time with what’s her face? seeing as she’s all you seem to care about!” 
minho was shocked, stunned, surprised....shook? 
“are you jealous?!” He scoffed. 
you could feel the anger bubbling up....and you snapped. 
“maybe i am, okay!?! you’ve been spending all your free time with her recently!! I don’t remember the last time we spent time together!” 
minho was now getting frustrated “she’s just a friend! i don’t need to be by your side 24 fucking 7! your just being stupid!”
you were both saying things you’d wished you hadn’t, insults being thrown left right and centre. 
it wasn’t until your emotions got the better of you and all the emotions spilled out, coming out in the form of tears. that was when minho froze and shut up. 
“are you...crying? oh baby i’m so sorr-” 
“no it was my fault min, i let jealously get the better of me, i’m so sorry” you were basically shaking by now. 
minho stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you, lettimg you cry into his shoulder. 
“it’s okay baby, it’s okay. i hate this, let’s never fight again” 
minho? more like minhoe
my guy loves kissing, whether it be sweet innocent kisses or....something else ;)
he loves the pure feeling of his lips on yours. 
this boy will literally drag you away from a busy setting just to makeout
hickies galore, there’s always some sort of love bite left on your body from him
usually in the most obvious places
your first kiss was a bit weird, he’d kissed you to shut you up during an argument
most of the time your kisses are hot and full of passion, but sometimes they’re short and sweet...but only sometimes
absolutely loves to kiss along your shoulders and neck, especially when hes backhugging you  
he is s h a m e l e s s and will 100% kiss you in front of the rest of skz
when he’s jealous though...oh ho ho you’re in for a long night
he does seem to like kissing your knuckles, being all cliche and slowly bringing your hand up to his face to kiss it.
oof he’s a big hugger
you see what he’s like with Jisung? amplify that by about a million and you’ll see how clingy he is with you
arms around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest and not letting go...at all...for anything 
he will genuinely find ANY chance to cuddle with you
like a big teddy bear
loves cuddling on the couch with you on top of him, the biggest blanket you could find wrapped around the pair of you. 
cuddling and hugging you is almost a stress reliever 
after a long day all he wants to do is curl up against you with his head tucked into your neck, probably falling asleep like that 
doesn’t care if the boys tease him, if he wants cuddles he will stop at NOTHING to get them
if you’re not there or too busy to cuddle he’ll sulk a sadly cuddle a pillow...or Jisung
he’s the perfect boyfriend
has an attitude towards others, an angel to you.
absolutely WHIPPED over you
probably had already decided he wants to marry you
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Chemicals (MurphyxOC Chapter 1/3)
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This was originally a short three part fic I posted on Ao3 as a gift for a friend over there. Since I’m currently sick I figured I’d post it here for you guys to give you something to read. Instead of posting the three chapters once a day, I’m posting them all now back to back. It seems silly to make you guys wait for the chapters since there are only three parts, sorry if that's weird looool
It’s Murphy/OC, I feel weird about it just being Murphy, it’s so foreign to me now loool.
The name of this fic was once again inspired by a song; St Patrick - Pvris.
‘I know it's chemicals that make me cling to you
And I need a miracle to get away from you
I know it's chemicals
and I need a miracle
And I'm not spiritual
But please stay
'Cause I think you're a saint and I think you're an angel’
Katie pushed through the people warily as she made her way to the T. She had just finished work at the hospital, she was a porter, and now she needed to get home. The issue was the fact a creepy guy had been following her since she left work and it was making her worry. She’d never really been in this situation before, she didn’t consider herself stalker-worthy. She was a bit of a plain jane; shoulder length blonde hair that was almost always in a ponytail and her clothes were just standard jeans and a shirt. She would wear scrubs at work but she would change when she was there, and currently, she was wearing beat up black converse with her jeans and a black shirt. She had no idea why this guy had decided to follow her instead of anyone else, but it didn’t make her worry any less. She hoped he wouldn't get on the train and end up following her home.
She had just moved, the 23-year-old wanted to spread her wings and it lead her to South Boston, where her cousin Jenny lived. She had found a new apartment, if it could be called that, but it was dirt cheap and was better than nothing. As she got to the terminal, her train wasn’t there yet and when she glanced back, the man was still trailing behind her, making the hairs on her neck prickle up. She glanced around, trying to find someone to ask for help but there weren't many people around. Her eyes settled on a young guy who didn’t look much older than her. He had messy brown hair and one thing she noticed instantly was the tattoo on his neck of the Virgin Mary and what appeared to be rosary beads poking out the top of his long sleeve black shirt. 
She hoped his tattoo meant he was devout and maybe he would help her, Christian charity and all of that, it beat standing around on her own with the weird guy following her. She took a deep breath and went over, sitting next to him and angling her body towards him like she knew him. It caught the guys attention and he turned to look at her curiously, quirking a brow.
“Hi, I know you don’t know me, but there's a creepy dude that’s been following me from the hospital, so if you could just pretend we know each other that would be great.” She was smiling, just for show, but her eyes were pleading and the man seemed to pick up on this, realisation crossing his face. His eyes darted over her shoulder before they settled on her with a warm smile, like they were friends greeting each other.
“The creepy bald fuck wit’ the paedo tache?” He asked with a wry smile, making her snort a little.
“Yep, that's the one.” She grinned, glad the stranger was helping her. 
He nodded and she was a little surprised when he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, but she relaxed and sat with him.
“Thank you.” She smiled softly, making him beam a grin at her.
“Ain’t a problem love.” He smiled back, making her blush ever so slightly at his Irish brogue. It was quite attractive, like the man himself. She tried to relax as she sat with him, waiting for her train, but when she glanced over, the man was still watching them both and it made her nervous. She shifted a little and the Irish man looked over, seeing what she was seeing. 
“Don’t freak out.” He muttered as he looked at her, making her look at him questionably, but she didn’t have time to ask what he was on about before he cupped her cheek and kissed her softly. It wasn’t anything crazy, but it was still a kiss and she tensed a little. She caught on to what he was doing and she kissed him back, hoping it would be enough to make the creepy fucker go away and not follow her home.
When he moved away she was breathless and her cheeks were crimson, she hadn't really expected a handsome Irish stranger to kiss her today, but she couldn't complain. She almost felt like she should thank the creepy guy. 
“Aye, he’s gone.” The man smirked as he watched the creeper walk away. Katie looked over, relief flooding her body as she saw the man skulk off. The Irish man's arm left her then and she gave him a grateful smile.
“Thank you, I really mean it. I was scared he would follow me back to my place.”  She said sincerely, making him smile at her again.
“Like I said, it ain’t a problem, glad I could help.” He replied breezily, like kissing a stranger was no big deal. Before she could reply again, the train pulled up. She stood up and noticed the stranger get up to, seemingly getting on the same train as her. She followed behind him as he got on and when he sat down, she wondered if she should sit next to him. She didn't want to seem like she was following him or being weird. He had helped her and he seemed nice, but she didn’t want to be annoying him. He looked over at her though and gestured with his head for her to go over, so she did. 
