#dean has so much pent up frustration and anger toward sam
Season 8 Episode 6: Southern Comfort
- URGH! People underneath cars always make me nervous in SPN. And that right there is why! Woman just... somehow kicked the supports holding the car up and it crashed right on top of the guy! I’m pretty sure that’s not usually something a person can do... and now she’s running him over... Riiiiiight....
- Well Dean. You really don’t see how much of a hypocrite you’re being. And I’m sorry, but stop holding it over Sam’s head that he decided to stop hunting for a year! Over the past seasons, Sam lost Dean to Hell, then got addicted to demon blood, then had to dodge Lucifer’s disgusting little grabby hands, then had to regain control of his body from Lucifer, then spent OVER A YEAR (so about 120-180 years) locked in a cage with Lucifer and Michael, then spent the next few months with a wall in his head while memories of the cage pounded in his skull, THEN spent almost a year dealing with hallucinations of Hell and Lucifer and having to inflict himself pain to banish the hallucinations, then nearly died from lack of sleep because Lucifer wouldn’t shut the fuck up, and then he literally lost everyone who he ever loved and was totally, 100% alone for the first time in his life. SO YES! THE BOY FUCKING NEEDED A YEAR OFF!!! I’M SORRY YOU WERE STUCK IN PURGATORY, DEAN! IT SUCKS ALL SORTS OF ASS! BUT FOR FUCK’S SAKE YOU WOULDN’T HAVE DONE MUCH BETTER IN SAM’S SHOES! Because the last time HE died, you fucking MADE A DEAL WITH A DEMON! And you still had Bobby with you when that happened!
- “Because Sam, Kevin’s in the wind, okay? You’re sulking around like a eunuch in a whorehouse, and I can’t help but ask myself when is decapitation not my thing?” That’s nice, Dean.
- OMG GARTH! STOP! PLEASE STOP! HAHAHAH!!! “Texas Ranger, Garth? Seriously? We’re in Missouri.” LOL! Sam: “Hold up. Are you the new Bobby?” Dean: *to Sam* “You shut your mouth.” Garth: “Yes.” Dean: *to Garth* You shut your mouth.
- EW GARTH!!! YOU JUST PUT THE GREEN GUNK IN YOUR MOUTH! AND LICKED IT! Just to check if it was ectoplasm. That’s so gross. OMG Garth nearly losing it at the hospital when the widow says “Bits and pieces.” 
- Oh Dean, always with the food. So, Dean neatly avoiding the subject of how he got out of Purgatory, which Sam is highly interested in hearing. And Garth was a dentist? And his first gank was the tooth fairy?? Is the tooth fairy a bad monster? I mean, are there good monsters in SPN? And Garth changing the subject to the food. And thank you for the informative discussion about the Civil War. Because that’s not giant foreshadowing. 
- HAHAHAHA!!! “So , first the mom goes “natural born killer,” and now the son? Well, what do we got-- a ghost with an oedipus complex?” *Sam looks at Dean with raised eyebrows* “I don’t know what that means.” LOL! No, you clearly don’t Dean, seeing as you used that term incorrectly.
- AWH DEAN!!! “That’s not how you wear it.” (about bobby’s hat). He said the same thing when Garth said “Balls.”
- Awh, poor Amelia. She lost her hubby in Afghanistan :( I find it amazing that Dean has no desire or curiosity about her. 
- Dean... Ok, Garth has to stop using all of Bobby’s mannerisms cause he’s not Bobby. And man, Dean could really use Bobby right about now to knock him upside the head. There it is! Garth finally crossed that line. “You’re not Bobby, okay? You’re never gonna be Bobby, so stop!” Awh, Garth, yah, Bobby was deeply ingrained in the hunting community, but he was practically a father to Sam and Dean, and that’s just a different bond. 
- Of course Garth would take part of Civil War re-enactments. That’s... very fitting for his character. LOOOL!!!! SAM!!!! “Burn a confederate soldier’s bones in a town full of rednecks? Suuuure!!!” 