She sat next to him and the journey home was full of small talk. She learnt his name was Murphy, he had a twin brother called Connor and he worked at a meat packing plant.
“It was really nice meeting you, but my stop is next. Thanks again Murphy.” Katie said softly as she stood up, her hand clasping the strap of her bag. 
“It’s my stop too. I’ll walk ye home if ye want, just to be safe.” He suggested with a warm smile as he stood up too. 
“You don’t have to do that, you’ve already done enough.” She protested weakly. She wasn't averse to the idea of him walking her home, she still felt a little shook up at being followed and she didn't feel very safe.
“I want te, so hush.” He grinned, walking past her as the train stopped. She once again followed him and she started leading them back to her place. They made some more small talk again as they walked but when they were just outside of her building, he stopped and looked at her looking somewhat amused.
“What?” She asked with a quirked brow.
“Ye live here?” He asked, still looking amused and she blushed. It wasn’t the best, it was illegal loft housing after all but it was a roof over her head and was dirt cheap. She felt embarrassed like he was calling her out. 
As if sensing her embarrassment, he shook his head with a light laugh.
“Nay lass, it’s not that. This is where I live. Yer the new neighbour on the second floor?” He smirked, making her eyes widen in surprise. What were the fucking chances that the guy she went to for help lived in the same building as she did?
“Yeah, that’s fucking weird.” She snorted, making him bark out a laugh. He seemed even happier now, somehow lighter as his eyes lit up.
“C’mon, Ye’ve gotta meet Connor.” He left no room for discussion as he took her hand and practically dragged her inside. He only let go once they were in the elevator.
“I can’t believe you live here.” Katie huffed a laugh as the elevator ascended. Murphy flashed her a sly grin, seemingly pleased with the news. He lead her to their apartment and for some reason, he stood behind her as he told her to go in first. She opened the door and was greeted with an eye full of someone's ass in the shower.
She squeaked, turning around as she blushed furiously and Murphy burst out laughing, she wondered if Murphy had planned this since he was adamant she went in first.
“Fuckin’ Christ Murph!” The man yelled, making her blush even more. She was just glad he had his back to her or she would have got an eyeful of something else. She heard the water turn off and Murphy smirked at her, gripping her shoulders and spinning her around. This time when she came face to face with the man, he had a towel slung around him.
“This is Katie.” Murphy grinned, stood behind her with his hands still firmly on her shoulders as she blinked up at the blonde man. Connor quirked a brow at her curiously before looking back to his brother.
“Pickin’ up strays again brother? Could have at least warned me.” He huffed a little. Katie squinted slightly at him, not liking being referred to as a stray or his attitude. Murphy had told her all about Connor and this didn’t seem like the good guy Murphy had been banging on about to her. It also unsettled her that it seemed it wasn’t abnormal for Murphy to just bring strange girls back. She wasn't sure why she felt a pang of envy and she tried to ignore it.
“She’s not a stray, ye fuck. She’s our new neighbour.” Murphy glared, giving his brother a pointed look over his shoulder.
Connors' eyes widened as he looked at her again and he actually looked contrite this time.
“Fuckin’ hell lass, I’m sorry. Murph’s a bit o’ a slut, can’t blame me for presumin’.” He snorted, making Murphy grumble behind her as he finally released her shoulders and went to the fridge. Katie was left with the lighter haired brother and she was glad he wasn’t being rude anymore.
“It’s okay I guess.” She smiled awkwardly, feeling out of place and weird.
“I’m Connor, it’s a pleasure te meet ye.” He smiled charmingly at her, taking her hand. She thought he would shake it, so she was a little taken aback when he kissed it instead and she blushed just a little. 
“Hey, hands off. I’ve already claimed her.” Murphy piped up with a grin as he sat on the couch, making Katie’s cheeks flush even more as she glanced to him. He did what now? Connor raised a brow and smirked at his brother.
“Did ye now? And how exactly did ye do that?” He asked looking thoroughly amused.
“I’ve already kissed her.” Murphy smiled smugly, again making Katie blush. Maybe she would just stay red forever if she kept blushing this much. 
“Fuckin’ hell Murph. Can’t ye go a day without harassin’ some poor girl.” Connor laughed as went over to a pile of clothes. She turned around the second the towel dropped and she got a second eye full of his ass and Murphy snorted at her, he seemed to enjoy her discomfort, the little asshole. He held his hand out and she went over, sitting on the couch with him. He casually slung an arm around her shoulder and she wasn’t really sure what the fuck was going on with him. He had kissed her, yes, but he had done so to make a creepy dude go away. But now he was saying shit like he had claimed her and she didn’t really know what to think about the whole thing. She figured she’d just go along with it and see what happened.
“Some fucker followed her from work te the T.” Murphy stated seriously. Connor was dressed now and moved to sit at the table looking at them. He shared a dark look with his brother and nodded, scratching the scruff on his chin thoughtfully.
“Hmm, aye. We’ll need te keep an eye on that then.” He murmured, making Murphy make a noise in agreement. Katie wasn't really sure what that meant but she felt good they were looking out for her. Living here with them, she felt a little safer now and it made her feel better to actually know people here in the building if she ever needed help.
“Alright then, McGinty’s?” Connor asked Murphy with a grin.
“What’s that?” Katie asked curiously, glancing to Murphy who still had his arm around her.
“Irish pub love, ye comin’?” He asked with a smile. He was beautiful, she couldn't deny that, especially when he smiled at her like that.
“Why not?” She replied with a smile of her own. This was a new start for her after all, maybe it was time she let her hair down and just went with the flow and lived a little.
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @daryldixonandfrogs @arlaina28 @divadinag
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ellebabywrites · 5 years
Judas Kiss 10 - Mark Lee (FINALE)
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Type : Series // Angst // Fluff // Smut // Gang!au
Warnings : Violence // Character Deaths // Cussing
Summary : There’s only one rule. You protect your own. None of you had chosen this life, but sticking together was the only way to survive it. When one of you dies and things start going wrong, the boy that saved you once on a whim, might be the only one who can keep you together.
Author Note : We’re finally at the end of Judas Kiss !! This series has been so much fun and my absolute FAVOURITE thing to write !! I’ve fallen in love with all of the characters (yes even Judas) and hope you guys have too - this isn't ‘totally’ the end because there’s still so many reveals to come in the spin offs, and who knows, maybe we’ll get a happy ending epilogue... Please give me some feedback on what you’ve thought about this whole series, it would really mean a lot (loool please validate me)
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Your head whips around, weapon at the ready, assuming it was one of Bangtan who had taken out King so quickly. When you see Rikky bleeding and hunched over against the wall, you lower your gun, thankful that he was okay and here to help.
“Rikky thank fuck! Help us get Ty down from here,” Mark and you moved to help Ty, grimacing at the hooks, trying to figure out how to get him out without doing even more damage.
Rikky laughs.
It’s sinister, cold, empty. Chills run up and down your spine at the sound. He laughed. It’s a sound you’re familiar with, but something in it this time makes you feel sick. You don’t want to turn around and face him, you don’t want to have what’s left of your world crash down around you. But he’s still laughing.
Mark turns around first, eyes wide and fists clenched. When you bring yourself to look, you see the rest of Bangtan by Rikky’s side, smirking. Yoongi is directly by his side, watching as Rikky continues the dramatics, hunching over wheezing like this is the funniest thing he’s ever seen. Finally standing up straight, he stretches his arms out and clicks his back and sends you a sickening smile as he points his gun at Yoongi, shooting him and the others dead in a matter of seconds.
“Ugh they were so annoying,” he grumbles, wiping off the drops of blood that had splattered onto his chin.
“Rikky what are you doing…” you hate how small your voice is, but everything is happening so fast you’re worried that one wrong word would bring it all down.
“Aw my sweet baby Y/N,” he takes a step forward and Mark pulls you back, “this little game has been SO much fun, but you see, I am getting rather bored.” He takes another step closer to the two of you, swinging his gun back and forth haphazardly. Mark aims his own gun, not caring that it’s Rikky, only that you’re safe.
“Uh uh uh Markie boy,” Rikky just laughs at his attempts, you really have no idea what he’s capable of and he finds it adorable. “Put the gun down before I blow her brains out okay?”
“What is this!?” Mark shouts, lowering his weapon but keeping a solid grip in case Rikky tries anything else.
“This? This is the big finale! Playing the good guy was getting SO tedious, it was time we wrapped it up don’t you think?” You can’t even look at him. This isn’t happening. This isn’t real. It’s just a nightmare and you need to wake up. He laughs again. “Let me tell you, it was fun while it lasted. I mean, you guys had no idea! So cute! And then you thought it was King and hell if I wasn’t going to roll with that idea!”
“Why are you doing this?! We’re supposed to be family!” Mark yells, anger growing as the pieces start to come together in his mind.
“Family!” He scoffs, “We were never a family Mark! Just lost children King collected to make himself feel better for all the shit he did! Family, please...grow up. King was a terrible father and a terrible leader; do you know how hard it was to live with him for this long? Following his rule, all while knowing I would do it so much better!”
“So what? You did all of this so you could take over from King? You killed all those people for some sort of power trip!?”
“Ughh Mark don’t you pay any attention? I was booored! King played too nice, it was driving me crazy. But that’s over now.” Rikky stopped about two feet in front of you, demeanour suddenly turning serious as he stared you both down. “I’m in charge now.”
“C’mon I know you hate me and everything Y/N but you could at least look at me,” he whines. This whole time you’ve kept your eyes focused on the ground, scared of what you’ll see when you look at him.
“I could never hate you Rikky,” you whisper out, and it’s the truth. For years Rikky has been your brother, he may not have believed in the family, but you did. Even now you loved him.
“Aww really!” He clutched his chest dramatically and pouted when you finally raised your eyes to his, “I killed Johnny Y/N.”
“Okay, maybe I do hate you,” and just like that the love is gone.
“There we go! Listen guys, there’s so much more to this than your tiny little minds could ever understand. King , King I’ve wanted to kill for . A . While . So this was really cathartic for me , thank you for that.” Rikky shoots finger guns at King’s dead body, walking around both you and Mark so he could kick at his legs a few times, making sure he was really dead. “But Johnny…. he was my favourite. Johnny was never apart of the plan, but he just got too close. He always had to know everything, he couldn’t just….Stop.” He looks at you and watches as the tears start dripping down your cheeks, loving the way you keep a scowl on your face despite of it. He always did love riling you up. “Yeah I couldn’t kill Johnny….I did make Namjoon do it though.”
You want to kill him. You want to claw out his eyeballs and cut out his tongue. You want to beat him so hard that he becomes nothing but a pile of bloody mush on the cold ground. This isn’t happening. This isn’t real. The thought replays over and over in your mind. Mark still standing protectively in front of you, but having to hold himself back just the same. This entire time it was him. While you would sit and cry and scream about everything that was going wrong; all the clues that led back to King; fighting for every piece of your heart - it was all Rikky. He sat there; encouraging you all to turn against King, making you believe that he had betrayed you, betrayed Johnny.
King. King was innocent. King had tried to protect you, tried to get you to leave, and you had spat in his face and told him he didn’t care. And now he was dead. A minute ago he was standing right in front of you, looking so scared, and now he was dead.
You can’t keep it in any longer, standing here listening to Rikky laugh and joke about everything he’s done like it’s all been some big game and he’s the winner. Without thinking about it, you launch yourself at him. Baring your teeth and trying to grab whatever you could so you could throw him to the ground. But again, Rikky just laughs at your predictable reaction; swinging back his own fist and punching you in the jaw.
You’re knocked down and the taste of blood fills your mouth, but you won’t give up. Mark’s not far behind you, charging at Rikky and managing to get one good punch in before he’s shot in the shoulder. Rikky laughs maniacally at you both. It’s truly funny to him. Out of all the ways he’d envisioned his charade coming to an end - this was by far the most entertaining. He’d never shown his true strength, never let on what he was actually capable of. Playing the small, weak, funny guy for so long was such a waste of his talents.
“No!” you scream, seeing blood soak through Mark’s shirt and a pale look wash over his face. You can’t lose him. Rikky has taken every single person you love away from you, he doesn’t get to take Mark too. You try to attack him again but Rikky throws you back on the ground with ease.
You feel him move to straddle your waist, his hands grip around your throats, squeezing tightly. He laughs again.
“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to do this,” he snarled, tightening his grips even more and ignoring the way you desperately try and pull his hands away from you. “Give up Y/N, I won. There is nothing you can do.”
Your vision starts to blur as it becomes harder and harder to keep fighting back. Your legs stop kicking, you stop clawing at his hands. He was right.
Just before you give in completely and let Rikky take you too, there’s another gunshot and suddenly Rikky is lying over the top of you. Holding no grip against your neck as he pins you down with the dead weight of his body. You choke out, desperate for air, somehow managing to find the strength to roll his body off you, revealing the red stain that covered your chest.
And then there’s Mark. He lifts you up into his arms and holds your body close, hand cupping the back of your head and burying you in his chest. “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s over now,” He whispers and you feel yourself finally break. You mould yourself into his chest and sob, letting him stroke your hair and squeeze you tightly as he tried to calm himself down too.
“Y/N we need to get Ty and go, c’mon baby let’s go.”
Mark holds Ty’s lifeless body up while you try to pull the fish hooks from his skin. He screams in pain and it breaks your heart, but at least he’s alive.
“I’m sorry Ty, I’m sorry, just one more,” Mark has the whole of Ty’s weight leaning against him as you try and get him down. You can’t believe that Rikky could have done this to him. At this point you don’t think you’ll ever stop crying.
“We gotta go,” Ty whimpers as you and Mark help him get out of the warehouse and safely in the van.
“We are Ty, we’re going, we got you,” you say, trying not to let the fear and pain slip into your voice, knowing he’s feeling so much more and needs your help.
“No. We need to leave the city.”