- Why are you going to say something? Give the ghost time to show up to fuck you up? OMG DEAN! “We won.” Well, except that there’s like 17 minutes left to the episode so clearly this wasn’t it.
- Oh shit! Is it the car keys or the inhaler that’s carrying the ghost? 
- OMG!!! I wonder how many takes they had to do for “Tell me what happened after you shot the sheriff.” Awh, man. Another deputy is going to the hospital! NOT GOOD! OH SHIT! Dean’s got the penny now!!! Well, Sam and Dean are about to have it out. That’s what that cut string was that Sam found on the floor.
- There we go. “You should have looked for me when I was in Purgatory.” “Come on, Dean. I know it’s not you in there pulling the strings.” “Shut up! You never even wanted this life. Always blamed me for pulling you back into it.” “That’s not true.” “Really? Cause everything you’ve ever done since you climbed into my ride has been to deceive me.” “What do you want me to say? That I’ve made mistakes? I’ve made mistakes, Dean.” “Mistakes? Well, let’s go through some of Sammy’s greatest hits. Drinking demon blood, check. Being in cahoots with Ruby. Not telling me that you lost your soul. Or how about running around with Samuel for a whole year, letting me think that you were dead while you were doing all kinds of crazy. Those aren’t mistakes, Sam. Those are choices!” “All right. You said it. We’ve both played a little fast and loose. Yeah, I might have lied, but I never once betrayed you. I never once left you to die. And for what, a girl? You left me to die for a girl?!” (hum, you did leave him for dead, while he was in the cage. convenient you forget that. also, how was he supposed to let you know he didn’t have a soul when, you know, he didn’t have a soul).
Ooooo~!!! “Benny’s been more of a brother to me this past year than you’ve ever been!” Sam’s face when Dean says that!  
- Garth is a pure soul with no beef to pick with anyone. Look at that cinnamon roll picking up that penny with no problemo. And he said the line correctly, with the anger and everything. “Stop being an idjit! With Bobby gone, you and Sam are all each other has.” AND HE SAID BALLS RIGHT, TOO! Except that no one can replace Bobby :( :(
Awh, Sam and Amelia got actually close because they started to talk about Dean and Don. And YAH SAM!!! Finally put a stop to Dean being high and mighty and just constantly putting him down. And hello foreshadowing! “I might just be that hunter that ices Benny.” “I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” “Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.” I’m guessing Dean is going to have to pick between Sam and Benny, or something. 
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analyzingdestiel · 5 years
SAM’s phone rings.
SAM It's Meg.
SAM answers the phone. The scene switches between SAM and DEAN in the abandoned building and MEG in the hospital.
SAM What?
MEG What up, Bullwinkle? Just a little FYI call. Your boy's awake.
SAM What? [to DEAN] Cas is awake.
DEAN When? [SAM puts the phone on speaker and holds it out.] When?
MEG Last night about eight.
DEAN And you waited till now to call us?
MEG I've been busy with Cas. He's just a tad different than when he dozed off, 'kay?
DEAN What do you mean, different?
MEG Hey, Seacrest, guess what – not a nurse. Just playing one on TV. Want answers? Start driving.
MEG hangs up. ________________________________________________
So in this scene we see that Castiel has woken up, he'd been in a sort of catatonic state until this moment. Dean shows obvious concern, as does Sam. It shows us that Dean does still care for Castiel despite all that has happened between them. ________________________________________________
CASTIEL walks over to DEAN and points a finger at him.
CASTIEL Pull my finger.
DEAN What?
CASTIEL My finger – pull it.
DEAN does so. There is a crash, the lights go out and window and light fixture shatter. CASTIEL laughs. MEG turns on a lamp. ________________________________________________
We come to find out that Castiel is not mentally well after having taken on Sam's traumas and pain from his time spent in Hell. Castiel is behaving very differently than his usual self and is acting somewhat insanely. ________________________________________________
DEAN Okay, just hang on, Cas. Wait. Let us catch up to you for a second.