“You need a hospital Ty, we can’t… we can’t fix this ourselves,” Mark tries to reason but you all know he’s right. N.City was free territory now. King was gone, no one was at the top anymore and who knows what kind of mess Rikky had left behind. It would be an all out war, with everyone coming for you. As the last members of King’s crew you would all be the number one targets of anyone and everyone that wanted a shot at the top of the food chain. Not to mention now that Bangtan were dead, their allies would surely be looking for retribution. N.City was about to become a warzone, with the three of you dead in the centre of it all. It was best to leave now before everything blows up.
“He’s right,” You all pile into the Van, Mark in the driver’s seat and you behind, sitting with Ty, “we need to leave. Right now.” Knowing that you two were right, and not even wanting to think about what could happen if you stay, Mark shifts the car into drive; leaving N.City and everything here, behind you.
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rqs902 · 5 years
qcyn ep 11 -- can you believe the finale is tomorrow?!?
this whole texting section was so funnyyyy and i will honorably mention yet again that yao chi texting mc jin in english is so sweet
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li ronghao torturing xu longhan iS HIALRIOSUS 
 but i also pity the poor child LOOL
wait can we talk about chen tao’s spelling timao LOL
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and chen sijian’s face LOLLL
omg yao mingming’s message is so aww... he mentions liking yixing since he debuted in 2012.......
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omgggg fjj and wang yi theyre all so cute and screamy and i loveee 
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oh gosh the8 is really showing us how hard seventeen works to get their choreo super in sync wow they really must work so hard.... wow minghao giving up the center position bc he knows how important this is to these kids... he deserves more recognition as a great mentor wow
oh my goodness.......... li zhenning’s voice shaking as he says to shi mingze “if you can get into top 20, then you’ll have hope” is.... the most heartbreaking......... knowing that shi mingze doesnt.......... they literally were smiling as they went off into this corner to talk and are crying by the time they come out..... can you just imagine how much sadness and stress is constantly looming over these kids’ heads and tearing down at their mental health?? its all hidden and suppressed, but with really fragile borders, so as soon as you pick at the walls, their raw emotions come bursting through... 
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this just reminds me that even tho shi mingze is their cool, handsome leader, hes still the youngest in bg project............
can we please talk about how considerate of a friend li zhenning is and has been?? 
and this all took place before zhenning ever ranked into top 9.... so to them, this opportunity wouldve been really important for zhenning too, bc maybe he wouldve really needed it to get into top 9. but at least we know now.... he has enough popularity that they made the correct choice and hopefully more people will notice shi mingze as a result
ZHAN YU’S ARMSSSSSSSSS bo yuan’s hair!! i really like it!!!! wen yechen in pink!!!!!! his voice is so addicting i just wanna hear more of it... it dont matter that zhenning isnt center, he still shines :)) wait wu zelin’s voice i really liked it in retreat and we get even more vocal-like wu zelin here! thats a realy nice purple on qunfeng, hes really rocking this look SHI MINGZE I SAW THAT WINK frick minghao’s dancing is just so satisfying to watch wowow
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man he looks so good
wow i live for random zhan yu reactions (imma just collect them here LOL)
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after journey and mc jin’s friendship is so cute hahahaha
ok i see why elle thinks chen tao is a visual
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wang zhe and wu chengze have both really improved in their stage presence throughout the course of this show aw deng chaoyuan looks the happiest we’ve ever seen him on stage haha zhou shiyuan’s voice is really so cool 
i guess we’ll never find out why gu landi is in mc jin’s group..... is it bc yao chi is here? im sorry i love this song and i love a lot of the kids in this group but can you just imagine how much better this stage would’ve been if it were with more kids who had experience rapping....? last year’s “zero” stage just made such a bigger impression on me...... this is actually really such a contrast im---
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chen sijian is really the best at writing raps about his bros wow and like also he has the most creative lyrics i really appreciate wow such talent hes amazing!!!
a lost baby..
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the face of a legend 
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ever since i saw the “time” ballad version, ive had a sneaking suspicion that lin yuzhi is secretly one of the strongest vocalists on this show..... this is the face of talent
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idk whose outfit is distracting me more, xu bingchao or xixi’s LOL shao haofan looks so nice here wow and ding feijun is so adorable even tho this is a more mature concept but i still cant see him as anything but a cute child
maybe its the way they cut up the lines but idk this song didnt really show off their vocal abilities that well..... sorry xixi :( i think xixi’s voice deserved better time to shine on this show...... his and feng junjie’s voices are actually both so nice i was so impressed when i saw them singing in the oaca clips
this koala ad makes me very uncomfortable......
wenhan reaches into the box and pulls out..... costco brand blueberries??!?!?/1 hHhahahhahHAHAHHA 
lol yao chi being so sentimental... oh look at this photo of me with bubbles on my face (me: oh no here it come--) OH YEA ALSO CHECK OUT THIS FACE WASH!
wow kou cong!! a face i havent seen in a while aw! i cant believe they filmed all the yaa eps while they all still had colorful hair lol i guess ill never get to see lin mo on yaa /sigh/ or actually any of the tyger members cept jia yi.........
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his was the most heartwarming call.... no bias LOL
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feng junjie singing “the great artist” just---
this boy will never stop with the meme faces hHAHAHA
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im surprised this section was so short lol i was expecting them to spend more time on this group...
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jolin’s eyes are so wow 
feng junjie with the voice!!!!!!1 
still kinda wish jia yi had more opportunity to sing on this show......... hes like second main vocalist to zhan yu in tyger but i feel like he hasnt gotten to show his voice much :( he did really well tho!!! he really has impressive stage presence
omg lin mo’s super shy “1 day” ahhhhh 
omg wang jiayi looks like hes about to cry... the poor child....
yixing reaching out to apologize to them.... hes really so caring towards them...... wang jiayi just needs more confidence!! i believe in him too
where did lin mo get this white cap from? lol he chose the pink one..... on a related note, im so happy lin mo got to be in yixing’s group, bc from the beginning with namanana hes really really tried so hard to earn yixing’s recognition, im sure it means a lot to him to be able to learn from him like this and share a stage with him 
yao mingming too, i feel like he really values yixing’s recognition as well
i think all the kids in this group had to have known that picking yixing’s group would be the most tiring and require the most effort, but i think choosing this group regardless just really shows they came here to learn 
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omg like yixing is really /teaching/ them and i appreciate that
lin mo and xu fangzhou’s voices!!!!!!
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what is this awkward closeup
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why does fangzhou have wings lol
i feel like theres a lot of random awkward closeups of lin mo.... should i be happy about this??? LOL i dont think theyre all very flattering but at the same time at least hes got closeups....???? ? ??  
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you know how ive talked about how i love how much detail lin mo puts into his dancing, including even his slight head tilts? LOOK ANOTHER HEAD TILT 
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ooof lin mo getting to sing the chorus with yixing im !!!!!! im sure hes so grateful for this opportunity wow also i think i mentioned this with namanana but i really think lin mo suits yixing’s dance style, like its a style that hes pulls off really well, so i think he got to shine a bit in this performance :’)
ok i havent said this yet but what is with that thick black fade at the top of the screen its so annoying??? like why you gotta cover the top of their heads??? 
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wow we’re really getting a lot of random lin mo shots hahahha is this iqiyi repenting their wrongs from ‘spirit of the knight’ i almost am surprised how yao mingming isnt getting the most screentime but then i remember iqiyi has never favored yao mingming........ /sigh
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just look at how perfectly tilted / well-positioned lin mo’s head is wow and that gaze wow i just love his stage presence
yea im gonna have to rewatch this perf to gif the lin mo moments.... maybe after the finale tomorrow when ill be like oop lin mo didnt make it in oh well let me just wallow in his talent that the audience slept on by drowning myself in lin mo content (its not like i do that every day already)
LOL THAT CAMERA SPIN WAS SUCH A FAIL YOU CANT SEE ANYONE CEPT WENXUAN ADJUSTING HIS MIC HAHAHHAHA ok on a side note tho im glad wenxuan got to be in this group too!! yuehua’s dancer getting to show us his dancing again :’) and we all know he was discouraged being reshuffled into “maze” and i just wanna say wenxuan deserves more credit for being able to really go out of his comfort zone and pull off the cute concept in “maze” well even tho he didnt want to accept it at first! 
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hey yall is it just me or did you see lin mo’s eyes in that really fast flashy bit at the end of the preview for the finale? HAHHAHAHA i couldnt even screenshot it bc it was so fast, but i swear i saw his eyes so i think he was in it LOOOL
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oo i havent mentioned this before but i really like the sound of chen sijians voice, even when speaking... 
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aw honestly i wonder if lian huaiwei will really not make it tomorrow.....  
omg sun zelin in the ending credits!!!!
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OOF LOOK AT ZHAN YU’S JAWLINE (ooops sorry yechen ahhahhhaa)
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they must really like this part of the choreo?? 
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lol is this lin mo’s back
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tbh im surprised they didnt include lin mo in the ending credits but i think they were trying to make up for the loss of yao mingming time earlier LOOL 
ok well i have about 10 hrs until i gotta wake up to watch the finale so.... now to go watch fjj and hcx’s goodnight dachang HAHAH
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Season 8 Episode 6: Southern Comfort
- URGH! People underneath cars always make me nervous in SPN. And that right there is why! Woman just... somehow kicked the supports holding the car up and it crashed right on top of the guy! I’m pretty sure that’s not usually something a person can do... and now she’s running him over... Riiiiiight....
- Well Dean. You really don’t see how much of a hypocrite you’re being. And I’m sorry, but stop holding it over Sam’s head that he decided to stop hunting for a year! Over the past seasons, Sam lost Dean to Hell, then got addicted to demon blood, then had to dodge Lucifer’s disgusting little grabby hands, then had to regain control of his body from Lucifer, then spent OVER A YEAR (so about 120-180 years) locked in a cage with Lucifer and Michael, then spent the next few months with a wall in his head while memories of the cage pounded in his skull, THEN spent almost a year dealing with hallucinations of Hell and Lucifer and having to inflict himself pain to banish the hallucinations, then nearly died from lack of sleep because Lucifer wouldn’t shut the fuck up, and then he literally lost everyone who he ever loved and was totally, 100% alone for the first time in his life. SO YES! THE BOY FUCKING NEEDED A YEAR OFF!!! I’M SORRY YOU WERE STUCK IN PURGATORY, DEAN! IT SUCKS ALL SORTS OF ASS! BUT FOR FUCK’S SAKE YOU WOULDN’T HAVE DONE MUCH BETTER IN SAM’S SHOES! Because the last time HE died, you fucking MADE A DEAL WITH A DEMON! And you still had Bobby with you when that happened!
- “Because Sam, Kevin’s in the wind, okay? You’re sulking around like a eunuch in a whorehouse, and I can’t help but ask myself when is decapitation not my thing?” That’s nice, Dean.
- OMG GARTH! STOP! PLEASE STOP! HAHAHAH!!! “Texas Ranger, Garth? Seriously? We’re in Missouri.” LOL! Sam: “Hold up. Are you the new Bobby?” Dean: *to Sam* “You shut your mouth.” Garth: “Yes.” Dean: *to Garth* You shut your mouth.
- EW GARTH!!! YOU JUST PUT THE GREEN GUNK IN YOUR MOUTH! AND LICKED IT! Just to check if it was ectoplasm. That’s so gross. OMG Garth nearly losing it at the hospital when the widow says “Bits and pieces.” 
- Oh Dean, always with the food. So, Dean neatly avoiding the subject of how he got out of Purgatory, which Sam is highly interested in hearing. And Garth was a dentist? And his first gank was the tooth fairy?? Is the tooth fairy a bad monster? I mean, are there good monsters in SPN? And Garth changing the subject to the food. And thank you for the informative discussion about the Civil War. Because that’s not giant foreshadowing. 
- HAHAHAHA!!! “So , first the mom goes “natural born killer,” and now the son? Well, what do we got-- a ghost with an oedipus complex?” *Sam looks at Dean with raised eyebrows* “I don’t know what that means.” LOL! No, you clearly don’t Dean, seeing as you used that term incorrectly.
- AWH DEAN!!! “That’s not how you wear it.” (about bobby’s hat). He said the same thing when Garth said “Balls.”
- Awh, poor Amelia. She lost her hubby in Afghanistan :( I find it amazing that Dean has no desire or curiosity about her. 
- Dean... Ok, Garth has to stop using all of Bobby’s mannerisms cause he’s not Bobby. And man, Dean could really use Bobby right about now to knock him upside the head. There it is! Garth finally crossed that line. “You’re not Bobby, okay? You’re never gonna be Bobby, so stop!” Awh, Garth, yah, Bobby was deeply ingrained in the hunting community, but he was practically a father to Sam and Dean, and that’s just a different bond. 
- Of course Garth would take part of Civil War re-enactments. That’s... very fitting for his character. LOOOL!!!! SAM!!!! “Burn a confederate soldier’s bones in a town full of rednecks? Suuuure!!!” 
- Why are you going to say something? Give the ghost time to show up to fuck you up? OMG DEAN! “We won.” Well, except that there’s like 17 minutes left to the episode so clearly this wasn’t it.
- Oh shit! Is it the car keys or the inhaler that’s carrying the ghost? 
- OMG!!! I wonder how many takes they had to do for “Tell me what happened after you shot the sheriff.” Awh, man. Another deputy is going to the hospital! NOT GOOD! OH SHIT! Dean’s got the penny now!!! Well, Sam and Dean are about to have it out. That’s what that cut string was that Sam found on the floor.