SAM So, you're saying you remember who you are, what you are.
CASTIEL Yes. Of course. Oh. Outside today, in the garden, I followed a honeybee. I saw the route of flowers. It's all right there, the whole plan. There's nothing to add.
SAM You might want to add a little Thorazine.
MEG Right? He's been like the naked guy at the rave ever since he woke up. Totally useless.
CASTIEL Will you look at her? My caretaker. All of that thorny pain. So beautiful. ________________________________________________
Castiel seems to have developed some feelings for Meg due to the fact that she stayed with him during this time. Though her reasons were not out of love for Castiel, but rather, because she wanted to use him. Castiel is not aware of this and because of her having stayed beside him, he seems to feel that she is someone he can trust.
There are reasons as to why this could be against Destiel and reasons why it wouldn't make much of a difference.
The main reason this is obviously against Destiel is because Castiel is showing these feelings toward Meg rather than Dean.
Though the reasons it doesn't make much of a difference is because, for one, Castiel is not himself and is in fact somewhat mental. The idea at this point is that he's not himself; they are making this very clear.
Though despite not being himself, he does still remember Dean. So I wonder, why does it feel that Dean is no longer #1 for Castiel (despite what could possibly just be having his brains scrambled)? One could say that he may feel that he doesn't deserve Dean because of what he had done (with the Crowley/God issue). Or perhaps he feels that he was indeed abandoned by Dean. ________________________________________________
CASTIEL If someone was going to free the Word from the vault of the earth, it would end up being you two. Oh, I love you guys.
CASTIEL pulls DEAN and SAM into a hug.
DEAN Oh. Uck. Okay. All right. Okay. ________________________________________________
I feel Castiel's "I love you guys" could almost be equivalent to a drunk friend. There is the feeling that Castiel felt similarly for both men and that Dean in particular was not being singled out. Castiel's actions are very unlike Castiel and I do certainly feel a sort of separation between he and Dean. This version of Castiel reminds me somewhat of the "The End" version and obviously won't last because this would be an entirely different character.
Dean's reaction to Castiel's hug is to be expected. Dean is not one who enjoys this sort of "chick flick" sentimentality. He often tries to avoid it in fact. Except when things get "real". Dean always has these walls up; he's acted similarly when Sam was drugged and became sentimental. This isn't proof against him loving Castiel considering he's reacted the same way with Sam who he loves more than anything; this is more related to Dean's personality. ________________________________________________
MEG We both call, who do you think Cas will come to? I'm guessing me. You heard him – thorny beauty, blah, blah. I'm the saint who stayed with him. He owes me. His words. ________________________________________________
Here we are given proof that Castiel's feelings for Meg are indeed related to the fact that she stayed by him while Dean and Sam did not. I feel that the writers are trying to tell us that Castiel is currently favoring Meg because she didn't leave him and they did. Although this is a different version of Castiel that we are working with and a part of me feels almost as if this analyzation would belong in a folder of it's own, titled "warped Castiel". He is not currently OUR Castiel. Though there are still points and assumptions we can make despite that fact which is why I feel it's still worth analyzing. ________________________________________________
DEAN No, I want you to button up your coat and help us take down Leviathans. Do you remember what you did?
CASTIEL holds up the board game “Sorry!” He shakes it once and the board and pieces appear on the table, set up ready to play. CASTIEL sets the box aside.
CASTIEL Do you want to go first? ________________________________________________
This scene was very interesting. They were putting a lot of emphasis on this game. Castiel holding it up right after Dean asking if he remembered what he did seemed deliberate. If not on Castiel's part, then on the writers' part. I can't tell whether or not we are supposed to feel that Castiel is aware of what he is doing or not.
Though the way I perceived it was that Castiel used the box to say "sorry" and then asked Dean if he "wanted to go first". I felt almost that that was his way of asking if Dean wanted to apologize to him first, considering they are playing the "sorry game". Is this relating to Dean having abandoned him? ________________________________________________
CASTIEL We live in a "sorry" universe. It's engineered to create conflict. I mean, why should I prosper from... your misfortune? [CASTIEL puts down a marker and moves DEAN’s marker back to the start.] But these are the rules. I didn't make them.
DEAN You made some of them. When you tried to become God, when you cut that hole into that wall.
CASTIEL Dean... it's your move.
DEAN pounds a fist on the table and swipes the board to the floor.
DEAN Forget the damn game! Forget the game, Cas.
CASTIEL I'm sorry, Dean.
DEAN No. You're playing "Sorry!" ________________________________________________
Despite Castiel having saved Sam by taking away his traumas, Dean still doesn't forgive him (perhaps because Dean feels it was his fault in the first place). I feel that Dean wants to attack the true Castiel, to vent his frustrations at the usual version of Castiel. I also feel that a part of Dean wants to hurt Castiel because Castiel hurt him. Dean is still very angry and we can see that he still feels betrayed. Dean is not letting this go easily at all; as he said in a previous episode, that he usually is able to let things go, but that he's unable to shake this off. It seems to be very true and I feel it's related to the fact that he had put his trust in Castiel. Perhaps Castiel for Dean was a symbol of faith, considering he was the angel that rescued him from Hell, and now that Castiel has betrayed him, he wonders "if I can't trust Castiel, who can I trust?" and feels the answer is "nobody". He may feel that Castiel destroyed all hope and faith he's ever had. Which is somewhat true, if you take what he said in some episode previous to this. "Ever since Cas, I'm having a hard time trusting anybody these days".
I sense that Dean is not only irritated because of his pent up anger and hurt over the situation. But I feel that he may also be somewhat scared over Castiel's current state and is reacting aggressively instead of fearfully. Dean has a way of taking his emotions and expressing them in more aggressive ways because it's easier to be angry than to be sad, or easier to be angry than to be afraid.
So generally I feel that Dean is unhappy with Castiel. Though the fact that he feels as much as he is feeling shows us that he does care. ________________________________________________
CASTIEL Meg, are you hurt?
MEG Shut up. ________________________________________________
Castiel is certainly showing that he cares for Meg's safety. I feel I should analyze particular scenes of Castiel with Meg, just as I analyzed some of Dean's scenes with Lisa. Considering I am determining whether or not Destiel is a believable pairing, I do feel it's important that I analyze the scenes between THEM but also the scenes where they interact with specific others so that it can be used in comparison. Although the issue in this case is that Castiel isn't himself and so I do question whether or not it should be used in comparison. I suppose later on we'll find out if it will be of use.
And as I've said before, polygamy is a thing and even if both Dean and Castiel show an interest in someone outside of each other, that doesn't make Destiel any less believable. Especially if you take "The End's" version of Castiel into consideration; partaking in orgies. Just as that version of Castiel was warped, so is this one, and perhaps a warped Castiel does not look down upon polygamy. In fact, our usual Castiel may not look down on it either, although it seems for the most part that our usual Castiel doesn't feel the need to become involved with anyone outside of Dean (and Sam).
(I put "and Sam" in paranthesis only because he is secondary for Castiel. Dean is the one who drives Castiel.)
Honestly, even when their relationship is in the state it's currently in, Destiel is still not entirely unbelievable because it is only damaged at the moment due to hurt feelings. "Feelings" being the key word, here. Both Dean and Castiel feel a great deal for one another, there is no doubting that. Their relationship at this point is playing out like two lovers who feel they've been betrayed; the usual "I trusted you" issue. If anything this sort of issue might be proof towards Destiel; I am not looking to determine whether their relationship is perfectly happy or not, but whether or not they are in love with one another.
With great love comes great pain.