- There we go. “You should have looked for me when I was in Purgatory.” “Come on, Dean. I know it’s not you in there pulling the strings.” “Shut up! You never even wanted this life. Always blamed me for pulling you back into it.” “That’s not true.” “Really? Cause everything you’ve ever done since you climbed into my ride has been to deceive me.” “What do you want me to say? That I’ve made mistakes? I’ve made mistakes, Dean.” “Mistakes? Well, let’s go through some of Sammy’s greatest hits. Drinking demon blood, check. Being in cahoots with Ruby. Not telling me that you lost your soul. Or how about running around with Samuel for a whole year, letting me think that you were dead while you were doing all kinds of crazy. Those aren’t mistakes, Sam. Those are choices!” “All right. You said it. We’ve both played a little fast and loose. Yeah, I might have lied, but I never once betrayed you. I never once left you to die. And for what, a girl? You left me to die for a girl?!” (hum, you did leave him for dead, while he was in the cage. convenient you forget that. also, how was he supposed to let you know he didn’t have a soul when, you know, he didn’t have a soul).
Ooooo~!!! “Benny’s been more of a brother to me this past year than you’ve ever been!” Sam’s face when Dean says that!  
- Garth is a pure soul with no beef to pick with anyone. Look at that cinnamon roll picking up that penny with no problemo. And he said the line correctly, with the anger and everything. “Stop being an idjit! With Bobby gone, you and Sam are all each other has.” AND HE SAID BALLS RIGHT, TOO! Except that no one can replace Bobby :( :(
Awh, Sam and Amelia got actually close because they started to talk about Dean and Don. And YAH SAM!!! Finally put a stop to Dean being high and mighty and just constantly putting him down. And hello foreshadowing! “I might just be that hunter that ices Benny.” “I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” “Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.” I’m guessing Dean is going to have to pick between Sam and Benny, or something. 
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sonatanotwo · 7 years
An error has occurred. Please stand by while Virgil-mun reboots.
........WELL SHIT.
I mean. I think the more I let this soak in... I’m kinda okay with it??? In a I LOVED MY HEADCANONS SO MUCH BUT. Like. I could go either way in TOS. But it DID kinda feel like things were pointed differently in TAG??? X__x
So many headcanons...  and fic plans…  and so much artwork...
Rest in pieces. 
lol I just. Oh man.
No single episode has ever thrown our world quite so upside down, much less ONE WORD. XD
BUT LIKE. I’ve been thinking as it’s been soaking in... standing back with a bit more objectivity...
I think the writing was KINDA on the wall? ^.^a
The way Scott and Virgil interact certainly pointed this way? Like. Bro pointed out Slingshot. John came down... and Scott and Virgil are both reassuring him. He’s very insecure there and Scott and Virgil very much take the role of two big bros. And there really is... just a vibe between them when they tease and jib each other and talk on missions. It’s hard to quite explain but. Yeah. And then just... Recharge. Recharge. All of it. I’m sure there’s other things, I’m just pulling these off top of my head. lol but yeah. We really can't say signs haven't been there, ya know? XD
And another thing that is easy to forget... many of the TAG! creative team were fans of the original. I think a lot of many casual fans (in that they didn’t have all the annuals and what not XD) I think did generally assume Virgil was second. Heck, if I’d only rewatched TOS and then TAG! without falling into wikis and fan fic, I’d probably have assumed Virgil was second too. lol :) And also... like.. 40? ish? years publications and stuff did put Virg 2nd. A lot of fans would have seen that long before Carlton and Bentley’s book changed everything in 2000 on. So. The possibility was always very strongly there this is how they’d go.
BUT. On the other hand, to be fair, there have certainly been mixed signals. The way Virgil and Gordon interact very much does feel like it was Virgil->Gordon. And in Breakdown a lot of the way Virgil and John bounced off each other did have a vibe to it...  especially asking about ‘the big book of rescues’. Virgil being more experienced, you’d think he’d know before John. And just. In animation TALL to SMALL tends to reflect ages. XDDD Animation likes to be really that ridiculously obvious, because they think the visual cues are things kids need. lol
So it was entirely fair we went down this path. It was a nice path and things fit together well. I adored my headcanons. ;A;  ...But. Perhaps we overlooked the more obvious a bit?? =Oa lol XD
This is going to take awhile to process and rework headcanons, gosh. XD Like. Trying to parse and it’s just...my brain... so bluescreened. XD Where to START. lolol I’ve been rping Virg over 2 years now? XD lol I mean, I could totally choose to ignore this, but... I always try to adhere to canon. I've always known there could be a risk John or Virgil would one day say something like this. XD I DID know. SO... I can’t really say I’m actually surprised.
AT LEAST, I THINK this should lock everyone in order wise? Cause oh gosh, rewatching one of the interviews with David and Rasmus, David specifically says “both Alan and Gordon--even though they’re the youngest and sort of the jokers of the pack” and then Ras does vague mention ‘the two oldest’ (which I realize I do recall sorta wondering...Oldest? Scott and WHO?) then moment later does speak about Scott (having the weight of the world) and… Virgil being normally relaxed (and David speaks up all, but he’s the emotional caretaker.) ..Scott and Virgil. Oh gosh, it seems so obvious now. HAHA OOPS. XD 
How about the other 21:28 of the episode.... XDDD (I really thought this entire post would be just entirely OMG, GRANDMA AND VIRG SO ADORBS. LOLOLOLOL)
BUT YEAH. SO. ....STILL, OMG, GRANDMA AND VIRG SO ADORBS!!!1!!! Gosh, Virgil loves his Grandma, especially to take her shopping, I guess. XDDD He’s so patient with her. XD
DICE. lolol They didn’t seem very Virg to me, but then Bro found info that apparently pilots would hang dice for good luck? especially showing the number 7? One point I think 5 and 2 are upwards. And like when Grandma baps them, they show 4 2 and 1 XDDD I GUESS HE NEEDED LUCK FOR GRANDMA SHOPPING. XDDDD Must not be too attached to em’ since gave em’ away though.
SCOTT is the one who is especially all about his hair. HAHAHAHA XDDD (Also Grandma called him SCOTTY :D)
Virgil just. GOSH. So worried about her. Like. I said it about that clip. No he’s SO not talking to Grandma to take care of TB2, it’s to TB2 to take care of his Grandma. He’s really not so worried about TB2, it’s entirely Grandma he’s worried about in this episode. Totes. :|b
GRANDMA FLEW AROUND THE WORLD. She was like. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. A;sdjoasia Met her husband and had a son. (...one son? ...oops. WELL. So much for that bit of sorta TOS semi-Canon XD That’s the extra materials for ya. lol Although... Designated Drive Parker said your father and his brothers? Though coulda been a throw-away for the joke? Hum. XD ) They liked exploring too?! (I guess that’d explain the compass…)  This doesn’t entirely nix out the Kansas setting I think, but gosh. HRM.
Grandma... has a name.
Grandma has a name, guys. (...WELL, yes, obviously she did, but wow didn’t expect to actually get TOLD it.)
And it's not Ruth. (...WELL, obviously it was never gonna be cause that was %100 fanfiction created fanon, but.)
I just. a;sidj a;sidja ;aosjida
Sally Tracy :D
Gosh what else. Lololol Grandma’s shopping list is a hoot. Even Virgil looks so like oh god this list what, when he’s reading it at the end. I also sense many creative team injokes on it. XD Oh guess know it is a snooker table now. (...why… do they need new cues? XDa Maybe a show injoke? Maybe those tiny ones break a lot? HRM XD) Lemon squeezer loooool.