Although, yes, at this point, we see that Castiel is particularly focused on Meg, like a patient who's become obsessed over his caretaker. Castiel knows Dean is upset with him and I think that he felt the separation between them just as I have, especially after Dean abandoned him. I almost feel that he has, at this point, taken what he feels for Dean and instead directed it at Meg, because she was not only there for him but also because she doesn't hate him and perhaps he feels that Dean does. It's hard to say what Castiel is capable of understanding at this point but either way he does seem to be particularly focused on Meg, where as usually his primary focus is Dean. ________________________________________________
CASTIEL They're from the Garrison – my old Garrison. Looks like Hester's taken over. We were assigned to watch the earth. Often, it was boring. The wars were very boring and the sex – you know, the repetition. Anyway, I was, uh... I was their captain. Isn't that strange? ________________________________________________
I find it interesting that Castiel has in fact witnessed sex between humans before yet he seems to be so naive about it. Perhaps he's not naive so much toward the act but just the phrases used. Or perhaps he's not used to witnessing the "kinky" sex he'd seen on that one p0rno with the pizza man considering he'd not been on Earth in 2000 years (he mentions this in 4x2). I am honestly confused myself as I've been under the impression this entire time that sex was a mystery to Castiel but instead he's been seeing it since being assigned to watch the Earth, which is quite a long time. If anything, wouldn't he be a sex expert by this point? Perhaps it's just that he hadn't felt anything related to it and actually living life in a human vessel makes it more real, thus making things more confusing.
I may also be looking too deeply into it. I can't expect the writers to be 100% consistent; there are many episodes and many writers, and some may have THIS idea while others have THAT idea. It can be overwhelming, I'm sure. Though it does make analyzing at times somewhat difficult. At this point I am simply assuming that watching sex for Castiel was very different outside of a vessel, during a time before he had began to "feel" and so this is where his confusion comes from. ________________________________________________
DEAN Oh, I don't know, man. What can I say? You've been chosen. And it sucks. Believe me. There's no use asking "why me?" 'Cause the angels – they don't care. I think maybe they just don't have the equipment to care. Seems like when they try, it just... breaks them apart. ________________________________________________
Dean seems to be speaking about Castiel here. What he's really saying is: "Castiel doesn't care. I think maybe he just doesn't have the equipment to care. Seems like when he tried, it just... broke him apart."
I find it interesting that Dean says this. He feels that Castiel trying to care is what broke him apart. Though that's not what broke Castiel apart; taking Sam's pain did. Although Dean may be referring to a time sooner. He may be referring to Castiel's working with Crowley and the issue with Purgatory. Maybe he considers these bad decisions to be Castiel "breaking". Maybe Dean realizes that Castiel did this for him (as Castiel stated in 6x21). Maybe Dean feels he is partly to blame for it because he's the one who got Castiel feeling in the first place. Perhaps that's why he's unable to shake this one off, because he doesn't only blame Castiel, but blames himself (and Dean never forgives himself).
Or perhaps I'm looking too deeply into it and this is just Dean hurt and feeling that what he expected from Castiel was too much. Maybe disappointed that he thought Castiel was capable of more. He may feel that he never should have expected anything from an angel and is beating himself up over having put his trust and faith in Castiel. For having had any feelings for Castiel.
Though Dean is wrong about Castiel, and what Castiel did was in fact very human (making a mistake in an attempt to help the one you love), I am not here to judge Dean based on his opinions but rather to analyze what he feels. ________________________________________________
DEAN Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back off. We're actually trying to clean up one of your angel's messes! You know that.
CASTIEL He's right. An angel brought the Leviathan back into this world, and – and they begged him. They begged him not to do it.
DEAN Look, just give us some time, okay? We will take care of your Prophet.
HESTER Why should we give you anything... After everything you have taken from us? The very touch of you corrupts. When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost! For that, you're going to pay. ________________________________________________
There is something very romantic about the way Hester stated this. "When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost!" She basically is saying that Dean is the reason that Castiel fell and the reason that Castiel rebelled. The reason that he is going against them now, and that is not saying anything small. Castiel has admitted to this as well but her saying it, as well, reminds us of just how they perceive it. They realize that it was DEAN that created the change in Castiel. It truly is profound.
This also backs up my theory that Dean may in fact blame not only Castiel but himself for what Castiel has done because he's the reason that Castiel ever does anything. ________________________________________________
Here. “Leviathan cannot be slain but by a bone of a righteous mortal washed in the three bloods of the fallen.” Uh... It says we need to start with the blood of a fallen angel.
SAM and DEAN look at CASTIEL.
CASTIEL Well, you know me. [He holds out a small bottle.] I'm always happy to bleed for the Winchesters.
CASTIEL hands the bottle, which is filled with blood, to DEAN. ________________________________________________
Despite it all, Castiel still does whatever he can for Dean and Sam. He is loyal to them to a fault; Dean in particular. ________________________________________________
The rating doesn’t go up or down with this one.
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redheadshenanigans · 6 years
(This is what happens when I don't have my laptop)
This is the original article. Please read for their explanations.
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Isn't really a thing. His was still talking to one angel. Joshua. In dark side of the moon, he confirms it. Who says the direct order didn't come from Chuck?
Dean wasn't suspicious of Cas, Dean was suspicious, period. He's a Winchester, and if you remember the first person he accused was Sam.
Correction, Castiel was in his celestial form. He spoke to Dean 10 minutes out of his grave, not hiding. Just not in a human vessel and able to communicate. Also, Pamela's eyes were burned out because she was trying to see Cas' true form. He warned her, both Pamela and Cas say that he warned her. Again, no Cas wasn't in his vessel yet. He was still convincing Jimmy to say yes. Otherwise, he would have appeared.
The only people who can hear angels are prophets and people who are part celestial being aka Jack. So Dean being human and all, not really surprising that Cas nearly fried his brain. This is my personal theory. Cas made the assumption that because Dean felt special to him and because he was the vessel that he could or should be able to hear him. However, the Winchester are simply men and Cas realised his mistake and went to get himself a vessel.
Woah woah woah
Hold your horses.
Cas was being hunted. He literally had every Angel and his dog looking for his ass. He was not going to bring that shit to the Winchesters door. There is nothing he loves more than those boys, nothing. Dean was aware of this once Cas made the call. No abandonment simply Cas protecting Dean and Dean protecting Sam.
*coughs* I will explain human relationships to you because you're missing the point. When people totally fuck up, in a biblical sense, those things don't simply go away. Sometimes people need space and perspective. Spending all day, every day in a high-stress environment with someone who is pretty much your opposite in every way is hard on the most balanced of individuals. The Winchesters are not the most balanced of individuals and occasionally they need distance. Cas, like a good friend, fills the space until the boys are back on track.
Wait. So you're acknowledging that Cas was protecting Dean by leaving. Dean who can hold his own against vampires, demons, wraiths etc but will get munched by leviathans. Additionally, Cas would probably get his own ass munched because he'd be so worried about Dean he would become a leviathan snack. So maybe the best plan is to leave Dean (who is super capable at saving his own ass) and take the larger threat away. Yes, good plan Cas.  Very well done.
Sidebar-Cas isn't spiteful. Not sure specifically what refusal to return you're on about but Cas was hunting Metatron for most of season 9 so yeah he felt responsible and yeah he'd be dealing alone because the boys have other shit on.
Love dude. Love.
You know Dean is human right? He's not Chuck. Sam was (as you menationed) going through a rough patch. Then there's family coming back from the dead, Eve, Cas having to go into hiding, alternate realities, time traveling but yeah he's got a second to notice that Cas is heading towards a bad choice with Crowley tugging his sleeve. Dude, what is wrong with you?