I like even though cooking did come up, it was like… not oh god cooking jokes.
I just. GOSH.
There is so much to think about. I’m still kinda stuck on 00:32  muchless the rest. XD
ANYHOO.  I think I’m going to make another post to ramble in about headcanons. Got so much to now try and sort out in my brain. Cause as much as it doesn’t change everything it does still change things.
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When did you last see someone you know in public? Yesterday.
Do you enjoy going to the dentist? Doesn’t bother me.
When did you last eat something you didn’t like? Ooo, I actually can’t remember.
Do you think you’d survive if zombies took over the world? I very much doubt it, but I’d give it a damn good try.
When did you last hang out with a bunch of friends at one time? A bunch? Ugh, ages ago.
What kind of music is your least favorite? Opera.
Are you and your best friend complete opposites? No, we are scarily alike.
Would people around you say you’re regularly a mean person? No. I hope not, anyway.
Do you like the color yellow at all? Yes.
If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? Murder or romance.
How many times have you logged in to Bzoink? (it has a counter) Never.
Are you currently pretending to be someone’s friend? No, I haven’t got time for that.
Are you an impatient person? Completely.
Are you afraid to watch movies that have sex scenes with your friends? Hahaha, no.
Who sings the last song you listened to? Paloma Faith.
Why do you think some actors dont want to see their movies/shows? Idek, maybe they are fed up from the filming lol.
Do you think fortune tellers are the devil’s messengers (haha)? I’ve never been to see a fortune teller, so i have no opinion.
Would you rather use napkins or paper towels? Napkins if I’m eating.
Do you go to the pool in the summer time very often? Not as much as I should.
Have you ever had a serious issue involving your eyes? Only that I have to wear glasses for everything and everyday.
Have you ever watched South Park? Who’s your favorite character? Yeee. Gotta be Randy.
Do you have sensitive teeth? Yep. Especially my bottom ones, to cold.
Do you enjoy or hate snow days? Why is this your choice? Eh. If I am not intending on leaving my house, then I honestly don’t mind. But, if I do need to go to work, or shopping etc, I hate it because roads are terrible, walking is terrible and I don’t do cold very well.
Do you turn pale when you get sick? Yes. Doesn’t everyone?
Does it bother you to get shots in the mouth? Does it hurt? I personally don’t. I hate being numb, I feel like I’m drooling all over.
When did you last talk seriously with one of your parents? Today.
What is the day of the week currently? Monday.
Is anything exciting coming up in the next three months? I am going to Mexico in April for my brothers wedding!
Do you ever borrow money from someone? Not very often.
Do you know anyone who tells every single thing you say? Nope.
When did you last kiss someone on the cheek? Who was it? I think it was probably my Grandad.
Why do you think people like Lady Gaga so much? She’s a very talented woman.
Do you have a lot of enemies, or not so much? I wouldn’t say enemies, but there’s a lot of people I don’t want to associate with.
Can you count backwards from 100 without a mistake? Probably, yes.
Do you have any friends you’ve had since birth? Since birth? Loool, erm nope.
Do you care if your friends talk badly about you? Behind my back yes, to me, no.
Would you rather drink out of a straw or just the cup alone? I’m not fussed really. If I get given a straw, I’ll use it, but I wouldn’t purposefully go out and buy straws.
Does anyone ever say they miss you often? Yea.
Would you rather become a wizard or a vampire, if you had the choice? Wizard.
Is there anyone out there who has made you feel miserable? Yes, of course.
Do you have a problem answering personal questions? Nope. Life’s too short to care.
What color is the vacuum-cleaner in your house? Black and purple.
Have you already moved out of your parents’ house? Nope.
Are your parents divorced, married or seperated? Married.
Have you ever thought you might just have obsessive compulsive disorder? A few times.
Do you think it’s rude to text someone else while on a date? Uh, depends. 
What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen? Jeez. There’s far tooo many to list. But I’ll name a few off the top of my head: - The Inbetweeners Movies. -Fist Fight. -Ted & Ted 2. -Let’s Be Cops.
What are your views on our current president? I don’t mind.
Has one of your websites ever quit operating or shut down? Were you sad? MSN. Those were the days.
Is it awkward to see your best friend’s parents out in public? Absolutely not.
Who is the person you talk to the most in your house? My mam.
Is there a television show out there that you never miss? I love my TV shows! I never miss any ep’s of the ones I start to watch.
What movie have you seen too many times to be healthy? Save The Last Dance.
What are the last two digits of your phone number? 320.
Does it creep you out to see people with mullets? Nope.
What is your biggest responsibility in your household? I don’t have any really, I guess keeping it tidy?
How cold did it get where you live, last winter? Very cold for my liking.
Do you ever wish you could go back in time to redo something? 100%
Ever accidentely pull out a filling from your tooth? Nop.
Do you ever wonder what your exes are doing? Honestly? I couldn’t care less.
Have you ever been caught in a huge lie with your parents? Far too many times when I was a teenager. Now though, I have funny stories to tell at friend and family gatherings lol.
Do you ever listen to the radio anymore? Yea.
Does it bother you to have personal conversations with people? No.
Ever ride in a limo? When did you last do so? Only once. It was my 13th birthday so uh, 11 years ago?
Do any of your body parts hurt at this moment in time? My back, kinda.
Are you sober at the time being? Yes.
Do any of your friends constantly do things to annoy you? Nope.
When did you last eat a Starburst? What color was it? Ages ago, it was either green or orange bc they are life.
Have you ever lied to someone & said they could sing when they couldn’t? No...
Do you ever call backstabbers out on what they do? If I’ve had enough of their bullshit then yes.
How many people in the world do you trust? Honestly, 1 friend and 3 family members.
0 notes
alien-earz · 8 years
about me
Fancy knowing anything about me?
1: Full name Kirstie Taylor King Turcotte
2: Age: 20
3: 3 Fears: deep water, creepy crawly bugs, pizza place doesnt deliver
4: 3 things I love: music, art, laughing
5: 4 turns on: if you funny, gentle, and can have deep conversations
6: 4 turns off: big ego, doesn’t show he cares, ugly shoes
7: My best friend: nobody wants to be close to me long enough
8: Sexual orientation: str8 
9: My best first date: ohhh maaannnn.... somewhere in a waterfall in a foreign country
10: How tall am I: 5′3
11: What do I miss: not having to adult
12: What time were I born: 7:30 am!
13: Favourite color: dreamy purples and green and blue and anything lovely
14: Do I have a crush: yeessssss!
15: Favourite quote: let it go, let it leave, let it happen. nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you anyway. all you own is yourself.
16: Favourite place: new zealand or anywhere with a beautiful sunset
17: Favourite food: all da food! but mostly hummus 
18: Do I use sarcasm: ....noooo :3
19: What am I listening to right now: bedroom-nostalgic feeling!