You acknowledge that Claire has had a shitty life and now you're denying her a family because you think it's weird. Tell me how is this whole assessment not a) homophobic and b) mean as fuck. Let the girl have a safe place for the love of Chuck. Even if it started out as guilt, they love her and she's family now. She's got a family of people who get her and have her back.
Every time one if them dies is acts as a catalyst, a reminder that they can die. Coming back isn't the point although Dean is kinda hilarious in dark side of the moon 'when I get back, I'm going to be pissed.' When they die, they don't take it for granted. It always feels final and those of us who worship this show feel every death as if its the first. Except for DSOTM which was just funny.
Love dude. Love.
Just to clarify, Cas chooses Dean over and over. To Dean, Cas is the only person that chooses him above everyone, that's reason one why he lets things go. Then you have Cas hitting Dean's radar as innocent. Cas has this child-like quality that means he ducks under many of dean's trust issues (don't be gross) what I mean is when Dean meets a child he regresses. He becomes the person he wanted his dad to be. He is kind and forgiving and lenient. Adults usually don't get this side of Dean but Cas does. Hence forgiveness, always.  Dean forgives Cas because his intention is always pure. He is always trying to do his best.
Please see every Destiel article in existance. Thank you.
*deep breath*
Cas is different. He has always been different, it is mentioned throughout Canon that Cas has always been emotional. Maybe one day they will address why, my personal theory is that Chuck made him that way, just a little bit more feeling than the others and when Cas touched dean's soul in Hell, it lit up his feelings like a Christmas tree. Additionally, Cas sees the Winchesters fighting, they fight and the for humanity, for each other and with them as his role models his moral compass stays slightly truer north than his siblings. Other nice angels include Balthazar, Joshua, Hannah.
I hate to correct you (nah I dont, I love it) but there is no finite, no limitation on their forgivness and its predominantly because of their base personalities. Both Dean and Cas punish themselves more than anyone else ever could. So even when someone else hurts them its never as bad as what they do to themselves. In a way the physical beat downs they give eachother actually strengthen the bond. Every time they fight, one of them stops or walks away. They break the momentum because they love eachother. The love is what stops it, love is the forgivness and they  will always forgive eachother because no-one can punish them more than they do. They are eachothers mirror, they see it. It's another reason why Dean forgives Cas so quickly because Dean knows how bad the angel punishes himself, Dean feels that because he does the same. So he forgives and will continue to do so.
This is simply not true. Dean Winchester doesn't expect anyone to help him ever. He assumes that he is always alone. Exceptions include when Sam is hurt, he asks Cas. Also, if something is bigger and harder than him. If some mystical shit is going down or if angels are involved. If you have a magical being to hand who has aeons of experience then why wouldn't you ask, use, involve them? That's just making your life hard for no reason.
It's called guilt. Google it.
When you love someone, you try to protect them you try to do so even when the things they need protecting from is themselves or you. Yes its annoying and the boys do learn after the fact and yes its inherently frustrating when it takes several episodes for them to realise they should have simply told in the first place. However, for the boys of his a life long habbit that is hard to break and for Cas of his something he has picked up from them.
Dean has fabulous control over his temper. See not killing his grandfather when he really really wanted to. Dean vents when the pressure boils up and over and usualky its relatively painless for those involved. He gets mad and then he gets over it. He's actually very quick to process his anger, unlike his guilt which takes much, much longer. Now Sammy, there's some pent up rage. Less so recently though.
The darkness was messing with Dean constantly throughout season 11. There are multiple scenes where Dean gets a confused expression on his face when talking to Casifer but ultimately he's not sure if he's sure. Most of Casifer's interactions with the boys are brief because Lucifer knows they will figure it out. In addition, Cas says yes in episode 10 and Lucifer reveals himself in episode 14. So... really you're punishing Dean for not noticing in several minor interactions over three episodes. Rude.
Yes they are.
@screenrant just fyi
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