20: First thing I notice in new person: the beautiful smiles
21: Shoe size: 7 
22: Eye color: bluuuueee
23: Hair color: dirty blonde
24: Favourite style of clothing: dirty mop grungy just crawled out of a trashcan unique
25: Ever done a prank call?: pretty sure i wasted my adolescence prank calling people
27: Meaning behind my URL: i like to get high
28: Favourite movie: oh maaann! idek. the grinch probs. i know err word. 
29: Favourite song: i have a million favorite songs. but my favorite song at the moment is hodera-breathe easy because the guitar sounds so dreamy and beautiful
30: Favourite band: nevershoutnever is my guilty pleasure
31: How I feel right now: weird
32: Someone I love: everyone who ever made me feel loved
33: My current relationship status: d8ing
34: My relationship with my parents: terrible
35: Favourite holiday: halloweeny because i love being creepy 
36: Tattoos and piercing i have: i only have my belly button pierced but i have 8 tattoos and ive had a million piercings in my life time. 
37: Tattoos and piercing i want: i want to get my septum re pierced annnnndddd i want an avocado tattoo’d on my arm 
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: because it was cool af in grade 10
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: no way, we were friends for a long time before. 
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: ermm... sometimes i guess
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: yep! 
42: When did I last hold hands?: yesterday in the car with my boyfriends mom cause i love her and she loves me and shes the best. 
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: 10 minutes at the most
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: loool no? its winter. 
45: Where am I right now?: at work :(
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: probably my self or the cab driver. cabbies always pull thru. 
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: as loud as it can fuckin go
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: no!!!! im a full time adult
49: Am I excited for anything?: summer time 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: yesssssssssss, most of my greatest friends are boys
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: mm  70% maybe. 
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: yesterday when i was leaving my friends house. noice warm hugs
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: i would be confuuused. 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: no! i learned the hard way not to trust a distrusting person.
55: What is something I disliked about today?: that i had to get up at 8 and go to the bank to get money for my rent. and than pay my grumpy landlord. 
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: Robert Plant
57: What do I think about most?: im mostly in dream land 99% of the time
58: What’s my strangest talent? i can spread all my toes apart and it looks like i have munky feet. its pretty bad ass. 
59: Do I have any strange phobias? i dont think being closter phobic is strange. but FUCK that. 
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? both! i like to capture beauty and be apart of beauty. 
61: What was the last lie I told? i lied on my time sheet at work because i need the hours but i fucking hate working. 
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? talking on the phone is nice, it keeps the mystery going. 
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: of course.
64: Do I believe in magic?: yes! i believe we all have abilities we cannot access, only some people get to that point. 
65: Do I believe in luck?: sure
66: What's the weather like right now?: sunny, windy. 
67: What was the last book I've read? celestine prophecy 
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: i would be dead if i did 
69: Do I have any nicknames?: kerby/kerbz
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?: uhm my brother snapped my pinky in half. 
71: Do I spend money or save it?: both haha 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no :c
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? yes! my key chain.
74: Favourite animal? red panda
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? roasting my brain on social media 
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? love 
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? heaven must be missing an angel 
78: How can you win my heart?: be sweet and semi obsessed 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? tried my best 
80: What is my favorite word? rutabaga 
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: i dont go on tumblr enough 
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? love everyone. every leaf. every ray of light. forgive. 
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: nahhh 
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: read peoples minds 
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? how do i feel honestly. 
86: What is my current desktop picture? a red panda.. hahah 
87: Had sex? i would be pretty sad if i was 20 and still a virgin. 
88: Bought condoms? yessssssss
89: Gotten pregnant? noooo! 
90: Failed a class? ha ha ha 
91: Kissed a boy? yup
92: Kissed a girl? yupppppp 
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? heh yes 
94: Had job? unfortunately 
95: Left the house without my wallet? all the time 
96: Bullied someone on the internet? ya i was a dick in highschool 
97: Had sex in public? how public? i had sex in a park at night. and in the forest. and in a car parked on the side of the road. idk how public that is. but. 
98: Played on a sports team? soccer! 
99: Smoked weed? everyday.
100: Did drugs? yea!
101: Smoked cigarettes? ive been ciggy free for awhile 
102: Drank alcohol? if i could calculate how much vodka i have drank in my life i could probably fill an olympic pool. js. 
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? vegetarian! 
104: Been overweight? not really. 
105: Been underweight? no
106: Been to a wedding? yess
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? probably. 
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? when i was younger yeah 
109: Been outside my home country? multiple times!
110: Gotten my heart broken? i think my heart is in a constant broken stage now. 
111: Been to a professional sports game? yeah! 
112: Broken a bone? if my pinky counts than yes 
113: Cut myself? for a year i used to cut my self in highschool. 
114: Been to prom? i live in canada 
115: Been in airplane? yeaaaaaaa
116: Fly by helicopter? noooooo 
117: What concerts have I been to? too many 
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? mm no 
119: Learned another language? no! :’( 
120: Wore make up? sometimes 
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? i was 15
122: Had oral sex? duhh 
123: Dyed my hair? not for 2 years
124: Voted in a presidential election? i voted in the prime minister election in canada last year. my dude won. of couuuurse because hes sick. 
125: Rode in an ambulance? yea when my brother shattered his head 
126: Had a surgery? yup!
127: Met someone famous? no 
128: Stalked someone on a social network? haaaahaha i have issues
129: Peed outside? ya gotta do what ya gotta do 
130: Been fishing? yes! i caught the biggest fishy at my bf’s cottage this summer. he was pretty impressed. 
131: Helped with charity? i dated a christian guy in highschool and his parents would take us to the mustard seed to hangout with the less fortunate and feed them :) it was really nice.
132: Been rejected by a crush? YEAA! its the worst. 
133: Broken a mirror? no thats bad luck
134: What do I want for birthday? a big hug and an awesome concert in seattle to happen. 
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? 2 kids. they will be boys. Atlas/Onyx. maybe Eli? 
136: Was I named after anyone? my dads highschool crush. 
137: Do I like my handwriting? yeah! ive got pretty nice writing id say
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? barbies/teddy bears
139: Favourite Tv Show? one tree hill 
140: Where do I want to live when older? somewhere peaceful, surrounded by nature 
141: Play any musical instrument? ukelele! 
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? my friend put a cigarette out on the back of my leg when i was passed out drunk. that was fun. 
143: Favourite pizza toping? pineapple!!
144: Am I afraid of the dark? if i watch a scary movie or have a scary dream. 
145: Am I afraid of heights? not really but sometimes when i look down it gives me butterflies 
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? HAHA ya. my mom is smarter than i thought i guess. 
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? all the time. 
148: What I'm really bad at: expressing myself. 
149: What my greatest achievments are: moving out all on my own and paying all my bills on my own without any help. 
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: my first love told me to go kill myself and that i was spineless. 
151: What I'd do if I won in a lottery: pay my parents debt off and move them somewhere they always wanted to go. 
152: What do I like about myself: im funny i guess 
153: My closest Tumblr friend: jen 
154: Something I fantasise about: having my life be a dream pop music video 
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